139 entries in Coin / Effect Themes / Jumbo Coins
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
John Giordmaine The Big Nickel borrowed nickel changes into giant coin
  • An Alternate Effect
Variations 1966 473
Everett Lyda Large Coin Routine jumbo coin ideas
Inspired by 1968
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1967-68)
Ger Copper Fancy Change giant coin changes to card case, deck removed and case vanishes
1970 5
Ger Copper Speaking of Money half dollar changes to dollar and back, then to quarter and giant coin
1970 6
Derek Dingle Bonus kicker ending for "Four Coins in the Countin'", different large coin appears
1971 53
Derek Dingle Two Coppers penny changes to giant penny, back to normal, then to micro penny
Related toVariations July 1972
Epilogue (Issue 15 (Part 2))
Karl Norman Change for a Penny transposition between penny and silver dollar, penny in handkerchief where it grows to dollar size, then giant penny
1975 21
Jerry Mentzer Heads or Tails? penny grows to dollar-sized penny during heads & tails game
1975 6
Jerry Mentzer Penny thru Hand penny grows to dollar-sized penny during hand penetration
1975 7
Jerry Mentzer 3 Penny Trick jumbo coin finale for "two in the hands, one in the pocket"
1975 9
Jerry Mentzer Undercover Inflation penny changes to dollar-sized penny with handkerchief cover
1975 12
Jerry Mentzer Switch Change penny changes to dime and back, then to dollar-sized penny, with handkerchief
1975 19
Will Dexter Cash Match two routines
1.) spectator and magician select a coin, both bearing the same date
2.) chosen coin becomes a jumbo coin, with the same date
Jan. 1976
Pabular (Vol. 2 No. 5)
Paul Harris The Giant Killer Coin matrix with jumbo coin production kicker
Also published here 1976 13
Ray Mertz Jumbo Cards and Coins cups and balls type routine with three coins and cards, jumbo coin finale
1977 42
Dan Tong Jumbo Coin Routine penny & silver dollar transpose, penny grows to dollar size, then to giant size and back, lapping
1977 54
John F. Mendoza The Coin Routine (No. 2) from handkerchief first three dollar, then four giant coins produced, then 6'' coin followed by 12'' coin, TV production
1978 62
John F. Mendoza Sitting Spellbound II dollar changes to jumbo coin, several more changes
Inspired by
  • "Sitting Spellbound" (John Mendoza Lecture Notes)
1978 65
John F. Mendoza Standing Spellbound jumbo coin kicker
1978 70
John F. Mendoza Mendoza Matrix jumbo coin kicker
1978 72
Scott Weiser, John Cornelius Wave Change Metamorphosis Change variation, also as transformation to Jumbo Coin
Feb. 1979
Apocalypse (Vol. 2 No. 2)
Allan Hayden Jumbo Coin Jumbo coin to jumbo coin
Variations June 1979
Apocalypse (Vol. 2 No. 6)
Bernard Bilis The Growing Coin coin changes to jumbo coin on top of deck of cards
June 1979
Apocalypse (Vol. 2 No. 6)
Walt Lees New Finish To Larry Jennings Coins Through Handkerchief jumbo coin
Related to Jan. 1979
Pabular (Vol. 5 No. 1)
John F. Mendoza Reverse Portable Hole jumbo coin climax
Inspired by 1980 78
Ken Brooke K.B. Coins Through Table six coins with three in each hand, multiple phases, jumbo coin climax
Also published here 1980 114
John Berry Think Fast coin changes to jumbo coin, seated, steal from under close-up mat
1980 13
Steve Dusheck Surprise jumbo coin production from a few cards, plastic wallet
1980 ca. 5
Horace E. Bennett A Big Production jumbo coin from handkerchief
1981 50
Derek Dingle Inflation penny becomes bigger, finally jumbo coin
Also published here 1982 110
David Roth Chinese Coin Surprise jumbo coin production as climax, table edge
1982 32
Fred C. Baumann Think Big normal coin becomes jumbo coin beneath silk
July 1982
Apocalypse (Vol. 5 No. 7)
Michael Skinner A Multitude of Surprises silver coin appears on handkerchief, changes to copper, jumbo coin appears
1982 6
Phillip Young Giant Coin Vanish
1982 11
Steve Beam Folding Coins giant coin produced from small rubber purse
1982 31
Steve Beam The Perfect Climax coin dumped out of box becomes jumbo coin
1982 44
Phillip Young Slydini Revolve and Kick coin is slapped on table and changes into jumbo coin
1982 58
Phillip Young The Hole End climax for Portable Hole routine, two jumbo coins are produced
1982 60
Phillip Young Coin Stamp coins produced with stamp on close up map, then large mint is molded from rubber stamp
Related to 1982 69
Shiv Duggal Ying + copper-silver transposition with Han Ping Chien variation and big coin climax
Inspired by July 1982
Spell-Binder (Vol. 2 No. 15)
Michael Rubinstein Okito Coin Box Ending jumbo coin from box
1982 111
Ross Bertram Money Goes East coin changes visibly when tossed from hand to hand, then to jumbo coin
1983 78
David Britland, Stephen Tucker Pogo one coin routine with jumbo coin finale
July 1983
Spell-Binder (Vol. 3 No. 27)
Tom Mullica One-O-One routine with transposition, transformation, finger-through-coin, jumbo coin
1984 43
David Gripenwaldt As Promised! jumbo coin appearance from metal ring, alternate ending
Inspired by Summer 1984
West Coast Quarterly (Vol. 1 No. 2)
Fred Kaps History of the Giant Coin Production reproduced letter to Ken Brooke
1984 2
Fred Kaps The Fred Kaps Chinese Coin Routine "Giant Chinese Coin Climax"
Chinese and half dollar transpose, Chinese coin grows, smaller one found under purse, the different-sized Chinese coins transpose with handkerchief, one grows again and smaller one again under purse, giant Chinese coin produced
Related toVariations 1984 5
Jerry Sadowitz Ready When You Are, J.B. jumbo coin climax
1984 43
David Roth Standup Flurry Climax Jumbo Coin Production
Variations 1985 26
David Roth The Lapel Coin One Coin Routine
1985 148
David Roth The Micrometer Standing production, vanish and transformation routine
1985 294
Danny Korem Revolving Imp Coin Exchange coin changes in hand and becomes jumbo coin which changes again in handkerchief
1985 26
Joaquín Navajas Transfromación de la Moneda Gigante visual transformation of a coin into a jumbo coin, coin grows in closed fist
Also published here 1985 13
Albert Goshman Coin Under Glass coin appears under glass, jumbo coin appears under glass then under salt shaker, mini salt shaker appears, small coin appears.
Also published here 1985 83
Karrell Fox "Yes-Sational-Coin Climax" half dollar becomes Chinese coin and grows several times with handkerchief to five inch coin
Inspired by
  • "The Fred Kaps Chinese Coin Trick"
1986 29
Gary Kurtz Five Hundred Percent half dollar is stretched into jumbo coin, visual handling
May 1987
Magical Arts Journal (Vol. 1 No. 10)
John C. Wagner Poor Man's Matrix jumbo coin finale
1987 79
Pat Conway A Routine for the 27p Coin Trick routine with set of nesting coins ("The Master Coin"), jumbo coin appearance as finale
1987 63
Gary Kurtz Flurious using jumbo coins, with handkerchief
Related to 1988 1
Patrick Page Patrick Page's Purse Frame Routine coins produced from purse frame, jumbo coin as climax
Also published here 1988 27
Chris Power Coin Opener coin appears, vanishes, reappears, changes into jumbo Chinese coin
Also published here Feb. 1988
Opus (Vol. 1 No. 6)
Hippie Torrales Triple X Transformation Routine with Jumbo Coin Climax
Mar. 1989
Apocalypse (Vol. 12 No. 3)
John Bannon One is the Onliest one coin routine with signed coin and jumbo finale, coin to nest of boxes
1989 4
David Williamson Wishing Well coin changes color and size when dipped into fist, jumbo coin finale
Also published here 1989 23
Gary Kurtz Flurious using Jumbo Coins
Related to 1990 91
Steve Spillman The Coin On Forehead coin dropping from spectator's head changed to jumbo coin, Paperballs Over The Head situation
Magical Arts Journal (Vol. 3 No. 1-5 Aspen Bar Magic)
Michael Powers Jumbo Finale half dollar grows to jumbo coin, changes back via tabled change with lapping
Inspired by 1990 142
Ken Brooke Münzen durch den Tisch six coins with three in each hand, multiple phases, jumbo coin climax
Also published here Oct. 1990
Intermagic (Vol. 15 No. 4 & 5)
Aldo Colombini Kayak multi-phase routine with half dollar, Chinese coin, string, cards
  • Air Mail: two coins and two cards
  • Express Transposition: two coins and one card
  • Hands Only: without cards
  • Chinese Coin: a coin and a length of rope
  • Karate Chop: two coins from one
  • The Magnified Coin: climax for the routine (with magnifying glass)
Also published here Jan. 1990
Opus (Vol. 3 No. 1)
John Bannon One is the Onliest one coin routine with signed coin and jumbo finale, coin to nest of boxes
1991 29
Karrell Fox Gulliver's Nickel nickel becomes giant nickel under handkerchief and back to normal
1991 17
Karrell Fox The "Slaphappy" Coin normal coin slapped, it grows to giant coin, sleeve load
1991 18
Karrell Fox Changing the Change two nickels and two pennies transpose under jumbo nickel and penny
1991 25
Gary Kurtz Copper/Silver Continuation series of effects with coins and handkerchief, two jumbo coins finale, load from body
Also published here 1992 54
Steve Dusheck Concentric jumbo coin becomes regular coin and back several times, with edge grip
1992 45
Paul Gertner The Very Big Penny eight inch penny appears
1994 59
Paul Gertner That's Ridiculous four aces on table in different spots, coin appears from jokers and travels to under each card, then coin produced from under all cards, two more coins, two bigger coins and jumbo coin
Related to 1994 183
Mike Gallo Safe And Sound small coin box with number lock as lid, three half dollars change into pennies one by one, then all to Chinese coins, then three large Chinese coins
1994 89
Warren Stephens Double Surprise penny grows two times, cloth pin holder
1994 84
Horace E. Bennett Big Coin - Revisited one coin sequence, second coin appears, jumbo coin appears
Inspired by 1994 159
Felix Farrell Coin Transformation to jumbo coin, under handkerchief
1995 31
Gary Kurtz Copper/Silver Continuation series of effects with coins and handkerchief, two jumbo coins finale, load from body
Also published here 1995 9
Ray Kosby Jumbo Coin Thru Hand jumbo coin and half dollar switch places
Feb. 1995
The Lemniscate (Vol. 1 No. 9)
Paul Harris Giant Killer Coin matrix with jumbo coin production kicker
Also published here 1996
The Art of Astonishment — Book 1 (Issue The Magic of Paul Harris)
Wesley James Big Coin Finish finale for Spellbound routine, three different jumbo coins appear
1997 89
Eddie Ganim Jumbo Drop Change jumbo coin changes into normal coin when dropped into other hand
1997 51
Richard Bartram, Jr. Enigmatic Purse and Coin coins are produced and vanished with purse frame, jumbo coin shrinks to normal coin
1997 52
Alexander de Cova Stand-up Flurry jumbo coin finale
Inspired byRelated to 1998 73
Aldo Colombini Heads or Tails? coins appear from silk one by one, then jumbo coin, then doll head for gag
Inspired by Apr. 1998
Onyx (Issue 3)
David Regal Optical Coin Climax Way of revealing jumbo coin under cards as a climax after a Matrix type effect
1999 165
Doug Conn The Purse'n'l Change coin grows to jumbo coin, with purse frame
1999 82
Joshua Jay Wallet of Wonder four credit cards placed on table, a coin appears under each, then a jumbo coin appears as well
Jan. 1999
Onyx (Issue 6)
Manuel Muerte The Pen-Ultimate Coin coin is marked with marker, both vanish and reappear, then grow to jumbo coin and pen
Aug. 2000
Genii (Vol. 63 No. 8)
Don England The Town Fool coins transpose and grow, Jumbo Coin Climax, with variation by Kevin Kelly
2001 2
Reed McClintock Scotch and Soda for Real Transpositions and vanishes of American half dollar and Mexican centavo.
Inspired byRelated to 2002 1
Hiroshi Sawa Why a Big Purse? routine with silver and copper coins, purse, jumbo coin
Also published here Nov. 2002
Genii (Vol. 65 No. 11)
Peter McLanachan Strange Currencies four coins travel one by one from under hand to under card, jumbo coin finale
July 2002
Ego (Vol. 2 No. 13)
Alexander de Cova Riesenmünzen-Produktion tip on production of jumbo coin
Related to 2002 12
Bob King Underground Matrix III slits in mat, coins vanish and jumbo coin appears as climax
2003 14
Bob Fitch Flipped applications of flipping coin and catching it on hand
  • Phase 1: Production
  • Phase 2: Vanish and Reappearance
  • Phase 3: Feint
  • Phase 4: Mid-air Disappearance and Reproduction
  • Phase 5: Penetration
  • Phase 6: Revolve Penetration
  • Phase 7: Reverse Penetration
  • Phase 8: Crazed
  • Phase 9: Vanish and Reappearance
  • Phase 10: Disappearance and Ditch
  • Phase 11: Reproduction and Jumbo Climax
2003 236
Ron Frost Jumbo Coin Card Mini card stuck to a jumbo coin changes from first selection to second selection
2004 83
Curtis Kam Bending The Chinese Coin giant coin, bending gag
2004 7
Derek Dingle Inflation penny becomes bigger, finally jumbo coin
Also published here 2004 36
Curtis Kam End Games on the production of a jumbo coin
  • Super Size Me?
  • Or Have It My Way?
2006 25
Curtis Kam Tablehopper's Jumbo jumbo coin appears as climax of a routine, then vanishes again
2006 25
Michael Powers Expanding Expenditure coin tossed on mat grows to jumbo coin, vanishes and reappears
2006 187
Justin Miller Walking to China Chinese and silver coin transpose with use of handkerchief, then two jumbo coins and two even bigger coins appear
Related to May 2006
Antinomy (Vol. 2 No. 2)
Reed McClintock Time is Big Money borrowed quarter grows to jumbo coin, coin fold vanish with jumbo coin, quarter found under spectator's watch
Feb. 2007
Genii (Vol. 70 No. 2)
Greg Hoffman Dead Kennedys three coins, two travel up through the table under a playing card one by one, then both travel down and then all three coins back up, final load appears
Oct. 2008
Antinomy (Vol. 4 No. 2)
Karl Fulves Electric Blanket coin though handkerchief, then changes into giant coin
  • Impromptu Method
Prolix (Issue 6)
Miguel Ángel Gea La Esencia III complex coin routine, four different coins, coins are transformed, torn, folded, changed into different material and sizes, made to cut a card or used as eraser, jumbo coins sequence
  • Fase I: Física esencial
  • Fase II: La representación de la esencia
  • Fase III: Las diferentes caras de la esencia
  • Fase IV: La esencia mimética
    • Primera desaparición/aparición
    • Segunda desaparición/aparición
    • Tercera desaparición/aparición
    • Cuarta desaparición/aparición
    • Quinta desaparición/aparición
    • Transformación (de plata a cobre)
    • Disminución
2009 187
Miguel Ángel Gea Pintaje de moneda gigante con topit color change of jumbo coin
2009 205
Román García El Mundial de Futbol cards with football players, coins as footballs appear, yellow card changes to red card, matrix and jumbo coin/ball appears as climax, story trick
2010 39
Troy Hooser The Prize Plastic capsule and toy ring, ring vanishes and appears multiple times, objects start appearing under the cap, including jumbo coin and an explosion of paper money
Variations 2010 17
Alexander de Cova Der Schottische Silbermünzen-Trick combination with sources
2011 1
Alexander de Cova Riesenmünzen-Finte black art jumbo coin
2011 11
Patrick Page Big Money Aces performer locates the Aces, then a Jumbo coin appears under the fan of Acea
2011 64
Patrick Page The Big Coin Production producing jumbo coin, plate or other object behind knee
2011 124
Patrick Page Spellbound Climax jumbo coin
2011 127
Patrick Page The Patrick Page Purse Frame Routine coins produced from purse frame, jumbo coin as climax
Also published here 2011 173
Steven Hamilton Coin Assembly coins assemble under one card, jumbo coin appears as finale
2013 169
Hiroshi Sawa Why a Big Purse? routine with silver and copper coins, purse, jumbo coin
Also published here 2013 245
Alexander de Cova Chinese Coin Routine comments on Fred Kaps's performance
Related to 2016 171
Geoffrey Latta The Flopperino Jumbo Coin Production coin grows to jumbo size
2017 51
Geoffrey Latta Jumbo Chinese Coin Production loaded from table edge
2017 54
Geoffrey Latta Gulliver's Transpo penny transposes with dollar in spectator's hand which is shown to be a jumbo penny, dollar grows as well
Inspired by
  • unpublished Earl "Presto" Johnson routine
2017 174
Geoffrey Latta, Jamy Ian Swiss Hung Fu three half dollars vanish, Chinese coin part of handling, grows into jumbo Chinese coin as finale
Inspired byVariations 2017 312
Eric Stevens Logicoin Opener Jumbo coin appearance in hands, need sleeves
Inspired by 2018 11
Jeremiah Zuo Revisiting Trio (Trio-ish) longer combination
Inspired by 2018 37
Alexander de Cova Fred Kaps Chinese Coin Routine Chinese and half dollar transpose, Chinese coin grows, smaller one found under purse, the different-sized Chinese coins transpose with handkerchief, one grows again and smaller one again under purse, giant Chinese coin produced
  • Abschlussladung - Patrick-Page-Variante
Inspired by 2018 139
Christian Scherer Jumbo Coin to Normal Coin visual transformation
2019 20
Christian Scherer Stand-Up Hung Fu three silver coins travel in hole of Chinese coin and appear again, then Chinese coin turns into jumbo coin and silver coins vanish and reappear a second time
Inspired by 2020 3
Michael Rubinstein Giant Four Coins Through the Table
Also published here
  • Creative Coin Magic Lecture Notes, 1983
  • Penguin Two Live lecture, 2016
2020 181
Motoki Kaido Quiz Two in hand, one in pocket type of routine but with coins. First phase is standard, second phase has coins changing to copper and Chinese, final phase produces jumbo coin
Inspired by 2021 200
Jeff Johnson Mumbo Jumbo jumbo coin appearance at end of matrix routine
2022 191
Sol Stone Not So Rapid Transit coin vanish and reproduction routine, then change into jumbo coin
2022 211
Tom Gagnon Radical Expansion visual switch of tabled coin with aid of playing card into jumbo coin
Inspired by 2022 213
Michael Rubinstein Standup Flurry Climax Handling jumbo Coin Production
Inspired by Sep. 2023
The Hermit (Vol. 2 No. 9)
Pedro Lacerda A Card or a Coin Trick? signed card to wallet with gag prediction presentation, card changes to jumbo Chinese coin, card is found back in wallet
2023 184