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Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
Stewart James Miraskill
Related toVariationsAlso published here Sep. 1936
The Jinx (Issue 24)
Al Baker The Flapless Envelope Switch "Baker Method"
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1941 26
Bert Allerton Bamboozle story presentation with bills
Variations 1947
Stars of Magic (Vol. 3 No. 2)
George G. Kaplan Kaplan's Clock Trick card from circle to matchbox, thirteen duplicates
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1948 72
Milton Kort Coins Through the Table with shell and glass
Variations 1952 276
Bill Simon Danbury Delusion
Variations 1952 83
Eddie Fields The Zodiac Card Miracle card divination effect with astrological sign presentation, also divine how many cards spectator hides in pocket
Related toAlso published here 1952 28
Edward Marlo Bluff Ace Assembly
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1955
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1955)
Max Malini The Coin Game coin snatching technique, hand is wrapped with handkerchief except first finger, spectator cannot take the coin
Related toVariations 1962 35
Jack Avis Sensitive Fingers naming card when feeling them behind back, then cards on either side of a selection
Variations June 1966 38
Karl Fulves The Bet without Odds Problems with Cards - No. Three
one red card in black pile and vice versa, spectator should choose a pile and find a black card, but he chooses black pile and the only red card therein
for solutions see references
Variations June 1966 39
Roy Johnson The Bet without Odds solution
Inspired by Sep. 1966 56
Al Koran The Gold Medallion prediction of number on medallion
Related toVariations 1968 11
Roy Walton, Bob Hummer Daydream with dealing procedure
Inspired byVariations Feb. 1968 160
Bob Ostin Perfection Penetration handkerchief on table and coin placed on top, coin penetrates
Related toVariations 1968 9
George B. Anderson Find the Killer five people select a weapon, spectator gets dowsing rod and finds person with weapon that matches prediction
Variations 1968 27
Jon Racherbaumer Almost Making It four blank cards, four Aces, change place one by one, see page 169 (of Tannen's Reprint) for correction
Variations Summer 1970
Hierophant (Issue 4)
Roy Johnson Viewpoint
1970 1
Roy Johnson Expansion of Texture three phases, first two with only one coin and handkerchief
1970 7
Roy Johnson The Policy method to load card under jacket near inner pocket
1970 15
Roy Johnson (1) Card to Pocket to right inner jacket pocket
1970 18
Roy Johnson (2) Card to Wallet
1970 18
Roy Johnson (3) The Policy card to stapled envelope, insurance presentation
1970 18
Roy Johnson Cent three coins in hand, always one is removed and when spectator is asked how many are left in the hand, he is wrong, after some repetition a perfume bottle appears in the hand
Inspired by
  • a routine by Milbourne Christopher in "Hugard's Magic Monthly"
1970 23
Roy Johnson The Dunbury Delusion
Inspired by 1970 27
Roy Johnson Tie-Fun
1970 33
Roy Johnson Tootal Tie tie makes a sound, gag
1970 33
Roy Johnson Hypno-Tie tie follows movement of hand, similar to hypnotic handkerchief
1970 35
Roy Johnson The Bargain (with Apologies to Bert Allerton) story presentation, bill vanishes among pieces of newspaper
Inspired by 1970 37
Roy Johnson Sensitive Fingers naming card when feeling them under table, then cards on either side of a reversed card are predicted
Inspired by 1970 41
Roy Johnson "Pips-A-Plenty" - or Sensitive Fingers... Plus!!! card is put on spectator's hand and secured with a match box, card is then blank and pips found in box
1970 45
Roy Johnson Mental Card in Wallet - Two Variations on a Theme multiple prediction in wallet, written on playing and visiting cards
(1) Happy Holidays
(2) The "Lucky Box" Prediction
1970 49
Roy Johnson Solo Coins Through Table with four coins, glass and Okito Box
Inspired byVariations 1970 55
Roy Johnson Lapping from a Stack
1970 57
Roy Johnson Beat the Clock bill in orange with game show presentation
Variations 1970 63
Roy Johnson The Card and Chewing Gum card to chewing cum
Variations 1970 71
Joseph K. Schmidt Rope Thru rope through performer's body
Variations June 1970 344
Roy Johnson Rope Thru Impromptu!
Inspired by Sep. 1970 364
Bascom Jones The Mystic Word on a palmistry gag by Roy Johnson
Magick (Issue 2)
Roy Johnson The Affectionate Coins six coins and washer, three coins in each hand, they penetrate table, repeat, repeat upwards, washer and glass through table as well
Variations 1970 3
Roy Johnson Mutilated Hanks Routine handkerchief borrowed, handkerchief suddenly in shreds, restored to long strip in paper bag, then changes to lemon, handkerchief inside but with hole, center of handkerchief from same material as cloth bag suddenly, eventually restored
Also published here 1970 11
Roy Johnson Sucker Purse routine with sponge balls and purse frame
  • The Sucker Vanish (sponge vanish in purse frame without lapping)
  • The Routine
1970 17
Roy Johnson Predictafors card at named number is predicted, 1-0-1 mirage deck
1970 21
Derek Dingle Color Triumphant color changing deck climax
Related toVariations 1971 3
Roy Johnson Dear Reader
1971 iv
Roy Johnson, Bob Ostin Ostin-Tatious coin penetrates table and arrives under handkerchief on the table several time, then it changes into another coin
Inspired by 1971 1
Roy Johnson Burst comedy routine, stack of picture and word cards, one is predicted and water appears from card
1971 6
Roy Johnson Hypno-Hank gag, handkerchief moves up and down, invisible hair presentation
1971 11
Roy Johnson The Duplicator Button with two decks, card selected by throwing dice
1971 15
Roy Johnson Flap Finesse... (or How to eliminate Flap Fumble!!!) window envelope for switching cards, billets etc.
Variations 1971 21
Roy Johnson Spot (The amazing vanishing rabbit!!) comedy routine, card with rabbit in a top hat is put in window envelope, rabbit vanishes from card
Related to
  • Bill Severn's "Magic Comedy"
1971 23
Roy Johnson Sponges with purse frame, mini sponge ball climax
1971 27
Roy Johnson Sponge Ball Vanish in purse frame
1971 28
Roy Johnson Un-Worldly
1971 35
Roy Johnson, Morty Rudnick The Schmuck Prediction! four way out prediction envelope, "all schmucks choose ..."
1971 39
Roy Johnson Telegram Surprise telegram is brought to performance which reveals a card a spectator is sitting on
1971 43
Roy Johnson, Bobby Collins "Pop Goes the..." knife or fork is vanished, seated, à la knife swallowing
1971 45
Roy Johnson The Spotted Can presentation for Jack Hughes' "The Polka Dot Barrel" / "Can Can Polka", poem, first in The Talisman No. 52
1971 49
Roy Johnson, Peter Warlock On the Slate two signed slates with different symbols, one put under spectator's foot and one in envelope, symbols change places, flap
Variations 1971 53
Roy Johnson The Ultimate Key box with slit, locked by padlock, keys put in slit last one opens the lock
1971 61
Roy Johnson Suitcase Table
1971 71
Jon Racherbaumer, Roy Johnson Jon's Gem four blank cards, four Aces, change place one by one
Inspired by 1971 75
Roy Johnson Yours Sincerly
1971 84
Roy Johnson The Cookhill Transposition two cards in signed envelopes transpose, deck of double facers
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1972
Magick (Issue 60)
Roy Johnson 'O.T.L.' Prediction one ahead prediction wit Out to Lunch, business cards, clever ruse of writing numbers
Related to 1972
Magick (Issue 63)
Karl Fulves (reviewer) Second Time Around by Roy Johnson Feb. 1973 599
Roy Johnson Cookhill a la O.T.L.!!! card transposition in signed envelopes
Related to 1973
Magick (Issue 74)
David Douglas Flora-Mental spectator name numbers which match a price tag, flower is chosen and produced in box from performer
Inspired by
  • Ned Rutledge's "Minding the Store" (marketed 1969)
Magick (Issue 94)
Roy Johnson Instant Aces Kings and Aces transpose, four double facers, sbs joker
1976 2
Roy Johnson The Boy Friend "A close-up trick with Ladies in mind"
card with names, one chosen, that name appears on previously empty small mirror written in lipstick
Also published here 1976 4
Roy Johnson Credit Transfer borrowed credit card penetrated with three skewers and then burned, found in sealed envelope
Also published here 1976 7
Roy Johnson Invisible Reverse "Thoughts on the 'Invisible Pack'"
card always shows up in the center without a cut, sbs
1976 10
Roy Johnson Cookhill 2 two cards transpose with one in a wallet, deck of double facers
Inspired by 1976 11
Roy Johnson Tri-Pred mental epic type prediction with business cards instead of slate
Also published here 1976 14
Roy Johnson 3rd Dimensional - A Banknote Switch for One Ahead Routines
Inspired byRelated to 1976 17
Roy Johnson Author's Introduction
1977 1
Roy Johnson Showcase using a record storing case as container/table on stage
1977 3
Roy Johnson Matchick match blown out through sleeve, silk in hand transposes with matches in match box
1977 5
Roy Johnson Close Up Parade chop cup routine with dice cup and balls, combination after dice stacking
  • Phase 1 - Chink a Chink
  • Phase 2 - The Homing Pigeon
  • Phase 3 - Odd Man Out
  • Phase 4 - A Cup and a Ball
1977 9
Roy Johnson The Cookhill Transposition two cards in signed envelopes transpose, deck of double facers
  • alternative method
Also published here 1977 15
Roy Johnson Nutty brass nut on stick, three phases
1977 19
Roy Johnson Flawless envelope switch with stack
Inspired byVariationsAlso published here 1977 24
Roy Johnson Ring 'n Rope
  • Phase 1 - The "Bluff" Release
  • Phase 2 - The Pull Out
  • Phase 3 - The Drop Release
  • Phase 4 - The Climax (ring knotted into rope)
Inspired by
  • routine in book "Tokyo Trickery"
1977 32
Roy Johnson The Houdini Ring duplicate ring with slit, four phases
Inspired by
  • "Johnson Ring Trick", marketed ca. 1970
1977 41
Roy Johnson Fifty Fifty card stopped at is predicted in different ways
  • Mark 1 (jumbo card in envelope)
  • Mark 2 (52-on-1 card with actual prediction on back)
  • Mark 3 (black Two of Hearts)
1977 47
Roy Johnson Envelope Switch switching a card while handling an envelope
1977 49
Roy Johnson Switcherama
1977 52
Geoff Ogram, Roy Johnson Lightning! mechanical switch-pad, paper pulled inside
1977 55
Roy Johnson Hades Booktests intro
1977 60
Roy Johnson Hellfire 1 using playing cards to select page
1977 60
Roy Johnson Hellfire 2
1977 65
Roy Johnson None But the Brave two numbers chosen, they correspond to time of pocket watch
Inspired by 1977 68
Roy Johnson That Gum Revisited signed card transposes with inside of chewing gum stick
Inspired by 1977 70
Roy Johnson Supa-Flora eight flowers called out, chosen one predicted in a box, further three chosen flowers are predicted in a letter
Inspired by 1977 74
Roy Johnson Bullseye cased deck in front of target, pistol fired on deck, deck drops and selection remains attached to target with hole
1977 80
Roy Johnson Time Bomb spectator changes time on pocket watch, performer divines it, repeat with prediction
Variations 1977 84
John F. Mendoza Routined Poker Mental princess card trick with lie detection presentation
Variations 1978 19
Larry Becker It's In The Bag ESP deck in paper bag, three spectators select a card and all are divined by performer
Related toVariations 1978 1
Larry Becker Hot Seat chair test with four chairs and colored discs, prediction of empty chair in envelope
Variations 1978 120
False Cut #2 tabled, top half kicked to the right with right first finger during straight table cut, creator guessed as Roy Johnson
1978 5
Willy "Tex Williams" Peter (reviewer) Ein Ausflug nach München on the 2. Magic Happing of the Zauberzentrale München, Rudolf Braunmüller, Reinhard Müller, Roy Johnson, Eckhard Böttcher, Dieter Ebel Theo Bauer, Karl-Heinz Ritter, Gerard de Vienne 1978
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 39 No. 3)
Karl Fulves Fundamental Df switch choreography for sandwich with one double facer
Variations 1979 61
Roy Johnson Foreword
1979 1
Roy Johnson Solo Coins four coins and a metal disc
Inspired by 1979 3
Roy Johnson Lapping from Stack stack held near table edge
1979 3
Roy Johnson The Boy Friend "A close-up trick with Ladies in mind"
card with names, one chosen, that name appears on previously empty small mirror written in lipstick
VariationsAlso published here 1979 7
Roy Johnson Zoo Quest selected animals are divined and predicted, three phases, using lists of animals and instructions to move on them
Variations 1979 11
Roy Johnson The Great Divide two-way envelope
Inspired by 1979 18
Roy Johnson Credit Transfer borrowed credit card penetrated with three skewers and then burned, found in sealed envelope
Also published here 1979 20
Roy Johnson Triple Transpo credit cards transpose, in envelopes
Inspired by
  • "Initial Magnetism" (Roy Johnson, Abracadabra #1552, Oct. 1975)
1979 23
Roy Johnson Initial Magnetism two card in two envelopes transpose
Also published here
  • "Initial Magnetism" (Roy Johnson, Abracadabra #1552, Oct. 1975)
1979 23
Roy Johnson Forceful six coins and washer, three coins in each hand, they penetrate table, repeat with glass and small plunger
Inspired by 1979 29
Roy Johnson Tri-Pred mental epic type prediction with business cards instead of slate
Also published here 1979 35
Roy Johnson Third Dimensional borrowed bill in envelope, number divined
Related to 1979 40
Roy Johnson Chinese Tassels rhyming patter
1979 41
Roy Johnson Creditable borrowed credit card burned in envelope, reappears in another envelope
1979 43
Roy Johnson Impressed information written on paper, folded, put in envelope
Variations 1979 47
Roy Johnson Cash Stab bill burned in envelope, card stab in paper bag, bill found inside card
  • Burned Bank Note
  • The Card Stab
  • The Routine
Inspired by
  • Milbourne Christopher routine in Hugard's Magic Monthly
1979 52
Roy Johnson Bangers! banner with letters "SAUGSAGE", different words can be build by folding and covering
1979 59
Roy Johnson A Lesson in Magic handkerchief borrowed, handkerchief suddenly in shreds, restored to long strip in paper bag, then changes to lemon, handkerchief inside but with hole, center of handkerchief from same material as cloth bag suddenly, eventually restored
Related toAlso published here 1979 61
Roy Johnson A Final Word
1979 68
Karl Fulves Murder, Inc. a red card in a packet is designated as killer and its position remembered, then black card with same value cut at same position, performer divines it all
Inspired byRelated to 1980
The Chronicles (Issue 25)
Roy Johnson Vorwort
1980 4
Roy Johnson Eingekastelt two-phase transposition of two cards, one in the case
Inspired byVariationsAlso published here
  • Everyman Cards, 1979
1980 5
Roy Johnson Marloeske
Inspired byAlso published here
  • Everyman Cards, 1979
1980 8
Roy Johnson Farbtriumph color changing deck climax
Inspired byAlso published here
  • Everyman Cards, 1979
1980 11
Roy Johnson Pokerrocker five all-backs cards change into poker hand
Also published here
  • Everyman Cards, 1979
1980 15
Roy Johnson Mirakel Divination marks on face
Also published here
  • Everyman Cards, 1979
1980 18
Roy Johnson Knabe princess card trick with real shuffling, marks on back of cards
Inspired byAlso published here
  • Everyman Cards, 1979
1980 21
Roy Johnson Der Überraschende 11-Kartentrick
  • Stegreif Klimax
Also published here
  • Feature 3, 1979
1980 25
Roy Johnson Der Kartenwanderung-Klimax one spectator has another spectator select cards that travel across, duplicates, with envelopes
  • Die Extra Spezialität (with gag cards)
Also published here
  • Feature 3, 1979
1980 29
Roy Johnson Die Rakete! bill travels into fireworks rocket, elaborate presentation
Inspired byAlso published here
  • Feature 3, 1979
1980 32
Roy Johnson Printex four blank cards get printed
Also published here
  • Feature 3, 1979
1980 35
Al Smith Kace two-phase transposition of two cards, one in the case
Inspired by 1980 25
Willy "Tex Williams" Peter München Magisch - Kongress des MZvD 1981 on the German magic convention in Munich, Jochen Zmeck, Bill Stickland, Peter Kersten, Harry Lorayne, Warren Stephens, Edwin Hooper, Camilo, Roy Johnson, Dai Vernon, Mr. Black und Ursula, Sebastian, Eckhard Böttcher, Theo Bauer, Mr. Bogo, Gene Anderson, Piet Forton, Tantor, Die 2 Erinos, Daviso, Terry Herbert, Robert Lundell, Peps Zoller, Sepp Viellechner, Duo Absolon, Ray Speedy, Glenn Falkenstein & Frances Willard, Dieter Ebel, Pinelli, Günter Puchinger, Siegfried, Edwin Hooper, Bill Larsen, Rudolf Braunmüller, Armin Rieck, Werner Hornung
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 42 No. 6)
Roy Johnson Appendix One ... Basic Sponge Vanish credit according to Busby's review
1982 32
Jeff Busby (reviewer) The Finn Jon Zombie Routine/Roy Johnson's Cent/The Malcolm Davison Book Test by Ken Brooke June 1983
Epoptica (Issue 4)
Derek Dingle, Roy Johnson, Rudolf Braunmüller Münzen durch den Tisch with shot glass
Apr. 1983
Intermagic (Vol. 10 No. 1)
Jeff Busby (reviewer) A World of Clocks by Roy Johnson Aug. 1984
Epoptica (Issue 6)
Jeff Busby (reviewer) Roy Johnson's Flawless/Ken Brooke on the Hamman Count by Ken Brooke Aug. 1984
Epoptica (Issue 6)
Roy Johnson Roy Johnson on the Breakthrough Card System
Inspired by Aug. 1984
Epoptica (Issue 6)
Roy Johnson Breakthrough Clock selection pocketed and divined
Aug. 1984
Epoptica (Issue 6)
Roy Johnson A Close-Up Routine cards are divined and predicted with Brainwave Pack, using the Breakthrough Card System
Aug. 1984
Epoptica (Issue 6)
Roy Johnson Introduction
1984 i
Roy Johnson Time Please with variation, folded card in matchbox
Inspired by 1984 1
Roy Johnson Zodiaclock blank cards with zodiac signs
Related toVariations 1984 4
Roy Johnson Klok card vanish among twelve cards, second phase card to matchbox
Inspired byRelated to 1984 7
Roy Johnson Surprise Item jumbo card prediction, normal card turns blank and pips found on mirror
Inspired by
  • Ken Perk's "Peeky Mirror" marketed by Ken Brooke
1984 11
Roy Johnson The Switch envelope switch, normal card is switched while removing prediction jumbo card
1984 14
Roy Johnson Mythical Princess two cards are found, clock theme, prediction with sucker element
1984 17
Martin Lewis Sidewalk Shuffle Jumbo three card monte routine, using blank cards and Ace of Diamonds
Variations 1985 95
Jack Yates Clue six spectators with cards and pens, one of them writes an X on his card behind performers back, those with red cards must speak truth, black must lie, performer finds different colored disc, murder game
Variations 1986 51
Roy Johnson Zodiaclock Bonus spectator's birth sign is determined with clock principle and zodiac cards
Inspired by Oct. 1987
Epoptica (Issue 10)
Jeff Busby (reviewer) Suparings by Roy Johnson Feb. 1988
Epoptica (Issue 11)
Roy Johnson Foreword
Also published here 1989 3
Roy Johnson Dedication
1989 5
Roy Johnson Noughts and Crosses follow the leader, described with ESP cards
  • Card Displacement - Method No. 2 (Veeser Concept)
Also published here 1989 7
Roy Johnson Take Three forcing three cards with three way forcing deck
Also published here 1989 12
Roy Johnson Double Oscar two routines with the card duck
Inspired by
  • Tricks of a Trouper, Jack Ledair
Also published here
1989 14
Roy Johnson D.D.D. "Design and Digit Detector"
a chosen ESP card and a chosen plastic sleeve are divined, prop-heavy
Also published here 1989 18
Roy Johnson Lamination how to laminate
1989 23
Roy Johnson Plasticated card with corner torn off appears in sealed laminated case, Intercessor type duplicate
Also published here 1989 25
Roy Johnson Cornerized! corner of cards travels inside lamination where rest of card already is
Also published here 1989 29
Roy Johnson The Coin Game coin snatching technique, hand is wrapped with handkerchief except first finger, spectator cannot take the coin
Inspired byAlso published here 1989 33
Roy Johnson Cased two card transposition routine with case
Inspired by
  • effect in "Everyman Cards" (Roy Johnson)
Also published here
1989 37
Roy Johnson The Prediction chosen card predicted with funny message on it
Also published here 1989 42
Roy Johnson Chopper! with shot glass, ball sealed in shot glass as finale
Also published here 1989 44
Roy Johnson Double Time
VariationsAlso published here 1989 49
Roy Johnson Focus on Murder ten cards with names, number and person at position remembered, divined
Inspired byRelated toVariationsAlso published here 1989 52
Roy Johnson Murder! simplified routine
Inspired by 1989 55
Roy Johnson Twin Reverse named card removed from two decks, replaced in both decks where spectator wants, card turns over in both decks in two phases, SBS deck
Inspired by
  • "Buttoned Reverse" (Roy Johnson, Abracadabra, 1970s)
1989 57
Roy Johnson A Lesson in Tiemanship cut and restored tie, two routines
Also published here 1989 60
Roy Johnson The Murder Game three spectators with weapons, fourth spectator locates murder
Inspired by 1989 66
Roy Johnson The £80 Card Game story presentation
Inspired by
  • "An Alternative Puzzle" (Bill Miesel, The Creative Card Magic of William P. Miesel, p. 59)
1989 71
Roy Johnson The Book Test
Also published here 1989 75
Roy Johnson Identity Crisis Ace of Spades changes into duplicates of three selections one by one
Inspired by
  • "Chamiversal" (Roy Johnson, Abracadabra)
Also published here
1989 78
Roy Johnson Instant Aces
1989 82
Roy Johnson The Crown Affair four objects on table, two-way-out instructions, remaining item predicted, three phases
Inspired byAlso published here 1989 85
Roy Johnson Incredible Dreamer with blank deck
Inspired byAlso published here 1989 90
Paul Hallas An 'L' Of A Trick Clock trick with ABC cards
Inspired by 1990 21
Roy Johnson Snap folded piece of paper visible changes to bill
  • Das Gimmick und seine Handhabung
  • Vorführ-Finessen
  • Ultra-Finesse
  • Die Herstellung des Gimmicks
  • Der "Zusammenbau"
1990 1
Roy Johnson Suparings routine with two plastic rings and rope, six phase routine
Inspired by
  • "Ring Sation" (Ken Beale)
Also published here
  • marketed manuscript
Jan. 1991
Intermagic (Vol. 16 No. 1)
Jim Sisti (reviewer) Supa-Rings by Roy Johnson Nov./Dec. 1991
The Magic Menu (Vol. 2 No. 8)
Roy Johnson Objective three objects selected via cards with words on them, predicted, one-ahead
Aug. 1992
New Sorcerer (Vol. 1 No. 2)
Roy Johnson, Mark Leveridge Envelope Stack to switch something
Inspired by
  • "Flawless" (Roy Johnson, Third Dimension)
1992 8
Roy Johnson Silber Spezial German translation of Silver Special
June 1992
Intermagic (Vol. 17 No. 1)
Roy Johnson Vorwort
Also published here June 1992
Intermagic (Vol. 17 No. 1)
Roy Johnson Kreise und Kreuze follow the leader, described with ESP cards
  • Umschicht-Methode Nr. 2
Also published here June 1992
Intermagic (Vol. 17 No. 1)
Roy Johnson Nehmen Sie 3 Karten! forcing three cards with three way forcing deck
Also published here June 1992
Intermagic (Vol. 17 No. 1)
Roy Johnson Doppel-Oskar two routines with the card duck
Inspired by
  • Tricks of a Trouper, Jack Ledair
Also published here
June 1992
Intermagic (Vol. 17 No. 1)
Roy Johnson S.Z.D. a chosen ESP card and a chosen plastic sleeve are divined, prop-heavy
Also published here June 1992
Intermagic (Vol. 17 No. 1)
Roy Johnson Das Münzenspiel coin snatching technique, hand is wrapped with handkerchief except first finger, spectator cannot take the coin
Inspired byAlso published here June 1992
Intermagic (Vol. 17 No. 1)
Roy Johnson Eine Lektion in Schlipsologie cut and restored tie, two routines
Also published here June 1992
Intermagic (Vol. 17 No. 1)
Roy Johnson Eingekastelt II two card transposition routine with case
Also published here June 1992
Intermagic (Vol. 17 No. 1)
Roy Johnson Die Vorhersage chosen card predicted with funny message on it
Also published here June 1992
Intermagic (Vol. 17 No. 1)
Roy Johnson Der Buchtest
Also published here June 1992
Intermagic (Vol. 17 No. 1)
Roy Johnson Chopper with shot glass, ball sealed in shot glass as finale
Also published here June 1992
Intermagic (Vol. 17 No. 1)
Roy Johnson Eine magische Lektion borrowed handkerchief changes into destroyed pieces, pieces put in paper bag, they change into ribbon, then in lemon, handkerchief is in lemon but with hole, put in cloth bag, part of the fabric transposes from bag to handkerchief, finally it appears on head of performer or assistant under hat
Nov. 1993
Intermagic (Vol. 18 No. 2)
Roy Johnson ESP-Voraussage spectator assigns five ESP cards to five envelope, three are correct, that outcome is predicted, previously unpublished
Nov. 1993
Intermagic (Vol. 18 No. 2)
Die Zuschauer zaubern spelling routine with eight cards
Related to
  • Roy Johnson routine in Abacus, ca. 1993
May 1994
Intermagic (Vol. 18 No. 3)
Roy Johnson Silber Spezial more routines from Silver Special
May 1994
Intermagic (Vol. 18 No. 3)
Roy Johnson Plastifiziert card with corner torn off appears in sealed laminated case, Intercessor type duplicate
Also published here May 1994
Intermagic (Vol. 18 No. 3)
Roy Johnson Eckenfiziert corner of cards travels inside lamination where rest of card already is
Also published here May 1994
Intermagic (Vol. 18 No. 3)
Roy Johnson Mit Martini geht's leichter! four objects on table, two-way-out instructions, remaining item predicted, three phases
Also published here May 1994
Intermagic (Vol. 18 No. 3)
Roy Johnson Es geht um Mord! ten cards with names, number and person at position remembered, divined
Related toAlso published here May 1994
Intermagic (Vol. 18 No. 3)
Roy Johnson Der Tadellos-Umschlag with stack of envelopes
Also published here July 1994
Intermagic (Vol. 18 No. 4 & 5)
Roy Johnson Der Mehrzweck-Umschlag switching an object under a stack of envelopes with hollow section
Nov. 1994
Intermagic (Vol. 19 No. 1)
Roy Johnson Klappen Finesse
Nov. 1994
Intermagic (Vol. 19 No. 1)
Roy Johnson Brett Daniels
June 1994
Magic (Vol. 3 No. 10)
Peter Duffie The Incredible Cover-Up four-digit number written on piece of paper is divined
Inspired by 1994 14
Roy Johnson Unique German translation of 1995 book "Unique"
Intermagic (Vol. 19 No. 4 & 5)
Roy Johnson Vorwort
Also published here
  • Unique
Intermagic (Vol. 19 No. 4 & 5)
Roy Johnson Musik Maestro music pieces divined
Also published here
  • Unique
Intermagic (Vol. 19 No. 4 & 5)
Roy Johnson Der Schlüssel
  • Das Rotieren
Also published here
  • Unique
Intermagic (Vol. 19 No. 4 & 5)
Roy Johnson Die Schlüsselschnüre key through string
Also published here
  • Unique
Intermagic (Vol. 19 No. 4 & 5)
Roy Johnson Zur Hölle und zurück book test followed by pegasus page
Also published here
  • Unique
Intermagic (Vol. 19 No. 4 & 5)
Roy Johnson Die Bücherei forcing a book
Also published here
  • Unique
Intermagic (Vol. 19 No. 4 & 5)
Roy Johnson Nochmals die Bücherei forcing a book
Also published here
  • Unique
Intermagic (Vol. 19 No. 4 & 5)
Roy Johnson Die Karte in Irgendwas intercessor alternative to have matching corner
  • Karte in Rasierapparat
Inspired by
  • "Missing Digit" (Geatan Bloom)
Also published here
  • Unique
Intermagic (Vol. 19 No. 4 & 5)
Roy Johnson, Geoffrey Durham Hyp-Knot-isch rope cut, long and short pieces transpose, with traveling knot
  • Der wandernde Knoten
  • Das Verschieben des Knotens
  • Der Austausch
Also published here
  • Unique
Intermagic (Vol. 19 No. 4 & 5)
Roy Johnson Aufgespießt bill burned in envelope, card stab in paper bag, bill found inside card
  • Der verbrannte Geldschein
  • Das Kartenstechen
  • Das Laden der Karte
Inspired byAlso published here
  • Unique
Intermagic (Vol. 19 No. 4 & 5)
Roy Johnson Blitztransposition
Intermagic (Vol. 20 No. 1)
Roy Johnson, Rudolf Braunmüller B.L.Ö.D. twenty-one bill, counting with mathematical confusion, Himber wallet
Intermagic (Vol. 20 No. 2)
Roy Johnson Die Roy Johnson Routine zu Martin Lewis' Sidewalk Shuffle
Inspired by 1997
Intermagic (Vol. 21 No. 1)
Roy Johnson Dosen-tration blade through can in box, compressible can
Intermagic (Vol. 21 No. 2)
Roy Johnson Münzenlotto II Miraskill and Einstein routine with coins and two cups
Inspired by 1997
Intermagic (Vol. 21 No. 2)
Roy Johnson Tätersuche three cards with "lie" and three with "truth"
  • Die Fünfer-Version
Inspired by 1997
Intermagic (Vol. 21 No. 3)
Vanni Pulè Spiegel, Spiegel name chosen from booklet appears with lipstick on mirror, svengali forcing book
Inspired by 1997
Intermagic (Vol. 21 No. 4 & 5)
Roy Johnson Der Karten-Uhrentrick variation of Kaplan's clock trick
Inspired byRelated to 1998
Intermagic (Vol. 22 No. 1)
Rudolf Braunmüller Ein Roy Johnson Potpourri
Intermagic (Vol. 23 No. 1)
Roy Johnson Doppelzeit
Also published here 1999
Intermagic (Vol. 23 No. 1)
Roy Johnson Der unglaubliche Träumer with blank deck
Inspired byAlso published here 1999
Intermagic (Vol. 23 No. 1)
Roy Johnson Auf dem Rennplatz
Intermagic (Vol. 23 No. 1)
Roy Johnson Telamit performer has to make notes at home
Intermagic (Vol. 23 No. 1)
Roy Johnson Chromatismus three spectators choose a color, then a number from one to eight, chosen colors match with colors written on eight numbered cards
Inspired by 1999
Intermagic (Vol. 23 No. 1)
Roy Johnson Identitätskrise Ace of Spades changes into duplicates of three selections one by one
Inspired by
  • "Chamiversal" (Roy Johnson, Abracadabra)
Also published here
Intermagic (Vol. 23 No. 1)
Roy Johnson Zeitbombe spectator changes time on pocket watch, performer divines it, repeat with prediction
Inspired by 1999
Intermagic (Vol. 23 No. 1)
Roy Johnson Blitz-Quadrat flash magic square on business card
Related to 2000
Intermagic (Vol. 23 No. 4 & 5)
Rudolf Braunmüller Anmerkung tip for flash magic square
Related to 2000
Intermagic (Vol. 23 No. 4 & 5)
Chris Hurlbert (reviewer) Roy Johnson's S.U.M. Deck by Casino Magic July/Aug. 2000
The Magic Menu (Vol. 10 No. 60)
Ron Bauer, Roy Johnson Owed to Poker Dan five double-backers become five aces
Inspired by
  • "Poker Dan" (Roy Johnson, Everyman Cards, 1981)
2001 1
Danny Orleans (reviewer) S.U.M. Deck by Roy Johnson Aug. 2001
Genii (Vol. 64 No. 8)
Roy Johnson Introduction
2004 3
Alexander de Cova Bonus: The "Killer" Cut Finish second phase in which a card cut in quarters transposes with another card
Inspired by
  • "Versa Plus" (Roy Johnson)
Also published here
2005 14
Andy Nyman Big Reaction "(Lucky Cards Reborn)"
every card has "Boo" written on its back, but named selection has "Clap & Cheer"
  • Big Reaction
  • Lucky Cards (different presentation)
Inspired by
  • "Lucky Cards" (Roy Johnson, By My Guest Plus!, 1989)
2010 171
Alan Shaxon A Lesson in Magic handkerchief borrowed, handkerchief suddenly in shreds, restored to long strip in paper bag, then changes to lemon, handkerchief inside but with hole, center of handkerchief from same material as cloth bag suddenly, eventually restored
Related to 2014 157
Alexander de Cova Inner Sanctum bill travels to inside of a playing card
Inspired by 2015 89
Alexander de Cova Der alternative Abschluss nach Roy Johnson second phase in which a card cut in quarters transposes with another card
Inspired by
  • "Versa Plus" (Roy Johnson)
Also published here
2015 128
Alexander de Cova Absolutely Impossible spectator stops deal, wallet placed on pile (secretly adding prediction card)
Inspired by
  • "Absolutely Impossible" (Roy Johnson, Ken Brooke, marketed)
2015 254
John Lovick The Handsome Jack Lotto presentation for McCombical Prediction
Inspired by
  • "Lucky Cards" (Roy Johnson, By My Guest Plus!, 1989)
Also published here
2016 11