167 entries in Cards / Effect Themes / Transposition / Ace Assembly / Gaffed
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
Die Eintracht der Damen card chosen, then three more cards chosen and the match, then assembly with four double facers
Dec. 1895
Der Zauberspiegel (Vol. 1 No. 4)
Die wandernden vier Buben No. 11, four indifferent cards under hat, four Jacks on table in a row, three cards on each Jack, they vanish and are now under hat, four double facers
1900 84
Johann Nepomuk Hofzinser Die vier Könige "Hofzinser's Kartenkünste V."
card thought of, three cards chosen from a chosen packet, another card quickly taken out of pocketed deck by spectator, assembly, three double facers
Related toAlso published here June 1901
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 7 No. 6)
Das magische Kaffeekränzchen assembly with Queens and three divided cards, then packets dealt out again, Queen placed with three indifferent (the divided) cards, other Queens vanish and reappear in packet
Aug. 1904
Der Zauberspiegel (Vol. 4 No. 8)
Friedrich W. Conradi-Horster Das dreiblättrige Kleeblatt three Queens, each covered with two cards, one packet freely chosen and Queens assemble in it, divided and double facer
Oct. 1904
Der Zauberspiegel (Vol. 4 No. 10)
Third Method using cards with cloth-colored backs, black art
1909 216
Fourth Method three double facers
1909 217
Johann Nepomuk Hofzinser Die Macht des Gedanken spectator selects three cards which match prediction, then assembly, four double facers
Also published here 1910 58
Johann Nepomuk Hofzinser Die Vier Könige card thought of, then a spectator extracts it from pocket, three matching cards found, then assembly, four double facers
Related toAlso published here 1910 69
Louis F. Christianer The Four Ace Trick three duplicate Aces
1919 22
Louis F. Christianer The Four Aces Again three cards placed onto each Ace, rest of deck in glass, Aces vanish one by one and rise out of the deck
1923 18
Jack Merlin My Favorite Four Ace Trick three double faced Aces, McDonalds Aces
1927/28 12
Oswald Rae The Four Aces with Conradi's Giant Cards, brief description
1929 24
Joe Berg Berg's Four Ace Routine leader packet placed in card case
Inspired by 1930 51
T. Page Wright One Armed Poker story presentation for stand-up, three double facers, performed one-handed
Also published here 1933 53
The Four Aces three double facers
1937 132
The Four Kings stripper deck
1937 269
The Four Aces stripper deck
1937 274
Billy O'Connor The Limit Four Ace Trick seven Aces are used
1937 295
Louis Lam Four-Aceious six double facers
1937 16
Robert Parrish An Improved Four Ace Routine four double facers (three with Aces, one additional)
1937 33
Sam Leo Horowitz The Four Aces double backer
1938 351
Fred Rothenberg The Redhill Four Aces with jumbo cards, rough-smooth substitute with holes cut out and discs on other cards that fit in
1939 41
The Mechanical Four Aces three double facers
1940 353
The Radioactive Aces three double facers
1940 356
Charles Arbuthnot, Ralph Schugar Grimaces three double facers
July 1941
The Jinx (Issue 143)
Lu Brent Together Again Ace Assembly type of routine, uses duplicates
VariationsAlso published here June 1942
The Phoenix (Issue 12)
Bill Morton, Orville Wayne Meyer Greatest Four Ace Trick three double facer
Apr. 1944
Hugard's Magic Monthly (Vol. 1 No. 11)
R. M. Jamison Jumbo Four Ace Routine McDonald aces with jumbo cards
July 1944 59
Gerald Lynton Kaufman The King Can Do No Wrong
1945 142
Orville Wayne Meyer The Greatest Four Ace Trick McDonalds Aces
1945 147
George G. Kaplan Rex Card Mystery three double facers
1948 79
The Conjurer's Four-Ace Mystery three double facers
1948 146
Edward Marlo Effect Seven magician cuts to Aces, three cards on each, Aces vanish, reappear in deck, three double facers
1953 24
McDonalds Aces brief
1953 72
Don Alan It Can't Be... three phase routine
  • Aces on table, spectator thinks of Ace, Ace pocketed, it's thought Ace, other aces are also
found in pocket, cards on table are indifferent cards
  • McDonalds Aces, spectator sits on fourth packet
  • four Aces in performers pocket change places with four indifferent cards in spectators pocket
Related to 1956 12
Lu Brent Together Again Ace Assembly type of routine, uses duplicates
Also published here 1956 13
Dai Vernon McDonald's $100 Routine three double facers
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1960 26
Edward Marlo K. M. Move as a Passer - First Idea showing aces to have backs, even though three double facers are used
1962 14
Trevor H. Hall, Jochen Zmeck Ein R.-G.-Vierastrick partial rough-smooth
1962 27
Edward Marlo Duplicates using duplicates instead of mis-indexed or double-faced cards
  • First Phase
  • Second Phase
  • Third Phase
  • Fourth Phase
  • Fifth Phase
  • Sixth Phase
  • Seventh Phase
  • Final Phase
Inspired by Oct. 1962
Ibidem (Issue 27)
Jon Racherbaumer Quad Aces, Acrobatically three Acrobatic Flap Cards
Inspired by 1968 43
Rolf Andra, Dr. Lazlo Rothbart Die Asse
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 29 No. 6)
Alton Sharpe The Flying Queens rough-smooth queens
1969 94
Aldini, Bruce Florek The Transverse Travelers Ace Assembly with odd backed Aces
1969 9
Aldini Aces on Stand Ace assembly with cards propped on easel
1969 18
Aldini Hydrogen Aces Ace Assembly
1969 25
Juan Tamariz Sensación-Ases McDonald's Aces routine, then three Aces travel to pocket and three cards found reversed in the deck form jumbo card of selection
1970 63
Al Portwood A Four Ace Trick Accomplished With Four Of Anything Else And A Gimmick
June 1970
Talisman (Vol. 1 No. 17)
Mac McDonald, Rolf Andra 100 Dollar-Routine
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 32 No. 2)
Frank Garcia MacDonald's $100 Dollar Four Ace Trick featuring different vanishes, complicated initial switch
Variations 1972
New Stars of Magic (Vol. 1 No. 2)
Mac McDonald McDonald's One Armed Four Ace Trick No. 418, not a lot of details
1972 114
Stewart Judah McDonald Aces three double facers
Autumn 1974
The Pallbearers Review Vol. 9-10 (Vol. 9 No. 10th Folio (Part One))
Derek Dingle Slow Motion MacDonald two double facers
Related toVariations 1975 (ca.) 17
Philip T. Goldstein Mac Donald Goldstein three double facers
Related to 1978 7
1978 96
Edward Marlo The Four Aces using sixteen double facers and envelopes
1979 1
Edward Marlo The Four Aces (Again) diagonal divided gaffs
1979 2
Jon Racherbaumer The Olram Aces three double facers, with credit information on the Ace Assembly plot
VariationsAlso published here 1979 24
Martin Gardner Gardner's Aces doing McDonald Aces with four double facers, posed as problem
Variations 1979
The Chronicles (Issue 20)
Martin Gardner Aces doing McDonald Aces with four double facers, three ideas
  • Note By Karl Fulves
Inspired by 1979
The Chronicles (Issue 24)
Gene Castillon Capturing MacDonald four jacks appear and capture signed selection, as prelude to assembly, three double facer
Hierophant (Issue The Last Hierophant)
Gene Castillon Castillon's Olram Aces false index cards and 3/4 double facer
Variations 1980
Hierophant (Issue The Last Hierophant)
Mary Wolf Quick MacDonald three double facers, different vanishes
Inspired by 1980 107
Geoffrey Latta Stratosphere Aces "a combination of 'MacDonald's Aces' and 'The Open Travelers', with shades of Mario's 'Real Gone Aces'"
1981 5
Derek Dingle Slow Motion MacDonald's Aces two double facers
Related to 1982 94
David Solomon Two Faced Dis-Assembly two double facers
Variations 1982 76
Ace Assembly three double facers
1982 56
David Solomon, Gene Castillon The Casolomon Olram Aces three gaffs (fake index and 3/4 double facer)
Inspired by 1983 1
Alf Goodwin The Magician's Four Aces using two unusual gaffs
Feb. 1983
Pabular (Vol. 7 No. 8)
Louis Falanga Fleur-Du-Lac Aces McDonald's Aces, three double facer, with blanks
1985 26
Richard Bartram, Jr. McDonald's Aces w/Cheese
1985 27
Eric DeCamps Monkey Business three double facers, color changing back climax, pictures appear on the Aces
Inspired by
  • "Card Marx" (Eric DeCamps, marketed assembly)
1985 17
Edward Marlo Double Facer Switch for example to get into McDonald's Aces
Also published here 1986 23
René Lavand My Four Giant Aces Aces and twelve Jokers
Also published here 1987 13
David Berger Old McDonald three double facers, Black Jack theme
Aug. 1988
Apocalypse (Vol. 11 No. 8)
Edward Marlo For a Double Face Card Olram Subtlety application
1988 190
Edward Marlo Marlo's Aces using three cards with half Ace and back on their backs, with variations
VariationsAlso published here 1988 195
René Lavand My Four Giants Aces Aces and twelve Jokers
Also published here 1988 90
Brother John Hamman Final Aces six double ended cards
Variations 1989 229
Philip T. Goldstein Stinger Aces using six double facers
Related to 1990 125
Michael Powers The Impossible Travellers combination of McDonald Aces and Open Travellers, three double facers
Also published here 1990 95
Alex Elmsley, Brother John Hamman The Atomic Aces four phase variation on Hamman's "Final Ace Routine", including Oil & Water and Follow the Leaders Phase
Inspired byVariationsAlso published here 1991 217
Edward Marlo Logical Reverse Assembly - Fifth Method (Seated) four aces with three x-cards, fifth packet to which aces travel, then all back, four double facers
Oct. 1991
The Olram File (Issue 10)
T. Page Wright One-Armed Poker story presentation for stand-up, three double facers, performed one-handed
Also published here 1991 302
Alexander de Cova McDonald's $100 Vier As Trick getting into it, presentation ideas
Also published here Jan./Feb. 1992
Avantgarde Magic (Vol. 1 No. 5)
Jon Racherbaumer, Edward Marlo The Olram Aces three double facers
Also published here 1992 5
Michael Powers The Impossible Travellers McDonald Aces & Open Travelers combo
Also published here 1992 15
Alex Elmsley Los Ases Atomicos translation
four phase variation on Hamman's "Final Ace Routine", including Oil & Water and Follow the Leaders Phase
Also published here 1992 65
Alexander de Cova Mac Donald's $100 Vier As Trick getting into it, presentation ideas
Also published here 1992 18
Eckhard Böttcher Mac Donald's 100 Dollar Vier As Trick routine
1992 21
Ken Brooke The Ken Brooke Routine with Joe Stuthard's Trilby Deck - Part One edited reprint from Brooke's magazine "Routine" (1950), routine begins and ends without the set of duplicates, aces cut to top in one cut, assembly routine, end strippers
Nov. 1993
New Sorcerer (Vol. 1 No. 5)
Gary Ouellet MacDonald's Aces
1993 3
Gary Ouellet Packet Switch switching double facers for normal card during McDonald's Aces
1993 16
Alexander de Cova Mac Donald's Aces getting into it, presentation ideas
Also published here 1994 39
Gary Kurtz The Amplified Ace Assembly four touched cards are aces, then McDonald's Aces style routine with 3 double facers
1995 11
McDonald's Aces No. 36, three double facers
1995 71
Bob King Open-Faced Revelation Aces appear on face of four face-up packets, ringing in double facers for next routine
1995 23
Rudolf Braunmüller Vier-As-Wanderung McDonald with jumbo cards
Intermagic (Vol. 19 No. 4 & 5)
Bob King Big Mac "...what I consider to be the best Ace routine I've ever come seen", leader packet changes into Royal Flush as finale, three double facers and three mis-indexed cards
Inspired by
  • "Ankner's Aces" (Buddy Ankner)
1996 26
Harry Riser The Legendary Five-Ace Poker Hand poker demonstration presentation for Assembly, three double facers
1996 112
Harry Riser Royal Flush Assembly Royal Flush instead of the Aces used for Assembly, four double facers
1996 120
Pablo Domenèch Ases, Ases... Y Ases Mc Donald Ace routine, with repetition of effect
Also published here
  • "Misdirection" 1988, p. 38.
1996 63
Guy Hollingworth One-at-a-time Reverse Assembly quartet gimmick, Quartet gimmick
1999 20
Theodore DeLand The Four Ace Trick No. 37, "The LeRoy Four Ace Trick", three double facers
1999 150
Ellis Stanyon The Four Ace Trick No. 53
1999 186
Larry Jennings MacJennings Aces
  • The Jennings Tapes
slow-motion assembly with reverse ending
Variations Jan. 1999
Genii (Vol. 62 No. 1)
Robert Kane Exotica Aces three double facers
Inspired by Sep. 2000
Magic (Vol. 10 No. 1)
Simon Aronson O'Aronson Aces O. Henry Aces plot (Ace Assembly), all four Aces appear in spectator's hand
2001 104
Simon Aronson Nosnora Aces Aces scatter back to respective packets at the end of Ace Assembly
2001 117
Johann Nepomuk Hofzinser The Power Of Faith spectator selects three cards which match prediction, then assembly, four double facers
VariationsAlso published here 2002 62
Karl Fulves Further Notes on "Magician Makes Good" and Mac McDonald's $100 Ace Routine
2002 66
Johann Nepomuk Hofzinser The Four Kings card thought of, then a spectator extracts it from pocket, three matching cards found, then assembly, four double facers
Also published here 2002 68
Theodore DeLand DeLand's Four Ace Trick three double facers
2002 71
Chris Randall Ashes McDonald Aces meets Asher Twist
Also published here May 2002
Magic (Vol. 11 No. 9)
Karl Fulves, Johann Nepomuk Hofzinser With One Hand one-hand ace vanish with double facer in assembly routine, credit information
2003 15
Gabi Pareras Los Ases Evanescentes - Ases de Caroline Slow-Motion McDonalds Aces
Variations 2003 280
Wesley James April Fools' Aces "beta", McDonalds type routine with duplicate aces instead of double facers
Inspired by 2004 28
Derek Dingle Derek Dingle's "McDonald's Aces" "Described by Christopher Hanna"
Dec. 2004
Genii (Vol. 67 No. 12)
Allan Ackerman The Prequel and Sequel Aces transpose with card in pocket, McDonald's Aces is performed, Aces travel to pockets, designed to ring double facers in and out
Also published here 2005 32
Johann Nepomuk Hofzinser The Four Kings card thought of, then a spectator extracts it from pocket, three matching cards found, then assembly, four double facers
Also published here Nov. 2005
Genii (Vol. 68 No. 11)
Jack Parker The Three Stooges Ace Assembly routine with three spectators involved, holding each packet (uses McDonald's Aces gaffs)
Related to
  • "Mason's Aces" (Jay Sankey, Revolutionary Card Magic 2, DVD, 2004)
Also published here
Nov. 2005
Antinomy (Vol. 1 No. Annual 2005)
Brother John Hamman, Ron Bauer Final(ly) Aces multiple phases, poker presentation
Inspired by 2006 2
Jack Avis Ace Routine Handling routine with fake indices
2006 18
Tony Noice Fastest Ever Ace Assembly three double facers
2007 507
Tony Noice The MacNoice Aces three double facers
2007 511
Jack Parker The Three Stooges Ace Assembly routine with three spectators involved, holding each packet (uses McDonald's Aces gaffs)
Also published here 2007 179
Jack Parker The Three Stooges Ace Assembly routine with three spectators involved, holding each packet (uses McDonald's Aces gaffs)
Also published here June 2007
Genii (Vol. 70 No. 6)
Miguel Gómez Mi versión de los Ases de Hamman diagonal divided cards
2007 163
Arthur Finley The Illusive Aces three double facers, spectator does most of the handling, perhaps the Arthur Finley method his marketed "The Goblin Ace Trick"
Also published here
  • Stanyon Lesson No. 20, July 1910
2007 13
Edward Marlo Marlo's Aces using three cards with half Ace and back on their backs, with variations
Also published here Sep. 2008
Genii (Vol. 71 No. 9)
Jon Racherbaumer Must Aces Forever Assemble? on Ace Assemblies, credit information
  • Becoming Two-Faced Was a Frankensteinian Spark
Mar. 2008
Antinomy (Vol. 4 No. 1)
Jon Racherbaumer Olram Aces three double facers
Also published here Mar. 2008
Antinomy (Vol. 4 No. 1)
John Guastaferro Vino Aces McDonald's version
Also published here Mar. 2008
Antinomy (Vol. 4 No. 1)
Chris Mayhew Dairy Queens four double facers
Also published here 2009 13
John Guastaferro Vino Aces McDonald's version
Related toAlso published here 2010 129
Román García Aplicaciones del WOW applications and ideas with Katsuya Masuda's WOW gimmick
  • Mi carta favorita
  • La firma
  • La transparencia
  • El tiempo
  • La repetición
  • La transformación
  • La transposición
  • La prolongación
  • La inversión
  • La ambiciosa
  • Viajes
  • Mentalwow
  • Otras aplicaciones
2010 119
Jörg Alexander Weber FantASStisch gaff combo
Inspired by 2011 59
Michel Huot Ultimate Aces three indifferent cards placed on leader Ace, three Aces visibly change into indifferent cards and Aces are found on leader Ace, follow-up for McDonald's Aces
Mar. 2012
Genii (Vol. 75 No. 3)
Keith Fields Burger Kings using two sets of double facers
  • Backfire Option 1: The Asher Twist
  • Backfire Option 2: Vernon's Through-the-Fist Flourish
Inspired by Apr. 2012
Genii (Vol. 75 No. 4)
Jim Steinmeyer Stand Up For McDonald
  • Conjuring
stand-up with glasses
Also published here Mar. 2013
Genii (Vol. 76 No. 3)
Joaquín Matas Asas Matas-Donalds Mac Donalds routine
Inspired by 2014 111
Gabi Pareras Nuevo Movimiento Para Los Ases Mac Donals three different choreographies to vanish Aces and show backs of cards, Mac Donalds Aces
Also published here 2014 10
Gabi Pareras Nueva Rutina de Mac Donals Mac Donalds Aces, using two Jokers
2014 17
Mac McDonald, Dai Vernon La Rutina de los 100 Dolares de Mac Donald three double facers, translation from "Ilusionismo" N° 192, 1963
Also published here 2014 2
Gabi Pareras Ases de Mano a Mano using six gaffed cards
2014 8
Gabi Pareras Asamble Triunfal de Ases (Con Cartas Gigantes) Aces appear after triumph, one card is a ten which indicates position of fourth Ace, followed by Assembly, with jumbo cards
  • Ia Fase - La aparición de los ases
  • 2a Fase - Asamblea triunfal
Also published here 2014 17
Gabi Pareras Ases Evanescentes - Nuevo Movimiento para Ases MacDonals three different choreographies to vanish Aces and show backs of cards, Mac Donalds Aces
Also published here 2014 3
Gabi Pareras Asamblea Triunfal de Ases Aces appear after triumph, one card is a ten which indicates position of fourth Ace, followed by Assembly, with jumbo cards
  • Ia Fase
  • 2a Fase
Also published here 2014 37
Friedrich Roitzsch MacSwitch introduction for McDonald Aces
2015 3
Christoph Borer Mc Donalds
2016 95
Joaquín Matas McMoscas McDonald routine, with blank cards and flies
Inspired by 2016 111
Johnny Thompson The Assembly three double facers
2018 172
Charlie Miller MacDonalds Clean-Up gathering the double facers during routine for easier clean-up
2018 174
Johnny Thompson Adding the Gaffs for McDonalds Aces, two methods
2018 181
Tom Gagnon Dealing McDonald In using Throw Bottom Deals to ring in the double facers
2019 331
Tom Gagnon Gagnon Ace Vanish with double facer
2019 334
Tom Gagnon A McDonald Vanish with double facer
Inspired by 2019 337
Jim Steinmeyer Standing Up For McDonald stand-up with glasses
Also published here 2019 6
Pedro Bryce Ace Embly using seven cards
Inspired by 2020 22
Chris Randall Ashes McDonald Aces meets Asher Twist
Also published here 2022 82
Chris Mayhew Dairy Queens four double facers
Also published here 2022 853
Jean-Pierre Vallarino Ultimate MacDonald’s Aces “designed to fool magicians”
2022 53
Jean-Pierre Vallarino Visual vanish for MacDonald's Aces face-up Ace is used to flip three tabled cards face up, immediately upon flipping them over only three cards are seen and Ace is gone, see also p. 174
2022 57
Scott Baird Shredder Aces MacDonald presentation, first three packets are shreddered in an electric shredder
Feb. 2023
The Hermit (Vol. 2 No. 2)
Noah Levine Stencel Aces with Aces Aces are signed
Inspired by Nov. 2024
Genii (Vol. 87 No. 11)
Allan Ackerman The Prequel and the Sequel Aces transpose with card in pocket, McDonald's Aces is performed, Aces travel to pockets, designed to ring double facers in and out
Also published here 2024 82