138 entries in Cards / Effect Themes / Traveling / Open Travelers
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
William P. Miesel Invincible Open Travelers, last card with deck
Oct. 1961
The New Phoenix (Issue 362)
Edward Marlo The Open Travelers
Variations Dec. 1962
The New Phoenix (Issue 375)
Karl Fulves And Then There Were None Problems with Cards - No. Four
Ace assembly with five cards (Aces and indifferent), a bit like dumbed-down Open Travelers
Related toVariations Sep. 1966
The Pallbearers Review (Vol. 1 No. 11)
Bruce Cervon, Dai Vernon Face-Up Flyers
VariationsAlso published here Nov. 1968
Epilogue (Issue 4)
Larry Jennings Jennings' Open Travellers
Variations 1969 41
Gene Nielsen Ultravellers
1971 12
Steve Spillman Addition to Open Travellers
1971 57
Jerry K. Hartman Tripsters Open Travelers variation
Inspired by 1972 28
Steve Spillman Notes on the Open Travellers
Inspired by 1973 10
Patrick Page 8. Open Travellers
1974 6
Paul Harris La La's Lu Lu three Aces travel from Ace packet into deck one by one, last Ace travels from deck to other three Aces under spectator's hand
Variations 1976 29
Roger Smith The Invisible Visible card apparently palmed invisibly off deck, then put back on deck and dealt off where it becomes visible again, second deal
Inspired by
  • recent item in The Linking Ring
1977 21
Allan Ackerman Open Travelers
Variations 1978 31
Paul Harris The P.H. Invisible Palm
1978 26
Paul Harris Special Handling #2 - The Lay Down splitting tabled card for Open Travelers
1978 30
Father Cyprian, Frank Garcia Bullseye sponge disc ("hole") on table, Aces vanish and appear underneath one by one
  • Frank Garcia's Version of "Bullseye"
  • Father Cyprian's Version
  • Added Reflections and Notions for the Bullseye Hole
Variations 1978
New Stars of Magic (Vol. 1 No. 11)
John F. Mendoza Invisible Palm Aces
1978 38
Martin A. Nash Palm Unseen
1979 361
Edward Marlo Splitting The Arrow variation of Garcia/Cyprian effect, card reappear under magazine
1979 334
Paul Harris The P.H. Switch two card transpo, in repeat one card vanishes and appears next to other
Variations 1979 37
Bernard Bilis Open Travelers Again using overlap gaff
1980 25
Karl Fulves Color Migration red and black cards mixed, one color travels under other hand on table one by one or at once, posed as problem
1980 50
John F. Mendoza Open Travellers - Closed Changers transformation kicker
1980 53
Richard Kaufman Ethereal Poker slight plot variation, misspelled "Etheral"
Variations 1981 122
Don England The Mysterious Case of the Open Travellers tabled packet is underneath card case, last card inside
Variations 1981 55
Paul Harris Electric Aces Invisible Palm, Elevator, card through deck, card through spectator's hand
1981 15
Walt Lees, David Carré Travellers Without Luggage
1981 26
Geoffrey Latta Stratosphere Aces "a combination of 'MacDonald's Aces' and 'The Open Travelers', with shades of Mario's 'Real Gone Aces'"
1981 5
Edward Marlo Open-Air Ace Assembly no extra card
Variations 1982 194
Daryl Martinez The Transubstantiated Travelers combo of Open Travelers with three single transformations
1982 80
Don England Open Travelers Plus Aces to Kings transformation as kicker
Inspired byVariations 1982 415
Steven Hamilton Mexican Travellers
Also published here June 1982
Spell-Binder (Vol. 2 No. 14)
Ian Land Ethereal Steal poker presentation
Inspired by July 1982
Spell-Binder (Vol. 2 No. 15)
Peter Kane Just Four Aces additional Three as Ace
1982 140
Doc Valles Travel Agent
Sep. 1983
Apocalypse (Vol. 6 No. 9)
Paul Harris Hard Core Travelers no extra card
1983 45
Glenn Bishop, Al Bach Deluxe Open Travellers card to case finish, no extra cards
1983 22
Mirko Ferrantini Sequential Open Travelers using ace - 4
Oct. 1984
Apocalypse (Vol. 7 No. 10)
Hippie Torrales Open Travelers & Co.
June 1985
Apocalypse (Vol. 8 No. 6)
Richard Bartram, Jr. F-U Open Travelers with signed cards, last card through table
1985 42
Ben Harris Magnetrix three Kings vanish and appear under tabled King
1985 116
Roger Crosthwaite, Edward Marlo The Travellers no extra card, last card travels to case
Inspired by 1985 16
Larry Jennings Open Travellers
1986 144
Larry Jennings The Travelling Expert no extra card
1986 150
Randy Wakeman The Last Traveller two handlings for the final card
1987 41
Davide Costi Invisible Palm
Also published here 1987 42
Bruce Cervon Face Up Flyers
Also published here 1988 35
Bruce Cervon Aerodynamic Aces
Variations 1988 41
Paul Harris Real World Invisible Palm
Magical Arts Journal (Vol. 2 No. 9-12 Paul Harris: The Act)
Brother John Hamman The Old Classic aka "Final Aces Outdone"
1989 245
Edward Marlo Applied to Open Travellers Routine Pivot Switchout
1989 5
Wesley James T-Ace-T Test
  • The First Ace (appears on its own)
  • The Last Ace (lapping)
1990 39
David Solomon Open Travelers with Ace through Four, divided card
Inspired byAlso published here 1990 5
Bob King Backfire transformation kicker
Inspired by 1990 6
Michael Powers The Impossible Travellers combination of McDonald Aces and Open Travellers, three double facers
Also published here 1990 95
David Solomon Sophisticated Open Travelers with Ace through Four, divided card
Also published here Oct. 1990
Technomagic (Issue 4)
Michihiro Matsuda My Open Travellers with gaffed card SPI, three different suits on one card
Inspired by 1990 44
Jon Racherbaumer Cavorting Ladies - Fourth Phase Open Travelers
1991 11
Jon Racherbaumer Cabbages & Kings Aces removed, change to Kings one by one, back to Aces and Kings from pocket, then packet elevator, then Open Travellers
Inspired by 1991 1
Jerry K. Hartman Goings and Comings using Ace to Four of Spades
1991 217
Jon Racherbaumer On the Ace Assembly Plot & Open Travelers general comments, credit information, disagreements with Karl Fulves, Open Travelers credit discussion
Related to Mar. 1991
Swipe (Issue 1)
Chris Kenner Travlrs 1
Variations 1992 40
Michael Powers The Impossible Travellers McDonald Aces & Open Travelers combo
Also published here 1992 15
Steven Hamilton An Open Letter to All Magicians from W. Hoisch-Eating parody complaint about exposure in Open Travelers
Feb. 1992
Profile (Issue 6)
Terry LaGerould Beware Of Strangers cards travel upwards through table one by one to join leader Ace
1992 18
Terry LaGerould Gamblin' Shenanigans tabled packet face up
1992 22
Larry Jennings オープントラベラー (Open Travelers)
1993 139
Edward Marlo Invisible Palm Festival two methods
Mar. 1993 27
Don May Phantom Travellers
Mar. 1993
Magic (Vol. 2 No. 7)
Jean-Jacques Sanvert Royal Travelers Aces to Royal Flush transformation as kicker
Inspired by Sep. 1993
Magic (Vol. 3 No. 1)
Doug Conn Travelers Two every suit named before travel
Also published here 1995 1
Christian Chelman Belgian Travelers four Jacks produced, assembly with four additional indifferent cards
June 1995
Magic (Vol. 4 No. 10)
Paul Harris P.H. Invisible Palm no palming
Variations 1996
The Art of Astonishment — Book 3 (Issue Magical Arts Journal)
Paul Harris Mondo Nifty Invisible Palm using random cards
Variations 1996
The Art of Astonishment — Book 3 (Issue Magical Arts Journal)
Paul Harris Mini-Mondo one-phase routine with just two cards
The Art of Astonishment — Book 3 (Issue Magical Arts Journal)
Lee Freed A Bondian Collusion combination of three cited routine
Inspired by 1996
Facsimile (Issue 4)
Richard Kaufman Evolution of a Classic Routine: "Invisible Palm Aces" - History credit essay
1997 156
Larry Jennings Invisible Palm Aces No. 1 - The Molecular Aces aces vanish on deck, reappear on table
1997 160
Larry Jennings Invisible Palm Aces No. 2 aces vanish on deck, reappear on table
1997 167
Larry Jennings Invisible Palm Aces No. 3 - The Appearing Aces no extra card
1997 170
Larry Jennings Invisible Palm Aces No. 4 - The Numerical Travellers
1997 175
Larry Jennings Invisible Palm Aces No. 5 no extra card
  • The Lonesome Travellers
  • The Alpha Count Travellers
1997 178
Larry Jennings Invisible Palm Aces No. 6
1997 184
Larry Jennings Invisible Palm Aces to Pocket travellers-combo, duplicate Ace
  • Version One
  • Version Two
Variations 1997 195
Hippie Torrales Stealth Cards ace through four
1997 1228
David Solomon Open Travelers with Ace through Four, divided card
Also published here 1997 132
David Regal Commercial Travel with transformation kicker, ending with Ace, Two, Three, Four of Hearts
  • The No-Palm Method
Inspired by
  • Chris Kenner's routine in "The Right Stuff"
1999 10
Doug Conn Tricked Traveler every suit named before travel
Inspired byAlso published here 1999 134
Paul Cummins Historical Comments credit discussion and bibliography
1999 142
Don England Open Travellers plus One Aces to Queens transformation as kicker
Inspired by 2001 46
Don England We're Three Fourth There with Ace to Four and Double indexed extra card
2001 51
Steve Reynolds Open-Scenario Palm Addition sequence to get into Open Travelers
Also published here Nov./Dec. 2001
Mr. Gadfly (Vol. 1 No. 4)
R. Paul Wilson The Real Work On The Open Travelers
Nov. 2001
Ego (Vol. 1 No. 6)
Mark Aspiazu Misdirection Assembly deck placed on each card that travels
Variations Mar. 2002
Ego (Vol. 1 No. 10)
Joshua Jay Open Travelers
Also published here July 2002
Magic (Vol. 11 No. 11)
Euan Bingham Thanks to Jennings similar effect to Open Traveler
2003 19
David Ben Turnover Travelers
2003 56
Ross Bertram Splitting the Double
Mar. 2003
Genii (Vol. 66 No. 3)
Earl Nelson Face Up Flyers Re-Blocked
Inspired by 2003 138
Jon Racherbaumer Hot-to-Trot Pocket Aces Aces vanish à la Open Travelers and appear in pocket one by one, simplified Jennings routine, Three as Ace pseudo duplicate
Inspired by 2003 5
Davide Costi Invisible Palm
Also published here 2004 93
Joshua Jay Overlap Open Travelers
Also published here 2005 95
Tyler Wilson Paul Mase's Trick odd-backed
Also published here 2005 9
Tyler Wilson Paul Mase's Trick odd-backed
Also published here 2006 100
Jack Avis Undercover Assembly
Inspired by 2006 132
Michael Powers Open Travelers Transpo Redux Kings put aside, Open Travelers with Aces, one Ace travels from Kings packet to other Aces, quartets transpose
Inspired byAlso published here 2006 17
Jack Parker Traveling Without Moving
June 2006
Genii (Vol. 69 No. 6)
Jack Parker Final Palm without double laydowns, selection kicker
June 2007
Genii (Vol. 70 No. 6)
Tom Stone The Forbidden Palm black art
Also published here 2007 14
Anthony Owen Caravan Travellers Kings travel to table and change to Aces
Inspired byAlso published here 2009 22
Arie Vilner TLP Application - Palms Away using lots of lateral palm
2009 45
Jon Allen Invisible Palm Finale last card put on hand, several cards put on top, card is no longer there at the end, impression on palm remains
  • Notes (double backer suggestion by Andi Gladwin)
2009 159
Ross Bertram Rolling Technique to split double on table
2010 99
John Guastaferro Solo
2010 48
Andi Gladwin Omni Deck Climax climax for Open Travelers in which whole deck becomes invisible/transparent
2010 52
Steve Reynolds Open-Scenario Palm Addition "S. P. Hideout" application
  • Method One
  • Method Two
Also published here 2010 7
Tom Stone The Forbidden Palm black art
Also published here 2011 69
Steven Hamilton Mexican Travellers
Also published here 2013 108
Tom Stone Dr. Griffin's Palm
  • Lodestones
Also published here July 2013
Genii (Vol. 76 No. 7)
Paul Harris, Eric Mead, Joel Paschall, Wayne Houchin The Invisible Palm Open Travelers
Inspired byAlso published here 2014 40
Tomas Blomberg, Axel Adlercreutz Cardpool with clean vanishes and reappearances
2014 288
Bébel L'Emplamage Invisible (Invisible Palm), Aces change into Royal Flush as a kicker
2014 21
Kiko Pastur Nadie Es Invisible Invisible Palm routine with just four Aces
2014 34
Tom Stone Dr. Griffin's Palm
Also published here 2014 22
Anthony Owen Caravan Travellers Kings travel to table and change to Aces
Inspired byAlso published here 2017 63
Wayne Houchin The Invisible Palm
Inspired byAlso published here 2019 13
Giancarlo Scalia Open Travelers (Extra)
2019 38
Larry Wilmore iPalm transformation kicker
Jan. 2019
Genii (Vol. 82 No. 1)
Carlos Vaquera Traveling Aces - Invisible Palming Aces change to Queens as kicker
2019 121
John Carney Visual Assemblage
Inspired by 2020 154
Steve Reynolds Crossroad Travelers Open Travelers for first two cards, then spectator covers the three cards, they later change to a Royal Flush
Output (Issue 17)
Aaron Shields Open-Scenario Palm Addition getting into Open Travelers
Output (Issue 17)
Scott Baird Lean Travellers starts without extra card
Variations Aug. 2022
The Hermit (Vol. 1 No. 8)
Joshua Jay Open Travelers
Also published here 2022 104
Michael Powers Open Travelers Transpo Redux Kings put aside, Open Travelers with Aces, one Ace travels from Kings packet to other Aces, quartets transpose
Also published here 2022 443
Jean-Pierre Vallarino New Traveling Aces open travelers, Aces appear under forearm, forearm used to hide cards already on table and to secretly separate double on table
2022 274
Scott Baird Techni-Lean Travellers spectator selects four cards, they are shown to be a four-of-a-kind, their backs change color, then an Open Travelers routine is performed with them
Inspired by Apr. 2023
The Hermit (Vol. 2 No. 4)
Joshua Jay King-Ace Odyssey done from Particle Stack
  • Phase One: Open Travelers (with transformation kicker, Kings to Aces)
  • The Jennings Revelation (Kings reappear)
  • Oil & Water (4&4, no details, just references)
Inspired by 2024 53