284 entries in Silk & Handkerchief / Production & Appearance / With Props
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
Multiplication of Handkerchiefs "A silk handkerchief made into two or more", with small bottle that has secret compartment
1890 218
Carl Willmann Der Zauberstab und seine verschiedenen Präparationen about the magic wand and some gaffed versions
  • hollow wand to produce silk
  • hollow wand with section of handkerchief for destroyed & restored routines
Jan. 1895
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 1 No. 1)
Carl Willmann Der Zauberstab und seine verschiedenen Präparationen
  • wand with hollow tip for silk production
  • different preparations for stealing a silk
  • wand penetrates borrowed hat
  • object produced from mouth of spectator
  • wand with knife tip to secretly cut something like spring flower package
Feb. 1895
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 1 No. 2)
Buatier de Kolta Buatier de Koltas Tuchkunststück silk vanishes and reappears in candle flame, silk loading from back of matchbox, optional holder that can be attached to candle
Related to Nov. 1895
Der Zauberspiegel (Vol. 1 No. 3)
Die Tuchfabrik card produced from playing card
Related to 1896 83
Handkerchief and Card silk from card
Related toVariations 1897 157
Das mysterieuse Couvert container attached to envelope sealed by spectator, an item can then be produced from apparently the envelope
Related to Feb. 1897
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 3 No. 2)
Das Erscheinen eines Tuches in freier Hand silk(s) starts wrapped around the end of the wand
Mar. 1897
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 3 No. 3)
Japans Volksbelustigung water vanishes from vase, then silks and other things are produced from it
Jan. 1897
Der Zauberspiegel (Vol. 2 No. 5)
Die mechanische Fahne "Gegenstände aus dem Weltausstellungs-Cylinder, dem Tamburin, dem Tuch etc."
production items, production flag
Mar. 1898
Der Zauberspiegel (Vol. 3 No. 9)
Samuel "St. Roman" Thiersfeld Romans Fahnenkunststück No. 46, flag multiplies into three flags
1899 125
Buatier de Kolta Fahnenfest effect description of flag production
1899 126
Das Tuch in der Kerzenflamme No. 19, silk produced with empty hands from candle flame, loaded from match box
1900 152
Wie man ein Tuch in ein Glas bringt about loading a silk into a bottomless glass
Related to May 1900
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 6 No. 5)
Buatier de Kolta Buatier de Kolta's Tuchkunststück silk vanishes and is reproduced from flame of candle, matchbox steal
Feb. 1901
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 7 No. 2)
Wands for the Production of Handkerchiefs "Special Wands for Various Purposes"
four wand constructions
1903 122
Production from the Wand
Related to 1903 222
Buatier de Kolta Production from a Match-Box
1903 222
Friedrich W. Conradi-Horster Conradi's Multiplying Tube
1903 227
Reproduction Beneath a Soup-Plate (Methods of Reproducing a Vanished Handkerchief)
silk appears between two plates
Related to 1903 290
Reproduction from a Sealed Envelope container secretly attached to envelope
1903 292
The Drum-Head Tube
1903 297
Buatier de Kolta Reproduction from a Candle
  • Buatier de Kolta's Method
and other methods
1903 299
The Glass Box, for Reproducing a Handkerchief silk instantly appears in clear box
Related to 1903 302
David Devant Devant's Handkerchief Trick producing three white handkerchiefs, paper tube, they change to red, green and yellow, one vanishes in glass tube and appears knotted between other two, description edited by Devant himself
Variations 1903 303
Carl Willmann Die pneumatische Rohrpost cylinder close with paper and rings on both sides, silk appears inside
Jan. 1903
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 9 No. 1)
Carl Willmann Zum wandernden Tuch silk (re)appears in paper cylinder
Feb. 1903
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 9 No. 2)
Carl Willmann Das Weinglas des Teufels oder "Die magische Färberei" glass filled with beer and emptied, filled again, silk produced from glass in dry condition, silks vanish and flag of same colors produced from glass, glass with tube inside, gaffed tray
Related to Mar. 1903
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 9 No. 3)
Carl Willmann Das Vermehrungstablett coin tray, with some simple applications, also having a silk in slit
Related to Mar. 1903
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 9 No. 3)
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli XVI. Trifolium
  • 1. Das verwandelte Kartenspiel (deck changes to silk, shell placed in shell)
  • 2. Das Tuch in der Kerzenflamme (silk appears in flame of a candle)
  • 3. Das plötzlich erscheinende Seidentuch (silk appears)
  • 4. Seidentüchlein auf Reisen (silk vanishes and appears knotted between two others, with glass tube)
  • 5. Die magischen Knoten (knotted silks unknot)
1903 164
Carl Willmann Willmann's Tuchdose metal box to make silks vanish or appear
Feb. 1904
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 10 No. 2)
Carl Willmann Die bezauberte Karte coin produced from under selection, then silk produced from selection
Mar. 1904
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 10 No. 3)
Robertini Ein kleines Fahnenmanöver flag production routine
Mar. 1904
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 10 No. 3)
Carl Willmann Fahne und Bouquet tissue paper set on fire and tossed into audience, becomes paper streamers which are pulled back, flag produced, bouquet produced
Sep. 1904
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 10 No. 9)
Das Fahnenfest aller Nationen producing a hundred flags and large ones as well from some production container
July 1904
Der Zauberspiegel (Vol. 4 No. 7)
Friedrich W. Conradi-Horster Conradis Original-Fahnentableau producing a hundred flags and large ones as well from some production container
July 1904
Der Zauberspiegel (Vol. 4 No. 7)
Joseph Michael Hartz A Devil of a Hat hat borrowed, production of handkerchiefs, goblets, a wig, cigar boxes, cage, ..., twenty-two minute act
Also published here 1911 625
Joseph Michael Hartz A Devil of a Hat hat borrowed, production of handkerchiefs, goblets, a wig, cigar boxes, cage, ..., twenty-two minute act
Also published here 1911 79
Floyd G. Thayer A Handkerchief Production sheet of paper in embroidery/tambourine frame, silk drawing appears on it and becomes real
Inspired by 1917 20
Louis F. Christianer A Flag from a Thimble silk produced from thimble
1919 16
Oswald Rae The Magic Chimney Pot christmas themed routine, three empty socks are placed in a chimney model, socks fill up with food, then silks, flags and flowers are produced from the chimney
Also published here
  • "The Magic Chimney Pot" in "The Magic Wand"
1930 16
Oswald Rae A Combination Wand multi-effect wand
  • handkerchief appears on end of wand
  • wand rises in hand
  • wand is forced down a boy's throat
  • ring climbs on wand, answers question
  • stick to fingers
Also published here
  • "A Combination Wand" in " The Linking Ring"
1930 38
Lu Brent The Drum-Head Glass Tissue paper covers mouth of glass, silk produced from it
1932 21
Tom Sellers Handkerchief Production from an Empty Glass hollow wand and hole in glass
1933 10
Tom Sellers Neptune's Handkerchief dry silks produced from cylinder of water covered with phantom tube
1935 17
Frank Lane, U. F. Grant Back to the Farm glass of milk covered with tube, hand reaches into tube and produces coins, silks and a glass with a red drink
1935 22
Dr. Jacob Daley Card Silk Appearance silk with card printed on it appears from card
Jan. 1937
The Jinx (Issue 28)
Robert Parrish, John Goodrum The Ideal Hank Box Jap Hank Box improvement
1937 60
Joe Berg Handkerchief and Coffee Cups silk appears and vanishes between two brim-to-brim coffee cups
1937 13
Green Silk From A Dollar Bill production from bill, with sixth finger gimmick, optionally the bill becomes whiter after silk is removed from it
Related to 1937 22
"Flash" Production of Silks paper cone
1938 603
The Silk Wonder Box
1938 604
Dr. Edward G. Ervin A Paper Cup and Silk Routine water vanishes, reappears in cup, silks appear from cup
June 1938
The Jinx (Issue 45)
Joseph Ovette Nite Club Silk Production from a rolled up menu, performer produces stream of silks and as a climax a glass with a goldfish, with a tray
Nov. 1939
Chap's Scrapbook (Vol. 2 No. 5)
Jean Hugard Rose & Silks Production as finale to card trick (!)
1939 16
Silk from a Lighted Candle silk production from flame of candle
Also published here 1939 62
Thirteen of Magic, Stanley Collins, Tom Sellers A Trick routine with vanishes and productions of three silks, also featuring a small mirror tube/box for silk productions by Tom Sellers
The Jinx (Issue 111)
Joseph Ovette Transparent Tube Production plastic Tube is filled with confetti, then handkerchiefs are produced, with Okito's Substitution Principle
1940 20
Joseph Ovette A New Production Frame covered with paper, large silk production
1940 25
Elusive Silks change bag routine with appearances, disappearances, color changes
1941 358
Harry Bertall Le mystère des trois disques paper with three different colored discs, discs are pierced and handkerchiefs with same color appear
Dec. 1941
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 3 No. 12)
Robert "Robelly" Rouet La Boite Fantastique production of silks and flowers from box without bottom
Related to Feb. 1941 1
Robert "Robelly" Rouet La Nouvelle Boite Fantastique production of silks and flowers from box without bottom, box standing on reversed glasses
Apr. 1941 3
Lloyd W. Chambers Ghost Tube silks produced from tube previously shown empty, similar to Phantom Tube
1941 12
Simplex Handkerchief Producing Wand gaffed wand to produce handkerchief
1942 55
2 - Production of Silks using Two-Way Paper Cone (page 86)
1942 87
Koltas Taschenkunststück silk vanishes and appears in a flame
Mar. 1942
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 4 No. 3)
Franklin M. Chapman Fountain of Silks silk production routine, with unfolding silk fountain, one-man and two-assistant version
Also published here 1942 1
Tom Sellers The Quickie Handkerchief Tube
1943 12
Tom Sellers Productive Goblets silk and liquid produced from goblets
1943 17
Greer Marechal Jr. Greer's Gadget pull for making a handkerchief appear or disappear, clever design
Mar. 1943
The Phoenix (Issue 31)
Jean Hugard Spectacular Flash Opening paper is ignited, ribbons, a silk and an umbrella appear
July 1943 5
Tom Sellers A Good-Night Cigar cigar pulled apart, silk with "Good Night" message appears
1943 20
Henry J. Young Victory Birdhouse Silk Production & Vanish
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1944)
Walter the Magician The opping Silks J. C. Walter, several handkerchiefs appear at will from breast pocket
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1945)
Mark Jacobs A Silk Production several handkerchiefs appear from a paper tube
1945 250
Franklin M. Chapman Fountain of Silks silk production routine, with unfolding silk fountain, one-man and two-assistant version
VariationsAlso published here 1945 293
Jean Hugard Silk Production from Candle Flame silk production, with gimmick
Feb. 1945 102
Instantaneous Production of a Silk silk appears in glass, thread set-up to table
Nov. 1945 163
Werner "Walt Nelson" Nussbaumer Im Märchenland story trick, silk appears, changes color vanishes, playing card changes to matchbox, vanishing and appearing candle
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 7 No. 3)
Jean "Es-Zed" Sandoz Le beaux Tour de Foulards handkerchiefs are produced from paper tube
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 7 No. 3)
Dr. William Weyeneth Mit "Genial" using silk wonder, followed by french translation "Avec 'Genial'"
Nov. 1945 9
Hen Fetsch Rice Silk cup is filled with milk and from the liquid a silk is produced, then milk changes into confetti
1946 9
John Hamilton Bloomin' Silk silk is produced and vanished several times, then it turns into a rose
Also published here Oct. 1947
The Phoenix (Issue 136)
Dr. Arnold Boston Load a Card silk produced from rolled card
Apr. 1947
Hugard's Magic Monthly (Vol. 4 No. 11)
Fragen und Antworten
  • trick with coaster, handkerchief appears from center, pierced with pencil
  • transposition of two marked matchboxes
  • on a trick called "Sympathetische Steine"
  • how to make a varnish for paper wands
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 8 No. 3&4)
Fitch Cheney "Hanky Baller" method to form a ball from handkerchief, using piece of bent wire
  • Production of Silk Handkerchief
Feb. 1949 508
Milbourne Christopher Silk In Box idea for silk appearance inside a box, Riedel's "Orchids to You"
Feb. 1949 509
Victor Farelli Out of the Box (?) production of large silk, apparently from matchbox
Mar. 1949
Hugard's Magic Monthly (Vol. 6 No. 10)
Jean Hugard Phantom Silk and Matchbox silk with chosen color appears in matchbox
June 1949 548
Milbourne Christopher Silk In the News production of silk from newspaper
  • Variations
  • Long Stockings
  • Torn Newspaper Topper
  • Production Climax
  • Two Silks
  • Flowers and Beer
  • Light Touch
Sep. 1949 579
Milbourne Christopher A Quick Routine silk produced from torn page, then page is returned, using Quick magazine
  • Further Thoughts
Dec. 1949 610
Bill Nord Bill Nord's Purse handkerchief appears in invisible purse / purse frame
Related toAlso published here Sep. 1950
The Phoenix (Issue 212)
Jean Hugard Imaginary 20th Century Silk glass and silks appear inside hat
Jan. 1950 625
Dr. William Weyeneth Der TeTuTa Trick newspaper tree, flag is produced from top
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 11 No. 1)
E. Thos. Taylor A Silk Trick using a spool of thread to produce a handkerchief
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1951)
James G. Thompson Jr. Jocko - The Great routine with hand puppet, puppet makes handkerchief vanishes and appear and disappear, performs a mini die box and eventually finds selected card
Also published here Jan. 1951
The Phoenix (Issue 220)
M. Hillenius Die Geisterröhre glass tube sealed with paper and rubber bands, silk appears inside, variation of Drumhead-tube
Also published here
  • "Trollkarlen" No. 24, 1952.
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 13 No. 2)
Bob Fisher Silk Production Stand seven handkerchiefs are produced, using a stand
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1953)
Fred Mintz Neues Tucherscheinen production of handkerchief from rolled magazine
Also published here
  • in " Sphinx the golden Jubilee Book of Magic"
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 14 No. 2)
E. Padt Ein unsichtbarer Beginn ist die halbe Arbeit silk in chosen color appears in matchbox
Also published here
  • "Triks"
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 14 No. 2)
Charly Eperny Die Bezweifelte Behauptung cards placed on stand, silk with image of selection is produced
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 15 No. 6)
Eugene Gloye Spooks using change bag, silks appear and disappear, ghost story
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1955)
Leonard Austin Enchanted Cylinder tube is filled with confetti, then silks and and water is produced from the tube, ghost tube modified to produce water
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1956)
Leonard Austin Much in Little production box, using a table
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1956)
Don Alan Bowl or Cup Load finish for benson bowl routine, paper napkin wrapped on bowl, production of handkerchiefs
Variations 1956 42
Bill Nord Purse handkerchief appears in invisible purse / purse frame
Also published here 1956 9
John Hamilton Bloomin' Silk silk is produced and vanished several times, then it turns into a rose
Also published here 1956 225
James G. Thompson Jr. Jocko the Great routine with hand puppet, puppet makes handkerchief vanishes and appear and disappear, performs a mini die box and eventually finds selected card
Also published here 1956 229
Bob Schmidt Atomic Raction big silk appears in can
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1957)
The Great Christe Water Can Production two cylinders with water, dry silks are produced
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1958)
Bill Nord Das unsichtbare Geldtäschchen handkerchief appears in invisible purse / purse frame
Also published here 1958
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 19 No. 4)
Lane Bateman Old Glory Be! production of silks and a beer can from a can
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1959)
Val Andrews Tobacco Jar Fantasy smoke inside jar, handkerchief appears
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1960)
Gerard "Bruno" Bruning Production from Foil silk is produced from ball made of aluminium foil
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1960)
Richard Smiley Silken Wine Lota Bowl, Chick Pan and silks
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1960)
Come Fill the Cup silk and dove appear from cocktail shaker
July 1962
The New Jinx (Vol. 1 No. 3)
Dino Mazza The Silk on the Rope handkerchief appears knotted on rope
Oct. 1963
The New Phoenix (Issue 384)
J. B. Bobo, Herman Yearger Ethereal Silk vanish and production of silk, finally produced from rolled up paper
Jan. 1963
The New Jinx (Vol. 1 No. 9)
Dino Mazza Instant Silk ring with handkerchief knotted on it appears threaded on handkerchief
Jan. 1964
The New Phoenix (Issue 386)
Gerard "Bruno" Bruning The Invisible Match Box color of silk is chosen and invisible silk placed inside invisible matchbox, both appear inside handkerchief held by performer
Also published here 1966
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1965-66)
Ernesto "Ernest" Pracchia Fuego - Papel - Seda paper is burnt and handkerchief produced from ashes
1967 11
Ernesto "Ernest" Pracchia Todos Locos silk appears in matchbox, with rubber band and named color of silk
1967 43
Ernesto "Ernest" Pracchia Sombrero Papiromágico sheet of newspaper in form of a hat, production of silks
1967 53
Marconick Silk Production from Magazine rolled up
1967 40
Marconick Cups of Plenty silks produced from two cups
1967 50
Marconick A Tyre Illusion tires are stacked and a large quantity of silks is produced, at the a person appears
1967 88
Marconick Silk Ball Production production of two silks from a third silk, all silks end up knotted together, using a silk ball
Also published here 1967 98
Marconick Quantity Silk Production forty silks are produced form scarf
1967 108
Marconick The Silk in the Middle silk appears knotted o a loop of rope
Also published here 1967 110
Marconick Silk Return silk appears instantly in transparent tube
1967 112
Marconick Triangle two silks appear knotted to third silk, silks changes order
Related to 1967 118
Marconick Five Silks Out of One
Also published here 1967 138
Marconick Stretching Silks two knotted silks are stretched until circle of six silks
1967 142
Marconick Three Silks on a Ribbon production of three silks, when ribbon is pulled through hand
Also published here 1967 144
Marconick Flash Silks flash paper on metal rod is ignited, five handkerchiefs appear instantly
Also published here 1967 146
Marconick The Silk Shaker silk is shaken and knotted silk appears on end, silk is removed and trick repeated up to five time
Also published here 1967 158
Marconick The Tubed Silk red silk appears between two green silks inside a transparent tube
1967 160
Marconick Silk in Knot silk appears while tying a knot
1967 180
Gerard "Bruno" Bruning Flight Thru Space color of silk is chosen and invisible silk placed inside invisible matchbox, both appear inside handkerchief held by performer
Also published here 1968
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1967-68)
Johnny Penrose 20th Century in Newspaper Punch hand through newspaper, produce silks from it
1968 73
Marconick Two Colour Production Tube silk production from sheet of plastic which is formed into tube
Also published here 1968 11
Marconick Kleenex Production silks produced from rolled up kleenex ball, load with box
Also published here 1968 24
Marconick Production of an Ice Pail and Silks metal basket appears on table, silks are produced
1969 7
Marconick Knotted Twice silk produced in knot of rope, repeated
Also published here 1969 10
Marconick Silk Appearance on a Coat Hook two silks knotted on coathanger, third silk appears
Also published here 1969 12
Marconick Silk Production from a Card Fan
Also published here 1969 14
Marconick Silk Production in Knot of rope
1969 15
Walter J. Gydesen Gimmick Went Thatway method to ditch gimmick for silks from newspaper trick
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1969-70)
William Humphries Off Beat Ideas various ideas
  • flag appears on wand
  • Gravity Glass
  • Anti Gravico
  • vase and cord
  • Milk Pitcher
  • orange silk changes into lemon
  • Bang Gun
  • Magic Con Block & Coin Slide
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1969-70)
Lee Wayne Patriotic Post Card as Le Wayne, small flag produced from rolled-up postcard
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1969-70)
Marconick Knotted Twice silk produced in knot of rope, repeated
Also published here 1970 15
Pavel The Instant Silk handkerchief appears in glass
1970 ca. 3
Marvyn Roy Pieces of Eight coins vanish, turn into silks in a bowl and more coins are produced from silks
Magick (Issue 19)
Bruce Cervon From Out of Nowhere performer with gloves, silk appears and vanishes, then gloves change to flowers
Magick (Issue 23)
Leslie P. Guest Do It Yourself Magic silk production presentation from paper box
1972 197
Carl Hanson, Robert Tyson Matchless invisible matchbox and one of three invisible handkerchiefs is selected, matchbox appears inside is the chosen silk
Magick (Issue 55)
Dr. Jacob Daley Roterberg Hank And Card No. 692, silk from card, silk has image of selection on it
Inspired by 1972 187
Marconick Lassoo A Silk two loops of rope linked together and silk appears in the middle
Also published here 1973 4
Marconick Follow-Up Lassoo a Silk three loops of rope linked together and two silk appears in the middle
Also published here 1973 6
Marconick Variation Triangel Silks silks changes order in which they are knotted together, chain and triangle
Related toAlso published here 1973 20
Patrick Page The Magic Tube handkerchief or other object produced from a newspaper which is folded into a tube
1974 53
Tenkai Ishida Production of Sevveral Silks five silks produced from large handkerchief, silk ball
1974 114
Faucett Ross A Glass and a Silk Silk placed in tumbler, sealed off with white handkerchief. Silk vanishes, magician produces silk of different color from collar, changes it to the correct color.
1975 28
Faucett Ross Handkerchief Box Routine Silk routine with various effects using Japanese Box
1975 32
Faucett Ross Handkerchief Cane Silk produced at the end of special cane
1975 43
Faucett Ross Fountain of Silks Lots of silks are produced
1975 45
T. Nelson Downs, David Devant 3. Downs' Flag Production Produce flags from suitcase on telescopic staff
1975 180
Jan Torell Trick with 3 Giant Cards three jumbo cards, silk is produced and back of one card changes color
1975 16
Alessandro de Luca Mit einem Mixbecher published as Lukas Th. Schoch, water poured from cup, then silks are produced
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 36 No. 5)
Gerald Kosky Novel Production silks, flags etc. produced from newspaper
1975 245
Dai Vernon A Silk Routine production from bill, with sixth finger gimmick
Related to 1976 7
David Berglas Impossible Silk Production with tube
1976 11
Jerry Mentzer Cards - Silks - Blendo threefold screen made from jumbo playing cards folded into triangle, silks produced, they change into giant silk with cards on them, Booth's Blendo
1976 3
Patrick Page A Rabbit from a Hat silks and rabbit
1976 197
The Ghost Tube
1976 227
The Japanese Production Box to produce handkerchiefs, box with hole in bottom
1976 243
Patrick Page The Changing Bag routine with child, handkerchiefs appear
1976 245
Jean Hugard Seidentuch aus Kerzenflamme silk production from flame of candle
Also published here 1976
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 37 No. 1)
Jean Hugard Le foulard sorti de la flamme d'une bougie silk production from flame of candle
Also published here 1976
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 37 No. 3)
Jean Hugard La pièce de monnaie sorti de la flamme d'une bougie from matchbook, coin production from flame of a candle
Also published here 1976
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 37 No. 3)
Marconick Silk Ball Production production of two silks from a third silk, all silks end up knotted together, using a silk ball
Also published here 1976 4
Marconick Flash Silks flash paper on metal rod is ignited, five handkerchiefs appear instantly
Also published here 1976 16
Jochen Zmeck Blendo mit Röhre roll-up tube used to produce three silks (Horster's "Ora"), then blendo effect without the tube
1977 6
Richard Cawolsky Silk Productions silk appears from end of balloon
Related to 1978 64
Richard Cawolsky Message Silk message written on balloon, silk with message written on it appears from end of balloon
Related to 1978 64
Richard Cawolsky Two In two silks appear on both ends as a long balloon is burst
1978 78
Theo "Okito" Bamberg Okito's Confetti to Silks and Livestock tube filled with confetti, confetti changes into silks
1978/76 258
Karrell Fox Kiddin' Silks silks put all over kid when produced, then he is changed into a "rabbit" by tying silk ears
1979 165
Karrell Fox Chuckle Silks funny messages on silks during silk production
1979 293
Eddie Clever Ein Eisbrecher-Trick paper napkin stretched over glass, then a silk produced from a hole
Aug. 1979
Intermagic (Vol. 6 No. 2)
N. A. Post Seidengeld silk produced from bill, or small coins
Dec. 1979
Intermagic (Vol. 6 No. 3 & 4)
Marconick Production de foulards production of two silks from a third silk, all silks end up knotted together, using a silk ball
Also published here 1979 3
Marconick Les foulards flashs flash paper on metal rod is ignited, five handkerchiefs appear instantly
Also published here 1979 20
Marconick Enchaînement pour "Le foulard pris au lasso" three loops of rope linked together and two silk appears in the middle
Also published here 1979 21
Marconick Production à la boîte de Kleenex silks produced from rolled up kleenex ball, load with box
Also published here 1979 25
Marconick Foulards en chaîne silks changes order in which they are knotted together, chain and triangle
Also published here 1979 1
Marconick Tube bicolore pour production silk production from sheet of plastic which is formed into tube
Also published here 1979 10
Marconick Double noeud silk produced in knot of rope, repeated
Also published here 1979 1
Marconick Le foulard pris au lasso two loops of rope linked together and silk appears in the middle
Also published here 1979 9
Marconick Variation sur les foulards en triangle silks changes order in which they are knotted together, chain and triangle
Also published here 1979 18
El Duco Printed Silks jumbo card with silks printed on it is wrapped into sheet of newspaper, silks are produced and card is blank
1980 5
Jack Hughes Rope Wells different colored silks are produced from different colored rolled-up ropes, on tray
1981 10
Jack Hughes A Star Production apparatus in form of a star, to produce huge load of silk streamers
1981 60
How Dollar Bills Are Made silk from bill, thumb tip
1982 73
Silk Tube silks produced from sealed tube, with rings and paper
1982 184
Marvin Merit Zündholz zu Tuch silk is produced from lit match
Also published here
  • "Genii " 1946, p. 74.
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 43 No. 4&5)
Marconick The Magic Cornucopia silks and cups produced from paper cone
Also published here 1982 40
Piet Forton Dein Zauberstab kann sich biegen und kann schweben... magic wand bends and sticks on hand, various methods, production of a handkerchief
1983 23
Marconick Tuchproduktion aus einem Kartenfächer
Also published here 1983 2
Marconick Zweimal geknotet silk produced in knot of rope, repeated
Also published here 1983 9
Marconick Lasso-Wurf nach einem Seidentuch two loops of rope linked together and silk appears in the middle
Also published here 1983 11
Marconick Tücher- und Becherproduktion silks and cups produced from paper cone
Also published here 1983 20
Jan Torell Die Ghost-Tube und der besondere Dreh handkerchief production with ghost tube, way to apparently show both sides, with flash light
1984 38
Manfred Cattarius Tuch auf dem Seil handkerchief appears knotted on rope, one-handed and two-handed method
1984 31
Fred Kaps Fantasie in Seide three threads of different color, two are chosen, silk produced from those two colors
Also published here
  • Pentagram, Feb. 1953
Oct. 1985
Intermagic (Vol. 12 No. 1)
Harold Sterling A "Sterling" Tip lin of baby clothes production from kid
1986 85
Dai Vernon The Tale of the Treasury Worm with bill and sixth finger
Also published here Mar. 1987
Magical Arts Journal (Vol. 1 No. 8)
Pat Conway Instant Silk on Rope silk appears in knot of rope as it is tied
1987 109
Dai Vernon The Tale of the Treasury Worm production from bill, with sixth finger gimmick
Related toAlso published here 1988 49
Terri Rogers Crazy Compass No. 7, silk produced from paper tube
1988 18
The Birthday No. 13, newspaper rolled into tube, silks produced
1988 35
A Novel Production No. 15, under borrowed handkerchief appears a wand, then a silk
1988 40
Silk from Silk No. 16, one silk starts in elbow fold
1988 42
Collard No. 17, silk produced from another silk, stolen from behind collar
1988 44
Patrick Page Thumb Tip production of handkerchief from purse frame
Related to 1988 16
Jonathan Neal Brown Seiden-Produktion silks produced from rolled-up mat
Also published here
  • Genii, Mar. 1984
July 1988
Intermagic (Vol. 13 No. 5)
Dai Vernon Das Märchen vom Schatz-Wurm with bill and sixth finger
Also published here Feb. 1990
Intermagic (Vol. 15 No. 2)
Karrell Fox A Big Finish trade show presentation for Gen Grant's Temple Screen production
1991 142
Ali Bongo Bongo-Zick-Zack-Falter cardboard to produce handkerchief
Also published here 1991 26
Steve Dusheck Cards and Silks four cards shown and placed upright in slits in board, silk produced from that construction, card with container compartment
1992 68
Jaroslav Zd'ársky Das Tuch auf dem Spazierstock silk appears instantly on cane
Also published here
  • Prager Zaubereien
Sep. 1992
Intermagic (Vol. 17 No. 2)
Mila Trnka Neue Präsentschachtel production tube construction
Also published here
  • Prager Zaubereien
Sep. 1992
Intermagic (Vol. 17 No. 2)
Marconick Tuchproduktion aus einem Ball production of two silks from a third silk, all silks end up knotted together, using a silk ball
Also published here 1992 6
Marconick Blitztücher flash paper on metal rod is ignited, five handkerchiefs appear instantly
Also published here 1992 10
Marconick Drei Tücher auf einem Band production of three silks, when ribbon is pulled through hand
Also published here 1992 12
Marconick Ein Tuch erscheint auf einem Kleiderhaken two silks knotted on coathanger, third silk appears
Also published here 1992 14
Marconick Tücherproduktion en gros stream of handkerchief is produced from other silk
1992 16
Marconick Seidentuchschütteln silk is shaken and knotted silk appears on end, silk is removed and trick repeated up to five time
Also published here 1992 18
Marconick Tuch im Knoten silk appears knotted o a loop of rope
Also published here 1992 20
Marconick Das mittlere Tuch silk appears knotted o a loop of rope
Also published here 1992 22
Karl Fulves Silk from Nowhere silk pulled out of examined sheet of newspaper
1993 27
Alan Wakeling France: The Original Hip Steal silks appear from holes in painting palette, wine glass appears on palette as finale (Hip Steal), "Silks from Newspaper" gimmick, with comments by Jim Steinmeyer
Related to 1993 137
Jim Steinmeyer A Lesson In a Lesson In Magic
  • Conjuring
silks vanish in rolled-up magazine, then they reappear tied together, attached hidden moveable container
June 1993
Magic (Vol. 2 No. 10)
Sam Leo Horowitz Silk Production with False Finger with paper
1994 1105
Ali Bongo Zig Zag Folder cardboard to produce handkerchief
Also published here 1994 7
Salvano Erscheinen eines Seidentuchs silk appears from borrowed handkerchief
1994 5
Robert Parrish The Well of Invisibility "The Japanese Box" routine
Related to
  • David Devant ("The Best Tricks and How to Do Them")
Also published here
1995 54
Karrell Fox The "Presto-Chang-O" Tube tube to switch or produce silks
1995 152
Pavel Der Magnetische Zauberstab handkerchief appears knotted on wand
1995 26