292 entries in Apparatus / Miscellaneous
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
Boxes to alter one graine into another, or to consume the graine or corne to nothing box with false bottom and layer of grains glued on it, turned over for transformation or vanish
Related to 1584 192
Boxes to change Graine box with false bottom and layer of grains glued on it, turned over for transformation or vanish, also appearance in bell type box
Related to 1634 32
L'Anneau Dans un Pistolet, Qui Se Trouve Ensuite au Bec d'une Tourterelle, Dans une Boîte qu'on Avait Auparavant Visitée & Cachetée ring shot with a pistol is later found in the beak of a turtle dove sitting in a box which was examined before
1784 50
The "Card and Bird" Box
1876 138
The Brass Box for Money, known as the "Plug-box" to vanish, reproduce or exchange coins
1876 192
The Davenport Cabinet things put inside vanish
1876 195
The Snuff-box Vase to change, vanish or produce small objects
1876 217
The Magic Reticules production boxes that fold up
1876 309
The Cover, to pick up any Article object vanishes or appears underneath brass cover
1876 355
The "Domino-Box" (sometimes called the "Glove-Box"), box to make things appear inside, also as Rattle Box
1876 386
The Inexhaustible Box
1876 391
The Japanese Inexhaustible Boxes box within a box
1876 393
The Feast of Lanterns several lanterns produced form "Inexhaustible Box", two styles of production lanterns that fold up
1876 395
The Magic Portfolio cage with birds and other 3D objects produced from thing portfolio
Related to 1876 468
Jean-Eugène Robert-Houdin The Light and Heavy Chest electro-magnetism
1876 482
A Mechanical Hat "chimney-pot" hat, for productions or changes
1890 7
Bland The Bran Plate for production of dove or anything
1890 361
The Inexhaustible Portfolio folder shown empty, then things produced from it
1890 385
The Horn of Plenty
1890 386
Das Orgelspiel oder "Tischlein decke dich"! six numbered tubes which can be nested are in a row on the table, table cloth, glasses and bottle appear along with other things required to set a table
Related to Sep. 1895
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 1 No. 9)
Antonio Molini Das Orgelspiel oder "Tischlein decke dich"! second part of description, version of Molini
Related to Oct. 1895
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 1 No. 10)
Carl Willmann Vortrag als Einleitung zum Orgelspiel patter for the production tubes
Oct. 1895
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 1 No. 10)
Carl Willmann Blumen-Körbchen basket for spring flower production
Oct. 1896
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 2 No. 10)
Als Entrée zu empfehlen one glove shrinks and one becomes bigger, then a clear box with confetti is shown, confetti changes into flowers
Jan. 1896
Der Zauberspiegel (Vol. 1 No. 5)
Die neue Präsentschatulle production chest
Inspired by
  • Willmann's Salon-Magie, p. 360
Aug. 1897
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 3 No. 8)
Carl Willmann Willmann's Changier-Dose tube to vanish or change something, insert drops out of bottom secretly
Sep. 1897
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 3 No. 9)
Japans Volksbelustigung water vanishes from vase, then silks and other things are produced from it
Jan. 1897
Der Zauberspiegel (Vol. 2 No. 5)
Eine Bildermappenversion cardboard folder as production apparatus
June 1897
Der Zauberspiegel (Vol. 2 No. 12)
Carl Willmann Briefkasten answering letters, living head in bottle, dove load from vest into hat, on competing Zauberspiegel, magic with apparatus
Apr. 1898
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 4 No. 4)
Die Brütmaschine cage apparatus to produce a small animal
Related to Dec. 1898
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 4 No. 12)
Samuel "St. Roman" Thiersfeld Der animalische Transport No. 6, two birds travel from small glass box to cage
1899 29
Die Brütmaschine second part of explanation
Related to Jan. 1899
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 5 No. 1)
Die Brütmaschine part three
Related to Feb. 1899
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 5 No. 2)
Cagliostro's Wunderdose production tube for silks, flower bouquet or something like that
Related to Mar. 1899
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 5 No. 3)
Carl Willmann Die Verwandlung eines Thalers in einen lebenden Vogel tube apparatus, coin changes into bird
Apr. 1901
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 7 No. 4)
Carl Willmann Die magische Theedose tea box to switch a silk or something like that
June 1901
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 7 No. 6)
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli Ein Glaskästchen zum Verschwindenlassen kleinerer Gegenstände glass box for vanishing objects
Variations Nov. 1901
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 7 No. 11)
Carl Willmann Willmann's Wunderschatulle case assembled from parts in front of audience, then things produced
Related to
  • Willmann's Salon-Magie, p. 360
Nov. 1901
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 7 No. 11)
Carl Willmann Zum Glaskästchen zum Verschwindenlassen kleinerer Gegenstände glass box for vanishing objects, another method
Inspired by Dec. 1901
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 7 No. 12)
Antonio Molini The Magic Organ Pipes "Le Souper du Diable"
six nesting metal tubes, shown empty, then things produced from them
  • Improved Method (from L'Illusioniste)
with patter from "Die Zauberwelt"
Related to 1903 525
Carl Willmann Das unerschöpfliche Portefeuille folder as production prop
Jan. 1903
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 9 No. 1)
Carl Willmann Willmann's Tuchdose metal box to make silks vanish or appear
Feb. 1904
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 10 No. 2)
Gegenstände aus dem "Weltausstellungs-Cylinder", "Carmens Tamburin" etc. aquarium that folds up, chandelier that folds up
Feb. 1904
Der Zauberspiegel (Vol. 4 No. 2)
Joseph Michael Hartz The Portfolio Trick production from portfolio
Related toAlso published here 1911 712
Joseph Michael Hartz The Portfolio Trick production from portfolio
Also published here 1911 172
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli Die Entstehung aus dem Nichts production tambourine, silks and flowers, silk vanishes and appears knotted between two other silks in a box
1922 5
Edward Bagshawe The "Rapid Transit" Tumbler glass on tray under handkerchief, collapses visually and reappears in hat, tray mechanism which simulates glass
1924 58
Tom Sellers A Production Box Idea
1927 5
Oswald Rae Something from Nothing tube is sealed with paper and rubber bands on both ends, hole in paper and at will, black coffee, milk or milk coffee is produced, eventually sugar and biscuits are poured out
1928 36
Oswald Rae The Magic Chimney Pot christmas themed routine, three empty socks are placed in a chimney model, socks fill up with food, then silks, flags and flowers are produced from the chimney
Also published here
  • "The Magic Chimney Pot" in "The Magic Wand"
1930 16
Oswald Rae Flying Flowers four vases with flowers and flowers are removed, then the vanish one by one and appear in the vases again
Also published here
  • "Flying Flowers" in "The Magic Wand"
1930 21
Oswald Rae Cinderella doll in box, spectator produces puppet clothes in a box, then they change into the dress the doll was wearing and the produced clothes found on the doll
Also published here
  • "Cinderella" in "The Magic Wand"
1930 26
Tom Sellers Production Bowl bowl/vase apparatus
1931 13
Lu Brent The Silken Adventure Silk vanishes from paper bag, travels into glass filled with confetti
1932 19
Laurie Ireland Three Oriental Boxes lanterns produced from boxes
Also published here 1934
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1934)
Tom Sellers A Production Tube Idea using a fake hand
1935 10
Frank Lane, U. F. Grant Back to the Farm glass of milk covered with tube, hand reaches into tube and produces coins, silks and a glass with a red drink
1935 22
Laurie Ireland The Opium Peddler and His Three Dream Pipes pipes are produced and vanishes from a box, with opium dealer story
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1936)
Edward Bagshawe The “Rapid Transit” Silks three silks vanish and reappear on the stand they came from, apparatus
1936 ca. 13
Edward Bagshawe An Annihilated Clock clock vanishes from cloth, dummy figure in cloth, clock falls into tray
1936 ca. 60
Laurie Ireland The Artist Draws a Picture of a Rabbit and the Picture Comes to Life
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1937)
The Silk Wonder Box
1938 604
Old and New Apparatus from the Charles H. Larson Collection with pictures of:
  • The Vanishing Cannon Ball
  • A Magic Periscope
  • The Magic Kettle
  • The Silks Stand
  • The Mysterious Disc
  • The Mysterious Case
  • The Inexhaustible Barrel
  • Cord and Books
  • The Ivory Card Blocks
  • The Hut of Madagascar
  • The Umbrella Table
  • Pack of Cards Changed to Silk
  • The Latest Block and Cord
  • Silk Production Balls
  • Silk Production
  • The Card Table
  • Latest Mirror Glass
  • The Cigarette Candle
  • The Penetration of Matter
  • Other Collections
1938 927
Jack Gwynne The Turn-Over Box
1938 949
Robert Weill Closed Door Production
Apr. 1939
The Jinx (Issue 55)
Otto Waldmann An Improved Fake Hat e.g. for production
Nov. 1939
The Jinx (Issue 68)
Oncle Truc Une boite à échange economique changing device made from cigar boxes
Also published here
  • "Le Magicien"
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 1 No. 3&4)
Len Sewell Crystal Box production box
Mar. 1940
The Jinx (Issue 83)
Thirteen of Magic, Stanley Collins, Tom Sellers A Trick routine with vanishes and productions of three silks, also featuring a small mirror tube/box for silk productions by Tom Sellers
The Jinx (Issue 111)
Edgar Utility Tube
The Jinx (Issue 114)
Joseph Ovette Impromptu Hathaway Box built from a shoe box, brief
1940 14
Joseph Ovette A New Production Frame covered with paper, large silk production
1940 25
Robert "Robelly" Rouet La Boite Fantastique production of silks and flowers from box without bottom
Related to Feb. 1941 1
Robert "Robelly" Rouet, H. Hardy La boite fantastique transformé variations on box and loading technique
Related to Mar. 1941 1
Robert "Robelly" Rouet La Nouvelle Boite Fantastique production of silks and flowers from box without bottom, box standing on reversed glasses
Apr. 1941 3
Lloyd W. Chambers How Time Flies bowl of fire produced, fire changes to flowers, bowl changes to a clock, spring-hinged flap in bowl, clock drawn on bottom of bowl
1941 3
Hervel Le dîner du diable technical variation of Le diner du diable, tubes to produce various objects for dinner
Inspired by
  • Robelly's "Le dîner du diable" in "Trucs et grands trucs"
Related to
July 1942
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 4 No. 7)
Hervel Le dîner du diable (suite) technical variation of Le diner du diable, tubes to produce various objects for dinner
Related to Aug. 1942
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 4 No. 8)
Hervel Le dîner du diable (suite et fin) technical variation of Le diner du diable, tubes to produce various objects for dinner
Related to Sep. 1942
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 4 No. 9)
Tom Sellers The Quickie Handkerchief Tube
1943 12
Alfred "Agys" Gysler L'affaire de la vache production box in form of little house with cow
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 5 No. 4)
Joseph Ovette Bird and Cage bird vanishes from newspaper and appears in cage in previously empty box, flip over box variation
1944 23
Walter B. Gibson The Four Door Production Cabinet objects appear from a box with four doors
1945 308
Louis Tannen Lou's Waste Paper Container paper basket as a deposition for props, in the end it's empty
July 1945
The Phoenix (Issue 88)
Dr. William Weyeneth Eureka, ich habs! Die Cigarettenschachtel als changieretui oder die Schachtel mit zwei Deckeln cigar box as switching device, followed by french translation "Eureka, j'ai trouvé! La boite à cigarettes pour échange ou une nouvelle boite à double fonds"
Related to Jan. 1945 1
Lucky, Dr. William Weyeneth Neue Méthode eine Ladung in eine leere Kiste zu praktizieren loading a box without table, thread system from under jacket, followed by french translation "Nouvelle méthode pratique pour charger facilement une caissette"
Jan. 1945 3
Charles-Emile "Prof. Rex" Sauty Die Tutenchamon Vase production of silks and vase from tubes, followed by french translation "La potiche de Tutankamon"
May 1945 3
A. Vantur Blitzartiges Verschwinden einer Blumenvase vase of flowers vanishes on table, followed by french translation "Disparition d'un vase de fleurs"
July 1945 2
Senor Charles Mardo The Crystal Casket produce cigarettes, rope, or flowers from box
Related to 1945 27
Senor Charles Mardo The Crystal Casket – Effect with Coins four coins vanish and reappear in box previously seen empty
1945 28
Eugene Gloye Confetti and Milk Buddha Tubes routine, glasses with confetti
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1946)
Laurie Ireland Candy from the Air production box, candy
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1946)
Henry J. Young The Magic House house to produce objects, chimney as card rise houlette, plans and routine
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1946)
Henry J. Young Checkers to Pear to Rice production and transformation box
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1946)
Hervel Un tour amusant pour les petits et... les grands! rabbit, fruits and silks vanish and appear in box, followed by german translation "Ein unterhaltendes Kunststück für die kleinen... u. die Grossen!"
May 1946 7
Billy McComb William's Attache Case Production object appear from empty case
1947 24
Billy McComb William's Floating Ball Routine comedy routine on stage, ball is floating up and down and finally vanishes in a box, with assistant
1947 46
A. Vantur Voyage de balles balls vanish from aquarium and appear in hat, balls with spring, followed by german translation "Wandernde Bälle"
May 1947 4
"Penetra" Silk glass with silk is placed onto glass box, penetrates from glass to box
1948 43
Popping Corn in a Hat popcorn production
1948 78
Harlan Tarbell Tarbell's Quick Popper popcorn production, kind of waste basket
1948 83
Ching-a-Ling Chinese Lantern Production chinese themed production prop and items
1948 236
The Chinese "Flash" Pigeon Frame
1948 260
Iskari Das unerschöpfliche Fass beer barrel is filled with water, any drink named is produced, then barrel is opened to show flowers and silks
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 9 No. Sondernummer 3)
Don Tanner Utility Bag paper bag with trap door at the back
Aug./Sep. 1949
Grant's Inner Circle Magazine (Vol. 1 No. 11 & 12)
Don Tanner Production Cage
Aug./Sep. 1949
Grant's Inner Circle Magazine (Vol. 1 No. 11 & 12)
Milbourne Christopher With a Box producing objects from a box with a lid, rubber cement
Jan. 1950 621
James Upchurch A Spooky Spots Finish method to hand out Spooky Spots board
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1951)
Ray H. Cason Idea for the Buddha Tubes
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1952)
Donald R. Bazinski The Skunk Wringer Rabbit Wringer done with a spring skunk
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1953)
Floyd Catlin The Rabbit Trap Production production box looks like an animal trap, construction plans
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1953)
Vincent Malmstrom Organ Pipe Routine six metal cylinders
1954 379
Karrell Fox A Pair of Bloomers spring flowers from production box, gag
1954 32
David E. Kirk Top Hat Square Circle Ten Rabbit Production production of silks and rabbits, construction plans for apparatus
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1955)
John L. Dennerlein Thin Air Liquid Vanish using two square tubes
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1955)
Eugene Gloye Westgate Bowl Improvement design for "Elevator" productions
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1955)
Leonard Austin Production Box special design from 1926, production of silks, livestock etc.
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1956)
Leonard Austin Twin Chests using Gwynne's Rabbit Vanish, traveling rabbit from box to box
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1956)
Leonard Austin Much in Little production box, using a table
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1956)
Leonard Austin An Idea or Two idea for transforming a vacuum bottle case into a flag vase and for the Good Night Banner
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1956)
Leonard Austin Milk Round milk in glass vanishes and appears, using a Ghost Tube
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1956)
J. A. Philpot Magic Beer Production with tubes, black art
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1956)
Stewart James The Gofar Ball ball disappears from a tube, travels to under an inverted tumbler under a second tube
Also published here 1957 13
Eugene Gloye Build-It-Yourself Production Illusionette based on tip over box, on stand
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1958)
Dr. Spencer Thornton The Exchange Tray
1958 27
Don Tanner The Flower Pagoda No. 5, production of spring flowers with U. F. Grant's Double Load Pagoda
1958 ca. 3
Don Tanner Magical Hot House No. 7, production of spring flowers with U. F. Grant's Crystal Silk Cylinder
1958 ca. 3
Don Tanner The Hot House Again No. 24, production of spring flowers with U. F. Grant's Little Silk House
1958 ca. 8
Richard A. Butler Safety Talk Gag transformation of baby chick to rubber duck, with Flip Over Box
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1959)
Matt Schulien The Pea Can salt changes into liquid peas in pea can prop
1959 108
Oran Bailey Dent Witch Doctor Can Presentation ideas and suggestions for U.F. Grant's Witch Doctor Can
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1960)
Bert Douglas The Safety Magician as D. R. Smith, various ideas on a themed show about safety using Ireland's Rainbow Plastic Boxes, production of several items
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1961)
Everett Lyda Gung Ho Box Routine production box routine
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1962)
Werner Krämer-Orlano Das Spukschloss im Spessart story presentation with tip-over box
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 23 No. 3)
Werner Krämer-Orlano Bungalow Box production box in form of a tiny house on a rod
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 23 No. 4)
Allessandro Good Deed Container candy produced from cannister
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1963-64)
Ken De Courcy Supplement to "Patently Obscure" items placed into a suitcase vanish
1964 8
Jack Gwynne The Turn-Over Vanish The Gwynne Flip Over Box, vanish of animal
Also published here
  • "The Turn-Over Vanish" in "The Sphinx" Vol. 34, No. 1. March, 1935.
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1965-66)
Ali Bongo The Houdini Pin pin vanishes from corked tube and appears in small box
Related to 1966 52
Ali Bongo Pongolian Production Box
1966 62
Ernesto "Ernest" Pracchia Sólido a través de Sólido self made block penetration / Bomba Atomica, Nail through tube
1967 75
Laurie Ireland 3 Oriental Boxes lanterns produced from boxes
Also published here 1968
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1967-68)
Arthur Setterington Bewitched, Bothered & Befuddled three silks appear in a box, one has a knot, which disappears when blown on it, mirror box
1968 5
Tony Cole One-Armed Bandit presentation for production cabinet, see also p. 213 for Ken Kany idea
Apr. 1968 169
Bob Logan One Rabbit Less improvement on Jack Gwynne's Flip-Over Box
Sep. 1969 284
Eddie Joseph E.J. Universal Holder & Display Stand
1969 341
Ellison Poland Decorating And Finishing Magical Apparatus
  • Choice Of Materials
  • The Polychrome Finish
  • Decoupage
1969 239
John Gannaway Flower Production Box construction details
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1969-70)
Floyd Shotts, Frank Novotny Magic Camera mirror production box that looks like a big camera
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1969-70)
Floyd Shotts, Frank Novotny Wilbur's Home large gag worm appears from box
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1969-70)
Parker Swan The Production Doll House
1970 19
Eckhard Böttcher Schon wieder eine Milchglas 2000 Kombination milk in glass under tube vanishes and appears in other tube, watch vanishes and appears in nest of boxes, Milk-O / Milk-Eau
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 32 No. 6)
Arthur Setterington The Pincushion Production Box production box which is pierced with wooden rods first
1972 26
Theo "Okito" Bamberg The Hindoo Inkwell small box to vanish object like a watch, with two cut-glass inkwells
1973 59
Theo "Okito" Bamberg Mandarin Jewel Caskets boxes placed in a casket transform into a doll
Related to
  • "Okito on Magic"
1973 65
Theo "Okito" Bamberg Mignon production box, four sides can drop down
1973 98
Theo "Okito" Bamberg, David Tobias Bamberg Checker Cabinet box with three doors, pile of checkers placed under a tube and a glass with a handkerchief into the box, transposition
Variations 1973 127
Shaman Chest of the Lamas production cabinet, rabbit
1974 12
Stanley Beck Nu Production Box box carried under arm, three pieces, production of objects or animal
1974 26
Walter B. Gibson Double "A" Production Cabinet for handkerchiefs etc
1974 36
Johnny Cooper Flash Vanish guinea pigs appear from box
1974 60
Practical Production Tray vase of flowers
1974 74
Amedeo Vacca Pea-Can Steal pea changes into water in (double) tube
1974 35
Robert E. Neale 5-Second Rice rice in double Foo-Can, tube that is open on both ends and rice does not fall out when poured into it and also not when turned over, but on turning back it does, with notes by Karl Fulves
Also published here Aug. 1974 783
Faucett Ross Handkerchief Box Routine Silk routine with various effects using Japanese Box
1975 32
Alan Shaxon The Magical TV Set children program, based on a box designed like a TV
  • The Aerial
  • The TV Times
  • Tom & Jerry
  • Commercial Break
  • Egg Bag
  • Commercial Time Again
  • The Inevitable Western
  • The Funnel and Foo Can
  • The Givaway Show
  • Sade the Seal
  • Torn and Restored Serviette
  • Radio to Rabbit
1976 49
The Rabbit Cage box to produce rabbit
1976 202
The Organ Pipes production device
1976 217
The Ghost Tube
1976 227
The Inexhaustible Box production box
1976 233
The Japanese Production Box to produce handkerchiefs, box with hole in bottom
1976 243
Vanishing Die in Mirror Box large die
Related to 1976 76
Production Drawer Cabinet objects appear in drawers
1976 134
Davenport Cabinet cabinet with a drawer, to vanish an object
1976 136
Mirror Casket
1976 143
Mirror Boxes four different models
1976 154
Utility Tube mirror tube
1976 156
Miraculous Glass Cylinder mirror tube on a stand
1976 156
Yen Soo "Kuma" Kim Kuma Tubes bowl vanishes on a stand, with two tubes
1976 195
Rabbit Transposition two buckets on a big wooden balance, rabbit travels from bucket to bucket
1976 202
Floyd G. Thayer Expanding Ball ball visibly expands, on a stand
1976 206
Tan Hock Chuan Magical Separation Red and black beads mixed in tumbler, they magically separate
1977 19
Tan Hock Chuan Ribbon Fantastique Plastic sheet threaded onto frame by ribbon can be pulled free
1977 41
Tan Hock Chuan, Tom Sellers Prolong the Play Four strings instead of three, ring jumps from rope to rope
Inspired by
  • "Change-Over Ring" (Tom Sellers, Magic Wand, Vol. 43, No. 244, Dec 1964)
1977 42
Card Star chosen cards appear at the ends of a star, various designs
Related to 1978/76 92
The Visible Circular Block Penetration with tubes, plate and hat
1978/76 230
Donald Holmes The Tea Chests of Wang Foo handkerchiefs vanish and appear inside candle, then placed inside one of three chests, covered with a tube and handkerchiefs travel from chest to chest
1978/76 235
Theo "Okito" Bamberg Okito Living and Dead with buddha and globe that starts to light
1978/76 252
Theo "Okito" Bamberg Okito's Confetti to Silks and Livestock tube filled with confetti, confetti changes into silks
1978/76 258
Karrell Fox P. "Nutty" Sandwich producing lots of food from lunch box, finally a peanut butter sandwich with full glass of peanut butter between the bread
1979 311
Walter "Wu Fang Sing" Geary Die Doppelbox Illusion two boxes shown empty, then production from them of anything
Also published here
  • The Magic Wand, June 1956
Oct. 1981
Intermagic (Vol. 8 No. 3)
Jack Hughes Dove in Balloon (Long Balloon Model) production of a dove, using a tray
1981 11
Jack Hughes Dove in Balloon (Round Balloon Model) production of a dove, using a tray
1981 12
Jack Hughes Sucker Beaker Vanish glass on tray vanishes, with sucker element, glass stuck in trapdoor, ghost tube
1981 16
Jack Hughes Back Stage Beaker Vanish sucker vanish of a glass on tray, with drape around tray, ghost tube
1981 18
Jack Hughes Tantalising Tassels tassels hand on rod in cabinet, tassels are removed, vanish and appear back on rod
1981 19
Jack Hughes The Master Dove in Balloon Table balloon in goblet on table is shot, dove appears
1981 31
Jack Hughes Can and Ball sucker routine, ball vanishes with tubes on a tray with drape
1981 55
Jack Hughes Vanishing Telephone telephone vanishes on a table, in a flash
1981 64
Jack Hughes The Golden Shot Joker large bulls eye changes into picture of a joker when spectator throws card on it
1981 72
Jack Hughes How to Make a Spring Hinge
1981 73
Jack Hughes Penetra-Spheres tray with different balls and reversed glass in center, chosen ball ends up under glass, covered with handkerchief
1981 90
Jack Hughes Triple Tray Trunk doves appear in trays filled with silks
1981 101
Jack Hughes Dove Through Glass stand with glass
1981 127
Jack Hughes Dove Catching Net and Dove Production Basket tray and catching net
1981 139
Jack Hughes Spacious Production Box box on tripod stand
1981 160
Jack Hughes Die Ball box attached to wall, ball inside vanishes, changes color etc. with sucker element
1981 174
Jack Hughes Peacock Production fake peacock appears on table, climax for silk production
1981 180
Rice Vase rice inside a vase change into orange, ball or checkers, various models by Bland, Conradi, Willmann, Thayer, Klingl, John Gaughn, Owen, Mysto Magic, Tayeda
1982 31
The Rice and Orange Trick orange and rice change places, using cones
Related to 1982 39
Rice Vanish Chest Rice in chest vanishes visibly, original put out by Thayer as "The Chest of Chu Chin Chow", variation by Owen
1982 45
Checker Cabinet variations of Okito's Checker Cabinet, Thayer, Owen, Hamilton, Resor, Hughes, Loring Campbell
Inspired by 1982 48
Bran Vases confetti in vase vanishes or changes into other object
1982 62
Confetti Vase To Blooming Flowers vase with confetti is covered with lid and confetti changes into flower
1982 65
Sand Cannisters two cannisters of different sizes, sand is filled from small to large cannister and vanishes, repeated
1982 67
Water To Confetti water poured in vase changes to confetti
1982 68
Coffee, Cream And Sugar Trick cotton placed in coffee pot changes into coffee, confetti into cream and silk into sugar
1982 71
Vase, Cone, Beans and Orange Trick orange, cone and beans vanish and appear, with vase and handkerchief
1982 77
Confetti and Dove Bowls from two bowls confetti and doves are produced
1982 84
The Rice Tubes (Klingl) tubes to produce silks etc.
1982 88
The Saturn Ball saturn-shaped ball changes color
1982 109
The Ball Tube ball vanishes and appears inside tube
1982 110
Spooky-Ookum ball placed inside tube vanishes
1982 116
The Goldstone Billiard Ball Stand four balls are removed from triangular stand, vanish and reappear on stand
1982 130
Billiard Ball Stands different models, Thayer, Willmann, Conradi, Klingl, Abbott
1982 133
The Egg and Dove Production handkerchiefs are produced from box, then a large egg appears, broken apart out flies a dove
1982 151
The Ball And The Handkerchief Vase handkerchief transposes with ball inside a vase
1982 167
The Rajah's Ransom necklace vanishes and appears inside box, two methods, Thayer, Owen
1982 173
The Magic Incubator tube is filled with confetti, then cages and animals are produced
1982 193
The Birth of Flora flowers are produced in large vase
1982 217
Tea Caddies box with several compartments to vanish objects
1982 219
Magic Apparatus with pictures from various collections of props and magic sets, Rüdiger Deutsch, Leslie Cole, Clayton Albright, Ken Klosterman, Raphael Ellenbogen, David Price, Robert Lund, Prentis Taylor, Francois Voignier, Joe Stevens, Mario Carrandi, Claude Klingsor, Hans "Wittus" Witt, Topper Martyn
1982 232
Robert Albo Dr. Albo's Collection of Magic Apparatus pictures of tricks by Thayer, Klingl, Bartl, Hofzinser, Eric Lewis, Martinka, Bland, Conradi, Okito, P&L, Abbott, Willmann, Owen, Abbott, Baker, John Gaughan, Burtini, Olson, Roterberg, Hughes
1982 333
Peter Wilker Die Orgelpfeife - Eine Studie study on a production prop
  • Robert Harbin. Orgelpfeifen ohne Sorge
  • John Mulholland. Bodenlos
Related to 1984
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 45 No. 3)
Peter Wilker Die Orgelpfeife - Eine Studie (Schluss) study on a production prop
  • George Blake. Alles leer und doch voll.
  • Die Ladung
  • Quellen
Related to 1984
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 45 No. 4)
Robert E. Neale Confetti No. 62, confetti in double Foo-Can, tube that is open on both ends and confetti does not fall out when poured into it and also not when turned over, but on turning back it does
Also published here 1985 111
Terri Rogers The Holey Tube production tube apparatus with holes at the end
Also published here 1986 50
Terri Rogers Der Löchertubus production tube apparatus with holes at the end
Also published here Apr. 1989
Intermagic (Vol. 14 No. 3)
Dan Smalley Cube In Air small cubic box to switch or produce object
Sep. 1990
The Minotaur (Vol. 2 No. 3)
Karrell Fox A Lively Picture black drawing board/tray, dove drawn, becomes live dove, "gloves to dove" adaption
1991 98
Alexander de Cova Weitere Ideen ideas for the two tied sheets that can be loaded
1991 10
The Bran Vase confetti changes to candy in a Bran Vase, then other stuff is produced from it
1993 237
The Welsh Rarebit guinea pig is produced with spectator's hat and a production prop
1993 243
Eddie Fechter Goblin Tube coin changes into water, with Goblin Tube, gag
1993 137
Alan Wakeling The Elusive Clown traveling person in clown make-up, with double, tip-over trunk
1993 158
Robert Parrish The Well of Invisibility "The Japanese Box" routine
Related to
  • David Devant ("The Best Tricks and How to Do Them")
Also published here
1995 54
Karrell Fox Producing The Product Paul Stadelman Rabbit Production box for trade show use
1995 88
Robert Parrish The Well of Invisibility "The Japanese Box" routine
Also published here Jan. 1995
Magic (Vol. 4 No. 5)
Jim Steinmeyer The Inside-Out Production
  • Conjuring
production box on legs with moveable load chamber
Mar. 1995
Magic (Vol. 4 No. 7)
Dondrake Build a Wizard's Window Black art background
1998 7