107 entries in Bill / Topological Effects
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
Monty Crowe Inflation bill passes through another bill when rolled
Also published here May 1936
The Jinx (Issue 20)
Novel Drinking Cup borrowed bill rolled up, liquid poured into tube and out again
1937 19
The Shrinking Dollar bill appears to become smaller, topological illusion with wrinkles
1937 20
A Transposition bill passes through another bill when rolled
Also published here 1937 20
Two Bills From One bill fold that makes one bill look like two
1937 57
Kent Arthur Spurious Pelf "do as i do" sequence with spectator and 5 bills each, selected bill remains upside down
Related to Sep. 1939
The Jinx (Issue 60)
Jack Vosburgh Double Dollar bill folded so that it looks like two bills, then it actually doubles
Related to 1940
The Jinx (Issue 122)
Jack Vosburgh Money Enraptured bill becomes giant bill
The Jinx (Issue 126)
The Curious Fold bill folded and unfolded, then it is upside down
1941 5
Jack Chanin Gaglets handling for folded bill that turns upside down
Nov. 1942
The Phoenix (Issue 23)
The Topsy-Turvy Bill bill is folded and opened, then upside down
1943 129
Karrell Fox A Bill Collector three bills under handkerchief, performer apparently folds them quickly into a ring, bird and bowtie, fourth bill is pushed in fist and changes into a bill folded like an umbrella
1954 15
P. Howard Lyons Money Maker mis-made bills come out of money maker prop
Sep. 1956
Ibidem (Issue 7)
Andrew Kennedy, Ernest Heldman Boot Bill Fold see also p. 286 for additional ideas by Robert Myerson and Ernest Heldman
Nov. 1961
The New Phoenix (Issue 363)
Hans "Severus" Ernst Der Trick des Jahres 1961 written on bill, bill is folded and unfolded and while bill is reversed writing is still readable
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 22 No. 1)
Folding Money folding bill, upside down
1974 21
Lawrence Nudelman Changing a Large Bill ($100, $20, or $10) borrowed dollar bill is torn in half, each half changes into full with with half the original value
1975-1978 ca. 1
Lawrence Nudelman Splitting a $10 Dollar Bill ten-dollar bill is split into two five-dollar bills
1975-1978 ca. 1
Lawrence Nudelman Changing a $2 Bill Into Two $1 Bills
1975-1978 ca. 4
Lawrence Nudelman Quick Count - One or Two? one bill (with secret slit) is folded so it looks like two
1975-1978 ca. 5
Lawrence Nudelman A $2 Bill Becomes Two $1 Bills
1975-1978 ca. 4
Two for One "as shown to me by Deren Gertz"
bill fold that makes one bill look like two, leaving it as tip
1975-1978 ca. 8
Upside-Down George bill folded and unfolded
1976 213
Dan Tong Bill Antics bill from hand to hand, featuring fold so one bill looks like two
1977 181
Karl Fulves Banked Roll two bills, one on top of the other, rolled up and unrolled, they changed positions
1977 47
John Booth Der Kopfstand bill folded and unfolded, picture then upside down
Dec. 1979
Intermagic (Vol. 6 No. 3 & 4)
Monty Crowe Inflation bill passes through another bill when rolled
Also published here Dec. 1979
Intermagic (Vol. 6 No. 3 & 4)
Stephen Tucker This Months Problems posed as problems:
  • removing ink from banknote
  • trick with spectator's finger
  • ESP card prediction
Sep. 1982
Spell-Binder (Vol. 2 No. 17)
Jon Charles, Mitsunobu Matsuyama Inflation Bite topological puzzle with bill
Inspired by 1984
Epoptica (Issue Yearbook)
Mike Bornstein Stretching a Dollar Bill or How to Make Money Go a Long Way!
1984 20
Mike Bornstein The Elusive President face of president appears on wrong bill
1984 32
Mike Bornstein Enlarged Invisible Hole coin through hole in bill that is too small
Inspired byAlso published here Nov. 1985
Apocalypse (Vol. 8 No. 11)
Double Your Money No. 11, folding one bill so it looks like two
Related to 1985 23
Stretching a Dollar Bill No. 30, bill opens and closes accordion-like, cuts
1985 55
Robert E. Neale Stretch a Bill No. 69, shape-changing tube with dollar bill
Inspired byAlso published here 1985 120
James Lewis The Mismade Dollar Bill
  • The Torn and Restored Mismade Dollar Bill
  • Turning a Dollar Bill Inside Out
Related to 1985 19
Karl Fulves Inverted George "Penny Papers", on the upside down bill fold
1985 35
Karl Fulves Moragami No. 2, origami ideas posed as a problem
(A) dollar bill snaps into paper airplane
(B) inner of two bills folds itself into bird
(C) two bills transform into bill rings linked together
(D) dollar bill visibly changes into origami figure selected from cardboards with images/symbols
1985 48
Robert E. Neale Bill Tube shape-changing tube from dollar bill, square shape to rectangular shape
Inspired byAlso published here 1985 74
Mike Bornstein Enlarged Invisible Hole coin through hole in bill that is too small
Inspired byAlso published here 1988 32
Joseph K. Schmidt The High Cost of Living folding a single bill so it looks like two
Sep. 1989
Epoptica (Issue 12)
Karl Fulves Change Reaction bill folded in V shape torn apart, each half is a bill
1989 27
Monty Crowe Five Riser No. 3, two bills are rolled up in perpendicular position, when unrolled, the former bottom bill is now on top, topological
Also published here 1989 4
Karl Fulves Safe Deposit No. 64, one and five dollar bill, fiver vanishes and reappears in box, one folded to look like two bills with fake index
1989 80
Dan Garrett Torn and Quartered Mismade Bill, torn bill to mismade bill, then to normal torn bill restored with tape
Also published here Dec. 1991
The Minotaur (Vol. 3 No. 4)
Kennichi Kuroki The Mystery of Width bill kind of unfolds as it is pushed through another bill
1992 49
Alexander de Cova $100 Bill Switch presentation with Topsy Turvy Bill intro
Also published here 1992 93
Tony Baronio Hole Restoration silvery disk gaff on bill
1992 23
Alexander de Cova $100 Bill Switch presentation with Topsy Turvy Bill intro
Also published here 1992 10
Hiroyuki Sakai Midnight Chicago or The Right-Angle Bill Mystery three bills gripped by spectator who closes his eyes, chosen bill is then found in perpendicular position
Also published here Feb. 1992
Magic (Vol. 1 No. 6)
Bob Farmer Beer Money length of bill compared to height and circumference of a glass
Sep. 1992
Magic (Vol. 2 No. 1)
Zig Zag Bill using a card box for bills
Related to 1993
Rigmarole (Issue 2)
Karl Fulves Play Dough "Impromptu Money Magic"
variation on the upside-down bill fold with two bills
Rigmarole (Issue 5)
Harry Anderson The Inside-Out Bill mismade bill
Related to 1993 116
Bob Read The Happy Head Of State portrait on bill changes expression, optical illusion
June 1993
Magic (Vol. 2 No. 10)
Watch George No. 55, bill folded and unfolded, then it is upside down
1995 77
Karl Fulves Jackson Smiles "A near-impromptu bill trick"
bill folded in a way that the facial expression of the head on it changes depending on the viewing angle, with applications:
  • Real or Counterfeit?
  • White House Psychic
  • She Reads His Mind
The Fine Print (Issue 10)
Marc DeSouza Picasso's Bill stick figure drawn on bill before making it turn into mis-made bill
Also published here 1999 96
Paul Chosse Bar Bill Stunt bill changes into mis-made bill ("quartered bill")
2001 2
Michael Powers, Ron Bauer The Powers' Payoff "Presentation Three", bill changes into "Inverted Dollar" with center upside down
Inspired by
  • "Inverted Dollar" (Mike Powers, Close-Up Variety Pack)
2001 18
Marc DeSouza Picasso's Bill stick figure drawn on bill before making it turn into mis-made bill
Also published here 2001 23
Karl Fulves Notebook on 9-11-01 and dollar bill fold that shows the attack
2002 229
Dan Garrett Torn and Quartered Mismade Bill, torn bill to mismade bill, then to normal torn bill restored with tape
Also published here 2002 7
Andrew J. Pinard Autograph Collection borrowed bill signed by performer, turned into mis-made bill and back
Also published here Winter 2002
The Magic Menu (Vol. 11 No. 61)
Al Baker Stretched Bill
2003 742
Jay Sankey Cornered Circular hole in bill becomes square hole
Twenty Years Of Magic (Issue Tricks of the Trade)
Jay Sankey Nothing Moved Circular hole in bill moves into/out of a circle drawn with a Sharpie on the bill
Twenty Years Of Magic (Issue Tricks of the Trade)
Gerald Deutsch Heads Down bill through table is promised, but only the head part of the bill penetrates, leaving a hole in the bill
Also published here May 2003
Magic (Vol. 12 No. 9)
Jay Sankey Cornered corner torn off, missing corner changes to other side of bill, it still fits, using $100 Bill Switch
2004 75
Jay Sankey Geometrick round hole changes into square hole, using $100 Bill Switch
Related to 2004 77
Jay Sankey Genuine Counterfeit corner torn off piece of white paper, paper changes into bill with missing corner, white corner fits, using $100 Bill Switch
2004 78
Gregory Wilson Faux Flaw presentation for mis-made bill
Also published here July 2005
Genii (Vol. 68 No. 7)
Thom Peterson, Jay Sankey George of the Jumble torn and mismade-restored bill
Related to Nov. 2006
Genii (Vol. 69 No. 11)
John Lovick Chapter 14: Mis-made Routines intro, credit information
2006 193
Michael Ammar, James Lewis On the Mis-made Bill
2006 194
Dan Garrett Torn and Quartered Mismade Bill, torn bill to mismade bill, then to normal torn bill restored with tape
Also published here 2006 195
Marc DeSouza Picasso's Bill stick figure drawn on bill before making it turn into mis-made bill
Also published here 2006 196
Andrew J. Pinard Autograph Collection borrowed bill signed by performer, turned into mis-made bill and back
Also published here 2006 198
Gregory Wilson Signature Piece borrowed bill signed by performer, turned into mis-made bill and given to spectator
2006 200
Danny Archer Bill Mis-Made mis-made bill shown, turned into normal bill
2006 201
Lance DeLong The Mis-Made Frog bill folded into frog, when unfolded it is a mis-made bill
2006 202
David Gripenwaldt Side Note bill torn in half, restores mis-made but torn edges still match
2006 204
Jay Sankey Traveling Expenses four holed in dollar bill travel into one corner, using $100 bill switch
Also published here
  • Tricks of the Trade, 1992 notes
2006 245
Jamy Ian Swiss Quadradical Currency combination routine with bill changes, torn and restored to mis-made bill, borrowed signed bill to wallet
Inspired by 2006 258
Eric A. Maurin Shred of Evidence corner torn off One dollar bill, changed into Five dollar bill and corner still fits
2006 269
Max Maven Wrapper's Delight bill folded, it is then shown to be folded into origami braid
Inspired by
  • "Baffling Bill Braid" (Robert E. Neale, Folding Money Fooling, 1997)
2006 273
Tony Chapek, Michael Weber, Michael Powers Reversal of Fortune topsy-turvy bill, then picture of George Washington has turned upside down on bill
Related toAlso published here
  • Linking Ring, Aug. 1985
2006 282
Gregory Wilson Faux Flaw presentation for mis-made bill
Also published here 2006 292
Jim Artle Drinker's PSA presentation for mis-made bill
2006 292
Cameron Francis George's Secret card lost, bill is folded and unfolded, a hole is now where the head on the printing was, portrait is stuck to back of selection, it vanishes again and bill is restored
Inspired by
  • "Sticky Greatness" (Cameron Francis, The Budget, Dec. 2010)
2010 87
Hiroyuki Sakai The Right-Angle Bill Mystery spectator holds on to three stacked bills and closes eyes, when eyes are opened again chosen bill is found at right angles to the other two, Power of Darkness type
Also published here 2013 43
Fritz Alkemade Kill Bill borrowed bill and performer's bill are initialed, they become one bill with both initials
Inspired by
  • "Tubular" (Paul Harris, True Astonishments DVDs, 2009)
Oct. 2015
Genii (Vol. 78 No. 10)
John Hostler Convoid flap in middle of bill is opened and closed again
Related to 2016 123
张国洲 Jojo 独一无二的十一元 (The One and Only Eleven Dollar Bill) Dollar coin fused with ten dollar bill, then plucked out again
2017 29
John Hostler Kinetogenic Heart spectator initials bill, it magically folds itself into an origami shirt with initials still on it
  • Ala Dingle
  • Ala Crinkle
Related to
  • "Casanova Concept" (Steve Haynes)
2018 16
John Hostler Appendix A: Shirt Folding 101 folding a bill into an origami shirt
2018 65
Daniel Garcia Love Note bill visibly transforms into folded origami finger ring
Also published here 2018 30
Daniel Garcia Love Note bill visibly transforms into folded origami finger ring
Also published here 2022 46
Gerald Deutsch Heads Down bill through table is promised, but only the head part of the bill penetrates, leaving a hole in the bill
Also published here 2022 188
Dave Devin Stretch-A-Buck bill is stretched to very long bill
  • What You Get...
  • One Time Preparation of your Stretch-A-Buck
  • The Stretching Action
  • It's Showtime!
  • How to Perform Stretch-A-Buck
Variations 2023 1
Dave Devin Dave Devin's Preferred Presentation of Stretch-A-Buck, including a Switch with Himber Wallet
2023 8
Barry Taylor A Couple of Quickies from Barry Taylor idea's for Stretch-A-Buck
Inspired by 2023 15
John Dowdy Dowdy's Sticky Fingers while counting bills, one sticks to finger and is accidentally stretched into a long strip
Inspired by 2023 16
Don Dziadzio Dollar Stores Plus presentational idea for Stretch-A-Buck
Inspired by 2023 20
Chuck Stroud Paycheck Chuck presentational idea for Stretch-A-Buck
Inspired by 2023 21
Jonathan Friedman Money Talk
  • WWPD
folded bill is initialed, a word appears on top of it out of the letters that are printed on the bill with accordion-like folding
  • Historic (the word is "HISTORIC")
  • Scene of the Crime (the word is "THEATER")
Apr. 2024
Genii (Vol. 87 No. 4)
Thomas Stauss Doubling Money bill folded so that it looks like two bills
Related to 2024
Unexpected Agenda (Issue Sep. 5)