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Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
Paul LePaul There It Is! visual thing, drawing on cover of Dover Reprint..., for credit information see references
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1940 167
Otis Manning The Ghost of a Chance billet switching box, Q&A
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1941
The Jinx (Issue 137)
Al Baker The Cut and Restored Necktie using change bag
VariationsAlso published here 1941 134
Edward Marlo Torn Deck Mystery deck is torn in quarters which are mixed in hat, performer locates four pieces of selection without looking
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1942 10
Jean Hugard, Frederick Braue Bathing Beauties four Queens, one in hat three in glass of water, the one in hat vanishes, then all from glass, then all back in hat, using step gaff and clear celluloid card
Related to 1942 3
Franklin V. Taylor Peek Deck
Related toVariationsAlso published here Dec. 1942
The Phoenix (Issue 25)
George Boston Boston's Stabbed Card stripper deck
Variations 1943 291
Arthur H. Buckley, Karrell Fox, Dai Vernon The Chivalrous Kings and The Four Ladies Experiment No. 36 - four duplicates, one set in case
Inspired by 1946 203
Karrell Fox Apparently Placing Cards in Box
1946 204
Karrell Fox The Question Is...
Related toVariations 1948 96
Karrell Fox Jam Auction one dollar bill to five dollar bill, then five transforms into a dime
Also published here Nov. 1948
The Phoenix (Issue 163)
Karrell Fox Loaded Dice loaded dice gag, die explodes
Nov. 1948
The Phoenix (Issue 163)
Karrell Fox Sucker!! buddha papers joke for magician's
Dec. 1948
The Phoenix (Issue 166)
Karrell Fox Tip
Jan. 1949
The Phoenix (Issue 168)
Frank Joglar Backstage on Walter Gibson, Chester Morris, Roy Benson, Lucille & Eddie Roberts, Abe Cantu, John Scarne, Sydney & Leslie Piddington, Karrell Fox, Len Mason
  • Tricks and Delusions
  • On the Road
  • In Print
  • The Secret Art
  • Cantu
  • Notes on a Cuff
  • Scarne Sorcery
  • The Piddingtons
  • Methinks
  • Trick Possibility
  • Newest Link
Oct. 1949 592
Martin Gardner Yakity-Yak Gags ideas and lines for the wind-up teeth by Johnny Paul, Senator Crandall, Karrell Fox, Joe Berg, Frank Garcia, Bill Simon, Dick Himber
Nov. 1949 605
Frank Joglar Backstage on Albenice, John C. Green, Roy Benson, Ade Duval, Joan Brandon, John Scarne, Norman S. Livingstone, Walter Gibson, Paul Fleming, Karrell Fox, Jimmy Jimae, Florian ZaBach, Jay Marshall, Frank Sinatra, Noel Lester, John Gambling, DeLage and Shirley, Jackie Gleason, Ballantine, Al Flosso, Milbourne Christopher, Dariel Fitzkee, Tom Hendricks
  • John C. Green
  • Boardwalk Chatter
  • News and Notes
  • Jimmy Jimae
  • Seen or Heard
  • Bits from Britain
  • Delage and Shirley
  • TV Topics
  • The Magazines
  • Congress Magique
  • P.C.A.M.
  • Jottings
  • The Thomas Plan
Sep. 1951 834
Karrell Fox, Roy Kissell The Topsy Turvy Coins five coins alternated heads up/tails up arrange to all heads up
1952 81
Karrell Fox Rubber Pencil rubber pencil gag using Herpick's Phantom Pencil
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1953)
Karrell Fox Impromptu Zombie floating roll, fork
Feb. 1954
The New Phoenix (Issue 301)
Jay Marshall The Birdcage on Gen Grant's Money Maker, George Coon's Stir Crazy, Chicago convention, Karrell Fox, Bob Orben, Senator Crandall, a nailwriter gag by Dr. Stanley Jaks
June 1954
The New Phoenix (Issue 309)
Karrell Fox They're All Aces - Take a Card any card ideas and gags
  • Old Money (bill with beard)
  • Bedroom Eyes (beds on glasses)
  • Genii Weenie (hot dog from Aladin lamp)
  • Bounced (rubber check joke)
  • Candelabra (original way to light three matches on a matchbook)
  • Nose Nonsense (spoon on nose gag)
  • Fan Fun (fan gag)
July 1954
The New Phoenix (Issue 311)
Richard Himber, Karrell Fox Candlerama ideas for Himber's Eternal Light, candle relighting itself
  • Directions for Himber's Eternal Light
  • Light Race
  • Liberace
  • Happy Birthday
  • Flight of Light
  • Candle and Match Combination
  • Truth Candle
  • Karrell Fox
July 1954
The New Phoenix (Issue 312)
Jay Marshall The Birdcage on marriage of Jay Marshall and Frances Ireland, Silhouette of Francis Ireland by Dai Vernon, Dr. Stanley Jaks, Bob Hummer, Fred Keating, The American Magician, Jay Palmer, Karrell Fox, Lloyd Jones, Frank Chapman
Related to Aug. 1954
The New Phoenix (Issue 313)
Karrell Fox Kornfidentially
1954 iii
Donald "Monk" Watson Karrell Fox
1954 iv
Karrell Fox Where's the Bunny? handkerchief with rabbit printed on it vanishes from bag an appears in hat but without image, instead real rabbit is found in hat
1954 1
Karrell Fox Vernon, the Educated Rabbit rabbit finds selection
1954 2
Karrell Fox For Goodness Snakes fake snakes from flowers, joke
1954 4
Karrell Fox One Man's Opinion picture of a man transforms, flap
1954 5
Karrell Fox Pop-Up Banana banana joke, after taking a bite, banana pops back in original form
1954 6
Karrell Fox Shoot it with a Knife gun with a blade, gag for rope tricks
1954 7
Karrell Fox Gold Medal Flower medal on lapel turns into flowers
1954 7
Karrell Fox Popeye Glasses gag glasses , fake eyes attached to springs
1954 9
Karrell Fox Micro-Phoney microphone stand that wobbles, and splashes water in performer's face
1954 10
Karrell Fox Top Secret convincer for salt shaker through table
1954 11
Karrell Fox That's a Hot One coin vanishes and appears in a folded tissue paper which is to small for the coin, flash paper
1954 12
Karrell Fox A Sure Bet joke, coin transforms into match
1954 13
Karrell Fox That's the Spirit living / dead test, paper with living person bounces on table
1954 13
Karrell Fox A Striking Interlude jokes with exploding match, chainsmoker and getting hump on back because of smoking Camel
1954 14
Karrell Fox A Bill Collector three bills under handkerchief, performer apparently folds them quickly into a ring, bird and bowtie, fourth bill is pushed in fist and changes into a bill folded like an umbrella
1954 15
Karrell Fox Fox's Unfathomable Coin Vanish gag article to vanish a coin
1954 16
Karrell Fox Light's Out card to lightbulb, missing corner matches
1954 18
Karrell Fox A Falsie
1954 19
Karrell Fox Foxy Aces four aces rise from fan
1954 19
Karrell Fox Add-On while scooping aces up, loading three cards underneath, Ovette / Kelley move
1954 19
Karrell Fox Fan-Tizy rosette made from deck and fastened to lapel
1954 21
Karrell Fox Foxy Riffle off-beat in the hands riffle shuffle
1954 21
Karrell Fox A Direct Stab
1954 23
Karrell Fox E-Z Card in Wallet Card Index Wallet
Also published here 1954 24
Karrell Fox Kickeroo Kard card shoots from deck, similar movement as One Hand Top Palm
1954 25
Karrell Fox Short and Snappy miniature card on glasses, gag
1954 26
Karrell Fox Sociable Queen whispering queen, spectator divines card
1954 27
Karrell Fox This Will Kill You! joke, wrong card found, off stage with spectator and pistol shot can be heard
1954 28
Karrell Fox Korny Kwickies
1954 29
Karrell Fox Selected Shorts pun with shorts
1954 29
Karrell Fox It Smells spring raccoon gag, filled with powder
1954 29
Karrell Fox Not Good, but Loud exploding table idea
1954 29
Karrell Fox A Highlight gag with light
1954 30
Karrell Fox An Old Yarn yarn hanging from lapel, pulled for long time, one sock is missing
1954 30
Karrell Fox Guillotine Bit
1954 30
Karrell Fox Color-Changing Knife Finih big ans small one
1954 30
Karrell Fox Axe Gag cut the cards too, throwing axe at spectator
1954 30
Karrell Fox Let's Rehearse piano roll gag
1954 30
Karrell Fox "Neversharp" Pencil giant pencil gag
1954 31
Karrell Fox Celebrities pun
1954 31
Karrell Fox Shirt Gag arrow is removed from shirt, gag
1954 31
Karrell Fox A "Tin-Spot" bill repeat gag, bill thrown on floor makes loud noice
1954 31
Karrell Fox A Pair of Bloomers spring flowers from production box, gag
1954 32
Karrell Fox One for the "Magi-Ministers" wiggly snake in Walsh cane
1954 32
Karrell Fox Wet Cigar cigar gag
1954 32
Karrell Fox Multilated Tie multilated handkerchief with tie
1954 32
Karrell Fox It's a Date idea for Bathing Beauty
Related to 1954 32
Karrell Fox Especially for "Dell" linking rings with bangles
1954 32
Karrell Fox Hyp Happy gag with hammer
1954 33
Karrell Fox Basket Bits gag for Snake Basket
Related to 1954 33
Karrell Fox Milk Pitcher for kids shows, with De-Muth Milk Appearing Bottle
1954 33
Karrell Fox Dove Pan dead chicken joke, feathers
1954 34
Karrell Fox 20th Century Silks using Eddie Joseph's Hank Gun
1954 35
Karrell Fox Lota Bowl routine structure
1954 35
Karrell Fox A Handy Opener jumbo glove appears
1954 36
Karrell Fox Tie-Riffic bow tie changes into long tie
1954 37
Karrell Fox Eh?!! gag script for stage, with stooge
Related to 1954 37
Karrell Fox The Watchwinder twelve gags with a watchwinder gimmick
1954 39
Karrell Fox Off the Record gag bit with sounds, spring duck falls on stage at the end
1954 41
Karrell Fox A Kornsilk Production humorous printings for big silks
Related toVariations 1954 42
Karrell Fox The Adam Smasher hat changes into miniature hats
1954 44
Karrell Fox The Vendor Pitch Act gag bit, production of hot dogs, cigars, bananas etc
1954 44
Karrell Fox Cane Thru Body
Also published here
  • "Cane Thru Body" in "The Sphinx" 1948
1954 46
Norman Houghton Norman's Nonsense
  • Winding up the pack (credited to Karrell Fox)
  • sandpaper gag
Related to 1955
The New Phoenix (Issue 330)
Jay Marshall Back Talk on Dai Vernon, Francis Carlyle, Harlan Tarbell, Senator Crandall, Harold Rice, Walker Fleming, Flemming Book Co, Revello Petee, Fred Allen, Coven, Karrell Fox, Billy Mc Caffrey, Fred Keating, Frank Joglar, Albert Goshman, Jerry Lukins, James Findlay, Sorcar, Guy Jarrett
The New Phoenix (Issue 337)
Charlie Dietz The Question Is: Where is Your Card question mark is formed, selection is point, same a Karrell Fox Routine
Related to 1958
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1958)
Frances Ireland Marshall The Year Book Album with photographs, John Platt, Bob Lotz, Ben Berger, W. Gilbert, Dorny, Jack Hazelhurst, Jimmy Trimble, Joe Berg, Johnny Jones, Rita del Gardi, Marie Dornfield, Don Alan, Channing Pollock, Johnny Paul, Paul McKamy, Bruno, Carazini, Dr. Clutterhouse, Jim Steranko, Karrell Fox, Harlan Tarbell, Perci Abbott
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1960)
James Steranko A Question of Time same as "The Question Is..."
Related to 1960 52
Karrell Fox Dedication Milton Kort & Bob Ungewitter
1960 4
Karrell Fox Before we start.....
1960 6
Karrell Fox "Hum-Bug" Prediction cardboard piece (with bug drawing on one side and prediction on other side) rides along as spread is flipped over on table
Related to 1960 7
Karrell Fox Card in the Turban turban is made of giant card silk
1960 8
Karrell Fox Lost and Found matchbook as card easel, wrong card changes into selection when deck is riffled against it on easel
Related toVariations 1960 9
Karrell Fox C-Thru Card window in card with clear plastic layer for word gag
1960 10
Karrell Fox Spotz Four of Hearts selected, Five of Hearts found but one Heart is cut out
1960 10
Karrell Fox Op-Trick-al Illusion Two of Diamonds selected, Ace of Diamonds found, but when held before the eye correctly, two Diamonds are seen, optical illusion
1960 11
Karrell Fox Hocus-Focus picture of chosen cards appears on napkin, photography presentation
1960 12
Karrell Fox 2 or 3 from 5 & 10 toy pick, shovel and egg beater as comedy props
1960 13
Karrell Fox Cardician Blendo three card silks with wrong cards change into large silk with selection
Variations 1960 14
Karrell Fox Komical Cards: A "Marxed" Card picture of Groucho Marx on back of card for verbal gag, originally from New Phoenix
Related to 1960 16
Karrell Fox The "Blushing" King King with a red face for gag
Also published here 1960 16
Karrell Fox It's a "Scorcher" lit match held under deck to expand selection, instead it comes out with edges burnt
1960 16
Karrell Fox I C U C Blindfold Three of Diamonds fastened on inside of blindfold, gag
Also published here 1960 17
Karrell Fox Card Quad-Gaglets chapter intro
1960 18
Karrell Fox The Magician's Helping Hand toy hand with miniature card inside
Also published here 1960 18
Karrell Fox This Works - As a Rule name of selection on back of ruler
Also published here 1960 19
Karrell Fox It's Done with Mirrors mirror on card, "you selected a queen"
1960 19
Karrell Fox The Winnah duplicate of selection attached to Liar's Medal
1960 20
Karrell Fox Yackit-Yak-Yoks card divined by fake teeth
1960 21
Karrell Fox The Constant Jumper cards jump out of deck
1960 22
Karrell Fox The Twitching Muscle presentation for Frank Taylor's Peek Deck
Inspired by 1960 23
Karrell Fox, George Jason Jason's Favorite big and small valued cards are found as jumbo and miniature cards from deck in pocket
Related toAlso published here 1960 24
Karrell Fox Card in Wallet Surprise card appears on wallet, on repeat the wallet unfolds into string of cards except selection
1960 25
Karrell Fox Absent Minded Finish deck replaced into case and put away, yet deck remains on table as if it dropped through
1960 26
Karrell Fox About the Author about Karrell Fox
1960 27
Lane Bateman Grant Plus Karrell Fox routine for Grant's Dial X, divination of a number on a dial
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1961)
Don Tanner The Back Room on Magi-Fest, Jay Marshall, Louis Lam, Steranko, Karrell Fox, Dai Vernon
Jan. 1961
The New Phoenix (Issue 353)
Don Tanner The Back Room on U. F. Grant, Karrell Fox, Steranko, Bob Nelson, Louis Lam
May 1961
The New Phoenix (Issue 357)
Don Tanner The Back Room on Karrell Fox, Orville Meyer, Don Lawton, Bob Nelson, Ed Turner, Bill Larsen
Oct. 1961
The New Phoenix (Issue 362)
Irv Weiner, Ray Hyman The Prophet's Beard different beards on cards, one is chosen, performer wears exact beard
Related to Oct. 1962
The New Jinx (Vol. 1 No. 6)
David Hoy A Nervy Switcher billet switch, bull dog clip on a dowel, one on each end but apparently only one
Related toVariations 1963 20
Karrell Fox Foxy Climax one ball becomes four, then all vanish, with handkerchief four ball gaff, see p. 342 for ideas by Dan Tong
Feb. 1963
The New Phoenix (Issue 377)
Don Tanner The Back Room on Karrell Fox, Goodlette Dodson, Jimmy King
Apr. 1964
The New Phoenix (Issue 389)
Bill Madsen Editorium on Senator Crandall, Lou Tannen, Boston Assembly #9's Magicale, Karrell Fox, Larry Weeks, Richard & Joanne Gustafson, Roy Benson, Huston and Company, Nardini & Nadyne, General Grant, Jack Bauer and Company
May 1964
The New Jinx (Vol. 3 No. 25)
Bill Madsen Editorium on Stewart James, David Hoy, Senator Crandall, Duke Stern, Karrell Fox, George McAthy, Scotty McGregor, Carl Emmett, Jack Gwynne, Tommy Edwards
Oct. 1966
The New Jinx (Vol. 5 No. 54)
Bill Madsen Editorium on Senator Crandall, Jay Marshall, Jack Gwynne, Conklins, Duke Stern, Karrell Fox, Jack Bauer, Recil Bordner, Tommy Edwards
Nov. 1966
The New Jinx (Vol. 5 No. 55)
Bill Madsen Editorium on Ted Serious, Jay Marshall, Karrell Fox, Norm Nielsen, Johnny Thompson, The Gustafsons, Milo & Roger
Sep. 1967
The New Jinx (Vol. 6 No. 65)
Karrell Fox with pictures
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1967-68)
Jay Marshall, Karrell Fox, Duke Stern, Ali Bongo, "Senator" Clarke Crandall An ABC of Magicomedy Bits various comedy bits
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1967-68)
Philip T. Goldstein, Stewart James Ice Dice chosen values lie at chosen numbers, imaginary dice
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1974 7
Francis Carlyle Dots it? same as Fox's "The Question Is..."
Related to 1975 20
Karrell Fox Comedy Magic Three of Diamonds fastened on inside of blindfold, gag
Also published here 1975
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 36 No. 6)
Karrell Fox Noch ein Gag name of selection on back of ruler
Also published here 1975
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 36 No. 6)
Karrell Fox, George Jason Noch ein Gag big and small valued cards are found as jumbo and miniature cards from deck in pocket
Also published here 1975
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 36 No. 6)
Karrell Fox Noch ein Gag toy hand with miniature card inside
Also published here 1975
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 36 No. 6)
Karrell Fox Dedication
1976 4
Frances Ireland Marshall, Jay Marshall Karrell Fox
1976 13
Karrell Fox Introduction
1976 27
Karrell Fox Thanx!
1976 28
Karrell Fox The Enlarging Sponge Ball sponge ball wrapped in handkerchief, grows visibly
1976 33
Karrell Fox The "Wiggly" Apple green balloon apple made, burst, a sponge rubber snake appears from within
1976 35
Karrell Fox A Real "Gem" pill-watch filled with (plastic) gem stones, gag
1976 37
Karrell Fox A "Hair-Raid" coin transforms into cotton ball, wig of George Washington presentation
1976 38
Karrell Fox The Magic Marker performing for the same table on purpose, then marking the table with an X stamp
1976 39
Karrell Fox "Silcopper" Coins with handkerchief
1976 40
Karrell Fox The Dwarf's Bowling Trophy routine for S.S. Adams Ball and Vase
1976 42
Karrell Fox A Tip! learning new routines with tape recorder
1976 44
Karrell Fox Vanglass full glass vanishes close-up from handkerchief, reappears from sleeve
1976 45
Karrell Fox A "Spoonerism" clings to nose, sight gag
1976 49
Karrell Fox Pencil-tration pencil through borrowed handkerchief, two phases
1976 51
Karrell Fox Imp-ossible
1976 53
Karrell Fox "Rip-Off" card located behind back, then torn, pieces vanish except one piece, rest restored in deck
Related toVariations 1976 59
Karrell Fox The Barbershop Shuffle presentation for Hindu shuffle
1976 61
Karrell Fox Butterfly Shuffle flourish shuffle/cut with both hands
1976 64
Karrell Fox "Foxy" Double hit style double lift
1976 66
Karrell Fox About Face selection reverses in deck, with bold reverse sleight
1976 69
Karrell Fox The "Plastrick" Bag deck in clear plastic bag, selection penetrates
1976 70
Karrell Fox Quite a Mouthful fake tongue unrolls from mouth with mini card stuck on it
1976 72
Karrell Fox "Clippety-Slip" card with paper clip on it thrown to table, it changes into selection, throw-change with paper clip
1976 73
Karrell Fox "Sup-Rising" Card method to set up for plunger rise
1976 75
Karrell Fox The Persistent Bunny bunny puppet used in card trick
1976 79
Karrell Fox Almost, Complete Coverage gag in which the selection is the only card missing in 52-on-1 card/policy card
1976 81
Karrell Fox The "Same to You" Card Trick three spectators chose cards, they are all the Jack of Hearts, even though the deck is all Ace of Spades
1976 81
Karrell Fox "Mouseket-Ear" Magic mickey mouse hat, two selections pop up on the two mouse ears
1976 83
Karrell Fox Foxy "Cardenballoon" without apparatus
Also published here 1976 85
Karrell Fox Before Your Eyes any spectator in audience can name the selection of the person on stage, jumbo card on back of writing pad for instant stooging
1976 87
Karrell Fox A Switch on Dave Hoy's Switch using pen with two tops instead of bulldog clips
Inspired byRelated to 1976 91
Karrell Fox "Blotch-Splotch" Rorschach test presentation, ink in paper becomes a single club for Ace of Clubs
1976 93
Karrell Fox Pseudo Psychomitrix "Pseudo Psychometry", two different presentations, see following items
1976 95
Karrell Fox Musimentalism spectators write favourite tunes on blank cards, performer assigns them correctly
1976 95
Karrell Fox Lipology four women kiss on blank cards, performer then kisses them two and assigns the cards correctly
1976 96
Karrell Fox The Shifting Sands of the Sahara white sand on tablet used as presentational ploy to read answer from spectator's palm impression
1976 97
Karrell Fox "Foxy-Loxy" keys are in envelopes
1976 99
Karrell Fox Astro-Logical words and birth month divined with the use of cards with words and months on them
1976 101
Karrell Fox "Simple-Sychometry" five spectators put personal item in bag, performer assigns them, bag has five sections
1976 103
Karrell Fox The "Fulla-Schlitz" Production six beer bottles appear on thin tray under handkerchief
Inspired by
  • P&L Fish Bowl Production
1976 107
Karrell Fox Karrell's "Bloomers" small bouquet of flowers grows
1976 109
Karrell Fox Aw-Shoot! with comedy props
1976 111
Karrell Fox Instant Flowers seeds put in fist, flowers appear
1976 113
Karrell Fox Florabundance four flower bouquets appear on tray under silks
1976 115
Karrell Fox The "Fool-eroid" Camera rabbit production from camera box, comedy routine
1976 117
Karrell Fox, Edwin, Michael Hooper, Jeffery Atkins Kolor-Kamera camera shown empty, silks change color inside, card silk suggestion
1976 119
Karrell Fox Credit-Card Repeat six card repeat with credit cards
Related to 1976 122
Karrell Fox, Roy Kissell Fox's "Rope-Tie" cut and restored necktie, accidentally cut during rope cutting
Inspired by 1976 123
Karrell Fox Fox's "Unequal-Nightmare" Ropes
1976 125
Karrell Fox Beauty and the Least bathing beauty as stage illusion
1976 128
Karrell Fox Tarzan Rope Trick with a "Flashy" Finish rope cut in half, knotted together, knot ignited and it burns away in a flash
1976 135
Karrell Fox The "Creepy" Carnation lapel flower moves visibly to opposite lapel and back
1976 136
Karrell Fox Close-Up Cumberbund storing and organising props in cummerbund
1976 137
Karrell Fox Fox's "Hare-Straightner" hypnotizing a spring bunny, sight gag
1976 139
Karrell Fox "Take It and Stick It" card rises from fan and up in the air where it is caught, sticks to thumb
1976 141
Karrell Fox Magical Assets
Variations 1976 143
Karrell Fox Ball-o-matic single ball instantly becomes four balls, all attached to each other
Variations 1976 145
Karrell Fox Pyromaniact borrowed handkerchief is torched and restored
1976 149
Karrell Fox Silkard Production Jack Chanin's T.V. Production with cards
1976 151
Karrell Fox Bullseye Card Trick shot on deck, selection flies out, bullet hole through selection, "Sure-Shot"
  • The Second Version (a lipstick lip print appears on card)
1976 155
Karrell Fox H.H. Coin Catcher coin stuck to thumb
Related toVariations 1976 157
Karrell Fox The B.S. Coin Pail coin on string attached to handle of pail, string struck for sound
Variations 1976 159
Karrell Fox Nite-Cap strips of paper rolled into ball transform into paper cap, then performer is suddenly dressed in pajamas
  • Nite-Cap - Supreme (different switch)
1976 163
Karrell Fox A School for Vent voice from little school house
1976 171
Karrell Fox An Encore with radio
1976 173
Karrell Fox Clip'nsnip Art rag picture, squares of felt cut and trimmed and arranged in some picture
1976 175
Karrell Fox At the End of the Rope pieces of rope intro handkerchief, they arrange into words or a slogan
1976 176
Karrell Fox Chalk Talk Features and Finale spectator holds easel infront of him, picture drawn on it, head completes the funny picture
Inspired by 1976 179
Karrell Fox "Sillysilk" Hats silks tied onto spectator's heads for colorful stage presence
1976 187
Karrell Fox Fox's Holder-Holder's holders that do not have to be pinned into clothing
1976 189
Karrell Fox Fox's "Hang-Ups" method to hang up photographs with the need of a frame
1976 193
Karrell Fox Hot Flashes center fold in Playboy magazine with "bunny" picture gos up in flames
1976 195
Karrell Fox Cup and Saucery gag in which the cup on a saucer almost drops on spectator but is held in place with a finger through the handle
1976 199
Ken Green Der Verschwindende Eimer vanishing bucket comedy routine
Related toAlso published here
  • Abracadabra, 1957/1958
June 1976
Intermagic (Vol. 3 No. 4)
Edward Marlo The Snap Change
Variations 1977 158
Karrell Fox The "Signa-Tare" Card Illusion card signed on face and torn face-up into quarters, restores except for one fitting quarter
New Stars of Magic (Vol. 1 No. 8)
Karrell Fox Doodle Graphy word from a book, spectator doodles with eyes closed and second spectator divines thought of word from doodle
Also published here 1977
Magick (Issue 174)
Karrell Fox The Foxy Flip
Dec. 1978
Apocalypse (Vol. 1 No. 12)
Harry Lorayne, Karrell Fox Foxy Flip Variation
Dec. 1978
Apocalypse (Vol. 1 No. 12)
Patrick Page The Page Boy Speaks... on Mike Caldwell, Phil Goldstein, Johnny Thompson, Harry Lorayne, David Roth, Karrell Fox, Darwin Ortiz, Maurice Fogel, John and Tammy Calvert
May 1978
Pabular (Vol. 4 No. 9)
Karrell Fox, Fred Robinson, Martin Breese, Fred Snooks Where There's Smoke
  • smoking thumb, by inhaling smoke of a match (sent in by Martin Breese)
  • smoke a matchbox
  • split a burning match to give fire
  • extinguish a match by blowing in the opposite sleeve, paper match (Karrel Fox)
  • joke, matches and water (Fred Snooks)
July 1978
Pabular (Vol. 4 No. 11)
Fred Robinson Oasis on Karrell Fox, Phil Goldstein, Bob Read, Dai Vernon, Hiram Strait, Wayne Dobson
Aug. 1978
Pabular (Vol. 4 No. 12)
Eric Mason Pop pop sound with thumb tip
Related toAlso published here Dec. 1979
Pabular (Vol. 5 No. 12)
Karrell Fox Introduction
1979 5
Karrell Fox Thank You's
1979 6
Tommy Tucker Tucker on Fox on Karrell Fox
1979 17
Sid Lorraine Karrell Fox
1979 19
Pete Biro (reviewer) What they said about "the other book" by Karrell Fox by Karrell Fox
see also other entries with this title in this book
Also published here
  • Genii magazine
1979 19
Tom Mullica The Karrell I Know on Karrell Fox
1979 21
Jeffery Atkins (reviewer) What they said about "the other book" by Karrell Fox by Karrell Fox 1979 22
Robert Lund (reviewer) What they said about "the other book" by Karrell Fox by Karrell Fox 1979 23
Ian Adair Mr. Fox ... Mr. E ... Mr. Enthusiasm on Karrell Fox
1979 25
Alan Kennaugh The Man Behind the Magic on Karrell Fox
1979 29
Peter Warlock Karrell Fox ....
1979 31
Karrell Fox Finger Flinger short thimble routine, then spectator takes thimble off finger and gets the whole (sixth) finger
1979 35
Karrell Fox Wisdom for Wizards short thought about copying acts
1979 36
Karrell Fox Time Killer borrowed watch in handkerchief is pounded on table, yet comes out unharmed
Related to 1979 37
Karrell Fox A "Ringer" performer tries to remove his finger ring, apparently it is stuck, when removed it turns out to be three inches large, gag
1979 39
Karrell Fox Karrell's "Trick-Key" Case for easy re-set
1979 41
Karrell Fox Unglued quarter put in hand, changes into circle of copper wire and the center copper layer is no longer visible at edge of quarter
1979 45
Karrell Fox A Couple of "Thumb"-Tips - Short & Sweet lose sugar changes to sugar cube
1979 47
Karrell Fox A Matter of Taste sugar put in hands of different people, some taste sugar and some salt
1979 48
Karrell Fox Silver Sugar marked quarter coin to sugar packet
1979 51
Karrell Fox The "Jewish Triple" Bowl Production three final loads, bagel, cream cheese and padlocks
1979 53
Karrell Fox Poka-Cola bet: getting cigarette into bottle while spectator hold coin on its mouth, penetration
1979 55
Karrell Fox Dissa-Pointer drawer full of matches vanishes and is produced from sleeve
1979 57
Karrell Fox The "Holy-Head" Match blowing a match out that is held over the head with paper matches
1979 61
Karrell Fox Knifty-Knot knot tied into silk in slow-motion, yet it vanishes
1979 63