290 entries in Coin / Effect Themes / Traveling / Miscellaneous
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
To throwe a peece of monie awaie, and to find it againe where you list coin thrown into air vanishes (classic palm with second and third fingers), duplicate appears somewhere else (like on a stooge)
1584 185
To throwe a peece of monie into a deepe pond, and to fetch it againe from whence you list marked coin thrown into river is reproduced from somewhere else, similarly marked duplicate
1584 186
La Piece de Monnoie Enfermée Dans une Boîte, d'ou Elle Sort Sans qu'on y Touche coin vanishes from a box audibly and appears in shoe of a spectator, rattle box with spring feather, assistant
1784 22
Henri Decremps Divers secrets pour tirer en apparence des écus d'une bourse sans l'ouvrir. more tricks by Pilferer, coins in wallet are placed under hat and then produced, repeated with different method, finally effect is repeated by placing a coin into a stocking
1785 33
To Pull Four Florins or Half-crowns through a Handkerchief with assistance of spectator, presented as vanish and reappearance from spectator's clothes
1876 168
The Travelling Counters twelve coins, travel around, at one point they are stuck together to a solid block
1876 180
Jean-Eugène Robert-Houdin The Crystal Cash-Box coins appear in box that hangs on strings, electrical
1876 487
Jean-Eugène Robert-Houdin The Two Hats coins travel at once from one hat to another, acoustical illusion, brief outline
Related to
  • Secrets of Conjuring & Magic, p. 124
1890 147
Professor Hoffmann The eight Coins and two Brass Covers four borrowed coins each under two brass covers, coins travel from one pile to the other, two shells, also done in hands of spectator without covers
1890 165
Die Thalerwanderung one-ahead coins across with shell, performed with two cover tubes
Related to Feb. 1895
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 1 No. 2)
Die Thalerwanderung second part of description, including the traveling of a coin into the spectator's hand
Related to Mar. 1895
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 1 No. 3)
Der bezauberte Knopf coin vanishes and is reproduced from a button on the jacket
Mar. 1895
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 1 No. 3)
Emil Clauß Das wandernde Zweimarkstück marked coin to matchbox that is in the hand of the spectator
Aug. 1898
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 4 No. 8)
Samuel "St. Roman" Thiersfeld Die reisenden Münzen No. 48, four coins travel to paper bag
1899 130
Die Thaler im Hut No. 15, hat and plate examined, plate put on hat, coins vanish and are heard dropping into hat, secret mechanical container
1900 46
Carl Willmann Das Münzen-Lineal ruler with four holes with threads through them with knots on both ends, four borrowed coins vanish and reappear at the ends of those threads
Oct. 1900
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 6 No. 10)
Ludwig Pax Die Thaler auf Wanderschaft two coins vanish in hand and travel audibly into borrowed hat that has been covered with a plate
Dec. 1900
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 6 No. 12)
Fr. Maubach Die Thaler auf Wanderschaft II. four coins vanish in hand and travel audibly into borrowed hat that has been covered with a plate
Jan. 1901
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 7 No. 1)
Emil Clauß Eine Geldangelegenheit confetti in glass, changes into coins, twelve coins placed in two handkerchiefs held by two spectators each, four travel across, plate used as coin tray
Feb. 1901
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 7 No. 2)
Carl Willmann Die Mechanik für Thaler aus dem Hut coins drop out of hat one by one with release mechanism
June 1901
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 7 No. 6)
Carl Willmann Lucifer's Geheimnis box from which a borrowed ring or coin can be stolen
Aug. 1901
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 7 No. 8)
Coin in Card, Paper in Candle Trick marked coin travels into card, piece of paper into candle
Related to 1902 249
Carl Willmann Die neue Münzenkassette coins vanish in hand and appear in glass casket
July 1902
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 8 No. 7)
Joseph Michael Hartz The Hartz "Hook," for Working Mechanical Pieces hook from ceiling with mechanical piece that can make bells ring, etc.
  • The Magic Bell (bell rings by itself)
  • The Crystal Cash-box (borrowed coins appear in glass box that hangs from ceiling)
  • The Bird-Cage (canary appears in suspended cage)
Also published here 1903 68
Carl Willmann Der Magnetismus und seine Wirkung coin vanishes from glass of water (glass disc), reappears in mouth of spectator (coin wand), then travels into orange
Jan. 1903
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 9 No. 1)
Carl Willmann Das Münzenkästchen two coins tossed into wooden box one by one, can be heard to land inside
Sep. 1903
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 9 No. 9)
Von Paris nach London two hats borrowed, marked coins placed in one which is tabled, coins travel into other hat that is held in hand one by one audibly à la miser's dream
Mar. 1904
Der Zauberspiegel (Vol. 4 No. 3)
The Cannon-Ball-Globes large ball put in giant ball vase, ball travels into hat and silk and coin are in ball vase instead
Dec. 1904
Der Zauberspiegel (Vol. 5 No. 1)
The Coin Through the Knee into knee, produced from bottom of trousers
1909 248
T. Nelson Downs The Free and Unlimited Coinage of Silver coin travels under named object on table, then under all objects coin is found
Related to 1909 262
Carl Anderson A Coin Act and a Coin Ladder coins produced with borrowed hat, then they penetrate hat and drop down coin ladder
1909 278
Joseph Michael Hartz Card, Coin and Candle coin wrapped in paper vanishes, reappears in chosen card, piece of paper into piece of candle
Related toAlso published here 1911 686
Joseph Michael Hartz Card, Coin and Candle coin wrapped in paper vanishes, reappears in chosen card, piece of paper into piece of candle
Also published here 1911 145
Joseph Michael Hartz The Hartz "Hook," for Working Mechanical Pieces hook from ceiling with mechanical piece that can make bells ring, etc.
  • The Magic Bell (bell rings by itself)
  • The Crystal Cash-box (borrowed coins appear in glass box that hangs from ceiling)
  • The Bird-Cage (canary appears in suspended cage)
Also published here 1911 206
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli Geschwind wie der Wind. No. 12, signed coin vanishes from paper fold and appears in envelope
1926 42
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli Verschwunden und wiedergefunden coin vanishes wrapped in paper and appears inside hat
1927 106
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli Befreiung einer Münze aus einem Taschentuch coin placed inside a borrowed handkerchief, handkerchief is cut to release coin, coin vanishes and appears inside restored handkerchief
1930 20
Joe Berg An Eye for Money coin vanishes and reappears in eye socket like a monocle
1930 20
T. Page Wright Combination for Brema twelve cent trick cent coins travel to purse, uses gaff that is not described
1933 24
Boy and Coins coins travel from spectator's hand to hat
1935 17
A Walking Penny marked coin travels from from under left foot to under right foot
1935 18
An Easy Trick coin travels under hat
1935 41
Coin and Envelopes marked coin to nest of envelopes made out of newspaper
1935 54
Arthur Sherwood The Coin and the Chocolate Box coin from chocolate box to envelope and back again
1938 697
Martin Gardner Pocket to Cuff marked dime travels from pocket to trouser cuff
The Jinx (Issue Winter Extra 1937/38)
Tom Osborne Routine 33 three different coins end up under a shell each, nesting coin
1938 53
Franklin M. Chapman, Paul Morris Sucker Coins dime vanishes from under quarter and appears under second quarter, two versions
Jan. 1939
Chap's Scrapbook (Vol. 1 No. 7)
Minoe, U. F. Grant Clever Coins two times ten coins in two bowls, number selected with dice travels across, see also page 524
Feb. 1940
The Jinx (Issue 78)
Joseph Ovette A Lulu! coin vanishes and appears in rolled up bill, to small to hold the coin
Apr. 1940
Chap's Scrapbook (Vol. 2 No. 10)
The Dissolving Coin marked coin vanishs from glass, reappears in purse, glass disc
1941 85
The Homing Coins fifteen coins, two taken away, travel back, repeat
1941 105
Invisible Money Transit fifteen coins, two taken away, travel back, repeat
1941 111
Frank Travers, Bruce Elliott, Theodore Annemann On the Treasure Trail coin travels from sand pile to paper
June 1941
The Jinx (Issue 142)
Stuart P. Cramer Kids and Koins three coins travel into covered tumbler, marked coin into candy bar
July 1941
The Jinx (Issue 143)
Martin Gardner Japanese Paper Bird bird fold that flaps its wings, application with flash paper and coin appearing from bird or traveling in bird
Inspired by
  • "Houdini's Paper Magic" (p. 117)
Related to
  • "Scientific Recreations" (Tissandier, 1881, French work)
1941 11
The Phantom Coin shell applications, coin travels, coin vanishes
1942 122
Bruce Elliott Hard Boiled Miracle nickel vanishes and travels into chosen hard boiled egg
Feb. 1942
The Phoenix (Issue 2)
Eddie Joseph The Monocle Mystery marked coin held with eye, taken out, vanished, and shown back in eye, double lift with coins
Variations 1942 71
Eddie Joseph The Twister borrowed coin switched and given back without spectator noticing, application where borrowed coin travels inside a bill
Related to 1942 78
Eddie Joseph My Hat coin (glass disc) vanishes from glass and appears in hat
1942 106
Coins in a Loaf of Bread three coins from pill box to bread
1943 164
Edward Marlo Three Dice and a Coin dice travel from hand to hand
1943 28
Paul Morris Clothes Pin Mint signed coin vanishes and appears on a clothes pin
Sep. 1943 14
Tom Sellers Novel Re-Appearing Coin coin vanishes and travels along string onto handkerchief on table
1943 16
Jean Hugard Magical Flight marked coin in knotted handkerchief travels into knot of second silk
Oct. 1944 75
John Mulholland Beelzebub's Letter a letter that was mailed to magician yesterday contains a marked coin that just vanished today
1944 87
Milbourne Christopher An Oldie with a New Twist coin travels into empty matchbox
Sep. 1945
The Phoenix (Issue 92)
Milbourne Christopher Burning a Half Dollar marked coin is burnt inside envelope and appears inside purse held by spectator
May 1946
Hugard's Magic Monthly (Vol. 3 No. 12)
J. B. Bobo Knee-zy Vanish coin travels from knee to knee, then vanishes
Variations 1947 91
Bruce Elliott Treasure Trail map is crumbled and spectator holds on to it, marked coin is put on a plate and sand is poured on top, coin travels inside the map
May 1948
The Phoenix (Issue 150)
Jack Yeager As the Penny Flies matchbook as a tray, penny travels to other pennies
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1949)
Try this on Your Ham Sandwich coin travels into sandwich
1949 22
Bill Williston, Ray Cox Half Dollar in Egg
June/July 1949 10
Milbourne Christopher A Change of Value two coins in hand, smaller one is removed and appears again inside the hand, when repeated other coin appears
Aug. 1950 691
Bread (1)
  • Martin Gardner’s Encyclopedia of Impromptu Tricks
coin in bread
July 1951 815
Wallace Lee, In a Spectator's Pocket Three Methods
a. into spectator's outer breast pocket, back palm
b. into spectator's outer breast pocket, thumb palm
c. hand is put into spectator's outer breast pocket to pull him closer (Wallace Lee Method)
Related to 1952 57
Stewart Judah Rattle Box Routine coin penetrates glass and table, other coin travels from box to glass, rattle box
1952 207
Coin in the Banana marked coin should appear in banana, boy already ate it, coin is produced with a wand from the boy's mouth
1952 298
Milton Tootle Tootle's Egg Trick coin vanishes and appears in a raw egg
Apr. 1954
The New Phoenix (Issue 304)
Eddie Joseph Where is that Coin? three matchbox drawers and a coin, monte / shell game
1954 26
Dr. William Weyeneth Seltsame Wanderung einer Münze coin travels from one matchbox to another
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 17 No. 4)
Jerry Andrus Pill Tube Mystery coins vanish from pill tube and appears in other hand
1957 1
Ben Maghy Karo und Karola small coin placed inside ring is covered with card and cork, coin vanishes and appears inside a matchbox
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 26 No. 5)
Rolland Hamblen A Surprising Routine marked coin, silver extracted and becomes transparent, original coin in box
1966 428
J. B. Bobo A Lippincott Coin Box Routine borrowed coin travels to box
1966 430
Stewart Judah The Coins and the Matchbooks coins travel around underneath matchbooks
Also published here 1966 452
John Agra Curious Coin spectator marks spot on map of room, coin vanishes and reappears there
Apr. 1968 169
Alan Brown Restless Spirit coin wrapped in paper, also silver amulet, hank on top, after animation sequence both items in one paper, see p. 206 for idea by Jules Lenier
June 1968 182
Bill Ewington Nickel Nickel six coins, three in hand and three under cigarette package, they travel into hand one by one, cigarette pack as coin tray and with magnet
July 1968
Ibidem (Issue 33)
Horace E. Bennett The Change Purse two half dollars travel into a purse
1969 145
Ray Miller Silk & Coin handkerchief with knot in one corner spread on table, coin travels from corner to corner, ends up in knot
Aug. 1969 278
Aaron Wainer Spirit Coin coins in glass, one of them marked, they all travel into inspected empty tube behind screen, see also p. 283 for reference
Sep. 1969 281
Johann Nepomuk Hofzinser Coins In Flight 1. six coins travel from hand to tray
2. repeat with two
3. from hand to hand
4. two spectators have twelve coins, four travel across
Winter 1969
The Pallbearers Review Vol. 5-8 (Vol. 5 No. 3rd Folio)
Eddie Joseph A Twin Sucker Episode marked coin rubbed into arm, reappears behind neck, explained, then bottle cap is found behind neck and coin in spectator's pocket
1969 115
Dr. William Weyeneth Wo ist der Fünfer? shell game using three bottle caps and a coin, with magnet
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 31 No. 4)
Adi Kaufmann Eine neuartige Münzenwanderung coins under saltshaker travel under second salt shaker, gaffed shaker and coins
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 31 No. 6)
Alan Alan Decimated Coin Trick coins are taken from wallet-type coin folder, disappear and reappear in folder
1972 308
Jean-Eugène Robert-Houdin Two Hats two coins travel from one hat to another, with sound illusion when coins are dropped in one hat but apparently in the other
Aug. 1972 555
Arthur Setterington Poor Man's Coins in Glass three coins vanish and appear one by on in jar with screw top, covered with a tube
1972 14
Martin Gardner Coin to Cuff marked coin travels down to cuff, two methods, one with secret tube slide and one impromptu
Aug. 1974 780
Karl Fulves Dice Problem two dice underneath cup, coin vanished and reappears between dice under cup, posed as problem
Related toVariations Nov. 1974 821
Irving Bloom Ghost Coin marked coin appears in nest of envelopes
Magick (Issue 99)
Al Schneider One Half Gone silver coin travels from between copper coins, nested in an Okito box, to under a card
Also published here 1975 63
Jerry Mentzer One Cup and Coins coins produced from small metal cup, then coins travel from hand to cup one by one, two handlings

Inspired by
  • routine by John Murray
1975 5
David Bornstein A Coin Sealed "Coin Tricks"
marked coin appears in purse
Aug. 1975 1037
J. "Rink" van Rinkhuyzen Becher, Münzen und Bälle cups and balls with small cups and coins
Also published here
  • Magigram
June 1975
Intermagic (Vol. 2 No. 4)
Bob Stello Wer den Rappen nicht ehrt... small coin on larger coin in hand, one coin is removed and travels back, then coins change
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 36 No. 3)
Lawrence Nudelman Miracle Cups and Coins (The Nudelman Version) monte with three upside-down cups and one coin, three coin production
1975-1978 ca. 7
Larry Jennings The Coin and Beer Can signed coin travels into can, impromptu
1976 1
John Carney Coins Across to Purse three coins to purse one at a time
Variations 1976 15
Bill Weldon Die Münze in den Hut! coin travels into hat, both held by spectator, snapping sound with hat
Also published here
  • "Linking Ring"
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 38 No. 1)
Mark Levy 3 Coins At The Fountain three coins vanish and reappear in paper cup on table
Dec. 1978
Apocalypse (Vol. 1 No. 12)
Karl Fulves In Writing three coins on table, chosen coin vanishes and reappears inside sealed envelope, one out of three force with written instructions
1978 1076
John F. Mendoza The Coin Casket marked quarter to brass box, routine for prop in which marked coin changes, then grows, then changes into the box, Benzais China Change
1978 98
Stephen Tucker Music to My Ears coins in a box, box secured with rubber bands and held by spectator, chosen coin disappears and appears in performer's hand
1978 5
Peter Wilker Kleine Studie über die Wanderung mehrerer Münzen study on the traveling coins à la Robert-Houdin using a coin tray
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 39 No. 3)
David Stahl Nickel-Load-E-In cigarette through marked coin, coin then vanishes and appears inside sealed envelope
1978 16
The Coins in the Crystal Casket coins travel visibly and audibly to glass casket, various designs
1978/76 128
Traveling Coins (Passe Passe Coins), two piles of four coins are covered with nickel-plated covers, coins travel one by one, two shells
1978/76 132
The Mysterious Glass Jar and Flying Coins (Crystal Coin Vase), coins travel audibly and visibly into closed glass jar
1978/76 137
Marked Coin in the Box of Beans coin inside a bag which is inside boy of beans
1978/76 164
Maggie's Nite Out die box with coin, marked coin appears in wooden slide
1978/76 169
Michael O'Rady One for the Money bill and quarter borrowed, two cards selected, money vanishes an reappears rubberbanded and between two selections in wallet
1979 38
Eddie Joseph Back Again coin, ring and key used for "two in the hands..." routine, coin shower as finale
1979 20
Ted Glick Dice Trap two dice under cup, coin vanishes and reappears underneath cup between the two dice, three methods
Inspired by 1979
The Chronicles (Issue 15)
Karl Fulves (B) Leather Limit coin travel back to leather pouch repeatedly, posed as problem
Interlocutor (Issue 37)
Michael Skinner Ein unorthodoxer Münzentrick
Inspired byAlso published here 1979
Das Mike Skinner / Piet Forton Seminarheft (Issue Das Mike Skinner Seminarheft)
David Garrard Shell-Shocked! cups and balls routine with plastic egg shells and coins
Feb. 1980
Apocalypse (Vol. 3 No. 2)
Bob Farmer Rate Of Exchange routine for two-copper-one-silver set, starting clean
Oct. 1980
Apocalypse (Vol. 3 No. 10)
Shigeo Takagi Coins and Coasters four coins travel from hand to between two coasters, four more coins appear
Also published here Dec. 1980
Apocalypse (Vol. 3 No. 12)
Ken Brooke The Answers a Lemon coin travels under hat, lemon climax appearance
Also published here 1980 43
David Williamson Coin in Pen Cap using striking vanish
Also published here 1981 23
Hole in the Pocket No. 5, marked coin from pocket to under foot
1981 7
Sealed Silver No. 6, one of three coins vanishes from handkerchief and appears in envelope held by spectator
1981 8
Stephen Tucker Purseperation four coins travel to a coin purse one by one, using a lens of a spectator's pair of glasses
Also published here Oct. 1981
Spell-Binder (Vol. 1 No. 6)
Horace E. Bennett Big Coin Routine coin travels from knee to knee, then change into jumbo coin
Inspired byVariations 1981 6
Tom Gagnon Popeyed coin placed in eye like a monocle, it drops into hands and is vanished, found back in eye
Inspired by 1981 88
John Mulholland Der Brief des Herrn Beelzebub signed coin vanishes under handkerchief and appears inside sealed envelope
Also published here
  • "The John Mulholland Book of Magic", 1963.
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 42 No. 4)
Michael Skinner The Wonderful Coin Trick Revisited coin disappears and reappears, sucker trick with openly visible elastic thread, hook coin
Inspired byAlso published here 1982 12
Stephen Tucker, John Brown, David Britland Full-Circle coin and card vanish and appear on deck
Feb. 1982
Spell-Binder (Vol. 1 No. 10)
Stephen Tucker Coin Problem coin travels to match box, posed as problem
Variations July 1982
Spell-Binder (Vol. 2 No. 15)
Michael D. Pettitt Solutions - Coin Problem coin to match box
Inspired by Sep. 1982
Spell-Binder (Vol. 2 No. 17)
Coins In The Casket casket made from wood and glass is hung, coins vanish and appear audible inside casket
1982 176
John Kennedy Watch coin vanishes and reappears beneath tables napkin, changes into wrist watch
1983 43
Ross Bertram The Waisted Coin half dollar disappears, reappears under foot
1983 6
Faucett Ross The Fate of a Borrowed Coin to metal box
1983 236
David Bentley Expedition solutions to posed coin problem
Inspired by Apr. 1983
Spell-Binder (Vol. 2 No. 24)
Stephen Tucker Coineto coin from hand to hand, first a quarter, then half and three quarters travel
Spell-Binder (Vol. 3 No. Special #3)
Piet Forton Münzenwanderung coin vanishes from handkerchief and appears in matchbox
1983 18
Steve Dusheck, Thomas Alan Waters Coin-Nection chosen coin is predicted in a box, another chosen coin vanishes and reappears in box, magnets
1984 90
Philip T. Goldstein Sinology silver and chinese coin under paper on table, they travel around and finally disappear, gaffed
Also published here Apr. 1984
The Collected Almanac (Vol. 2 No. 20)
Tom Craven Four Coins and a Purse four coins travel into purse one by one
Inspired by 1984 99
Jon Racherbaumer Flicks and Kicks coin vanishes and reappears in card case, flicking coin under card case as it is apparently picked up, card case has small legs on one side
Inspired byAlso published here
  • MUM, Sep. 1980
1984 151
Michael Rubinstein Case Solved marked coin and card travel into card case (with slit)
1985 53
Randy Tanner The Magician's Piggy Bank four half dollars travel into card case, as climax it is full with forty-two coins
1985 79
Chris Kenner The No-Kick Portable Hole without kick move
1985 81
David Roth The Ruler Coins across with a ruler
1985 280
David Roth The Planet Signed coins appear in small globe
1985 300
David Roth The Sleeve Coins vanish and reappear in a separate detached sleeve
Variations 1985 325
Martin Lewis Going Home Three coins vanish one by one, reappear in purse
1985 121
Martin Lewis Magigami Coin vanishes, appears in folded origami "water bomb"
1985 145
Richard Bartram, Jr. Cointainmint coin appears in sealed and stapled self seal coin holder
1985 11
Karl Fulves Bank by Mail No. 15, coin vanishes from paper and reappears in bankbook
1985 31
Stewart Judah Münzen und Streichholzheftchen coins travel around underneath matchbooks
Also published here July 1985
Intermagic (Vol. 11 No. 3 & 4)
Stewart Judah Der unsichtbare Münzenflug coin travels from cup to hand, then from box apparatus to cup
July 1985
Intermagic (Vol. 11 No. 3 & 4)
Jay Sankey Underwraps coin and purse transpose, coin to purse finale
1986 41
Jay Sankey The Money That Can't Be Spent signed coin travels into bunch of coins in glass
1986 67
David Britland The Shining coin is removed from chain to divine which of five envelopes has the spectator's word in it, word divined, coin travels back onto chain
1986 43
Eric DeCamps The Coin Connection multiphase coin routine
  • Act I The Homing Coins (coins travel to coin wallet)
  • Act II Travel Agents (coins from hand to hand)
  • Act III Foreign Exchange (coins change from silver to copper and back)
1986 5
David Regal The Bermuda Triangle coins to built card-triangle
1987 44
Gary Kurtz The Bottle Cap and Coins dollar vanishes and appears under bottle cap in from of four quarters, they vanish and four Chinese coins are found under cap, they grow larger than the cap
1987 1
Bruce Cervon Rewind - Phase 2 using Dollar Bill
1988 129
Juan Tamariz The Travelling Coin coin disappears in hand, reappears behind ear, dozens of methods
1988 24
Philip T. Goldstein Sinology silver and chinese coin under paper on table, they travel around and finally disappear, gaffed
Also published here 1989 53
John V. Hope, Robert Olsen Hot Silver No. 14, marked coin vanishes from handkerchief and reappears in another handkerchief in paper bag, featuring sleeving while wrapping coin
1989 19
Karl Fulves Down Under No. 53, coin wrapped in handkerchief apparently tossed through ceiling, it come back from below table
1989 57
Karl Fulves Mystic Dime No. 66, coins travel from one paper cup to another under the table
1989 82
Karl Fulves Topsy-Turvy No. 67, three copper and three silver coins in one purse, copper coins travel to another purse, silt in purse
1989 85
Karl Fulves Coins and Cups No. 86, four coins each in two paper cups, they travel into one cup one by one, slit in cup
1989 125
Al Lasher, Karl Fulves Coin-juring No. 89, coin displayed in the space between the hat band and the crown of the hat, coin vanishes when tossed up, reappears in glass in hat
Inspired by 1989 131
Mark Sicher Right on Dime Coin reappears on Spectator's Palm
July 1990
Apocalypse (Vol. 13 No. 7)
Alan Nguyen Flurry Production coin vanishes and reappears, splits in two, vanish again, split in four
1990 97
John Bannon Coins Across the Water three coins vanish one at a time, reappear in sealed envelope in wallet
1990 123
John Bannon Coin of Voodoo marked coin with hole vanishes from cord, reappears in coin pouch/purse
1990 136
Jay Sankey Homebodies "The Travelers" with four coins
Inspired by 1990 78
Michael Powers Jelly Roll coin travels into breakfast jelly container, clear shell
Inspired by 1990 161
Ken Brooke Nichts als eine Zitrone coin travels under hat, lemon climax appearance
Also published here Oct. 1990
Intermagic (Vol. 15 No. 4 & 5)
Shigeo Takagi Trans-Purse-Tation four coins travel one by one from purse to hand
Related to 1990 35
Mike Bornstein Match and Rematch borrowed marked coin vanishes, bill changes to matchbox, matches vanish and coin and bill are found inside box
1990 24
David Williamson Coin in Pen Cap
Also published here 1991 105
Keith Walker The Elusive Penny several coins, penny penetrates lid of matchbox, then travel to second lid
Sep. 1991
The Minotaur (Vol. 3 No. 3)
Steve Dusheck Capital Pennyshment coin appears and reappears under any of three pill caps, monte/cups&balls
1992 17
Steve Dusheck Watch This coin travels to pocket, then changes into watch, coin is in watch
1992 72
Steve Dusheck The Klondike Kicker two coins placed in two plastic cases, one travels to the other
1992 97
Steve Dusheck Locked, Chained, and Screwed marked coin travels into sealed plastic coin case
1992 100
The Traveling Coins comedy coins across from one table to the other
1993 288
Scotty York The Marked Coin to Pocket Watch signed coin in a bag transforms into works of pocket watch, coin is found in watch
1993 39
Todd Lamanske Minimorphosis borrowed quarter initialed by spectator and performer, changes into key and is found inside small wooden locked box, Lippincott Box
July 1993
Magic (Vol. 2 No. 11)
Paul Gertner The Future Coin "Signed Card" as coin effect, coin in purse turns out to be later marked coin
Related to 1994 65
Martin Gardner Crazy Coin marked coin travels from envelope to envelope, no palming
Rigmarole (Issue 9)
Warren Stephens Cash Transaction coin folded in bill, another empty bill folded, coin travels across, two gaffed bills
1994 45
Woody Landers Coins to Purse three coins from hand to purse
Inspired by 1994 87
David Harkey Nick of Time coin into borrowed wrist watch behind glass
Inspired by
  • handling in Linking Ring Parade, Nov. 1988
1994 147
Scott Robinson Triple Crown copper, silver and brass coins in purse appear in hands and travel back to purse
1995 1120
Thomas Fraps The (W)hole (Money) in the Purse coin appears inside coin purse, then coin travels in an out several times
1995 14
Jim Artle Cigarette Through Quarter with marked coin, coin then vanishes and ends up between layers of matchbook
Nov./Dec. 1995
The Magic Menu (Vol. 6 No. 32)
Shigeo Futagawa Bomb's Away coin to origami cube
Summer 1996 109
Tommy Wonder Mud in Your Eye coins are put in box, one appears in eye of performer like a monocle
1996 243
Gregory Wilson Inner Shell-Shock borrowed quarter reappears in egg that is blown out as in "Shell-Shock"
1996 282
Dominique Duvivier Flying Signature Coin Signed copper coin travels to in between two silver coins in Okito box, then appears under deck of cards, before appearing back in the box
1996 53
Karl Fulves This Little Piggy marked coin vanishes from bill and reappears in plastic piggy bank
Related to 1996
Underworld (Issue 3)
Stephen Tucker Börsspiration four coins travel to a coin purse one by one, using a lens of a spectator's pair of glasses
Also published here 1996
Intermagic (Vol. 20 No. 4 & 5)
Richard Bartram, Jr. Four on the Floor coins vanish one by one and appear under paper cone, then they all return to hand
1997 47
Dean Dill Coins and Napkin four coins travel under napkin one by one, optionally with a pen light
1997 62
Doug Conn Cornered Coins four coins vanish from hand and appear visible in corners of close-up surface one by one, misdirection
Variations 1999 86
Walter Rollins, Howard Wurst Han Ping Cheat classic Han Ping Ching routine with six coins and a ring, but done with coins in paper cups instead of hands
Related to 1999
Discoverie (Issue 1)
Aldo Colombini The Chinese Purse chinese coin vanish and appears on rope between two knots
2000 2
Al Schneider One Half Gone
  • The Schneider Technique
silver coin travels from between copper coins, nested in an Okito box, to under a card
Also published here Jan. 2000
Genii (Vol. 63 No. 1)
Gregory Wilson Eye Catcher coin vanishes and appears in performer's eye like a monocle, repeat, gag ending with eye photograph on two coins
Apr. 2000
Magic (Vol. 9 No. 8)
R. Paul Wilson Sow's Ear Three Coins To Purse, from hand into purse
2001 11
Karl Fulves Zig Zag Card "Problems"
tabled coin travels from one end of torn card figuration to other end, posed as a problem
2001 211
Don Nielsen Interval of Darkness quarter wrapped in handkerchief, it penetrates it, in handkerchief another coin is found that was previously chosen from bunch in pocket, Gypsy Switch
  • Repeat Note
Discoverie (Issue 6)
Gordon Bean Tie Food coin vanishes from bottom of tie and reappears in knot on top
May/June 2002
The Penumbra (Issue 1)
Sveroni Unerwarteter Transfer performer's signature on coin travels to coin with spectator's signature
Also published here 2002 40
Reed McClintock Timing three coins appear, vanish, reappear at body, vanish, appear on table, vanish, reappear under three spectators' watches
Inspired by
  • Jim Pace, Tricks From My Lecture Video
  • John Cornelius, Creative Magic Video
2002 8
Tom Stone Gap Drive coin travels from hand to elbow and back
Also published here 2002 7
Chris Bruce Pick a Coin coin with signed sticker travels from a few coins in the hand into purse
Also published here Feb. 2002
Magic (Vol. 11 No. 6)
Al Baker Dematerializing Coins marked coins from hat to glass, involved method (Copentro)
Also published here
  • The Sphinx, Vol. 37 No. 9, Nov. 1938
2003 657
Camilo Vázquez La Moneda en la Pastilla de Alka Seltzer signed coin to Alka Seltzer, in nest of boxes
2003 207
Eric Mead Bar Flight three quarters, two travel to underneath napkin, the last one visibly on top
Also published here 2003 15
Davide Costi The Small Coin small coin sandwiched between two bigger coins, emphasis on the vanish
2004 131
Karl Fulves Matchbox Monte "Problems"
borrowed coin travels from openly exposed sound gimmick matchbox in sleeve to tabled matchbox, posed as a problem
2004 379
Curtis Kam "Reality Check Please" with folded handkerchief on table, working behind
Inspired by
  • "Three Coins In the Hat" (Andrew Galloway, The Ramsay Legend, 1969)
2004 23
Vanni Bossi Further Ideas coin to forehead
2005 15
Tyler Wilson Coke Inhabit coin travels into large cola gummy bear
Also published here 2005 22
Tyler Wilson Coke Inhabit coin travels into large cola gummy bear
Also published here 2005 45
Miguel Ángel Gea No Hands three coins travel from a purse under a card, without touching the coins
2005 (ca.) 5
Eric Mead Bar Flight three quarters, two travel to underneath napkin, the last one visibly on top
Also published here 2006 52
Tom Stone Gap Drive coin travels from hand to elbow and back
Inspired by 2006 16
Tyler Wilson Coke Inhabit coin travels into large cola gummy bear
Also published here 2006 79
Dr. Jeremy Weiss Pay Through the Nose signed coin vanishes and is found in nose and removed with tweezers
Dec. 2007
Genii (Vol. 70 No. 12)
Karl Fulves Migratory Metals "Unexplained"
three borrowed coins tossed from hand to hand, one vanishes, missing coin extracted from crease of elbow, repeated twice, posed as a problem
Prolix (Issue 5)
Miguel Ángel Gea Un viaje - primera parte essay on the traveling of coin
El Manuscrito (Vol. 1 No. 4)
Miguel Ángel Gea Un viaje - segunda parte essay and study on the traveling of coins
El Manuscrito (Vol. 1 No. 5)
Geoffrey Durham Thirty Years of Coins and Bottles
  • Coin In Bottle 1: coin openly placed in jar magically transports to small bottle that spectator holds
  • Coin In Bottle 2: fairly standard Coin in Bottle effect, much detail on handling and staging
2008 123
Oliver Meech Swig Load Signed coin vanishes and appears in sealed can of soda (load by mouth)
2009 34
Sveroni Unerwarteter Transfer performer's signature on coin travels to coin with spectator's signature
Also published here 2009 25
Trevor Lewis The Banana Routine humorous routine with two children, coin apparently travels to banana but boy eats it and coin is produced with wand from his mouth
2009 29
Miguel Ángel Gea Viaje al monedero signed coin travels to purse
2009 162
Tom Stone Gap Drive coin travels from hand to elbow and back
Also published here 2010 61