143 entries in Random Object / Two in the Hand, One in the Pocket
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
Other very pretty tricks with Bals "Two in the Hand and One in the Pocket" precursor, balls, one phase
1634 16
Ein Kügelchen werfe ich weg... two in the hand one in the pocket with balls rolled from bread, one is always thrown away
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 1 No. 1)
The Three Wandering Sponge Balls spectator's hand and two in the hand, one in the pocket
1941 163
Edward Marlo Triple Dice Routine two in hand one in pocket, with surprises (shrinking dice, coin appearance)
1943 9
Harry Blackstone, Walter B. Gibson Super Magic two in the hand, one in the pocket with paper balls and variations
Mar. 1944
The Phoenix (Issue 55)
Ben Dalgin The Smith Family small ball multiplies, two in the hand sequence then balls transform to baby's rubber nipple
Dec. 1946 276
Sam Leo Horowitz Malini-Bey Chink-A-Chink with three-in-the-hands one-in-the-pocket finale
Inspired byVariations 1947
Stars of Magic (Vol. 3 No. 3)
Bruce Elliott Dice Tip sort of two in the hand one in the pocket routine, with small dice
Aug. 1947
The Phoenix (Issue 132)
Harold J. Kelly The Ubiquitous Matches - A Routine three heads of paper matches, two in the hand type
Also published here June 1947 328
Harvey P. Graham Peas two in the hand one in the pocket routine, with peas, Mendel's laws of genetic presentation
Aug. 1950
The Phoenix (Issue 209)
Bill Nord Cigarette (28)
  • Martin Gardner’s Encyclopedia of Impromptu Tricks
two in the hand type, with cigarette pieces
Sep. 1951 841
Lu Brent Making a Production out of the Pyramid Puzzle using the Magic Pyramid Puzzle for Do As I Do, then Two in the Hand
Related to 1952
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1952)
J. B. Bobo, George F. Wright The Gadabout Coins two in the hand, one in the pocket
Inspired by
  • "The Alleurian Coins" by George F. Wright in "The Linking Ring" 1/1950
1952 182
Milton Gitlin Eeny, Meeny, Miny two in the hand one in the pocket patter
July 1953
The Phoenix (Issue 286)
Bruce Elliott The Eternal Cups and Balls three cups, with two in the hand one in the pocket sequence
1953 176
Gerald Kosky How Many? two in the hand one in the pocket with dice, involving blank and large die
Also published here 1954 69
Lewis Ganson Basic Effect two in the hand, one in the pocket
1954 100
John Scarne, Verne Chesbro, James G. Thompson Jr., Ben Dalgin Spheroid Skulduggery balls appear, split and change into small skull then into bigger skull, two in the hand one in the pocket
Also published here 1956 57
Dai Vernon Three Ball Transposition classic effect with silk as table and pop-up-move
Related toVariations 1957 61
Dai Vernon Climax for a Dice Routine two in the hand one in the pocket start, ending with jumbo and miniature die
Related toVariations 1957 183
Matt Schulien Matt's Match Magic match broken into thirds, head piece thrown away and it returns repeatedly, restoration climax
Also published here
  • The Sphinx, April 1940
1959 65
Royal H. Brin, Jr. Stand-Up Coin Opener two coins in left hand, one travels to right and is put in pocket, then travels back
1966 389
Milton Kort The Mexican Gadabout Coins with purse in which coins travels back at the end, two handlings
Inspired byVariations 1966 405
Jerry McDermott Nuts To You surprising final load
1966 406
Ali Bongo Fruit Salad two in the hand with miniature fruits, can of fruit salad as climax
1966 31
Horace E. Bennett Unfair Shake two in the hand (here dice cup) one in the pocket, then die change color and size twice, as a kicker a shot glass appears under the cup
Variations 1967 113
Frederica Three Little Pigs two in the hand, one in the pocket with plastic pigs, as a kicker the pigs change into a bigger toy fiugre
1967 281
Gerald Kosky The Magic Ring ring and three colored stones, variation of two in the hand, one in the pocket, as a climax the ring has three stones set in it
Also published here 1969 283
Siempre Unidas - Realización 1 two coins in the hand one in the pocket, they all come together
1969 64
Allan Ackerman Small Change combo
1971 21
Back, Back and Restored match broken in three pieces, two in the hand one in the pocket sequence, restoration
1971 12
Dr. James Hoy Bills of Beelzebub! "two in the hands, one in the pocket" with crumbled bills and a three-dollar bill
Magick (Issue 48)
Oscar Pladek A Modern Chinese Marvel "two in the hand, one in the pocket" routine, credit information on the plot, with pop-up move, five phases
Related toAlso published here Apr. 1973 611
Horace E. Bennett The Half Crown Affair american penny and half crown in hand, one placed in pocket & travels back, transposition with spectator in which one coin grows
1973 68
Arthur Setterington Disc-O bottle tops assembly, through table and two in the hand one in the pocket, with chinese coin finale
Nov. 1974
Pabular (Vol. 1 No. 3)
Amedeo Vacca Never Say Die! two in the hand one in the pocket
1974 44
Patrick Page 5. The Sponge Ball Move "two in the hand one in the pocket" sequence
1974 4
Oscar Pladek Ein Moderne Chinesisches Wunder "two in the hand, one in the pocket" routine, with pop-up move, five phases
Also published here July 1974
Intermagic (Vol. 2 No. 1)
Father Cyprian A Dice Opener two in the hand one in the pocket, using Lin Searles squashed die and pop-up die under close-up mat, six phases
Also published here Apr. 1975
The Pallbearers Review (Vol. 10 No. 6)
David Bornstein Orient Express "Coin Tricks"
Aug. 1975
The Pallbearers Review (Vol. 10 No. 10)
Jerry Mentzer 3 Penny Trick jumbo coin finale for "two in the hands, one in the pocket"
1975 9
Jerry Mentzer Sponge Shenanigans "two in the hands - one in the pocket" routine, with different ball or object as climax
1975 5
Olaf Spell Buscheli Buscheli Buscheli two in the hand one in the pocket, with miniature plastic babies
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 36 No. 2)
Peter Wilker Bitte Genau Aufpassen two in the hand with three dice, large die as climax
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 36 No. 2)
Gerald Kosky How Many? Two in the hand with three dice, one blank die as climax
Also published here 1975 211
Gerald Kosky Gypsy Ring Two in the Hand using a ring and three different jewels, as a climax jewels are on ring
Also published here 1975 221
Frank Garcia The "Slick" Routine two in hand, one in pocket
1976 118
Bob Elliott The Bob Elliott Razzle Dazzler two in the hand, one in the pocket
1976 171
Frank Garcia Two in the Hand, One in the Pocket Bit
1976 206
Larry Jennings Coins and Handkerchief
Related toAlso published here Nov. 1976
Pabular (Vol. 3 No. 3)
Patrick Page The Sponge Ball Effect two in the hands routine
1976 115
Ron Baillie Würfelschwindel multi-phase sponge dice and cup routine
Also published here
  • The Gen, Nov. 1954
Feb. 1976
Intermagic (Vol. 3 No. 3)
The Come Back Coins all three vanish as climax
1976 112
Bill Tarr Mini Sponge-Ball Routine with spectator's hand
1976 150
Larry Jennings Vernon Ball Routine Done With Coins
1977 9
Stephen Minch Fly-Catcher plastic flies in amber-colored plastic, two in the hands and one in the pocket routine, plastic frog finale
1977 49
Wilbur T. Kattner All Together "two in the hand one in the pocket" with three unshelled peanuts, then washer, nut and bolt
1977 22
Jim Cozzens Two in the Hand is Worth Three on the Table two in one hand and one in the other hand
1977 4
Harry Lorayne Three Times and Out
1977 260
Harold J. Kelly Die Allgegenwärtigen Streichhölzer two in the hand, one in the pocket with heads of matches
Also published here July 1977
Intermagic (Vol. 4 No. 3)
Jay Malbrough Stranger In Pair-A-Dice with three different colored dice, eight dice glued together as climax
1977 15
Frank Garcia The "Frank Garcia" Routine
1978 22
Romaine The Perplexing Persian Pearls
  • The Production
    - The 'Split' To Two
    - The Table Transposition
    - The Pocket Transposition
    - The Split To Three
    - First Three Ball Transposition
    - Second Three Ball Transposition
    - Hiding Them In The Sand
    - Finding Them In The Sand
    - The Fourth Dimension
    - Plucking From The Air, The Stroke
    - Eyes And Ears
    - The Gambling Game
1978 45
Dr. Jacob Daley Chromo-Spheres different colored balls, including variation by Frank Garcia
Variations 1978 76
Lewis Ganson Introduction
1979 7
Lewis Ganson The Extra Ball Principle in Practice
1979 8
Lewis Ganson The Climax foreign object as climax
1979 11
Gerald Kosky How Many? dice routine
VariationsAlso published here 1979 11
Sweet Trick sugar cubes appear, two in the hand... routine, jumbo sugar cube finale
1979 17
Eddie Joseph Back Again coin, ring and key used for "two in the hands..." routine, coin shower as finale
1979 20
Gerald Kosky The Magic Ring ring and three different colored stones, "two in the hands..." routine, stones in ring as finale
1979 21
Dai Vernon, Lewis Ganson Bells classic effect with silk as table and pop-up-move
Inspired by 1979 23
Lewis Ganson Coke Capers using Ravelle & Andree's "Coke Capers" props
1979 29
Ken De Courcy A Routine for Coke Capers using Ravelle & Andree's "Coke Capers" props
1979 29
Lewis Ganson Other Routines using other props for "Two in the hands..." routines
  • Cigarettes
  • Matches
  • Coins
  • Dice
  • Miniature Models
  • Toys
1979 32
Lewis Ganson Conclusion
1979 34
Mary Wolf A Little Bit of Coke (a-Cola) "two in the hand..." with miniature cans, then miniature bottle, normal bottle and coins appear
1980 131
Ken Brooke Something from Nothing routine
Also published here 1980 59
Stephen Tucker Goodness Gracious Great Balls of ......Sponge? sponge rabbit climax, routine with two in the hand, one in the pocket phase
Mar. 1982
Spell-Binder (Vol. 1 No. 11)
Stephen Tucker A New Move with Sponge Eggs move to steal two balls in two in the hand, one in the pocket routines
Mar. 1982
Spell-Binder (Vol. 1 No. 11)
Ron Fredrick The Sponge Routine routine with purse frame, "two in the hands one in the pocket", using cubes instead of balls/spheres
1982 24
Michael Rubinstein The Commuting Coins Routine coins seen to be put in pocket
Inspired by 1982 31
Michael Rubinstein Stand Up Three Coin Routine coin vanishes and reappears, becomes up to three coins, traveling to pocket phases
  • Variations
1982 79
Ross Bertram Minus Equals Plus one of three coins removed, comes back to spectator's hand
1983 72
Roy Baker The What's It's Name Dice Trick two in the hand, one in the pocket with dice, climax with jumbo dice production
1983 17
Jamy Ian Swiss Hippity "Cop" ungaffed Hopping Halves
Related toAlso published here Apr. 1984
Apocalypse (Vol. 7 No. 4)
Peter Samelson "The Peter Production" final production of some item like lime
1984 42
Jim Snapp Biology Lesson #1 "Biology Lession # 1", two in the hand one in the pocket with napkins, water squeezed out of one as climax
1984 (ca.) 6
John M. Bauman The Missing Link three chain links for "two in hand - one in pocket" with lock appearance finale
Sep. 1985
Apocalypse (Vol. 8 No. 9)
Larry Jennings Coins and Handkerchief silk is held by spectators as table
VariationsAlso published here 1986 107
Sol Stone The Chaperone two in hand, one in pocket
Sep. 1986
Apocalypse (Vol. 9 No. 9)
Jamy Ian Swiss Hippity Cop ungaffed Hopping Halves
Also published here 1987 35
Edward Marlo Gad-About Aces four Aces shown, named one vanishes and is taken from pocket, repeated, then five Aces shown and one put in pocket, repeat
VariationsAlso published here
  • The New Tops, Dec. 1963
1988 32
René Lavand ... And I Still Have Three Little Balls breadcrumbs routine, balls placed aside always end up inside cup
Also published here 1988 114
Dr. Edward G. Ervin One from Two No. 4, two coins clearly shown, one placed in pocket, it comes back, featuring three-coin arrangement that can be shown from both sides as two coins, also for six-as-three coins
Variations 1989 5
Father Cyprian High Rollers (A Dice Opener) two in the hand one in the pocket, using Lin Searles squashed die and pop-up die under close-up mat, six phases
Also published here 1989 25
Ken Brooke Bälle aus dem Nichts routine
Also published here Oct. 1990
Intermagic (Vol. 15 No. 4 & 5)
Jamy Ian Swiss Hippity Cop ungaffed Hopping Halves
Also published here 1990 21
Gary Para Para Hands two in the hands one in the pocket with doll hands, eye ball as climax, Mr. Jimmy
1991 673
Bob King Bob King Dice Routine two in the hand (here dice cup) one in the pocket, then die change color and size, as a kicker a shot glass appears under the cup
Inspired by 1991 6
Doc Eason Nuts and Bolts Opener "two in the hands one in the pocket" routine with nuts and bolt, all nuts screwed on bolt as finale
Inspired by
  • "All Screwed Up" (Genii)
1991 ca. 6
Come-Back Bread Crumb two in hand, one away, it returns, repeat
1993 64
René Lavand Three Bread Cumbs breadcrumbs routine, balls placed aside always end up inside cup
Also published here 1993 216
"Joro" Bruno Hennig Die wandernden Punkte three pieces of black round sponge, points, large point appears as climax
1993 146
Nate Leipzig Two in the Hand... with sugar cubes, short note from Hilliard's notebook
1994 1091
Paul Gertner Chinese in the Hand two in the hand, one in the pocket with transformation of all three into Chinese coins
1994 79
Chris Hurlbert, Neal Prete Slabmug two in the hand routine with gumballs, gumball machine as climax
Mar./Apr. 1994
The Magic Menu (Vol. 4 No. 22)
Mark Jenest Short Hop "(Poor Man's Hopping Half)"
Sep. 1994
Magic (Vol. 4 No. 1)
Gerald Deutsch As Should You with two bills
July 1996
Apocalypse (Vol. 19 No. 7)
John Luka Chromo Balls different colored balls, with color change beginning
Inspired by 1997 93
Sam Schwartz Bottled penny and quarter in hand, hand-pocket sequence, chosen coin travels into miniature bottle, first marketed in 1964
Related to 1997 151
Edgar C. Hernandez-Viera Hip Hip-Hop ungaffed Hopping Halves, two half dollars and two pennies
Related to Apr. 1997
Magic (Vol. 6 No. 8)
Gene Gordon Three Dice Monte routine with two white dice and one red die, traveling and transformations, large red die finale (or vanish)
Inspired by Jan. 1998
Onyx (Issue 2)
Milton Kort The Nomad Coins Three different coins fly from hand to hand, pocket to hand, hand to under card
Inspired by 1999 183
David Regal Found $ Two in the hand, one in the pocket routine with crumpled bills, then turn into twenty dollar bills
1999 153
James G. Thompson Jr. Zwei in die Hand... balls appear, split and change into small skull then into bigger skull, two in the hand one in the pocket
Also published here 1999
Intermagic (Vol. 23 No. 3)
Ron Bauer Gadabout Coins Revisited
Inspired by 2000 1
Christian Scherer Der Glücklose Würfelspieler - Eine Dice-Stacking Routine four phases
  • 1. three in the hands one in the pocket
  • 2. dice stacking and traveling of dice from hand to under cup
  • 3. spectator has to guess where the red die is and loses
  • 4. jumbo die production
Also published here 2000 16
Gerald Kosky Wieviele? two in the hand one in the pocket with dice, involving blank and large die
Also published here 2000
Intermagic (Vol. 24 No. 1)
David Regal Battery Power two in the hands... with climax
2002 190
Peter Lentini Paper Balls napkin torn into four pieces, one given to spectator, two-in-the-hands... with other three pieces, they restore minus the piece the spectator is holding
Also published here Mar. 2003
Magic (Vol. 12 No. 7)
Bob King Thanks to Vernon unnumbered extra page, two in the hand one in the pocket start, ending with jumbo and miniature die
Inspired by 2005 33
James M. Boyd Hopping Halves Credit Information published in 1967 by Harry Stanley's Unique Magic Studio as "Confusing Coins" by Jim Boyd
2005 13
Jack Avis Three Pellet Routine "Two in Hand, One in Pocket"
2006 211
Andrew Galloway British Gadabout Coins with purse
Inspired by 2006 39
Sveroni Die Kunst der Ablenkung sponge balls routine, two in the hands element, color change of balls
2009 28
Alberto de Figueiredo, Dai Vernon Final para routina de dados de Vernon two in the hand one in the pocket start, ending with jumbo and miniature die, with shot glass production
Inspired by 2009 184
Brian Roberts Death By Peanut routine with unshelled peanuts
Inspired by Aug. 2010
Genii (Vol. 73 No. 8)
Christian Scherer Die Kraft des Qi two in the hand one in the pocket with Baoding Balls, then a big ball appears just to vanish under a handkerchief
2014 60
Dr. Stanley Jaks Life - Wisdom - Death two in the hands one in the pocket with two miniature skulls and an owl
Also published here
  • "Life - Wisdom - Death" in "The Sphinx" September, 1951.
2014 176
Alexander de Cova Dice-Opener routine with four dice, jumbo dice finale
2015 80
Kainoa Harbottle Gadabout You
Inspired by Nov. 2016
Genii (Vol. 79 No. 11)
Jamy Ian Swiss Hippity Cop ungaffed Hopping Halves
Inspired byAlso published here 2016 23
Johnny Thompson Balls in the Net with credit information, Silent Mora, Ed Marlo, Oscar Pladek, David Roth
  • Phase I
  • Phase II: The Repeat
  • Phase III: Pocket to the Hand
  • Phase IV: Twice to Pocket
  • Phase V: The Three Ball Vanish
2018 147
Christian Scherer Die Vierte Dimension portal presentation for three ball routine / balls and net, with two in the hands elements
Also published here 2018 4
Kostya Kimlat Back Into the Nest peanut in shell, shell vanishes, "two in the hands, one in the mouth", back reappears around peanuts
May 2020
Elixir (Vol. 3 No. 1 Part 1 (Spring #2))
John Carney Mora Ball Routine with glass bowl
2020 68
Michael Rubinstein Vegas Math multi-coin production as finale
Inspired byAlso published here
  • At the Table lecture, 2017
2020 222
Michael Rubinstein Stealth Showcase
  • Phase Two: Coins Across
  • Phase Three: Gadabout Coins
Also published here
  • New York Coin Magic Seminar Vol. 10, dvd
2020 232
Dai Vernon Three-Ball Transposition from private lecture notes by Gene Matsuura
Related to 2022 97
Peter Lentini Paper Balls napkin torn into four pieces, one given to spectator, two-in-the-hands... with other three pieces, they restore minus the piece the spectator is holding
Also published here 2022 174
Christian Scherer The Fourth Dimension portal presentation for three ball routine / balls and net, with two in the hands elements
Also published here 2024 107
Christian Scherer The Hapless Dice Cheat four phases
  • 1. three in the hands one in the pocket
  • 2. dice stacking and traveling of dice from hand to under cup
  • 3. spectator has to guess where the red die is and loses
  • 4. jumbo die production
Also published here 2024 145