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Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
Stewart James Miraskill
Related toVariationsAlso published here Sep. 1936
The Jinx (Issue 24)
Mel Stover T-E-L-E-M-A-T-H-Y "Telemathy", one or multiple cards thought of, then found after showing fans of cards with "is your card in here?" procedure twice, with cue sheet matrix
  • Special Effects (revelations when the card ends up at a position for down-under deal or similar)
VariationsAlso published here June 1955
Ibidem (Issue 1)
Ken Beale Take Nine spectator remembers card and its position from the top, performer takes the cards behind the back and brings them back out, the card's value at the original position is used to count down to selection
Inspired byVariations Sep. 1956
Ibidem (Issue 7)
Alex Elmsley Auto Prediction three cards are predicted written on another playing card
Related toVariationsAlso published here Mar. 1958
Ibidem (Issue 13)
Al Koran The Gold Medallion prediction of number on medallion
Related toVariations 1968 11
Karl Fulves The Self-Correcting Set-up properties after riffle shuffling two sets of the same order
Variations July 1968
Epilogue (Issue 3)
Karl Fulves, Charles Hudson ESP + Math non ESP-version, cards are shuffled and distributed, performer knows who has a pair in his cards
Inspired byRelated toAlso published here May 1968 178
Roy Walton An Illogical Conclusion four red cards are changed with four face down cards on the table one by one, cards in the hand remain always red and spectators assume face down cards are red too, they are shown to be black eventually
VariationsAlso published here 1972 5
Paul Curry A Penny For Your Thoughts after some changes (written directions) the order of four coins and a rolled up bill is named
Inspired byRelated toVariationsAlso published here 1974 83
Bernard Bilis Spread Sandwich Load from Classic Palm "Immediate Sandwich Cards"
Related toAlso published here Dec. 1978
Apocalypse (Vol. 1 No. 12)
Paul Harris Peeler piece of top layer is peeled off and restored
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1979 1
Roy Walton The Smiling Mule two parts, first gag then surprise twist, named card ends up sandwiched between aces in the middle of the deck
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1979 13
Jerry Sadowitz Slip-Jog
Related toAlso published here Dec. 1982
Spell-Binder (Vol. 2 No. 20)
Harry Lorayne, Ken Krenzel Tidal Wave impromptu brainwave, one deck used as two decks, four applications, see credit corrections on pages 834, 864, 1092
Related toVariations May 1983
Apocalypse (Vol. 6 No. 5)
Richard Goldshot RG Location using two crimps and a faro shuffle, twenty-six key card, see also page 1075
Variations Sep. 1984
Apocalypse (Vol. 7 No. 9)
Edward Marlo, Randy Wakeman The Card of a Thousand Faces "based on an unpublished Marlo routine"
VariationsAlso published here 1985 62
Shigeo Takagi Card Ping Chien switch as card is tossed on the table
Related to 1988 11
David Harkey In Stitches sealed toothpick is torn and only wrapper restored
Related to Nov. 1988
Apocalypse (Vol. 11 No. 11)
Ray Kosby, William Goodwin Surgical Copper/Silver
Inspired by
  • "Copper/Silver Metamorphosis" (John Hostler, Linking Ring July 1987, Vol. 67 No. 7, p. 71)
1993 5
John Hostler Coin Switch with Band-aid
1993 5
Jon Racherbaumer Dunbury Lie Speller
Variations May 1993
Magic (Vol. 2 No. 9)
Philip T. Goldstein Pangmaster letter/word tiles used for a coincidence
VariationsAlso published here 1994 27
John Hostler My False Cut deck optionally turned over during cut
Also published here
  • Linking Ring Parade, July 1987
2000 77
John Hostler Pressure Point ambitious card, then thumb and first finger melt through pack until they can grab out selection, leaving a cut-out in whole rest of deck
Variations 2000 78
John Hostler The Wild Card Joker changes into mates of three cards
Inspired byVariations 2000 82
John Hostler The Wild Exchange black Seven sandwiched between red Sevens in left hand, other black Seven in right hand, they change places so that a red Seven is in right hand and other red sandwiched between blacks in left hand
2000 86
Simon Aronson UnDo Influence: Theory and Practice Theory behind UnDo Influence control
Variations 2001 68
Aaron Fisher Search and Destroy sleightless
Inspired byRelated toVariations 2002 104
Pit Hartling Master of the Mess cards shuffled by spectator, using faro, two phase routine with location in first part
Related toVariations 2003 18
John Hostler Cued broken and restored toothpick
Variations Oct. 2006
Genii (Vol. 69 No. 10)
Jamy Ian Swiss (reviewer) Cryptical Envelopment: Five Gentle Frauds for the Close-Up Performer by John Hostler Sep. 2012
Genii (Vol. 75 No. 9)
David Britland (reviewer) The Triskadequadra Principle by John Hostler May 2013
Genii (Vol. 76 No. 5)
Tomas Blomberg Svensk Voodoo one card selected and one thought-of, first found at number named by performer, second at number named by spectator
Inspired byRelated toVariations 2014 256
John Hostler Introduction
2016 5
John Hostler Bertha ends clean with half-deck switch
2016 7
John Hostler $13 Card to Wallet sandwich effect with selection, then whole deck is sandwiched behind back (gag), selection in wallet, travels in wallet again with wallet on the table
Related to 2016 12
John Hostler Center Sandwich Load sandwich cards "biddled" into the center
2016 14
John Hostler The Speakeasy Poker Deal card removed by spectator and put in Himber wallet, a suit named, Royal Flush in suit dealt in heads-up game, two cards drawn from two other hands match with each other and removed card
2016 20
John Hostler Clarion Cull above-the-spread cull while taking out cards
2016 26
John Hostler ImagineInk word written on business card is divined, card becomes blank and pen does not write afterwards, magnet steal of card
2016 27
John Hostler The Bespectacled Possum Illusion
2016 31
John Hostler Estimated Prophet impromptu
2016 32
John Hostler Five Card Mental Leap one of five cards thought-of, performer wants to remove mate from deck, but it is the actual selection now missing from the packet, mate comes from pocket
Also published here 2016 36
John Hostler The Tip-Over Switch
Also published here 2016 38
John Hostler The Ratchet Cut straight cut, deck turned over during cut
2016 44
John Hostler The Rauschenberg Effect ambitious card, then Triumph and all cards become blank except selection
2016 47
John Hostler Dim Mak (Pressure Point 2.0) ambitious card, then thumb and first finger melt through pack until they can grab out selection, leaving a cut-out in whole rest of deck
Inspired by 2016 52
John Hostler The Triskadequadra Principle related to Gilbreath, allows knowledge about consecutive groups of four cards after a riffle shuffle if the deck starts out in four-card-groups of the same order
Related to 2016 58
John Hostler, Norman Gilbreath Godfather Gilbreath discussion of Gilbreath Principle
2016 58
John Hostler Bar Bits Triskadequadra Application #1
as bet about the suits
  • Swindle #1
  • Swindle #2
2016 64
John Hostler Rogue Heart Triskadequadra Application #2
spectator selects card that completes a poker hand, duplicates
2016 65
John Hostler The TDQ Deck Triskadequadra Application #3
1-0-1 alternative for Koran type force after a riffle shuffle
2016 69
John Hostler A Riddle at Intermission: Sanada Meets Elmsley business card with word written by spectator palmed into wallet and glimpsed, using card with photo of inside of hand
2016 73
John Hostler The Klutzy Mentalist deck sprung on floor, perhaps accidentally, spectator thinks of a face-up card and this can be divined
2016 76
John Hostler Royally Wild Joker changes into mates of three cut-to cards, then Joker splits into two cards to complete Royal Flush with the three cards
Inspired by 2016 78
John Hostler VR Pulloff apparently top card is drawn off into left hand from end grip, bottom card(s) taken instead
Related to 2016 79
John Hostler New Speedway Boogie with backfire, one duplicate
2016 84
John Hostler, Bob Stencel Reltsoh Blatancy Olram Subtlety variation
2016 86
John Hostler Tell Monte (Rescripted) five objects on table, ESP cards put in front and things moved around according to instructions, final item divined and predicted
  • Impromptu Variation
Inspired by 2016 89
John Hostler Switch behind Notepad
2016 103
John Hostler Cued Redux broken and restored toothpick
Inspired byRelated to 2016 107
John Hostler Noeyeon Protocol
  • Noeyeon Prediction (Ungimmicked)
  • Neo Noeyeon (Gimmicked)
card pocketed by performer, spectator deals down and stops, mate of pocketed card (ungimmicked) or odd-backed duplicate (gimmicked)
2016 112
John Hostler Alligator ten red and ten black cards shuffled, pairs dealt according to rules, outcome predicted and added value of chosen pair divined
Inspired by 2016 116
John Hostler Convoid flap in middle of bill is opened and closed again
Related to 2016 123
John Hostler Visions of Saragossa Poker Deal four cards cut to in four piles, deck shuffled face-up/face-down, poker hand dealt, all cards face-up except performer's card with the selections
Also published here 2016 128
John Hostler Packet Displacement moving a packet to the other side
2016 129
John Hostler Cryptical Envelopment card thought-of from fan is divined, then is shown to be missing from deck and inside tabled envelope
Related to 2016 134
John Hostler Slipknot Deck to make a thought-of card vanish
2016 135
John Hostler Visions of Saragossa Poker Deal four cards cut to in four piles, deck shuffled face-up/face-down, poker hand dealt, all cards face-up except performer's card with the selections
Also published here Jan. 2016
Genii (Vol. 79 No. 1)
John Hostler Packet Displacement moving a packet to the other side
Jan. 2016
Genii (Vol. 79 No. 1)
Kainoa Harbottle (reviewer) Magnum Opossum by John Hostler Aug. 2016
Genii (Vol. 79 No. 8)
Bob Farmer The Bammo 50% Oblivion Deck single deck version
Inspired byRelated to 2017 70
John Hostler Prologue
2018 3
John Hostler Fully Half Invisible card vanishes from five-card packet, then back is seen but not face when spread is shown from both sides
2018 5
John Hostler Ubiety card appears folded under performer's watch
2018 11
John Hostler Table Wash Control cards mixed with rosetta shuffle and wash
2018 12
John Hostler Kinetogenic Heart spectator initials bill, it magically folds itself into an origami shirt with initials still on it
  • Ala Dingle
  • Ala Crinkle
Related to
  • "Casanova Concept" (Steve Haynes)
2018 16
John Hostler ConvergySearchers odd-backed sandwich cards
Related to 2018 23
John Hostler Ultramarine Packet Switch packet displayed and dropped to table
Related to 2018 29
John Hostler Tarot Trip spectator spells things in fourteen-card packet to find selection from tarot deck
Inspired by 2018 34
John Hostler Reciprocal Discovery two spectators face on stage and select a card from two decks, they match, SBS
  • 20/20 Variation (No Glasses)
Related to 2018 39
John Hostler On Dual Reality definition
2018 39
John Hostler Medallion Meets Tidal Wave card freely chosen, folded prediction card in money clip in pocket matches
Inspired by 2018 49
John Hostler Covered Folding behind a notepad, fourth
2018 52
John Hostler Paradromic Delusion two deck, one person names a card and a number, second person selects card, performer looks through deck and names position of selection, first person finds card and number in other deck
Inspired byRelated to 2018 54
John Hostler Revolving Deck Switch two decks are openly in play and secretly switched for each other
2018 59
John Hostler Epilogue
2018 61
John Hostler Shhh Bonus: Variation 9000 4&4, mixing sequence that retains a red-black-order
2018 62
John Hostler Appendix A: Shirt Folding 101 folding a bill into an origami shirt
2018 65
Tom Frame (reviewer) Firkin of Deipotent Trouvailles by John Hostler Dec. 2018
Genii (Vol. 81 No. 12)
John Hostler Verne G.'s Con four-of-a-kind is found with some dealing and lucky numbers
July 2021
Genii (Vol. 84 No. 7)
John Hostler Five Card Mental Leap one of five cards thought-of, performer wants to remove mate from deck, but it is the actual selection now missing from the packet, mate comes from pocket
Also published here 2022 865
John Hostler The Tip-Over Switch
Also published here 2022 866
Reed Swans Collective, John Hostler Introduction author's identity given as "John Hostler" in Genii review
  • A Special Note on Crediting
  • A Very Special Note on Pronouns
2023 4
John Hostler Obfuscation, Transparency, & Intensity
2023 6
John Hostler Sightlines card thought of from half of the deck, then found after showing fans of cards with "is your card in here?" procedure
Inspired by 2023 12
John Hostler W.I.M.P. "Wild Inverted Monte Progression"
monte routine with more spot cards added during the routine, then all spot cards become Queens of Hearts
2023 17
John Hostler Roundabout Retreat spectator remembers card and its position from the top, after some cutting the card's value at the original position is used to count down to selection
Inspired by 2023 25
John Hostler Top Twenty song title chosen from list, title's letters used to remove cards from a deck of cards with letters written on the cards's backs, the face are Ace through Queen of Hearts and a previously chosen card is the King to complete the suit, the song's title is an anagram and spells out "King of Hearts"
Inspired by 2023 30
John Hostler 90% Procedure ten-card packet cut and dealt into two packets, eventually they match in order
2023 38
John Hostler Instant Sandwich "Featuring the Backhanded Pincer"
card pointed to in spread, cards closed, selection instantly found in sandwich, similar to Bilis Load
Related to 2023 43
John Hostler Chromatose three selections made, deck washed face-up/face-down on the table, triumph reveal and deck has rainbow deck as kicker, faros
Inspired by 2023 50
John Hostler Crimp Dribble Control control sequence, multiple cards placed at same spot
2023 52
John Hostler 2x4 Cull strategy to culling up to eight cards (two quartets) with "removing some target cards" preliminary premise, negative cull
2023 59
John Hostler The Great Big Think-a-Card Con everyone in the audience is asked to think of a card, some gag revelations, later one of those cards used for real revelation
2023 61
John Hostler Deliver Me three cards are predicted written on the blank back of another playing card, can be palmed out and used as prediction
Related to 2023 62
John Hostler An Inconsistent Fooling presentation for Walton's effect with an additional set of four red cards for a pseudo-explanation, additional set changes to black at the end
Inspired by 2023 64
Ignacio López Mimetismo Mental two spectators face on stage and select a card from two decks, they match
Related to 2024 17