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Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
The Torn Bank Note with repeat
Related toVariations 1909 325
L. Vosburgh Lyons A Question of Power top card changes into three selections one after the other
Variations July 1936
The Jinx (Issue 22)
John Lewis Colour Thimbles thimble changes color twice
Variations 1954 185
Al Leech The Spectator Does a Trick two cards tell value and suit, "Untouchted" with touching
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1959 6
Cliff Green The Phoenix Aces Aces lost in deck are produced from empty hands one by one
Related toVariations 1961 39
Cliff Green The Aces of Spades as a Sorcerer's Apprentice Ace of Spades is removed, three more Aces of Spades produced from air, transform into four different aces
Related toVariations 1961 82
Dai Vernon Three Break Control
Related toVariations 1967 132
Edward Marlo Another Elevator three cards
Related to Jan. 1971
Kabbala — Volume 1 (Vol. 1 No. 1)
Arturo de Ascanio, George Schindler, Frank Garcia European Aces three cards forced as Ace production
Related toVariations 1973 106
Fred G. Taylor, Daryl Martinez Curious Count broken count principle, for credit information see reference
Related to 1973 107
Edward G. Brown A 'Brown' Version of the Three Card Trick eight phases, in one the winning card is marked with a pencil, then all cards are losing / winning cards
Variations 1973 52
Tony Faro Spectator Magician card is on the table, spectator makes two piles, one top card for the value the other for the suit
Related toVariations Sep. 1974
Pabular (Vol. 1 No. 1)
Daryl Martinez Twisted Aces last Ace vanishes and reappears reversed in deck
Related toVariations 1976 66
Daryl Martinez D.M. Count two as four
1976 68
Dave Walker, Jon Racherbaumer Logical Twist last ace vanishes and reappears reversed in deck
Inspired byAlso published here
  • "Logical Twist" (Sticks & Stones No. 5)
1977 19
Daryl Martinez Six Packet Display
1979 358
Harry Lorayne The (N)Eye(N) Popper production of Nines that flip over in various ways, tabled, motivated by Tally-Ho Card Case
Related toAlso published here 1979 108
Harry Lorayne Triumph Cutting Display Variation rolling
Inspired byRelated to 1979 136
Daryl Martinez Double-Dazzling Triumph two selections, deck shuffled face up into face down, two cards are reversed, indicator cards to find selections, then deck is separated into red and black cards
VariationsAlso published here 1979 1
Daryl Martinez Triumph Cutting Display
Variations 1979 3
Daryl Martinez The Boomeranging Card of Mystery card is thrown between two selections
Related to 1980 13
Dai Vernon, Daryl Martinez Double Peek Control
Inspired by 1980 19
Daryl Martinez The Chicago Conspiracy Variation One of "Bommeranging Card", non-throwing method
Variations 1980 29
Daryl Martinez Quick Silver Variation Two of "Boomeranging Card", half dollar is thrown between two selections
1980 31
Daryl Martinez Tabled Two Card Control two methods, from injogs
1980 35
Daryl Martinez Holding On between your palms with four-of-a-kind kicker
Variations 1980 38
Daryl Martinez Bluff Pass Handling
1980 42
Daryl Martinez Tabled Transfer Cut to Bottom single card from top to bottom
1980 46
Daryl Martinez Daley Strike Double Lift Finesse
1980 48
Daryl Martinez Elmsley Count Finesse
1980 51
Daryl Martinez The Puerto Rican Triumph
Related toVariations 1980 54
Daryl Martinez, Harry Lorayne Delayed Spread-Pass
1980 55
Dai Vernon, Daryl Martinez Interrupted Triumph Shuffle
1980 58
Daryl Martinez Puerto Rican Cutting Display
Variations 1980 61
Daryl Martinez The Mysterious Cross of India based on routine by Tagaki, four coins in each hand
Related toVariations 1980 70
Daryl Martinez In the Pinch catching selection with two quarters while spectator dribbles other half
Related toVariations 1980 80
Daryl Martinez Double Lift Handling to retain break after turnover
Related to 1980 82
Ross Bertram, Edward Marlo, Daryl Martinez Pivot Change Handling at table, with clean up
1980 89
Daryl Martinez, Harvey Rosenthal Pop-Up Move with credit information on page 91
1980 92
Daryl Martinez Conditional Assembly
Variations 1980 94
Daryl Martinez False Index Display Ace of Hearts as Ace of Diamond
1980 98
Daryl Martinez Twisted Aces Redivivus last Ace vanishes and reappears reversed in deck
Inspired byRelated toVariations 1980 105
Brother John Hamman, Daryl Martinez Two-as-Four Count / DM Count only two backs used to count four cards
1980 109
Daryl Martinez False Pip Display Ace of Hearts poses for Ace of Diamonds
1980 114
Daryl Martinez Triumph Cutting Display
1980 13
Daryl Martinez Convincing Tilt
VariationsAlso published here 1980
Hierophant (Issue The Last Hierophant)
Daryl Martinez Foreword
Paul Harris, Daryl Martinez Fantasy Aces Aces appear on table
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1980 19
Paul Harris, Daryl Martinez Flap Jacks indifferent cards transform into Jacks and appear in a visual display
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1980 31
Paul Harris, Daryl Martinez The Safe Cracker three coins appear from deck of cards, only one coin really, two/one behind
1980 39
Daryl Martinez Elevator Repair
Related toVariations 1980 97
Daryl Martinez Six-Packet Display
1980 21
John F. Mendoza The Most Difficult Card Trick in the World card thrown into air and caught with deck next to two selections
Related to 1980 31
Daryl Martinez Scratching the Surface
1980 1
Daryl Martinez First Things First reason for doing magic
1980 1
Daryl Martinez The Best Magical Effect long and short effects, basic and exact effects
1980 2
Daryl Martinez Your Favorite Basic Effect
1980 3
Daryl Martinez The Long Effect
1980 4
Daryl Martinez Conditions I, II & III
1980 5
Daryl Martinez The Short Effect
1980 6
Daryl Martinez Building Strenght Through Repetition
1980 6
Daryl Martinez Cancelling Out
1980 7
Daryl Martinez Step Two of cancelling out
1980 7
Daryl Martinez Jazz Magic
1980 8
Daryl Martinez Do Not Challenge
1980 9
Daryl Martinez Flourishes
1980 10
Daryl Martinez Ten Seconds with Three Thimbles color change of thimble twice
Inspired by 1980 12
Daryl Martinez Flexible Blue/Red Cards Across with two handkerchiefs
1980 13
Daryl Martinez Impromptu, Signed Card Across with two handkerchiefs
1980 16
Daryl Martinez Multiplying Billiard Balls (First Routine)
1980 17
Daryl Martinez "The Ink was left Behind!" combination of two Cliff Green effects, three blank cards are produced and turn into selections
Inspired by 1980 20
Daryl Martinez Three Times Through coin penetrates glass three times, different methods
1980 24
Jon Racherbaumer Trapped Transposition sandwiched card in center of deck transposes with card in hand, three methods
Inspired by 1981 66
Daryl Martinez Close-Quarters two quarters transform into half dollar
VariationsAlso published here 1981 119
Ben Harris Free-Fall-Aces Aces appear on table
Inspired by 1981 45
Daryl Martinez, Derek Dingle Six Packet Display
1982 197
Daryl Martinez OverwhELMSLEY Aces three aces are lost in deck instead of vanished in packets
1982 35
Daryl Martinez Strip-Out Addition variation of Vernon's
1982 35
Daryl Martinez Passing a Sandwich card in hand transposes with sandwiched card in the deck, visual
Related toVariations 1982 37
Daryl Martinez One-Card Middle Pass
1982 37
Daryl Martinez Daryl Martinez Change card changes as it is pushed into deck and extracted again
Related toAlso published here 1982 39
Daryl Martinez Peter Rabbit Hits the Big Time sponge rabbit routine
1982 11
Daryl Martinez The High-Priced Spread featuring the one-handed Ascanio spread
1982 18
Daryl Martinez One-Handed Ascanio Spread
1982 20
Daryl Martinez Rising Crime Kings put on four piles which are assembled, Kings appear on top
Related toVariations 1982 24
Daryl Martinez Rising Crime Display
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1982 28
Daryl Martinez Future Acethetics three aces forced with counting force, based on European Aces
1982 33
Daryl Martinez, Karl Fulves Center Spin-Out Cut Variation in-the-hands method
1982 37
Daryl Martinez, Paul Curry, Bill Simon Sleightly Touched unknown card reversed, magician locates card of same suit and value
Variations 1982 42
Daryl Martinez Conditional Second Climax card appears visually between sandwich cards
1982 48
Daryl Martinez Twogether Again tenkai penny like, two coins, extra coin
1982 51
Daryl Martinez Heel-Grip Lap
1982 53
Daryl Martinez The Coinditional Coin Game copper silver transpo in spectator's hand after a gag
Variations 1982 55
Daryl Martinez The Out-of-Body Experience out-jogged selection is pushed in deck and appears between sandwich cards held in distance
Variations 1982 62
Daryl Martinez The Snowshoe Sandwich comical second deal demonstration, card flies out of deck between sandwich cards
Variations 1982 69
Daryl Martinez Hot Shot Cut one-handed cut with card shooting out of deck
Variations 1982 73
Daryl Martinez The Transubstantiated Travelers combo of Open Travelers with three single transformations
1982 80
Daryl Martinez, Dai Vernon Stripout Addition Variation providing more cover
1982 83
Jeff Busby (reviewer) Something for Everyone by Daryl Martinez May 1982
Epoptica (Issue 1)
Jeff Busby (reviewer) Double-Dazzling Triumph by Daryl Martinez (written by Jon Racherbaumer) May 1982
Epoptica (Issue 1)
Jeff Busby (reviewer) For Your Entertainment Pleasure by Daryl Martinez (written by Stephen Minch) Oct. 1982
Epoptica (Issue 2)
Daryl Martinez Cut to Kill Kings and Aces, further credits see page 55
Related to Dec. 1982 29
Harry Lorayne Another Triumph Cutting Display Variation
Inspired byRelated to 1982 461
Daryl Martinez Magician Fooler
1982 1
Daryl Martinez A Few More Ideas ideas for previous "Magician Fooler"
1982 2
Daryl Martinez Half and Half two smaller playing cards folded, half of them changes places resulting in "misprinted" cards
1982 2
Daryl Martinez Paddle Routine two paddles, silver & red dots
1982 4
Daryl Martinez Triple Change Coin Flight two half dollar, one in each hand, both travel to one hand and change to copper, repeated with change to chinese
1982 6
Daryl Martinez Coin Paddle Move
1982 7
Daryl Martinez Audio Transposition two toys, one squeaks and one rattles, sound is transposed
Variations 1982 9
Daryl Martinez Lots-O-Fun Rope Cut threaded bracelet as convincer
1982 11
Daryl Martinez Fish Schtick optical illusion with fish and bowl on two cardboard pieces becomes real
1982 13
Bob Farmer Double-Dazzling Slop Shuffle Triumph two selections, deck shuffled face up into face down, two cards are reversed, indicator cards to find selections, then deck is separated into red and black cards
Inspired by 1982 15
Curtis Kam Relentless, But Honest three Chinese coins transpose with half dollars one by one
Inspired byRelated to 1982 18
Edward Marlo The Money Card
Inspired byRelated to 1983 29
Edward Marlo Bluff Miracle
Inspired by 1983 126
Daryl Martinez Bluff Force Handling
1983 128
Edward Marlo The Smug Departure two methods, one for magicians
Variations 1983 308
Daryl Martinez Sunrise four of a kind, reds come back to top even though when alternated
1983 91
Brother John Hamman, Daryl Martinez Two-as-Four Count / DM Count
Feb. 1983
Apocalypse (Vol. 6 No. 2)
Philip T. Goldstein, Frank Thompson Exitwist twisting with four jokers, one vanishes at the end
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1983 2
Paul Harris, Daryl Martinez, Eddie Fechter Instant Replay card jumps off deck into other hand, then back
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1983 126
Daryl Martinez Martinez Display cutting display
Cardopolis (Issue 1)
Frank Simon Toss the Sandwich two face-up cards tossed into dribble catch selection
Inspired by 1983 23
Daryl Martinez Toss Card Change card tossed through tabled deck, then it is shown to have changed
Variations 1983 26
Gary Kurtz Fusion two half-dollars transform into dollar
Inspired byVariations 1983 66
Adam Fleischer, Michael Ammar, Daryl Martinez, Paul Harris Dedication
1983 8
Michael Ammar, Adam Fleischer, Paul Harris, Daryl Martinez The Jokers & Mr. T assembly with four Jokers and twelve red cards
1983 12
Daryl Martinez Vanish of Card in Packet hiding one card, while showing four other cards
1983 15
Michael Ammar, Adam Fleischer, Paul Harris, Daryl Martinez Triple Snap card is turned over in one hand and snapped three times
1983 17
Michael Ammar, Adam Fleischer, Paul Harris, Daryl Martinez, Richard Kaufman A Card Well Hung card penetrates wire of coathanger
Inspired byAlso published here 1983 19
Michael Ammar, Adam Fleischer, Paul Harris, Daryl Martinez Cut & Restored Hair
1983 25
Michael Ammar, Adam Fleischer, Paul Harris, Daryl Martinez Quick Trip six coins
1983 47
Michael Ammar, Adam Fleischer, Paul Harris, Daryl Martinez Spot Remover using a coin, placed on center pip, card changes
Variations 1983 49
Michael Ammar, Adam Fleischer, Paul Harris, Daryl Martinez Happy Card card jumps from deck, while deck is split in the hands
1983 57
Michael Ammar, Adam Fleischer, Paul Harris, Daryl Martinez $5 Climax Matrix routine using bills
1983 64
Michael Ammar, Adam Fleischer, Paul Harris, Daryl Martinez The Bent Copper-Silver Transposition one coin is bent, in spectator's hand
Also published here 1983 72
Michael Ammar, Adam Fleischer, Paul Harris, Daryl Martinez Regeneration King torn into four pieces, the pieces change to full-sized cards
Variations 1983 75
Michael Ammar, Adam Fleischer, Paul Harris, Daryl Martinez Fingertip Flyers four coins under four fingers travel from hand to hand
1983 79
Michael Ammar, Adam Fleischer, Paul Harris, Daryl Martinez The Un-Box Signed card is pulled from case, case turns out to be completely sealed
1983 86
Michael Ammar, Adam Fleischer, Paul Harris, Daryl Martinez Coin From Pen Cap
1983 89
Michael Ammar, Adam Fleischer, Paul Harris, Daryl Martinez A Hefty Penetration card penetrates clear plastic bag
Also published here 1983 100
Michael Ammar, Adam Fleischer, Paul Harris, Daryl Martinez Freeze Dried Flame flame from match is removed and freezes, flame is placed back on match
1983 104
Richard Kaufman, Piet Forton Pinched Again two-deck variation
Inspired by 1984 58
Brother John Hamman, Daryl Martinez Two-as-Four Count / DM Count brief
Mar. 1984
Apocalypse (Vol. 7 No. 3)
Daryl Martinez, Jon Racherbaumer Two-Bit Wild Card coin stickers multiply on blank cards, real coins appear leaving holes in cards, see credit correction on page 192 and page lxix
Variations Mar. 1984
The Collected Almanac (Vol. 2 No. 19)
Daryl Martinez Diamond Bar
Inspired byRelated toVariationsAlso published here July/Aug. 1984
The Collected Almanac (Vol. 2 No. 23 & 24)
Daryl Martinez Rising Crime Display
July/Aug. 1984
The Collected Almanac (Vol. 2 No. 23 & 24)
Pascal Monmoine The Domino Effect two cards
Inspired by May 1984
Pabular (Vol. 8 No. 6)
Shigeo Takagi Shigeo Takagi's Triumph
Inspired by Winter 1984
West Coast Quarterly (Vol. 1 No. 1)
Daryl Martinez, Shigeo Takagi Triumph Cutting Display
Winter 1984
West Coast Quarterly (Vol. 1 No. 1)
Daryl Martinez Two as Four Count
1984 56
Piet Forton Pop-Out-Move some finer points and two outlines of routines, one based on a Father Cyprian idea and the other Daryl's In the Pinch
Related to 1984 5
Jon Racherbaumer Jack-Flash Transpo card in hand transposes with sandwiched card in the deck
Inspired by 1984 147
Richard Kaufman Starfish King torn into four pieces, the pieces change to full-sized cards, four duplicates of original King, then they change into different Kings
Inspired by 1984 4
Roberto Giobbi Voranzeige lecture announcement of Daryl Martinez
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 45 No. 1)
Daryl Martinez Volte-Face
Variations 1985 32
Larry Jennings Make Me Small cards travel to pocket
Inspired byVariations Spring 1985
The Collected Almanac (Vol. 3 No. 25, 26 & 27)
Larry Jennings, Daryl Martinez Rising Crime Display from Natural Grip
Spring 1985
The Collected Almanac (Vol. 3 No. 25, 26 & 27)
Daryl Martinez Universal
Inspired byAlso published here Spring 1985
The Collected Almanac (Vol. 3 No. 25, 26 & 27)
Daryl Martinez, Harvey Rosenthal Pop-Up Move
Also published here Spring 1985
The Collected Almanac (Vol. 3 No. 25, 26 & 27)
Brother John Hamman The Magic Cards four cards change to three selections one after another, gemini counts (general cards with packet)
Related toVariationsAlso published here Summer 1985
The Collected Almanac (Vol. 3 No. 28, 29 & 30)
Daryl Martinez Kissing to be Clever general cards with packet
Inspired by Winter 1985
The Collected Almanac (Vol. 3 No. 34, 35 & 36)
Daryl Martinez Two-as-Four Count / DM Count
Winter 1985
The Collected Almanac (Vol. 3 No. 34, 35 & 36)
Michael Louis, Daryl Martinez Chameleons All odd-backed packet changes to duplicate of three selections
1985 471
Daryl Martinez, Brother John Hamman Two/Four Count (or The D.M. Count)
1985 9
Daryl Martinez Combo Count
1985 26
Daryl Martinez Daryl's Psychological Assembly "or The Jolly Jumping Jokers"
twelve red spot cards, four three-card packets put on table, then four Jokers distributed among those packets, Jokers assemble
  • #1. The Easy Way
  • #2. The Cardman's Version
Variations 1985 1
Daryl Martinez Combo Count similar to Hamman Count, but from pinch/Elmsley count grip
1985 5
Daryl Martinez DM Count two as four
1985 6
Daryl Martinez Diamond Bar
  • #3. The Impromptu Method
Also published here 1985 7
Daryl Martinez Touches displaying four cards in a flourishy way
1985 9
Ben Harris Impromptu Daryl using tilt principle
Inspired byRelated to 1985 13
Daryl Martinez The Routine famous long FISM Routine
1985/87 1
Daryl Martinez The Double Turnover variation on Hit Double
Related to 1985/87 5
Daryl Martinez The Top Change
1985/87 10
Edward Marlo For the Unambitious
Variations 1985/87 12
Daryl Martinez The Double Whammo
1985/87 15
Daryl Martinez, Harvey Rosenthal The Pop-Up Move one handed method for top card break, credit information
1985/87 19
Daryl Martinez Tilted and Turned with visual change
1985/87 22
Daryl Martinez Emergency Change
Also published here 1985/87 22
Daryl Martinez, Edward G. Brown Thin Ambitions with three card packet
Inspired by 1985/87 24
Daryl Martinez Up the Falls
1985/87 24
Daryl Martinez The Pass
1985/87 28
Daryl Martinez To Boldly Go giving indifferent Card to Spectator
1985/87 41
Daryl Martinez The Tiltless Tilt directly to the top
1985/87 54
Daryl Martinez The Impromptu Duplicate
1985/87 61
Daryl Martinez The Triple Whammo
1985/87 72
Daryl Martinez A One-Handed Sequence
1985/87 85
Daryl Martinez The Ubiquitous Card small packet is shown all alike
1985/87 94
Daryl Martinez Top-Change-Mexican-Turnover Second-Deal
1985/87 94
Daryl Martinez Diminishing Lift Sequence Variation
1985/87 96
Daryl Martinez The Gaffless Houdini-Fooler
1985/87 101
Daryl Martinez Ambitious One-Way
1985/87 115
Daryl Martinez The Ultimate Ambition famous rope finale, for ungaffed versions see references
Variations 1985/87 117
Daryl Martinez The Multi-Colored Pen starting with "pen writes any color"-gag, out to lunch principle
1986 15
Daryl Martinez Risen from the Ashes three peeked-at cards vanish and reappear face up
1986 18
Daryl Martinez Glimpse of Bottom card of Face Up Deck
1986 20
Rick Anderson Ambitions in Bondage ungaffed
Inspired by 1986 138
Jay Sankey Please Don't Feed the Playing Cards one-handed method with rubber band
Inspired by 1986 13
Durowa, Willy "Tex Williams" Peter Harold's Magic of Bavaria... (Zauberhaftes Bayern) on the magic convention in Germany, Harold Voit, Sir Henry & Miss Fantasia, Gaeton Bloom, Michael Ammar, Daryl Martinez, Dr. Peter Kersten, Al Goshman
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 47 No. 6)
Karo Pfundig War's on the magic convention Harolds Magic of Bavaria, Assan, Gaeton Bloom, Michael Ammar, Adam Fleischer, Daryl Martinez, Harold Voit, Dr. Peter Kersten, Al Goshman
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 47 No. 6)
Jerry K. Hartman Diamond Bar - Recut
Inspired byAlso published here July 1986 52
Daryl Martinez Elbow, Knee and Neck three dollars at body parts
VariationsAlso published here Apr. 1987
Magical Arts Journal (Vol. 1 No. 9)
Jamy Ian Swiss Brainy Triumph wrong card found and used to count down to selection
Inspired byAlso published here 1987 10
Jamy Ian Swiss Juan Betterini presentation for Daryl's effect
Inspired byAlso published here 1987 17
Edward Marlo Almost Ultimate Ambition tilt with half card
Inspired byRelated to 1988 272
Larry Jennings Twisted in the Middle last Ace vanishes and reappears in deck
Inspired by 1988 54
Brother John Hamman, Daryl Martinez Two as Four Count
1988 55
Jeff Busby (reviewer) Daryl's Ambitious Card Omnibus by Daryl Martinez (written by Stephen Minch) Feb. 1988
Magical Arts Journal (Vol. 2 No. 1)
Daryl Martinez The Bell of the Ball steel ball and bell are fused together to create a hollow ball that rings, Michael Weber idea
Related to 1988 2
Daryl Martinez Twice Torn Bill torn and restored bill, repeated
Related to 1988 5
Daryl Martinez Camera Cards Jumbo cards which look like a camera, blank card turns into selection
1988 10
Daryl Martinez Borrowed Bill Book Test serial number on bill is used to select word in book, prediction
1988 14
Al Baker, Daryl Martinez Break Through magical gag in which bottom of glass is broken out and restored, additional credits at the end
Related to 1988 18
Daryl Martinez Untouched card is on the table, spectator makes two piles, one top card for the value the other for the suit
Related toVariations 1988 20
Daryl Martinez The Effect-Less Method after rubber ball is bounced on the floor it turns into steel
1988 24
Edward Marlo A Problem Posed credit information
  • 35th Method
  • 36th Method
  • 37th Method
  • 38th Method
  • 39th Method
  • 40th Method
  • 41st Method
  • 45th Method (spectator shuffles before the cutting)
VariationsAlso published here
  • The New Tops, Mar. 1965
1988 135
David Britland (reviewer) Daryl's Ambitious Card Omnibus by Daryl Martinez (written by Stephen Minch) June 1988
Opus (Vol. 1 No. 10)
Daryl Martinez Out of this Hemisphere twenty-card packet version, spectator puts one color on table and other color to bottom, red cards marked
  • The Cards (replacing marks with stripper, one-way or crimp)
  • Totally Impromptu
1989 1
Daryl Martinez The Shuffle Sequence divided deck sequence for twenty-card packet
1989 5
Daryl Martinez From the Back performing the effect face-up and having the backs from two different decks
1989 5
David Williamson Cross-Eyed Coins Across
Inspired byAlso published here 1989 12
Vic Kulich, Daryl Martinez Mother Nature's Mistake squeaky squeeze toy mouse and rattle rubber snake, change sounds
Inspired by Sep. 1989
The Minotaur (Vol. 1 No. 3)
Brother John Hamman, Daryl Martinez Two-as-Four Count / DM Count
1990 36
Daryl Martinez Elbow, Knee and Neck three dollars at body parts
Also published here 1990 85
Stephen Minch On Daryl Martinez
1990 85
Ken Krenzel Bouncer ungaffed version with banded deck
Inspired byVariations 1990 98
Daryl Martinez Card Production from palm
Also published here 1990 20
Paul Harris Instant Replay Instant Replay flourish as a color change
Related to 1990 55
Jon Racherbaumer Rising Robbers four-of-a-kind distributed in deck, rises to top
Inspired byVariations 1990 92
Jon Racherbaumer Prelude to Touch Turn
Inspired by 1990 153
Alex Elmsley Twister's Flush with five cards (Royal Flush), final card vanishes and travels to pocket
Related to 1991 77
Daryl Martinez Pocket Search Switch
1991 76
Richard Kaufman Hang-Up card on wire coat hanger
Related toVariations 1991 21
Alexander de Cova (reviewer) The Greater Magic Video Library: Daryl Martinez by Daryl Martinez Aug./Sep. 1991
Avantgarde Magic (Vol. 1 No. 3)
David Neighbors Aces of Diamond Bar queens change into aces as a kicker
Inspired by June 1991
The Minotaur (Vol. 3 No. 2)
Daryl Martinez On Roger Klause
1991 23
John Luka Ladies & Bullets queens twist, one of them travels back face up into deck, they transform to aces, queens are found again and transform to aces again, queens from pockets, deck vanishes
Related to 1992 252
Brother John Hamman, Daryl Martinez Two-as-Four Count brief
1992 252
James Swain, Bill Malone The J. S. Count actually displays using KM style switch, thereafter referred to as "J.S. Switch"
  • To show three cards to be same card
  • To perform Brother Hamman's Gemini Count
  • Gemini Count Variation
  • To perform Daryl Martinez's Diamond Bar
1992 67
Alexander de Cova Total Recall two selections, odd/even, with variations:
  • 1. Aus dem Stegreif (impromptu)
  • 2. Mit zwei Kartenspielen (with two decks)
  • 3. Für den Table-Hopper
Inspired by 1992 19
Daryl Martinez Card Production from palm
1992 54
Alexander de Cova Ultimative Münzendurchdringung three coins through clear plastic bag one by one
Inspired byAlso published here 1992 102
Hiroyuki Sakai Table Display Variation on Martinez' Packet Display
Inspired by 1992 830
Daryl Martinez Fechter's Finger Flicking Frolic Session 1992
1992 1
Daryl Martinez Seven Card Assembly with seven cards
Variations 1992 1
Daryl Martinez Impromptu Stand Up Three Coins Across
1992 3
Daryl Martinez A Puzzling Bill Vanish bill vanishes among others, puzzle-story presentation
Also published here 1992 7
Daryl Martinez Tipped in Lucca
1992 10