142 entries in Silk & Handkerchief / Vanish / With Props
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
Buatier de Kolta The Two Decanters and the Flying Handkerchief disappears visually from bottle and appears in second covered bottle
Related to 1890 216
Buatier de Kolta Silk from Bottle Vanish sleeve pull, classic
1890 217
Carl Willmann Das fliegende Tuch silk vanishes from glass cylinder (pull) and reappears knotted between two silks that are rubber-banded together in a bundle
Variations June 1896
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 2 No. 6)
Friedrich W. Conradi-Horster The last mysterie à la Conradi envelope sealed by spectator, silk vanishes from glass (loop and pull behind chair), reappears inside
Related to Aug. 1896
Der Zauberspiegel (Vol. 1 No. 12)
Der Kobold im Glase two small red silks knotted together by spectator and put in beer glass, blue silk vanishes visibly from second glass and appears knotted between red silks
Jan. 1898
Der Zauberspiegel (Vol. 3 No. 7)
Friedrich W. Conradi-Horster Briefkasten answering letters, silk-vanishing pistol
Jan. 1898
Der Zauberspiegel (Vol. 3 No. 7)
Silk Vanish from Glass Cylinder
May 1898
Der Zauberspiegel (Vol. 3 No. 11)
Silk Pull silk visibly vanishes from glass bottle
1899 60
Tuchpistole silk pistol, silk hanged over barrel, vanishes when fired
1899 69
Großes Changement No. 10, two silks put in two glass bottles, they vanish visibly and reappear in spectators's pockets, pull into table operated by assistant
1900 131
Carl Willmann Der Verschwindungscylinder aus Glas glass cylinder that is open on one end, things put inside, handkerchief put on top with disc inside and cylinder dropped into servante
June 1901
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 7 No. 6)
Frank Kennard The Watch, Handkerchief, and Glass borrowed watch smashed and vanishes from handkerchief in glass, then handkerchief and glass vanish, all reproduced from hat
1902 220
Frank Kennard Pulley Vanish from Glass
Related to 1902 232
The "Eau de Cologne Bottle" Vanisher
1903 275
The Nickel Tube for Vanishing a Handkerchief
1903 279
The Nickel Tube for Vanishing a Handkerchief - Improved Form
1903 281
The Nickel Tube, with Pull
1903 283
The Vanish from a Paper Cylinder
Related to 1903 284
The "Lamp-Chimney" Vanish silks disappear visually from glass tube, pull
Related to 1903 284
David Devant Devant's Handkerchief Trick producing three white handkerchiefs, paper tube, they change to red, green and yellow, one vanishes in glass tube and appears knotted between other two, description edited by Devant himself
Variations 1903 303
Professor De Vere The Closed Glass Tube (LÉtui en Cristal) closed glass cylinder with silk put in hat, vanishes from tube therein
1903 317
T. Nelson Downs The Flying Handkerchiefs origin not clear, silk in glass bottle visible vanishes and reappears in another bottle
Also published here
  • "Magic and its Professors" (Henry Ridgely Evans)
1903 341
Maurice Garland A Postscript
  • Handkerchief to Egg with ping-pong ball
  • Silk & Egg shown, silk vanishes
Also published here 1903 345
David Devant Devant's "Transvaal Flag" Trick flag apparently cut in two with sword but vanishes instead, then a small flag becomes larger
1903 361
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli V. Spiritistische Spiegelfechtereien
  • 1. Wanderung von Tinte und Wasser (ink and water transposition, glass and bottle)
  • 2. Die Macht der magischen Mixtur (silk vanish, one placed over candle vanishes in a flash, silk appears in small bottle)
  • 3. Feuer und Wasser (water starts to burn)
  • 4. Das verschwindende Wasserglas (glass filled with water vanishes under handkerchief)
1903 92
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli XIII. Variatio Delectat
  • 1. Feuer in den Fingerspitzen (flame of candle is ignited again with fingers)
  • 2. Kerzen-Metamorphose (candle transforms into silk, wrapped in paper)
  • 3. Wanderschaft (Tuch- und Teller-Kunststück) (silk vanishes and appears under plate)
  • 4. Das Chamäleon-Tuch (silk changes color inside tube)
  • 5. Das verschwindende Seidentuch (silk vanishes in paper cone)
1903 140
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli XXIV. Ein magisches Mirakel
  • 1. Die Puppentücher (silks change into ribbon)
  • 2. Eine gelungene Reparatur (ribbon vanishes and appears as normal silk in a glass)
  • 3. Der Flüchtling (silk placed back inside glass, both vanish unter handkerchief)
  • 4. Wiederkunft (glass filled with red wine appears under handkerchief)
  • 5. Farbenwechsel (red wine changes into white wine)
  • 6. Der unsichtbare Abfluss (liquid vanishes from bottle)
  • 7. Pariser Zuckerbäckerei (bran placed inside glass, changes into candy)
1903 209
Carl Willmann Willmann's Tuchdose metal box to make silks vanish or appear
Feb. 1904
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 10 No. 2)
A. J. Die Streichholzschachtel im Dienste der Magie uses of match box in magic tricks, back palm with matchbox
1. appearing silk
2. vanishing silik
3. color change with matchbox cover as secret tube
4. matchboxes travel from one hat to another
5. vanishing matches
6. coin travels from box to box
7. double color changing silk in rolled up paper, silk to paper streamer
8. appearing spring flowers
July 1904
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 10 No. 7)
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli Magische Transformation und Analyse routine with three silks, silks vanish, appear and change colors, with paper tube and glass cylinder
1922 29
Oswald Rae The Evolution of the Union Jack flags on stave change and vanish
1926 51
Oswald Rae Vanishing Handkerchief handkerchief vanishes in paper tube
1928 60
Tom Sellers Novel Silk Vanish matchbox covers stacked, silk pushed inside vanishes
1931 6
Joe Berg Vanish of Glass and Silk silk pushed into small glass, both vanish
1937 12
Joe Berg Handkerchief and Coffee Cups silk appears and vanishes between two brim-to-brim coffee cups
1937 13
R. D. Spraker, Jr. Reverse 20th. Cent. one out of three silks vanishes and appears in tube, using Thayer's Silk Cabby
Nov. 1939
Chap's Scrapbook (Vol. 2 No. 5)
Hans-Paul Wipf "Nicht mööglich" silk vanishes from pistol and appears in ballon
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 1 No. 5)
Elusive Silks change bag routine with appearances, disappearances, color changes
1941 358
A One-Man Handkerchief Vanish for one spectator, ala paperballs over the head
1941 401
Roy Benson The Glass Trick two handkerchiefs stuffed in glass, handkerchief below second one vanishes
1941 14
Hans-Paul Wipf No. 5 Eine ganz verrückte Tuchpistole self-made handkerchief pistol
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 3 No. 1)
Lamp Chimney and Silk silk vanishes from tube and appears between two knotted silks
1941 53
Vanishing Handkerchief Wand vanishes inside wand
1942 56
Superba Paper Cone for Handkerchief Vanish
1942 79
1 - Vanishing Handkerchiefs using Two-Way Paper Cone (page 86)
1942 87
Greer Marechal Jr. Greer's Gadget pull for making a handkerchief appear or disappear, clever design
Mar. 1943
The Phoenix (Issue 31)
Joseph Ovette On Again Off Again silks tied on ribbon, named color falls on floor, then all vanish from a tube and are produced again, as a climax all knotted silks fall
1944 20
Gusti Wartenweiler Tuchpistole self made handkerchief gun
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 6 No. 2)
Dr. Henry R. Evans The Watch, Glass and Handkerchief watch, glass and handkerchief disappear and appear again one by one in a tophat
1945 232
Jean Hugard Silks and Soup Plates two handkerchiefs vanish and appear between two soup plates, hollow loop ball
Jan. 1945 93
Vanishing a Silk from paper cone, with handkerchief ball
Nov. 1945 168
Werner "Walt Nelson" Nussbaumer Im Märchenland story trick, silk appears, changes color vanishes, playing card changes to matchbox, vanishing and appearing candle
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 7 No. 3)
A. Vantur Das drollige Seidentuch silk vanishes from paper cone and appears on back of spectator, using wand, followed by french translation "Le foulard facétieux"
Sep. 1945 7
Edward Victor "Multiple Palming" ball, silk, thimble and playing card are vanished and produced again, manipulation routine
1946 105
John Hamilton Bloomin' Silk silk is produced and vanished several times, then it turns into a rose
Also published here Oct. 1947
The Phoenix (Issue 136)
Jack Yeager Home Made Handkerchief Gun
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1949)
Floyd Catlin Silk Vanishing Pencil same mechanism as silk vanishing wand, in paper cone
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1949)
Jack Yeager Pistol and Silk with flash paper cone
Also published here
  • Jack Yeager's "Second Portfolio of Tricks"
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1951)
James G. Thompson Jr. Jocko - The Great routine with hand puppet, puppet makes handkerchief vanishes and appear and disappear, performs a mini die box and eventually finds selected card
Also published here Jan. 1951
The Phoenix (Issue 220)
Die verhexte Düte silk vanishes in bag
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 16 No. 2)
Leonard Austin Illusive Tray silk vanish on tray, sucker element with hat
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1956)
John Hamilton Bloomin' Silk silk is produced and vanished several times, then it turns into a rose
Also published here 1956 225
James G. Thompson Jr. Jocko the Great routine with hand puppet, puppet makes handkerchief vanishes and appear and disappear, performs a mini die box and eventually finds selected card
Also published here 1956 229
Otto "Sasso" Lutz Die magische Post silk vanishes in box, mail box presentation
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 17 No. 2)
Max Malini Silk Vanish silk vanish from a tube
1962 21
Fred G. Taylor Mr. Oog's Silk to Salt using salt shaker
May 1964
The New Phoenix (Issue 390)
Lu Brent Pull Gag pull shown, silk vanishes, pull shown empty
Inspired by Nov. 1966 65
Ralph Gironda Salt Go salt vanishes inside black silk and becomes white silk, then becomes sugar
Also published here Winter 1967
The Pallbearers Review Vol. 1-4 (Vol. 3 No. 1st Folio)
Kurt "Curtini" Schlegel Curtini's Tücherverschwinden silks vanish visibly from transparent plastic bag
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 28 No. 2)
Marconick Record Silk Vanish silk is placed in hole of a record cover, when cover is opened silk disappears in a flash
1967 152
Marconick The Silks that Went to No-Man's Land various silks in salad shaker vanish in a flash, with option to make them reappear again
Also published here 1967 154
Marconick Finale big handkerchief with the word The End appear from two cups
1967 162
Tom Sellers Novel Silk Vanish silk vanishes from matchbox covers
Also published here Jan. 1968 152
David Berglas Production and Vanish Of A Silk Handkerchief with tube or ball
1969 194
Ben Maghy König der Ausbrecher white silk knotted to black silks vanishes, placed inside matchbox
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 30 No. 3)
John Hamilton Silk Flight silk into paper cone, rope waved over cone and silk is shown to have disappeared, rope torn in two and between the ends appears the silk à la 20th century
Aug. 1970 355
Bruce Cervon From Out of Nowhere performer with gloves, silk appears and vanishes, then gloves change to flowers
Magick (Issue 23)
Dick Zimmerman The Ultimate Vanish silk vanishes from long glass jar with screwed lid
Related toVariations 1973 5
Theo "Okito" Bamberg Handkerchief Gun to vanish a handkerchief
1973 63
Marconick A Silk Vanish Opening from plastic tube
Also published here 1973 19
Faucett Ross A Glass and a Silk Silk placed in tumbler, sealed off with white handkerchief. Silk vanishes, magician produces silk of different color from collar, changes it to the correct color.
1975 28
Faucett Ross Handkerchief Box Routine Silk routine with various effects using Japanese Box
1975 32
Jan Torell The Pull to make a large silk vanish, with examples
Also published here 1975 3
David Berglas Impossible Silk Vanish with sucker element
1976 12
The Handkerchief Wand handkerchief is pushed into a paper cone and vanishes
1976 17
Patrick Page The Lamp Chimney Vanish handkerchief vanishes from plastic tube,
Related to 1976 241
Flash Handkerchief Vanish mirror glass and sort of pull
1976 153
Ralph Gironda Salzverwandlung salt vanishes inside black silk and becomes white silk, then becomes sugar
Also published here June 1976
Intermagic (Vol. 3 No. 4)
Tom Sellers Ein neues Tuchverschwinden silk vanishes from matchbox covers
Also published here June 1976
Intermagic (Vol. 3 No. 4)
Punx Das Märchen von Elfchens Zaubertüchlein presentation for Ottokar Fischer's Klein-Elfchen, silk vanishes and appears back in glass, small figure of a kind appears under tube
1977 19
One Handed Silk Vanish silk secretly pulled into hand as it is apparently put in paper bag
1979 13
Marconick Disparition instantanée d'un foulard from plastic tube
Also published here 1979 18
Jan Torell Der Fadenzug to make a large silk vanish, with examples
Also published here 1984 46
Jan Torell Das Tuchverschwinden aus der durchsichtigen Plexi-Röhre transparent tube is filled with three silks, middle one vanishes
1984 50
Patrick Page Paper Bag Vanish handkerchief vanishes in blown up and burst paper bag
1984 33
Patrick Page Lamp Chimney Vanish handkerchief vanishes from plastic tube, with variations of the pull
Related toAlso published here 1987 1
Patrick Page The Impossible Lamp Chimney Vanish handkerchief vanishes from plastic tube, spectator holds on to tube
Also published here 1987 5
Jochen Zmeck ...3-2-1-Zmeck handkerchief placed inside a tube which looks like a rocket, rocket is set on fire and handkerchief vanishes
Also published here
  • in "Zauberkunst"
Magische Blätter (Vol. 1 No. 9)
Jani "Mr. Jani" Jošovc ...3-2-1-Jani handkerchief placed inside a tube which looks like a rocket, rocket is set on fire and handkerchief vanishes
Magische Blätter (Vol. 1 No. 9)
John Braun, Karl Fulves Paper-Bag Vanish No. 26, silk(s) vanish from paper bag
1988 68
An Impromptu Vanisher No. 28, newspaper cone, "first complete description of the handling to appear in print"
1988 72
Karrell Fox A "Pack O' Silk" full pack of cigarettes, silk vanishes from paper, cigarettes changes into silk inside case
1988 106
Karrell Fox The Silk-Shooter silk over barrel of gun vanishes when fired, alternative to Eddie Joseph's Hank Gun
1988 135
Patrick Page Das Lampenzylinder-Verschwinden handkerchief vanishes from plastic tube, with variations of the pull
Also published here Oct. 1988
Intermagic (Vol. 14 No. 1)
Patrick Page Das unmögliche Lampenzylinder-Verschwinden handkerchief vanishes from plastic tube, spectator holds on to tube
Also published here Oct. 1988
Intermagic (Vol. 14 No. 1)
David Williamson Whirlybird Silk Vanish with wand and thumb tip
Related to 1989 80
Johnny Ace Palmer Three Magic Scarves three different colored handkerchiefs, vanish singly and are produced from the other handkerchiefs again
June 1990
The Minotaur (Vol. 2 No. 2)
Steve Dusheck The Wallpapered Thumb Tip inside of thumb tip is lined with dollar bill for making silk vanish in rolled bill tube
1991 29
Karrell Fox Silkenbac silk vanishes from paper cone, reappears on child's back
1991 58
Mila Trnka Das Geschockte Tuch silk visually appears from top of wand (pulled inside), then candle changes into silk in paper, lit candle removed from pocket
Also published here
  • Prager Zaubereien
Sep. 1992
Intermagic (Vol. 17 No. 2)
Marconick Seidentücher, die sich ins Niemandsland absetzen various silks in salad shaker vanish in a flash, with option to make them reappear again
Also published here 1992 43
Alexander de Cova, Dick Zimmerman Perfect Silk Vanish from milk bottle
Inspired byAlso published here Mar. 1993
Avantgarde Magic (Vol. 2 No. 3)
Alexander de Cova, Dick Zimmerman Perfect Silk Vanish from milk bottle
Inspired byAlso published here 1993 8
Patrick Page Das Hokuspokus-Ei handkerchief to make objects disappear, brief egg bag routine
Related to 1993 40
Alexander de Cova, Dick Zimmerman Perfect Silk Vanish from milk bottle
Also published here 1993 8
Jim Steinmeyer A Lesson In a Lesson In Magic
  • Conjuring
silks vanish in rolled-up magazine, then they reappear tied together, attached hidden moveable container
June 1993
Magic (Vol. 2 No. 10)
Alexander de Cova, Dick Zimmerman Perfect Silk Vanish from milk bottle
Inspired byAlso published here 1994 87
Steve Dusheck Gone silk pushed in small cylinder from where it vanishes, stolen out with pen
1994 27
Salvano Unmöglich! silk vanishes inside borrowed handkerchief, handling with spectator
1994 9
Alexander de Cova, Dick Zimmerman Perfect Silk Vanish from milk bottle
Also published here 1994 14
David Jockisch Making Money blank paper folded up, two small silks and some ink pushed into paper, it all changes into a dollar bill
Related to July 1994
The Lemniscate (Vol. 1 No. 2)
John Riggs Rolled Vanish handkerchief is rolled between hands and vanishes
1995 86
Alexander de Cova, Dick Zimmerman Perfect Silk Vanish from milk bottle
Inspired byAlso published here 1997 16
Ali Cardabra Comedy Tuchverschwinden comedy silk vanish with change bag in which one side goes through bottom
Intermagic (Vol. 21 No. 4 & 5)
Mark Prines Tonight Show Silks spectators hold a silk outstretched, another silk is pushed in its center and vanishes, it reappears from another silk, repeat in which a silk is reproduced from spectator's sleeve
1997 1
J. W. Sarles Three To Go three silks vanish in hand one by one with wand, with tubes that can be unloaded in wand
Underworld (Issue 7)
Michael Stroud Eyeball, Silk & Wand routine where a silk, a wand, and a giant eyeball appear and disappear in rapid succession
Sep. 2000
Magic (Vol. 10 No. 1)
John Carney Vanish from a Glass lightning pull, moment of vanish hidden
2002 31
Sveroni Alles Ablenkung oder was? humorous vanish of a handkerchief, then handkerchief vanishes from hand and is found knotted to other silk
2002 27
David Williamson, Tom Stone Thumb Tip Silk Vanish see also Williamson's "Whirly Bird Vanish"
Related toAlso published here 2002 18
David Kaye Three Routines for the Same Effect
  • Vanishing a Silk For 3 To 6-Year-Olds
  • Vanishing a Silk For 7 to 9-Year-Olds
  • Vanishing a Silk For 10 To 13-Year-Olds
2005 40
David Williamson, Tom Stone Thumb Tip Silk Vanish
Related toAlso published here 2010 192
Patrick Page The Hanky Panky Cloth handkerchief to make objects disappear
Related to 2011 257
Joey Incollingo The Almost-Invisible Bottle using cut-off top of a plastic bottle, silk is pulled out of opening, it vanishes and is produced from spectator's sleeve, vanishes again in bottle part
Mar. 2011
Genii (Vol. 74 No. 3)
Kazu Katayama Penkerchief
  • Tokyo Workshop
silk pushed in hand with pen, it vanishes, silk reproduced from end of pen
Dec. 2013
Genii (Vol. 76 No. 12)
Alexander de Cova, Dick Zimmerman Tuch aus Flasche from milk bottle
Also published here 2015 30
Alexander de Cova Plastic is Fantastic silk vanishes in hand which is sealed in a clear plastic bag
Inspired by
  • similar silk vanish by Gaetan Bloom
Also published here
2015 243
Alexander de Cova Plastic Is Fantastic silk vanishes in hand which is sealed in a clear plastic bag
Inspired by
  • similar silk vanish by Gaetan Bloom
Also published here
2017 65
Alexander de Cova Trumponium silk vanish using a cork
Inspired by 2017 89
Jonathan Neal Carson, McCartney, and Hay
  • Secrets Within Secrets
silk visibly vanishes from clear plastic cylinder, silk-to-ball reel, silk reappears visibly knotted onto rope
Oct. 2018
Genii (Vol. 81 No. 10)
Max Malini Lamp Chimney Silk Vanish about Max Malini's silk vanish with pull
2022 319
Gordon Bruce Finish for the Card through Handkerchief handkerchief is pushed into breast pocket, then it is shown that there is no pocket, "it's healed up"
2022 110