92 entries in Paper / Add-a-Number Pad
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
Suggestion und Hypnose explanation of the effect
Related to July 1896
Der Zauberspiegel (Vol. 1 No. 11)
Friedrich W. Conradi-Horster Die Geisterschrift à la Conradi numbers added on pad, sum appears on slate without cover
Related to Oct. 1897
Der Zauberspiegel (Vol. 3 No. 4)
Das spiritistische Schreibmedium numbers added on pad, sum appears on slate without cover
Related to Nov. 1897
Der Zauberspiegel (Vol. 3 No. 5)
Samuel "St. Roman" Thiersfeld Der Kobold in der Flasche No. 36, name of chosen card or sum of numbers appears on paper in bottle, chemical
1899 103
Bertram North Ein moderner Hellseher four five-digit numbers written on paper and added, number predicted in envelope, numbers switched before the last spectator writes down his numbers, final row added by performer
Nov. 1903
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 9 No. 11)
b) Der Notizblock add-a-number pad, clever design, same method as in Conradi's Zauberspiegel
Related to 1903 150
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli Das Geheimnis der Uhr. No. 11, pocket watch placed under silk, contains prediction of name, selected card and total of numbers
1926 39
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli Eine Addition der Geister oder Rechenkunst in der IV. Dimension sum of four written numbers appears on piece of newspaper when lit with match
1927 3
Eddie Clever Only an Image some card names written down by spectators that think of any one, one of them selected, blank card first becomes wrong card (re. Elmsley gag, someone might be thinking of that one or not), then right card, fainted card (Larsen idea), see page 166 for credit correction
Related toAlso published here Nov. 1936
The Jinx (Issue 26)
David Allison Addition Subterfuge switch of paper before addition
The Jinx (Issue 112)
Mystery of the Traveling Numbers four random numbers are added, sum appears on paper
1941 179
William H. McCaffrey "Number Exchange" Routine routine
1943 33
William S. Houghton Diachylon Number Exchange
1943 34
William S. Houghton Foolproof Number Prediction
1943 36
Eddie Clever Only an Image some card names written down by spectators that think of any one, one of them selected, blank card first becomes wrong card (re. Elmsley gag, someone might be thinking of that one or not), then right card, fainted card (Larsen idea)
Also published here 1944 306
Ottokar Fischer Le point d'interrogation card on stand changes to five cards with numbers, sum of chosen numbers, followed by german translation "Das Fragezeichen"
Mar. 1947 11
C. L. Boarde Predictions - Variation B several four-digit numbers are added, total is predicted, several methods
1947 97
C. A. George Newmann "Super-Divino" Sealed Letter Test numbers added, magician devines total
1948 163
Add-A-Number Pad tunrover
1949 39
Dr. William Weyeneth Die restaurierte Trick-Ruine add a number idea, using nail writer, idea from American magazine
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 12 No. 4&5)
Dick Jarrow Number Prediction as Richard Jarrow, add-a-number pad with spiral book
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1956)
Dr. Conrad, Wanda Musical Telepathy with Add-A-Number divination with band, medium whispers chosen song
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1957)
Tony Corinda (5) Astrnomical add a number prediction, serial number of a bill
1958 109
Alan Stuart Dictionary Mind Reading prediction of word in book, add-a-number pad
1969 8
Al Baker Spirit Sum flap slate
July 1971 430
Elmer P. Ransom Elmer Ransom's Flap Slate Wrinkle No. 721, as addition pad
1972 193
Richard Lyn Add-A-Brain slips with ESP symbols, ESP card and paper are selected, symbols match
Magick (Issue 77)
Dr. E. Raymond Carlyle Mind Warp! add-a-number pad, clever handling
Magick (Issue 121)
Dr. E. Raymond Carlyle No-Touch Sealed Prediction mailed prediction, color, card, number, and vague headline
Magick (Issue 137)
Gerald Kosky Total Prediction add-a-number prediction, prediction written on back of card where numbers are added
1975 150
Carl Herron Phenomenon! triple prediction of number, coins and card, presentation idea
Magick (Issue 151)
Burling Hull Volta's Master Book Test Mystery several two-digit numbers on paper, cut out, two pieces chosen and all digits added, first sentence on that page divined
1976 67
Add-a-Number Pad turn over
1977 11
Richard Lyn Flip-Flop! subtleties fro add-a-number theme
Magick (Issue 178)
Frederick M. Shields Jaws add-a-number with business cards held by bulldog clip
Magick (Issue 179)
Bob Haines Mental Lock spectator divine secret number of combination lock, spectator's wallet and keys locked inside the box
Magick (Issue 193)
Roy Johnson Switcherama
1977 52
Geoff Ogram, Roy Johnson Lightning! mechanical switch-pad, paper pulled inside
1977 55
Al Mann Panoramas of Thought six cards are written on a pad by different spectators, three spectators select a card, three of the written cards are chosen, they correspond with the selections
1978 5
Philip T. Goldstein Green Bells of Hell different colors are noted down by different people, one color is selected, prediction
Magick (Issue 209)
Bobby Hughes Pocket Pad gaffing, marking and using a spiral-bound pad for Pseudo Psychometry, predictions and add-a-number
Related to 1978
Magick (Issue 210)
C. L. Boarde Allez-Oop! add-a-number using the book as turnover pad, total to select page and word
1978 45
Leslie Anderson The Sixth Sign! telephone book test, three numbers written on three pieces of papers or formed into three digit number, see also p. 1160 for corrections
Magick (Issue 229)
Leslie Anderson Time Warp numbers are noted and one selected, matches set time by spectator on watch
Related toVariations 1979
Magick (Issue 246)
Philip T. Goldstein Karma photo prediction of chosen car color and license plate number
Related to 1980 9
Dick Zimmerman The October Man four numbers are written on a pad and added, total appears on calculator held in plastic bag
Magick (Issue 248)
Leslie Anderson The Pad add-a-number pad, page switched while torn from pad
Magick (Issue 249)
Steve Dusheck Pad-I-Add Triks magnetic switch pad
1980 ca. 15
Al Mann The 16-Digit Effect add-a-number pad in secretary-wallet, signed paper
1982 12
Robert Siepielski Names using a magnetic-locking Add-a-Number pad for a Living and Dead routine
June 1982
Magick (Issue 307)
Philip T. Goldstein Test Book Test adding three page numbers to select page
July 1984
Magick (Issue 335)
Dr. Dan J. Alessini Images design for add-a-number pad, spiral-bound pad
Aug. 1985
Magick (Issue 355)
David Kaput Warp's' finger rings on padlock, total of added numbers lead to code to open lock
Jan. 1986
Magick (Issue 364)
Der Brieftaschen-Wendeblock Himber wallet as add-a-number pad
Dec. 1986
Intermagic (Vol. 12 No. 3 & 4)
Philip T. Goldstein Fifthought three numbers added, total predicted on calculator, then chosen digit of this total divined
Inspired by
  • "Five Thoughts Ahead" (Peter Warlock)
1989 69
C. A. George Newmann Super-Divino Pad
Related to 1989 70
Charles Reynolds The Spike prediction pierced on spike, number prediction, three numbers added and multiplied with random number using a die
Aug. 1989
Magick (Issue 426)
Ted Lesley Paper Wait sheet signed in bottom corner
Dec. 1990
Magick (Issue 449)
Paul Hallas A Mental Miracle sum prediction
Related to
  • Some Total (Larry Becker, 1978)
  • Fred Barlow's "Mental Prodigies"
  • Will Dexter's "Computer Mind" in "Feature Magic for Mentalists" p. 113
1990 10
Steve "Banachek" Shaw A Cheap Add-A-Number Effect
1990 /1999 17
Thomas Alan Waters Spyklic sum prediction, sum of added numbers can be multiplied by number using a die, 142857
Oct. 1991
Magick (Issue 462)
Karrell Fox Lots'a Lock add-a-number pad to open padlock
1991 76
Alexander de Cova 2. Das Wendeblock-Prinzip
  • Die Namensvorhersage (name prediction)
  • Die Zahlenvohersage (number prediction)
1992 87
Rudy T. Hunter Branch Manager words written on pad, chosen one is divined, branching anagram
Feb. 1992
Magick (Issue 468)
Larry Becker Transparen-See using Himber wallet / Becker Blockbuster wallet
  • Pre-Show Variation
1992 409
Dick Steiner Page One Headline Prediction book with headlines used
Inspired by
  • Terry Nosek's "The Best of Life" in "The Collected Works of Sigmund Fraud" 1984.
Also published here
  • Terry Nosek's "The Best of Life" in "Mentalist's Technical Bulletin" 1979.
Oct. 1992
Vibrations (Vol. 15 No. 4)
Harry Anderson Add-a-Number Envelope impromptu, with folded envelope
1993 46
Harry Anderson Musicalepathy medium divines chosen song
1993 84
Alexander de Cova Das Transparente Clipboard
  • Die Herstellung es Clipboards
  • Die Zettel
  • Wie das Clipboard arbeitet
  • Die "Klassische" Präparation
  • Methoden, das Deckblatt unbemerkt beiseite zu bringen
  • Die Umschlag-Methode
Also published here 1994 119
Ted Lesley The Working Performer's Switch Pad sheet is switched while it is removed from pad, clipped corner
1994 111
Alexander de Cova Ein transparentes Clipboard
  • Die Herstellung es Clipboards
  • Die Zettel
  • Wie das Clipboard arbeitet
  • Die "klassische" Präparation
  • Methoden, das Deckblatt unbemerkt beiseite zu bringen
  • Die Umschlag-Methode
  • Routinenvorschläge
Also published here 1994 3
Sameer Upadhyay PC Psycho - The Mind Reading Computer PC reveals total of several numbers, power point
Apr. 1994
Vibrations (Vol. 16 No. 10)
Bob King Out to Lunch Add-a-Number
1996 22
John Riggs Add-A-Riggs sum prediction pinned on back, add-a-number with index cards
Aug. 1997 3
Harry Lorayne Sum Prediction And Book Test using Himber wallet
1998 220
Karl Fulves Forgetful Figures several spectators add up numbers on calculators, total divined
1998 45
Karl Fulves Add-a-Number Pad Handling
2000 209
David Oliver Don't Touch numbers added on add-a-number pad, sum predicted
2000 127
David Acer Mitosis two spectators each write down sic digit numbers, add them together, calls that number on a phone, turns out to be magician's cellphone number
Also published here May 2001
Genii (Vol. 64 No. 5)
David Berglas The Press Club Prediction prediction of an object, a word and a number, plus a knocked over bottle by a spectator and a dried up pen
2002 297
Luke Jermay Phone Predicton three cards are predicted and random numbers add up to performers cell phone number
2004 32
David Acer Mitosis two spectators each write down sic digit numbers, add them together, calls that number on a phone, turns out to be magician's cellphone number
Also published here 2004 290
Paolo Cavalli, Massimo Tira The E.C.P. Principle dated 1998, several phone numbers are listed one is chosen and called, force of assistant
2005 20
Carl Montada On Add-a-Number Pads
2008 34
David Acer Mitosis two spectators each write down sic digit numbers, add them together, calls that number on a phone, turns out to be magician's cellphone number
Also published here 2011 149
Barrie Richardson Forcing Flip-Pad
Also published here
  • The Magician, Jan. 2006
2011 217
Jorge "The Jack" Garcia Switching Notepad
2014 24
Colin McLeod Additional Thoughts spectators write differente pieces of information on a piece of paper, other spectator selects one and information is divined
Inspired by
  • Banachek's "Q&A Pad"
  • Docc Hilford's "Questa"
  • Jeromey Finley's "In the Madhouse"
2014 116
Jorge "The Jack" Garcia Switching Notepad
2015 52
Ben Hart Add-A-Number Pad
2020 234
Nathan Kranzo Nifty Ring Force Thought of card appears at exact position inside a loaf of sliced bread
2021 54
Matt Marcy Coincidence packet of card is mixed (swindle switch) and its order matches a randomly generated number with a calculator
2023 128