225 entries in Cards / Effect Themes / Penetration / Ambitious Card Theme / Routines
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
C. Vogel Die Karte als Streber "Die Kartenschule von Carl Willmann"
top card pushed in center, shown back on top, repeated multiple times, top change
July 1898
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 4 No. 7)
Jack Merlin The Pass as a Trick no passes, to fool those familiar with passes, ambitious card plot
1927/28 6
Jack Merlin Here There and Everywhere ambitious card, then stop trick, twice the card is at the stopped position
1927/28 15
Theodore Annemann Nightmare Effects (First Effect) ten red cards and one black card used, black card travels to top several times, then to bottom, then all cards dealt face up to show that no extra cards are used
1928 1
Joe Berg A Routine with a Double-Back Cards card placed second comes to top several times, sequence à la The Trick that Fooled Houdini, then reversal sequence with faced-deck finish
1930 35
Ralph W. Hull Hull's "Eye Popper"
1932 4
Tom Sellers On the Top four phases
Related to 1934 5
Lin Searles An Amusing Reversal ambitious card, then chosen card turns over, double backer
Related to 1936
The Jinx (Issue Summer Extra 1936)
Theodore Annemann The Ambitious Card end stripper deck
Also published here 1937 282
Jess E. Mills The Super Eye Popper ambitious type routine with duplicate (king of clubs with one spade pip)
The Jinx (Issue Winter Extra 1936/37)
Dai Vernon, Sam Leo Horowitz, Arthur Finley The Ambitious Card with double backer
Related to 1938 481
Das fliegende Ass Ace is spun in the air and placed in the center, ends up on top, optical illusion
Also published here
  • "Magikeren" January 1939.
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 1 No. 2)
The Omnipresent Eight
1940 287
Laurie Ireland Deuces and Trays sucker ambitious twice, deuces shown as threes and transform in threes when spectator protests
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1940)
Arthur H. Buckley The Ambitious Card Experiment No. 23
1946 177
James G. Thompson Jr. Thompson's Discontented Card
May 1946
The Phoenix (Issue 105)
Bert Allerton Pump Room Phantasy two Aces appear on top and bottom
Related to 1947
Stars of Magic (Vol. 3 No. 1)
Ambitious Card including push-through sequence
1948 147
Dai Vernon Ambitious Card
Related to 1949
Stars of Magic (Vol. 5 No. 2)
Edward Marlo Ambitious Card Routine roughed duplicate
Variations 1951 11
Dai Vernon The Unambitious Card card travels down from top one card at a time, for magicians
Apr. 1952
The Phoenix (Issue 253)
Bill Simon The Ambitious Card cards travel from center to the top and back to the center
1952 66
Bill Simon The Thought-Of Ace thought of Ace (or all Aces) rise to top
1952 109
Bruce Elliott, Dai Vernon The Ambitious Card! last phase in spectator's hands (Vernon)
Related to 1953 160
Cy Endfield The Ambitious Card
1955 5
J. B. Bobo The Traveling Joker one black card placed among twenty-six red cards always ends up on top, then card travels from packet to packet
Also published here 1956 22
Bert Allerton The Eye Popper
1958 24
Russell "Rusduck" Duck Ambitious 52 cards come to the top in order, mates are always on the bottom
Mar. 1958
The Cardiste (Issue 6)
Edward Marlo The Three Roughskeeters three roughed cards
Inspired by Dec. 1959
Ibidem (Issue 19)
Max Malini Card Jumps to Top single phase Ambitious Card
Also published here 1961 55
P. Howard Lyons One-Speed Reverse card is reversed on bottom, comes back face-down to top, repeats in various variations
Related toAlso published here Mar. 1961
Ibidem (Issue 23)
Edward Marlo Ambitious Handling multiple phases
Dec. 1961
Ibidem (Issue 24)
Edward Marlo The Ambitious Four face of ambitious card is (partially) shown each time it is inserted in the center
Dec. 1961
Ibidem (Issue 24)
Harry Lorayne Lorayne's Ambitious Card Routine
1962 51
Frank Garcia The Apex Ace Aces vanish on pack, Ace of Spades comes to top three times, aces reappear face up
Related toVariations 1962 88
Edward Marlo Ambitious Routine
1962 7
Nate Leipzig Leipzig's Opener card comes to the bottom of the deck several times, then penetrates performer's hand
Variations 1963 156
Tom Sellers Oben immer Oben several phases
Related to 1965
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 26 No. 6)
Tom Batchelor The Ambitious Kings
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1967-68)
Aldini Roughly Ambitious Ambitious Card routine with packet of twenty cards
1969 7
Milton Kort Ambitious Like ambitious card changes back color as climax
Variations 1970 41
Mike Rogers Still Avid color changing back kicker
Feb. 1971
Kabbala — Volume 1 (Vol. 1 No. 2)
Jerry K. Hartman Ahead of the Pack multi-phased Ambitious Card
Also published here 1971 21
Edward Marlo They're All Alike ambitious type routine shown, people think they're all the same, but they're all blank
Aug. 1972
Kabbala — Volume 1 (Vol. 1 No. 8)
Neal Elias Ambitious Get Ready "Get Ready For Braue After Zingone" (see next trick)
Inspired by Jan. 1972 477
James G. Thompson Jr. The Ambitious Card short routine with Braue Pop-Up Card finish
1972 12
Jack Avis Topsy Turvy triumph with ambitious phases and four-of-a-kind kicker
July 1973
Epilogue (Issue 18)
Frederick Braue Ambitious Variation
May 1973 626
Alex Elmsley Der ehrgeizige Fremde ambitious card has different back, in the end deck changes color
Also published here Jan. 1974
Intermagic (Vol. 1 No. 3)
Edward Marlo Ambitious Card Routine roughed duplicate
Early Marlo (Issue Oddity & Other Miracles)
Paul Harris Solid Deception
VariationsAlso published here 1976 1
Olof Jonsson, Al Mann Levitation chosen card appears on top of the deck after spectator shuffled the deck, psy presentation
1976 32
Harvey Rosenthal Ambitious Delight several phases
1976 4
Martin A. Nash Queens Uprageous see p. 447 for additional crediting
Related to 1977 197
Jerry Mentzer Ambitious Red Back color changing backs kicker
1977 76
Dai Vernon Single Ambition three phases
Related to 1977
The Pallbearers Review (Vol. 10 No. Close-Up Folio #7)
J. B. Bobo The Traveling Joker one black card placed among twenty-six red cards always ends up on top, then card travels from packet to packet
Also published here 1977 8
Harry Lorayne The Ambitious Card
1977 130
Theodore Annemann Die Ehrgeizige Karte (ambitious card) using End-Stripper Deck
Also published here 1978 115
Ron Hicks Three-Riffic Ambitious Card with Three of Spades, then all other cards are shown as Three of Hearts
1978 36
Jerry Mentzer Ambitious Red Back color changing backs kicker of ambitious card
1979 21
Jerry Mentzer Ambitious Card
1979 28
Harry Lorayne Lorayne's Invisible Pass Routine first single cards come to top, then all aces (presented as invisible pass demonstration)
VariationsAlso published here 1979 116
Juan Tamariz The Tamariz Ambitious Double
Related toVariations Dec. 1979
Pabular (Vol. 5 No. 12)
Father Cyprian Quitting the Company Ambitious Card routine with a few phases, ends with card travelling into card case
1979 10
Jeff White Bodeans Simutaneous Transposition card comes to top then it vanishes several times and turns to jumbo card as climax, stand up method, vest
1980 19
Jim Ryan Misdirection and Manipulation
1981 15
Karl Fulves Half Ambitious
1981 57
P. Howard Lyons One-Speed Reverse card is reversed on bottom, comes back face-down to top, repeats in various variations
Also published here 1981 91
Jackie McClements Ambition Accomplished as John McClements, two Aces are produced, Ambitious Card phase with both cards, then selection appears sandwiched between Aces
Related to Oct. 1982
Spell-Binder (Vol. 2 No. 18)
Ben Harris Killer Ambitious Multi phase Ambitious card routine
1983 42
Michael Ammar Yeast Card ambitious card with card to match book finale, folded
1983 24
Michael Powers Color Ambitious ambitious card with color changing back kicker
1983 27
Edward Marlo Ambitious Marlo
  • Ambitious II
1983 56
José Carroll The Card-Culator ambitious card, card to number, stop trick, card folded to calculator
Also published here 1983 10
Stephen Tucker Rock Around Ambitious card, but deck is then revealed to be wrapped in rubberbands around all the edges (Paul Harris's Solid Deception ending, with rubberbands)
Inspired by 1984 17
Routine routine outline:
  • Surprise Spell
  • Card turns over
  • Ambitious
  • Rub a Dub Dub
Related to 1985 18
David Britland Room at the Top "Nobody does it better, except the spectator!"
Ambitious Card with King, other Kings show up and then change to Aces
1985 46
Daryl Martinez The Routine famous long FISM Routine
1985/87 1
Stephen Minch An Index to the Ambitious Card in Print Potter Index
1985/87 123
Larry Jennings 7-Up
1986 56
Jay Sankey Hotfoot ambitious sequence with signed card, then with second card, fusion
Related toVariations 1986 76
Randy Wakeman R.W. Ambitious Card Routine
1987 30
Edward Marlo Marlo Ambitious Card Routine
1987 63
John Carney Etherial Pack Joker shows up again and again instead of selection, deck vanishes except selection
Also published here 1987
Lecture Notes Collection (Issue Carney Up Close)
Steve Draun Midnight Ambitious Card very few multiple lifts, to pocket climax
Also published here 1987 1
Peter Duffie Envelope Prediction after Ambitious Card sequence, an odd-backed card in an envelope turns out to be signed selection
Related to
  • "Black Envelope" (Bob Kohler)
1987 13
Thomas Hierling C.C. Ambitious Card "color changing ambitious card", ambitious card changes back color as finale
1987 19
Karl Fulves Point of Conversion Ace of Diamonds put in center, it comes to top with the Two of Diamonds underneath which is tabled, repeated and Ace brings Three to Five to top as well, then Ace of Spades is on top and the tabled Diamonds change to Royal Flush cards
1987 31
John Carney Etherial Pack Joker shows up again and again instead of selection, deck vanishes except selection
Also published here 1987 6
José Carroll Torn Ambition ambitious card has a corner torn off, is torn and restored at the end (minus corner)
Related toAlso published here 1988 65
Edward Marlo Tip - Ambitious Bit #5 little routine, with block turnover
Variations 1988 134
Juan Tamariz The Ambitious Card
1988 46
Christoph Borer Thought Rise thought of card ends up on top of the deck
Also published here 1988 4
Karrell Fox An Ambitious Commercial blank card with company name for ambitious card, trade shows
1988 125
Sam Leo Horowitz Ambitious Card Sequence duplicates
1989 xvii
Jerry Sadowitz Ambitious Spots card travels to top twice, then one pip at a time (2 -> 3 -> 4 ->...)
1989 57
Jerry Sadowitz Ambitious Spots 11 second method, card travels to top twice, then one pip at a time (2 -> 3 -> 4 ->...)
1989 60
John Bannon Ambitchin' ambitious card routine with wallet finale
1989 7
Gerd Winkler Die Ehrgeizige Karte
1989 8
Gary Kurtz An Ambitious Card Routine outlined as example, brief
Related to 1989 4
Juan Tamariz Double Ambitious full routine with two ambitious cards
Inspired by 1989/91 119
Gary Kurtz Hypothetical Possibilities ambitious card, signature vanishes and reappears, wallet
Variations 1990 11
Gary Kurtz Wishful Thinking effect combination
1990 25
Ken Simmons A Wallet Routine routine with ambitious card, transposition with one card in wallet, card to wallet, Bendix Bombshell, two duplicates
1990 3
Gary Ouellet The Ambitios Card general remarks and tips
1990 183
Johnny "J.J." Johnston J. J's Ehrgeizige Karte Plus with blank-faced deck, changes into regular deck as climax
1990 25
Alex Elmsley Ambitious Stranger ambitious card has different back, in the end deck changes color
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1991 299
John Carney Ethereal Pack joker shows up again and again instead of selection, deck vanishes except selection
1991 43
René Lavand I'm Going to Be Honest With You deck is cut and same card ends up at the bottom various times
Also published here 1991 53
Jerry K. Hartman Ahead of the Pack multi-phased Ambitious Card
Also published here 1991 565
Carlos Schoenrich Under the Spectator's Control "control theme"
June 1992
Apocalypse (Vol. 15 No. 6)
Gary Kurtz Hypothetical Possibilities ambitious card, signature vanishes and reappears, wallet, revised handling
Inspired byAlso published here 1992 7
Gary Kurtz A Detailed Example: An Ambitious Card Routine five phases
Related to 1992 30
Peter Duffie That Sinking Feeling two Jokers penetrate and sink to bottom of two packets, selections are found on top of each packet
Variations 1992 2
Steve Draun Midnight Ambitious Card very few multiple lifts, to pocket climax
Also published here 1993 110
René Lavand I'm Going to Be Honest with You deck is cut and same card ends up at the bottom various times
Related toAlso published here 1993 104
Paul Gertner The Card in the Candy Box
1994 131
Doug Edwards Tabled Ambitious
Feb. 1995
Apocalypse (Vol. 18 No. 2)
Joe Rindfleisch Overly Ambitious Ace
May 1995
Apocalypse (Vol. 18 No. 5)
Martin Gardner Quad Rise using tilt
Arcane (Issue 14)
John Riggs Ambitious Card with Blank Deck
Variations 1995 31
Karl Fulves Top Flight "An Impromptu Card Paradox"
card selected via riffle procedure in center of deck, then top card is shown to be selection, presented as a card being in two places at same time, repeated
Related to 1995 29
Gary Kurtz Hypothetical Possibilities ambitious card, signature vanishes and reappears, wallet, revised handling
Also published here 1995 14
Jerry K. Hartman Topover ending to Ambitious Card routine, card jumps to top of deck, magically reverses face up while on top, then finally card jumps from middle to top of deck face up
Related to 1995 250
Paul Cummins The Trick that never happened red and black cards are separated, each half mixed face-up into face-down and top card placed into center, time machine plot, cards again on top, all cards face-down and mixed
Inspired byAlso published here 1996 7
The Ambitious Card
1996 337
Paul Harris Solid Deception short ambitious card sequence, deck is glued to single solid block climax
Also published here 1996
The Art of Astonishment — Book 1 (Issue Paul Harris Reveals some of his most Int...)
Steve Rogers, Paul Cummins Blushing Ambition color changing back kicker
Aug. 1996
Apocalypse (Vol. 19 No. 8)
Michael Kaminskas Case Closed blue backed ambitious card, then signed card is found in red deck which is in new deck order and card's back changes to red too
1996 43
Daryl X-tal Backstage ambitious card with card with missing corner, card to pocket and eventually card to plastic pass holder
Also published here 1996 207
Karl Fulves Parallel Time two decks, red-backed JS on face of blue-backed deck, spectator inserts JS in center behind her back but it's back on face, repeated with other deck, repeated but it now jumps back to other deck, "ambitions card done with the deck in the spectator's hands"
1997 94
Peter Duffie Thinking and Sinking two Jokers penetrate and sink to bottom of two packets, selections are found on top of each packet
Inspired by 1997 98
Richard Bartram, Jr. Drawing a Blank ambitious card with signed card from a double blank deck, named card appears on back of selection
Inspired by 1997 23
Simon Lovell Sambitious Card
1997 168
Ariel Frailich D.I.Y. Ambitious Card three-phase routine
1997 2
James G. Thompson Jr. Die umherreisende Karte twenty-six red cards and one black card, black card travels to top
Intermagic (Vol. 22 No. 3)
Steve Mayhew, Toby Wessel Dolores in a Meadow ambitious card, in the end whole deck are double backers
Also published here 1999 3
Milton Kort Second Banana Ambitious Card effect with odd-colored card (card rises to second from top repeatedly), climax with deck changing to duplicates of selection, and selection becoming Joker
Inspired byRelated to
  • "Milt Kort's Card Trick" (Milt Kort, Teral Garrett's Psycho-gizmo, no. 39, Aug 1964)
  • "Ambitious-like" (Milt Kort, Off-color Card Tricks, 1970)
Also published here
  • Genii, vol. 32, no. 4, Dec 1967
1999 55
Joshua Jay The Remote Control Ambitious Card routine with remote control presentation, ends with card appearing folded in battery compartment
1999 139
Ellis Stanyon Trying to Lose a Card No. 21, ambitious card routine, presentation about trying to lose the card and failing
1999 266
Max Malini Max Malini's Card Jumps To Top "From Letters Written by Charlie Miller to Faucett Ross", During WWII
single phase Ambitious Card
Also published here Nov. 1999
Genii (Vol. 62 No. 11)
Gregory Wilson The Name Tag Trick blank deck (“name tags”), spectator signs one, Ambitious Card sequence, signature vanishes and reappears, travels onto another card signed by performer on back
  • Alternative Final Phase: whole deck changes to spectator’s signed card, then changes back and card is produced from pocket
Related to
  • “Blank Ambition” (Seth Kramer, Ruminations, Vol. 1 No. 5, Nov. 1986, p. 4)
Labyrinth (Issue 12)
Fredric P. Lamazor C. Ambitious Card fifteen-minute routine
1999 19
Dai Vernon, Neal Elias, Roberto Giobbi Ultra-ambitious
Related toVariations 2000 1005
Daryl X-tal Backstage ambitious card with card with missing corner, card to pocket and eventually card to plastic pass holder
Also published here 2000 223
Steve Bedwell Ambitious Card Sequence using thick card
2000 13
Wesley James An Ambitious Undertaking thoughts on the plot
  • Iterations
  • Pace
  • Departures
2000 3
Wesley James My Ambitious Card Routine wallet finale
2000 9
Tony Bartolotta Synchro Thot do-as-I-do ambitious card, spectator's card rises to top of performer's half and vice versa
2000 38
Justin Hanes Ambitious Card introduction and comments
2000 3
John Hostler Pressure Point ambitious card, then thumb and first finger melt through pack until they can grab out selection, leaving a cut-out in whole rest of deck
Variations 2000 78
Jerry Mentzer Blank Ambition ambitious card routine with double blank deck
  • The Bluff
  • Really Ambitious
Related to
  • concept in "Riggs - The Magic of John Riggs" (Magic Methods)
2000 154
Barry Price Kaleideckscope ambitious card routine with color changing deck kicker
  • Phase One: And Brutus Said Caesar Was Ambitious
  • Phase Two: A Short Rise
  • Phase Three: Another Nifty Nuance
  • Phase Four: Throwing For A Change
  • Phase Five: The Visual Rise
  • Phase Six: Further Expanding The Action
  • Phase Seven: An Impossible Transposition
  • Phase Eight: Igniting The Pilot Light
  • Phase Nine: Setting The Room Ablaze
  • Phase Ten: All Cleaned Up - Even The Ashes!
2000 48
Neal Elias An Ambitious Card Routine five phases
2001 80
Harry Lorayne Lorayne's Invisible Pass Routine first single cards come to top, then all aces (presented as invisible pass demonstration)
Also published here Nov. 2001
Genii (Vol. 64 No. 11)
Marc DeSouza Social Climbing
2001 121
Scott Wells A Perfect Match ambitious card with match used as wand, card to matchbox as finale
Dec. 2001
Ego (Vol. 1 No. 7)
Gordon Bean The Standing Challenge spectator mentally selects if the card will rise to the top or the bottom
Inspired byVariations 2002 114
Darwin Ortiz Darwin's Ambitious Card
2002 148
Andi Gladwin Ambitious Chameleon ambitious card routine, at the end both the selection and the rest of the deck change back color
June 2002
Ego (Vol. 1 No. 12)
Jim Sisti Ambitious Card Routine short sequence with Dan Garrett's "Hand Sandwich" as finale
Apr. 2002
Magic (Vol. 11 No. 8)
Paul Cummins The Trick That Never Happened red and black cards are separated, each half mixed face-up into face-down and top card placed into center, time machine plot, cards again on top, all cards face-down and mixed
Also published here May 2002
Magic (Vol. 11 No. 9)
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson Ambitious and Overworked
Inspired by 2003 55
Wesley James My Ambitious Card Routine "final", wallet finale
2004 170
William Duncan An Ambitious Young Man
2004 15
Jay Sankey Lightning Bolt deck of card bolted together with bolt at the end
Inspired by 2004 114
Kostya Kimlat Ambitious Ego signed card travels to the top then changes face and back color, odd backed card then changes to signed selection
2004 27
Kostya Kimlat A Trick for Descartes Evil Genius selection is signed and placed on the bottom of the deck, it ends up on top, signature is removed and replaced then backs of deck change color, selection's back changes to third color
2004 31
Derek Dingle Derek's Thoughts On The Ambitious Card comments on Dingle's routining
2004 6
Mark Aspiazu Ambitious Triumph
2004 6
Tyler Wilson Post Boredom Post-It note with "TOP" and spectator's initials brings selection to top repeatedly, torn and restored note with text transformation as finale
Variations 2005 15
Tyler Wilson Compost It Post-It note with "TOP" and spectator's initials brings selection to top repeatedly, when adding a S for "STOP" the deck vanishes except selection
Inspired byAlso published here 2005 26
Karl Fulves Final Cut deck immune to cutting, somewhat a presentation for ambitious card
2005 420
Karl Fulves Groundhog Day premise of movie Groundhog Day used for magical presentation
Discoverie (Issue 10)
David Walsh Walkaround combination of Ambitious Card, Homing Card, deck to pocket, card to wallet
2005 54
Christoph Borer Thought Rise thought of card ends up on top of the deck
Also published here 2006 89
Tyler Wilson Compost-It Post-It note with "TOP" and spectator's initials brings selection to top repeatedly, when adding a S for "STOP" the deck vanishes except selection
Also published here 2006 41
Jack Parker Double Barreled Shotgun Jack of Hearts keeps jumping to the top, then deck is spread and four Jacks are face up in the deck
Inspired byAlso published here 2006 13
Jack Parker Double Barrelled Shotgun Jack of Hearts keeps jumping to the top, then deck is spread and four Jacks are face up in the deck
Related toAlso published here 2007 98
Nick Trost, Larry Pringle Ambitious Deuce Sandwich sandwich-ambitious card combo
2008 146
Arturo de Ascanio The Ambitious Ace several phases
Also published here 2008 193
Arturo de Ascanio Stranger Ambitious Card ambitious card has different back, in the end deck changes color
Inspired byAlso published here 2008 212
Fred Robinson Ambitious Card - Snap, Crackle and Pop four phases
2009 230
David Solomon The Ambitious Card
Related to 2009 7
Dai Vernon, Howard Hamburg Ambiciosa original
El Manuscrito (Vol. 2 No. 8)
Dani DaOrtiz Ambiciosa progresiva multiple ambitious card phase, with multiple ambitious finale
El Manuscrito (Vol. 2 No. 8)
Caleb Wiles iDeck deck used like a computer, brings card to top, vanishes it, produces duplicate...
  • Variations
2009 45
Jon Allen Adlibitious Card ambitious card presentational idea, spectator writes any word on card instead of signing it
Inspired by
  • "Hey Baby, What's Your Sign?" (Tyler Wilson, column on website online-visions.com, 2006)
2009 186
Roberto Giobbi Ambitious Problem plot problem, ambitious phase with three piles, ace production climax
Secret Agenda (Issue Aug 10)
John Rule Top Shelf combination of Ambitious Card with a transposition finale
Prolix (Issue 7)
Steve Mayhew, Gordon Bean The Standing Demonstration card comes to top, instead of to bottom the deck reverses
Inspired byAlso published here 2011 11
Steve Mayhew Look at Me, Look at Me selection jumps to top, middle, bottom as desired, then Aces are produced
Related to 2011 18
Jason Ladanye Ladanye's Ambitious Card four-of-a-kind production finale, for alternate ending see page 59
2013 45
Kiko Pastur Dejazz Vu with Deja Vu presentation, using a watch where handles are always back to zero
2014 120
Steve Mayhew The Standing Demonstration card comes to top, instead of to bottom the deck reverses
Inspired byAlso published here 2014 236
Steve Mayhew Look At Me, Look At Me selection jumps to top, middle, bottom as desired, then Aces are produced
Related to 2014 240
Steve Mayhew, Toby Wessel Dolores in a Meadow ambitious card, in the end whole deck are double backers
Also published here 2014 249
Agustin Tash Pet Trick Ambitious Card routine with pet dog drawn on card
2015 47
Justin Higham Charlier's Ambition routine with block turnover
  • First Phase
  • Second Phase
  • Third Phase
  • Climax Phase
Inspired by 2015 17
Benjamin Earl Memento card signed on both sides, card jumps around, one signature changes into performer's name
Inspired by 2016 12
John Hostler The Rauschenberg Effect ambitious card, then Triumph and all cards become blank except selection
2016 47
John Hostler Dim Mak (Pressure Point 2.0) ambitious card, then thumb and first finger melt through pack until they can grab out selection, leaving a cut-out in whole rest of deck
Inspired by 2016 52
Frank Shields Ambitious Card Routine avoiding too many double lifts, from Genii, April 1948
Facsimile (Issue 6)
Johnny Thompson The Ambilipstrous Card five phases
2018 67
Christoph Borer Die ehrgeizigen Engel ambitious card with angel deck
2018 239
Jason Ladanye Dead Center multiple phase center deal demonstration with an Ace, then a signed named card, has ambitious card feeling to it, matching values produced as finale
2018 169
David Solomon Ambitious Card
Related to 2018 12
Yves Carbonnier Dur Dur! card comes to the top, changes into blank card and is found in the deck again, repeated, then deck ends up in two glued blocks
Inspired by 2019 112
Benjamin Earl M-Theory ambitious card, signature vanishes and reappears
Inspired by 2019 23
José Carroll Torn Ambition ambitious card has a corner torn off, is torn and restored at the end (minus corner)
Also published here 2019 122
José Carroll The Cardculator ambitious card, card to number, stop trick, card folded to calculator
Also published here 2019 130
Arturo de Ascanio, Jesús Etcheverry The Ambitious Ace of Spades variation of original routine, several phases
Also published here 2020 67
Arturo de Ascanio, Jesús Etcheverry Stranger Ambitious Card ambitious card has different back, in the end deck changes color
Also published here 2020 170
Lionel Gallardo ¡Mi(s)directa Ambiciosa! with various sleights from this book
2021 157
Florian Brooks Ambitious card routine exercise for previous techniques
2022 38
Shimpei Katsuragawa Naked Ambition four cards signed in double-blank deck, they come to top multiple times, bent cards phase, then they are buried in four quarters and come back to top in the spectators's hands
Inspired byVariations 2022 65
Shimpei Katsuragawa Royal Ambition variation with regular deck instead of double-blank cards, four cards signed with large round stickers, they come to top multiple times, bent cards phase, then they are buried in four quarters and come back to top in the spectators's hands
Inspired by 2022 75
Paul Cummins The Trick That Never Happened red and black cards are separated, each half mixed face-up into face-down and top card placed into center, time machine plot, cards again on top, all cards face-down and mixed
Also published here 2022 80
Christian Chelman The Paradox of Quan Tri story presentation
Also published here
  • MAGIC, Oct. 2007
2022 664
Christian Scherer Ferrofluid routine about magnetic pen, signed card travels to top of deck, sticks to pen and ends up in card case
2022 3
Jean-Pierre Vallarino Vallarino's Ambitious Card “…excels in its delight in palming as the main method rather than the pass”
one phase is similar to “Visual Lift” (p. 237) but with card face down
2022 230
Jean-Pierre Vallarino Surprise Double Inversion selection rises to top of deck twice, it is out-jogged face up in middle and entire deck turns face up around it, then immediately deck turns back face down around it
2022 241
Naathan Phan Bobo's Mystery Card card folded in quarters is placed on the floor, after ambitious card sequence with signed selection the card on the floor is shown to be the signed selection
Aug. 2023
Genii (Vol. 86 No. 8)
Jack Carpenter Déjà Vu Doo deck shuffled face-up/face-down, then ambitious card phases, then deck rightens itself
Inspired by 2024 33