Creators | Title | Comments & References | Year | Source | Page | AA | Categories | |
The Watch-mortar and the Magic Pistol | 1876 | |||||||
The Watch Target | 1876 | |||||||
Professor Hoffmann | A Smashed Watch | 1890 | ||||||
Prof. Taylor | Watch to Bread Loaf | 1890 | ||||||
The Flying Glass, Watch, and Handkerchief | 1890 | |||||||
Carl Willmann | Die unsichtbare Wanderung einer Uhr | Mar. 1896 |
Die Zauberwelt
(Vol. 2 No. 3)
E. Joung, Camill Bihler | Die verwandelte Uhr | July 1896 |
Die Zauberwelt
(Vol. 2 No. 7)
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli | Die verschwindende Taschenuhr | July 1900 |
Die Zauberwelt
(Vol. 6 No. 7)
Carl Willmann | Das siebenfache Kästchen | Apr. 1901 |
Die Zauberwelt
(Vol. 7 No. 4)
Carl Willmann | Die magische Bonbondüte | Sep. 1901 |
Die Zauberwelt
(Vol. 7 No. 9)
Carl Willmann | Das Taschentuchkästchen | Apr. 1902 |
Die Zauberwelt
(Vol. 8 No. 4)
To Reproduce a Borrowed Watch in Any One Selected of a Number of Boxes | 1903 | |||||||
A Lost Watch Found in the Performer's Purse | 1903 | |||||||
Imro Fox | Another Method | 1903 | ||||||
Professor Hoffmann | A Borrowed Watch Reproduced from a Glass of Milk | 1903 | ||||||
A Watch Fired from a Pistol, and Attaching Itself to a Borrowed Hat | 1903 | |||||||
P. T. Selbit, Howard Thurston | A Novel Watch Trick | 1903 | ||||||
P. T. Selbit | Watch It! | 1903 | ||||||
G. W. Hunter | Watch It! (Another Method) | 1903 | ||||||
Professor Hoffmann, Joseph Michael Hartz, Professor De Vere | The Locked and Corded Boxes | 1903 | ||||||
Professor Hoffmann | The Flight of Time | 1903 | ||||||
Emil Clauß | Die Zauberpalme | July 1903 |
Die Zauberwelt
(Vol. 9 No. 7)
Carl Willmann | Bald hier, bald dort | Aug. 1903 |
Die Zauberwelt
(Vol. 9 No. 8)
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli | XV. Was kostet der Spass? | 1903 | ||||||
H. Dersy | Eine Illusion | Jan. 1904 |
Die Zauberwelt
(Vol. 10 No. 1)
Friedrich W. Conradi-Horster | Conradi's Uhr- und Kartentrick | Mar. 1904 |
Der Zauberspiegel
(Vol. 4 No. 3)
Eine Ueberraschung | Aug. 1904 |
Der Zauberspiegel
(Vol. 4 No. 8)
H. F. C. Suhr | Der australische Uhrenbaum | Feb. 1905 |
Der Zauberspiegel
(Vol. 5 No. 3)
Oswald Rae | Wandering Watches | 1927 | ||||||
Franklin M. Chapman | Watch-In-Loaf | Nov. 1938 |
Chap's Scrapbook
(Vol. 1 No. 5)
Grace Hartman, Paul Hartman | It's a Miracle? | 1940 |
The Jinx
(Issue 116)
Eddie Joseph | The Boy and the Watch | 1940 ca. | ||||||
Jean Hugard | Evaporation of a Watch | Jan. 1944 |
Hugard's Magic Monthly
(Vol. 1 No. 8)
William H. Wilson | Watch and Nest of Boxes Without Assistent | 1945 | ||||||
Jean Hugard | Hugard's Cords, Watch and Silk Combination | Jan. 1947 |
Hugard's Magic Monthly
(Vol. 4 No. 8)
Jean Hugard | The Flight of Time Watch Silk and Tumbler Combination | May 1947 |
Hugard's Magic Monthly
(Vol. 4 No. 12)
Ed Reno | Watch and Geranium | 1948 | ||||||
Charles-Emile "Prof. Rex" Sauty | Une grande illusion | Aug. 1948 |
La Baguette Magique
(Issue 22)
Eugene Gloye | Build It Yourself Nest of Boxes | 1952 |
Ireland's Yearbooks
(Issue Yearbook 1952)
Ein Uhr Mysterium | 1953 |
Hokus Pokus
(Vol. 14 No. 4)
Die Armbanduhr | 1954 |
Hokus Pokus
(Vol. 15 No. 4)
Tony "Doc" Shiels | Curious! | Aug. 1967 |
The Pallbearers Review
(Vol. 2 No. 10)
Harry Reno | Meine Uhrenwanderung | 1967 |
Hokus Pokus
(Vol. 28 No. 4)
Ernesto "Ernest" Pracchia | Reloj Caprichoso | 1967 | ||||||
Bert Douglas | Make Safety Your Watchword | 1968 |
Ireland's Yearbooks
(Issue Yearbook 1967-68)
Alan Shaxon, Oswald Rae | It's a Hold-Up! | 1970 | ||||||
Alan Shaxon, Tommy Scott | The Watch in Bottle! | 1970 | ||||||
Eckhard Böttcher | Schon wieder eine Milchglas 2000 Kombination | 1971 |
Hokus Pokus
(Vol. 32 No. 6)
Theo "Okito" Bamberg, Joe Berg | Nest of Boxes | 1973 | ||||||
Ace Gorham | Uhren-Glas-Seidentuch-Wanderung | July 1973 |
(Vol. 1 No. 1)
Magic Looking-Glass | 1976 | |||||||
Tommy Wonder | The Auction | 1977 | ||||||
The Card and Watch Frame | 1978/76 | |||||||
Nest of Boxes | 1978/76 | |||||||
Magic Looking Glass | 1978/76 | |||||||
Tony Slydini | Time Flies | 1981 | ||||||
Alan Shaxon, Oswald Rae | Überfalls | 1986 | ||||||
Karl Fulves | Holdup | 1987 | ||||||
Neal Rider | Tick, Tick | May 1988 |
(Issue 405)
Alan Shaxon, Oswald Rae | Dies ist ein Überfall! | 1994 | ||||||
Robert Parrish | The Nest of Boxes | 1995 | ||||||
Tommy Wonder | The Ring, the Watch and the Wallet | 1996 | ||||||
Tommy Wonder | The Watch in Nest of Boxes | 1996 | ||||||
Martin Lewis | Whatchamacallit Wallet | Sep. 1998 |
(Vol. 8 No. 1)
David Acer | Time Flies | 1999 | ||||||
Karl Fulves | Twin Effect | 2000 |
Latter Day Secrets
(Issue 4)
Alan Wakeling | Switzerland | Sep. 2007 |
(Vol. 70 No. 9)
Román García | Cambio Horario | 2010 | ||||||
David Acer | Time Flies | 2011 | ||||||
Charlie Miller | Version of Doctor Lynn's "Borrowing A Watch, Smashing It, Then Finding It Fully Restored Inside a Previously Examined Bun or Roll" | Nov./Dec. 2012 |
(Vol. 75 No. 11 & 12)
Alexander de Cova | Brandt Zwieback | Oct. 2013 |
New Avantgarde Magic
(Issue 11)
Tom Stone | Fantasy Flight | 2014 | ||||||
Alex Ng | Hopping Time | 2015 | ||||||
Alexander de Cova | Uhr in Zwieback | 2015 | ||||||
Alexander de Cova | Ring, Watch and Wallet | 2016 | ||||||
John Gaughan | The Enchanted Cigar Cabinet | Aug. 2018 |
(Vol. 81 No. 8)