67 entries in Lock
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
How to put a locke upon ones mouth lock with slit
  • The use of it
1634 27
C. H. Wilson The Padlock Game No. 6, sucker is taught how to open a gaffed lock, later in a bet he cannot do it
1877 26
Carl Willmann Das bezauberte Schloss lock opens itself when hanging on a wand, used as heckler stopper
July 1902
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 8 No. 7)
Hen Fetsch Lock and Key method for Keys to Baldpate
Also published here July 1937
The Jinx (Issue 34)
Louis Lam Key-ology Keys to Baldpate, four methods
1937 9
Harry Blackstone Triumph of the Triumvirate rapping hand divines which key opens lock and which card was selected
Also published here 1940
The Jinx (Issue 99)
Hen Fetsch Lock and Key method for Seven Keys to Baldpate
Also published here 1944 121
Harry Blackstone Triumph of the Triumvirate rapping hand divines which key opens lock and which card was selected
Also published here 1944 137
Wilbur T. Kattner The Eight Key to Baldpate keys in envelopes, duplicate key
1945 42
The Lock and Keys using double envelope
1948 178
Henry Durkin Unlocked Card deck with holes in one corner, one card is selected and added to six other cards, cards are then secured with a padlock and under a handkerchief selection is pulled out
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1960)
Lane Bateman Some Ideas on Tricks on Ultissimo and Loki's Locket
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1961)
Hen Fetsch Lock & Key method for Keys to Baldpate
Also published here Feb. 1963
The New Jinx (Vol. 1 No. 10)
Lu Brent Lox deck with hole on lock, selection peeked, removed under handkerchief, glued peek-card, see also p. 15 for additional ideas, see p. 737 for credit information
Also published here Dec. 1965 5
Karl Fulves Lock-It lock and cards are dropped in a bag, selection found on lock, see p. 428 for idea by Lu Brent
The New Phoenix (Issue 399)
Arthur Setterington Secu-Ring padlock on chain in a hat, two finger rings are put in the hat and everything hangs on the padlock
1967 6
Arthur Setterington Six Key Mystery ungaffed lock
1967 10
Arthur Setterington A Lock and a Chain and a Key chain fastened with a lock penetrates a wooden hand
1968 19
Lu Brent Lox deck hole-punched with lock, selection penetrates lock
Also published here 1975 159
Bob Haines Mental Lock spectator divine secret number of combination lock, spectator's wallet and keys locked inside the box
Magick (Issue 193)
Karl Fulves The Lock Mystery three keys and one lock, keys in envelopes, performer divines which envelope contains the fitting key
1977 129
Philip T. Goldstein Astro-Keys twelve keys with zodiac labels, key with spectator's zodiac opens the lock
Also published here 1978
Magick (Issue 200)
Philip T. Goldstein Astro-Key twelve keys with zodiac labels, key with spectator's zodiac opens the lock
VariationsAlso published here 1979 15
Karrell Fox The "Jewish Triple" Bowl Production three final loads, bagel, cream cheese and padlocks
1979 53
Scott Weiser Key to the Orient Chinese coin on padlock
1981 180
Wayne Dobson Lock of Air card is found with padlock in bag, selection secured with padlock
June 1982
Spell-Binder (Vol. 2 No. 14)
Ken De Courcy Unlocked Credit padlock is dropped into handkerchief with credit card and opens itself
1982 11
Al Mann The AME Spirit Lock No. 101, lock that can be opened with key and with bare hands, construction details
1983 28
Steve Beam Lock & Key producing a lock, to add humor to a prediction, wordplay
1983 9
James M. Boyd Wrap Up Well lock unlocks in a bag
Feb. 1983
Spell-Binder (Vol. 2 No. 22)
Pascal Monmoine The Pascal System padlock, apparently locked can be opened later without a key
Spell-Binder (Vol. 3 No. Special #3)
Ray Mertz R.M. Card in the Wallet with a gag lock on wallet
1984 38
Richard Bartram, Jr. Psycle Chain! number lock is opened by spectator, numbers selected by chosen cards, inspired by 7 keys to Baldpate
1985 22
Ray Piatt Pointers finger ring on combination lock, different combinations written on cards, chosen one opens lock, mental lock
Variations Nov. 1985
Magick (Issue 361)
Locked Thoughts No. 24, four spectators whisper numbers which are written down, their total is predicted or opens lock, stooge
1985 47
Peter Wilker, Larry Becker, Jochen Zmeck Mathe Magie '85 - Eine Studie in fünf Teilen
  • Teil 3. Die neun Zahlen
  • Teil 4. Jochen Zmeck zur Mentalmagie mit Zahlen
  • Teil 5. Ein magisches Problem
Also published here
  • Larry Becker's "The Ultimate Matrix" in "Mentalism for Magicians"
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 46 No. 3)
Gaëtan Bloom Padlock Connection Loop of rope wrapped around neck, locked padlock thrown backwards behind magician, ends up linked on loop of rope
1986 2
David Kaput Warp's' finger rings on padlock, total of added numbers lead to code to open lock
Jan. 1986
Magick (Issue 364)
Karl Fulves Curse In A Purse blank key changes into key that opens chosen lock, posed as problem
Interlocutor (Issue 50)
Karl Fulves Sez Me number combination lock, spectator can open it when performer wants to, posed as problem
Interlocutor (Issue 51)
Karl Fulves Hardware ad for a resettable lock
Interlocutor (Issue 51)
Alexander de Cova Der Schlüssel zum Erfolg marked key travels from key case to performer's hand and back, then into pocket, later a lock appears
Also published here 1988 32
Philip T. Goldstein Lock-Key Charm lock threaded on rope held by spectators, under handkerchief cover the lock is removed and the key now on the rope
1989 51
Karrell Fox Lots'a Lock add-a-number pad to open padlock
1991 76
Harald Kurz R - Ringspiel using bicycle locks
1991 36
Larry Becker ZIP-Lock performer writes numbers on business card, chosen one opens lock, ZIP marking principle
1992 388
Jean-Pierre Vallarino French Liberation finger ring off string on padlock
June 1993
The Minotaur (Vol. 5 No. 2)
Steve Dusheck Rat Pack gag messages written on match book, also lighter gag which is actually a lock
1994 136
Karl Fulves Match Key "Unsolved Mysteries"
two keys on palm, one lock chosen and matching key turns on palm, lock is then open, posed as a problem
1997 147
Mark Garetz Combo Lock Combo nine jumbo cards with numbers from one to nine are formed into three three-digit numbers, the total is predicted, opens padlock with spectator's ring
Inspired by
  • Larry Becker's "The Ultimate Matrix" in "Mentalism for Magicians"
Related to
Sep. 1997 3
Troy Hooser The Locker Dan Harlan's linking rubber bands, pad lock appears linked with the bands as a climax
Inspired by 1998 1395
Karl Fulves Lock Without Keys number force with calculator, combination lock presentation
1998 31
Earle Oakes Lock-A-Bye Baby lock off cord
Inspired by Nov. 1999
Magic (Vol. 9 No. 3)
Wayne Dobson Locked deck has hole in corner, one card selected, deck put in bag with a padlock and shaken, only selection is found locked onto lock
Inspired by
  • "CardLock" (Wayne Dobson, Pro-File)
2002 10
Don Nielsen, Tony Bartolotta Universal Lock one of spectator's keys opens a lock, no method, perhaps gaffed lock
Prolix (Issue 3)
Robert E. Neale The Lock Bashful Lock routine, lock can be opened by performer without key, but spectator cannot.

Describes the workings of the Bashful Lock in detail.
Related to 2008 313
Robert E. Neale Moves Different moves possible with the Bashful Lock
Related to 2008 322
Robert E. Neale Bashful Routines Describes four full routines with the Bashful Lock

  • How It's Done
  • The Spirited Lock
  • Positive Thinking
  • Confidence Game
Related to 2008 337
Karl Fulves, Steve Barrie Steve Barrie's Trick finger ring on lock under handkerchief, penetrating handkerchief, Gypsy Switch
  • KF Note
Inspired by 2008
Prolix (Issue 4)
Garrett Thomas, Alex Linian, Patrick G. Redford Careless Combination Spectator forgets combination number to a padlock they set themselves. They will later remember the combination one letter at a time
2008 28
Patrick G. Redford Legitimate Combination Spectator forgets combination to lock that was set to their birth year. They will later remember it again
2008 36
Patrick G. Redford Your Personal Combination Spectator able to guess the combination to your briefcase. Ungimmicked briefcase
2008 38
Alexander de Cova Der Schlüssel zum Erfolg marked key travels from key case to performer's hand and back, then into pocket, later a lock appears
Also published here 2013 80
Max Maven Astrokey twelve keys with zodiac labels, key with spectator's zodiac opens the lock
Related to 2015 10
Alexander de Cova Schlüssel zum Erfolg marked key travels from key case to performer's hand and back, then into pocket, later a lock appears
Also published here 2015 56
Alberto de Figueiredo Caja, candado y página spectator choses several objects and a city from a stack of cards and names numbers, numbers open lock to box which has objects inside, Pegasus page as climax
Inspired by
  • Ken Dyne's "Nutcase (And The "Yes But No Principle of Doom")" in "Bairn" P. 43.
2018 71
Anson Chen Lockdown post-it prediction signed by spectator is secured with lock and given to spectator in advance
2023 194