95 entries in Silk & Handkerchief / Destroyed & Restored
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
Le Mouchoir Marqué, Coupé, Déchiré & Raccommodé marked, cut and burnt handkerchief is restored again, with a table
1784 6
The Transformed Handkerchief "one of Herrmann's favourite tricks", borrowed handkerchief transforms into pieces, reappears in produced lemon, burned and restored once more
Related to 1876 246
The Handkerchief cut up, burnt, and finally found in a Candle with assistant
1876 249
Jean-Eugène Robert-Houdin The Vanishing Pocket Handkerchief, found in a Candle borrowed handkerchief burned, then inside candle
1876 470
Bland A Saucepan to Cook a Handkerchief pan with secrets compartment
1890 233
Carl Willmann Der Zauberstab und seine verschiedenen Präparationen about the magic wand and some gaffed versions
  • hollow wand to produce silk
  • hollow wand with section of handkerchief for destroyed & restored routines
Jan. 1895
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 1 No. 1)
Der moderne Phönix handkerchief ends up torn when held by spectator, then to changes into string of pieces tied together, then vanishes and reappears in fruit, then burned and restored
Related to Feb. 1898
Der Zauberspiegel (Vol. 3 No. 8)
Das mysteriöse Loch im Taschentuch hole apparently cut into borrowed handkerchief, one can see the performer's sleeve through the hole, restored
May 1898
Der Zauberspiegel (Vol. 3 No. 11)
Samuel "St. Roman" Thiersfeld Die Vernichtung und die Herstellung No. 5, two borrowed handkerchiefs, one is cut up by performer and one by spectator, performer restores his, spectator's is still destroyed, it is shot on a cigar box with a pistol and appears restored therein
1899 26
Frank Kennard The Sun and Moon Trick with Handkerchiefs centers cut out of two handkerchiefs, centers restored into wrong handkerchiefs, then fixed
Related to 1902 207
Carl Willmann Das Loch im Taschentuch cut and restored borrowed handkerchief, spectator's can apparently see through it, really piece put on top of same fabric as performer's clothing
Jan. 1902
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 8 No. 1)
The Handkerchief Cut and Restored (Modern Method)
1903 319
D'Alvini D'Alvini's Egg and Handkerchief Trick egg broken and poured on borrowed handkerchief, put in pistol and shot on performer, handkerchief comes from his mouth, egg as well
Also published here 1903 329
Carl Willmann Die Taschentuchmühle borrowed handkerchief cut up in mill apparatus
July 1904
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 10 No. 7)
Edward Bagshawe Cutting Thro' a Silk silk cut in paper tube and restored
1924 16
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli Der verzauberte Obolus coin is balanced on pencil, then wrapped inside handkerchief and held over flame, coin is removed but handkerchief is found unharmed
1927 42
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli Befreiung einer Münze aus einem Taschentuch coin placed inside a borrowed handkerchief, handkerchief is cut to release coin, coin vanishes and appears inside restored handkerchief
1930 20
Lu Brent Coin Through Cut and Restored Hanky Coin is wrapped in hankerchief, hole is cut in handkerchief and coin is removed from hole, hole is then restored
1932 6
Dr. Edward G. Ervin Burned and Restored Handkerchief borrowed
1937 54
Sam Leo Horowitz The Best Handkerchief Gimmick: The Coin and the Handkerchief a tube
1938 585
Sam Leo Horowitz The Burning Table Cloth or Napkin using tube gimmick
1938 590
Jean Hugard Mutilation billiard ball penetrates borrowed handkerchief, for repeat it gets stuck and handkerchief is cut and burned, then restored (Hanky Panky)
The Jinx (Issue Summer Extra 1939)
Chester Morris The Fate of the Fabric borrowed handkerchief smudged and destroyed, then restored
July 1939
The Jinx (Issue 58)
Eddie Joseph "Es-Ta" Burnt and Restored Handkerchief in spectator's hands
1939 12
Jean Hugard Introduction - Extempore Magic essay on impromptu magic, special props and magic that happens as a side note, with examples by Tarbell
1939 11
Edward Victor A "Matter-Thro'-Matter" Penknife Effect penknife is pushed through a silk and seen penetrating an envelope on other side, silk is undamaged, prepared envelope
1940 ca. 135
Burning a Borrowed Handkerchief center of handkerchief is bruned and restored, thumb tip
Also published here 1941 122
6 - Cut and Restored Handkerchief using Two-Way Paper Cone (page 86)
1942 88
Greer Marechal Jr. Streamlined Hoffmann
Inspired by Oct. 1942
The Phoenix (Issue 19)
Danny Morris, Doc Hurwitz Betch
  • bar bet, predicting which side lands up, when tossing a match box
  • betting burning a handkerchief without injuring it
Oct. 1942
The Phoenix (Issue 21)
The Indestructible Handkerchief prop effect with wooden frame
1943 329
Ultra Wacky cut and restored handkerchief, bluff
Related to Jan. 1943
The Phoenix (Issue 27)
Jean Hugard The Serpent Handkerchief lemon appears, handkerchief in paper changes with fruit of lemon, to dry handkerchief it's held over a candle where it is burnt and eventually found in wrapping paper
Related to Nov. 1943 22
Jean Hugard The Serpent Handkerchief (Continued from November Issue)
Related to Dec. 1943 27
Jean Hugard The Penetrating Billiard Ball ball penetrating silk, with cut and restored handkerchief element
Dec. 1944 87
Bob Hanko Indestructo handkerchief is tied over mouth of a glass and both put into a paper bag, then a knife is pushed through bag and handkerchief, handkerchief is unharmed and a silk is found in the glass
Also published here May 1945
The Phoenix (Issue 83)
Milbourne Christopher Fire and Water foulard burned and restored, bowl of water produced
Jan. 1946 184
Jean Hugard Burned and Restored Handkerchief marked coin in borrowed handkerchief, then handkerchief is burnt and coin falls on the table, could be repeated
June 1947 323
Hindu Turban Mystery long cloth band
Related to 1948 282
Arnold Belais The Test of the Fibre handkerchief places over glass and attached with a fing, cigarette used to burn hole into handkerchief which is then fully restored
Variations Feb. 1948 391
The Test of the Fiber thoughts on Belais' routine, handkerchief places over glass and attached with a fing, cigarette used to burn hole into handkerchief which is then fully restored
Inspired by Mar. 1948
Hugard's Magic Monthly (Vol. 5 No. 10)
U. F. Grant Grant's Mutilated Hanky borrowed handkerchief, ink spots, cut up, then restored
Apr. 1949 13
The Hindu Turban Mystery cut and restored turban cloth
Related to 1954 334
George E. Arrowsmith With a Smile! ink and stains on handkerchief vanish
Inspired by
  • Cecil Lyle's "Handkerchief, Ink and Turnip Trick"
Mar. 1954
The New Phoenix (Issue 303)
Al Koran "Hanky Panky" Routine borrowed handkerchief is burned and restored, then coins and a filled wine glass appear
  • 1. Penetration of the handkerchief by the pencil
  • 2. Burnt and restored handkerchief
  • 3. Cut and restored handkerchief (Jack Chanin)
  • 4. Continuous production of coins from the handkerchief (Jack Chanin)
  • 5. Production of a cigarette and lighter from the handkerchief
  • 6. Production of a glass of wine from the handkerchief (Jardine Ellis)
Also published here 1954 154
Jerry Andrus Rope and Handkerchief rope under borrowed handkerchief, center of both cut and restored
1957 1
Dr. William Weyeneth Ein erhöhter Effekt beim Verbrennungstrick tip for routine where handkerchief is burnt
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 21 No. 3)
Charlie Miller, David Devant A Lesson in Magic with assistant, one claims to teach "handkerchief to lemon", handkerchief changes to small pieces, to ribbon, then to lemon, handkerchief inside, center cut out of two handkerchiefs, mismade handkerchief restoration, handkerchief to liquid, restored handkerchiefs reappear
1961 41
Lee Wayne A Smart Opening part of Wayne's drunk act, routine with cigarette, silk and appearing glass, using Ireland's Giant Match
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1962)
Jack Chanin Rip-o coin torn through borrowed handkerchief
1966 407
Phoa Yan Tiong Cut & Restored Silk bluff
Related toVariations 1969 7
Eddie Joseph Sleek Burnt & Restored Hanky
1969 252
Roy Johnson Mutilated Hanks Routine handkerchief borrowed, handkerchief suddenly in shreds, restored to long strip in paper bag, then changes to lemon, handkerchief inside but with hole, center of handkerchief from same material as cloth bag suddenly, eventually restored
Also published here 1970 11
Phoa Yan Tiong, Harry Lorayne, Tony Spina Phoa's Cut and Restored Silk bluff
Inspired by 1972 312
Paul Maurer Die zersägte Jungfrau silk in folded playing card is cut and restored
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 34 No. 4)
Paul Maurer Der Hexenmeister und sein entliehenes Taschentuch center of handkerchief is bruned and restored, thumb tip
Also published here 1973
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 34 No. 5)
Patrick Page The Cut and Restored Handkerchief classic
1974 40
Bob Hanko Indestructo handkerchief is tied over mouth of a glass and both put into a paper bag, then a knife is pushed through bag and handkerchief, handkerchief is unharmed and a silk is found in the glass
Also published here Oct. 1974
Intermagic (Vol. 2 No. 2)
Tenkai Ishida Cut and Restored Silk Handkerchief folded in newspaper, invisible black thread
Inspired by
  • T. Sakamoto's routine 1983.
1974 104
Faucett Ross Cut, Burnt and Restored Handkerchief Centre of handkerchief is cut off, edges are burnt, fuses it back onto the handkerchief
1975 37
Faucett Ross Sun and Moon Two handkerchiefs of different colors, cut centre out and restored but restored wrongly
1975 110
Karrell Fox Pyromaniact borrowed handkerchief is torched and restored
1976 149
Patrick Page The Burnt Handkerchief
1976 172
Tan Hock Chuan Silks - A Quick Restoration Cut and restored silk
1977 17
Fire Globe "Caracelli Vase", object is burnt in small vase and returns unharmed
1978/76 204
Roy Johnson A Lesson in Magic handkerchief borrowed, handkerchief suddenly in shreds, restored to long strip in paper bag, then changes to lemon, handkerchief inside but with hole, center of handkerchief from same material as cloth bag suddenly, eventually restored
Related toAlso published here 1979 61
George Blake Die brennenden Zigarette im (durchs) Taschentuch hole can be seen in handkerchief after penetration with lit cigarette, hole is then removed
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 41 No. 4)
Stan Allen Sealed Cutter silk placed in envelope with both ends produding
1983 113
Ali Bongo Simple Silk Cut handkerchief in folded paper
1983 10
Joe Scott, Mike O'Dowd The Poco Presto Dazzler center of handkerchief is burnt and restored again
1984 7
Bruce Cervon, Al Koran Hanky Panky? borrowed handkerchief is burned and restored, then coins and a filled wine glass appear
Also published here 1985 (ca.) 1
Karl Fulves Cut and Restored chapter intro
1988 135
Jeanne van Zandt Cut Up No. 48, two silks cut in half in paper tube and restored
1988 139
Phoa Yan Tiong, Karl Fulves Ultra Cut No. 49, bluff restoration
Inspired byRelated to 1988 141
Karrell Fox "Silkut" silk in paper tube cut and restored
1988 110
Terri Rogers The Cut, Restored and Expanding Handkerchief
Also published here 1988 75
David Williamson Beelzebub's Blade napkin ripped by knife, restores and knife vanishes
Related to 1989 83
Terri Rogers Das Zerschnittene, Wiederhergestellte & Wachsende Tuch
Also published here July 1989
Intermagic (Vol. 14 No. 4 & 5)
David Williamson The Knife through Handkerchief knife pierces handkerchief, vanishes, reappears, handkerchief restored, extra piece of blade
Related to Mar. 1989
Opus (Vol. 2 No. 7)
Bruce Cervon, Al Koran Hanky Panky borrowed handkerchief is burned and restored, then coins and a filled wine glass appear
Also published here 1990 97
Jean Garance Eine Seidentücher-Routine handkerchief routine
  • color change
  • cut and restored
  • Twentieth Century Silks
  • Blendo
  • production of object / animal
1990 29
Tom Mullica Double-Ended Jarrow lit cigarette through handkerchief, burning napkin in process
Also published here
  • "M-U-M" 1979.
1992 164
Roy Johnson Eine magische Lektion borrowed handkerchief changes into destroyed pieces, pieces put in paper bag, they change into ribbon, then in lemon, handkerchief is in lemon but with hole, put in cloth bag, part of the fabric transposes from bag to handkerchief, finally it appears on head of performer or assistant under hat
Nov. 1993
Intermagic (Vol. 18 No. 2)
Al Koran Hanky Panky Routine described by Lewis Ganson, borrowed handkerchief is burned and restored, then coins and a filled wine glass appear
  • 1. Ein Bleistift durchdringt das Taschentuch
  • 2. Verbranntes und wieder hergestelltes Taschentuch
  • 3. Zerschnittenes und wiederhergestelltes Taschentuch (Jack Chanin)
  • 4. Fortwährende Münzenproduktion aus Tuch (Jack Chanin)
  • 5. Produktion einer Zigarette und eines Feuerzeugs
  • 6. Produktion eines Glases Wein (Jardine Ellis)
Also published here 1996
Intermagic (Vol. 20 No. 1)
Jim Steinmeyer Any Idiot's Silk Trick
  • Conjuring
perverse magic information (Charles Waller), silk put in paper tube is cut, silk is supposed to restore but paper restores instead
Related toAlso published here
  • The Vicissitude of Black Confetti, 1989 lecture notes
Apr. 1998
Magic (Vol. 7 No. 8)
Johann Nepomuk Hofzinser The Opal Goblet borrowed handkerchief burns in goblet and appears inside egg
Also published here
  • Ottokar Fischer, The Magic of J. N. Hofzinser, 1942, p. 83
2002 266
D'Alvini D'Alvini's Egg and Handkerchief Effect egg broken and poured on borrowed handkerchief, put in pistol and shot on performer, handkerchief comes from his mouth, egg as well
Also published here 2002 267
David Kaye Presidential Mis-Made Flag Three silks fuse to form American flag, with comedy routine
2005 77
Kazu Katayama The Silken Finger cut and restored handkerchief, with missing corner proof, sixth finger handling
2013 142
Alan Shaxon A Lesson in Magic handkerchief borrowed, handkerchief suddenly in shreds, restored to long strip in paper bag, then changes to lemon, handkerchief inside but with hole, center of handkerchief from same material as cloth bag suddenly, eventually restored
Related to 2014 157
John Gaughan The Burning Globe
  • The Chamber of Secrets
borrowed handkerchief is burned and restored in a metal apparatus
June 2016
Genii (Vol. 79 No. 6)
Paul Vigil The Phantom Returns "or Ripping the Fabric of Space-Time"
safety pin pinned through handkerchief and ripped out, repeats
  • Phase 1: The Fabric of Space-Time
  • Phase 2: You Decide
  • Phase 3: Lies are Made from Whole Cloth
Inspired by 2017 103
Alexander de Cova Verbranntes Taschentuch burned borrowed handkerchief
2017 69
Martin Lewis Blue Moon
  • Making Magic
borrowed cut and restored handkerchief, center transposes with a blue bag (mis-made), it is burned in a top hat along the way
Mar. 2018
Genii (Vol. 81 No. 3)
Jonathan Neal Sakamoto's Cut and Restored Silk
  • Secrets Within Secrets
silk cut in paper tube
May 2018
Genii (Vol. 81 No. 5)