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Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
Dai Vernon Cutting The Aces
Related toVariations 1946
Stars of Magic (Vol. 2 No. 2)
Oscar "Oscarelli" Rey (reviewer) Das St. Galler Festival der Magier report on publish show in St. Gallen, Piet Forton (Benjamino), Rigoletto, Pollux, Salivari, Olaf, Rolf Andra, Cherry Maxim, Die 3 Luzerner, Signor Canteforte, J.N. Teroga, Willy Faster, Wirth von Kaenel 1955
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 16 No. 4)
Heinz Gieppner Generalversammlung MRS "Festival u. Galavorstellung in Grenchen/So., 23. u. 24. 3. 57", general assembly of the Swiss magic circle, Wirth von Känel, Edoardo & Dorée, Olaf Spell, Mustafa Ben Soli, Marino, John Dee, J. N. Teroga, Piet Forton, Tschanelly, Pollux, Willy Faster, Rolf Andra, Old Brecht, Sasso
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 18 No. 2)
Ronald A. Wohl (Ravelli) Zwischen zwei Tricks on magic news from Basel, Oscarelli, Hans Ernst, W. Horat, Pollux, Rolf Andra, The Great Dublins, Teddy Horn, Piet Forton, Rudini
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 18 No. 3)
Ronald A. Wohl (Ravelli) Rund um Basel on magic news from Basel, Tschanelli, Irion, Teroga, Max Bühler, Carl Baumgartner, Walter Horat, Piet Forton, Fritz Moser, Rolf Andra, Pollux, Willi Schenk, Cleopatra
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 18 No. 3)
Oscar "Oscarelli" Rey Holländ. Nationalkongress in Zwoller winners of the national convention in Zwolle 1957, Piet Forton
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 18 No. 5)
Piet Forton Piet Forton brief portrait
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 19 No. 1)
Piet Forton Kinderzauberei essay on magic for children
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 19 No. 1)
Die Magier-Sternfahrt nach Baden magic gathering in Baden, Rudolf Fürrer, Gantenbein, Ron Wohl, Moser, Baumgartner, Piet Forton
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 19 No. 3)
Sven Maro (reviewer) Vorstellung OR. Basel public show in Basel report, Cherry Maxim, Piet Forton, Cajano. Willex, Johnny Black, J. N. Teroga, Ravelli, Olaf Spell, Sven Maro, Pollux 1958
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 19 No. 3)
Der Baslerkongress - Unserer Schweizer-Künstler in der Kritik des Auslandes convention reports from Magie & Tryllejournalen, Mac Jen, Roberto, John Dee, Old Brecht, Pollux, Ravelli, Piet Forton, Marino, Willy Bucheli, Sven Maro
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 21 No. 4&5)
Hans "Severus" Ernst Nijmegen Holländ. Kongress 16.-18.9.60 on the convention in Nijmegen, Piet Forton, Topsy, Tonny van Rhee, Joro, Anverdi, Al Preston, Harry Thiery, Ted Winkel, De Stefani, Carboni & Carbonita, John Lancee & Halla, Pollux, von Heldt, Henk Vermeyden, Franzen
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 21 No. 4&5)
Howard Schwarzman The Impeccable Double shooting double across surface
Inspired byRelated toVariationsAlso published here 1961 148
Piet Forton 24th annual convention at Hastings 21. - 25. Sept. 60 on David Haggarty, Fred Lowe, Francis Haxton, Gus Southall, Peter Warlock, George Blake, Edward Victor, Jack Avis, Devano, Ron Mc Millan, Claude Rix, Mystic Craig, Jerry Andrus, Jack Miller, Al Koran, Johnny Geddes, Tom Harris, Alan Alan, Mila Trnka, Roberta & Hella
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 22 No. 1)
Dr. William Weyeneth Mitteilungen on Kirwin, Robert Stiefel, MZvD, Piet Forton, Jean Feller, Paul Alther
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 22 No. 5)
Hans Herrmann Frühjahrstreffen in Bern 17.6.62 on the meeting of the magic circle Switzerland in Bern, Piet Forton, Oscarelli
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 23 No. 3)
Albert "Alwelli" Wetzel Festspiele der Zauberkunst in Bad Neuenahr on the convention in Bad Neuenahr, Anverdi, Salwaro, Hemeri, Bert Garden, Peter Stockhammer, Ron MacMillan, Roberto, Al PReston, Fritz Leipold, Mr. Cox, Geoffrey Buckingham, Peter Berto, Harry Thiery, Piet Forton, Kurt Hufenbach, Hans Mirbach, Franz Braun, Punx
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 24 No. 6)
Dr. William Weyeneth Magisches Ende-Feuer 1965 im C.Z.M. on the Zürich magic club, Röbi Stiefel, Piet Forton
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 27 No. 1)
Informationen-ABC on Harry Blackstone, announcement of various conventions, Claude Bercantal, Claude Rix, Willi Faster, Sitta, Vermeyden, Jean Garance, Maxim, Piet Forton, Damao, Pavel, Roger Jaquet, Maison Robert-Houdin, Olaf Spell, Joe Wildon, Max Giebe, Durox
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 27 No. 3)
Albert "Alwelli" Wetzel VI. Internationales Festival der Magie in S. Andrea / Italien on the magic convention n S.Andrea-Bagni, Alwelli, Roger Jaquet, Jean Garance, Sitta, Vermeyden, Sergio Bernini, Pino Martyn, Mitzi Fabian, Joe Nex, Fred Dery, Curtini, Trevisano, Pavel, Piet Forton, Graf X, Fred Kaps, Mister Cox, Onkel Peppi, Maxim, Suzuki, Naldys, Gino chetta, Mi-Chi-Ko, Old Vercht, Mister Bogo, Piero Pozzi, Mario Altobelli
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 27 No. 5&6)
Frances Ireland Marshall About Piet Forton
1967 2
Piet Forton Piet's Producer Gimmick to contain silks for silk production
Also published here 1967 3
Piet Forton Ching Chang Chung, the Never Dieing Chinaman Figurine of Chinese man beheaded when card trick goes wrong - card is changed to correct selection, head is restored
1967 4
Piet Forton, Alex Elmsley Three Coins and a Glass Routine Three coins produced and travel to silk held in hand. They then vanish and travel to glass
Also published here 1967 5
Piet Forton The Popokatepetlpaper Produce dollar bill with flash paper
Also published here 1967 7
Piet Forton Dove From Newspaper
1967 8
Piet Forton Color Change Aces Aces appear one by one in packet of blue backed cards, blue backed cards disappear, then Aces change into red backs
1967 9
Piet Forton, Remo Inzani, Ronald A. Wohl (Ravelli) Four Disappearing Queens Change Visibly To Four Aces
Related toAlso published here 1967 10
Piet Forton Piet Forton's Visible Ace Popper Move Inspired by Jack Avis and Eddie Taytelbaum
Inspired byVariationsAlso published here 1967 12
Piet Forton Lucky Seven Routine Four Sevens produced, vanished and reappear in deck
Also published here 1967 14
Piet Forton Mid Air Throw Color Change Color change based on Piet Forton popout move
Related to 1967 15
Piet Forton The Longitudinal Tenkai Palm
Also published here 1967 17
Paul Maurer 10. Weltkongress der Magier (FISM) 5.-9. Juli 1967 Baden-Baden Germany on the FISM convention in Baden-Baden, Curtini, Durox, Bucheli jr., Alwelli, Rolf Andra, Phoa Yan Tiong, Tel Smit, Vermeyden, Di Sato, Rolf Mayr, Louis Marino, Ken Brooke, Taytelbaum, Franz Braun, Punx, Alwelli, Tony Binarelli, Piet Forton, Les Andreals, Fred Kaps, Alice, Sitta, Jorgen Samson, van Dommelen, Joro, Geoffrey Buckingham
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 28 No. 5)
Piet Forton Entree - Ein Tucherscheinen production of handkerchief in midair, from sleeve fold
1968 2
Piet Forton Drei Münzen - ein Glas three coins produced and travel to silk held in hand. They then vanish and travel to glass
Also published here 1968 3
Piet Forton Popokatepetl-Paper production of dollar bill with flash paper, burning candle from inside the coat
Also published here 1968 6
Piet Forton Das Fadenzerreissen classic Hindu Thread
Related to 1968 7
Piet Forton Ching-Chang-Chung - der unsterbliche Chinese Figurine of Chinese man beheaded when card trick goes wrong - card is changed to correct selection, head is restored
1968 10
Piet Forton Piet Fortons As-Erscheinen Pop-Out Move
Also published here 1968 11
Piet Forton Glückszahl 7 four Sevens produced, vanished and reappear in deck
Also published here 1968 13
Piet Forton Eine Entenfeder - Ein Tip zum Kellentrick paddle routine with points on feather
1968 15
Piet Forton Russische Damen cards appear, disappear and change color of backs, based on Elmsley Count
Also published here 1968 18
Piet Forton The Longitudinal Ten Kai Palm to produce cards from a handkerchief
Related toAlso published here 1968 19
Piet Forton Piets Producer gimmick to contain silks for silk production
Also published here 1968 22
Retonio, Werner Baur FISM-Kongress vom 8.-12.7.70 Amsterdam. Ein grosser Kongress - der grossen Überraschungen on FISM Amsterdam, Werner Nussbuamer, Henk Vermeyden, Alice, Raimondi, Ger Cooper, Larselli, Pierre Hall, Lorc und Julit, The New Einstein, Les Hommes, Zelpy, Valerie, Topper Martyn, Otto, Jos Bemelman, Aston, Armandi u. Ass, Magic Christian, Horace, Lubor Fiedler, Metro Magic Show, Richard Ross, Domi Nho, Tel Smit, Hilarouf, J. Noue, Han Timmermann, Sitta, Zaney Blaney, Joé Waldys, Roberto und Ella, Morine, Joe Nex, Yrus, Cornel & Monique, Phoa Jan Tiong, Fantasio, Gino Manelli, Edernac, Canapp, Piet Forton, Duo Naldys, Freddy Fah, Ascanio, Ad Klein, Majax
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 31 No. 5)
Juan Tamariz, Piet Forton Vanish Sequence using Elmsley Count
1970 69
Bill Derman Repeat Tap Reverse Ace to Four turn over, then chosen value changes to selection and then into Joker and selection is removed from pocket
Inspired by Mar. 1971
Necromancer (Vol. 1 No. 8)
Harvey Rosenthal, Piet Forton The 5th Jack red Jacks put on table, top card of deck are also red Jack, tabled ones now black, all put on table, top card is another jack, cards on table are now Aces, see also p. 782 for improvement
Inspired by
  • trick of Piet Forton (see also Gus Southall and Francis Haxton variations in The New Pentagram)
Dec. 1973 692
Piet Forton Ace Popper pop-out move
Mar. 1975
Epilogue (Issue 23)
Bob Hamilton Extra royal flush kicker
Inspired byRelated to Apr. 1975
Pabular (Vol. 1 No. 8)
Piet Forton Four Aces Go to Court four card change, one visibly with snap-over change
Related toVariations 1976 6
Fred Robinson The Ramsay Re-Union on Patrick Page, Dai Vernon, Vic Pinto, Andrew Galloway, Gordon Bruce, Fred Kaps, Walt Lees, Philippe Fiahlo, Ron Wilson, Gaeton Bloom, Juan Tamariz, Juan Anton, David Roth, David Carré, Kevin Fox, Doug Alker, Trevor Lewis, Piet Forton, Bob Read, John Fisher, Ken Brooke
Pabular (Vol. 3 No. 7&8)
Piet Forton Pop Out Move
Feb. 1977
Pabular (Vol. 3 No. 6)
Punx Der Mann mit dem goldenen Arm presentation for Vernon's Cutting the Aces, only production
Inspired byRelated toVariations 1977 63
Mitteilungen on the Ramsay Reunion, Piet Forton
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 38 No. 3)
Piet Forton Forton Pop-Out
1978 4
Peter Wilker St. Gallen - Kongress und Generalversammlung des Magischen Rings der Schweiz on the magic convention and general assembly of the Swiss magic circle, Pavel, Almeico, Garance, Künzler, Schmiedeberg, Perry & Eve, Alain Noel, Ronnay, Piet Forton, Jean-Luc, Rico Leitner, Retonio, Bobby Tenaris, Arian, Tran Quoc tien, Willy Peter, Rolf Andra, Olaf Spell, Paul Maurer
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 39 No. 2)
Piet Forton, Remo Inzani Triple Flip three black cards transform into three red cards
Feb. 1979
Pabular (Vol. 5 No. 2)
Fred Robinson Oasis on Gordon Bruce, Roy Walton, Alex Elmsley, Jan Heins, Simon Lovell, Piet Forton, Derek Dingle
May 1979
Pabular (Vol. 5 No. 5)
Fred Robinson Oasis on Ken Brooke, Frank Farrow, Johnny Paul, Piet Forton, Gordon Bruce, Ricky Jay, Persi Diaconis, Bobby Bernard, Bob Read
Aug. 1979
Pabular (Vol. 5 No. 8)
Piet Forton Can You Do the Gypsy Thread Again? hindu thread repetition
Related toAlso published here Oct. 1979
Pabular (Vol. 5 No. 10)
Fred Robinson Oasis on Ron MacMillan International Day of Magic, tip by Piet Forton, Dai Vernon, Ron Wilson, Richard Turner, Juan Tamariz, Juan Anton
Nov. 1979
Pabular (Vol. 5 No. 11)
Piet Forton Die Gedanken sind nicht frei ("Thinker's Paradise") two spectator cut a pile and think of cut card, cards are shuffled and divined by performer
Related toAlso published here 1979
Das Mike Skinner / Piet Forton Seminarheft (Issue Das Piet Forton Seminar)
Piet Forton Die Piet Forton Palmage ("The Longitudinal Ten Kai-Palm") with different applications and steals, steal after Elmsley Count
Related to 1979
Das Mike Skinner / Piet Forton Seminarheft (Issue Das Piet Forton Seminar)
Piet Forton Piet-Forton-Palm Color Change
Das Mike Skinner / Piet Forton Seminarheft (Issue Das Piet Forton Seminar)
Piet Forton Das Vier-Damen-Treffen ohne Trickkarten
Das Mike Skinner / Piet Forton Seminarheft (Issue Das Piet Forton Seminar)
Piet Forton, Remo Inzani Multiple Flip-Over Move Snap-Over Change
Das Mike Skinner / Piet Forton Seminarheft (Issue Das Piet Forton Seminar)
Piet Forton Damen zu Siebener - Flip-Over-Verwandlung Klimax Queens are produced in the deck which change Aces, snap-over change
Das Mike Skinner / Piet Forton Seminarheft (Issue Das Piet Forton Seminar)
Piet Forton Der unfehlbare Doppelwurf Mal Zwei also two doubles
Inspired byVariations 1979
Das Mike Skinner / Piet Forton Seminarheft (Issue Das Piet Forton Seminar)
Piet Forton Der offene Doppelzufall two cards placed on table as predictions, two other cards placed on top, four Aces
Das Mike Skinner / Piet Forton Seminarheft (Issue Das Piet Forton Seminar)
Piet Forton Riesen Homing Cards Kaps' Homing Card with Jumbo cards
Related toAlso published here 1979
Das Mike Skinner / Piet Forton Seminarheft (Issue Das Piet Forton Seminar)
Piet Forton Trickkartenversion Kaps' Homing Card with gimmicked jumbo card, slide gaff to change card
Also published here 1979
Das Mike Skinner / Piet Forton Seminarheft (Issue Das Piet Forton Seminar)
Piet Forton Die Lady ist immer dabei Ace to Four in packet turn over one by one, then Queen appears
Also published here
  • "Queenie" in "New Pentagram" Vol. 1, Nr. 1. P. 11, 1969.
Das Mike Skinner / Piet Forton Seminarheft (Issue Das Piet Forton Seminar)
Piet Forton Mein As-Erscheinen Pop-Out Move
Also published here 1979
Das Mike Skinner / Piet Forton Seminarheft (Issue Das Piet Forton Seminar)
Piet Forton Mein neuer Pop-Out-Move without previously reversing cards, identical to the "Ravelli Pop-Out", propably Forton's, see also "Magische Welt"
Related toAlso published here 1979
Das Mike Skinner / Piet Forton Seminarheft (Issue Das Piet Forton Seminar)
Piet Forton Mein Color Change card inserted in other half as in mid-pop-out position, cards thrown in the air and card changes
Das Mike Skinner / Piet Forton Seminarheft (Issue Das Piet Forton Seminar)
Piet Forton Glückszahl 7 four Sevens produced, vanished and reappear in deck
Also published here 1979
Das Mike Skinner / Piet Forton Seminarheft (Issue Das Piet Forton Seminar)
Piet Forton Russische Damen cards appear, disappear and change color of backs, based on Elmsley Count
Also published here 1979
Das Mike Skinner / Piet Forton Seminarheft (Issue Das Piet Forton Seminar)
Piet Forton Grundsätzliches on magic for children
  • Allgemeine Voraussetzungen (general requirements)
  • Die Beziehung zum Kinde (the relationship to the child)
  • Zauberei und "Pädagogik" (magic and education)
1979 2
Piet Forton Zur Entwicklungspsychologie developmental psychology and different age groups
  • Einführung
  • Altersgruppe I
  • Altersgruppe II
  • Altersgruppe III
  • Altersgruppe IV
  • Erwachsene
1979 6
Piet Forton Auftrittsstil, Kleidung, Utensilien style, costume and props
  • Auftrittsstil
  • Kleidung
  • Utensilien
1979 17
Piet Forton Geschäftlich-Kommerzielles Public-Relations
  • Kinderparties, Geburtstagsfeiern, kleinere Feste usw.
  • Geschäftsanlässe, Kindergruppen wie z.B. Pfadfinder u.a.
  • Grossanlässe auf der Bühne, in Supermärkten, Warenhäusern usw.
  • Kindergärten, Schulen, Sonderschulen, Kinderheime, Sanatorien usw.
  • Reklame, Werbung, Prospekte usw.
1979 19
Piet Forton Kunststücke tricks
  • Vorbemerkungen
  • Beginn der Vorstellung, Kontaktnahme, Einstieg
  • Schluss der Vorstellung, Ausklang
1979 27
Piet Forton Die drei Hasen sucker trick for children, wooden rabbit changes into clown
1979 30
Piet Forton Riesen homing Cards für Kinder Kaps' Homing Card with Jumbo cards, for children
Related to 1979 33
Piet Forton Trickkartenversion Kaps' Homing Card with gimmicked jumbo card, slide gaff to change card
1979 39
Piet Forton Schlusswortgedanken on topical and memorable shows for children
1979 41
Daryl Martinez In the Pinch catching selection with two quarters while spectator dribbles other half
Related toVariations 1980 80
Piet Forton Pop-Out Move
1980 84
Walt Lees Walt Lees Reporting on Ron MacMillan's International Magic Day, Gert Malmros, Ron Wilson, Al Goshman, Piet Forton, Juan Tamariz, Rovi, Camillo, Roxy, Aurelio Paviato, Count Della Ragione, Ger Cooper, Dick Koornwinder, Steve Hamilton
June 1980
Pabular (Vol. 6 No. 6)
Piet Forton Piet Forton's Fan Club two cards, sticking out of two card fans
June 1980
Pabular (Vol. 6 No. 6)
Walt Lees Editorial on Harry Dewhirst, Ger Cooper, Brian Glover, Pat Conway, Harry Nichols, Bob Little, Piet Forton, Roger Crosthwaite, Bob Read, Dick Turpin, Ken Brooke
Sep. 1980
Pabular (Vol. 6 No. 9)
James Lewis, Piet Forton, Michael Ammar Inversion here spelled "Jim Louis"
  • First Handling (Piet Forton)
  • Second Handling (Michael Ammar)
  • Third Handling (Michael Ammar)
VariationsAlso published here 1981 25
Piet Forton Pop-Out Production
1981 46
Piet Forton, Walt Lees, David Carré Forceps Production pop-out move
Related to 1981 13
Piet Forton Chroma-Zone two red Aces appear, then they change to black Aces and back several times
The Talon (Issue 7)
Piet Forton Pop-Out Move without previously reversing cards
Also published here 1981
The Talon (Issue 7)
Piet Forton, Remo Inzani, Ronald A. Wohl (Ravelli) Snap-Over Change with two cards
Also published here 1981
The Talon (Issue 7)
Willy "Tex Williams" Peter, U. Vorberger, Rico Leitner, Peter Faesi Magic Week-End 1980 in St- Gallen on the magic convention in St. Gallen, Peter Faesi, Olaf Spell, Binocchi, Shahiro, Fred Kurer, Roman Brunschwiler, Bastino und Andrea, Elmaro, Thomas, Alessandro de Luca, Toni, Philius und Jane, Piet Forton
  • Überschau
  • Frisch von der Leber weg? Sprechzauberei zwischen Routine und Innovation
  • Zauberhafte Streiflichter, Impressionen, Assoziationen
  • Der Wettbewerb
  • Aus der Sicht des Wettbewerbleiters
  • Schnappschüsse vom Wettbewerb
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 42 No. 1)
Willy "Tex Williams" Peter München Magisch - Kongress des MZvD 1981 on the German magic convention in Munich, Jochen Zmeck, Bill Stickland, Peter Kersten, Harry Lorayne, Warren Stephens, Edwin Hooper, Camilo, Roy Johnson, Dai Vernon, Mr. Black und Ursula, Sebastian, Eckhard Böttcher, Theo Bauer, Mr. Bogo, Gene Anderson, Piet Forton, Tantor, Die 2 Erinos, Daviso, Terry Herbert, Robert Lundell, Peps Zoller, Sepp Viellechner, Duo Absolon, Ray Speedy, Glenn Falkenstein & Frances Willard, Dieter Ebel, Pinelli, Günter Puchinger, Siegfried, Edwin Hooper, Bill Larsen, Rudolf Braunmüller, Armin Rieck, Werner Hornung
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 42 No. 6)
Piet Forton, Dave Walker Sure-Shot Pop-Out Move
1982 50
Piet Forton Pop-Out Move
1982 526
Walt Lees Editorial on reports of conventions, magic as a performing art, Piet Forton
Pabular (Vol. 7 No. 6)
Ian Land Proteus vaguely based on Piet Forton's "Chroma-Zone"
Related to Dec. 1982
Pabular (Vol. 7 No. 7)
Piet Forton, Phillip Young Pop Out Move only with Aces
1982 28
Christian Scherer, Howard Schwarzman, Piet Forton Der Multiple Card Throw 1. Vorgeschichte
2. Der multiple card throw vom Spiel (from the deck, Impeccable double variations)
3. Der multiple card throw aus der Hand (in the hands, four methods)
Inspired byRelated to 1982 97
Piet Forton The Pop-Top Catch illogical change
1983 64
Piet Forton Einleitung
1983 3
Piet Forton Zaubern mit Würfeln various easy tricks with dice
  • divination of number
  • forcing a number, with matchbox
  • easy bank night routine with dice
1983 5
Piet Forton Der Wunderschlüssel keys in envelopes
1983 7
Piet Forton Der zauberhafte Farbensinn divination of different colored balls in a bag
1983 8
Piet Forton Das Zauberpfeiflein whistle starts to make sounds, different sport results in envelopes, whistle divines only possible one
1983 9
Piet Forton Der Alters- und Zahlenhellseher calculation procedure, age and thought of initial number can be divined
1983 9
Piet Forton Die Palmagen brief explanation of thumb, classic and finger palm
1983 10
Piet Forton Das Verschwinden lassen eines kleinen Gegenstandes three methods to vanish, a sugar cube, a coin and a thimble, brief
1983 12
Piet Forton Das unendliche Kunststück two hats, paper balls travel and apple appears as a climax, with heritage of two shepherds presentation
1983 14
Piet Forton Die hüpfenden Zuckerstückchen chink-a-chink with sugar cubes
1983 15
Piet Forton Die wandernden Korkscheiben pieces of cork travel from hand to hand
1983 17
Piet Forton Münzenwanderung coin vanishes from handkerchief and appears in matchbox
1983 18
Piet Forton Zaubern mit Sicherheitsnadeln easy magic tricks with safety pins
  • through handkerchief
  • unlinking of two pins
1983 20
Piet Forton Münzen durch den Tisch sticky tape under table, three coins
1983 22
Piet Forton Dein Zauberstab kann sich biegen und kann schweben... magic wand bends and sticks on hand, various methods, production of a handkerchief
1983 23
Piet Forton Die unertrennlichen Büroklammern easy tricks with paper clips
  • Bill Bowman's Clipped (without credit)
  • paper clips through table
  • paper clips through table, they link to a chain at the same time
1983 26
Piet Forton Ein guter Zauberer denkt nicht nur an Tricks... on learning magic and basic tips of performing
1983 28
Piet Forton Einige Hinweise und Angaben zum Weiterkommen tips to advance
1983 31
Piet Forton Der Autor short biography
1983 33
Piet Forton Forton/Ravelli Pop-Out
1983 55
Piet Forton Double Ace Production variation of part of previous routine
1983 57
Piet Forton Pop-Out Move "correct handling"
1983 76
Piet Forton The Ultimate Pop-out Move see also p. 57
1983 78
Willy "Tex Williams" Peter 28. Treffen österreichischer Magier Salzburg 12. bis 15. Mai 1983 on the magic convention in Salzburg, Pavel, Brigitte Varga, Hardy Werner, Duo Jupiter, Christian Fidi, Jon Duri Tgetgel, Hans Liedl, Philippe Socrate, Piet Forton, Topper Martin, Bellachini XIII, Arsene Lupin, Otto Wessely, Norm Nielsen, Chris Lohner, Michael Ammar, Bernd Schiedek
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 44 No. 4)
Father Cyprian Watch Your Aces as packets are waved over the table, Aces appear on table, Ace production
Inspired byRelated to 1983 12
Father Cyprian Watch Your Aces II Aces pop out of the deck, trapped between packets
Inspired byRelated to 1983 13
Father Cyprian Switchblade Aces Aces appear sticking out of packet as packets are waved around
Inspired by 1983 14
Richard Kaufman, Piet Forton Pinched Again two-deck variation
Inspired by 1984 58
Piet Forton Pop-Out Move
1984 59
Piet Forton Dear Fellow Magicians!
1984 1
Piet Forton Repeat Gipsy Thread repeated gypsy thread
Also published here 1984 1
Piet Forton Travelling Coins Into Glass Three coins produced and travel to silk held in hand. They then vanish and travel to glass
Also published here 1984 4
Piet Forton Coin Penetration - Card Penetration coin through silk, briefly explained with cards
1984 5
Piet Forton Pop-Out-Move some finer points and two outlines of routines, one based on a Father Cyprian idea and the other Daryl's In the Pinch
Related to 1984 5
Piet Forton Card to Wallet with Delayed Money Climax signed selection into envelope with chosen color, other envelopes contain money
Variations 1984 6
Piet Forton Ring Presentation humorous byplay for linking rings
1984 7
Piet Forton The Thoughts Are Free two spectator cut a pile and think of cut card, cards are shuffled and divined by performer
Also published here 1984 7
Piet Forton Giant Homing Cards Kaps' Homing Card with Jumbo cards, with gaffed cards variation
Also published here 1984 8
Piet Forton Pop-Out Production brief
1984 72
Jeff McBride "Twinkling" Change based on Piet Forton's Pop Out Move
Mar. 1985
Apocalypse (Vol. 8 No. 3)
Paul LePaul The Palm Reverse credited to Piet Forton here
1985 46
Piet Forton Pop Out Production
1985 5
Schweizer Zauberer in London on the MacMillan convention, Ron MacMillan, Roberto Giobbi, David Williamson, Al Goshman, Bob Read, Petrick, Jan Torell, Agapis, Bellachini XIII, Piet Forton, Wulf Listenow, Roger Bernheim
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 46 No. 2)
Peter Wilker Piet Forton's "Gaukler" on Piet Forton's stage act and how it came about
  • Eine Idee wird geboren
  • Eine Idee wird in die Tat umgesetzt
  • Ein Gaukler zieht umher
  • Der Gaukler zaubert
  • Die Zukunft des Gauklers
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 46 No. 2)
Piet Forton Pop-Out-Move
1987 164
Piet Forton Piet Forton's Impeccable Variations: Oops!...They Split! double apparently splits, session gag with Impeccable Double
Related to Oct. 1987
Epoptica (Issue 10)
Piet Forton Tossed Free Choice Match matching routine with Impeccable Double
Oct. 1987
Epoptica (Issue 10)
Piet Forton Tossed Four of a Kind three freely chosen cards turn out to be aces, four cards as one on table via Impeccable Double
Oct. 1987
Epoptica (Issue 10)
Piet Forton Pop Out Move
1987 118
Jamy Ian Swiss My Reverse Routine card turns over a few times, then the whole deck
Inspired byAlso published here 1987 38
Piet Forton Pop-Out Move
1988 148
Ian Keable-Elliott, Bobby Cann, Stephen Minch Contents Bobby Cann, Stephen Minch, Piet Forton, Roberto Giobbi
Apr. 1988
Opus (Vol. 1 No. 8)
William Goldman The In Version
Inspired by 1990 576
James Lewis, Piet Forton, Michael Ammar Inversion
  • First Handling (Piet Forton)
  • Second Handling (Michael Ammar)
  • Third Handling (Michael Ammar)
VariationsAlso published here 1991 263
Piet Forton Snap-Over Change application to make it look like four cards change
Related to 1991 81
Jack Carpenter The J. C. Pop-Out
Related to 1992 3
Steven Hamilton Editor's Bit on Piet Forton, The Crimp #17, new books, Ray Grismer
Oct. 1993
Profile (Issue 16)
Piet Forton, Bill Malone Pop-Out Move pop out while half is placed on other half on the table
Nov./Dec. 1993
The Magic Menu (Vol. 4 No. 20)
Piet Forton 8.- Pop-Out de Piet Forton
1993 310
Steve Ehlers The Three-Card Location stack, memorized deck
Related toVariations 1994 173
Piet Forton, Wolff von Keyserlingk The Light-Reft Spread Pass reverse spreading the halves
  • Erste Variante
  • Zweite Variante
Related toAlso published here 1996 47
Piet Forton Ein Aufsitzer two cards are found with the Hofzinser catch, as a sucker effect
Also published here 1996 50
Piet Forton Eine Lektion in Addition two cards are found which add to the selection, then they transform to the selection, blendo
Also published here 1996 51
Piet Forton Forton Pop-Out
1997 180
Piet Forton Piet Forton Production Swivel top card, flip face up and trap between two packets
Related to 1999 38
Ronald A. Wohl (Ravelli), Piet Forton Ravelli Pop-out
1999 39
Ronald A. Wohl (Ravelli) The Ravelli Pop-out
Related to 2000 1024
Piet Forton, Wolff von Keyserlingk The Light-reft Spread Pass reverse spreading the halves
Related toAlso published here 2000 43
Piet Forton The Suckers' Looking Glass two cards are found with the Hofzinser catch, as a sucker effect
Also published here 2000 48
Piet Forton A Lesson in Addition two cards are found which add to the selection, then they transform to the selection, blendo
Also published here 2000 48
Piet Forton Popper Move with credit information
2000 95
Don England A Get-ready for Piet Forton's Pop-Out Move
2001 43
Piet Forton Another Forton Pop-Out
2002 229
Piet Forton, Juan Bernat Reverse Spreading the Halves "light/reft" pass
Related to 2004 338
Piet Forton Einige Impulsgedanken zum Close-Up Bereich vor allem zum "Table-Hopping" und zur Party-Zauberei thoughts on close-up magic and performing
2005 1
Piet Forton Mehrfacher Gypsy Thread repeated gypsy thread
Also published here 2005 2
Piet Forton Cutting the Aces Vernon's Cutting the Aces, without losing Aces, Royal Flush kicker (same idea published by Bob Hamilton)
Inspired byRelated to 2005 8
Piet Forton Die überraschenden Stop Asse three Aces are produced while doing a Hindu shuffle, then random card with different back is produced, card changes into las Ace, and backs of other Aces change too
Also published here
  • "Surprise Stop Aces" in "Magic Circle Magic" p. 89. 1963.
2005 12
Piet Forton Der Drop-Out-Move face-up production of cards while doing a hindu shuffle
2005 13
Piet Forton Drop-Out-Move Double double lay down, variation on the drop out move
2005 14
Piet Forton Aeroplane Trick oder Die Fallschirmspringer airplane is built with cards, aces are produced with drop-out-move
2005 15
Piet Forton Die Piet-Forton-Palmage different applications and also credit information on p. 21
2005 18
Piet Forton As-Treffpunkt using the LTP
2005 21
Piet Forton 2te Anwendung LTP to classic palm transfer, vanish after Elmsley count, card to wallet
2005 23
Piet Forton Münzen durch den Tisch three coins through table, with glass
2005 25
Piet Forton Swiss Torpedo ideas with torpedo magnets
2005 29
Piet Forton Einführung on performing on stage, material, biographical anecdotes
2005 1
Piet Forton Ein mentales "Kartenspiel" three spectator get a bunch of cards, performer divines missing cards and who has them, with description of a variation by Fred Kaps
2005 2
Piet Forton Karte signiert im frei gewählten Couvert in meiner Brieftasche spectator choses color, signed card appears in envelope with same color in wallet, in other three envelopes are bills
Inspired by 2005 9
Piet Forton Scratch-Mark
2005 11
Jon Racherbaumer Light-Reft Prophecy Move
Related to 2010 12
Piet Forton Longitudinal Tenkai Palm
2010 85
Lee Asher History of the Losing Control
Related to 2010 3
Piet Forton Pop-Out Move
2014 139
Piet Forton Pop-Out Move
2018 54
Tom Gagnon ZigZag Pass tabled light-reft spread pass, forward-backward spreading
Related to 2019 126
Richard Kaufman Genii Speaks Piet Forton's passing
June 2019
Genii (Vol. 82 No. 6)
Larry Jennings Twisting the Aces extra card
Inspired by
  • "Queenie" (Piet Forton, The New Pentagram, Apr. 1969)
2020 311
Donald Carlson More Aces in Court four card change as three are flipped over with fourth one
Inspired byAlso published here
  • MAGIC, Mar. 2012
2022 1104
Light-Reft Spread Pass reverse spreading the halves
Related to 2022 19
Pedro Lacerda Lacerda's Pop-Out Move
Inspired by 2023 230