352 entries in Light & Fire / Flash Paper & Material
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
Flash Handkerchief
1890 227
H. F. C. Suhr Der moderne Phönix No. 3, card torn to pieces and burnt in a flash on a bowl, restored card underneath bowl, see Zauberspiegel for Suhr attribution
Also published here 1895 89
Carl Willmann Briefkasten answering letters, on Conradi/Conrady & Horster, on legal performances for money, Wunderkinder, Melanie Leichtmann, Madame Médéa, flash paper
June 1895
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 1 No. 6)
Camill Bihler Der verschwundene Ring "Ein Gesellschaftsscherz"
cup upside down on table, borrowed finger ring wrapped in paper and put on bottom of cup and burned, ring is found underneath cup
Nov. 1895
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 1 No. 11)
Neues Blitzpapier flash paper recipe, chemical
Oct. 1896
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 2 No. 10)
Carl Willmann Verschiedenes
  • Ein Zauberer als Millionär (Barney Barnato)
  • Fragekasten
flash material
Dec. 1896
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 2 No. 12)
H. F. C. Suhr Der moderne Phönix card torn to pieces and burnt in a flash on a bowl, restored card underneath bowl
Also published here Aug. 1896
Der Zauberspiegel (Vol. 1 No. 12)
Ein Tellschuss object placed in paper cone which is attached to a target, cone and content vanish in a flash when fired upon it
Nov. 1896
Der Zauberspiegel (Vol. 2 No. 3)
Professor Ernst Das Verschwinden eines Gegenstandes item like borrowed watch wrapped into flash paper, it vanishes from there
Related to Jan. 1898
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 4 No. 1)
Emil Clauß Ein Wort zum "Schiessen im Salon" flash material instead of classic load to make less of a mess
Oct. 1898
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 4 No. 10)
Samuel "St. Roman" Thiersfeld Der animalische Transport No. 6, two birds travel from small glass box to cage
1899 29
Flash Paper Card
1900 72
Selbstverbrennung einer Karte und ihre Wiederherstellung No. 16, card placed on stand, burns on command, reappears in bottle that is broken to get it out, flap folding card in bottle
1900 97
H. F. C. Suhr Der bezauberte Fünfmarkschein bill vanishes in flash of fire, appears again, flash paper bill
July 1901
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 7 No. 7)
Phantome Ein moderner Erfinder - 8. stick burns away when broken
Related to Jan. 1902
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 8 No. 1)
Phantome Ein moderner Erfinder - 9. paper burns away
Related to Jan. 1902
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 8 No. 1)
W. J. Collins A Magical Explosive chemical
1903 60
Professor Ernst Watch Vanish in Flash Paper
Related to 1903 140
The Wedding Ring and Flag finger ring wrapped in flash paper vanishes, flag changes into flowers, flag with ring inside appears in covered glass
1903 204
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli Recipe for Flash Paper
1903 89
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli XIX. Suggestion eines Obolus
  • 1. Ein Autodafé (coin folded in paper vanishes in a flash)
  • 2. Phönix (coin appears in glass, covered with silk)
  • 3. Die wahrsagende Münze (coin in glass jumps, to answer questions, coding systems)
  • 4. Der Karzer (glass and coin are covered with silk and placed inside a box where they vanish)
1903 178
Carl Willmann Briefkasten answering letters, stealing a silk, flash paper card
June 1904
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 10 No. 6)
Feuerzauber apparatus stand from which a card vanishes in a flash
Sep. 1904
Der Zauberspiegel (Vol. 4 No. 9)
H. F. C. Suhr La carte du diable card vanishes in flash of fire, made from flash paper, ignites by itself
Jan. 1905
Der Zauberspiegel (Vol. 5 No. 2)
Joseph Michael Hartz Card, Coin and Candle coin wrapped in paper vanishes, reappears in chosen card, piece of paper into piece of candle
Related toAlso published here 1911 686
Joseph Michael Hartz Card, Coin and Candle coin wrapped in paper vanishes, reappears in chosen card, piece of paper into piece of candle
Also published here 1911 145
Oswald Rae A Suggested Combination wand wrapped in newspaper, signed cigarette changes into wand and newspaper is crushed, cigarette later found inside a candle
Also published here
  • "A Suggested Combination" in "The British Ring"
1930 45
Theodore Annemann Living Dead Test Idea with flash paper
Also published here Apr. 1936
The Jinx (Issue 19)
Dr. Jacob Daley Death Divination one with flash paper
Also published here Aug. 1936
The Jinx (Issue 23)
Jean Hugard Production of the First Thimble: Various Methods five ways to produce a single thimble in a dramatic manner, some involving fire/flash paper
1936 20
Edward Bagshawe The Paper that Joins Up strip of paper attached to stand, center is covered by handkerchief, center is torn out and vanished (flash paper) and reappears restored in center
1936 ca. 66
a. crumpled bill vanishes in flash of fire
1937 16
Mirror Glass and Flash Paper Variation
1937 38
Borrowed Bill Vanished and Found in Spectator's Hand bill is burned in envelope and travels into watch held by spectator
1937 47
Revealed by Fire name of selected card appears on card in flash of fire
1938 226
Flash Paper recipe
1938 874
Theodore Annemann Formula for making Colored Flashpaper
The Jinx (Issue Summer Extra 1938)
A Silk Interlude silk vanishes in flash, actually flash paper
1939 66
Ring im Blitzfeuer ring is wrapped in flash paper and placed on inverted cup, ring penetrates cup
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 1 No. 1)
Theodore Annemann Tip on Lighting Flash Paper
The Jinx (Issue 98)
Martin Gardner Japanese Paper Bird bird fold that flaps its wings, application with flash paper and coin appearing from bird or traveling in bird
Inspired by
  • "Houdini's Paper Magic" (p. 117)
Related to
  • "Scientific Recreations" (Tissandier, 1881, French work)
1941 11
Oscar "Oscarelli" Rey Magie mit Blitzpapier ideas with flash paper
  • I. Die geheimnisvolle Tafel
  • II. Pique Ass
  • III. Das Geld des Teufels
  • V. Ein Schlusseffekt
  • VI. Die Meteorkarte
Related to Sep. 1941
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 3 No. 9)
Al Baker Welded Flash Paper
Also published here 1941 126
Paul Curry I.O.U. dime is wrapped with paper and in a flash the paper vanishes, coin transforms to a penny, under the penny is a little circle of paper "IOU 9 ct"
Also published here 1941 3
Sid Lorraine The Pocket Hindoo Rope Trick rope vanishes, Indian rope trick presentation, flash rope
1941 ca. 381
Der Drucker verheimlicht ein magisches Geheimnis corrections to "Die Meteorkarte", deck is placed inside envelope and stuck on a wall, then the envelope is lit with cigarette, paper vanishes and all card fall on the floor but selection
Related to Feb. 1942
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 4 No. 2)
Russel Walsh The Flash Card Stab deck wrapped in flash paper
Variations 1943 282
Bob Hummer Take Your Hat Off (This will burn 'em up) with flash paper under cover of a hat
Also published here 1944 6
Dr. Jacob Daley Dr. Daley's Death Divination one with flash paper
Also published here 1944 57
Haded Calling! living and dead test in combination with flash paper idea
Also published here 1944 59
Flash Paper some information
1945 23
Milbourne Christopher Christopher's Flaming Napkin paper napkin bursts into flames, using only little flash paper
1945 23
James Upchurch Cold Fire - The Magic Torch fake blow torch, effects with cold fire (bulb of flash light), melting metal, boiling water and more
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1945)
Paul Curry I.O.U dime is wrapped with paper and in a flash the paper vanishes, coin transforms to a penny, under the penny is a little circle of paper "IOU 9 ct"
Related toAlso published here 1945 161
Sid Lorraine A "Flash" Opener flash paper bill vanish
1945 320
Shaman Shaman's Lucifers two matchboxes, in one the matches are burnt, then they change places with the unburnt matches in the other matchbox
Related to
  • Stuart Robson's "Tips on Flashpaper"
May 1945
The Phoenix (Issue 83)
Joseph K. Schmidt Flash Paper Interlude flash appears, cigarette ignites palmed flash paper
Nov. 1945 164
Henry Weisl, Robert Greene Letters of Fire card value burns itself into paper stretched in a frame, paper index on back of cards
Related to Nov. 1945 166
Milbourne Christopher Flowers from the Flame bouquet from flash of fire, one-handed production from sleeve
Dec. 1945 172
Milbourne Christopher Colored Flash Paper uses for colored flash paper for: silk vanish, torn and restored tissue, silk to egg, lapel flower
Jan. 1946 184
Hen Fetsch Flower Flash liquid poured in pot and flowers appear in a flash
1946 10
Hen Fetsch Fire Flowers paper cone is filled with milk and ignited, changes to flowers
1946 14
Hen Fetsch Dove Flash milk poured into paper cone, cone is ignited and changes into dove
1946 17
Hen Fetsch Comedy Combo combination with "Abbott's Comedy Glass", milk disappears in cone and glass is stretched to make room for milk to reappear
1946 18
Milbourne Christopher Flash Bill Idea flash paper idea when doing chop cup / cups and balls with rolled up bills
Feb. 1947 293
Milbourne Christopher Tobacco Pass cigarette is torn open, tobacco vanishes and appears again and paper vanishes in a flash
May 1947
Hugard's Magic Monthly (Vol. 4 No. 12)
Milbourne Christopher Money to Burn piece of newspaper is torn and rolled up into balls, one changes to rolled up bill which then vanishes in a flash
Inspired by
  • Milbourne Christopher's "More Tips on Tricks"
May 1947
Hugard's Magic Monthly (Vol. 4 No. 12)
Milbourne Christopher Indestructible Dollar burnt and restored bill, flash bill
May 1947
Hugard's Magic Monthly (Vol. 4 No. 12)
Milbourne Christopher Milbourne Christopher's Column ideas for various tricks
  • Lit cigarette hold on thumb covered with handkerchief
  • idea for Al Baker's addition slate
  • on Lou Tannens shooting wand
  • Milk Pitcher
  • Brainwave Deck
  • gag with flash bill
  • Floating Ball
  • card location
Aug. 1947 341
Clayton Rawson Knots of Flame do as i do cut and restored ropes, second knot vanishes in a flame
Aug. 1947 343
George G. Kaplan The Lemon Trick two bills with similar numbers, flash paper bill
1948 292
Jerry Hornak Producing two Flashes of Flame when lighting a cigarette
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1948)
Kenny Grosse Flashpaper idea
Nov. 1948
The Phoenix (Issue 164)
How to make Flash Paper
1948 80
Milbourne Christopher Flash Cigarette cigarette vanishes in a flash and appears again, with lighter
Jan. 1948 385
Bill Simon Ashes Away flash paper cone as ash tray, in the end paper an ashes disappear in a flash
Feb. 1948 392
Milbourne Christopher Milbourne Christopher's Column various idea based on Popper
  • Silk from Smoke
  • Two silk production
  • Flash Silk
  • Foulard Production
  • Paper to Bouquet
  • Rope from Smoke
Inspired by July 1948 439
U. F. Grant Two on a Match match blown out, yet can still ignite flash paper which then ignites match again
Oct. 1948 11
Jack Yeager "Flash" Cigarette in Handkerchief flash paper in thumb tip
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1949)
Dr. Stanley Jaks, Bruce Elliott Mortell selected card appears on a paper under skull, flash paper
Also published here Mar. 1949
The Phoenix (Issue 173)
Bob Hummer Hot Head with flash paper under cover of a hat
Also published here Apr. 1949
The Phoenix (Issue 174)
John A. M. Howie Pyromaniac with two paper matches and flash paper
Apr. 1949
The Phoenix (Issue 175)
Cyril Keller Torn Center Tip center tear using flash paper
Feb. 1949 509
Stewart Judah, Martin Gardner, Milbourne Christopher Flash Paper Pellet Switch switching paper ball for flash paper ball, with ideas by Milbourne Christopher
May 1949
Hugard's Magic Monthly (Vol. 6 No. 12)
Stanley Collins Lightning-Flash Card Change card can be seen through flash paper, card changes when paper is ignited, Clubs to Spades
June 1949 547
Penny Game puzzle with cigarettes, glass, coin and paper, set-up for joke with flash paper
1949 24
Bob Lewis Coin in Flash Paper coin becomes smaller coin after being wrapped in flash paper which is burned, funny message remains on left-over paper circle
Jan. 1949 12
U. F. Grant Brain-Storms in Magic - Flight of a Handkerchief borrowed handkerchief burned in a flash, reappears in paper cone, "by WT"?!
Mar. 1949 15
Don Tanner A Bill Restoration And Transposition borrowed dollar bill burns in a flash and appears in previously empty envelope
Apr. 1949 9
Don Tanner The Dead Return spectator writes question on card which is put in envelope, envelope burns in a flash and question is now on other side of envelope
Apr. 1949 11
Cliff Lesta Smoke Rays Handling
Inspired by June/July 1949 13
U. F. Grant Atomic Energy fire explosion in glass
Aug./Sep. 1949
Grant's Inner Circle Magazine (Vol. 1 No. 11 & 12)
Jack Chanin From the Private Files of Chanin paper napkin bursts into flame and restores again, three variations
Jan. 1950
The Phoenix (Issue 194)
Milbourne Christopher, Sid Lorraine Flame Up piece of newspaper is touched with blown-out match and starts to burn
June 1950 671
Milbourne Christopher The Peculiar Pipe pipe is filled with tobacco and when lit with match, tobacco vanishes in a flash, two methods
July 1950 685
Chester Dobski Thimble Magic using flash paper
  • A Flash Thimble Production
Dec. 1950 731
Jack Yeager Pistol and Silk with flash paper cone
Also published here
  • Jack Yeager's "Second Portfolio of Tricks"
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1951)
Bill Nord Ex-straw-dinary paper from a straw twists like a snake when water is dropped on it, then when touched with a cigarette it vanishes
July 1951
The Phoenix (Issue 234)
Leslie Spiewak Lucifer's Sleight as "Les Spewack", coin is produced in a flash, matchbox
July 1951
The Phoenix (Issue 234)
Dick Piser Piser's Flaming Boutonniere handkerchief changes into boutonniere in a flash
Related to Nov. 1951
The Phoenix (Issue 242)
Don Alan It's Flashy! sponge balls appear in a flash, with flash paper
1951 5
Norman Jensen Cigarette on Flashpaper
Also published here June 1952
The Phoenix (Issue 257)
Dick Piser Flash on the Glass piece of paper napkin bursts in flames and vanishes
Sep. 1952
The Phoenix (Issue 264)
Piff Paff Puff cut and restored rope, knots made of flash paper to restore rope
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 13 No. 5)
Yellowstone Tricky Tidbits ideas, gags and puns
  • Joy Buzzer
  • Flexible Glass
  • Bill in Cigarette
  • Sucker Silk Vanish
  • Coin in Egg
  • Dancing Hanky
  • Egg Bag Finish
  • Swallowing Wand Gag
  • Stamp Album
  • Diminishing Bills Finale
  • Torn and Restored Paper
  • Floating Bulb
  • Milk in Light Bulb
  • Handkerchief Frame
  • Hat Production
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1954)
Roy Benson Dollar Poof flash bill gag
Also published here May 1954
The New Phoenix (Issue 306)
Dick Piser In a Flash ball is wrapped in paper, paper is lighted with a match and changes into a silk
July 1954
The New Phoenix (Issue 312)
John Murray A Flash Gordon Stunt Flash Gordon them, Flash Paper
Oct. 1954
The New Phoenix (Issue 318)
Don Alan Flash String Ideas gags and ideas
  • No.3 card is found with flash string and stripper deck
Nov. 1954
The New Phoenix (Issue 320)
Flash String Idea for cut and restored string
Nov. 1954
The New Phoenix (Issue 320)
Don Alan Flash String Ideas
  • with a coin box
  • string puzzle
  • deck is bound with flash string, cards fall performer holds selection
1956 39
Otto Stolina Pyropapier - Tricks und Anregungen ideas and tips using flash paper
  • Eine lustige Zigarettenvorführung
  • Seiltricks, noch rätselhafter
  • Die Tüte als Aschenbecher
  • Der magische Tabak
  • Papierzerreissen
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 18 No. 1)
Jupp "Bramagura" Steinbach Pyro chosen card appears in flash paper envelope
  • Feuerkarte im Umschlag
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 18 No. 4)
Jean Hugard Das Raketentuch silk appears knotted between two others which were wrapped in flash paper
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 18 No. 4)
Bobby Bernard Flash Gypsy Thread after restoring the thread, it vanishes in a flame
1958 5
Bobby Bernard Entertaining Close Up Magic. Demonstration Effect. Coin in Ball of Wool brief, with flash string
1958 6
Bobby Bernard Original Close Up Magic. Demonstration Effect. Magic Music. brief, chosen tune on paper cannot be burnt
1958 7
Don Tanner Fire Flowers (Be Careful!) No. 36, spring flower bouquet from flash paper
1958 ca. 11
Oran Bailey Dent Trickities II more ideas
  • Scarf Tray (scarf on table to reduce mess of confetti etc.)
  • Portable Flash Pot Filament
  • Simplicity Card Box (to vanish or produce a card, Z-Fold)
  • Wallpaper Decoration
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1959)
Tony Corinda The Flames of Zor with flash paper and water
1959 194
Al Koran "Inexplicable" spectator writes city on a billet and a clipped with a bulldog clip, several more billets are introduced, when touched with a cigarette they vanish, except one on which the same city is noted as on the spectator's billet
1959 195
Farbiges Blitzpapier ideas using colored flash paper
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 20 No. 6)
... und wieder "Blitzpapier" idea for using flash paper in combination with cups and balls
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 20 No. 6)
Bill Simon Asche verschwindet using flash paper as ashtray
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 20 No. 6)
Hubert Lambert Phoenix Phantastique card is torn and put in napkin which is lighted, card it is reproduced in a flash
Sep. 1961
The New Phoenix (Issue 361)
Dr. Stanley Jaks Jaks Totenkopfexperiment name of card appears on piece of flash paper, with miniature skull
Also published here 1961 42
Edwin Leist-Bernini Zahlenzauber named number appears on signed card in envelope, carbon envelope, pyro envelope
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 22 No. 2)
Leo Behnke Fortune Stars stone in spectator's hand changes color several times, then wrapped in paper it disappears in a flash, fortune telling presentation
1962 12
Dr. William Weyeneth Ein Knalleffekt zum 1. August production of small flags from flash paper
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 24 No. 5)
Jochen Zmeck Tips - Tricks Anregungen various brief ideas
  • Wasser marsch!
  • Papierzerreissen
  • Glühlampe und Karte
  • Match to Flower
  • Tuchgag
  • Eierbeutel
  • Lichtetui
Also published here
  • in "Methodische Reihe der Zauberkunst"
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 26 No. 2)
Gerard "Bruno" Bruning The Flash Silver and Copper silver and copper coin wrapped in flash paper in ash tray, lighted, copper penetrates ash tray, "Gerald Bruning"
1966 471
Piet Forton The Popokatepetlpaper Produce dollar bill with flash paper
Also published here 1967 7
Eddie Fields Spongeball Climax spongeballs burst into flames
Also published here 1968 73
Piet Forton Popokatepetl-Paper production of dollar bill with flash paper, burning candle from inside the coat
Also published here 1968 6
Clayton Rawson Clayton Rawson's Knots of Flame ends tied to knot, knot is lighted with match and rope is restored
Also published here
  • in "Hugard's Magic Monthly*
1968 230
Len Gardner Mad Money One, Five and Ten dollar bills borrowed and dropped in glasses, One and Five dollar bills vanish in flame and reappear folded inside Ten dollar bill, see p. 289 for reference
Related to
  • suggestion by John Hudak on p. 314
Oct. 1969 287
Edy Künzler Kennen Sie Pyropapier? ideas using flash paper
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 30 No. 5)
Lee Wayne Paper to Silver as Le Wayne, two coins vanish in piece of paper and are produced from burnt bill
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1969-70)
Art Spring Divining Cup numbered slips with information written by spectators in cup, performer divines contents, slips secretly burned via flash paper
Oct. 1970 367
Roy Walton Devilish Die die wrapped in flash paper is rolled, paper burned, rolled number counted down to, card predicted on paper piece underneath die
Related toAlso published here Winter 1970
The Pallbearers Review Vol. 5-8 (Vol. 6 No. 4th Folio)
Walter B. Gibson Ashes of the Phoenix burnt and restored paper
Magick (Issue 16)
Al Portwood Thought Picture ghost photo à la Ted Serious, index of selection appears, fake camera
Magick (Issue 20)
Gerald Kosky Up in Flames several pieces of paper, marked "fire proof" and one "up in flames", that paper burns when touched with a match
Also published here 1971
Magick (Issue 34)
Peter Warlock Flash Paper and Silks two blue silks with yellow silk in between bundled up, flash paper changes into yellow silk, between blue silks is now flash paper
1971 ca. 10
Wilfrid Jonson Swindles comedy patter about swindles, silk vanishes and reappears, paper fold vanish of coin with flash paper, coin reappears in orange, borrowed watch vanishes and does not reappear with gag, see also p. 565 and p. 585
Inspired by
  • a monologue by G. W. Hunter in an early Wizard or Magic Wand issue
Also published here
  • "Swindles" (Thayer's Trick Of The Month Club, Series 2, No. 10, April 1933)
June 1972 529
Billy McComb Ear! Ear! shooting-combinatin-flash wand
1972 147
Dai Vernon, Paul Fox Vernon - Fox Card in Cigarette No. 38, very cryptic, with cigarette tube and flash paper
1972 15
Carl Newton Inspiration from the French two cards selected from ten-card packet, cards in row on card stand and a piece of tissue in front of each, tissue touched with cigarette, bright flashes at selections
Related to Mar. 1973 603
Robert (Bob) Hess Flame Test two paper slips, on one the spectator draws a demonic symbol, this vanishes in a flash
Sep. 1973 653
Paul Curry IOU quarter is wrapped with paper and in a flash the paper vanishes, coin transforms to a nickel. Under the nickel is a little circle of paper "IOU 20ct"
1974 25
Amedeo Vacca Flash Teatro fire flashs appear in the hands, opening
1974 18
Amedeo Vacca, Milbourne Christopher Flash-X pieces of paper in spectator's hand, Xs drawn on other pieces, the vanish in fire, Xs now on pieces in spectator's hand
1974 33
Steve Spillman Vanishing Cigarette cigarette vanishes in table napkin
1974 17
Pete Biro Glittering ring vanishes and appears in a flash (paper) at end of a pointer
Related toVariations July 1975
Pabular (Vol. 1 No. 11)
Faucett Ross Fountain of Silks Lots of silks are produced
1975 45
Jerry Mentzer I. O. U. silver dollar wrapped in paper, ignited, flash, giant penny remains with an "I.O.U. 99 cent" note
Inspired by
  • trick by Pete Watt from MAES Convention, 1971
1975 20
Jim Alfredson Mind Flare flash in hand, with lighter
Magick (Issue 138)
Ali Bongo Sterling Embryo two different-colored tissue papers and borrowed bill are rolled up and put on upside-down glasses, bill vanishes, white paper burns, in red paper is white paper and inside bill
Inspired by
  • "Embryo" (Pentagram)
Related toAlso published here
  • New Pentagram, Dec. 1972
Nov. 1975
Intermagic (Vol. 3 No. 1 & 2)
Peter "Peki" Kinnigkeit Jumbo small elephant toy vanishes in a flash, seated
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 36 No. 4)
Gerald Kosky Up In Flames five pieces of paper, spectator selects one and writes "Up in flames" on it, when touched by match its the only one that burns
Also published here 1975 183
Lawrence Nudelman Cigarettes Into Money in a Flash cigarette changes into rolled-up dollar bill in a flash
1975-1978 ca. 6
Lawrence Nudelman A $10 Bill in a Flash small piece of napkin is burned in a flash and becomes a folded up bill
1975-1978 ca. 8
David Berglas Flash Magic on pyro flash material
1976 11
David Berglas Match Replay paper is ignited with blown out match, then paper is blown out and match burns again
1976 13
David Berglas F-L-A-S-H! fire flash appears, apparently strong drink, using cigarette to ignite flash paper
1976 15
David Berglas Flick-Flash shooting a fire ball through the room, flash paper ball
1976 17
Jerry Mentzer Matchbook to Silk
1976 1
Karrell Fox Tarzan Rope Trick with a "Flashy" Finish rope cut in half, knotted together, knot ignited and it burns away in a flash
1976 135
Karrell Fox Hot Flashes center fold in Playboy magazine with "bunny" picture gos up in flames
1976 195
James Douglas Rückgewinnung cover sheets torn off magazine, they vanish in a flash of fire and are then shown to be back
Also published here
  • Pentagram, Aug. 1947
June 1976
Intermagic (Vol. 3 No. 4)
Paul Curry Circle of Fire chosen card appears on piece of paper between two coins, shell
Inspired byRelated toVariationsAlso published here 1977 16
Danton Voodoo Doll voodoo doll in box, body part is pierced by spectator, five pellets are contacted with lighter and four disappear in a flame, written on the fifth is the selected body part
Magick (Issue 171)
Roy Walton Der Teufelswürfel die wrapped in flash paper is rolled, paper burned, rolled number counted down to, card predicted on paper piece underneath die
Also published here Mar. 1977
Intermagic (Vol. 4 No. 2)
Paul Fox Cashing a Cheque paper transforms into bill in flash
Variations 1978 144
Stephen Minch The Eye of Alhazred chosen symbol appears chemically on paper, with fire
Also published here 1979 11
Stephen Minch Pickman's Model stain appears on table under statue, then statue moves and disappears
Also published here 1979 16
Roy Benson Blitzverschwinden flash bill gag
Also published here Dec. 1979
Intermagic (Vol. 6 No. 3 & 4)
Milbourne Christopher Noch ein Pyropapier-Geldscheintrick bill burns in a flash instead of slowly, gag
Dec. 1979
Intermagic (Vol. 6 No. 3 & 4)
Karl Fulves More Real more ideas with the paper animation idea, flash paper application, fortune telling fish
Interlocutor (Issue 43)
Bob Hummer Hot Head with flash paper under cover of a hat
Also published here 1980 2
Bob Hummer Take Your Hat Off same as Hot Head, not explained
Also published here 1980 23
George Blake "Flash!" reading funny things from newspaper, it vanishes in a flash, then cigarette vanishes in handkerchief, with more elaborate version for magicians
1980 49
Ken De Courcy Blue Spotitis blue spot on performer's nose, spots are "caught" with paper fortune teller fold and poured into hand, then into ashtray where they vanish in flash
1980 16
Stephen Tucker Kodek rising card from case, with
Aug. 1981
Spell-Binder (Vol. 1 No. 4)
Tom Craven Poof! pellets wrapped in aluminium foil and held over flame, paper with dead name vanishes inside foil
Magick (Issue 288)
Norman Jensen Magisches Zigarettendrehen
Also published here June 1981
Intermagic (Vol. 8 No. 2)
David Ben Holy Smoke rolled flash paper becomes cigarette, two half dollars appear and change into bill
Jan. 1982
Pabular (Vol. 7 No. 1)
Eric Mason, Barrie Richardson Cinders several paper balls, on is selected, the other are out of flash paper and are burned, the selected one has a prediction written on it
1982 29
George Schindler Flaming Assembly small Rubik's cube solves itself when covered in flash paper and ignited, switch
1982 15
Paul Brignall Whoooooosh!!! joke for vanishing cigarette, flash paper
Spell-Binder (Vol. 2 No. Special #1 (Summer))
Wayne Dobson Chain Reaction ring appears on chain, with flash paper
Related toVariations Aug. 1982
Spell-Binder (Vol. 2 No. 16)
Stephen Tucker Zap small piece of paper is put in cloths pin and ignited, a coin appears in a flash, see also p. 388 for comments by Phil Goldstein
Related toAlso published here Aug. 1982
Spell-Binder (Vol. 2 No. 16)
David Britland Shocker paper burns in a flash and becomes a coin
Sep. 1982
Spell-Binder (Vol. 2 No. 17)
Stephen Tucker Torn and Restored Paper flash paper
Dec. 1982
Spell-Binder (Vol. 2 No. 20)
Meir Yedid Production of a Coin with Flash Paper
1982 12
John Cornelius, Meir Yedid Flash Cigarette Papers
1982 21
Michael Ammar Flash Coins coins appear in pyro flashes, with lighter
Also published here Nov. 1983
Apocalypse (Vol. 6 No. 11)
Joseph Dunninger Into the Air Method 8 (with flash paper)
1983 15
Michael Ammar Flash Coins three coins appear from flame of lighter, then lighter changes into fourth coin, topit
Also published here 1983 11
Eddie Taytelbaum, Stephen Tucker Flash of Light collection of ideas
  • for the rising card, two cards rise aligned (Taytelbaum)
  • card changes while removing rubber band from wrist (Taytelbaum)
  • Miracle Aces, to produce a Full House (Tucker)
  • rope restoration with flash paper (Tucker)
  • rope vanish idea (Tucker)
Inspired by Apr. 1983
Spell-Binder (Vol. 2 No. 24)
Stephen Tucker Soul Searcher contract with devil, vanishes in flames, gag
Related to July 1983
Spell-Binder (Vol. 3 No. 27)
Pascal Monmoine Flashy glass through table idea, flash paper
Sep. 1983
Spell-Binder (Vol. 3 No. 29)
Pascal Monmoine On Flash Thread ideas and gags
May 1984
Pabular (Vol. 8 No. 6)
Roy Cottee The Hole(y) Tearer routine with paper napkin
  • hole torn in center, torn out piece is smaller than hole
  • both rolled up and bigger ball vanishes when lit
  • match vanishes and found in smaller ball
1984 115
Jerry Mentzer Glitter Ring borrowed finger ring crushed to dust, reappears when flash paper is burned
1984 58
Peter Samelson Samelson's Sensational Sponge Ball Surprise cigarette paper changes to sponge ball in flash of fire,
1984 35
John Cornelius Borrowed Bill Routine borrowed large denomination bill is folded and ignited, it vanishes in a flash, paper rolled up and ignited, it changes into rolled-up $1 bill in a flash, that changes into borrowed bill
VariationsAlso published here 1984 1
Rolf Andra "Ich schulde Ihnen..." - Ein magischer Scherz coin is wrapped in flash paper and when paper is lit, coin transforms and message appears on paper under coin
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 46 No. 3)
Bruce Bernstein Into the Infinite tossed out deck, three people write their cards down, all cards are divined on billets, then two billets are burnt and card on remaining billet is found predicted in envelope
VariationsAlso published here 1985 11
Terri Rogers Flash Paper flower made from flash paper
Also published here 1986 77
John Cornelius Le Coin de Jean de Merry: Apparition Eclair d'une Cigarette flash paper is lit and transforms into cigarette, paper to coin as variation
Also published here 1986
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 47 No. 1)
Stephen Minch The Silver Key key turns on hand, then on spectator's hand, the key on chain swings by itself over selected disk, then key is wrapped in paper and vanishes in flash of fire
Also published here 1987 31
Jochen Zmeck ...3-2-1-Zmeck handkerchief placed inside a tube which looks like a rocket, rocket is set on fire and handkerchief vanishes
Also published here
  • in "Zauberkunst"
Magische Blätter (Vol. 1 No. 9)
Jani "Mr. Jani" Jošovc ...3-2-1-Jani handkerchief placed inside a tube which looks like a rocket, rocket is set on fire and handkerchief vanishes
Magische Blätter (Vol. 1 No. 9)
John Cornelius Flash Appearance of a Cigarette flash paper is lit and transforms into cigarette, paper to bill as variation
Related toAlso published here 1988 2
Karrell Fox Half and Half flash dollar bill transforms into two half dollars when ignited in a flash
1988 23
Dai Vernon Cashing a Check check is torn, burned in flash, changes to bill
1989 156
Gary Kurtz Flash Glitter Finale finale for coin routine, coins are wrapped in paper, paper is ignited and they vanish in a flash of fire, leaving a shower of glitter
1989 20
Terri Rogers Pyropapier flower made from flash paper
Also published here July 1989
Intermagic (Vol. 14 No. 4 & 5)
Gianni Mattiolo Some Things with a Metal Cane
  • Flash Vanish
  • Flash Cane to Silk
June 1989
Opus (Vol. 2 No. 10)
Gary Kurtz Full Frontal Assault three coins appear, vanish and reappear multiple times, coins across, finale with transformations and vanish into glitter
  • Part 1 - Coming Into Money
    • Handling Variation
  • Part 2 - Three Others
  • Part 3 - Coins Across
  • Part 4 - Too Many Coins
  • Part 5 - Reproduction
  • Part 6 - Repeat Vanish Sequence
  • Part 7 - Reproduction
  • Part 8
  • Part 9
  • Part 10 - The Flash/Glitter Finale
1989 3
Ken Simmons A Flashy Change prediction on paper is wrong, paper changes into selected card in flash
Inspired by
  • "Flash Card Production" (Dick Piser/Harry Lorayne, Flash Paper Tips)
1990 15
Rocco Silano Fire and Ice: The Formal Presentation cotton burned in flash, ice produced from flame, sleeving
1990 45
Rocco Silano Fire and Ice: The Informal Presentation filter of cigarette removed and a piece burned, it changes to solid plastic, another piece burns in a flash and ice is produced from flash
1990 47
Rocco Silano Shaken, Not Stirred cotton touched to lips and then burned in flash, to prove that gasoline was drunk, gag
1990 48
Rocco Silano Flash Paper Ring on Cigarette method to produce fire from cigarette
1990 51
Docc Hilford Smiles Per Gallon spectator writes down amount of gas bill, flash paper
1990 4
Docc Hilford Super Nova divination of birthdate, written on flash paper
1990 8
Docc Hilford Wishbone Ash wish is divined, written on flash paper
1990 12
Docc Hilford Gonna Make You A Star number is divined, ritual, with flash paper
1990 13
Docc Hilford Just The Facts number is divined, flash paper
1990 18
Docc Hilford Here Today, Gone Today name is divined, on flash paper
1990 27
Harald Kurz F - Feuerring on appearing flame in hand
1991 33
Harald Kurz S - Speisefarben food coloring to color liquids or flash strings
1991 36
Sven Heubes, Ravi Pazhur Vacuum Cigarette flash thread into cigarette, two handlings
Related to 1991 110
Ravi Pazhur Whirl Pool card appears in flash
1991 116
Stephen Tucker Tucker's Zap small piece of paper is put in cloths pin and ignited, a coin appears in a flash
Also published here Jan. 1991
Intermagic (Vol. 16 No. 1)
Gary Kurtz Flash Glitter Finale coins wrapped in (flash) paper disappear
1992 45
Douglas Cameron Ring of Fire "Professional Routines"
ring appears on chain, with flash paper
Inspired by June 1992
Profile (Issue 8)
Barry Govan Counterfeit Credit four blank cards, picture of credit card appears on one and then card is torn and wrapped in paper, when paper is lit bill appears, Himber Wallet
Nov./Dec. 1992
The Magic Menu (Vol. 3 No. 14)
Muneo Yokoi Flying Small Card Card selected and lost in mini deck of cards. A lighter is lit, a huge flame is produced, lighter transforms into the mini selected card
1993 18
Michael Ammar Magic Paper piece of napkin is ignited and changes into crumbled-up bill
Mar./Apr. 1993
The Magic Menu (Vol. 3 No. 16)
Mike Rogers Flash Fire
  • Letters
Related to Mar. 1993
Magic (Vol. 2 No. 7)
Michael Stillwell, Eddie Austin Flash Paper
  • Letters
Related to Apr. 1993
Magic (Vol. 2 No. 8)
Jerry Mentzer Glitter-Ring ring vanishes from flash paper, reappears on key chain
1994 12
Michael Weber Wreck Creation borrowed finger ring vanishes, reappears in tea bag which is burned away in a flash
Inspired by 1994
Shawn McMaster The Fox Sisters' Table piece of wood falls over by itself and animates out of a glass jar, then it starts to burn for a short while
June 1994
The Lemniscate (Vol. 1 No. 1)
Chad Long Flash Vanish coin vanishes as fire is tossed onto it
1995 5
Karrell Fox Fantom Fire performer can make paper napkin flash when touched with cigarette, spectators cannot
1995 26
Karrell Fox A "Flashy" Logo flash paper on board, company name appears in flash, trade show
1995 92