166 entries in Coin / Gaffed / Sticky
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
A notable tricke to transforme a counter to a groat double sided coin glued from two filed down coins, another thin cover disc stuck onto it with wax to show both sides of coin (pre-shell), then disc stolen away and coin changes cleanly in one hand
Related to 1584 185
An excellent feat, to make a two penie peece lie plaine in the palme of your hand, and to be passed from thence when you list one-handed coin vanish with wax on nail to bring coin to sort of back-palm position
Related to 1584 186
To conveie a testor out of ones hand that holdeth it fast coin pressed into spectator's hand vanishes, and reappears with coin in performer's or another spectator's hand
Related to 1584 186
How to vanish a glasse full of Beere coin on table, glass with beer placed on top, "is coin in or under glass?", verification used to lap full glass, coin stuck to fingers is reproduced from nose and glass from pocket
1634 33
A notable trick to transform a Counter into a Groat double sided coin glued from two filed down coins, another thin cover disc stuck onto it with wax to show both sides of coin (pre-shell), then disc stolen away and coin changes cleanly in one hand
Related to 1634 46
An excellent feat to make a twopeny peece lie plaine in your hand, and to be passed from thence when you lift one-handed coin vanish with wax on nail to bring coin to sort of back-palm position
Related to 1634 47
How to deliver to one man one sixpence, and to another another sixpence, and to make both the testors come into one mans hand "double lift" with coins, double put into spectator's hand (sponge ball trick with coins), coin stolen from palm of another spectator with sticky fingers
Related to 1634 50
The Flying Money To make a Coin pass invisibly from the one hand to the other, and finally through the Table, using penny stuck with wax under the table
1876 172
To rub One Sixpence into Three two coins start secretly stuck to underside of table
1876 175
To make a Marked Sixpence vanish from a Handkerchief, and be found in the Centre of an Apple or Orange previously examined coin stuck to knife
1876 178
The Wandering Sixpence coin traveling from underneath one card to another, two sticky coins
1876 181
Geldkunststücke coin rolls back and forth on blade of knife, second coin vanishes and reappears, coin with thread loop
Oct. 1896
Der Zauberspiegel (Vol. 2 No. 2)
Louis Haley, Charles T. Jordan New Coin Trick No. 6, "a la Hang Ping Chien, With Apologies"
six coins under handkerchief on table transpose with die underneath table, coins with wax surface
Also published here 1920 12
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli Eine Münze durchdringt eine Streichholzschachtel coin penetrates matchbox
1930 15
Ottokar Fischer Sticky Coins coins sticking together for silent handling
Nov. 1935
The Jinx (Issue 14)
Variation - A Good Cath gag, coin appears under two bigger coins
1935 28
Vanishing Dime for small coins
1935 28
Wand and Wax wax on end of wand to show hands empty
1935 31
To Pick Up a Dime with the Palm
Related to 1935 33
The Melting Coin coin dropped in glass of water under handkerchief, then it vanishes, off-beat gaff
1935 34
Penny and Dime dime covered by penny penetrates card and falls into glass, nesting coin gaff
1935 38
The "Wiesenheimer" Coin Trick coin vanishes from ring put on table covered with a card, alternative method
1935 39
Coin and Envelopes marked coin to nest of envelopes made out of newspaper
1935 54
Franklin M. Chapman, Paul Morris Sucker Coins dime vanishes from under quarter and appears under second quarter, two versions
Jan. 1939
Chap's Scrapbook (Vol. 1 No. 7)
Dr. Stanley Jaks Die verschwundene Münze coin placed inside ring and covered with disk vanishes
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 1 No. 2)
Coin Through the Plate marked coin wrapped in paper and put on plate, plate on glass, paper burned, coin falls into glass
1941 7
Edward Marlo Two Halves and a Dime two half dollars appear, dime placed between them vanishes, wax
1942 7
Laurie Ireland Ideas For Wiztax something sticky
1. coin vanish with a handkerchief
2. vanish and reproduction of a cigarette
3. vanish and reproduction of a penny
4. torn and restored paper
5. torn and restored cigarette paper
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1942)
Eddie Joseph The Four-Corner Vanish coin vanish in handkerchief where all four corners are folded onto coin, wax on thumb nail and not corner
1942 21
Eddie Joseph Waxing and De-Waxing a Coin
1942 34
Eddie Joseph The Coin on the Wall coin sticks to wall
1942 36
Eddie Joseph One in Many finding selected coin out of bunch of coins
1942 49
Eddie Joseph The Roofer coin appear in match box, stuck to top
1942 53
Eddie Joseph A Secret and Its Possibilities recipe for glue which permanently glues a coin to a smooth surface, gag application of glueing a coin to the floor and watching people trying to pick it up
  • The Scotch Coin
  • In the Office
  • In a Hotel Lobby
  • At a Convention
1942 54
Eddie Joseph The Magnetic Coin a coin is apparently magnetized, it is removed from other coins with knife, wax
1942 95
Eddie Joseph The Eccentric Coin coin clings to blade of knife
1942 95
Jean Hugard The Punishment Fits the Crime coin transforms into lemon, under hat
Dec. 1944 86
Dr. William Weyeneth Petits Trucs tips on grip, followed by german translation "Kleine Winke!"
Sep. 1946 16
Conny Steffensen Magische Lektionen / Leçons magiques brief explanations of various techniques to control a card, followed by french translation
  • Reflektor
  • Sehen des Indexes an der gewählten Karte
  • Wo im Spiele befindet sich die Karte?
  • Abzählen von der untersten Karte
  • Die X-Strahlen Karte
  • Die berührte Karte
  • Auffinden einer Karte mit Hilfe von Wachs
  • Wie verfährt man, um mit dem Spiele zu rauschen?
  • Forcierung durch das "Rauschen"
  • Ein Forcierungs-Spiel
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 8 No. 3&4)
Don Tanner Coin Thru the Hand two methods (sticky and sleeving)
Aug./Sep. 1949
Grant's Inner Circle Magazine (Vol. 1 No. 11 & 12)
Gerald Kosky Lapelled coin produced under spectator's lapel, then it vanishes and is fairly produced from the same spot again
Also published here Oct. 1953
The Phoenix (Issue 291)
Bobby Bernard Impromptu Coin Catcher scotch tape
1958 3
P. Howard Lyons 12,000 cps Cross-Over three pennies in one hand, three silver coins in other hand, they transpose one by one, using two sticky copper/silver coins
Mar. 1961
Ibidem (Issue 23)
Stewart Judah Half Dollar Vanish coin vanishes when stick is pushed through hand, sticky
1966 417
John Benzais Another Simple Vanish with handkerchief on table, inspired by "Mr. Leipzig Entertains at Dinner" (Gen, March 1955)
1967 41
Joseph M. White The Coin of Kibil Nala signed coin travels from hand to hand, hands covered with handkerchiefs and rubber bands
Apr. 1967
The New Jinx (Vol. 5 No. 60)
Bob Ostin The "Peg" Coin Change coin held with peg is changed to other coin
1968 59
Horace E. Bennett The Change Purse two half dollars travel into a purse
1969 145
Bob Paul Dime & Penny coin changes inside bottle, marked
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1969-70)
J. W. Sarles A Coin Switch table edge, suggestions with magnetic or hook coin in "Added Notes", see also p. 679 for reference
Related to
  • "The Portcullis Coin Switch" (Abra #803)
Nov. 1972 569
Fred Kaps Coin Change & Vanish in Silk with tape and a handkerchief
Also published here 1972 9
Al And Nate Box No. 438, coins through hand using coin box, folding coin for unclear effect
Related to 1972 126
Al Koran Bare-Handed Coin Vanish coin vanish, needs surface
Related to 1972 115
Peter Alexis Copper Ghost silver coin in box, copper coin touched on box and heard inside, but is not there, invisible copper coin again penetrates box, is heard to fall inside and then is really there, see also p. 618
Jan. 1973 583
Alan Brown Ritual Coin dime covered with dollar bill, card and copper coin, the dime vanishes, dime appears under copper coin in Okito box, using coin attached to bill with Monofilament/thread
Apr. 1973 618
John Cornelius S=C2 silver coin placed in hand, two copper coins come out, ends clean
Also published here May 1974 733
Alex De Vega Elastic three coins dropped on table, one vanishes or penetrates table, folding coin simulates third coin, with ideas by Karl Fulves and J. G. Thompson, Jr
Also published here
  • "Elastic" (The Sphinx, June 1918, p. 72)
June 1975
The Pallbearers Review (Vol. 10 No. 8)
Eddie Joseph Coin Vanish from Silk
Nov. 1975
Intermagic (Vol. 3 No. 1 & 2)
Charles T. Jordan, Louis Haley New Coin Trick "ala Hang Ping Chien, With Apologies"
six coins under handkerchief on table transpose with die underneath table, coins with wax surface
Also published here 1975 204
Karl Fulves Fadeaway coin on table covered with playing card, coin vanishes
  • Fade-Away I
  • Fade Away III
  • Fade Away IV
  • Fade Away V
Variations 1976
The Pallbearers Review (Vol. 10 No. Close-Up Folio #5)
Ken Krenzel Miracle Coin small coin cleanly vanishes and reappears, wax
Related to 1976
The Pallbearers Review (Vol. 10 No. Close-Up Folio #6)
Karrell Fox H.H. Coin Catcher coin stuck to thumb
Related toVariations 1976 157
Rick Johnsson Just for Kicks Chinese coin changes into two quarters then into big nickle which eventually disappears, using the Kick Change
1976 17
Roger Smith Scatter Coins Bonus page actually numbered "B4"
gaffed method with sticky card
Related to 1977 40
Karl Fulves The 32¢ Trick two glasses, penny, dime and nickel in each glass, a penny penetrates one glass and drops in other glass, repeat
Inspired by 1977 89
Jerry Andrus Coin Go
1977 21
Ken Brooke, Albert Verity Monedas - Instantaneo coin changes when tapped with pencil
Related to 1977 93
Bobby Bernard The Miser's Misers Dream coin stuck to hand for continuous production sequence
1978 17
1978 7
Fred Kaps Münzenverwandlung und Verschwinden im Tuch with tape and a handkerchief
Also published here 1978 13
Bill Woodard Ich möchte lieber Silber bill transforms into two coins of equal value
Dec. 1979
Intermagic (Vol. 6 No. 3 & 4)
Roy Johnson Forceful six coins and washer, three coins in each hand, they penetrate table, repeat with glass and small plunger
Inspired by 1979 29
Jim Snapp Coin Slide routine with coin slide prop (slide with circular recess is put in and out of drawer)
Related to 1980
The Chronicles (Issue 25)
Albert Verity 10p to 2p Piece tip click, sticky pencil used to pick up shell
Related toAlso published here 1980 48
Ken Brooke Any Magazine or Book a Switching Tray switch with magazine or book
Also published here 1980 184
Steve Dusheck Shrinking Fluid coin dropped into shot glass with water, it shrinks
Also published here 1980 ca. 16
Michael Ammar Coin on Ceiling also as a kicker for card on ceiling with card corner
VariationsAlso published here 1981 11
John Cornelius Armed and Ready elbow catch stunt
Related toAlso published here 1982 55
Bobby Bernard Face-to-Face Vanish Penny sandwiched between two silver coins vanish
Related to 1982 17
Bob Chesbro Fade Out coin assembly, coins vanish cleanly afterwards
Related to 1982 56
Bob Chesbro Silicone Coins silicone coating on coin to make them sticky, science friction
1982 56
2. Ein Münzentrick small and bigger coin in hand, one is removed and always comes back, classic version
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 43 No. 1)
Salomon Cohn "What Happened?" vanish exploiting moisture of hand, then lapping
July 1983
Apocalypse (Vol. 6 No. 7)
Gary Osborne Stalking six silver, three bigger coins
Also published here Nov. 1983
Spell-Binder (Vol. 3 No. 31)
Piet Forton Münzen durch den Tisch sticky tape under table, three coins
1983 22
Michael Powers The Shrinking Dime dime changes into miniature dime on close-up pad
1983 72
Michael Weber Coin Through Spectator's Hand seven coins counted into spectator's hand, one magically removed, sticky
Inspired byRelated toVariationsAlso published here 1984 3
Mark Leveridge The Money Jacks four coins are produces from between two playing cards
1984 99
Danny Korem Impossible Coin Catch elbow catch, coins vanish
1985 5
Danny Korem Little Cheat Coin Vanish under card on back of spectator's hand
1985 18
Barrie Richardson Power of Darkness II marked coin turns over on spectator's palm without him noticing and with his eyes closed
Also published here Jan. 1985
Magick (Issue 344)
Vanished card vanishes from deck
Gimmick (Issue 1)
Michael Weber Coin Through Spectator's Hand seven coins counted into spectator's hand, one magically removed, sticky
Also published here 1985 4
Jonathan David Bilocation signed quarter penetrates card
Jan. 1986
Magick (Issue 363)
Fred Kaps The Hoo Coin hook coin hangs on flesh instead of cloth
1986 13
Pat Conway Double Change coin put on face-up deck, both coin an card then change, tosheroon
1987 68
John Cornelius A Silly Trick several coins vanish without sound
1988 5
Christoph Borer Münzen ins Glas three coins to glass
Also published here 1989 8
Karl Fulves Down Under No. 53, coin wrapped in handkerchief apparently tossed through ceiling, it come back from below table
1989 57
Gary Kurtz Three to Go three coins are produced and vanished under a handkerchief
Related to 1990 38
Michael Powers China Syndrome card repeatedly penetrates table, also into spectator's hands, then coin penetrates into spectator's hands, multiple handlings
Inspired by 1990 130
Ken Brooke Wertsteigerung tip click, sticky pencil used to pick up shell
Also published here Oct. 1990
Intermagic (Vol. 15 No. 4 & 5)
Michael Ammar Coin on Ceiling also as a kicker for card on ceiling with card corner
Also published here 1991 93
Stephen Tucker Coins Through Table four coins, appear back in purse as kicker, blu-tack
1991 5
David Harkey Body Language four coin production, invisible coin tossed up and slapped on hand, becomes visible, one by one
Also published here
  • Lecture Notes "Body Language", 1988
1991 19
Chris Kenner Cloth and Pence silk and silver variation, gaffed with blue tac
Related to 1992 77
Chris Kenner 3, 2, Gone three coin production and vanish, one behind principle, wand, blue tac
1992 135
Steve Dusheck Shrinking Fluid coin dropped into shot glass with water, it shrinks
Also published here 1992 20
Steve Dusheck Concentric jumbo coin becomes regular coin and back several times, with edge grip
1992 45
Steve Dusheck Solar Rebate dime appears in empty plastic box
1992 85
T. Nelson Downs The Napkin Ring Coin Vanisher borrowed ring vanishes when covered with two napkin rings, is found in pocket
Sep. 1992
Magic (Vol. 2 No. 1)
Troy Hooser Touch of Brass three half Dollars change into three Chinese coins one by one
Related toVariations Sep. 1993
The Minotaur (Vol. 5 No. 3)
Barry Taylor What The Buck! bill changes into silver dollar
Also published here Feb. 1993
Magic (Vol. 2 No. 6)
Joe Rindfleisch The Pneumonia Vanish coin vanishes and appears, saliva
1994 1008
Martin Gardner Crazy Coin marked coin travels from envelope to envelope, no palming
Rigmarole (Issue 9)
Scott Edwards The Three Dollar Trick four quarters from two dollar bills
Also published here
  • Magic Methods catalog supplement, 1983
1994 58
Gary Osborne Durch den Tisch six silver, three bigger coins
Also published here July 1994
Intermagic (Vol. 18 No. 4 & 5)
Joe Rindfleisch The Fingertip Assembly sympathetic coins without any cover, mini coins used that can be covered by a fingertip
Apr. 1994
Magic (Vol. 3 No. 8)
Mike Bornstein Money Mania bill folded in quarters, three coins appears from it one by one, then a bunch of coins at once
  • Presentation
  • Presentation #2
  • Presentation #3
  • Presentation #4
1994 38
Mike Bornstein Ultra Coin Penetration stack of coin through hand of performer, rolled bill as cover tube
1994 54
Richard Bartram, Jr. Scotchman's Dilemma coin vanish, sticky tape on arm
1997 64
Richard Bartram, Jr. Matrix Treatment
1997 64
Richard Bartram, Jr. Okito Treatment with sticky tape on arm
1997 65
Richard Bartram, Jr. Transposition Treatment
1997 65
Ken Brooke Das Magazin- oder Buch-Austauschtablett switch with magazine or book
Also published here 1997
Intermagic (Vol. 21 No. 1)
Walter "Sonny" Day Coins In The Glass four coins through the table into glass one by one, extra coin stuck to hand
1998 31
John Derris Hockleys' Coin Vanish with a wand
1998 35
Don Nielsen, Karl Fulves The Old Penny & Dime Trick penny vanishes, two dimes appear instead, sucker element
Underworld (Issue 10)
Guy Camirand, David Acer The Smile-and-Wave Change without lapping
Inspired by 1999 119
Barrie Richardson Powers of Darkness II marked coin turns over on spectator's palm without him noticing and with his eyes closed
Inspired by
  • "Powers of Darkness" (Tony Corinda, marketed ca. 1958)
Also published here
1999 74
John Cornelius Armed & Ready elbow catch
Also published here 2001 51
John Cornelius Meta-Fusion silver coin placed in hand, two copper coins come out, ends clean
Also published here 2001 111
David Neighbors Handkerchief Slow Motion Vanish four coins assemble one by one under the corners of a tabled handkerchief, then they vanish
Sep. 2001
Ego (Vol. 1 No. Special Edition #1)
Chris Korn Backhanded Transportation coin in spectator's hand transposes with coin on back of his hand, coin visually changes on back of spectator's hand, called "Backhanded Transposition" in write-up
Also published here Mar. 2002
Magic (Vol. 11 No. 7)
John Scarne Quick Pick Up snatching coins out of spectator's hand before he can close it, variation in which a small coin is sandwiched between two coins and only the large coins are snatched
Related to 2003 286
Alain Nu Future Influence prediction of named coin(s), in hand
Inspired by
  • Terry Nosek's "Impromptu Influence" from his lecture notes.
2003 4
Albert Verity Albert Verity Coin Change coin tapped with wand or pencil changes visibly, sticky end of wand
2004 403
Christoph Borer Münzen ins Glas three coins to glass
Also published here 2006 30
Anthony Owen The Amazing Karate Pencil Of Death coin through pencil
Also published here 2007 31
Miguel Ángel Gea Cristal líquido four coins penetrate glass, using a pen
2009 81
Miguel Ángel Gea A través del vaso "a lo Celma" coin through glass
2009 87
Miguel Ángel Gea Con mangas y a lo loco coins vanish when placed inside ear, nose and mouth
2009 177
Miguel Ángel Gea La Esencia III complex coin routine, four different coins, coins are transformed, torn, folded, changed into different material and sizes, made to cut a card or used as eraser, jumbo coins sequence
  • Fase I: Física esencial
  • Fase II: La representación de la esencia
  • Fase III: Las diferentes caras de la esencia
  • Fase IV: La esencia mimética
    • Primera desaparición/aparición
    • Segunda desaparición/aparición
    • Tercera desaparición/aparición
    • Cuarta desaparición/aparición
    • Quinta desaparición/aparición
    • Transformación (de plata a cobre)
    • Disminución
2009 187
Michael Weber Sevin seven coins counted into spectator's hand, one magically removed, sticky
Also published here 2010 1
Michael Weber Sevin coin through spectator's hand, clean
Inspired byAlso published here 2011 1
Luis Piedrahita Monedas a través de la Mesa four cons through table one by one into a glass then they penetrate table again at once
2011 72
Luis Piedrahita Monedas y Plástico de Embalar four coins appear under a piece of bubble wrap, then the bubble wrap is cut into two pieces and the coins covered with them, very visible matrix
2011 122
Michael Weber Sevin seven coins counted into spectator's hand, one magically removed, sticky
Also published here 2011 1
Michael Weber Sevin coin through spectator's hand, clean
Inspired byAlso published here 2012 3
Bruce Bernstein The Lazy Man's Prediction one of five envelopes with a card inside is selected, card matches selection from deck
2012 125
Apollo Riego Arca coins travel into card case one by one, they audibly arrive
Dec. 2015
Genii (Vol. 78 No. 12)
Vanni Bossi Hole-Due-Chination two china coins penetrate string repeatedly
  • First Penetration
  • Second Penetration
  • Third Penetration
2016 123
Vanni Bossi High Strung and Lapless through table into glass, coin on thread
  • First Penetration
  • Second Penetration
  • Third Penetration
  • Fourth Penetration
2016 172
Geoffrey Latta Press Pick-Up moist skin
Related to 2017 124
Geoffrey Latta Gulliver's Transpo penny transposes with dollar in spectator's hand which is shown to be a jumbo penny, dollar grows as well
Inspired by
  • unpublished Earl "Presto" Johnson routine
2017 174
Anthony Owen The Amazing Karate Pencil of Death coin through pencil
Also published here 2017 99
Anthony Owen Elevated Matrix ring as substitute
Inspired by 2017 106
Al Schneider Super Nova
  • Broadcast from Nowhere
six cards are laid out in a circle, six quarters vanish with a flash from a tube and reappear under those cards
May 2019
Genii (Vol. 82 No. 5)
Carisa Hendrix The Polite Pickpocket five coins in spectator's hand, one vanishes and appears on spectator's shoulder, another vanishes, then four coins penetrate coin box and magician's hand
Inspired by 2020 139
Michael Rubinstein Twilight Zone Wild Coin Cup Version
2020 134
David Regal There
  • Material Concessions
marked coin travels from under an inverted glass to another inverted glass under napkins
Inspired byAlso published here
  • Interpreting Magic
Jan. 2021
Genii (Vol. 84 No. 1)
Ricardo Rodriguez Caudales por cabales multi-phase coin routine, three coins are produced, travel and vanish, using a glass and handkerchief
Inspired by 2021 109
Joe Cole Through and Chew three different coins through table, one changes to chewing gum at the end and back, one coin is stretched to long shape
Mar. 2022
Genii (Vol. 85 No. 3)
Chris Korn Backhanded Transportation coin in spectator's hand transposes with coin on back of his hand, coin visually changes on back of spectator's hand, called "Backhanded Transposition" in write-up
Also published here 2022 67
Barry Govan Govan's Upshot coin vanishes completely, secretly tossed to ceiling where it sticks
Inspired by 2022 194
Avi Yap Sticky Dislodge base of thumb picks up shell with natural stickiness
2022 4