Odd Backed
Creators | Title | Comments & References | Year | Source | Page | AA | Categories | |
Lin Searles | The Ultimate Aces | 1958 | ||||||
Dai Vernon | The Four Blue Backed Aces | 1961 | ||||||
Anthony J. Gugliotta | Four as Four Aces | Nov. 1964 |
(Issue 30)
Aldini, Bruce Florek | The Transverse Travelers | 1969 | ||||||
Milton Kort | Four Ace Assembly | 1970 | ||||||
Derek Dingle | Blue Backed Aces | 1971 ca. | ||||||
Peter Kane | The Blue Angels | 1975 | ||||||
Peter Kane | Disassembly | 1975 | ||||||
Edward Marlo, David Solomon | "Technicolor" Succession Aces | 1976 | ||||||
Edward Marlo | Blue Vanish | 1977 | ||||||
Edward Marlo | Blue Transpo | 1977 | ||||||
Edward Marlo | Simple Blues for simple "S" | 1977 | ||||||
Buddy Anckner | Ultimate Ace Assembly | Nov. 1978 |
(Vol. 1 No. 11)
Philip T. Goldstein | Picasso Aces | 1979 | ||||||
Piet Forton | Das Vier-Damen-Treffen ohne Trickkarten | 1979 |
Das Mike Skinner / Piet Forton Seminarheft
(Issue Das Piet Forton Seminar)
Edward Marlo | Olram's Ultimate Blues | 1980 | ||||||
Walt Lees | Ultimate Aces | 1980 | ||||||
Fred Castle, Walt Lees | The Red and The Blue Four Aces | 1981 | ||||||
Derek Dingle | Optical Ace Assembly | 1982 | ||||||
Edward Marlo | Blues That Pass In The Night | 1982 | ||||||
Edward Marlo | Olram Repeat Blues | 1982 | ||||||
Francis Pelkey | Ultimate Succession Aces | 1982 |
(Issue 8)
Jeff Busby, Francis Pelkey | Ultimate Succession Aces - ungaffed | 1982 |
(Issue 8)
Dave Walker | Progressive Blues | 1982 | ||||||
Bob King | Reds and Backs | Sep. 1984 |
(Vol. 7 No. 9)
Philip T. Goldstein | Picasso Aces | 1984 | ||||||
Justin Higham | Litmus Aces | Sep. 1985 |
(Vol. 8 No. 9)
Mike Bornstein | Four-Instants | Mar. 1987 |
(Vol. 10 No. 3)
David Regal | Apocalypse Variations or Additions | Aug. 1987 |
(Vol. 10 No. 8)
Edward Marlo | For Blue Aces Routine | 1988 | ||||||
Bruce Cervon | The Red-Backed Aces | 1990 | ||||||
Philip T. Goldstein | Shinkansen | 1990 | ||||||
Bob King | Hidden Intruders | 1990 | ||||||
Philip T. Goldstein | Picasso Aces | 1990 | ||||||
Jon Racherbaumer | About Ultimate Aces | Jan. 1991 |
The Olram File
(Issue 2)
Edward Marlo | Red Ace Assembly | Jan. 1991 |
The Olram File
(Issue 2)
Edward Marlo | Not-Just-Another Red Ace Assembly | Jan. 1991 |
The Olram File
(Issue 2)
Edward Marlo | Way Ahead Red Ace Assembly | Jan. 1991 |
The Olram File
(Issue 2)
Edward Marlo | Puzzling Red Ace Assembly | Jan. 1991 |
The Olram File
(Issue 2)
Edward Marlo | Ungaffed Red Ace Assembly | Jan. 1991 |
The Olram File
(Issue 2)
Edward Marlo | Trilogy In Blue | Jan. 1991 |
The Olram File
(Issue 2)
Jon Racherbaumer | Ultimate Aces - A Select Bibliography | Jan. 1991 |
The Olram File
(Issue 2)
Edward Marlo | Seventh Red Assembly | May 1991 |
The Olram File
(Issue 5)
Jon Racherbaumer | Ricochet | May 1991 |
The Olram File
(Issue 5)
Edward Marlo | Revised Red Ace Assembly | June 1992 |
The Olram File
(Issue 12)
Rick Johnsson | Small Packet Vanish | 1993 | ||||||
Allan Ackerman | Some More Blues | 1994 | ||||||
Jon Racherbaumer | Stranger Succession Aces | 1994 |
MO — Modus Operandi
(Issue 4)
Steve Pressley | New Wave Aces | 1994 | ||||||
Allan Ackerman, Jon Racherbaumer | Technicolor Progressive | 1996 | ||||||
David Solomon | Odd Backed Aces To The Fourth Power | 1997 | ||||||
Tomas Blomberg | Technicolor Successive Assembly in Reverse | July 1998 |
(Issue 4)
David Regal | True Blue | 1999 | ||||||
David Regal | Blues Progression | 1999 | ||||||
Tomas Blomberg | TSAR | 1999 | ||||||
Tom Stone | Among The Mad People | 2000 | ||||||
Piet Forton | As-Treffpunkt | 2005 | ||||||
Tom Stone | Among the Mad Men | 2007 | ||||||
Tom Stone | Among the Mad Men | 2010 | ||||||
Allan Ackerman | Technicolor Progressive | 2012 | ||||||
Nick Trost | The Four Red-Backed Aces | 2013 | ||||||
Tomas Blomberg | TSAR | 2014 | ||||||
John Bannon | Kodachrome Collective | Jan. 2022 |
(Vol. 85 No. 1)
Allan Ackerman | Technicolor Progressive | 2024 |