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Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
Dai Vernon Cutting The Aces
Related toVariations 1946
Stars of Magic (Vol. 2 No. 2)
Dr. Stanley Jaks The Key key balanced on finger turns over
Related toVariationsAlso published here Jan. 1952
The Phoenix (Issue 246)
Oscar "Oscarelli" Rey Aus alles Welt on Nils Simonson, Punx, Joos, Leeming, Oltramare, Allan, Willane, Victor Farelli
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 16 No. 4)
Aus alles Welt on the magic circle Oslo, Allan, Kalanag & Gloria, Kurt Volkmann, Louis Brunori, Borosco, Ilyco, Werner Koch, Axel Hellström, Nils Simonson, Buatier de Kolta, Stanley Jaks, Tornado, Tummers, Robelly, Susy Wandas, Ingrid Bergman, Zbornik, Punx, G. Gloria, MZvD, Rolf Hansen, René Septembre, Trio Bloodson, Ravelli, Alberto Meier, Vermeyden
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 18 No. 5)
Tony Corinda, Punx (3) The Magnetic Blindfold detecting metal objects, idea for sex detecter routine, seven keys to baldpate and playing cards
1958 136
Punx, Mier (2) Centre Tear (Punx-Mier Variation)
1959 171
Punx Great Minds Think Alike one spectator reveals the thought of another, writing with finger nail on white paper for second spectator
Related toVariations 1959 192
Tony Corinda (11) Graph or Chart Code
Related to 1959 261
Tony Corinda, Punx (8) Musical Mindreading spectator's name composer and pianist starts to play their songs
1959 269
Punx (16) Telekinecards ESP cards on a board move on their own, as the spectator wishes, third hand gimmick
1959 288
Punx (30) Strike a Light match is marked an put back in matchbox, light goes out and performer strikes the initialed match and gives it to the right person, luminous paint
1959 300
Punx The 100% Prediction geometrical figure and number are predicted on a billet
1960 5
Albert "Alwelli" Wetzel Festspiele der Zauberkunst in Bad Neuenahr on the convention in Bad Neuenahr, Anverdi, Salwaro, Hemeri, Bert Garden, Peter Stockhammer, Ron MacMillan, Roberto, Al PReston, Fritz Leipold, Mr. Cox, Geoffrey Buckingham, Peter Berto, Harry Thiery, Piet Forton, Kurt Hufenbach, Hans Mirbach, Franz Braun, Punx
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 24 No. 6)
Dr. William Weyeneth, Punx Kismet patter for Indian rope trick
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 28 No. 4)
Paul Maurer 10. Weltkongress der Magier (FISM) 5.-9. Juli 1967 Baden-Baden Germany on the FISM convention in Baden-Baden, Curtini, Durox, Bucheli jr., Alwelli, Rolf Andra, Phoa Yan Tiong, Tel Smit, Vermeyden, Di Sato, Rolf Mayr, Louis Marino, Ken Brooke, Taytelbaum, Franz Braun, Punx, Alwelli, Tony Binarelli, Piet Forton, Les Andreals, Fred Kaps, Alice, Sitta, Jorgen Samson, van Dommelen, Joro, Geoffrey Buckingham
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 28 No. 5)
Punx Als das Märchen der Wahrheit begegnete story, when the fairytale met the truth
1977 11
Punx Das Märchen vom Gläsernen Herzen story presentation to Robert Farchmin's heart of glass, glass in frame is penetrated with object
1977 16
Punx Das Märchen von Elfchens Zaubertüchlein presentation for Ottokar Fischer's Klein-Elfchen, silk vanishes and appears back in glass, small figure of a kind appears under tube
1977 19
Punx Das Märchen von den vier Wünschen story presentation for ace assembly, duplicates
1977 22
Punx Indisches Märchen pearl necklace is cut and restored, pearls travel to hand and necklace enlarge
1977 25
Punx Das Märchen vom Chinesischen Kompass chinese compass presentation
1977 30
Punx Friede auf Erden
1977 34
Punx Die Zauberfächer story routine with coins appearing on paddles
1977 37
Punx Der Gespensterschlüssel story for haunted key
Related to 1977 41
Punx Der Alptraum four card repeat, story presentation
1977 44
Punx Abenteuer im Irrenhaus faces and backs of four cards change, story presentation, buckle count
1977 48
Punx Abenteuer auf dem Fischmarkt presentation for Jastrow Illusion, with two fish
Related to 1977 50
Punx Käptn Squinty story trick with multiple effects, thimble and cigarette vanish, production of whiskey glass, brainwave deck
1977 53
Punx Der farbenblinde Schutzmann story presentation for monkey bar
1977 58
Punx Das Duell mit dem Psychiater presentation for torn and restored newspaper, without method
1977 61
Punx Der Mann mit dem goldenen Arm presentation for Vernon's Cutting the Aces, only production
Inspired byRelated toVariations 1977 63
Dai Vernon Letter to Punx giving the permission to explain Cutting the Aces in the book
1977 67
Punx Kismet objects are removed, last one is divined, instructions on record
1977 68
Punx Das Amulett word written down and paper put in one of several boxes, correct box is found with Herbert Paufler's Hand der Kleopatra, and word is divined
Also published here
  • "Das Amulett" in "Magie" 1969/70.
1977 74
Punx Der Hofzinser-Ring
1977 82
Robert Cassidy Of Interest to All on Punx
Nov. 1978 3
Robert Cassidy Special Convention Issue
  • Location and Transportation
  • Punx to Appear at Convention!
  • Convention Schedule
  • Registration Fees
  • Secretary's Report on the Year 1978-1979 for the second Annual Meeting - July 21, 1979
July 1979 1
Robert Cassidy P.E.A. Convention Notes on Sandy Kross, The Aldens, Punx, Larry Becker, Tony Andruzzi, Irv Weiner, Ken Weber, John Cornelius, Carl Herron, Marc Popelsky, Elliott Black, Scott Gordon, Floyd Vivino, Maskelyne Ye Mago, Brother Shadow, Bob Cassidy, The Meeting of the Minds
Aug. 1979 1
Robert Cassidy Meet Punx on Punx
Sep. 1979 1
Robert Cassidy Restricted Releases News on Punx's Der Wahrtraum , Alex Redans' The Psychic Spectator
Sep. 1979 6
Bascom Jones The Mystic Word on the P.E.A. convention, Punx, Tony Andruzzi, Bob Cassidy
Magick (Issue 257)
Peter Wilker Moretti auf den Spuren Uri Gellers on Hans Moretti claiming to be psychic, Horst Müller, Punx, Rolf Mayr, Werry
Related to 1980
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 41 No. 2)
Horst Müller, Peter Wilker Mit Kanonen auf Spatzen geschossen! on Hans Moretti claiming to be psychic, answer, Punx
Related to 1980
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 41 No. 3)
Robert Cassidy 1980 Meeting of the Minds - St. Louis, Mo. program for the upcoming convention, Punx, Tony Raven, Alex Redans, Masklyn ye Mage, Irv Weiner, Larry Becker, Bob Cassidy, Bob Haines, Terry Nosek, Ralph Athey, Dan Tong, Ross Johnson, Ken Weber, Alessandro de Luca, Eliott Black, Scott Gordon, Aprille Becker
May 1980 1
A Photographic Record of the 1980 "Meeting of the Minds" picture of Elliott Black, Terry Nosek, Gordon Hoener, Alessandro de Luca, Bob Cassidy, David Hoy, Irv Weiner, Punx, Debbie Belante, Larry Becker, Sharon Lucas, Ken Weber
Aug. 1980 3
Punx Brother Punx writes from Germany on Ted Lesley
Oct. 1980 4
Bascom Jones The Mystic Word on crediting, Bob Haines, Punx
Sep. 1983
Magick (Issue 323)
Rudolf Braunmüller Plauderstunde Corinda, Punx
Jan. 1983
Intermagic (Vol. 9 No. 4)
Diabelli Freie Deutsche Meisterschaften im Zaubern as Harry Meier, on the german magic convention organized by the Magischen Nordlichter, Flip, Punx, Werry, Rivelino, Braco, Frank Wien, P.C. Juling, Lubor Fiedler
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 46 No. 4)
Peter Wilker (reviewer) Meine drei besten Kartenroutinen by Punx 1985
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 46 No. 5)
Rolf Huber Jahreskongress '87 der "Magischen Nordlichter" e.V. in Hamburg on the magic convention in Hamburg, Jan Maraux, Manuel Muerte, Punx, Hegimada, Christoph Joachim Schröder, Johmeidü, Dondo Burghardo, followed by french translation
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 48 No. 3)
Bascom Jones The Mystic Word on Craige M. Snader, Punx
Aug. 1991
Magick (Issue 459)
Michael Weber (reviewer) Punx Farewell Performance by PunxRelated to Nov. 1991
Magic (Vol. 1 No. 3)
Punx Only Now with prediction of which key inside envelope
1991 71
Bill Palmer, Michael Weber Product Wars
  • Letters
Related to Jan. 1992
Magic (Vol. 1 No. 5)
Ted Lesley European Chit-Chat on MOTM, Earl Keyser, Chuck Hickock, Bob Haines, Liz Tucker, Punx, Mental Workshop, Toni Forster, Carlhorst & Moll Meier, Peter Reiss, Reinhard Müller, Fredo Raxon, Hanussen
Sep. 1992
Vibrations (Vol. 15 No. 3)
Punx Unwritten Center Tear word circled on newspaper clipping
Feb. 1993
Vibrations (Vol. 15 No. 8)
Lee Earle Editor's Desk: Kudos, Corrections, & Comments on Craig Karges, Jack Dean, Gene Grant, Ted Lesley, Punx, Craige Snader, David Goodsell, Bill Dahlquist, Bev Bergeron
Syzygy (Vol. 1 No. 9)
Ted Lesley Notes on My Life with Friends includes Werry, Punx, Bernd Martin Langscheid
1994 1
Punx Impression Method impression taken from note written with a pencil
Also published here
  • "Super Punx Test" in "Fourth Dimensional Mystery"
1994 179
Elliott Black The President's Message on Ted Lesley, Punx, Terry Nosek, Ir Weiner, MOTM
Jan. 1994
Vibrations (Vol. 16 No. 7)
Roy Miller Editor's Log on Dick Steiner, Bob Bluemle, Michel Asselin, Pascal de Clemont, Jim Schnabel, Punx
Feb. 1994
Vibrations (Vol. 16 No. 8)
Carl Herron Special Message on Punx
Mar. 1994
Vibrations (Vol. 16 No. 9)
Roy Miller Editor's Log on Gary Dudash, Larry Becker, Graham P. Jolley, Al Mann, Richard Busch, Docc Hilford, Marcello Truzzi, Ron Pataki, Punx
Dec. 1994
Vibrations (Vol. 17 No. 6)
Ted Lesley European Chit Chat on Satori, Punx, Ralf Zöller
Feb. 1995
Vibrations (Vol. 17 No. 8)
Ted Lesley European Chit Chat on Punx' Reincarnation, Ken Brooke, Martin Breese
June 1995
Vibrations (Vol. 17 No. 12)
Lee Earle Editor's Desk: Not Much Room For News... on Punx, Mark Edward
Syzygy (Vol. 2 No. 11)
Michael Close (reviewer) Once Upon a Time... by Punx Sep. 2001
Magic (Vol. 11 No. 1)
Jamy Ian Swiss (reviewer) Once Upon a Time by Punx Sep. 2002
Genii (Vol. 65 No. 9)
Piet Forton Cutting the Aces Vernon's Cutting the Aces, without losing Aces, Royal Flush kicker (same idea published by Bob Hamilton)
Inspired byRelated to 2005 8
Robert Cassidy Any Card At Any Number Variation - One Man Billet Routine #3 two decks used, one is Telomatic Forcing deck, spectator looks at billet and names number which appears in front of his eyes
Inspired byRelated to 2013 170
Matt Mello Total Control spectator looks at apparently blank business card to make up a thought which is forced
Related toVariations 2014 1
Alexander de Cova Die Becher des Kolumbus on Christopher Columbus themed cups and balls
Inspired by
  • Punx Cups & Balls presentation (early Genii, Magische Welt)
2018 212
Alexander de Cova Der Mann mit dem goldenen Arm presentation for Vernon's Cutting the Aces
  • Royal Flush Variante
Inspired by 2018 217
Christian Scherer, Sveroni Fischerlatein fish on cardboard change size with scale, magic trick based on Jastrow optical Illusion, medal on chain vanishes
Inspired by
  • Toru Suzuki's "Sakkaku Scale" in Richard Kaufman's "Tenyoism - Volume Two", p. 843.
Related toAlso published here
2019 3