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Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
Theodore Annemann A Thought is Fathomed using deck of cards to force page number, Si Stebbins
Related toVariations 1934 6
Theodore Annemann Between the Lines book test, using deck of cards in Si Stebbins order for word selection
VariationsAlso published here May 1937
The Jinx (Issue 32)
Tom Sellers, Val Evans Forced Prognostico selection appears on blank card
VariationsAlso published here Feb. 1940
The Jinx (Issue 79)
Jack Vosburgh Monk's Mystery 14-15 stack that forces number
VariationsAlso published here Nov. 1941
The Jinx (Issue 150)
P. Howard Lyons Break Even card peeked at, two halves made, performer shows written prediction, both cards are dealt simultaneously and performer shouts stop, next cards are selection and predicted card
Related toVariations Nov. 1955
Ibidem (Issue 4)
Ronald B. Edwards No Two Ways 2&2, presented as a puzzle in which the cards cannot be put in an alternating order from the faces and the backs simultaneously
Variations Mar. 1958
Ibidem (Issue 13)
Sam Schwartz Sam-Ultaneous two cards are selected with the "card at position of cut-off number"-procedure, appear at same position in two piles
Related toVariations 1962 114
Harry Lorayne, Dai Vernon, Sam Schwartz Push-Through Poker four cards change to complete royal flush
1962 207
Eddie Fields Dropsy Diddle spectator locates selection in face-up/face-down shuffled deck by dropping coin on card in a spread, "you card is under the coin" with miniature card under the coin and top change
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1968 65
Flash Restoration same as Sands' Figure Eight Restoration
with extra piece, false knot and fusing two ropes together
  • Figure Eight Restoration
  • "Sam Schwartz's Delivery"
  • Sleight of Foot Restoration
Related to 1968 91
Mike Morhman Red Dragon five symbols, chosen one predicted (in an odd way)
Related to Feb. 1969 239
Album with pictures of Jack Bateman, Mike Caldwell, Leslie Guest, Mohammed Bey (Sam Horowitz), Bud Dietrich, Pete Biro, Phoa Yan Tion, Sam Schwartz, Mark Leddy, Jimmy Stewart, Al Flosso, Pete Martino, Bill Broderson, Jerry Lukins, John Mullholland, Abril Lamarque, Richard Cardini, Harry Blackstone, Al de Lage, Kent Richards, Norm Nielsen
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1969-70)
Sam Schwartz Tri-Multaneous
  • Part 1: mate & selection appear at same time after slip slop shuffled packed is gone through in pairs
  • Part 2: Sam-Ultaneous
  • Part 3: two chosen cards show up at same position in two packets, using two odd-numbered piles
see also p. 348
Inspired byVariations Apr. 1970 334
Sam Schwartz Working Against Time egg timer with miniature card on bottom used, card under egg timer change into selection with "the card under the timer" line
Related to Feb. 1971
Kabbala — Volume 1 (Vol. 1 No. 2)
Karl Fulves Babel Sam Schwartz providing S. Leo Horowitz notebooks
July 1971 430
Karl Fulves Hex Squared 4x4 layout, spectator moves around according to fixed rules and ends on force card, see also p. 512 and also p. 550 for ideas by "Eddie" Cowles and Karl Fulves
Related toVariationsAlso published here Nov. 1971 466
Sam Schwartz Telephone Number Prediction
1972 357
Sam Schwartz A.E.-I.O.U.
Variations Mar. 1972
Epilogue (Issue 14)
Derek Dingle Twisting the Aces color changing back kicker
Related toVariationsAlso published here July 1972
Epilogue (Issue 15 (Part 1))
Karl Fulves Mexican Monte monte/twist combo with unexpected/funny cards appearing
Related toVariations 1972 8
Milton Tropp Sam Schwartz Issue issue intro about Sam Schwartz
Mar. 1972 503
Karl Fulves Babel Sam Schwartz, S.A.M. Boston Assembly's Golden Anniversary Celebration, Charles Reynolds's "Innovations", Joseph Dunninger, Buckley Bottom Deal anecdote
Mar. 1972 504
Sam Schwartz Odd-Even-Odd four odd and four even cards on two piles, on the odd side are then the even cards and on the other side the four kings
Inspired byVariations Mar. 1972 505
Sam Schwartz Three Way Ropes
  • Equal-Unequal
  • Knotting the Ropes
  • Three to One
see p. 520, p. 550 and p. 1300 for credit information on the plots
Mar. 1972 506
Sam Schwartz Incredi-Box Magic combination of Boston & Okito box with shims in bottom and lid
  • Construction
  • Instant Push Through (coin through bottom of box)
  • Quick Change (four half dollars change to four quarters in box)
Related to Mar. 1972 510
Jerry K. Hartman Caught in the Middle
Inspired byAlso published here Oct. 1972 565
Brother John Hamman Odd-Even-Odd two odd and two even cards change place, two then change to Jacks
Related toVariations July 1973
Epilogue (Issue 18)
Sam Schwartz Back Flip double color changing back kicker
Related toVariations Nov. 1973
Epilogue (Issue 19)
Sam Schwartz Modified 4-As-4 Count Elmsley Count with displacement at the end
Nov. 1973
Epilogue (Issue 19)
Sam Schwartz Noah's Friends three cards find their mates
Apr. 1973 617
A. Kojima Lightning Link see also p. 684 for credit information, and p. 757 for more credit information by Sid Lorraine regarding Dr. Fred Ervis and Richard Durham
Related toVariationsAlso published here Oct. 1973 675
Karl Fulves The Second Sam Schwartz Issue issue introduction
Mar. 1974 713
Sam Schwartz Thot Echo two card location, straight set-up, see also p. 758 for comment by Marvin Johnson
VariationsAlso published here Mar. 1974 715
Sam Schwartz Ring Flite
Also published here Mar. 1974 715
Sam Schwartz Down & Under (Done Over) card chosen by cutting off cards, removing some of those into pocket, remembering card at position in rest, down-under deal location
Mar. 1974 718
Sam Schwartz Lightning Link II
  • Lightning Unlink
Inspired by Mar. 1974 719
Sam Schwartz Alchemy with Coins two copper and two sliver coins, transpositions and transformation, surprise appearance of handful of pennies, see also p. 758 for comment by Marvin Johnson
Also published here
  • "Alchemy with Coins" (Sam Schwartz, Linking Ring)
Mar. 1974 720
Cushing Strout Speaking of Spells setting up for the referenced spelling tricks with location routine
Inspired by Dec. 1974 829
Karl Fulves, Father Cyprian One Thought Ahead prediction in wallet
Inspired byRelated to Apr. 1975 951
Sam Schwartz Thot in Color odd-backed prediction in envelope, odd-backed long-short Menetekel deck
Related to July 1975 986
Sam Schwartz Bottom Deal Load underneath envelope (or wallet)
Related to July 1975 986
Harvey Rosenthal Odd-Even-Odd Again four odd and four even cards on two piles, on the odd side are then the even cards and on the other side the four kings
Inspired by 1976 12
Paul Harris The Bizarre Twist! card perpendicular between two other cards turns visually over, color changing back kicker ("The Bizarre Routine")
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1976 73
Sam Schwartz The Magic 13 No. 13, two spectators take a few cards and count them, they remember cards at their corresponding position, performer makes two piles and both cards are in same position
1976 22
Sam Schwartz Poker Expert Outdone No. 21, bad hand changes into Royal Flush, backs change as well
1976 35
George Sands Twist Knot with extra piece, false knot and fusing two ropes together
  • Figure Eight Restoration
  • "Sam Schwartz's Delivery"
  • Sleight of Foot Restoration
Related toAlso published here 1976 22
Sam Schwartz Ring Flite
Also published here 1977 109
Sam Schwartz Thought Echo two card location, straight set-up
Also published here 1977 131
Sam Schwartz The Fourth Method double backer
1978 7
Karl Fulves, Father Cyprian, Sam Schwartz Brainstorm essentially B'Wave effect, ungaffed method
Related toVariations 1978 17
Sam Schwartz The Lazy Gambler pokerhand gets better multiple times, changes into Royal Flush as finale
Related to 1978 1097
Sam Schwartz Twistrap Bizarre Twist type effect, credit claim ("Subsequently a midwest amateur published a routine based on a similar idea.")
Related to 1978
The Chronicles (Issue 12)
Karl Fulves Red Blues ungaffed B'Wave method, "Brainstorm II"
Inspired by 1979
The Chronicles (Issue 13)
Karl Fulves Black Out 2&2, two reds and two blacks mixed, they all change to black, repeated with another set of red and black cards, see p. 1301 for comment
Related toVariations 1979
The Chronicles (Issue 22)
L. Vosburgh Lyons Vosburgh Lyons Puzzle number theory puzzle in building pairs of numbers
Variations 1979
Interlocutor (Issue 29)
Sam Schwartz From Sam Schwartz solutions to problem
Inspired by 1979
Interlocutor (Issue 31)
Karl Fulves Brainstorm III effect with full deck outlined, no method given
Related to 1979
Interlocutor (Issue 31)
Sam Schwartz Hypno-Math No. 8, spectator cannot add two numbers correctly, upside-down numbers
1979 10
Sam Schwartz The Voice Of Experience on organizing close-up shows
Aug. 1980
Pabular (Vol. 6 No. 8)
Sam Schwartz Forced March 4x4 layout, spectator moves around according to fixed rules and ends on force card
Inspired by 1980 54
Sam Schwartz, Karl Fulves The Square Ring 4x4 layout, spectator moves around according to fixed rules and ends on force card, only three instructions
Inspired byAlso published here 1980 55
Sam Schwartz All Red 2&2, two reds and two blacks mixed, they all change to black, repeated with another set of red and black cards, then all eight cards change to red
Inspired byVariations 1980
The Chronicles (Issue 25)
Sam Schwartz Long Range Telepathy over the phone method for mathematical three-card monte
1980 65
Karl Fulves Digital Dollars over the phone game, to win highest value bill
Related toVariations 1980 68
Al Mann, Sam Schwartz The Secret Thrust loading, cards, billets or envelopes into a wallet, morse thoughts on flip-over wallets
1981 3
Roy Walton Chain Lightning four packets shuffled and combined, every suit spelled out and last card is of that suit, packets themselves are all from another suit in each case
Variations 1981 215
Sam Schwartz Omega Count five as five while hiding 1
Pabular (Vol. 7 No. 6)
Thomas Alan Waters, Philip T. Goldstein Anagramarye selected word from a text is divined, with ABC cards
Inspired by
  • Sam Schwartz' "Anagramatic" in "Linking Ring", Vol. 43, No.1. 1963
Mind, Myth & Magick (Issue Octasm)
Karl Fulves Ices and Kings four Aces, four Kings, two cards exchanged, stay separated, and so on, credit claim
Related toVariations 1982 6
Sam Schwartz Las Vegas Straight hole card Nine of Hearts, other cards almost make it a straight flush in hearts, other cards change to Clubs, then hole card to Ace of Clubs
effect by Fulves, method by Schwartz
Variations 1982 1
Karl Fulves Atlantic City Stud handling variation
Inspired by 1982 4
H. Adrian Smith H. Adrian Smith's Instant Magic Square commentary
Related to 1983 2
Sam Schwartz Ars Magna improved fishing for basic anagram principle
1983 8
Stewart James Anagram Matrix six cards with word lists of six words, spectator names position and remembers a word on any card, divined
VariationsAlso published here
  • "Anagramatic Facsimile" (Stewart James, Tops, March 1953)
1983 10
Sam Schwartz Interlocking Anagrams same trick without knowing position
Inspired byAlso published here
  • "Word-A-Matic" (Sam Schwartz, 1963, Linking Ring)
1983 11
Sam Schwartz The Astrology Book description of the book
1983 15
Sam Schwartz Incredi Test #1 spectator opens book on his zodiac sign and remembers first word, word and sign divined
Variations 1983 17
Sam Schwartz Incredi Test #2 spectator opens book on his birth week and remembers first word, word and birthday divined
  • Tips on Presentation
  • The Birthday Trick (only week known, exact birthday with additional table on which spectator has to tell which weekday his birthday falls on)
  • Duplicate Dates
1983 19
Sam Schwartz, Karl Fulves Tips on Slate Technique having an index on the slate or a writing pad, or programmed into a pocket calculator
1983 29
Sam Schwartz Last Word Test spectator opens book on his zodiac sign and remembers last word, word and sign divined
Variations 1983 30
Sam Schwartz Mental Monk 14-15 stack that forces number and thus a word into Astrology book
Inspired by 1983 31
Sam Schwartz The 14-15 Test forcing different word in the Astrology book with the 14-15 stack
1983 32
Sam Schwartz Demon's Effect using Si Stebbins stack to force a word in the Astrology book
Inspired by 1983 32
Sam Schwartz A Fathomed Thought Si Stebbins cut anywhere, top three cards added to select page and highest value gives position of word, possible words are made for anagram fishing in Astrology book
Inspired by 1983 33
Sam Schwartz The First GREAT SIN "GREATSIN", removing any letter, rest can be arranged into word ("deletion principle"), worked into Astrology book for fishing
1983 34
Sam Schwartz The Second GREAT SIN
1983 35
Sam Schwartz The Third GREAT SIN letter cards sent to host in advance, they predict a chosen word from the Astrology book
(A) on card sticky
(B) double facers
(C) double facers
Related toVariations 1983 36
Sam Schwartz The CASTER Test procedure to chose word in Astrology book, always gives an anagram of "caster"
1983 37
Sam Schwartz Under The Influence stack that forces number and thus word in Astrology book
Inspired by
  • item in Gen magazine
1983 38
Sam Schwartz The Morality Test stack that forces number and thus word in Astrology book
1983 39
Sam Schwartz Missing L-I-N-C forcing one of five words in Astrology book with stack
1983 39
Sam Schwartz Favorite Stranger stack that forces one of ten words in Astrology book
1983 40
Sam Schwartz A Book Test in Code stack used to select words, top or bottom of page gives gray code for divination
1983 41
Sam Schwartz Incredi Card lucky card from Astrology book is divined
Related to 1983 43
Karl Fulves Notes by Karl Fulves
Related to 1983 45
Karl Fulves Reading Celebrities divining birth sign of a friend of the spectator or celebrity with Astrology book
Inspired by 1983 46
Karl Fulves Short Circuiting fishing variation in the "Incredi Test #1"
  • Group Doubling
Inspired by 1983 47
Karl Fulves The Silent R fishing variation
Inspired by 1983 53
Karl Fulves Another GREAT SIN presentational idea
Inspired by 1983 54
Mind Erasing No. 89, list of objects memorized, spectator names all numbers except one, last one is named by performer, memory stunt, clocking
Variations 1983 116
Sam Schwartz Digit Memory No. 93, list of ten objects memorized, spectator names all numbers except one, last one is named by performer, memory stunt, using fingers
Inspired by 1983 123
Karl Fulves Sand Trap ideas posed as a problem:
  • small packet counted, quarter card appears within packet, on next count half card, and so on until full card
  • also in reverse as vanish
  • cannibals
  • quarters assemble and restore
  • progressive unprinting (Sam Schwartz)
Variations 1983 39
Karl Fulves, Sam Schwartz The Square Ring No. 66, 4x4 layout, spectator moves around according to fixed rules and ends on force card, only three instructions
Also published here 1984 97
Gene "Phantini" Grant, Sam Schwartz Psychorama No. 80, one of five cards thought of, single-no fishing
Related toVariations 1984 121
Don England Geiger Counter Card forcing Joker-Gaff à la Sellers for two cards
Related to 1985/93 9
Dai Vernon, Sam Schwartz Vernon's Rope Puzzle performer ties his fingers up with rope, pulls, rope comes free, spectator cannot duplicate it
  • The Vernon Puzzle (Method #1)
  • Notes by Karl Fulves
  • The Vernon Puzzle (Method #2)
Related to 1986 46
Per Thiman, Mike O'Dowd Letters Sam Schwartz's "Incredi" book
Related to 1988
Interlocutor (Issue 50)
Sam Schwartz Interrupted Ices four Aces, four Kings, two cards exchanged, stay separated, and so on
Inspired by 1989 7
Sam Schwartz Interrupted Elmsley Count cards no three and four are counted in reverse order
1989 7
Sam Schwartz Quarter Turn a card turns over one quarter at the time
Inspired by 1989 46
Sam Schwartz Torn Up card torn in quarters vanishes, on a blank card in packet of blanks the card reappears a quarter at a time
Inspired by 1989 51
Sam Schwartz Order Restored two rows of three cards each (mates), after some exchanges one of each is each row
Variations 1989 58
Sam Schwartz Four Square with two packets of four cards
1989 59
Karl Fulves No. 1 With A Bullet poker hand gets better every time it's displayed and the cards get bullet holes, posed as problem
Related to 1989 30
Edward Bagshawe, Sam Schwartz, Karl Fulves Metalogic No. 77, four coins, each represents a president, one chosen and divined
1989 106
Karl Fulves, Sam Schwartz Thought Knots No. 53, spectators tie knots, they are counted and that many words counted down in this book, that word is forced and "of", force book
1990 110
Sam Schwartz Playback multiple changes, both backs and face
Inspired by 1990
Swindle Sheet (Issue 3)
Sam Schwartz High Dice set of three nontransitive dice
1991 24
Karl Fulves Witness six spectators with cards and pens, one of them writes an X on his card behind performers back, those with red cards must speak truth, black must lie, performer finds murderer
Inspired byRelated toVariationsAlso published here 1992 78
Sam Schwartz Partner in Crime version of "Witness" in which criminal has a partner
Inspired byRelated to 1992 80
Karl Fulves Witness further comments
Related to 1992 88
Sam Schwartz On Being Natural comment
Rigmarole (Issue 1)
Sam Schwartz Thought Process one of thirteen cards thought of, dealing procedure according to thought-of card (color, value, suit), selection narrowed down by having one key card, see also p. 47
Inspired by
  • "Contemplation" (Interim Report)
Related toVariations
Rigmarole (Issue 2)
Sam Schwartz Innermost Thought same trick, using thirteen specific cards to optimize multiple outs, also as phone effect
Inspired by 1993
Rigmarole (Issue 2)
Karl Fulves Me Thinks one of thirteen cards thought of, dealing procedure according to thought-of card (color, value, suit), selection narrowed down by having one key card
Inspired by 1993
Verbatim (Issue 2)
Karl Fulves You-Me Poker two poker hands, one card moved to spectator's hand, spectator thinks of one of his cards, dealing procedure according to thought-of card (color, value, suit), selection narrowed down by having one key card
Inspired by 1993
Verbatim (Issue 2)
Sam Schwartz Sam's Monte tips on the handling
Related to 1993
Verbatim (Issue 6)
Karl Fulves You, Babe after counting procedure with birthday a card with value Nine is selected, ninth item on a list matches spectator in humorous way
Related to 1994 5
Karl Fulves Bottom Deal Load loading card under envelope
Related to 1994 80
Sam Schwartz Sam's Monte
Inspired byRelated to 1994
Rigmarole (Issue 6)
Sam Schwartz Sam's Spell name spelled and card at that position remembered, later found, also number would work
Rigmarole (Issue 9)
Darwin Ortiz Bottom Deal Load loading card under wallet
Inspired byRelated to 1995 72
Sam Schwartz Thot Echo two card location, straight set-up
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1995 149
Roberto Giobbi The Lucky Coin spectator locates a chosen card with a coin, selection is predicted on back of coin
Related toVariations 1995 241
Sam Schwartz Road Scholar horse race plot
Related to 1995
Underworld (Issue 2)
Jo Sarles, Sam Schwartz, Herb Zarrow Letters Jo Sarles is the widow of J. W. Sarles (Jim?)
Underworld (Issue 2)
Karl Fulves Poker Vision "A mindreading trick with casino cards"
card thought of from a packet of fifteen cards with five different casino backs (rainbow) is divined, single-no fishing
Inspired byRelated to 1995 12
Karl Fulves Road Scholar explaining why the trick works
Related to 1995 17
Sam Schwartz Devil's Date "Two Diary Tricks"
card listed in diary is only odd-backed card in deck
Related to 1996
Underworld (Issue 3)
Sam Schwartz Fate Accompli "Two Diary Tricks"
card listed in diary is only odd-backed
Underworld (Issue 3)
Sam Schwartz Any Card - Any Wallet card in face-up spread named, odd-backed duplicate predicted in wallet
Related to 1996
Underworld (Issue 4)
Karl Fulves Informant further comments and credit information on the referenced items, ESPN gag, Steve Fearson's Easy Float
Related to 1996 57
Karl Fulves Informant further comments and credit information on the referenced items
Related to 1996 85
Sam Schwartz Modified 4-as-4 Count credit information, from Back Flip
July 1996
Magic (Vol. 5 No. 11)
Sam Schwartz Keys for Month & Date
  • A Month Like Any Other
  • The System In Detail
  • The Key For The Month
  • The Key For The Date
  • The Key For The Year
  • Day Of The Week
  • What To Remember
  • How To Practice
Variations 1997 2
Sam Schwartz Keys for Year & Leap Year
  • The Key For The Year
  • How To Practice
  • Leap Years
  • Target Date
1997 12
Sam Schwartz Final Practice
1997 17
Sam Schwartz Short Cuts
1997 20
Sam Schwartz The Sam Schwartz System
  • The System In Summary
  • Refinements
  • Years At A Glance
  • Double Digit Years
  • The System At Work
Related to 1997 22
Karl Fulves The Optioned Future seven piles formed, spectator thinks of one in the pile that matches the week day he is born in, divined and predicted
Related to 1997 31
Sam Schwartz The Sam Schwartz Presentation
1997 41
Wesley James A.E. S.S. E.M. IOU credit information
  • Method I (Preferred Method)
  • Retention of Vision Method
Inspired by 1997 92
Sam Schwartz Plus Ultra 4x4 layout with alphabet cards, row chosen and letters arrange to build a word, this item matches a selection from a deck with pictures
Inspired by
  • "Ultra Combination" (Pavel)
1997 107
Martin Gardner, Dr. Irving Joshua Matrix A New Year Curiosity
  • "Dot Com - Tricks and stunts with numbers"
apparently random calculation with a 3x3 matrix, 1997 arrived at
VariationsAlso published here
  • REC Newsletter (Michael Ecker)
1997 127
Sam Schwartz Bottled penny and quarter in hand, hand-pocket sequence, chosen coin travels into miniature bottle, first marketed in 1964
Related to 1997 151
Sam Schwartz A Very Good Year
  • "Dot Com - Tricks and stunts with numbers"
apparently random calculation with a 3x3 matrix, 1998 arrived at
Inspired by 1997 163
Karl Fulves Bar Room Poker "The Second Layout", shuffling sequence to set for deal, nine pairs
Variations 1998 19
Sam Schwartz Back Room Poker shuffling sequence to set for deal, nine pairs
Inspired by 1998 21
Sam Schwartz Map of the Mind "New Maps", paper with grid filled with card values that are later assigned to spectators
1998 58
Sam Schwartz A Weight Problem with triplets, presentation about weight of spectator
1998 75
Sam Schwartz Alpha Spell card named spelled with alphabet decks, card predicted
Related to 1998
Underworld (Issue 9)
Karl Fulves Informant further comments and credit information on the referenced items
Related to 1998 226
Karl Fulves Time Flies "Short Takes"
method to calculate key
Inspired byRelated to 1998 231
Sam Schwartz Kings Can Count two piles, spades and hearts counted in one packet, prediction about difference made
1998 245
Sam Schwartz Fan-Tastic Joker pushed in fan, card next to it noted, then repeated in different position, cards vanish and travel into other half, Sellers force for two cards
Inspired byRelated to 1998 262
Karl Fulves Informant further comments and credit information on the referenced items
Related to 1998 274
Sam Schwartz Wild Jokers signed card transposes with joker in wallet
1998 199
Terri Rogers Word of Mind Progressive Anagram effect with a theatre review brochure, credits Sam Schwartz's Incredibook Test (interlocking anagrams)
1998 65
Karl Fulves Cover Up cover for number key on calculator to help with "Day for any Date"
Related to 1998 99
Sam Schwartz Clock Work
Underworld (Issue 10)
Sam Schwartz Add It
  • "Dot Com - Tricks and stunts with numbers"
lightning calculation demonstration with four columns of numbers, reprint of instructions by Ed Mishell for Tannen's
The Fine Print (Issue 10)
Sam Schwartz Chain Link four packets shuffled and combined, every suit spelled out and last card is of that suit, packets themselves are all from another suit in each case, two methods
Inspired by 1999 5
Karl Fulves Wrong Game
  • There Was A Crooked Man
cards turn over one by one to display a poker hand, backs change color, then faces change into better hand, credit information on packet tricks
Inspired byRelated to 1999
Charlatan (Issue 1)
Sam Schwartz Back Flip Count six-as-four count
Charlatan (Issue 1)
Karl Fulves, Sam Schwartz Blood Brothers spectator's birthday divined (actually only the month) with clock type layout
Also published here 2000 157
Sam Schwartz X-Vision ten spot cards, spectator reverses one and shuffles, he notes the number of cards above and below reversed card and makes a two-digit number of those numbers, adds value of reversed card, performer divines card and position from sum
2000 30
Karl Fulves Database further comments and credit information on the referenced items, Electronic ESP
Related to 2000 45
Sam Schwartz Mystery Mix 3&3, three red-backed Kings and three blue-backed Aces
Inspired byRelated to 2000 63
Karl Fulves Double Brainwave "Problems"
five-card brainwave version with transformation element, posed as a problem
Related to 2000 78
Karl Fulves Trick Play Sevens vanishes from deck and reappear, poker deal, spectator gets Sevens and performer the Aces
Inspired byRelated to 2000 100
Sam Schwartz Fourtell prediction of four cards chosen in different ways, one thought-of, cut-deeper handling
Variations 2000 103
Karl Fulves Ahead of Time predictions written on billets, one of the billets vanishes from hat and travels to card case
Inspired by 2000 104
Karl Fulves Blood Brothers spectator's birthday divined (actually only the month) with clock type layout
Also published here Apr. 2000
Genii (Vol. 63 No. 4)
Herb Zarrow Switch Poker cards switched back and forth between two poker hands, performer wins
Inspired byRelated to 2000
Charlatan (Issue 3)
Sam Schwartz Sam's 5 x 5 Hex Squared with 5x5 layout
Related to 2001 54
Sam Schwartz Number, Please No. 23, prediction counted to, remaining cards form spectator's phone number
2001 37
Sam Schwartz, Karl Fulves Kings can Count No. 29, two suits for two spectators each, cards of those suits counted in packets, difference predicted
2001 44
Sam Schwartz Secret Spell No. 78, spectator spells to any name and remembers card at this position
2001 118
Karl Fulves Mate In 5 5x5 layout, two spectators move poker chips according to rules, outcome predicted
  • Psychic Sub (variation as Battleship game)
  • Mate Finesse
Inspired by 2001 141
Sam Schwartz Twister four Aces, backs change, then named Ace is only odd-backed one, presentation by Karl Fulves
Related to 2001 151
Sam Schwartz Color Changing Jokers back of four cards change one by one from blue to red, chosen card then back to blue, red/blue double backer
Related toVariations 2001 199
Karl Fulves Joker Monte color changing backs, red/blue double backer
Inspired by 2001 202
Sam Schwartz Remote Viewing 5x5 layout, spectator moves around according to fixed rules and ends on force card
Inspired byRelated toVariations 2001
Discoverie (Issue 5)
Karl Fulves Brainstorm II two quartets, one card chosen in one of them with petal force is shown reversed in other four-of-a-kind
Inspired by 2001
Discoverie (Issue 5)
Sam Schwartz The Magician ten red-blue double backers are openly shown, then one side changes to letter cards spelling MAGICIAN
2002 252
Sam Schwartz On The Square "A Magic Square Routine"
spectator takes any row or column of a 4x4 cards layout, values added, matched number of cut-off cards
Inspired by
  • Ted Lesley Magic Square routine
Related to
2003 301
Karl Fulves Alias card chosen and signed, Queen of same suit turns over, other three Queens change into same value as selection, face-down card is selection
Inspired byRelated to 2003
Off The Books (Issue 9)
Karl Fulves Helen O'Ploy card chosen, Queen of same suit turns over, other three Queens change into same value as selection, face-down card is selection
Inspired byRelated to 2004 358
Sam Schwartz, Karl Fulves Remains To Be Seen spectator cuts off some cards, remembers bottom card and puts pile in card case, after some calculation instructions the performer knows card and number of cards in case, Kraitchik
Related to 2004 363
Jamy Ian Swiss (reviewer) Sam's by Sam Schwartz (written by Allen Zingg) Mar. 2004
Genii (Vol. 67 No. 3)
Michael Close (reviewer) Sam's Volume 1 by Sam Schwartz (written by Allen Zingg) Jan. 2004
Magic (Vol. 13 No. 5)
Paolo Cavalli, Massimo Tira Radarama one spectator thinks of a red card and one of a black card while spreading through cards, performer divines both
Inspired byRelated to 2004 5
Sam Schwartz Simplex Square birthday square
Variations 2005 405
Sam Schwartz, Karl Fulves Alphabet Square 5x5 square, numbers are converted to letters to spell out names
Inspired by 2005 409
Mel Bennett Easy As Abc calculator option for simplifying task to spectators in division tricks
Inspired by
  • Number Challenge (Royal Vale Heath, 1957)
  • "Zangbar Zackelback" (Wallace Lee, Genii, June 1958, p. 364)
  • "Zackelback's Problem" (John F. Pooley, Genii, Oct. 1958, p. 46)
Related to
Prolix (Issue 2)
Jack Avis Jack Avis Notes on All Red 2&2, handling variation
Inspired by 2006 20
Sam Schwartz, Roberto Giobbi Thot Echo two card location, straight set-up
Also published here 2006 21
Karl Fulves 3-Blank Monte "Unexplained"
three blank cards and an Ace, all change to Kings as climax, posed as a problem
Variations 2007
Prolix (Issue 3)
Sam Schwartz 3-Blank Monte three blank cards and an Ace, all change to Kings as climax
Inspired by 2007
Prolix (Issue 3)
Sam Schwartz The Slotted Okito Box with slot box
  • Visual Coin Thru Box
Related to 2008
Prolix (Issue 4)
Sam Schwartz Coin Thru Hand four coins through hand one by one, slotted boston box
Related to 2008
Prolix (Issue 5)
Joseph K. Schmidt Elevator Malfunction
Inspired by
  • "Elevator Ring" (Sam Schwartz)
Prolix (Issue 5)
Sam Schwartz Digital Addition three items switched around according to instructions
Inspired byVariations 2008
Prolix (Issue 5)
Karl Fulves Einstein's Shell Game three different colored marbles and cups, items switched around, outcome predicted, instruction game
Inspired by 2008
Prolix (Issue 5)
Phil Labush, Sam Schwartz All in One fake 100 dollar bill is transformed into a fake 50, 20, 10 and 5, then a real 1 dollar bill
July 2008
Genii (Vol. 71 No. 7)
Sam Schwartz Coin Thru Hand Boston Slot Box
Related to 2009
Prolix (Issue 6)
Conrad C. Bush, Dai Vernon String Thru Hand string penetrates fingers, credit information
  • String Thru Fingers I
  • String Thru Fingers II
  • String Thru Fingers III
Related to 2010
Prolix (Issue 7)
Sam Schwartz Coin Thru Hand Boston Slot Box
Related to 2010
Prolix (Issue 7)
Sam Schwartz Conversion Coins four silver coins change to copper as they penetrate the bottom of the coin box
Prolix (Issue 8)
Sam Schwartz Copper Escape copper coin between two silver coins put in box, copper coin penetrates box
Prolix (Issue 9)
Ben Train The Trinity Concept control concept for three cards with partial set-up, multiple presentations
Related to 2012 28
Nick Trost Mississippi Monte four-card monte with paper clip, spectator cannot clip money card
Inspired by
  • "Four Card Monte" (Sam Schwartz, marketed ca. 1975)
2013 786
George Sands Twist Knot with extra piece, false knot and fusing two ropes together
  • Figure Eight Restoration
  • "Sam Schwartz's Delivery"
  • Sleight of Foot Restoration
Also published here 2014 36
Joseph Barry Echoed three progressively fairer locations of a card
Inspired by Feb. 2016
Operandi (Issue 1)
Ramón Riobóo Ram-Ultaneous two cards are selected with the "card at position of cut-off number"-procedure, appear at same position in two piles
Inspired by 2018 139
Patrick G. Redford Echo Chamber Magician divines two selected and thought of cards
Inspired byRelated toVariations 2019 108
Steve Beam Diabolicool two freely selected cards end up at same positions in two piles
Inspired byRelated to 2020 107