129 entries in Propless / Body Mutilation
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
To thrust a bodkin into your head without hurt thin knife through head with blade that slips into handle, optional sponge with blood or wine for additional gore effect
Related to 1584 196
To thrust a bodkin through your toong, and a knife through your arme: a pittifull sight, without hurt or danger gimmicked knifes with bend in middle
1584 197
To cut halfe your nose asunder, and to heale it againe presentlie without anie salve gimmicked knife with gap, apparently cut through nose
Related to 1584 197
To cut off ones head, and to laie it in a platter, &c: which the jugglers call the decollation of John Baptist decapitation illusion
Related to 1584 198
To thrust a dagger or bodkin into your guts verie strangelie, and to recover immediatlie false belly with animal blood
1584 198
To drawe a cord through your nose, mouth or hand, so sensiblie as is woonderful to see crotch with thread through it, really inside the wood around nose
Related to 1584 199
How to seeme to cut ones nose halfe off knife with half-moon cut out
Related to 1634 22
How to seeme to pull a rope through your nose crotch with thread through it, really inside the wood around nose
Related to 1634 23
How to seeme to thrust a Bodkin in your fore-head knife through head with blade that slips into handle, optional sponge with blood for additional gore effect
Related to 1634 27
How to put a locke upon ones mouth lock with slit
  • The use of it
1634 27
How to seeme to cut off a mans head, it is called the decollation of John Baptist decapitation illusion
Related to 1634 34
How to seeme to make a tooth drop out with a touch big tooth drops out of mouth, gag?
1634 37
Der unverwundbare Zauberkünstler knife or nail through arm or hand, different gaffs
Sep. 1897
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 3 No. 9)
Jean Hugard Amputation Apparently remove thumb, with thimble as extra convincer
1936 27
Jean Hugard The Elastic Finger Stretch forefinger with thimble as convincer
1936 27
Yogi Stuff holding a cigarette at the burning end
Feb. 1939
Chap's Scrapbook (Vol. 1 No. 8)
Joseph Ovette Impaled thumb covered with newspaper is pierced with needles
Oct. 1939
Chap's Scrapbook (Vol. 2 No. 4)
Joseph H. Fries Painless Chirurgery cut in thumb heals
Related to 1941
The Jinx (Issue 126)
Bruce Elliott Make the Pulse Go Faster
Sep. 1945
The Phoenix (Issue 91)
C. R. Eaton Two Tips on Tricks
  • needle through thumb ( illusion of blood)
  • Silk to Egg (color of the eggs)
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1946)
About... Cigarettes human blockhead with cigarette
May 1946
Hugard's Magic Monthly (Vol. 3 No. 12)
Fakir werden ist nicht schwer fakir tricks, needle through cheek and throat, nail in nose "Human Blockhead"
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 8 No. 2)
Billy McComb William's Fantastic Table table lift, with ring, then legs fall off and when the table top is shown, the hand stuck to it apparently cut off from the arm
Related to 1947 44
Joseph L. Barnett Fire Proof burning match held under hand without harm, cigarette in fist vanishes, hands are immune from injury presentation
Apr. 1948
Hugard's Magic Monthly (Vol. 5 No. 11)
Orville Brasher Comedy Bit with the Wrist Chopper cut finger
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1949)
Stuart P. Cramer Parlour Yoga
  • pulse stopping
  • blood flow
  • hand turns white
  • pin smashed in table with palm
  • hand removed from skunk trap
Related to May 1949
The Phoenix (Issue 178)
Martin Gardner Finger Stunts removing the thumb, with ideas by Paul Stadelman, Emil Jarrow and Bill Simon
Apr. 1949
Hugard's Magic Monthly (Vol. 6 No. 11)
U. F. Grant Meet Winston Freer on Freer, mention of Knife thru Wrist and rice bowls
June/July 1949 4
Ormond McGill Blood and Pulse Control stopping and starting pulse at will
1951 25
Ormond McGill Black Death pulse in both arms and heart beat stops
1951 27
Ormond McGill Yogi Anesthetic human pincushion, needles are pushed in arm, needle through the flesh of a spectator
1951 27
Ormond McGill The Trap Mystery activating a jump trap without being harmed
Related to 1951 8
Box (1)
  • Martin Gardner’s Encyclopedia of Impromptu Tricks
living finger in box
July 1951 815
Bert Allerton Bread (2)
  • Martin Gardner’s Encyclopedia of Impromptu Tricks
pulling of a finger and eating it
July 1951 815
Cabbage (1)
  • Martin Gardner’s Encyclopedia of Impromptu Tricks
dagger in head gag, with cabbage
July 1951 819
Sacrifice apparently cutting into thumb, blood on handkerchief
July 1962
The New Jinx (Vol. 1 No. 3)
Everett Lyda Impromptu Eye Surgery apparently removing eyeball and replacing it again
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1963-64)
Stuart P. Cramer The Parlor Yogi stopping pulse and blood flow
1969 1
J. "Rink" van Rinkhuyzen, Somerset Maugham Grand Guignol thumb is cut with a knife until the performer bleeds, wound is healed
Variations 1969 126
Jack Kent Tillar "Blister" blister appears on finger
Variations 1972 379
John Greget Pinpoint pulse is stopped and pushpin jammed into palm of hand
Magick (Issue 223)
Paul Harris Thumb-Break thumb squashed flat against card, then card to pocket
1981 69
Meir Yedid, Tony Lopilato, Joe Safuto The Vanishing Pinkie front and back display of hand
Related to 1981 13
Meir Yedid The Telescopic Pinkie
Related to 1981 25
Meir Yedid Far Flung vanish of first, second and third finger
Related toVariations 1981 29
Meir Yedid, John Bentz Hitchhiker's Thumb thumb traveling
1981 35
Meir Yedid The Amputation finger cut off with knife falls on floor, spare fake finger is attached to replace it
1981 39
Stephen Tucker Pharoah Finger Tip chopped finger in box gag
Babel (Issue 2)
Arthur Setterington Thimble Finger "Here are a couple of gags which create a great deal of amusement and surprise especially amongst the ladies."
mummified finger in box
Pabular (Vol. 7 No. 6)
Thomas Alan Waters SOREcery blister appears on thought of finger
Mind, Myth & Magick (Issue Grymwyr)
Chris Ball Basket Case joke and idea to generate tips, with finger chopper
1982 33
Dr. Peter Moffat Drip milk tumbler as blood transfusion device, attached to spectator, tumbler fills with blood
Nov. 1982
Spell-Binder (Vol. 2 No. 19)
Joe Safuto, Meir Yedid The Travelling Thumb thumb penetrates table, with ring as proof
1982 124
Joe Safuto, Meir Yedid Thumb Through the Table glass through table, then thumb through table, seen in reversed glass on table
1982 128
Meir Yedid Disengaged Digit vanish of first finger
  • Finger Back Palm
1982 27
Wayne Kyzer Caught comedy routine with a bear trap, activating a jump trap without being harmed
Related to 1983 20
Wayne Kyzer Rat Trap comedy routine with a bear trap and a fake mouse
Related to 1984 93
Stephen Tucker A Tip finger vanish
Feb. 1984
Spell-Binder (Vol. 3 No. 34)
Meir Yedid Elongated Thumb stretching thumb with teeth
Also published here 1985 9
Pat Hazell, Meir Yedid Finger Thru Head finger is apparently pushed through ear into mouth
1985 12
Pete Biro Knuckle Snap cracking knuckles of the fingers, illusion
1985 15
Bob Jepson Bob Jepson's Finger in Ear gag, fingers put in ear separate from hands
1985 18
Meir Yedid The Preordained Accident prediction of finger performer lost in accident
1985 25
Meir Yedid Gloved Fingers finger sticks to glove, and is attached again to hand
1985 26
Meir Yedid Godzilla 2001 little finger vanish, apparently Godzilla puppet eats it
Related to 1985 27
Meir Yedid Vanishing Thumb
1985 29
Meir Yedid Acid Test finger is used to stir up acid and falls off the hand, bone remains in liquid
1985 30
Meir Yedid Jack and Jill double finger vanish, ring and littler finger
Related to 1985 31
Meir Yedid Triple Finger Vanish angly, second, third and fourth finger vanish
Related to 1985 33
Meir Yedid Cautious Clapping finger falls from hand, because of clapping to hard, joke
1985 34
Simon Lovell The Explod-ing Eyeball Rub eyeball, pretend eyeball explodes with creamer packet
1989 49
Simon Lovell Tongued Magician puts nail through his tongue, then restores tongue
Related to 1989 103
Richard Bartram, Jr. Eyepopper punching a hole in the eyelid
1989 549
Shinkoh Nagisas Twisting Arm Illusion hand on table is turned 360°
VariationsAlso published here 1989 2
Shinkoh Nagisas The Real Work misdirection for the Twisting Arm Illusion
1989 3
Shinkoh Nagisas Presentation Do As I Do presentation for Twisting Arm Illusion
1989 5
Gary Kurtz, Joe Monti, Meir Yedid, Shinkoh Nagisas, Mark Mitton, David Oliver, Gaëtan Bloom Extra for Experts tips and ideas for the Twisting Arm Illusion by various people
1989 5
James Gallivan, Jack Kent Tillar Heat Spots Tiller's Blister routine done with charcoal instead of a cigarette, blister on chosen finger
Inspired by Sep. 1991
Magick (Issue 461)
Meir Yedid, Looy Simonoff Verlängerter Daumen long thumb, biting on thumb and stretching it
Also published here 1991 33
David Harkey Pincer finger torn off to release ring and put back on, Goldfinger principle
Inspired by 1991 250
Peter Kane Finga-Flinga card wrapped around second finger, card removed with finger which is then missing, finger put back
1992 10
Giovanni Livera Digit Deception ring finger is torn off and restored, finger ring drops off
Also published here 1992 16
Meir Yedid Elongated Thumb stretching thumb with teeth
Also published here 1993 3
Harry Anderson Arm Amputation chopping hand illusion with meat cleaver
1993 51
Harry Anderson Needle Through Arm version of Bruce Spangler's Needle Through Arm
Variations 1993 129
Joe Rindfleisch Needled #1 long needle pushed through neck, impromptu
1994 1007
Joe Rindfleisch Needled #2 long needle pushed through neck, impromptu
1994 1007
Anthony Davis Skin Graft pealing of some skin, also to remove a coin from under skin
Mar. 1995
The Minotaur (Vol. 7 No. 1)
Joe Rindfleisch The Illusion Card zig-zag finger with playing card, first finger and thumb, four phases, eventually card is restored
1995 143
Joe Rindfleisch The One-Handed Zigzag zig-zag finger with playing card, first finger
1995 148
Jack McCandless Within Your Reach
The Art of Astonishment — Book 1 (Issue Astonishing Friends)
Gregory Wilson Within Your Reach - Variation 2
The Art of Astonishment — Book 1 (Issue Astonishing Friends)
Steve Bedwell Thumbs Up comedy routine, during a rope cutting routine, performer apparently cuts off his thumb and then puts it back on
1996 1216
John Swomley Real World Rat Trap comedy routine, performer apparently puts hand in rat trap
1997 1316
David Tolley Give 'em the Finger removing thumb gag, bone can be seen
1997 88
Richard Bartram, Jr. Finger 2 removing thumb gag, skin is stretched and visibly tears
1997 89
Richard Bartram, Jr. Knuckle Buster finger under handkerchief is beaten with a hammer
1997 90
Richard Bartram, Jr. Kill the Messenger voodoo effect, picture is pierced and performer bleeds at same place
1997 127
Simon Lovell Pen Through Tongue fake tongue
Related to 1997 219
Joshua Jay Fingertip Fingerip Magician removes end of pinky finger, and restores it
Also published here 1998 45
Andrew Mayne One Vicious Paper-Cut strange interlude with a paper bag and head, head apparently removed and placed in bag
1998 44
Andrew Mayne A Cool Thing to Do When You Have a Towel on Your Head head twister using a towel
Also published here 1998 52
Andrew Mayne Twister for One with Twister game presentation
Inspired by 1998 78
Anton van Helden Pinky Break performer bends his little finger 90 degrees
Labyrinth (Issue 9)
Joshua Jay Fingertip Fingertip Magician removes end of pinky finger, and restores it
Also published here 1999 138
Giovanni Livera Presto Digitation ring finger is torn off and restored, finger ring drops off
Also published here Mar. 1999
Magic (Vol. 8 No. 7)
Simon Lovell The Texas Chainthumb Massare or Grand Guignol Revisited thumb is cut with a knife until the performer bleeds, wound is healed
Inspired by 2000 135
Masklyn ye Mage Innerspection from Daemon's Diary, performer inserts his whole head into an assistant's mouth who is lying on his back
Oct. 2000
Genii (Vol. 63 No. 10)
Andrew Mayne Handicapper apparently chopping hand of spectator off, variation with selection found in chopped off hand
2000 22
Andrew Mayne Spike Though Tongue Act 1
2000 25
Andrew Mayne Spike Through Tongue Act II spike through tongue and pulling it out
2000 28
Andrew Mayne Getting the most out of your Finger Chopper finger chopper combined with finger in matchbox
2000 31
Andrew Mayne A Simple method for profuse bleeding method for fake bleeding
2000 33
David Berglas Magic Fingers small illusion, hand on a black board, fingers can be moved away from the hand
2002 165
Luke Jermay Stigmata to Go Please blood stigmata on palms of the hand
2003 69
Ted Lesley Shop of Horrors cutting in thumb, after blood is washed no injury can be seen
Related to 2003 11
Andrew Mayne Scissors cutting piece of tongue with scissors
2003 8
Andrew Mayne Thumbtack pushing thumbtack in thumb
2003 18
Andrew Mayne Paper Cut cutting arm with piece of cardboard
2003 20
Andrew Mayne Neck Breaker making noise of breaking neck
2003 17
Andrew Mayne Knuckle Buster making noice of breaking finger
2003 21
Andrew Mayne Nose Breaker making noice of breaking nose
2003 22
Andrew Mayne Twist-O-Rama head twister using a towel
Also published here 2003 32
Larry Becker Ouch! method to get blister, blister on chosen finger
Syzygy (Vol. 5 No. 14)
Rick Bronson Needle Through What?!? needle through balloon supposed to be done blindfolded, when balloon is take with other hand, it is seen that the needle goes through the arm
Also published here
  • Genii, July 1991
2005 24
Duc Nhien Boldfinger finger covered with playing card tube, knife through finger
Feb. 2006
Genii (Vol. 69 No. 2)
Just Alan A Trip to Africa on the needle through arm
Nov. 2006
Genii (Vol. 69 No. 11)
Michael Weber Band-Aid blister healed
Inspired by 2012 15
Tom Gagnon Re-Entry marked coin into lighter, then back out into glass, blister on finger heals
Inspired byVariations 2019 414