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Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
Edward Marlo, Martin Gardner Casanova Card Trick two at a time production of Queens when two halves are rubbed face to face
Related toVariations 1942 5
Don Alan Bowl or Cup Load finish for benson bowl routine, paper napkin wrapped on bowl, production of handkerchiefs
Variations 1956 42
Don Alan A Darker Shade of Malini lump of coal appears under fez
Related toVariations 1956 46
Edward Marlo Marlo Miracle Aces classic faro Ace cutting ("estimation aces"), last Ace found at named number
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1964 44
Edward Marlo Kings and Aces deck cut into four packets, Kings on top and Aces on bottom, two methods
Variations 1964
The Patented Shuffle (Issue 2 Slip Cut)
John F. Mendoza The Zombie by John (aka Carendi, Our Teen Age Contribution), ball floats through a ring inside a hat and disappears
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1963-64)
Harry Lorayne Ten Card Poker Deal multiple phase template routine
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1967 72
Jim Ryan Vice-Versa two spectators get the wrong card, then they transpose, duplicate
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1968 79
Karl Fulves No Sliding sliding block revelation
Variations 1971 44
Derek Dingle Color Triumphant color changing deck climax
Related toVariations 1971 3
Derek Dingle Open Sesame
Related toVariations 1971 10
David Lederman Dave-bury Delusion four Ace kicker
Variations 1971 ca. 9
Derek Dingle, Walter E. Cummings, Eddie Fechter F.C.D. Aces sliding production
Related toVariations July 1972
Epilogue (Issue 15 (Part 2))
David Lederman Dave's Delight four Ace kicker
Related toVariations 1973 31
Derek Dingle Roll-Over Aces
Variations 1973 92
Edward Marlo Ten Hand Stacks - The Third Manuscript
  • One Riffle Shuffle (Five methods)
  • Ten Hand Stack to 10th Hand (one Riffle Shuffle)
  • Ten Hand Stack to 10th Hand (or 1st, or any one of 10), 2 Riffle Shuffles
  • Eight Hand Stack, with choice of winning hand
  • Ten Hand Stack - Cards to go into 10th Hand
  • Ten Hand Stack to 10th Hand
  • "I came here to stack the Royal Flush"
Variations 1974 55
Martin A. Nash The Louisiana Switch see p. 443 for additional crediting
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1975 46
Martin A. Nash Aces For Experts Only any Ace called for
Related toVariations 1975 58
John F. Mendoza Simple Shotgun breakless handling
Inspired byAlso published here 1975 172
John F. Mendoza Wild Mental Move six jokers, spectator selects odd-backed one
1977 11
John F. Mendoza Cutting the Kings
Variations 1977 16
Bernard Bilis Pair-A-Noic spectator cuts off cards, two cards turn over in rest sandwiching selection and values total number of cut-off packet, set-up
VariationsAlso published here Dec. 1978
Apocalypse (Vol. 1 No. 12)
Fred Robinson (reviewer) The Book Of John by John F. Mendoza Aug. 1978
Pabular (Vol. 4 No. 12)
John F. Mendoza Introduction
John F. Mendoza Topsy-Turvy Aces
1978 1
John F. Mendoza The Zarrow Shuffle
1978 5
John F. Mendoza Impossible Poker Demonstration aces cut to in named order, shuffled back and cut to again (Estimation Aces), roll-over production with Royal Flushes, ten handed deal first with aces, then two royal flushes (Marlo-Gardner principle), optional color changing deck kicker
Inspired by 1978 7
John F. Mendoza, Derek Dingle, Bruce Cervon The Uneral-Geniversal Card odd-backed Ace of Spades changes into four selections one by one
1978 16
John F. Mendoza A word about double lifts praising the strike lift
1978 16
John F. Mendoza Routined Poker Mental princess card trick with lie detection presentation
Variations 1978 19
John F. Mendoza The simple collectors
1978 24
John F. Mendoza, Jim Ryan Vice-Versa two spectators get the wrong card, then they transpose, duplicate
Inspired by 1978 27
Charlie Miller, John F. Mendoza The Miller(?) Change card rises from back of deck, changes there
Related toVariations 1978 29
John F. Mendoza Lightning
Inspired by 1978 31
John F. Mendoza Twisting The Aces Again last Ace changes into odd-backed King
1978 33
John F. Mendoza The Quick Cull down-jog cull
Variations 1978 35
John F. Mendoza The Quick Cull - Effect cards shuffled face-up and face-down, all cards right themselves except for named four-of-a-kind
1978 35
John F. Mendoza The D'Amico Spread also for more cards
1978 37
John F. Mendoza Invisible Palm Aces
1978 38
John F. Mendoza Guessing Game guessing game with four Kings, they change into Tens
1978 39
John F. Mendoza All Gone card selected and returned, performer names it, it turns over and is odd-backed, rest blank, with variation
Inspired by
  • "Triple Chance"
Related to
  • "Paleface Pasteboards"
1978 42
John F. Mendoza Have You Ever Heard Of? four-card montes with Ace through Four which change into four Aces
1978 47
John F. Mendoza On The Elevator two handlings, with climax (either faces or backs transform)
Variations 1978 49
John F. Mendoza The Coin Routine (No. 1) copper and silver coin transpose, both change to copper, then silver, then into four dollars, coins across with those, two more dollars appear and a copper coin, coins through table, drill production from purse
1978 54
John F. Mendoza, Tony Slydini One-Handed Imp Pass retrieving a coin into hand
1978 56
John F. Mendoza Han Ping Chien Move
1978 58
John F. Mendoza The Coin Routine (No. 2) from handkerchief first three dollar, then four giant coins produced, then 6'' coin followed by 12'' coin, TV production
1978 62
John F. Mendoza Sitting Spellbound II dollar changes to jumbo coin, several more changes
Inspired by
  • "Sitting Spellbound" (John Mendoza Lecture Notes)
1978 65
John F. Mendoza Standing Spellbound jumbo coin kicker
1978 70
John F. Mendoza Mendoza Matrix jumbo coin kicker
1978 72
John F. Mendoza Simplified Pick-Up Move
1978 73
John F. Mendoza The Automatic Deck sliding block production
Inspired byRelated to 1978 78
John F. Mendoza The Lump of Coal (TLC) lump of coal appears under fez after short coin interlude, then hat is full of pennies
Inspired byVariations 1978 83
John F. Mendoza The Ultimate Torn and Restored Card signed on front and back, torn into eighth and restored, last corner restored as well
  • Restoration of the Torn Corner
1978 86
John F. Mendoza The Bowl Routine longer combination
Inspired by 1978 92
John F. Mendoza The Coin Casket marked quarter to brass box, routine for prop in which marked coin changes, then grows, then changes into the box, Benzais China Change
1978 98
John F. Mendoza, George LaFollette The Card In The Wallet no palm
VariationsAlso published here 1978 101
John F. Mendoza Interlude III ending for "Interlude II" from Johnson Products
1978 103
John F. Mendoza The Chop Cup
Variations 1978 105
John F. Mendoza, Steve Spain Steve France hot dog production after Jean Merlin's bill routine
Inspired by
  • "The Little Travellers" (Jean Merlin)
1978 108
John F. Mendoza Copper, Silver Brass..What a Gas!
1978 110
John F. Mendoza The First Stage of My Career bare-handed dove production from candle on table
1978 126
John F. Mendoza The Ring Routine three rings
1978 128
John F. Mendoza In Closing
1978 136
John F. Mendoza Introduction
1978 2
Paul Harris Stretch rubber banded deck, top card pulled through and penetrates rubber band
Variations 1979 148
Karl Fulves Rumors rumor regarding John F. Mendoza's book, apparently spread by Richard Kaufman
Interlocutor (Issue 30)
John F. Mendoza Introduction
John F. Mendoza Selecting Your Tricks
1979 1
John F. Mendoza Practice
1979 8
John F. Mendoza Timing of Han Ping Chien Move
1979 14
John F. Mendoza Timing of "Color Triumphant" see also p. 69
Related to 1979 14
John F. Mendoza Coin Vanish with conditioning
1979 19
John F. Mendoza "Big Load" Technique for chop cup, dice stacking, ...
1979 23
John F. Mendoza Presentation
1979 26
John F. Mendoza On Dice Stacking analyzing a sequence
1979 28
John F. Mendoza The Clock Trick analyzing a simple version
1979 34
John F. Mendoza Working Conditions
1979 53
John F. Mendoza Routining a Trick
1979 56
John F. Mendoza Cardician Makes Good & Triumph Combination
1979 60
John F. Mendoza Routining the Act
1979 75
John F. Mendoza On the Solid Block Climax to chop cup type routines
1979 79
John F. Mendoza Money Magic business tips
1979 82
John F. Mendoza Magic & Magicians fooling magicians, flourishes, sucker tricks
1979 87
John F. Mendoza, Derek Dingle Davebury Delusion Handling
Inspired byRelated to 1979 89
John F. Mendoza An Old Card Trick Made New spectator cuts off packet, remembers bottom card, shuffles and deal packet in three piles, card immediately named
Related to 1979 94
John F. Mendoza In Conclusion
1979 99
Daryl Martinez The Boomeranging Card of Mystery card is thrown between two selections
Related to 1980 13
Walt Lees (reviewer) Don England's T.K.O.'s by Don England (written by John F. Mendoza) Oct. 1980
Pabular (Vol. 6 No. 10)
Walt Lees (reviewer) A Session With John Mendoza by John F. Mendoza Nov. 1980
Pabular (Vol. 6 No. 11)
John F. Mendoza Dedication
1980 i
John F. Mendoza Introduction
1980 ii
John F. Mendoza Other Writings by Author
John F. Mendoza Acey-Deucy Improved Ace and Two of Clubs, monte theme, they transform twice, one of them changes into a dollar coin
1980 1
John F. Mendoza Missionaries' Revenge cannibal kings vanish as finale, duplicate
1980 4
John F. Mendoza, Barry Nelson Marlo-Nelson-Mendoza Hunters Kings and Queens shuffled into deck, one of the Kings put in case, deck cut into packets, Queen and King on top of each, one Queen with King in case
Inspired by 1980 15
John F. Mendoza Face Up Red-Black Shuffle red and black cards are riffle shuffled multiple times, yet they stay separated
1980 19
John F. Mendoza Zarrow Square-Up Finesse
1980 22
John F. Mendoza Cutting the Kings Re-Visited Aces produced as kicker
Inspired by 1980 25
John F. Mendoza Breakless Kiss Double Transformation
Inspired by 1980 29
John F. Mendoza The Most Difficult Card Trick in the World card thrown into air and caught with deck next to two selections
Related to 1980 31
John F. Mendoza Boomerang Tossing straight upwards
1980 33
John F. Mendoza S-T-R-E-T-C-H Stretched
  • The Startling Appearance of Two Selected Cards
  • Color Change
Inspired by 1980 36
John F. Mendoza The Horse Race winner ace predicted with alphabet cards
1980 40
John F. Mendoza, Patrick Page One Handed Face Change
Related to 1980 43
John F. Mendoza Open Travellers - Closed Changers transformation kicker
1980 53
John F. Mendoza The One Dollar Sandwich card cleanly appears in isolated sandwich
Inspired by
  • performance of Vic Trabucco
1980 57
John F. Mendoza The Ten Card Poker Killer transformation into four Aces as finale
Inspired byAlso published here 1980 61
John F. Mendoza The Louisiana Switch Handling tabled
Related toAlso published here 1980 64
John F. Mendoza Easy Ace Cutting tabled
1980 66
John F. Mendoza Reverse Portable Hole jumbo coin climax
Inspired by 1980 78
John F. Mendoza, Dan Fleshman Coin Appearance from Purse Frame
1980 78
John F. Mendoza The Last Card wheel with four sections, cards distributed onto the sections and eliminated in stages, last card is selection
Inspired by
  • "The Last Card" (Jack Hughes)
1980 84
John F. Mendoza Bendix Bombshell Routine transposition and card to wallet combo
Variations 1980 88
John F. Mendoza The Cup Switch solid cup finale
1980 93
John F. Mendoza The Spiked Half spiked half dollar coin put in styrofoam, marked penny transposes and is now spiked and half dollar in hand
1980 101
John F. Mendoza Installment Vanish
1980 112
John F. Mendoza In Conclusion
1980 137
Roy Johnson Knabe princess card trick with real shuffling, marks on back of cards
Inspired byAlso published here
  • Everyman Cards, 1979
1980 21
John F. Mendoza, George LaFollette The Card In The Wallet no palm, brief outline of routine
Also published here 1980 9
Jeff Busby The Card In The Wallet Handling no palm, variant handling
Inspired by 1980 10
David Roth The Portable Hole
VariationsAlso published here 1981 63
John F. Mendoza Introduction
1981 3
Don England Visual Retention Change #2
Inspired by 1981 2
Derek Dingle Master Poker Demonstration combination, color changing deck climax
Variations 1982 207
Meir Yedid Compucard card apparently computer, selection is found
Related to 1982 21
Brother John Hamman Gemini Count
Variations Oct. 1983
The Collected Almanac (Vol. 2 No. 14)
Richard Kaufman (reviewer) The Mendoza Portfolio No. 1 by John F. Mendoza (written by John F. Mendoza) Nov. 1983
The Collected Almanac (Vol. 2 No. 15)
John F. Mendoza Introduction
1983 v
John F. Mendoza Francis Pelkey
1983 1
John F. Mendoza Michael Gerhardt
1983 5
John F. Mendoza Jamy Swiss
1983 27
Jamy Ian Swiss The Most Difficult Card Trick in the World Part II follow-up, card first tossed in air and caught between two selections, then repeat where card is tossed into tabled deck inside sandwich
Inspired byRelated toAlso published here 1983 27
John F. Mendoza Dan O'Donoghue
1983 45
John F. Mendoza Bernard Bilis
1983 59
John F. Mendoza, Bernard Bilis Calculated Triumph small packet cut off, selection made and returned, deck shuffled face-up and face-down, all one way except sandwich in center with selection, sandwich cards total cut-off packet
Inspired byVariations 1983 59
John F. Mendoza Geoffrey Latta
1983 69
John F. Mendoza Paviato Aurelio
1983 93
John F. Mendoza Jim Kahlert
1983 113
Jim Kahlert Marked Aces All Gone ungaffed McDonald's Aces with cards that have obvious marks on their backs
Inspired by 1983 113
John F. Mendoza Richard Vollmer
1983 121
John F. Mendoza Mirko Ferrantini
1983 133
John F. Mendoza Phillippe Warein
1983 137
John F. Mendoza Ray Mertz
1983 149
John F. Mendoza Paul Sorrentino
1983 161
John F. Mendoza John F. Mendoza
1983 167
John F. Mendoza The Strange 20 Card Coincidence some cards dealt, dealt packets, selection and prediction make up a royal flush
1983 167
John F. Mendoza Impromptu Tunnel duplicate
1983 173
John F. Mendoza The Scorpion Gemini Count
Inspired byVariations 1983 180
John F. Mendoza Bro. John Hamman
1983 185
Edward Marlo, Bernard Bilis I Missed impromptu version of Bilis' "Calculated Triumph", packet cut off, Triumph with rest, selection between two face up cards whose values add up to number of cut off cards
Inspired by 1984 57
Jeff Busby (reviewer) Mendoza Portfolio One by John F. Mendoza Jan. 1984
Epoptica (Issue 5)
John F. Mendoza Introduction
1985 iv
John F. Mendoza Throwing the Switch brief
1985 19
John F. Mendoza, Patrick Page One Handed Face Change
Related to 1985 39
Justin Higham High-am Rise
Inspired byRelated to 1985 3
David Neighbors, John F. Mendoza, Brother John Hamman 5-Card Gemini Count Variation
1986 30
Dai Vernon, Eugene Burger, John F. Mendoza Three-Card Monte as a Magical Entertainment presentation without the spectator guessing
1987 55
Roberto Giobbi, John F. Mendoza Throwing the Switch Handling
1987 83
David Britland (reviewer) Special Effects by Randy Wakeman (written by John F. Mendoza) Sep. 1987
Opus (Vol. 1 No. 1)
John F. Mendoza Throwing the Switch brief
1989 64
Patrick Page One Handed Face Change
Related to 1989 37
John Hotowka TLC MK II ball appears under plant pot after short coin interlude, then pot is full of pennies
Inspired by 1989 21
David Neighbors Aquarius Count variation of the Gemini Count
Inspired by June 1991
The Minotaur (Vol. 3 No. 2)
Edward Marlo, Charlie Miller, Edward Victor Marlo's Visible Victor Change as bottom card is transferred to top, credit information on page 115
Related toAlso published here 1992 112
Douglas Cameron Check It Out mentioning lost tricks in the literature
Related to Feb. 1992
Profile (Issue 6)
John F. Mendoza Throwing The Switch brief
1993 6
Doug Canning Card Counters
Inspired byRelated to 1995 153
John F. Mendoza Covered Snap Change
1995 ca. 15
John F. Mendoza Snap Over Change Variation
1997 109
Thomas Fraps Miller Change Variation inside cellophane of case
Inspired byAlso published here 1998 50
John F. Mendoza Simple Shotgun breakless handling
Also published here 1999 25
Roberto Giobbi, John F. Mendoza, Bill Simon The Toss Switch
2000 840
Steve Beam Prime Location cards reveal selection and amount of cut cards
Inspired by 2000 77
Michael DeMarco They Called Themselves The Kings transformation kicker
Inspired by Mar. 2000
Onyx (Issue 10)
Darwin Ortiz, John F. Mendoza Liar's Poker princess card trick with lie detection presentation and sucker finale à la Fingerprint Card Trick
Inspired by 2002 26
Tomo Maeda The Lemon Cup ungaffed
Inspired by July 2003
Genii (Vol. 66 No. 7)
Peter Duffie, Aldo Colombini, Robin Robertson Pseudo Bilis some card cut off by spectator, next cards give its total, selection found as well, using Killer Count
Inspired by 2004 14
John Luka A Small Bombshell signed card lost, two other cards put in wallet and case and they transpose, then signed card is found in wallet, z-fold wallet
Inspired by May 2006
Antinomy (Vol. 2 No. 2)
Patrick Page, John F. Mendoza One Handed Face Change
2007 84
Michael Weber New Deal "Two Tricks with Your New Toy", spectator cuts to a card, performer divines and locates it
Related to 2009 4
John F. Mendoza The Ten Card Poker Killer
Also published here 2015 65
John F. Mendoza The Louisiana Switch tabled
Also published here 2015 368
Alexander de Cova Lump of Goldfish goldfish bowl appears under fez, seated
Inspired by 2016 212
John Graham Quick Cull Handling down-jog cull
Inspired by 2021 31
Andrew Hall The Inertia Shift deck held upright in end grip, front and back cards change one-handed
  • Inertia Simultaneous Revelation (selection appears at font and back of deck)
  • Tabled Vanish or Penetration
Related toAlso published here
  • MAGIC, Sep. 2008
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