333 entries in Coin / Effect Themes / Appearance & Vanish with Reproduction Routines / Bare Handed
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
To make a Coin Vanish from and Return to the Left Hand
1890 145
To Vanish Coins and Reproduce them from the Elbow
1890 146
Professor Hoffmann Multiplying Coins and Tricks therewith shell, one coin becomes three and one again
1890 161
Geldkunststücke coin rolls back and forth on blade of knife, second coin vanishes and reappears, coin with thread loop
Oct. 1896
Der Zauberspiegel (Vol. 2 No. 2)
Arthur "Dr. Avon" Kollmann Ein Münzenchangement back thumb palm
Related to Dec. 1899
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 5 No. 12)
Carl Willmann Das Zerreiben einer Münze I. one-handed vanish into back clip between first and second finger, recovery with third finger while showing both sides of hand
Related to Dec. 1899
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 5 No. 12)
Coin Duplication and Vanish with shell, vanish with standard fake pick-up of shell
1900 12
Arthur "Dr. Avon" Kollmann Ein neuer Münzentrick folding coin in fake finger, credit information
Related to
  • "New Coin Production from Bare Hands" (T. Nelson Downs, Modern Coin Manipulation, 1900, p. 130)
Mar. 1901
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 7 No. 3)
Woldemar Richter-Braun Der Taler als Quelle coin changes into water, water tossed into air and coin reproduced from it
Nov. 1904
Der Zauberspiegel (Vol. 4 No. 12)
Laurie Ireland Penny Up the Sleeve back thumb palm vanish and reproduction
1931 30
Trouser Fold Vanish seated, coin vanishes from knee
1935 30
Dime in Ear dime vanishes from elbow, hide out in ear
1935 31
Jean Hugard Manipulations and Advanced Flourishes I. With Four Coins
II. With Four Coins
III. With Five Coins
IV. With Five Coins (including Roll Down)
1935 79
Laurie Ireland One Ahead Coin Routine two coins are vanished and reproduced
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1938)
Stuart P. Cramer Just Pretend one coin vanish and reproduction
Sep. 1939
The Jinx (Issue 60)
Art Lyle Lyle's Coin Vanish coin vanish on leg, trouser fold and appears under knee
June 1939
Chap's Scrapbook (Vol. 1 No. 12)
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli Entwischt, und doch erwischt. borrowed coin vanishes and appears, impromptu hooked coin, from the unpublished book "Luzifer im Frack"
Also published here Oct. 1940
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 2 No. 2&3)
Edward Marlo Single Coin Routine vanishes and body penetrations
1942 15
Laurie Ireland A Close-up Trick for a Bar coin vanishes and reappears in "heads or tails" game
1942 23
Laurie Ireland In and Out of the Fist
1942 24
Laurie Ireland Follow-Up for the Above
1942 26
Tom Sellers A Deceptive Coin Pass multiple coins put on sleeve momentarily to show hands empty
1942 14
Laurie Ireland Ideas For Wiztax something sticky
1. coin vanish with a handkerchief
2. vanish and reproduction of a cigarette
3. vanish and reproduction of a penny
4. torn and restored paper
5. torn and restored cigarette paper
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1942)
Eddie Joseph The Ring Hold-Out match stick piece under finger ring, for vanish or production
1942 36
Eddie Joseph The Sleeve Bogey routine with sleeve as fake explanation for coin vanish, coin ends up in spectator's sleeve
1942 73
Eddie Joseph Shoulder Arms performer behind spectator with arms around him, coin vanishes, reappears on spectator's shoulder
1942 75
Paul Morris Ubiquitous Coin to rhymed patter
Related to 1943 153
Tom Osborne Five Coin Routine five coins are produced and put in bottom less glass, more coins are produced
1943 173
James G. Thompson Jr. Mystery on the Half Shell coin production, vanish and penetration of the pocket
Jan. 1943
The Phoenix (Issue 26)
Jean Hugard Coin Interlude (Continued) one of two coins vanishes, the other one is split in two then followed by continuous coin production with candy as a climax
Nov. 1944 81
Arthur Punnar The Fist Coin Routine about four coins put in fist vanish, back clip
Inspired by Oct. 1945 157
Jean Hugard Coin "Apport" coin appears in hand, seance presentation
Nov. 1946 266
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli Entwischt und doch erischt borrowed coin vanishes and appears, impromptu hooked coin, from the unpublished book "Luzifer im Frack"
Also published here 1946
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 7 No. 4)
Frank Garcia, Dai Vernon Quick Silver continuous coin production, with coin roll, based on a Vernon idea
June 1947
The Phoenix (Issue 127)
J. B. Bobo The Magic Mint nickel in the hand, half dollar appears, nickel transforms into another half dollar
1947 97
Ross Bertram The Diamond Penny ungaffed "Dime and Penny Trick"
Also published here May 1947
Hugard's Magic Monthly (Vol. 4 No. 12)
Jean Hugard Heads I Win, Tails You Lose coin appears and vanishes, under pretext of tossing a coin
July 1947 336
Arthur H. Buckley The Throw Away Vanish of Five Coins
1948 73
Francis Carlyle A Coin Vanish and Reappearance coin slid under tight shirt cuff
1948 91
"Senator" Clarke Crandall Some Gags by Senator Crandall as given to Don Alan
  • doll house cleanup set for restaurant / bar work
  • bulldog clip in sleeve, to produce a coin anytime
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1950)
Gerald R. Blount Tombé
Nov. 1950
The Phoenix (Issue 216)
Paul Rosini Hold My Wrist coin vanishes while spectator holds both wrists of the performer, reappears on spectator's shoulder
1950 13
Bill Simon Sitting Bull seated, coin on leg is vanished and reproduced
Related toAlso published here Apr. 1951
The Phoenix (Issue 226)
Francis Carlyle Palm to Palm with cigarette, purse palm
June 1951
The Phoenix (Issue 230)
Producing a Coin from a Spectator's Clothing vanished coin is reproduced under spectator's tie
1952 19
Glenn Harrison The Pulse Trick coin vanishes and appears
1952 41
Cal Emmett One to Four
1952 92
Jack Chanin One to Six
1952 93
Dr. E. M. Roberts The Stratosphere Quarters four coins vanish and reappear
1952 124
Dr. E. M. Roberts The World's Fastest Coin Vanish and Reproduction
1952 125
Thomas H. Bearden The Curious Nickel coin travels from hand to hand, appears and vanishes with the aid of a rabbit foot
1952 142
Coins in the Teeth
1952 146
Milton Kort The Three Coin Trick three coins vanish one by one and appear again, the last one in the spectator's pocket, three methods
1952 184
T. Nelson Downs The Downs Coin Star with wax on one coin
1952 202
T. Nelson Downs Downs Eureka Pass four coins vanish and appear one by one, transfer of back palmed coins
1952 205
Arthur Punnar "Eureka" Routine four coins vanish and appear
1952 206
Stuart P. Cramer Just Pretend coin vanishes and appears
1952 210
Mystery with a Half Shell two coins, one appears and vanishes
1952 265
How to Make Money one coin appears, two coins are rubbed together and one transforms into a quarter
1952 266
The Magic Mint nickel in the hand, half dollar appears, nickel transforms into another half dollar
1952 289
Production Of Any Number Of Coins At Finger Tips
1952 316
Harry Bernard Perpetual Coins coin production, coins are always put in the pocket
1952 330
J. B. Bobo Routine No. 2 With a Single Coin
1952 341
J. B. Bobo Routine No. 8
1952 344
J. B. Bobo Routine No. 9
1952 344
J. B. Bobo Routine No. 10 shell
1952 345
J. B. Bobo Routine No. 11
1952 345
J. B. Bobo Routine No. 13
1952 346
Milton Kort Routine No. 14 with dice cup
1952 346
James G. Thompson Jr. Routine No. 17
1952 350
Gerald Kosky Lapelled coin produced under spectator's lapel, then it vanishes and is fairly produced from the same spot again
Also published here Oct. 1953
The Phoenix (Issue 291)
Roy Benson Banished several coins vanish on knee and are caught again in the air
Feb. 1954
The New Phoenix (Issue 301)
Ronald B. Edwards Fifty, Ten, Sixty half dollar turns into dime, then half dollar reappears
Dec. 1955
The New Phoenix (Issue 334)
Charles Eastman Back Palm Switch
1956 44
Jerry Andrus Coin Vanish and Return coin stolen out of left fist and loaded back in
1957 7
Fred Kaps Hoo Coin Routine
1960 (ca.) 4
Nate Leipzig "Right There" coin vanish and reproduction, both sides of the hand shown
Variations 1963 111
Nate Leipzig Slow Motion Coin Vanish
1963 115
Ronnie Gann Coin-a-matic coin vanish and production
Sep. 1963
The New Jinx (Vol. 2 No. 17)
Ernesto "Ernest" Pracchia Las tres Monedas coin multiplies up to three coins, coins then vanish and appear one by one in folded handkerchief
Related to 1967 12
Bob Ostin The "Sky Hooks" Routine coin is put on invisible sky hook where it also becomes invisible, then it appears again and finally changes into a die
1968 1
Marconick The Travelling Flame cigarette vanish and reproduction, match is lit and vanishes, flame floats upwards to ignite cigarette
Also published here 1968 18
Michael A. Perovich Ugh! Yechh! penny vanishes on forehead and is produced from eye, then it vanishes again and is produced from left and then right ear
May 1970
Talisman (Vol. 1 No. 13)
Sol Stone, Howard Thurston Continuous Coin Production & Vanish
1972 254
Harry Milliken Coincerto For Left Hand one-handed routine in which coin appears, changes, changes back, vanishes
1973 71
Steve Freeman, Derek Dingle Slow Motion Coin Vanish II
Inspired byRelated toVariations July 1974 760
Joel Moskowitz Gypsy Coin coin vanishes and reappears in hand
Oct. 1974
The Pallbearers Review (Vol. 9 No. 12)
Al Schneider Tri-Vanish three coins vanish and reappear

Related to 1975 89
Frank Shields "Top of the Head" Coin Vanish
1975 6
Charles T. Jordan A Cleancut Coin Maneuver false transfer with back palm
1975 212
Ken Krenzel Miracle Coin small coin cleanly vanishes and reappears, wax
Related to 1976
The Pallbearers Review (Vol. 10 No. Close-Up Folio #6)
Tony Slydini Applying the Moves short coin routine, vanish, reproduction and through the hand
1976 28
Tony Slydini Another Routine short coin routine, vanish, reproduction and through the hand
1976 28
Bill Tarr An Impromptu Coin Routine coin vanish and reproduction, transformation, vanish with handkerchief
1976 110
Dai Vernon The Five-Coin Routine with glass, production, travel into glass, vanish, reproduction, two methods/handlings
Variations 1977
The Pallbearers Review (Vol. 10 No. Close-Up Folio #8)
Harry Lorayne Complete Vanish and Reproduction dropping coin in sleeve as pen is taken out of inside pocket
1977 162
Jerry Andrus Coin Go
1977 21
David Roth Hanging Coins
VariationsAlso published here June 1978
Apocalypse (Vol. 1 No. 6)
Ross Bertram The Diamond Penny ungaffed "Dime and Penny Trick"
Also published here 1978 9
Ross Bertram Eleven Cents dime and penny, dime vanishes and reappears cleanly
Related to 1978 20
Ross Bertram The Penny Pincher vanish and clean reproduction
1978 32
Ross Bertram The Squeeze-Away Coin one-handed vanish and recovery
Related toAlso published here 1978 46
T. Nelson Downs T. Nelson Downs' "Masterpiece"
1978 147
Bobby Bernard The Bernard Lesson on the Coin Star
  • The Coins
  • The Condition of the Hands
  • Performing the Coin Star
  • Placing the Coins on the Fingers and Thumb
  • The Vanish
  • The Production
1978 28
Bill Tarr Bill Tarr Magic Vanish both hands shown empty
1978 138
Changeover Palm I and II Combined
1978 153
Bill Tarr Close-up Magnetic Coin Routine
1978 180
Tony Slydini A Coin Gag coin given to spectator, vanishes before he reaches for it and is reproduced
1979 48
Paul Harris Quarter Caper three half dollars are produced from quarter and vanish again
Inspired by
  • Bob Hummer effect from "Professional Magic Made Easy" (Bruce Elliott)
Also published here
1979 86
T. Nelson Downs, Dai Vernon Coin Clip Vernon story from Buffum tapes reprinted
  • The Gimmick
  • Vanish of the Fake
  • One at a Time Vanish
  • Producing the Coins
  • Flash Method
  • Karl Fulves Notes (combination with shells)
The Chronicles (Issue 23)
Marconick La flamme voyageuse cigarette vanish and reproduction, match is lit and vanishes, flame floats upwards to ignite cigarette
Also published here 1979 17
Jonathan Townsend Thanks To Ramsey three coins are vanished
June 1980
Apocalypse (Vol. 3 No. 6)
David Roth Die hängenden Münzen
Also published here Aug. 1980
Intermagic (Vol. 7 No. 2)
Jeff White Rub Away Coin coin vanishes and appears on table
1980 9
Harry Riser Two Coin Routine copper and silver coin, impromptu
Variations 1981
Arcane (Issue 6)
David Roth IV Four sequential retention vanishes and reappearances
1981 261
Allan Shaw, Ron MacMillan Reproducing the Coins - Allan Shaw Method four coins one by one, single handed
1981 37
Ron MacMillan Ron MacMillan's Professional Coin Routine with gloves and a bucket, productions, vanishes and flourishes
1981 78
Jimmy Wilson Jimmy Wilson's Coin Vanish and Reproduction using the J.W. grip / Jimmy Wilson Palm
1981 17
Tom Gagnon Coin-cidence coin appears and vanishes in bare hands
1981 18
Gerald Kosky Münzenproduktion coin produced under spectator's lapel, then it vanishes and is fairly produced from the same spot again
Also published here June 1981
Intermagic (Vol. 8 No. 2)
Geoffrey Latta The Wild Triplet three coins appear, transform and vanish, leather cone holder and lapping
Also published here 1981 11
Derek Dingle Slow Motion Coin Vanish
Related to 1982 155
Zalman Puchoff Unit of Travel coin vanishes and reappears
Sep. 1982
Apocalypse (Vol. 5 No. 9)
Alfred Lee Cohen Away & Back vanish and reproduction for stand-up
Oct. 1982
Apocalypse (Vol. 5 No. 10)
Michael Skinner, Franklin M. Chapman Slow Motion Coin Vanish
1982 3
Steve Beam Silver Sequence coin vanishes and reappears with handwashing sequence
Also published here 1982 27
Jeff White Table Wash coin vanishes and reappears with handwashing sequence
1982 29
Mike Caveney A Coin Vanish hold-out position on back of hand
Inspired by
  • a vanish in T. Nelson Downs' "Modern Coin Manipulation" (?)
Also published here
1982 14
Bobby Bernard "Fingertip Folly" Two coins vanished, reappears balanced on top of index finger and thumb
1982 26
Phillip Young Metal in the Elbow series of vanishes and reproduction of a coin, eventually it enlarges while being penetrated through the hand, close-up mat steal
1982 53
Stephen Tucker Silver Shadows three coins vanish one by one, reappear and vanish again, hanging coins presentation
Spell-Binder (Vol. 2 No. Special #1 (Summer))
Stephen Tucker By Hook or...... hanging coins, metal hook appears as climax
Nov. 1982
Spell-Binder (Vol. 2 No. 19)
Paul Spencer Disorder coin vanish and production, seated on legs
Spell-Binder (Vol. 2 No. Special #2 (Xmas))
Meir Yedid Hallucination three coins appear and then vanish in a hole of disc, then hole vanishes and disc becomes solid
1982 11
Michael Rubinstein The Arithmatic Coins Routine "arithmetic", sponge routine with coins
Variations 1982 32
Michael Rubinstein Stand Up Three Coin Routine coin vanishes and reappears, becomes up to three coins, traveling to pocket phases
  • Variations
1982 79
John Carney Kitty's Treat coin routine "explained" via surprise appearance of mouse
Variations 1983 45
Ross Bertram The Eavesdropping Coin coin vanishes and is produced from ear, repeat
1983 2
Ross Bertram The Penny Pincher coin vanishes, reappears, vanishes completely
1983 46
Ross Bertram A Hooked Again Sampler
  • Seated at a Table
  • Seated Away from the Table
1983 206
Jonathan Townsend Coin Go-Return hanging coins with two coins
May 1984
Apocalypse (Vol. 7 No. 5)
Joe Safuto Say "Go" vanish and reproduction of single coin
Nov. 1984
Apocalypse (Vol. 7 No. 11)
Fred Robinson Something and Nothing coin vanishes and disappears twice, then disappears completely
1984 155
John Brown Read All About It coin vanish and production, traveling, leaving coin under arm pit, sequence
Apr. 1984
Spell-Binder (Vol. 3 No. 36)
Peter Samelson Mimetic Slo-Mo Show'n Vanish slow-motion coin vanish and reproduction, using back thumb clip
Variations 1984 45
Mark Lefler Empty Handed clean coin production, double stick tape
Aug. 1985
Apocalypse (Vol. 8 No. 8)
David Roth The Flurry Quick series of vanishes and reproductions
Inspired byVariations 1985 23
David Roth The Original Hanging Coins
Variations 1985 82
David Roth The Lapel Coin One Coin Routine
1985 148
Martin Lewis There and Back Three coins vanished and reproduced
1985 123
Joaquín Navajas Cobre, Plata, China y... Climax copper coin vanishes and appears again, then it changes into a silver and into a chinese coin, finally the coin becomes a jumbo coin
Also published here 1985 11
Larry Jennings The Hook hanging coins version
Variations 1986 40
Meir Yedid Bow Tie Routine handkerchief is formed into bow tie and split into two silks, then real bow tie appears
1986 11
Dai Vernon Five Coins and a Glass full routine
Inspired byRelated toVariations 1987 191
Dai Vernon Silk and Silver production, vanish, reproduction
Related toVariations 1987 208
David Regal A Four-Coin Routine tabled production
1987 214
Bruce Berkowitz Three To Go three coin vanish and reproduction
May 1987
Apocalypse (Vol. 10 No. 5)
Salomon Cohn Watch the Coin! coin hide-out on back of hand
Aug. 1987
Apocalypse (Vol. 10 No. 8)
Daryl Martinez Elbow, Knee and Neck three dollars at body parts
VariationsAlso published here Apr. 1987
Magical Arts Journal (Vol. 1 No. 9)
Pat Conway A Routine for the 27p Coin Trick routine with set of nesting coins ("The Master Coin"), jumbo coin appearance as finale
1987 63
Chris Power Coin Opener coin appears, vanishes, reappears, changes into jumbo Chinese coin
Also published here Feb. 1988
Opus (Vol. 1 No. 6)
Gary Kurtz Accumulation No. 1 one coin routine, four coin production, coins vanish and are reproduced from spectator, see following entries
Related to 1988 1
Gary Kurtz Down the Arm Vanish - Reproduction From Opposite Elbow
Also published here 1988 3
Gary Kurtz Single Coin Repeat to Vanish
Also published here 1988 7
Hiroshi Sawa The Beggar (First Method) three silver coins and a copper coin, copper coin given away, another one appears, repeats, then all but one silver coin vanish and performer takes back the copper coins, with Tenkai Pinch
1988 36
Hiroshi Sawa The Beggar (Second Method) three silver coins and a copper coin, copper coin given away, another one appears, repeats, then all but one silver coin vanish and performer takes back the copper coins, with classic palm
1988 40
Nate Leipzig, Dai Vernon Right Where? coin is put in fist
Inspired by 1989 130
Randy Wakeman Not to Worry three coins
Apr. 1989
Apocalypse (Vol. 12 No. 4)
Eric DeCamps Cast a Shadow
June 1989
Apocalypse (Vol. 12 No. 6)
Joe Gold, Mark Sicher Don't Catch Butterflies
July 1989
Apocalypse (Vol. 12 No. 7)
John Bannon Metal Epic (pt. 1) three half dollars appear one by one, placed in hand, coins appear again and in fist is bill and 2 quarters
1989 11
David Williamson The Wonderful Coin Vanish
Inspired byRelated toVariations 1989 9
David Williamson When You're Behind, You're Ahead three coins appear, disappear, reappear
1989 32
Gary Kurtz Full Frontal Assault three coins appear, vanish and reappear multiple times, coins across, finale with transformations and vanish into glitter
  • Part 1 - Coming Into Money
    • Handling Variation
  • Part 2 - Three Others
  • Part 3 - Coins Across
  • Part 4 - Too Many Coins
  • Part 5 - Reproduction
  • Part 6 - Repeat Vanish Sequence
  • Part 7 - Reproduction
  • Part 8
  • Part 9
  • Part 10 - The Flash/Glitter Finale
1989 3
Gary Kurtz Trio long combination
Related toVariations 1990 67
Gary Kurtz Flurious using Jumbo Coins
Related to 1990 91
Geoffrey Latta From the Elfin Hoard vanishing and reproducing three coins in clean way, shell
Variations 1990 77
Daryl Martinez Elbow, Knee and Neck three dollars at body parts
Also published here 1990 85
Sol Stone Six Bits
Jan. 1990
Apocalypse (Vol. 13 No. 1)
Mark Sicher Keep your Coin on the Eye Coins reappear in Eye (Monocle)
July 1990
Apocalypse (Vol. 13 No. 7)
Lenny Greenfader Air Corps Coin Production
Oct. 1990
Apocalypse (Vol. 13 No. 10)
Alan Nguyen Flurry Production coin vanishes and reappears, splits in two, vanish again, split in four
1990 97
Jay Sankey Mass Consumption four coins vanish except 1, reproduction
1990 71
Gary Kurtz Accumulation and Breakdown one coin routine, coin transforms to glitter as a climax
Related to 1990 22
Gary Kurtz Down the Arm Vanish
Also published here 1990 24
Gary Kurtz The Single Coin Repeat
Also published here 1990 27
Dai Vernon, Gary Kurtz G.K. on Vernon's "Silk and Silver"
  • Opening Sequence (Production and Penetration of Handkerchief)
  • The Vanish Sequence
  • The Reproduction / Appearance of Coins in Bag
  • The Final Vanish
Inspired by 1990 30
Johnny Ace Palmer Three Again four coins, one always vanishes and appears behind elbow, behind neck, in eye (monocle) and under foot
Dec. 1990
The Minotaur (Vol. 2 No. 4)
Rocco Silano Slow Motion Vanish and Reappearance
1990 24
Chris Power Münzen-Eröffnung coin appears, vanishes, reappears, changes into Chinese coin
Also published here 1990 35
John Carney Half Dollars in the Mist two half dollars vanish and reappear
Variations 1991 83
Ronnie Ramin Suspended Imagination a coin is produced and vanished a couple times from an "invisible hole" in the air
1991 10
Troy Hooser Triple Debut three coins are produced, vanish and finally reappear again
June 1991
Magic Man Examiner (Vol. 1 No. 2)
Chris Kenner Three Fry three coin vanish, reproduction and change to copper
1992 29
Vanni Bossi Hanging Coins: A Subtlety for Roth's routine
1992 16
Troy Hooser Squeezed Away hanging coins variation
Related to Sep. 1992
The Minotaur (Vol. 4 No. 3)
Joe Rindfleisch Dust to Dust coin vanishes and appears again
Inspired byRelated to Dec. 1993
The Minotaur (Vol. 5 No. 4)
Richard Bartram, Jr. Return to the Purse of the Damned different invisible coins from purse frame materialize
Inspired by 1993 34
Sid Fleischman Coin Fade coin on palm, hand turned over and back, it vanishes, then reappears, other hand holds wrist
1993 46
Aldo Colombini In-Visible Coins two silver dollars
Apr. 1994
Apocalypse (Vol. 17 No. 4)
David Regal How to Hide Coins hanging coins routine
Aug. 1994
Apocalypse (Vol. 17 No. 8)
James Chartier Complete Coin Vanish - and Back coin balanced on finger is grabbed by other hand, balanced on upright back of hand
Oct. 1994
Apocalypse (Vol. 17 No. 10)
Joe Rindfleisch The Pneumonia Vanish coin vanishes and appears, saliva
1994 1008
Howard Wurst, Charles Eberhardt Flyaway four coins vanish and reappear, using coin clip that can be clipped between fingers, optional complete vanish with handkerchief
Inspired by
  • Slydini Coin Clip (The Magic of Slydini, Ganson, Chapter 9)
Related to
Rigmarole (Issue 7)
Howard Wurst Stopwatch coin vanishes and reappears with clean displays, then splits into two
Rigmarole (Issue 8)
Mike Gallo Well Hung Coins
Inspired by 1995 1084
R. Paul Wilson Missed in the Mist two coins appear and vanish, repeat
Inspired byAlso published here 1995 20
R. Paul Wilson Penihook ungaffed, one behind
Inspired by 1995 22
Felix Farrell Another Flurry coin appears, penetrates hand, travels, vanishes from a handkerchief and turns into jumbo coin
1995 26
Dondo Burghardo Coin from Nose short coin sequence
1995 29
Felix Farrell Coin Vision coin vanishes and is reproduced from eye
1995 79
Steve Beam Silver Sequence coin vanishes and reappears with handwashing sequence
Also published here 1995 13
Steve Blencoe Silver Mirage vanish and reappearance of large coin
Related to 1996
The Art of Astonishment — Book 1 (Issue Astonishing Friends)
Paul Harris Quarter Caper three half dollars are produced from quarter and vanish again
Also published here 1996
The Art of Astonishment — Book 2 (Issue Close-up Entertainer)
Michael Skinner Did You Wash Behind Your Ears? two coins appear and disappear, hook coin
1996 66
Harry Riser Two Coin Interlude Plus copper and silver coin appear, vanish and travel around
Inspired by 1996 43
Pablo Domenèch Un Juego con una Moneda coin vanishes and appears again
1996 133
Curtis Kam Twisted Trio
  • Three Coin Production
  • Visible Coins Across
  • The Reproduction of Three Coins
  • The One-at-a-Time Vanish of Three Coins
Inspired by 1996 5
Scott Robinson Sponge Coins
Inspired by 1997 1238
Doug Conn Three Bits three coins vanish and reappear, using previous techniques
1997 23
Joel Givens Six - The Easy Way the silver coins vanish and thee Chinese coins are produced, eventually the silver coins appear again
Inspired byVariations 1998 1466
R. Paul Wilson Two Coins And A Card card on table, two coins produced from invisible sky hook, they vanish and are found under card
Inspired by
  • "Three Coins in the Hat" (John Ramsay, The Ramsay Legend, 1969)
1998 98
David Regal 2 1/2 Hanging Coins type of routine, three coins plucked out, vanished, and reappear
1999 161
Don Nielsen, Karl Fulves The Old Penny & Dime Trick penny vanishes, two dimes appear instead, sucker element
Underworld (Issue 10)
David Stone Never 204 four coins appear, disappear and reappear, seated
1999 26
Bill Spooner Hoo-Doo Coin clean vanish and reappearance of coin, handling of Hook Coin
Sep. 2000
Magic (Vol. 10 No. 1)
John Cornelius The Fickle Nickel invented 1972, with credit information
2001 143
R. Paul Wilson Missed In The Mist two coins appear and vanish, repeat
Inspired byAlso published here 2001 2
Lance Burton Monte Carlo Coin Move reappearance of coin that is balancing on back of hand from previous vanish
Inspired byAlso published here Sep. 2001
Magic (Vol. 11 No. 1)
Paul Cummins Trick Shell coins are produced out of another coin, one-handed
2002 125
John Carney Silver and Glass
Inspired by 2002 96
Reed McClintock Timing three coins appear, vanish, reappear at body, vanish, appear on table, vanish, reappear under three spectators' watches
Inspired by
  • Jim Pace, Tricks From My Lecture Video
  • John Cornelius, Creative Magic Video
2002 8
Reed McClintock The International Hanging Coins Coins from different countries vanish and reappear in the hands.
2002 13
R. Paul Wilson Gone Wishin' three coins appear and vanish one by one, then they reappear in purse
2002 13
R. Paul Wilson A New Wave three coins appear and travel from hand to hand
2002 20
Tony Bartolotta Don't Blink! coin vanishes as it is tossed up, then it is reproduced
Discoverie (Issue 7)
Steve Draun Perfect Coin Vanish coin ditch behind wrist watch retrieval
Inspired byAlso published here Apr. 2002
Magic (Vol. 11 No. 8)
Gaston Quieto Monedas Briza "Breeze Coins", four coins in square formation on table, they vanish one by one and visibly appear again
Also published here Aug. 2002
Magic (Vol. 11 No. 12)
Duc Nhien Three Belgian Style Hanging Coins with different concealment (J.W. Grip)
June 2003
Genii (Vol. 66 No. 6)
Shoot Ogawa, Akira Fujii Slip Slidin' Away coin brought on back of hand and it slides into sleeve, with retrieval, see Genii Speaks for credit information
Related to Dec. 2003
Genii (Vol. 66 No. 12)
Bob Fitch Undropped french drop applications
  • 1. Production of first coin
  • 2. Penetration
  • 3. Transposition
  • 4. Transposition
  • 5. Feint
  • 6. Repeat Production
  • 7. Doubling
  • 8. Doubling no. 2
  • 9. Doubling no. 3
  • 10. Transposition no. 2
  • 11. Vanish and Penetration
  • 12. Final Feint Vanish
2003 233
Bob Fitch Flipped applications of flipping coin and catching it on hand
  • Phase 1: Production
  • Phase 2: Vanish and Reappearance
  • Phase 3: Feint
  • Phase 4: Mid-air Disappearance and Reproduction
  • Phase 5: Penetration
  • Phase 6: Revolve Penetration
  • Phase 7: Reverse Penetration
  • Phase 8: Crazed
  • Phase 9: Vanish and Reappearance
  • Phase 10: Disappearance and Ditch
  • Phase 11: Reproduction and Jumbo Climax
2003 236
Reed McClintock Men Without Hats Coins vanish and transpose between hands and under opaque objects (e.g. cup, ashtray).
Inspired by
  • "Three Coins In the Hat" (Andrew Galloway, The Ramsay Legend, 1969)
2004 1
Justin Hanes Murder Murder three coins appear one by one, vanish and reappear again
2005 3
William Duncan Government Waste script for Roth's routine
Inspired by 2005 15
William Duncan Keeping The Theme Alive - a short coin interlude "From 'Twilight' To 'Hanging Coins'", comment on scripting
2005 31
Paolo Cavalli Coinport dated 1992, one of three different invisible coins is selected and materializes in performer's hand, then an ESP card is selected and the matching symbol appears on coin while it is held by spectator
2005 3
Curtis Kam Triple X three coins appear at once openly on the table under misdirection, then they vanish and reappear, one openly on table again, repeat
2006 19
Michael Powers Captain Hook three coins
Inspired by 2006 200