38 entries in Coin / Effect Themes / Traveling / Coin to Nest of Boxes
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
The Nest of Boxes
1876 197
Franklin M. Chapman The Fastest Trick in the World with two nest of boxes and matchbox, transposition of two coins
Dec. 1939
Chap's Scrapbook (Vol. 2 No. 6)
Shaman Curious Coin marked coin wrapped in newspaper and burned, appears in nest of boxes
The Jinx (Issue 112)
Eugene Verbeck The Coin in the Magical Envelopes basically a coin into nest of envelopes with newspaper-envelope transformations, for credit information see Carney reference
Variations 1942 123
Ann Y. Mous Slide-Less signed by performer and spectator, without the slide
Apr. 1942
The Phoenix (Issue 5)
French "Pill Box" Coin Mystery three coins from pill box to nest of packages
1943 160
Tom Fitzgerald Daffy Dime! coin transforms wrapped in paper (Buddha papers), transforms again (Adam's penny and dime trick) then travels into silver boxes inside of wool
Apr. 1944
The Phoenix (Issue 58)
John Mulholland The Flight of A Coin marked coin vanishes and reappears inside an envelope inside a sealed box
1944 96
Jack Yeager Three Nest of Boxes coin vanishes when dropped in glass of water and appears in one of three nest of boxes, free selection
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1949)
John Hamilton Nested handling for nest of boxes
Aug. 1951
The Phoenix (Issue 235)
Janel Boxadime coin under handkerchief ends up in nest of boxes
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1952)
Rolland Hamblen Coin in Ball of Wool and Nest of Boxes entertaining routine with trick funnel and magic awl
1952 299
Eugene Boyd Coin Combination combination of Chinatown Quarter and Magic Coin Box, transposition of two coins
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1961)
Frederica Self Contained samller boxes are inside a ball of wool
1967 220
Earl Harvey Jr. Charon's Fare signed coin vanishes from wrapped paper in a flash and appears in nest of boxes
Jan. 1968
The New Jinx (Vol. 6 No. 69)
Frederica Boxology marked coin on a box, hand comes out and takes it inside, then the coin is found in a nest of boxes
1969 80
Patrick Page The Nest of Boxes coin vanishes under handkerchief and appears in nest of boxes
1974 15
"Joro" Bruno Hennig Die Ringpost in abgewandelter Form signed coin to nest of bags
Related to 1975 8
Marked Coin in the Box of Beans coin inside a bag which is inside boy of beans
1978/76 164
Stephen Minch Dreams in the Witch-House water turns to blood (chemical) and back to water when stirred with a bone, coin travels to cloth bag in locked box, case moves on table uses Joseph Fenichel's "The Crawler"
Also published here 1979 27
Ron Ferris The Card Cocoon nest of boxes with folded cards for a coin
Aug. 1980
Apocalypse (Vol. 3 No. 8)
Derek Dingle The Nefarious Nest of Boxes
1981 256
Derek Dingle Nest of Boxes I
1982 34
Derek Dingle Nest of Boxes II
1982 35
John Bannon One is the Onliest one coin routine with signed coin and jumbo finale, coin to nest of boxes
1989 4
John Bannon One is the Onliest one coin routine with signed coin and jumbo finale, coin to nest of boxes
1991 29
Kazuyuki Hase Nestuary with rubberbands
1991 25
Edward Marlo Olram's Nest of Purses marked coin into nest of purses
The Olram File (Issue 16)
John Carney, Eugene Verbeck Verbeck's Envelopes basically a coin into nest of envelopes with magazine-envelope transformations and restoration, repeat, credit information
Inspired by 2002 260
Camilo Vázquez La Moneda en la Pastilla de Alka Seltzer signed coin to Alka Seltzer, in nest of boxes
2003 207
"Joro" Bruno Hennig Ringpost marked coin to nest of bags
Related to 2004 19
Stephen Minch Dreams in the Witch-House water turns to blood (chemical) and back to water when stirred with a bone, coin travels to cloth bag in locked box, case moves on table uses Joseph Fenichel's "The Crawler"
Also published here 2009 69
Roger Smith No Shoots - No Slides - No Slits. coin travels into laminated greeting card inside nest of envelopes
2012 251
Christian Scherer Mein erstes Kunststück coin is borrowed and marked, then two more coins are added and all three coins travel to handkerchief, eventually signed coin vanished and appears inside a matchbox which is inside a hollow book
2020 3
Michael Rubinstein Nest of Boxes substitution trunk presentation
2020 334
Michael Rubinstein Nest of Envelopes coin to nest of envelopes
2020 346
Michael Rubinstein Nest of Envelopes Method Two coin to nest of envelopes
2020 350
Michael Rubinstein The Sympathy Card marked coin to nest of envelopes
2020 351