46 entries in Animal / Dove / Body Load Production
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
Carl Willmann Briefkasten answering letters, living head in bottle, dove load from vest into hat, on competing Zauberspiegel, magic with apparatus
Apr. 1898
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 4 No. 4)
Steve Miaco Production of Two Pigeons also works with rabbit, from handkerchief
1941 49
Hen Fetsch Dove Flash milk poured into paper cone, cone is ignited and changes into dove
1946 17
Jean Hugard Torn and Restored Tissue paper ribbon with three different colored parts is torn and restored several times, then livestock is produced from it
Apr. 1947
Hugard's Magic Monthly (Vol. 4 No. 11)
Arthur H. Buckley Opening for a Card Act manipulation act with vanishing cane to silk, card production, dove production, gloves
1948 143
Marconick Special Pockets for doves
1967 37
John Brown John Brown's Snow White Dove Production harness design
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1969-70)
John Moehring Topper Production dove appears in top hat
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1969-70)
John Moehring Cane to Dove
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1969-70)
Larry Dangerfield A Tip for producing doves from sleeve
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1969-70)
John Brown John Brown's Split dove from flash of flame from cigarette
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1969-70)
John Brown John Brown's Instant Silk silk changes to dove
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1969-70)
Harvey P. Graham Dove from Fan of Cards
Oct. 1970
Talisman (Vol. 1 No. 35)
Billy McComb William Reminisces
  • Not Worried!
  • Switch is Switch!
  • Ringing the Changes
  • "I've Heard That One Before"
  • Hazards! and Hostesses
  • William the Palmist!
  • Appearing Doves - and Vanishing Loops!
1972 127
Loudoun Cameron Stanyon's Dove And Card Idea No. 378, dove with selection around neck produced from falling shower of cards
Also published here
  • "A New Idea with Cards and Dove" (Loudoun Cameron, Stanyon's Magic Vol. 2 No. 10, July 1902)
1972 104
Dove from Silk
1976 207
Jim Gabor La Paloma dove production
1977 25
Bob Fitch Productions - Steals - Loads stealing from the topit, with applications
  • XII-A. Direct Steal
    • 1) Egg on fan
    • 2) Invisible deck
    • 3) Cups & Balls
    • 4) Dye Tube
    • 5) Produce scissors
    • 6) Balloon to Dove
    • 7) Flames from Hands
    • 8) Fishbowl production
    • 9) Fountain of Silks
  • XII-B. Indirect Steal
    • 1) Rabbit and Tray
    • 2) Molding a Rabbit
1980 5
Johnny Thompson, Joe Tershay The Wings of Warsaw handkerchief over hand, dove appears when pulled away
1981 15
Patrick Martin Oral Gami tissue paper is restored in mouth, mouth coil, spring flower bouquet from paper and dove from flowers
1983 117
Jim Gabor La Paloma II double dove production, finale for close up act
1984 121
Steve Dusheck On to the Vest invisible vest under jacket, left side for vanishing and right side for loading
  • Adjustments to the Vest
  • Adjusting the Production Vest
  • Topit adjustments
1985 2
Steve Dusheck A sample Production body loading production with Dusheck Vest, from mouth coil
1985 4
Jean-Michel Cathery Eine Taubenproduktion production of dove, with silks, followed by french translation
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 46 No. 3)
Channing Pollock II. Teil: Körperladungen
  • Über Körperladungen (on body loads)
1989 24
Channing Pollock Die Basis-Produktion basic production, steal of a body load with handkerchief
1989 25
Cardini Laden aus dem Frackschwanz load from tailcoat, with small card manipulation sequence
1989 35
Channing Pollock Überraschende Verwandlung: Karten, Tuch, Taube cards change to silk, then dove is produced
1989 37
Channing Pollock, Lee Grabel Stolper-Stehlen stumble as misdirection for steals
1989 38
Carey Heim The Fantastic Bird Production body load production for close-up
1999 169
Egg to Dove
Also published here
  • Marian, Chavez, The Marian Chavez Encyclopedia of Dove Magic, revised by Tony Spina, 1979, p. 72
2002 231
Patrick Martin Peace of Paper folded paper bird becomes real bird in flash
Related to 2003 335
Channing Pollock The Channing Pollock Dove Production
May 2006
Genii (Vol. 69 No. 5)
Tom Stone Note 11 moving body away from hands when doing body loads, short comment
Also published here Apr. 2009
Genii (Vol. 72 No. 4)
Tom Stone Note 11 moving body away from hands when doing body loads, short comment
Also published here 2009 5
Dan Sperry Dove From Sketch Pad Magician draws bird on sketchpad, paper is crumpled and dove is produced
2010 13
Channing Pollock La carga de palomas de Channing dove steal with handkerchief
Also published here
  • "Genii" Vol. 57, Nr. 5. March, 1994.
El Manuscrito (Vol. 4 No. 17)
Johnny Thompson On Birds on the production of doves
2018 211
Johnny Thompson Pockets and Principles
  • The Jacket
  • The Pockets
  • Pocket Locations
  • The Dove Bag
  • The Silk Shroud
  • The Silks
2018 215
Johnny Thompson Basic Dove Steals
  • Hookup
2018 216
Johnny Thompson The JT Dove Steal - Same Side no upward pulling motion
2018 218
Johnny Thompson Across the Body Steal
2018 223
Channing Pollock The Channing Pollock Steal
2018 223
Johnny Thompson, Charlie Miller What Can Go Wrong, Will missing the loop in body steals
2018 225
Johnny Thompson Practice how to practice dove steals, fake doves
2018 226
Johnny Thompson Wings of Warsaw dove production under silk, from sleeve
2018 229