54 entries in Coin / Effect Themes / Traveling / Pocket
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
To change a Florin into a Penny, back again, and then to pass the same invisibly into the pocket of the owner first transformation in hand of spectator, coin marked
1876 161
Die unsichtbare Wanderung eines Thalers borrowed marked coin vanishes from hand of spectator and reappears in another spectator's pocket, attachable hook gimmick
July 1895
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 1 No. 7)
Der Luftthaler coin vanishes and is taken from spectator's pocket, clean handling
Nov. 1896
Der Zauberspiegel (Vol. 2 No. 3)
Friedrich W. Conradi-Horster Doch getäuscht on a trick in Robert-Houdin's autobiography in which a coin vanishes from the spectator's hand and reappears in his pocket
Related to Apr. 1897
Der Zauberspiegel (Vol. 2 No. 8)
Der in freier Hand verschwindende Thaler No. 20, coin vanishes via pull into vest pocket, also with borrowed coin and shell on pull
1900 57
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli II. Pêle-Mêle coin is produced from selection, then coin is marked, placed under handkerchief and dropped inside glass, coin travels to second glass which is covered with the deck, finally coin vanishes again and appears inside spectator's breast pocket
  • 1. Der Taler im Kartenblatt
  • 2. Der Fliegende Taler
  • 3. Der Lufttaler (hook is added to coin to form a temporary hooked coin)
1903 74
C. O. Williams A New Purse Trick marked coin travels from purse into spectator's pocket
Also published here 1911 574
C. O. Williams A New Purse Trick marked coin travels from purse into spectator's pocket
Also published here 1911 21
Jack Vosburgh Money in the Pocket marked coin vanishes in trouser fold and reappears in pocket, repeat
Related to 1936
The Jinx (Issue Winter Extra 1935/36)
Charles A. Leedy Coin to Pocket from hand to trouser pocket
1938 681
Dr. Edward G. Ervin Nine from Three three coins from pocket travel to three coins in other hand, stack to hide coins
Mar. 1940
Chap's Scrapbook (Vol. 2 No. 9)
Otto Waldmann Evaporato "Coin that gets Around", marked coin vanishes from sealed glass, reappears into spectator's breast pocket
VariationsAlso published here Aug. 1941
The Jinx (Issue 146)
Paul Curry Clink! coin picked up from bunch of coins which are pocketed again, it vanishes, when invisible coin is thrown against pocket a clink sound is heard
1941 22
Eddie Joseph The Deliberate Exchange coin vanishes and reappears in pocket, actually excuse for switch
1942 28
Eddie Joseph The Repeat Coin Trick marked coin penetrates into left fist, repeated a few times, then coin travels into spectator's pocket which is loaded during routine
1942 71
Eddie Joseph The Big Bite coin travels to collar twice, second phase with duplicate coin
1942 75
Eddie Joseph Hold On, Brother coin vanishes and appears in spectator's breast pocket
1942 94
The Great Fataque In the Fold coin vanishes in trouser fold, also as a penetration into pocket
Related to Mar. 1945
The Phoenix (Issue 79)
Tony Slydini Flyaway Coin Routine to spectator's pocket four times
Variations 1951
Stars of Magic (Vol. 8 No. 3)
Pocket Vanish coin through trouser to the inside pocket, then it vanishes
Related to 1952 52
Frank Drobina Frank Drobina's Coin Routine five small coins from hand to hand, five phases, in spectator's pocket and with marked coin

Related to 1952 156
Eddie Fields, Glenn Harrison Miracle Coins to the Pocket coins to glass in jacket pocket, tube from breast to coat pocket, in the book credited to Glenn Harrison, see Giobbi for credit detail
Related to 1952 168
Milton Kort The Three Coin Trick three coins vanish one by one and appear again, the last one in the spectator's pocket, three methods
1952 184
Henry Hay Coins Up the Sleeve five coins travel one by one from hand to trouser pocket with a clink
Also published here
  • "The Amateur Magician's Handbook"
1952 51
Milton Kort Kort Coin coin vanishes repeatedly and appears in spectator's various pockets four times
Inspired byRelated toAlso published here May 1953
The Phoenix (Issue 282)
Spectator Jacket Side Pocket Coin Load
May 1953
The Phoenix (Issue 282)
Wraparound Vanish coin disappears in trouser fold, appears in pocket, penetration
1956 37
Hans Trunk Das Wunder des Frankens marked coin vanishes in glass under handkerchief and appears in spectator's breast pocket
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 18 No. 6)
J. B. Bobo Thru-Pocket Vanish coin through trouser to the inside pocket, then it vanishes
Related to Jan. 1963
The New Jinx (Vol. 1 No. 9)
Otto Waldmann Evaporato "Coin that gets Around", marked coin vanishes from sealed glass, reappears into spectator's breast pocket
Also published here Oct. 1964
The New Jinx (Vol. 3 No. 30)
Al Baker Coins & Purse three coins removed from purse vanish, the reappear in two pockets and underneath purse, then purse with coins vanishes
Dec. 1971 475
Bill Fleischman Fleischman's Djinn one of five quarters marked, marked one vanishes from hand and reappears in pocket with audible clink, then vanishes from there and travels back
Also published here June 1972 525
Martin Gardner Coin to Cuff marked coin travels down to cuff, two methods, one with secret tube slide and one impromptu
Aug. 1974
The Pallbearers Review (Vol. 9 No. 10)
Allan Shaw Allan Shaw's "Clink" Performer removes handful of change from pocket, one coin is removed and signed and rest is placed back inside the pocket. Coin vanishes and appears with a clink inside the pocket.
1975 103
Shigeo Futagawa Coins into Pants Pocket
1978 29
Bill Wisch Quick Quarter & Half half dollar changes into quarter and back, travels to pocket, quarter is found under performer's watch, "quarter to half gimmick" (folding)
1979 17
Roger Smith The Coin in the Pocket coin to performer's shirt pocket with repeats
1980 4
Tom Gagnon Coin to Pocket Ruse coin travels from coin to pocket and back
Inspired by 1981 3
Bob Chesbro Coin to Pocket with repeat
VariationsAlso published here
  • "Impossible Coin to Pocket" (The Blueprint)
1982 42
Michael Rubinstein Stand Up Three Coin Routine coin vanishes and reappears, becomes up to three coins, traveling to pocket phases
  • Variations
1982 79
Bill Fleischman Mein Lieblingskobold one of five quarters marked, marked one vanishes from hand and reappears in pocket with audible clink, then vanishes from there and travels back
Also published here Apr. 1983
Intermagic (Vol. 10 No. 1)
Tom Gagnon Radical Rebound penny in fist, half dollar on table brushed with playing card changes to penny and half dollar is in pocket, then transposition phases and pocket penetration
Inspired byAlso published here 1985
New Stars of Magic (Vol. 2 No. 3)
Ben Harris Card and Coin to Pocket coin vanishes and reappears in pocket, so does a selection, then coin appears next to selection in deck
1985 49
Steve Dusheck Watch This coin travels to pocket, then changes into watch, coin is in watch
1992 72
T. Nelson Downs The Napkin Ring Coin Vanisher borrowed ring vanishes when covered with two napkin rings, is found in pocket
Sep. 1992
Magic (Vol. 2 No. 1)
John Riggs Coins to Pocket four coins travel one by one to pocket, they arrive with a clink
1995 26
Ed Morrisey Amazing Wonder Tube coins dropped in glass of milk, same coins produced from pocket, elaborate presentation, de Kolta glass
Inspired byRelated to 1998 254
Milton Kort Cuckoo's Coin Coin vanishes repeatedly and appears in spectator's various pockets four times
Inspired byAlso published here 1999 165
Spectator Jacket Side Pocket Coin Load
1999 166
Milton Kort Two From Four Equals...? Four coins under handkerchief, one coin travels to pocket, other coins disappear
Inspired by 1999 203
David Acer Time Flies coin shown in hand, coin pocketed and wrist watch waved over hand to turn back time, coin is back and watch disappears from hand and is back on wrist
Also published here 1999 9
David Acer Time Flies coin shown in hand, coin pocketed and wrist watch waved over hand to turn back time, coin is back and watch disappears from hand and is back on wrist
Also published here 2011 35
Tom Gagnon Radical Rebound penny in fist, half dollar on table brushed with playing card changes to penny and half dollar is in pocket, then transposition phases and pocket penetration
Also published here 2013 192
Tomoya Horiki Coin to Pocket Four coins travel to shirt breast pocket one by one
2018 73