Topological Effects
Creators | Title | Comments & References | Year | Source | Page | AA | Categories | |
Monty Crowe | Inflation | May 1936 |
The Jinx
(Issue 20)
Novel Drinking Cup | 1937 | |||||||
The Shrinking Dollar | 1937 | |||||||
A Transposition | 1937 | |||||||
Two Bills From One | 1937 | |||||||
Kent Arthur | Spurious Pelf | Sep. 1939 |
The Jinx
(Issue 60)
Jack Vosburgh | Double Dollar | 1940 |
The Jinx
(Issue 122)
Jack Vosburgh | Money Enraptured | 1941 |
The Jinx
(Issue 126)
The Curious Fold | 1941 | |||||||
Jack Chanin | Gaglets | Nov. 1942 |
The Phoenix
(Issue 23)
The Topsy-Turvy Bill | 1943 | |||||||
Karrell Fox | A Bill Collector | 1954 | ||||||
P. Howard Lyons | Money Maker | Sep. 1956 |
(Issue 7)
Andrew Kennedy, Ernest Heldman | Boot Bill Fold | Nov. 1961 |
The New Phoenix
(Issue 363)
Hans "Severus" Ernst | Der Trick des Jahres | 1961 |
Hokus Pokus
(Vol. 22 No. 1)
Folding Money | 1974 | |||||||
Lawrence Nudelman | Changing a Large Bill ($100, $20, or $10) | 1975-1978 ca. | ||||||
Lawrence Nudelman | Splitting a $10 Dollar Bill | 1975-1978 ca. | ||||||
Lawrence Nudelman | Changing a $2 Bill Into Two $1 Bills | 1975-1978 ca. | ||||||
Lawrence Nudelman | Quick Count - One or Two? | 1975-1978 ca. | ||||||
Lawrence Nudelman | A $2 Bill Becomes Two $1 Bills | 1975-1978 ca. | ||||||
Two for One | 1975-1978 ca. | |||||||
Upside-Down George | 1976 | |||||||
Dan Tong | Bill Antics | 1977 | ||||||
Karl Fulves | Banked Roll | 1977 | ||||||
John Booth | Der Kopfstand | Dec. 1979 |
(Vol. 6 No. 3 & 4)
Monty Crowe | Inflation | Dec. 1979 |
(Vol. 6 No. 3 & 4)
Stephen Tucker | This Months Problems | Sep. 1982 |
(Vol. 2 No. 17)
Jon Charles, Mitsunobu Matsuyama | Inflation Bite | 1984 |
(Issue Yearbook)
Mike Bornstein | Stretching a Dollar Bill or How to Make Money Go a Long Way! | 1984 | ||||||
Mike Bornstein | The Elusive President | 1984 | ||||||
Mike Bornstein | Enlarged Invisible Hole | Nov. 1985 |
(Vol. 8 No. 11)
Double Your Money | 1985 | |||||||
Stretching a Dollar Bill | 1985 | |||||||
Robert E. Neale | Stretch a Bill | 1985 | ||||||
James Lewis | The Mismade Dollar Bill | 1985 | ||||||
Karl Fulves | Inverted George | 1985 |
S-C — Contemporary Money Magic
(Issue 2)
Karl Fulves | Moragami | 1985 |
S-C — Contemporary Money Magic
(Issue 3)
Robert E. Neale | Bill Tube | 1985 |
S-C — Contemporary Money Magic
(Issue 5)
Mike Bornstein | Enlarged Invisible Hole | 1988 | ||||||
Joseph K. Schmidt | The High Cost of Living | Sep. 1989 |
(Issue 12)
Karl Fulves | Change Reaction | 1989 | ||||||
Monty Crowe | Five Riser | 1989 | ||||||
Karl Fulves | Safe Deposit | 1989 | ||||||
Dan Garrett | Torn and Quartered | Dec. 1991 |
The Minotaur
(Vol. 3 No. 4)
Kennichi Kuroki | The Mystery of Width | 1992 | ||||||
Alexander de Cova | $100 Bill Switch | 1992 | ||||||
Tony Baronio | Hole Restoration | 1992 | ||||||
Alexander de Cova | $100 Bill Switch | 1992 | ||||||
Hiroyuki Sakai | Midnight Chicago or The Right-Angle Bill Mystery | Feb. 1992 |
(Vol. 1 No. 6)
Bob Farmer | Beer Money | Sep. 1992 |
(Vol. 2 No. 1)
Zig Zag Bill | 1993 |
(Issue 2)
Karl Fulves | Play Dough | 1993 |
(Issue 5)
Harry Anderson | The Inside-Out Bill | 1993 | ||||||
Bob Read | The Happy Head Of State | June 1993 |
(Vol. 2 No. 10)
Watch George | 1995 | |||||||
Karl Fulves | Jackson Smiles | 1999 |
The Fine Print
(Issue 10)
Marc DeSouza | Picasso's Bill | 1999 | ||||||
Paul Chosse | Bar Bill Stunt | 2001 | ||||||
Michael Powers, Ron Bauer | The Powers' Payoff | 2001 | ||||||
Marc DeSouza | Picasso's Bill | 2001 | ||||||
Karl Fulves | Notebook | 2002 |
Latter Day Secrets
(Issue 7)
Dan Garrett | Torn and Quartered | 2002 | ||||||
Andrew J. Pinard | Autograph Collection | Winter 2002 |
The Magic Menu
(Vol. 11 No. 61)
Al Baker | Stretched Bill | 2003 |
The Secret Ways of Al Baker
(Issue Notebooks)
Jay Sankey | Cornered | 2003 |
Twenty Years Of Magic
(Issue Tricks of the Trade)
Jay Sankey | Nothing Moved | 2003 |
Twenty Years Of Magic
(Issue Tricks of the Trade)
Gerald Deutsch | Heads Down | May 2003 |
(Vol. 12 No. 9)
Jay Sankey | Cornered | 2004 | ||||||
Jay Sankey | Geometrick | 2004 | ||||||
Jay Sankey | Genuine Counterfeit | 2004 | ||||||
Gregory Wilson | Faux Flaw | July 2005 |
(Vol. 68 No. 7)
Thom Peterson, Jay Sankey | George of the Jumble | Nov. 2006 |
(Vol. 69 No. 11)
John Lovick | Chapter 14: Mis-made Routines | 2006 | ||||||
Michael Ammar, James Lewis | On the Mis-made Bill | 2006 | ||||||
Dan Garrett | Torn and Quartered | 2006 | ||||||
Marc DeSouza | Picasso's Bill | 2006 | ||||||
Andrew J. Pinard | Autograph Collection | 2006 | ||||||
Gregory Wilson | Signature Piece | 2006 | ||||||
Danny Archer | Bill Mis-Made | 2006 | ||||||
Lance DeLong | The Mis-Made Frog | 2006 | ||||||
David Gripenwaldt | Side Note | 2006 | ||||||
Jay Sankey | Traveling Expenses | 2006 | ||||||
Jamy Ian Swiss | Quadradical Currency | 2006 | ||||||
Eric A. Maurin | Shred of Evidence | 2006 | ||||||
Max Maven | Wrapper's Delight | 2006 | ||||||
Tony Chapek, Michael Weber, Michael Powers | Reversal of Fortune | 2006 | ||||||
Gregory Wilson | Faux Flaw | 2006 | ||||||
Jim Artle | Drinker's PSA | 2006 | ||||||
Cameron Francis | George's Secret | 2010 | ||||||
Hiroyuki Sakai | The Right-Angle Bill Mystery | 2013 | ||||||
Fritz Alkemade | Kill Bill | Oct. 2015 |
(Vol. 78 No. 10)
John Hostler | Convoid | 2016 | ||||||
张国洲 Jojo | 独一无二的十一元 | 2017 | ||||||
John Hostler | Kinetogenic Heart | 2018 | ||||||
John Hostler | Appendix A: Shirt Folding 101 | 2018 | ||||||
Daniel Garcia | Love Note | 2018 | ||||||
Daniel Garcia | Love Note | 2022 | ||||||
Gerald Deutsch | Heads Down | 2022 |
Talk About Tricks
(Issue 1)
Dave Devin | Stretch-A-Buck | 2023 | ||||||
Dave Devin | Dave Devin's Preferred Presentation | 2023 | ||||||
Barry Taylor | A Couple of Quickies from Barry Taylor | 2023 | ||||||
John Dowdy | Dowdy's Sticky Fingers | 2023 | ||||||
Don Dziadzio | Dollar Stores Plus | 2023 | ||||||
Chuck Stroud | Paycheck Chuck | 2023 | ||||||
Jonathan Friedman | Money Talk | Apr. 2024 |
(Vol. 87 No. 4)
Thomas Stauss | Doubling Money | 2024 |
Unexpected Agenda
(Issue Sep. 5)