311 entries in Cards / Principles / Key Card / Distant Key Card
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
Third Method spectators remember cards and their positions
1876 44
Louis F. Christianer A Clever Card Trick selection fairly replaced in center of spread by spectator, spectator deals cards face up onto table one by one, performer calls stop before the selection
Related to 1919 7
Louis F. Christianer Count the Cards spectator remembers card and its position
Related to 1919 10
Charles T. Jordan The Nifty Key
VariationsAlso published here 1922
The Four Full Hands (Issue Four Full Hands of Card Tricks)
Jack Merlin The Spread cards spread on the table, card is selected, returned and eventually found
Variations 1927/28 20
A Face Down Detection cards dealt in piles, a card remembered, all without the performer looking, he then deals through deck and stops before selection, two key cards
Also published here 1928 7
Walter B. Gibson The Master Card Location
1928 19
Eric F. Impey A New Method of Card Location card chosen and replaced, spectator deals cards face-up, performer stops him at selection, key card from different deck
1928 3
Eric F. Impey A Latter-Day Card Miracle "dirty" key card is followed during dealing of shuffled card into two piles, card selected and replaced, then found from face-up spread
1928 4
Tom Sellers A Deceptive Card Trick
1931 9
Theodore Annemann Whichever You Please
1931 16
William Larsen The Cut In Detection spectator choses any card, puts it in center and cuts, performer locates card
1931 2
Ralph W. Hull Topsy Turvy Cards: (1) A Card Detective reversed card appears in deck, its value is used to count to selection
Also published here 1932 10
Tommy Tucker The Card Miracle
1933 19
Herbert Brooks A new card trick cards dealt in piles, a card remembered, all without the performer looking, he then deals through deck and stops before selection, two key cards
Also published here 1933 6
The Master Card Location No. 6, spectator touches any card while performer spreads them and remembers it, deck cut, performer locates card
1935 9
William Larsen Cut in Detection estimated floating key card
1937 39
The Card and Number
1937 88
William Larsen Face Down Detection cards dealt in piles, a card remembered, all without the performer looking, he then deals through deck and stops before selection, two key cards
Also published here 1937 90
Charles T. Jordan The Nifty Key
Also published here 1937 91
Charles T. Jordan Demon's Detection two key cards, out of hand selection procedure with dealing
VariationsAlso published here 1937 94
Charles T. Jordan Quadruple Deck Mystery odd-backed card lost in thick deck composed of three decks with dealing procedure, spectator reads off order and performer stops him at selection
Also published here 1937 202
Dai Vernon Dai Vernon Subtlety distant crimped key card, bridge during tabled cut
1938 52
Theodore Annemann Sixth Method. (Crimp and table spread) crimped distant key
1938 55
The Bottom Card Location featuring several key card placements and strategies:
Joker Discard to Locate Key
Face-Dwon Ribbon-Spread Key Placement
Face-Up Ribbon Spread Key Placement
Deal-Down Key Placement
Distant Key Card
Cardcase Load of Key Card
1938 90
The Top Card Location key card starts on top
1938 95
George G. Kaplan The "Impossible" Location using Natural Card
Related toVariations 1938 269
Paul Rosini A Great Location Trick subtle key card location
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1938 570
Martin Gardner Three Piles
Related to 1938
The Jinx (Issue Winter Extra 1937/38)
Charlie Miller The Danbury Deviler fingertip peek, four cards with edge-marks
Related to 1940 307
The Twenty-Sixth Location get-ready trick to get key in center, spelling
Related toVariations 1940 397
The Twenty-Sixth Location remote key
1940 398
Audley Walsh The Mystic Twelve cards pocketed and another remembered, performer divines position of selection and number of cards in pocket, reverse-count force
Related toVariations Mar. 1940
The Jinx (Issue 82)
Allan Howell Foretold selection with numbers and dealing procedure predicted
The Jinx (Issue 89)
Martin Gardner Two Piles and Subtract spectator remembers a card and its position, two piles made and card eventually found
Inspired by 1940 15
Bruce Elliott Middle Maze two card location, center key card
Inspired by July 1941
The Jinx (Issue 143)
Charlie Miller, Jack McMillen The Triple Discovery three cards, twenty-sixth key
Variations 1941 29
Jean Hugard, Frederick Braue Phenomenal touched card found, distant key card
1941 18
Dr. Lazlo Rothbart Die Gedachte Karte card selected and placed on top of the deck, value of selection is used to add cards on top
Inspired by July 1941
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 3 No. 7)
Henry Christ, Jean Hugard, Frederick Braue The Perfect Card Location - Impromptu Method see footnote
Inspired by 1942 9
Eddie Joseph The Die Trick spectator rolls die and takes as many cards off the top, performer removes card with same value
1942 26
Eddie Joseph The Tekka Card Trick four amounts of cards divined after lots of dealing and pile-making, Aces as key cards distributed in deck
1942 33
Edward Marlo Just Another Miracle distant daubed key card
1945 5
Capt. Jones Screwey Card Location
1945 35
Warren Wiersbe Packet Prediction cards cut off top and bottom to show no key cards are in use
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1946 3
Warren Wiersbe In My Estimation ... performer cuts off same amount of cards as spectator
Related toVariations 1946 6
Warren Wiersbe Superstitious Mentalism four key cards thirteen apart
Variations 1946 14
On the Beam
Related to Mar. 1946
Hugard's Magic Monthly (Vol. 3 No. 10)
Stewart James On the Beam credits for "On the Beam"
Related to Sep. 1946 251
Charles "Chic" Schoke A "Chick" Trick See Stewart James for credit claim
Related toVariations 1946 6
Paul Rosini Your Number - Your Card subtle key card location
Also published here 1946 11
Paul Stadelman Phenomenal Memory memory demonstration, cards moved from half to half
Also published here
  • 1933 book by Paul Stadelman
1946 35
J. B. Bobo The Isolated Key corner dotted card in center as reference
1947 32
The Twenty-Sixth Card remote key
Variations 1948 73
Remote Key
1948 73
A Meeting of the Minds remote key, alomst challenge
1948 74
George G. Kaplan The Twenty-Sixth Card Location - Using a Corner-Short
1948 47
George G. Kaplan Au Naturelle magician says "stop" at a card whose value is used to count to selection, "Natural Card" (see next item)
1948 48
George G. Kaplan Natural Card using numerical value on card to count to selection that fits by chance, see also page 101
Related to 1948 49
George G. Kaplan New Card Affinity spectator and performer each choose a card from half the deck, deck assembled, performer knows the distance of the two selections (originally next to each other)
1948 65
George G. Kaplan The Captain Kidd Card (First Version) card lost, spectator deals through cards and performer stops him at a card whose value indicates position of selection, Natural Key
1948 101
Jean Hugard Card Magic on the key card, distant key
Apr. 1948
Hugard's Magic Monthly (Vol. 5 No. 11)
Jean Hugard Impossible packet from top and bottom are cut and placed on the table, card selected from rest and deck cut, performer cuts deck so that selection ends up at total of one of the packets on the table
Variations Apr. 1948
Hugard's Magic Monthly (Vol. 5 No. 11)
Edward D. Hesse Impossible as Don Hesse, variation of Hugard's Impossible, packet from top iscut and placed on the table, card selected from rest and deck cut, performer cuts deck so that selection ends up at total of one of the packets on the table
Inspired by Nov. 1948 480
Tony Kardyro Shuffle Location and Glimpse selection lost in hindu shuffle by shuffling single cards on top of it and glimpsing the seventh one
1948 12
Roy Walton ABC
Oct. 1949
The Phoenix (Issue 188)
Hit The Deck Weird card location with key card
1949 35
The Mahatma Marvel Card Trick Location with spectator dealing and distant key card
1949 35
Ned Rutledge At A Distance three cards used to form a number, that number is used to select a card
Mar. 1949
Hugard's Magic Monthly (Vol. 6 No. 10)
Eddie Joseph The Principle Defined getting a selection to any position, with key card
1949 11
Charles "Chic" Schoke The "Chic" Trick Again improved handling
Inspired by 1949 49
Eddie Joseph The Impelling Force spectator cuts to a card and remembers it twice, first time found with eye reading by observing spectator's eyes while he deals through deck, second time with two key cards
1949 ca. 10
Max Holden Mind Control No. 44, location with key card
1950 77
Dr. Ben B. Braude Braude's Mental Card Trick No. 51
1950 91
Paul Rosini, W. F. "Rufus" Steele The Second-Guess Card Trick No. 145, magician fails and then succeeds in locating selection
1950 281
Eddie Joseph The Mystic Queen fair selection procedure, performer cuts deck a Queen, when this is spelled it leads to selection, five handlings (spelling different things, funny message on card)
1950 10
Paul Rosini Your Number - Your Card subtle key card location
Also published here 1950 32
Paul Rosini Do a Trick chosen card is spelled to
1950 34
Paul Rosini While I Turn My Back spectator remembers card and its position, then counts to it again, eventually found
Inspired by 1950 55
Toni Koynini Koyincidence three thirds of deck, spectator selects card, when two packets are deal in unison, mates are at selection, not sure, twenty-sixth key
1951 16
Eddie Joseph The Halo card selected with counting and shuffling procedure, found within circle (halo) layout of cards on the table
1952 7
The Buried Card
Variations 1952 50
Charles "Chic" Schoke, Bert Allerton On the Phone as a phone trick
Inspired by 1952 51
Eddie Joseph Imposible "Impossible" probably misspelled, deck cut in half, card chosen by throwing a die and counting down in one pile, all assembled and deck cut in thirds and another card chosen with same number, all assembled and cut, half counted off, the two selections show up at the same number, no-touch
Variations 1952 1
Valentino Graziadei Die Berührte Karte location of card which was only touched, counting and key card
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 14 No. 5)
Edward Marlo "Half Plus One" bringing a key card next to a certain card with faro shuffle
1958 30
Edward Marlo It's Mathematical stay stack principle applied to memorized deck, two effects
Related to 1958 40
Edward Marlo Alternative Procedures stay stack principle applied to memorized deck, see previous item
1958 43
Charlie Miller Fifteen Card Trick Routine - 14
1961 24
Charlie Miller, Dai Vernon Variation of Vernon's Spread Trick
1961 35
Charlie Miller Behind Back Location
1961 59
Edward Marlo Key Card Plus Estimation: First Method in demonstration cut performer notes key in approximate center, then spectator cuts anywhere, remembers bottom card, replaces and cuts a few times
1962 24
Edward Marlo Key Card Plus Estimation: Second Method spectator cuts anywhere, remembers bottom card, replaces, then performer notes bottom card and spectator cuts a few times
Related to 1962 26
Edward Marlo Key Card Plus Estimation: Third Method in demonstration nail gauge cut performer notes key near top, then spectator cuts anywhere, remembers bottom card, and cuts packet a few times, optionally with three key cards
1962 26
Edward Marlo Key Card Plus Estimation: Fourth Method two card location, deck cut into three packets, bottom card of two of the packets remembered, all assembled and cut, estimation and key card
Related to 1962 28
Edward Marlo Fingertip Location fingertip peeked at card is located, estimation and key
1962 42
Edward Marlo Triple Estimation Peek three key cards start out at different positions
  • Method 2 (only one key card)
1962 42
Edward Marlo 15-K-11 Speller fingertip peeked at card is spelled to, estimation and key card
1962 47
Harry Lorayne Impossibility distant key card in spread
Variations 1962 67
James Steranko Part Two spectator cuts anywhere, remembers bottom card and replaces, then cuts again as often as he likes, deck spread face up and performer finds card
Related toVariations 1962 16
James Steranko Part Three two cards selected by cutting off packets, all assembled and cut a few times, performer finds cards
Related to 1962 17
James Steranko Plus One spectator cuts anywhere, remembers bottom card and replaces, gives deck a riffle shuffle, performer finds card
Inspired byRelated to 1962 17
James Steranko The Gentle Touch deck thrown on table so it spreads, spectator takes a card, either force or two key cards, toss force
Inspired by
  • "The Touch" (James Steranko, Genii, Jan. 1962, p. 191)
Related to
1962 22
Ken Beale Natural Scent single card location, back turned for procedure, secret 10/9/8 count to find indicator card, combined with 26th location
Inspired by Nov. 1964
Ibidem (Issue 30)
Norman Houghton If you like Puzzlers card chosen from one deck with cutting packet, counting and counting down in the rest method, it ends up at the same position as a reversed Joker in a second deck
Dec. 1965
Ibidem (Issue 31)
Roy Walton Dead Easy Location four key cards
Inspired by
  • Larry Jennings problem
Related to
Feb. 1967 79
Karl Fulves Spread Correction determining position of key cards in the deck after a riffle shuffle
Related toVariations July 1968
Epilogue (Issue 3)
Karl Fulves The Floating Locator determining position of key cards in the deck after a riffle shuffle with full deck stack
VariationsAlso published here July 1968
Epilogue (Issue 3)
Jack Avis An Ace Locator Aces distributed as key cards
Related to
  • p. 179 for further references
May 1968 180
Alan Keith Prelude "Circus Card Trick" to set up key cards
Inspired by 1969 136
Francis J. Baker Stop Trick blank card with "STOP!" appears at same number in one heap as selection in other heap
Winter 1970
The Pallbearers Review (Vol. 6 No. 4th Folio)
Karl Fulves A Telephone Mystery medium is called and names selection when order of deck is read out, distant key
1971 5
Karl Fulves The Non-Slip Cut - Basic Technique spectator removes block from center, a card is held back there
1971 25
Karl Fulves Controlled Cut controlling card twenty-six apart from a key, non-slip cut
1971 26
Karl Fulves Ace-Dice-Ace position of selection is found via mathematical procedure involving dice, non-slip cut
1971 27
Karl Fulves Chance? Fate? two card location, key card
1971 31
George Blake Oracle Jr. "Oracle" as location instead of prediction, packet cut off and reduced to one card via reverse faros
Inspired by Mar. 1971 412
Audley Walsh, Jon Racherbaumer The Mystic Twelve Recall cards pocketed and another remembered, performer divines position of selection and number of cards in pocket, reverse-count force
Inspired by 1971 5
Alex Elmsley, Roy Walton Expansion Notes: As A Coincidence procedure to control two peeked cards twenty-six apart, effect application in which two selection appear at same position in two halves
Mar. 1972
Epilogue (Issue 14)
Alex Elmsley, Roy Walton As A Single Card Discovery Expansion Notes, faro and twenty-six key
Mar. 1972
Epilogue (Issue 14)
Alex Elmsley, Roy Walton As A Triple Card Revelation Expansion Notes, faro and twenty-six key
Mar. 1972
Epilogue (Issue 14)
Gene Finnell The 26th Card two selections are in same position in two halves
Mar. 1972
Epilogue (Issue 14)
David Solomon, Steve Draun S-D Location two phase location
Related toVariationsAlso published here Aug. 1972
Kabbala — Volume 1 (Vol. 1 No. 8)
Henry Christ Card Clairvoyant improvement
Inspired by Oct. 1972
Kabbala — Volume 1 (Vol. 1 No. 10)
Arthur Finley Natural Key Card within No. 16, a card that falls at its numerical position
Related toAlso published here 1972 9
Dr. Jacob Daley Daley's Quick Trick No. 150, a reversed card shows up and its value is used to count to selection
1972 39
Dr. Jacob Daley Mental Thot Bridge Hand Improvement No. 557, one of thirteen cards thought of and found with multiple-out counting procedure, using Finley Natural Key Card
Inspired by 1972 156
Harry Lorayne The Mind Boggler any card thought of, then a dealing procedure, scratched distant key card
1973 13
Lin Searles, Cy Endfield Impromptu Miracle
Inspired by Autumn 1973
The Pallbearers Review (Vol. 8 No. 8th Folio)
Karl Fulves Spread Correction determining position of key cards in the deck after a riffle shuffle
1973 21
Karl Fulves The Floating Locator determining position of key cards in the deck after a riffle shuffle with full deck stack
Also published here 1973 23
Ken Krenzel Miracle Revelation
Inspired by 1973 89
Edward G. Brown The Detective Card Trick selection is at same position as face up card in other half
Also published here 1973 96
Edward G. Brown The Clueless Card Trick twenty-sixth card location
Related toVariations 1973 120
Gene Finnell Flip Cut - 1 triple cut, center section reverse-counted or turned over, retains center (key) card
1973 33
Gene Finnell Centering placing a selection so that it is half the deck away from a key card
1. By Estimation
2. By an "over and under" shuffle
3. variation
4. variation of 2.
1973 40
Edward Marlo System Controls up to four peeked cards, cutting procedure combined with distant key card and a faro
1974 128
Edward Marlo Camouflage Control - The No Slip Cut "Basic Technique" and "Controlled Cut", procedures with center cuts and distant key cards
1974 144
Edward Marlo Cam-Incidence reversed card coincides in position with freely selected card, distant reversed key card
1974 145
Philip T. Goldstein Vested Power card selected by number and position, number and card found with spelling
1974 5
Gerald Kosky Subtlety performer stops at selectio
1975 67
Charles T. Jordan The Nifty Key
Also published here 1975 37
Charles T. Jordan Demon's Detection two key cards, out of hand selection procedure with dealing
Also published here 1975 91
Charles T. Jordan The Quadruple Deck Mystery odd-backed card lost in thick deck composed of three decks with dealing procedure, spectator reads off order and performer stops him at selection
Also published here 1975 108
Spello No. 3, prediction phrase is spelled
1976 6
J. W. Sarles The Card Revealed No. 28, spectator thinks of small number and card, both divined, two key cards
1976 46
Harry Lorayne The Twenty-sixth-card Key
1977 155
Edward G. Brown Die Detektivkarte selection is at same position as face up card in other half
Also published here Dec. 1978
Intermagic (Vol. 5 No. 4)
Ribbon Spread Location with slick card as key card in spread, distance to selection counted
1978 40
Tom Craven Goody Goody two cards are counted to according to values in shuffled deck
Inspired byAlso published here Oct. 1979
Apocalypse (Vol. 2 No. 10)
Steve Beam Lost and Found
1980 48
Harry Lorayne Out Of Hand distant key, faro
Variations 1982 337
Edward Marlo Faro Location three packets, twenty-seventh key
1983 78
Richard Goldshot RG Location using two crimps and a faro shuffle, twenty-six key card, see also page 1075
Variations Sep. 1984
Apocalypse (Vol. 7 No. 9)
Richard Goldshot No Looking Goody Goody two crimps, faro shuffle two selections, twenty-six key card, see further credits, see also page 1075
Sep. 1984
Apocalypse (Vol. 7 No. 9)
The Prediction Deck No. 60, number of face-down cards after face-up/face-down shuffle predicted
1984 89
Ralph W. Hull Die Detektivkarte reversed card appears in deck, its value is used to count to selection
Also published here Jan. 1984
Intermagic (Vol. 10 No. 3 & 4)
Richard Goldshot Deck Patrol sandwich location with some matching cards, distant key, faro
Dec. 1985
Apocalypse (Vol. 8 No. 12)
Charlie Miller Additional Miller Notes
  • holding break while tapping on table
  • nailnick and estimate distance from key
  • "Vernon's 7 card, 7 piles trick."
1985 1
Frederick Braue The Ribbonspread cards spread on the table, card is selected, returned and eventually found, spread with jogged key card
Inspired by 1985 7
Dai Vernon The Dual Crimp two crimped key cards in tabled spread
Related to 1988 4
Edward Marlo Infallible Packet Estimation spectator cuts 3 packets
1988 159
Harry Lorayne "Keyn" Location key card location
1990 71
Alex Elmsley Shadowed sunken key is used for selection
Variations 1991 337
Alex Elmsley Buried Treasure I one deck, distant key, fair selection process
1991 340
Alex Elmsley Buried Treasure II distant keys, performer stops at selection
Variations 1991 355
Alex Elmsley Calcolate X 2 two selections made out of performer's hands, three keys
1991 361
Edward Marlo Put A Shine On Your Mind "Ways to Ascertain the Value of a Thought-Card"
five methods with procedures in which spectator needs to remove as many cards as the thought-of value, partial set-up, memorized deck, distant key card
Feb. 1991 7
Edward Marlo Setting Key Card at 26 spectator shuffles deck
Feb. 1991 9
Edward Marlo Cure for a Late Night Location edge marked card, faro, Oscar Weigle's "sunken key principle"
May 1991 5
Edward Marlo Multiple Mental Miracle two small numbers and selections are divined, distant key
June 1991 12
T. Page Wright Adding the Pips deck cut in three piles by spectator, performer puts out a few cards from center packet that add up to number of cards in outer piles
1991 174
Karl Fulves Zodiac Sell card chosen in spectator's hands, another card turns face-up, ZODIAC is spelled to find selection
1992 70
Gary Plants No Way Out spectator removes any thought-of card from twenty-card packet, it is lost in deck and then found as spectator counts through the cards
Also published here June 1992
The Minotaur (Vol. 4 No. 2)
Peter Duffie Variation "or Savings" two cards found by using the value and spelling the name of the performer's lucky card (Seven of Diamonds)
Inspired byAlso published here June 1992
Profile (Issue 8)
Roy Walton The Magic Queen of Diamonds card chosen fairly is found by spelling out a sentence
Variations Apr. 1992
Magic (Vol. 1 No. 8)
Karl Fulves "Demon's Detection" Notes No. 179, simplified variation
Inspired by 1992 179
Charles T. Jordan Demon's Detection No. 178, two key cards, out of hand selection procedure with dealing
Also published here 1992 216
Charles T. Jordan The Nifty Key No. 197
Also published here 1992 235
Bob King Breathing Life into the 26 Card Key three piles, faroing crimp next to selection
Related to 1993 16
Peter Duffie The Psychic Speller with packet of ten cards
1993 9
David Solomon, Steve Draun Doble Adivinación
Also published here 1993 69
Al Baker, Audley Walsh, George G. Kaplan, Vicente Canuto El Doble Cero spectator looks at top card an moves cards from bottom to top matching value of selection
Inspired by 1993 84
Vicente Canuto 1.- Elección y Control de las Tres Primeras Cartas using two key cards, controlling three cards at certain positions
1993 354
Alex Elmsley Placing a Key at Twenty-sixth Position finessed methods with faro shuffle
1994 300
Alex Elmsley The Fan and Weave Controls two handlings of an ingenious control:
  • The Fan and Weave Control
  • The Fan and Weave Double Control
Related toVariations 1994 335
Alex Elmsley Fan and Weave Control to any Position extension with two cards
Inspired by 1994 442
Karl Fulves Blue Moon blackjacks chosen despite random cuts and then counting to twenty-sixth card, spectator's blackjack changes back color
1994 25
Ellison Poland Deep Keys using Slough-Off Faro
1994 9
Ellison Poland A Mental Case cards cut off top and bottom to show no key cards are in use
Inspired by 1994 17
Paul Rosini Your Number - Your Card
Related to 1995 147
Mental Countdown No. 14, deck apparently memorized, spectator points to card in face-up spread and performer names its position
1995 23
This Is Not the Card No. 21, phrase spelled to find selection, three piles
1995 38
Simon Aronson, Geoffrey Scalbert Sunken Key Placement
1995 131
Simon Aronson Past, Present, Future spectator cuts off pile, pockets card, shuffles bottom pile and remembers card, cuts again and remembers card, deals through top pile and turns over a card, one named, position of one named, pocketed card predicted in wallet
1995 153
Simon Aronson Floating Key Principle
1995 159
Karl Fulves Bottom Facts applied to distant key card placement
Related to 1995 3
Jon Racherbaumer Don't Be Superstitious typo "Superstition", four key cards throughout deck
Inspired by 1995 23
Tom Craven Doppel-Entdecker two cards are counted to according to values in shuffled deck
Also published here Mar. 1995
Intermagic (Vol. 19 No. 2)
Utz Napierala Kartenmagie und Kabbalistik
Inspired by
  • Gerald Kosky effect with blank cards, 1967
Intermagic (Vol. 19 No. 4 & 5)
Lou Gallo Bent Key center key card, faro shuffle version
1996 60
Nick Trost Weight Guess Spectator pockets cards, magician divines how many, breather at twenty-six
Related toVariationsAlso published here
  • New Tops, Feb. 1966
1997 32
Mike Rogers Mike Roger's Version Variation of "Weight Guess" with cards face up
Inspired by 1997 33
Nick Trost M-U-M Miracle
Inspired by
  • "Thought-O-Card" (G. P. Appaduri, M-U-M, March 1971)
1997 132
Ron Bauer Key to the Draw three cards, twenty-six key
Inspired by 1997 20
One-Twenty Six cut-deeper procedure for two selections
1997 9
Doug Canning Marked Up Masterpiece faro and twenty-six key
1997 1245
David Solomon, Steve Draun S/D Location key starts 20th from top, quarter cut off and shuffled, top card remembered, another packet cut off and put on top, this packet examined by performer
Variations 1997 137
Edward Marlo Killer Clock-Work twenty-sixth key card, faro, card and number of cut-off cards divined
1997 62
Peter Duffie Bilocation two cards found by using the value and spelling the name of the performer's lucky card (Seven of Diamonds)
Also published here 1998 13
Jeff Busby On-the-Fly Speller distant edge-marked key
1998 81
Jeff Busby Two Fly Don't Bother Me two edge-marked keys
1998 82
Henry Christ Card Clairvoyancy location, optional repeat
Inspired by Nov. 1998
Magic (Vol. 8 No. 3)
Peter Duffie Key Largo two cards chosen, one found by stopping spectator's dealing and second card is stabbed to, twenty-seventh location
1998 4
Baltazar Fuentes Cutting the Aces Aces put in different positions in fan with some fake spacing, found
1999 28
Ellis Stanyon The Silent Count - Top Card as "Key" No. 7, cards deal face up by performer and spectators remember cards and their positions
1999 4
Ellis Stanyon Any Number of Cards Dealt Face Upwards, to Discover One Chosen No. 5, cards dealt face-up by performer, spectator remembers card and its position
1999 58
Al Baker Out On Location Card chosen and lost freely. Magician asks for value of card, then card is successfully located. Multiple key card type of trick.
1999 11
Justin Higham Logical Twenty-Sixth Card
Inspired by 1999 74
George McBride Countdown Location spectator thinks of a small number and places that many cards from top to bottom, another selection is made that is found at the chosen number
2000 33
Nick Trost, Mike Rogers Heavyweight No. 5, performer cuts off same number of cards as spectator
Inspired by 2001 7
Cloned Thoughts No. 15, spectator and performer chose same card after each other, free selection from small packet, weird procedure
2001 24
Zodiac Spell No. 42, card found by spelling "zodiac", placement with distant key card
2001 61
Warren Wiersbe Fate Deals the Cards No. 84, cards cut off top and bottom to show no key cards are in use
Also published here 2001 125
Harry Lorayne Unique Peek "Killer" making an incomplete faro peek a challenge location
2001 181
Harry Lorayne "Killer" Bonus card found with Reverse Faro Ending
2001 183
Harry Lorayne Dried-Out Sloppy Card Trick selection appears on named number up to ten, without saliva
Inspired by 2001 243
Bob King Cutting Edge three piles, faroing crimp next to selection, with no-faro handling
Related to 2002 14
Roberto Giobbi The Twenty-Sixth Location commentary
Related to May 2002
Genii (Vol. 65 No. 5)
Tomas Blomberg Late Key two selected cards from a deck, one is lost and the other one is placed in spectator's pocket, this deck and another one are dealt at the same time, magician stops at the first selected card and at the duplicate of the second selection
Related toAlso published here 2002 17
Jerry Sadowitz Three Card Control crimp and faro, inspired by Finnell's Free Cut Principle
Related to 2004 25
John Bannon Dead Reckoning floating key
Inspired byVariations 2004 88
David Solomon, Steve Draun S-D Location floating key
Related to 2004 92
John Bannon Dawn Patrol floating key and faro
2004 120
Roberto Giobbi The Distant Key Card
  • The Genii Session
26th location
Mar. 2004
Genii (Vol. 67 No. 3)
Charles T. Jordan, Paul Clive, Juan Tamariz Exact Location two spectators cut pile and remember card, performer knows identity of cards and position in the deck
Inspired by
  • Paul Clive's "Cut at the Cut" in "Card Tricks Without Skill" 1946. P. 152.
Related to
2004 145
Jim Sisti Twenty-Sixth Card Location handling for standard procedure
Jan. 2004
Magic (Vol. 13 No. 5)
Harry Riser The Riser Key-and-Stock Control little-finger break in dealing position, going from there into overhand shuffle, preserving center key
Related toAlso published here
  • MUM, Oct. 2000
2006 59
Harry Riser The Two-Thirds Deck Trick card cut to and cut buried, card found with reverse-faros
Also published here
  • MUM, Aug. 1987
2006 77
Harry Riser Sunken Riser out-of-hands selection, then control with faro
Inspired byVariationsAlso published here
  • MUM, Nov. 2000
2006 93
Harry Riser The Impossible Faro Shuffle Card Control
Inspired byAlso published here
  • MUM, Jan. 2002
2006 95
Harry Riser Greek Connection greek break version
Related toAlso published here
  • MUM, Feb. 2002
2006 98
Harry Riser The Ace Goes to the Place reversed card is (faro-)shuffled next to selection
Also published here
  • MUM, Jan. 1999
2006 100
Harry Riser Middle-of-the-Deck Location Procedures getting a key card in the center of the deck, faro, four procedures
Also published here
  • MUM, June 1998, Nov. 2003, Jan. & Feb. 2004
2006 104
Harry Riser My Favorite One-Faro Finder
Also published here
  • MUM, March 2004
2006 108
Harry Riser The Alternate odd-backed Joker finds card, then variation in repeat phase, faro
2006 113
Harry Riser The Double Shot Location two card location with odd-backed Joker, break work and faro
VariationsAlso published here
  • MUM, May 1995
2006 116
Harry Riser Yours, Mine, and Ours three card control, faro
Inspired byRelated to 2006 118
Jack Avis A Contrived Location selection made in unusual way from incomplete faro condition, also handlings with multiple out prediction and partial stack
2006 40
Steve Beam The Queen Doesn't Know Jack spelling multiple words to find selection, humorous presentation
Inspired byAlso published here 2006 15