168 entries in Cards / Principles / Stacked Deck Stuff / Stay Stack / Full Deck
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
Eric F. Impey The Amazing Memory removed cards are divined, basic Stay Stack use
1931 5
Russell "Rusduck" Duck Rusduck "Stay-Stack" System general observations, also with two decks
Feb. 1957
The Cardiste (Issue 1)
Tom Ransom On the Stay-Stack System cards do not have to be cut in center for the faro, handling idea
Sep. 1957
The Cardiste (Issue 4)
Russell "Rusduck" Duck More on the Stay-Stack
Sep. 1957
The Cardiste (Issue 4)
Alex Elmsley Late Night Location spectator cuts off a pile, remembers bottom card and shuffles, packet returned and deck faro shuffled, selection found, stay stack with duplicates
Related toVariationsAlso published here Sep. 1957
Ibidem (Issue 11)
Edward Marlo New Deck P.M. version from new deck order
Inspired byVariations 1958 27
Edward Marlo It's Mathematical stay stack principle applied to memorized deck, two effects
Related to 1958 40
Edward Marlo Alternative Procedures stay stack principle applied to memorized deck, see previous item
1958 43
Russell "Rusduck" Duck Fantabulous handling, shuffle
Feb. 1958
The Cardiste (Issue 5)
Alex Elmsley Stay-Stack Idea with two decks, face up into face down
Related to Feb. 1958
The Cardiste (Issue 5)
Russell "Rusduck" Duck Ambitious 52 cards come to the top in order, mates are always on the bottom
Mar. 1958
The Cardiste (Issue 6)
Edward Marlo Add Note to P. M. handling with stay stack
Inspired by Dec. 1958
Ibidem (Issue 15)
Edward Marlo Progressive Miracle using the Half & Half Principle memorized deck as stay stack with calculations, Marlo calls "Stay Stack Principle" the "Half & Half Principle"
Inspired by Dec. 1958
Ibidem (Issue 15)
Edward Marlo To Tell the Truth deck faro shuffled, then one half placed face up and one face down on the table, face-up cards key the performer so he can name the face-down ones one by one, memorized deck as stay stack
Dec. 1958
Ibidem (Issue 15)
Edward Marlo Stay-Stack Miracle freely cut-to card is divined, repeated, off-colored stay stack
Also published here Jan. 1959
The Cardiste (Issue 12)
Edward Marlo Stay-Stack Prediction forcing a number with stay stack
  • With Two Decks
Also published here Jan. 1959
The Cardiste (Issue 12)
Edward Marlo Stay-Stack Miracle freely cut-to card is divined, repeated, off-colored stay stack
Also published here May 1960
Ibidem (Issue 20)
Edward Marlo Stay-Stack Prediction forcing a number with stay stack
  • With Two Decks
Also published here May 1960
Ibidem (Issue 20)
Edward Marlo A Matching Routine stay stack routine with six phases
Variations 1964 31
Edward Marlo Added Note for Matching Routine stay stack routine, alternative phases
1964 33
Edward Marlo Stay Stack Peek two cards peeked at, behind back performer reverses card, it's between the two selections, Marlo's Peek Deck
1964 34
Edward Marlo Impromptu Peek Deck stay stack, secret incomplete faro condition
1964 35
Edward Marlo Stay Stack note on stay stack
The Patented Shuffle (Issue 4 Transfers)
Edward Marlo Stay Stack Routine deck cut into four packets, mates on top and bottom of each, rest of order retained
The Patented Shuffle (Issue 4 Transfers)
Paul Swinford Opus Thirteen Gilbreath Principle & Faro Shuffle, new deck order
1968 37
Karl Fulves Gray Stak combining gray code and stay stack in a deck with eight cards, in the application a selection is divined, see also Addenda on page 60, for sixteen- and 32-Card Arrangements see reference
Related to 1969
Faro & Riffle Technique (Issue Gray Codes)
Edward Marlo Marlo's "Unknown" Speller three methods, stack and almost no stack, see also page 162 for note by Ackerman
Winter 1969
Hierophant (Issue 2)
Edward Marlo, Russell "Rusduck" Duck Marlo on Stebbins/Stay-Stack shuffling new deck into Si Stebbins, faros
Related to Winter 1969
Hierophant (Issue 2)
Edward Marlo Mental Lie thought-of card, spectator reads cards, performer catches lie, three methods
1969 45
Karl Fulves An Odd Gray Coincidence two packets from different decks, question and faro shuffling procedure before coincidence
Faro & Riffle Technique (Issue First Supplement)
Paul Swinford, Russell "Rusduck" Duck The Stay Stack information and applications
1971 22
Paul Swinford Inventory instantly naming missing card, stay stack
1971 25
Paul Swinford Predicto Pair prediction of mates at named positions
1971 27
Paul Swinford When Brothers Meet
1971 30
Paul Swinford Double Duper spectator and magician turn over a card, mates
1971 32
Paul Swinford Against all Odds two spectators choose cards, they're mates
1971 34
Paul Swinford Double Brothers Joker finds mates of two selections
Related to 1971 35
Paul Swinford Duo Chango selections change into their own mates
1971 38
Paul Swinford The Match Game spectator looses always
1971 40
Paul Swinford Pairs Foretold three mates removed by spectator are predicted
1971 42
Paul Swinford Thought of Destruction about when it's worth to destroy the stay stack
1971 44
Paul Swinford, Norman Gilbreath Gilbreath Revisited deck cut in three piles, one pile looked over, performer knows number of red and black cards in other piles, handling for Gilbreath's "Separating One Deck With One Shuffle" (Linking Ring, July 1958)
1971 44
Edward Marlo Marlo's Peek Deck face-up/face-down faroed deck with secret incomplete faro condition
1971 46
Paul Swinford Presentation of Marlo's Peek Deck spectator divines card
1971 47
Paul Swinford The Elmsley Touch
Inspired by 1971 48
Karl Fulves Theoretical Readers edge marked stay stack to locate selection and its mate
Related to Nov. 1971
Epilogue (Issue 13)
Edward Marlo "Shades of the Half and Half Principle" Faro Controlling cards in Stay Stack
Fall-Spring 1971
Hierophant (Issue 5-6)
Jon Racherbaumer A Few Seconds on Stay Stack
1971 9
Roy Walton Demi Demon mates are found, faro
VariationsAlso published here 1971 24
Earl Keyser Faro Ideas - Reflected Gray Stack sixteen-Card Arrangement & 32-Card Arrangement, solution
Inspired by Nov. 1972
Epilogue (Issue 16)
Roy Walton Right Number two mates find mate of selection, faro & stay stack
Also published here May 1972
Kabbala — Volume 1 (Vol. 1 No. 5)
Gene Finnell Match Up several are cards selected, after a Klondike shuffle they end up next to pairs
Related to
  • "The Riser Repertoire" (MUM Vol 90 No. 1, June 2000)
1973 7
Edward Marlo Masterful Match Up two methods, stay stack
1974 83
Ted Gillam Pairs stay stack
Also published here 1974 87
Murray Bonfeld More Power Of Thought stay stack, faro, Penelope's Principle
1977 48
Ken Krenzel Mental Matrix stay stack
Related to 1978 74
Karl Fulves Reflections properties and principles with the stay stack
1979 15
Karl Fulves The Tracking Faro stay stack type principle with two separate odd decks
1979 17
Edward Marlo, Martin A. Nash A Matching Routine
Inspired byVariations 1980 9
Edward Marlo, Paul Curry The Joker Reads Minds spectator thinks of card and reads order of shuffled deck, spectator should misread joker as selection, it is divined, six methods
Also published here 1980
Hierophant (Issue The Last Hierophant)
Jeff Busby A Problem And An Interesting Sidelight reflection problem: how to make stay stack with one cut and one shuffle
The Solution: pack(et) torn in half and one half reversed via Klondike Shuffle
1980 13
Jeff Busby Interesting Sidelight dealing stay stack into any number of piles retains stay stack, with tables how to pick up the piles for up to five piles
  • General Rules For Pick Ups
  • Added Notes
Related to 1980 14
Jeff Busby Red-Black Stay Stacks Same Color Reflection, Opposite Color Reflection
1980 20
Jeff Busby Cyclical Stack <-> Stay Stack
1980 21
Karl Fulves Reflection stay stack & gray code
1980 50
Charles Hudson Parity Notes
Inspired by 1980 59
Roy Walton Demi Demon mates are found, faro
Also published here 1981 71
Randy Tanner Thinking Man's Poker using stay stack
Aug. 1984
Apocalypse (Vol. 7 No. 8)
Philip T. Goldstein The Mockingbird missing card divined, part of the "Birds of Prey" locations, Palindromic Rosary Stack
1986 1
Karl Fulves The Stay Stak Constraint as stay stack features applies to problem in introduction
1986 25
Edward Marlo Incomplete Miracle card peeked at from incomplete faro condition, it is found (by glimpsing key in lower portion)
1988 14
Edward Marlo Staggering Power of Thought mates found when dealing through two halves simultaneously
Inspired byVariations 1988 16
Edward Marlo Incomplete Matching Variation card peeked at from incomplete faro condition, mate found
Inspired by 1988 18
Edward Marlo The Matching Miracle pokerhand duplication from another deck, decks in reverse order
  • With Two Sealed Deck
  • For Stay-Stackers
  • For Memory Experts (only one deck)
  • For Card Cullers
  • Added Note
Related toVariationsAlso published here
  • The New Tops, July 1966
1988 246
Roy Walton Right Number two mates find mate of selection, faro & stay stack
Also published here 1988 39
Roy Walton Bloodhound eight-card packet, two cards are mated with help of Joker and reverse faros
  • Full Deck Version
  • Stay-Stack Version
Also published here
  • Linking Ring, Nov. 1980
1988 107
Edward Marlo A Logical Miracle spectator finds three mates among pairs on table and other pairs do not match, stay stack
Inspired byRelated toVariations Jan. 1989
Apocalypse (Vol. 12 No. 1)
Simon Aronson Mix and Match two decks riffle shuffled together and divided into two halves, one chosen from one half, performer shouts stop when the other one is dealt, the cards match
Related to 1990 59
Simon Aronson Memorized Math on memorized deck in combination with mathematical principles
  • Stay Stacks
  • Counting
  • Interlocking Chains (also with one-way backs)
  • Duck and Deal (with formulas)
Related to 1990 113
Jon Racherbaumer, Niberco Late-Night Arising freely and fairly lost selection rises, using handkerchief, stay stack with dupliates
Inspired by 1990 40
Jon Racherbaumer Sudden Sandwich challenge sandwich, stay stack with duplicates
Inspired by 1990 43
Jon Racherbaumer The Dreamy Dream Clock mate of clock-selection predicted in pocket and hour reversed in deck
Variations 1990 101
Jon Racherbaumer Beat the Clock
1990 106
Jon Racherbaumer The Broken Clock faro
Inspired by 1990 147
Nick Trost Tale of the Tell credit information for stay stack (last paragraph)
1990 172
Richard Vollmer Geschichte short history on the stay stack
Also published here
  • Richard Vollmer "Le Jeu Mirroir", 1984
1992 5
Richard Vollmer Das Prinzip des "Stay-Stack Systems" von Rusduck how the stay stack works
Also published here
  • Richard Vollmer "Le Jeu Mirroir", 1984
1992 5
Richard Vollmer Das Legen eines palindromischen Spiels how to set up a stay stack, several methods
Also published here
  • Richard Vollmer "Le Jeu Mirroir", 1984
1992 6
Richard Vollmer Die Eigenschaften des palindromischen Spiels characteristics of the stay stack, with 52 and 53 cards
Also published here
  • Richard Vollmer "Le Jeu Mirroir", 1984
1992 8
Christian Scherer Duplizität der Ereignisse - Eine Routine mit dem palindromischen Spiel longer stay stack routine, mates are found, six phases
1992 12
Christian Scherer Schlusswort including stay stack and faro oddity
1992 25
Peter Duffie Principles and Deceptions "An Easy Trip Through The Arithmetical Principles Of Card Magic - Part 3"
  • The Rusduck Stay Stack Principle
Variations Aug. 1993
Profile (Issue 15)
Paul Swinford Stay Stack Finale one card is mated after faro shuffle, then two cards
1993 12
Jack Birnman Sharper's Image after some shuffling (also by spectator) a two-handed game is dealt, performer receives a Full House with Aces and Kings, faro
Variations June 1993 15
Peter Duffie Eleven Plus, Plus
Feb. 1994
Apocalypse (Vol. 17 No. 2)
Alex Elmsley Late Night Location spectator cuts off a pile, remembers bottom card and shuffles, packet returned and deck faro shuffled, selection found, stay stack with duplicates
Also published here 1994 372
Alex Elmsley Computer Dating removed selection is mated under fair conditions, stay stack
1994 385
Russell "Rusduck" Duck, Alex Elmsley Stay Stack credit information
1994 385
Alex Elmsley Empty and Full removed selection is mated under fair conditions, stay stack
1994 387
Alex Elmsley Wedded Ambitions free selection, mate rises to top, stay stack
1994 389
Alex Elmsley Topsy-Turvy Stay-Stack (A Problem) topsy-turvy stay stack with two decks
Related to 1994 391
Philip T. Goldstein Nexus performer's and spectator's selection are in same position in two piles
1994 82
Edward Marlo Mental Lie
  • First Method (memorized deck)
  • Second Method (stay stack)
Inspired by 1995
Facsimile (Issue 3)
Philip T. Goldstein The Mockingbird missing card divined, part of the "Birds of Prey" locations
1995 2
Gene Castillon Prismatic Pack chosen card matches prediction, rest of deck is rainbow deck
Apr. 1995
Magic (Vol. 4 No. 8)
Philip T. Goldstein The Mockingbird missing card divined, part of the "Birds of Prey" locations
1996 3
Doug Canning Spell Found card located by spelling This Is Not Your Card and But This Is
Inspired by 1996 1190
Peter Duffie Mirror Power Variation of Power of Thought, four of a kind produced as they are at same position in two piles, matches spectator's thought of value
Inspired byRelated toAlso published here
  • Powerth, Peter Duffie, 1993
1997 41
Peter Duffie Two Way Mirror Variation of Power of Thought, two spectators think of a value each, when two piles are dealt, the only matching pairs of mates matches the two thought of values
Inspired byAlso published here
  • Powerth, Peter Duffie, 1993
1997 43
Philip T. Goldstein The Mockingbird missing card divined, part of the "Birds of Prey" location
1997 5
Martin Joyal An Overview of Complete Deck Stacks
  • New Deck Stacks
  • Ordered Values Stacks
  • Ordered Suit Stacks
  • Grouped Value Stacks
  • Grouped Suit Stacks
  • Pair Stacks
  • Divided Stacks
    • The Red-black Divided Stack
    • The Mixed Suit Divided Stack
    • The High-low Divided Stack
    • The Curl-No-Curl Divided Stack
    • The Odd-even Divided Stack
    • The Odd-even Divided Stack with Mixed Colors
    • The Odd-even Divided Stack with Mixed Suits
    • The One-eyed and Two-eyed Divided Stack
  • Red-Black Stacks
  • Pointer Stacks
  • Reflected Stacks
  • Matched Setups
  • One-Two-Four-Eight Stacks
  • Forcing Stacks
    • Card-Forcing Stacks
    • Number-Forcing Stacks
    • Word-Forcing Stacks
  • Stacks used for Revelations
  • Counting and Spelling Stacks
  • Storytelling Stacks
  • Gambling Demonstration Stacks
  • Solitaire Stacks
  • Other Stacks
  • Summary
1997 5
Philip T. Goldstein The Mockingbird missing card divined, part of the "Birds of Prey" location, in english and french
1998 3
Allan Ackerman Finally Matched ending phase
Inspired byVariationsAlso published here 1999 29
Ted Gillam Pairs Stay Stack. Spectator stops on pairs of cards that match.
Also published here 1999 54
Roy Walton Square Dance
  • Part One (Joker jumps from center to bottom and reverses)
  • Part Two (fine incomplete faro peek deck)
  • Part Three (cards shuffle face-up/face-down by itself)
Also published here Oct. 1999
Magic (Vol. 9 No. 2)
Allan Ackerman Peerless Match-Maker individual cards are mated, then full deck, faro fan
Dec. 1999
Magic (Vol. 9 No. 4)
Paul Swinford Judah's Undue Goano Revisited three phases
  • Stay Stack Version
Inspired by
  • "The S. J. Mutus Dedit Trick" (Stewart Judah, Linking Ring, Feb. 1964)
2000 33
Michael DeMarco Mate Separate spectator cuts off packet, performer shuffles the same number of cards between two mates
Variations 2001 132
Tomas Blomberg Late Key two selected cards from a deck, one is lost and the other one is placed in spectator's pocket, this deck and another one are dealt at the same time, magician stops at the first selected card and at the duplicate of the second selection
Related toAlso published here 2002 17
Robin Robertson Remarcoble
  • Phase I: A Puzzling Match
  • Phase II: Matched Again
  • Phase III: Gemini Twins
  • Phase IV: Pairs, Pairs Wherever You Like
Inspired by 2004 352
Juan Tamariz Tamariz's Mnemonica (Structure)
  • 1. The Order of Mnemonica
  • 2. How to Attain This Order
    • First Method: With Faros
    • Second Method: Without Faros
    • Third Method: Direct Setup
  • 3. Specific Properties of Mnemonica
  • 4. From Mnemonica to Stay-Stack
2004 13
Juan Tamariz Super Poker poker routine, four hands dealt, all get good hands but performer gets winning hand, las card transforms
2004 31
Juan Tamariz Aces, Kings - And Other Poker Hands named poker hand is produced on top of deck
2004 34
Juan Tamariz Everything in Order - An Outstanding Climax from Stay Stack to NDO, finding thought of card
2004 35
Juan Tamariz A Grand Bridge Deal from Stay Stack to Bridge deal
2004 35
Juan Tamariz Stay-Stack with Mnemonica
Related to 2004 156
Edward Marlo, Juan Tamariz The Missing Card divination of removed cards
Inspired by 2004 167
Val Evans, Burling Hull, Theodore Annemann, Juan Tamariz Prodigious Memory half of the deck is memorized, performer in other room names cards at correct positions
  • Reassembling the Stay Stack
2004 168
Luis Garcia, Juan Tamariz The Rite of Initiation deck starts and ends in New Deck Order
  • A. Tamariz Version with Faros
  • B. Tamariz Version without Faros
Inspired by
  • Luis Garcia's "Rito de Initiation" in ""La Circular de la Escuela Mágica de Madrid" Nr. 60, 1979.
2004 169
Karl Fulves Gray Reflections about the color distribution in mirror stack after cuts
2005 117
Harry Riser Countdown Matcho cut-to selection matched by counting down to a number
Also published here
  • MUM, Dec. 2004
2006 145
Harry Riser Stay, Stay-Stack, Stack deck is mated in two stages
Also published here
  • MUM, Nov. 2004
2006 157
Michael Powers Hide and Seek selection fairly lost, faro
Inspired by
  • "The Cardician is In!" (Doug Canning, Card Capers)
Related to
2006 108
Paul Lesso The Fiend Stack power/stay stack combo
  • Numerical Forces
    • Sum of any two sequential cards
    • Kruskal Force
    • Sequence Force
  • The Fiendish Algorithm or The 1 hour memorised deck
    • How to calculate position of any card
    • How to calculate card at any position
2007 53
Jerry K. Hartman Psi-Cycle two halves, dealt in unison face-down, spectator indicates a few pairs that are set aside, they match
Inspired by
  • "Tri-Cycle" (Jim Turnpaugh, Linking Ring, Jan. 2008, p. 105)
Related to
Prolix (Issue 6)
Woody Aragón Coincidences with Incidences two selections from face-up face-down deck are mates, then two piles made and shuffled by audience have matching mates
2011 97
John Born Finally Matched Revisited Multi-phase matching effect
Inspired by 2012 113
Jim Steinmeyer, Eddie Joseph Flummoxed three phases, single-deck approach for Eddie Joseph's "Staggered" stack
Inspired by 2013 18
Tomas Blomberg Late Key two selected cards from a deck, one is lost and the other one is placed in spectator's pocket, this deck and another one are dealt at the same time, magician stops at the first selected card and at the duplicate of the second selection
Related toAlso published here 2014 137
Persi Diaconis Stay Stack Dealing Property
Related to Summer 2015
Quarterly (Issue 3)
Pit Hartling Stay Stack Faro Shuffle Handling
Summer 2015
Quarterly (Issue 3)
Denis Behr Stay Stack Finale deck mates itself without a move
Related to Summer 2015
Quarterly (Issue 3)
Steve Beam Proximity and Time Deck is repeatedly shuffled and then cut in two by a spectator. Despite the mixing, the cards twice rearrange themselves into the same order as those in the other packet.
2015 21
John Hostler Noeyeon Protocol
  • Noeyeon Prediction (Ungimmicked)
  • Neo Noeyeon (Gimmicked)
card pocketed by performer, spectator deals down and stops, mate of pocketed card (ungimmicked) or odd-backed duplicate (gimmicked)
2016 112
Roy Walton Square Dance
  • Part One (Joker jumps from center to bottom and reverses)
  • Part Two (fine incomplete faro peek deck)
  • Part Three (cards shuffle face-up/face-down by itself)
Also published here 2016 96
Ryan Plunkett, Michael Feldman Stay Stack: An Introduction Describing the basics of Stay Stacks
2017 60
Ryan Plunkett Twin Peeks Know which card spectator is peeking at during riffle peek
Related to 2017 64
Ryan Plunkett Ode to Rusduck card and location divined by magician
2017 79
Patrick G. Redford Stack Transformers methods to transform Redford Stack to other arrangements
  • Redford Stack to Stebbins
  • Red-Black Alternating Stack
  • Red-Black Shocked Order
  • Stack to Stebbins Stay Stack
  • Stack to Redford Stay Stack
  • Stack to Suited Order
2017 45
Denis Behr Mating Season
  • Phase One - Poker-Hand Duplication
  • Phase Two - Speed Mating
  • Phase Three - All at Once
Inspired byRelated toVariationsAlso published here 2018 29
Asi Wind Noah spectator cuts to card and another one choses its mate, two spectators then count to a card in half the deck each under the table and they match, then three cards are mated in the deck at once, then whole deck
2019 11
Asi Wind Stay Stack Set-up Trick setting up a stay stack during a location
Inspired by
  • "Impromptu Deaf Nor Stupid" (Juan Tamariz, Magic from my Heart, DVD 1)
2019 12
Pepe Lirrojo Stay Stack System is the future on the stay stack
2019 4
Pepe Lirrojo, Gianfranco Preverino Some properties different properties of the stay stack
2019 4
Pepe Lirrojo Changing between different orders how to get from stay stack to other stacks
2019 4
Pepe Lirrojo Is it a coincidence? Is it a lucky break? Or is it Magic? three phases
2019 5
Pepe Lirrojo Looking for the sisters three phases, finding mates
2019 6
Pepe Lirrojo A special Stay-Stack, Stay Cardozo stay-stack meets cyclical stack
2019 8
Pepe Lirrojo Find it using the Stay Cardozo stack to locate cards, faro method
2019 8
José Franco Mnemonicosis on José Carroll's own memorized stack
  • 1. Spelling
  • 2. Poker
  • 3. Poker - Gin Rummy
  • 4. Dai Vernon's Poker Formula
  • The Shift from a Stacked Deck to a Symmetrical Deck
  • 5. The Great Coincidence
  • Author's Note
Related toAlso published here
  • The MMS Circular, No. 67, July 1980
2019 25
José Antonio Sánchez The Great Coincidence one riffle shuffle, in the end twenty-six pairs are on table
2019 27
Kyle Everitt The Add Stack forcing number 170
May 2020
Epoch (Vol. 1 No. 1)
Ronald A. Wohl (Ravelli) Simplicity Pick-up Procedures dealing a stay stack into any number of piles
Also published here
  • Aziz & Beyond, part 5
May 2020
Epoch (Vol. 1 No. 1)
Denis Behr Paarungszeit
  • Phase 1 - Pokerblätter-Duplizieren
  • Phase 2 - Schnell-Paarung
  • Phase 3 - Und Jetzt Alle
Also published here 2022 16
Luis Otero Order and Coincidence some coincidences happen, then full deck matching
Inspired byAlso published here
  • MAGIC, Feb. 2007
2022 590
Juan Tamariz Setting the secret stack setting strategy for stay/power stack
Related to
  • "Impromptu Deaf Nor Stupid" (Juan Tamariz, Magic from my Heart, DVD 1)
2023 6
Jon Racherbaumer Subtle Mental Reverse
  • Exhumations
card chosen from small packet, it turns over in packet, then packet is placed in deck and it turns over
May 2024
Genii (Vol. 87 No. 5)
Allan Ackerman Finally Matched ending phase
Also published here 2024 165