252 entries in Cards / Effect Themes / Topological Effects / Miscellaneous
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
Albert Fellows, Stanley Collins Bottled Sunshine longer routine, tissue paper bursts into in fire, hole is burnt in a playing card with a reading-glass, three candles catch alight, third candle begins to melt
1920 90
Stanley Collins The "Esscee" Cards and Cords deck with two wholes, one on either side, and two cords through the whole deck, deck opened and cord cut at that point, then it restores
1925 39
The Broadway Rise - A New Impromptu Rising Card Effect rises at right angle
1934 51
Theodore Annemann Highly Improbable torn card put in handkerchief, joker in card case, torn card reappears stapled together with joker except one piece
Aug. 1941
The Jinx (Issue 145)
Bert Allerton A Close Fit optical illusion in which envelope seems to small to fit a playing card
Variations 1942 5
Walter Behm Trio three selections, one placed in envelope with thread and blank card is found with pips on thread, second is placed in paper cone and pierced with knife, and picture of third selection is revealed with cut newspaper
Also published here 1947
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 8 No. 3&4)
J.C. Whyley Elusive Lady with three cards, see p. 781 for credit information by Sid Lorraine
Related toVariationsAlso published here Dec. 1949
The Phoenix (Issue 193)
Walter Behm Trio three selections, one placed in envelope with thread and blank card is found with pips on thread, second is placed in paper cone and pierced with knife, and picture of third selection is revealed with cut newspaper
three selections, one placed in envelope with thread and blank card is found with pips on thread, second is placed in paper cone and pierced with knife, and picture of third selection is revealed with cut newspaper
Also published here 1949
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 10 No. 1)
Bert Allerton New Papel Blanco blank card is signed, face of a card appears on its back, then blank card vanishes
Nov. 1951
The Phoenix (Issue 241)
Al Baker Miscellaneous Hair Tricks
  • cup moves on the table
  • animated bill
  • remote haunted deck
  • rising coin/card from glass
  • throwing a loose deck of cards to a spectator over some distance
  • balancing cane/umbrella
Also published here 1951 22
Dr. Ben B. Braude It's the Humidity pips fall of from aces, leaving blank cards
Apr. 1952
The Phoenix (Issue 253)
Matt Schulien The Corner in the Glass deck set on top of glass, torn-off corner of card appears in glass
Related toVariations 1959 130
Charly Eperny Eperny's Kartenstern six cards are placed inside an envelope, envelope is burnt and miniature duplicates appear on a card star, those cards are fused together and then placed inside a money printing machine and cards come out in a long ribbon
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 22 No. 4)
Ronnie Gann What The??? chosen card placed on top, pips penetrate table and card is shown to be blank
Sep. 1963
The New Jinx (Vol. 2 No. 17)
Bill Derman Short Division Seven in Diamonds put in envelope and cut in two, in one half is half a Three of Diamonds, in the other Four of Diamonds, the two selections, see also p. 388
Winter 1968
The Pallbearers Review Vol. 1-4 (Vol. 4 No. 2nd Folio)
Karl Fulves Five Into Four Five of diamonds is cut in fourth and puzzled together so a center section is missing, face changes to Four of diamonds
Related toVariations 1971 42
Roger Smith The Four Sided Card card on the deck is turned over four times and different sides are shown
Feb. 1971
Necromancer (Vol. 1 No. 7)
Tom Batchelor The Folded Card selection is found folded in half in center of deck
1971 39
Tom Batchelor Three Card Location first two cards are found folded in half in the deck one by one, third card folded in quarters in matchbox
1971 41
Tom Batchelor Through Thick and Thin block of twelve glued cards, thick card introduced as transformed selection, thick card used to find the Aces
1971 45
Steve Spillman House of Cards building a cube / house with cards which does not collapse, glass placed on top
Also published here 1973 31
Karl Fulves Matter Through Matter slits in cards openly shown, they pass through each other
Inspired byRelated to 1975 105
Karl Fulves Torn And Quartered signed card torn in half is restored after some topological stunts with another openly slitted card, half slit remains
1975 112
Cannibal Climax cards with cut out centers
Kabbala — Volume 3 (Vol. 3 No. 10)
Jerry Andrus Bill and Card card and bill are folded up together and unfolded, card has no crease
1977 14
Ken Krenzel Ken Krenzel's Version business card is at once stapled to selection
Inspired by July 1978
Apocalypse (Vol. 1 No. 7)
Paul Harris Pen-Ultimate* card clipped on pen is covered and then impaled on pen
1978 1
Paul Harris Absorption card placed on case is "absorbed" by case (i.e. vanishes)
Also published here 1978 42
Karl Fulves Op-Trik optical illusion with Tally-Ho Circle Back, card flicked an center apparently does not move
Related to 1978 1109
Karl Fulves Notes hypercard constructed from double facer with attached back piece
  • Elastrik
  • Oddments
Inspired by 1978
The Chronicles (Issue 11)
Paul Harris Side-Winder card repeatedly appears perpendicular in deck
VariationsAlso published here 1979 10
Karl Fulves Mate Two two cards torn in half, spectator takes two halves of one card, yet they do not match
The Chronicles (Issue 13)
Karl Fulves Center Fold Joker placed into deck behind back, then two selections made, half the Joker (which is suddenly torn) found besides each card
Also published here 1979
The Chronicles (Issue 17)
Mitsunobu Matsuyama Paradox geometrical puzzle with a playing card that makes a full card face-down, but a piece is left over when assembled face-up
  • The Turnover Tactic
  • Business Card Variation
  • Reference File
Related toVariations 1979
The Chronicles (Issue 18)
Karl Fulves Another Link old topological puzzle in which three parts must be linked, credit information on no-gaff linking cards
Related to 1979
Interlocutor (Issue 36)
Jerry K. Hartman Elastic Ace card chosen von miniature deck, four regular-sized Aces shown and tabled face down, when selection is brought together with Ace of same suit, the Ace becomes the miniature card and vice versa
Inspired by 1979 1
Hans-Gerhard Stumpf Ein Herziges Kunststück jumbo card and threat are placed inside envelope, all pips on threat and card is blank
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 40 No. 2)
Jerry K. Hartman In Staple Condition business card becomes stapled to selection
Inspired byAlso published here Jan. 1980
Apocalypse (Vol. 3 No. 1)
Roy Walton Detective Story packet has more sides than it should
Also published here Jan. 1980
Pabular (Vol. 6 No. 1)
Karl Fulves The Optical Trap sandwiched card is suddenly no longer between other cards when three-card-spread is turned over, see also Cervon Monte
Related toVariations 1980 8
Karl Fulves The Moving Pip pip missing on card that is cut in pieces, when re-arranged pip moved
Related to 1980 9
Steve Spillman House of Cards building a cube / house with cards which does not collapse, glass placed on top
Also published here 1980 74
Stephen Tucker Abort selection vanishes with a big bang and four parts appear on the back of the four aces, see also p. 269
Sep. 1981
Spell-Binder (Vol. 1 No. 5)
Peter Duffie Half & Half two spectators select a card, in each half of the deck a card reverses, since both chose the same card, turned over cards are half of the selection
Oct. 1981
Spell-Binder (Vol. 1 No. 6)
Ben Harris Dimensional Relativity signed cards turns inside-out so that it has blistered rough surfaces on the outside and when peeled apart the signed surfaces show up again, deck also changes color for some reason
VariationsAlso published here 1981 3
Hippie Torrales TH Spinning Wheel optical illusion with Tally-Ho back
Jan. 1982
Apocalypse (Vol. 5 No. 1)
Nick Pudar Fold-er-ol folded card in case, unfolded card outside box, the folds transpose
1982 280
Andrew Pargeter Card-Trek two cards pushed through "tunnel" formed by two other cards transpose
Variations 1982
Pabular (Vol. 7 No. 6)
Daryl Martinez Half and Half two smaller playing cards folded, half of them changes places resulting in "misprinted" cards
1982 2
Steve Beam Card Compression four Aces compressed into two Tos, into a Four, then card vanishes
Also published here 1982 35
Bobby Bernard Blankety Blank pips of selection travel to pocket, deck is blank
May 1982
Spell-Binder (Vol. 2 No. 13)
Roger Curzon, Les Johnson Penetrating Pips pips from a card vanish in two steps and appear on back of the card
Spell-Binder (Vol. 2 No. Special #1 (Summer))
Alex East Hamman Out-Sexed two cards, picture of nude lady on back of one card, travels to other card
Inspired by Oct. 1982
Spell-Binder (Vol. 2 No. 18)
Terri Rogers Marvellous idea for Tucker's Jigsaw, unsolvable puzzle, four pieces of a card
Spell-Binder (Vol. 2 No. Special #2 (Xmas))
Paul Sorrentino, Mark Lefler Tearable tear in card moves from long side to short side
Apr. 1983
Apocalypse (Vol. 6 No. 4)
Paul Harris Bee Bop Blendo
1983 13
Daniel Kalanowski Looking Glass two variations, selections is reflected on top of the deck
June 1983
Spell-Binder (Vol. 3 No. 26)
Hal Meyers Laser Splice toy space gun used to cut/splice selection in half
Inspired by
  • Jim Lee's "Karate Card"
1983 2
Robert E. Neale Submarine Card spectator holds card frame with center torn out, its orientation changes while spectator closes his eyes
Variations 1983 3
Karl Fulves Stepping Thru A Playing Card presentation for Neale's effect
Inspired by 1983 5
Karl Fulves Double Talk presentation for Neale's effect, apparently delaying it
Inspired by 1983 5
Robert E. Neale The Trapdoor spectator holds card with trapdoor with hole cut-out, it is entangled in seemingly impossible way while spectator closes eyes
VariationsAlso published here 1983 6
Robert E. Neale Streamlined Trapdoor simplified design
Inspired by 1983 9
Karl Fulves Easy Unlink simple topological unlinking
1983 11
Karl Fulves Sand Trap ideas posed as a problem:
  • small packet counted, quarter card appears within packet, on next count half card, and so on until full card
  • also in reverse as vanish
  • cannibals
  • quarters assemble and restore
  • progressive unprinting (Sam Schwartz)
Variations 1983 39
Ben Harris Prime-Hole-Card card torn in half, restores (bluff), then center torn out, rest torn into four pieces which become eight pieces
  • Part One. The Torn and Restored Sequence
  • Part Two. The Shatter Climax
1983 3
Michael Ammar, Adam Fleischer, Paul Harris, Daryl Martinez Regeneration King torn into four pieces, the pieces change to full-sized cards
Variations 1983 75
Michael Ammar, Adam Fleischer, Paul Harris, Daryl Martinez The Un-Box Signed card is pulled from case, case turns out to be completely sealed
1983 86
Eugene Burger The Corner in the Glass deck set on top of glass, corner of card appears torn off in glass
Inspired byAlso published here 1983 29
Doug Bennett Triple Whammy joker has torn corner off, finds selection, now joker is intact and selection has corner torn off
1984 81
Father Cyprian Card in Hand card drops folded in spectator's hand
Arcane (Issue 12)
Father Cyprian Psychokinetic Card card apparently folds itself on spectators palm
Arcane (Issue 12)
David Britland April - The First Effect a spot card is pushed visibly through the Queen of Spades, which is examined before and after
1984 1
David Britland June - The Second Effect two cards with narrow open slits, signed chosen card sandwiched and penetrated with other card
Inspired by 1984 6
Karl Fulves Topological Card Tricks chapter intro
1984 70
Moving Parts No. 51, four cards torn and then laid out face-up and face-down, halves that do not match suddenly match, cards interlocked with slits before tearing
1984 71
Richard Kaufman Starfish King torn into four pieces, the pieces change to full-sized cards, four duplicates of original King, then they change into different Kings
Inspired by 1984 4
Bob McAllister The Fastest Trick in the Universe folded card turns itself inside out
Variations Nov. 1985
Apocalypse (Vol. 8 No. 11)
Nick Pudar Perspective picture of joker gets smaller and bigger on card
1985 253
Larry Jennings The Close-Up Illusion three cards, one penetrates one of the the others visually, slit in card
VariationsAlso published here 1985 70
Martin Lewis The Kings Cut Out Figure of King of Diamonds disappears, leaving a card with a hole. King appears stuck on Queen of Diamonds
1985 59
Steve Beam Card Compression four Aces compressed into two Tos, into a Four, then card vanishes
Related toAlso published here 1985 151
Frederick Braue The Tunnel deck in Charlie cut position with two packets, card slid through the opening reverses
1985 5
Terri Rogers Star Gate two cards glued back to back crosswise with hole in center, after some folding they are face to face
  • The Effect
  • The Method
  • The Handling
  • Presentation
  • Construction
  • Finally...
Inspired by 1985 3
Reaching through a Playing Card No. 29
1985 54
The Other Genius Test No. 34, card frame and other pieces have to be taken apart, puzzle
1985 59
Robert E. Neale The Trapdoor No. 63, card frame turns inside out while spectator is holding it
VariationsAlso published here 1985 112
Ben Harris Instant Fold #1 card folds itself into quarters in a flash
1985 59
Ben Harris Instant Fold #2 card folds itself into quarters in a flash
Inspired by 1985 62
Eric DeCamps The Inverted Card short ambitious card sequence, card turned inside out and split, using blank-faced and blank-backed card
Inspired by 1985 22
Richard Kaufman Transparent Lies in effect a large hole in card case disappears with divination presentation
1986 27
Masao Atsukawa Fair Exchange two jigsaw puzzles fit face down but not face up
Related to 1986 90
David Britland Parallax card reverses while spectator holds it, with cut, trapdoor variation
Inspired byRelated toVariationsAlso published here Feb. 1986
The New Talon (Vol. 1 No. 1)
David Britland Parallax card reverses while spectator holds it, with cut, trapdoor variation
Inspired byAlso published here 1986 2
Shiv Duggal Hatch 22 with additional climax
Inspired byAlso published here 1986 8
David Regal On Your Mark drawn X comes off card, leaves hole
1987 166
David Regal Mirror Image transposition of two torn pieces folded
Variations 1987 186
Ken Krenzel Slowed Up card turns inside out, only one card
Jan. 1987
Apocalypse (Vol. 10 No. 1)
Meir Yedid Test Tube Alchemy face of rolled card travels to other card, signed backs, rolled up in tubes
1987 43
Gordon Bruce Gordon Bruce on Parallax coin vanishes and returns in trapdoor of card
Inspired by May 1987
The New Talon (Vol. 1 No. 3)
Eric Mason Eric Mason on Parallax name of thought of card appears on paper combined with Parallax
Inspired by May 1987
The New Talon (Vol. 1 No. 3)
Mike Gancia Mike Gancia on Parallax card in envelope
Inspired by May 1987
The New Talon (Vol. 1 No. 3)
Karl Fulves Backup card appears at right angles between two sandwich cards
Related to 1987 7
Karl Fulves Step by Step Trapdoor step-by-step instructions of "The Trapdoor"
Inspired by 1987 ca. 13
David Britland Parallax card reverses while spectator holds it, with cut, trapdoor variation
Also published here Oct. 1988
Intermagic (Vol. 14 No. 1)
Shiv Duggal Hatch 22 with additional climax
Inspired byAlso published here Oct. 1988
Intermagic (Vol. 14 No. 1)
Roy Walton Detective Story packet has more sides than it should
Also published here 1988 23
Matt Schulien, Eugene Burger The Corner in the Glass deck set on top of glass, corner of card appears torn off in glass, champagne glass, larger corner
Inspired byVariations 1989 49
Karl Fulves Staple Condition odd-backed card pushed halfway into deck, stapler moved over deck, card stapled to selection
Related to 1989 35
Martin Gardner MG Trio #3 orientation of head on QS and KH used for monte type guessing game, turning on vertical or horizontal axis ("The principle behind this trick has floated around a while.")
Variations 1989 20
Robert E. Neale Heads Turn orientation of head on picture cards
Inspired by 1989 22
Karl Fulves Rough House three cards in case, two more put in, then those two come out cut up in pieces, story presentation
Related to
  • Richard Himber's "Surprise Stab"
1989 9
Scott Robinson The Toy two folded cards penetrate
VariationsAlso published here 1989 535
Ken Krenzel Soft Cards two cards that are face to face are suddenly back to back, gaffed
Inspired byRelated to 1990 3
Ben Harris Dimensional Relativity reprint of effect, card reversed on both sides is placed reversed in deck, rest of deck changes back color, then selection turns "inside out" and becomes kind of a double blank card with both signed sides inside
Also published here 1990 76
Michael Powers No Palm Corner in the Glass two handlings
Inspired by 1990 119
David Harkey Thunder and Lightning unknown card torn in half, one half put in performer's and one spectator's wallet, another card is chosen and signed, the torn halves turn out to be that signed selection
Also published here 1991 64
Henry Pettit All Keyed Up hotel key card ends up attached to selection, deck as hotel with 52 rooms
1991 714
David Harkey Under Fire selection ends up stapled into match book
1991 91
David Harkey Thunder and Lightning unknown card torn in half, one half put in performer's and one spectator's wallet, another card is chosen and signed, the torn halves turn out to be that signed selection
Also published here 1991 149
David Harkey Nonplused two decks placed into a single card case
1991 195
Jerry K. Hartman In Staple Condition business card becomes stapled to selection
Inspired byAlso published here 1991 616
Kuniyasu Fujiwara Soft Spots pencil penetrates deck, only selection is really pierced
1992 75
Hiroyuki Sakai The Perfect Assistant two signed selections, joker is torn in half face down, in wallet two half cards appear, each half selection, the halves on the table of the former joker match, gaffed
1992 95
Steve Dusheck Cardaver card put in plastic case, center removed and put back, zig zag
1992 40
Steve Dusheck Chop four cards with hole in them, one card is pulled out partially and it penetrates finger put through hole of other cards
1992 65
Tabby "Tabman" Crabb Paradapt (Parallax Revisited) card reverses while spectator holds it, with cut
Inspired by Mar./Apr. 1992
The Magic Menu (Vol. 2 No. 10)
Scott Robinson The Toy two folded cards penetrate
Also published here 1993 109
Karl Fulves Packed taking long cards from a normal case, posed as problem
Inspired by 1993
Verbatim (Issue 5)
Steve Beam Card Compression four Aces compressed into two Tos, into a Four, then card vanishes
Also published here 1993 4
Harry Anderson The Gang Of Four four cards are chosen, one card is removed and torn in four parts, all four corners match one of the chosen cards
1993 86
Angelo Carbone Tight Squeeze red-backed deck is "merged" into blue deck, it's still one deck but red-blue alternating, optional rough-smooth, using Humbug
1994 13
Bob McAllister, Christian Scherer The Fastest Trick in the Universe variation, using bill
Inspired by 1994 7
Aldo Colombini W-Hole odd-backed card with hole in center transposes, two center-pieces of two cards transpose
1994 102
Don Banks, Jim Lambert, Steve Ehlers, Art Gross The Close-Up Billusion bill inserted between two Aces visually passes back and forth from middle to bottom, Aces change into Queens, monte theme, see "Errata" in Issue #3 (p. 31) for additional crediting info
Inspired byRelated to 1994
Labyrinth (Issue 1)
Nob Yoshigahara Invisible Glue
  • Martin Gardner's Corner
row of cards on table, with bare fingertips the cards are picked up and apparently stick to finger
Also published here Sep. 1994
Magic (Vol. 4 No. 1)
Joe Rindfleisch The Illusion Card zig-zag finger with playing card, first finger and thumb, four phases, eventually card is restored
1995 143
Joe Rindfleisch The One-Handed Zigzag zig-zag finger with playing card, first finger
1995 148
Christian Scherer, Sveroni King Koin Matrix coin matrix, then pictures of cards vanish and indices are found engraved on coins
1995 3
Christian Scherer Spectator's King Koin selection turns blank and index is found on coin, with the aid of some flash cotton everything is back to normal
1995 8
Christian Scherer King Koin in the Hole coin placed on card, card has hole of the size of coin and turns blank, index found engraved on coin
1995 13
Christian Scherer, Sveroni Hol(e)y King! coin penetrates card, card with hole and blank and index found engraved on coin
1995 22
Danny Orleans Dark Corner tarot card is signed and placed on glass of water, corner of card appears in water
Inspired byRelated to 1995
Syzygy (Vol. 1 No. 18)
Victor Sansoucie The Cosmic Crystal selection is found to have picture of crystal on it, then crystal is produced from card and picture has vanished
Jan./Feb. 1995
The Magic Menu (Vol. 5 No. 27)
Robert E. Neale Real Jokers Joker folded in quarters turns inside out, then torn and restored except one quarter
Inspired byAlso published here 1995 106
Tomohiro Maeda Pinhead
  • Stand-Up Japan (Steve Cohen)
card chosen from hand-drawn jumbo cards, cards spread out on a sketchbook, one pierced with a pin, it is one off, but pip comes away with pin and correct card is found to be permanently drawn on the sketchbook page itself
Sep. 1995
Magic (Vol. 5 No. 1)
Paul Harris Absorption card placed on case is "absorbed" by case (i.e. vanishes)
Also published here 1996
The Art of Astonishment — Book 1 (Issue Las Vegas Close-Up)
Paul Harris Side-Winder card repeatedly appears perpendicular in deck
Also published here 1996
The Art of Astonishment — Book 2 (Issue Close-up Entertainer)
Paul Harris Membrane spectator selects card with mark on back, mark on back is transfered onto card case
1996 41
Peter Duffie Jagged Edge half of a card vanishes and reappears stapled to another signed card
Inspired by 1996 5
Peter Duffie The 25% Solution corner of selection vanishes and appears stapled onto another card
Inspired by 1996 6
Karl Fulves The Convert four cards all become bite marks
1997 61
Karl Fulves Stapled 3-Card Catch sandwich is stapled together after Müller's "Three-Card Catch", posed as problem
1997 91
Karl Fulves Optikal Illusion three-card fan, in mirror only two cards are seen but simultaneously three from back
1997 97
Karl Fulves Stake Out sandwich stapled but only center card is stapled
1997 114
Peter Duffie, Gene Maze Double-Stuck Prediction of two selections in the form of jumbo cards (weird twisting revelation), found to be stapled together, and the actual selections are also stapled together
Inspired by 1997 99
Richard Bartram, Jr. Orapgami card is folded quickly, as an effect, snap change variation
1997 163
Richard Bartram, Jr. Tearable card snapped is torn into pieces, as an effect, snap change variation
1997 164
Tom Ransom Hologramagic Seven of Spades torn in half, one half torn in half again, and so on, to get smaller and smaller pieces, each piece shows a full miniature Seven of Spades on its face
1997 72
Terri Rogers StarGate Two card frames glued back to back turn inside out to become glued face to face
Inspired by 1998 50
Terri Rogers The FlexiCard Flexagon with playing cards
1998 82
Lee Asher The Magic Finger Box of Death finger is bent in folded card
1999 6
David Regal I've Got Your Number Claim check vanishes, reappears stapled on selected card
1999 120
David Regal Pasteboard Massacre Magician cuts the deck literally in half to find selection, saws deck in half using a playing card
1999 242
David Stone Surprise Index signed card lost in deck, spectator choses three random card and puts coin on one, it is the wrong card, on other side of coin a card index is shown, it matches selection, wrong card changes into selection with matching corner missing
Related toAlso published here 1999 30
Karl Fulves Quartered four jacks on table, selection placed under one, it magically quarters itself and one quarter is found under each, posed as problem
2000 180
Ben Harris De-Crease folded card becomes un-creased again, only pictures, see Genii reference
Also published here 2000 40
Karl Fulves Center Fold No. 39, joker placed into deck behind back, then two selections made, half the joker (which is suddenly torn) found besides each card
Also published here 2001 86
David Stone Surprise Index signed card lost in deck, spectator choses three random card and puts coin on one, it is the wrong card, on other side of coin a card index is shown, it matches selection, wrong card changes into selection with matching corner missing
Related toAlso published here 2001 13
David Acer Shift Happens grip on card changes to different corner visually
Inspired by 2001 93
Gordon Bean Corner Kick indifferent card with torn-off corner transforms into selection
Inspired byVariations July/Aug. 2002
The Penumbra (Issue 2)
Ryan Matney Corner Kicked Again indifferent card with torn-off corner transforms into selection
Inspired by Nov./Dec. 2002
The Penumbra (Issue 4)
Ben Harris De-Crease folded card becomes un-creased again, explanation in more detail
Also published here Apr. 2002
Genii (Vol. 65 No. 4)
Andi Gladwin Double Decker Ripper two decks pulled out of a case, pseudo switch presentation
Inspired by June 2002
Ego (Vol. 1 No. 12)
Shaun Robison Spots-A-Poppin' red spot on playing card changes to sponge ball and then appears back on selection
Summer 2002
The Magic Menu (Vol. 11 No. 63)
Al Baker Miscellaneous Hair Tricks
  • cup moves on the table
  • animated bill
  • remote haunted deck
  • rising coin/card from glass
  • throwing a loose deck of cards to a spectator over some distance
  • balancing cane/umbrella
Also published here 2003
The Secret Ways of Al Baker (Issue Pet Secrets)
Roberto Giobbi, Father Cyprian, Johann Nepomuk Hofzinser Coalaces four aces change into single selection
2003 1178
Jay Sankey Voodoo Card signed and lost in deck, a white index card is folded in quarters and selected card is found folded in the deck. Then corner of selected card is burnt, and index card is found to be burnt in the corner too
Twenty Years Of Magic (Issue Amazing Tricks)
Jim Steinmeyer Through the Trap Door two folded cards penetrate each other and change folding orientation
Nov. 2003
Genii (Vol. 66 No. 11)
Scott Robinson That's Wrap climax for The Toy, card is fully gift wrapped, different methods
Inspired by 2004 220
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson Quarterback two selections, one pops out of deck, one quarter is missing, it is found glued to second selection
Inspired by 2004 29
Jay Sankey Voodoo file card represents selection, it is folded and selection is then found folded in deck, selection's corner is burned and corner of file card found burnt as well
2004 80
Karl Fulves Envelope Illusion optical illusion in which envelope seems to small to fit a playing card, with short card-to-envelope routine
Inspired by 2004
Charlatan (Issue 8)
Bob Ostin Ostin's Orifice card with hole is placed face up on table, spectator places his finger through hole and closes eyes, card turns over
Inspired by
  • Mr. E. Ozo's "Out Of Sight" in "The Crimp" Nr. 14.
Also published here
  • "Ostin's Orifice" in "The Crimp" Nr. 40.
2005 119
Robert E. Neale Card to Cube Fold folding a cube out of a playing card
Nov. 2005
Antinomy (Vol. 1 No. Annual 2005)
Jack Parker Cain & Cord coin appears underneath selection in the deck. Then, card vanishes and reappears folded around the coin
Also published here 2005 39
Ronald J. Dayton Crescent City Rooftops folded card is placed on second folded card to form a house, top and bottom card transpose
2006 161
Michael Powers Sawing A Lady Queen in card case with slit through it, card is pushed through case and Queen
Inspired by
  • Ben Harris idea in Magic Manuscript
2006 42
Michael Daniels Oops! card is torn and restores in spectator's hand into mis-made configuration, "Oops Deck"
Related to Feb. 2006
Antinomy (Vol. 2 No. 1)
Michael Daniels Fold 'em Oops! card folded and unfolded, it is now mis-made, "Oops Deck"
Feb. 2006
Antinomy (Vol. 2 No. 1)
Max Maven Mis-Made Card Credit Richard Himber's "The Wrong-Way Card" (1948)
May 2006
Antinomy (Vol. 2 No. 2)
Gene Taylor Warp Central using trapdoor puzzle card as outside wrapper for card warp type routine in which center of inside card goes missing
Inspired byVariations Dec. 2006
Antinomy (Vol. 2 No. Annual 2006)
Gene Taylor Warp Central Plus ends with examinable card
Inspired by Dec. 2006
Antinomy (Vol. 2 No. Annual 2006)
Rene Clement Sense-sational performer bites pieces out of selection
2007 191
Jack Parker Cain & Cord coin appears underneath selection in the deck. Then, card vanishes and reappears folded around the coin
Also published here 2007 142
Dani DaOrtiz Gag - Strongest Magician card visibly changes into torn quarters
2008 36
Sixten Beme Beme's Corner signed card torn into four pieces, one piece chosen and it changes back color
2009 13
Robert E. Neale Real Jokers Joker folded in quarters turns inside out, then torn and restored except one quarter
Also published here 2009 106
Oliver Meech Act Accordingly Drawings on blank cards come to life and behave strangely (only suggestions and ideas, no actual method descriptions)
2010 32
Karl Fulves Z Character handling a z-fold wallet, selection torn in half and one half in wallet, another card torn, two halves vanished, half in wallet matches other half
Xtra Credit (Issue 8)
Angelo Carbone Twister mention of rejected Tenyo effect
Mar. 2010
Genii (Vol. 73 No. 3)
Karl Fulves The Basic Principle of monte with stuck-together cards
Prolix (Issue 9)
William Goodwin The Tumblers four Jokers (with one-way faces) change orientation, with credit information on the plot
  • Notes (additional approaches)
Related to
  • "Pointer" (Phil Goldstein, marketed 1976)
2011 6
Karl Fulves The Three-Corner Card "Unexplained"
corner of selection torn off and put under case, remaining card signed on back, card put in deck so a part is protruding, prediction card with corner missing shown, it is signed on back and protruding part is now only corner which has vanished from under case, posed as a problem
Inspired by 2012
Prolix (Issue 10)
Matt Mello The Zombie and the Joker Joker lies perpendicular on the box in the spectator's hands, he cannot move the Joker around on the box, pseudo-hypnosis
2012 1
John Guastaferro, Tyler Wilson Fusion Alternative Presentation, blendo
Inspired by 2013 14
Masao Atsukawa Warp 9 geometrical puzzle with a playing card that makes a full card face-down, but a piece is left over when assembled face-up
Related toAlso published here 2013 19
Hideki Tani Elevator Illusion two blank cards with four windows cut are held above deck, selection can be seen rising up through the windows, then card goes down again and is found reversed in the deck
2013 74
Takanobu Ishida Card Tapestry Aces are fanned, one is named and Aces are found glued together in a row with chosen Ace reversed
2013 82
Tomas Blomberg Torn Uncut Card Sheet uncut sheet which contains all the cards of the deck, magician rearranges the pieces of the sheet to make a previously selected card disappear from it, "52 on 1 Gag"
Inspired by 2014 130
Alexander de Cova Die vier Ecken Kartenroutine unknown card torn into four pieces, those pieces turn out to belong to four different cards which have one corner missing each, basically the same effect and method as Joshua Jay's
Inspired byAlso published here July 2014 708
Helder Guimarães Extending the Luck card chosen, coin used to narrow deck down to one card, on back of coin is corner that matches selection, single card is missing this corner suddenly
Inspired byRelated toAlso published here 2015 47
Alexander de Cova Vier Ecken unknown card torn into four pieces, those pieces turn out to belong to four different cards which have one corner missing each, basically the same effect and method as Joshua Jay's
Inspired by
  • "Hitchcock" (Joshua Jay)
Also published here
2015 123
Helder Guimarães 90 Degrees signed card becomes perpendicular when pushed through deck
Inspired by Aug. 2016
Genii (Vol. 79 No. 8)
Steve Beam Card Compression four Aces compressed into two Tos, into a Four, then card vanishes
Also published here 2017 6
Helder Guimarães Extending the Luck card chosen, coin used to narrow deck down to one card, on back of coin is corner that matches selection, single card is missing this corner suddenly
Also published here Aug. 2017
Genii (Vol. 80 No. 8)
Leo Reed H.I.P. (Hofzinser Inspired Plot) Aces in spread on table, selection changes into Ace of matching suit, on the table are now three Aces and the selection and the spread changes into a permanently glued spread
Aug. 2017
Genii (Vol. 80 No. 8)
Roberto Mansilla ¿Cómo luce el olvido? selections turn blank and face appear on blank cards in glass, covered with handkerchief
Also published here 2017 125
Patrick G. Redford Velleity named card ends up on top of the deck which is secured by spectator, selection is bent
  • The Bend and Convincer
  • The Cleaning Up
  • Further Advice on Controlling the Called Card
  • Further Thoughts & Variations
  • Final Thoughts
Related to 2017 136
Harapan Ong Flexacard tritetra-flexagon from cards, two cards can be revealed, self-animated
2018 193
Harapan Ong 4, 3, 2, 1 hybrid flexagon to consecutively reveal four cards
Related to
  • hybrid flexagon, Douglas Engel, Journal of Recreational Mathematics 2, 1969
2018 205
Patrick G. Redford A Light and Heavy Imagination Trick Description:
  • Phase One: Spectator is unable to lift up the deck from performer's hand
  • Phase Two: Spectator is unable to remove deck from its box
2018 9
Patrick G. Redford The Light & Heavy Card Box
  • Phase One: Spectator is unable to lift up the deck from performer's hand
Variations 2018 10
Marc Salem Push-Ups Alternate handling for Light & Heavy Card Box
Inspired by 2018 23
Patrick G. Redford Hypnotic Pull
  • Phase Two: Spectator is unable to remove deck from its box
Variations 2018 26
Patrick G. Redford Further Thoughts & Variations
  • Overstuffing Method
  • Roughing Method
Inspired by 2018 36
Scott Robinson The Toy two cards folded into a spaceship, spaceship changes directions back and forth (not a magic effect), one card is pushed through other and then it restores
Also published here 2018 13
Joaquín Navajas La carta que se mantiene en pie convincing handling for Gaëtan Bloom's Standing Card
Inspired by 2019 175
Ramón Riobóo The Stapled Card, without Jokers Signed selection appears stapled to a random card
Inspired by
  • "My Stapled Card" (Ramon Rioboo, Thinking the Impossible)
2019 277
Patrick G. Redford Velleity Plus Named card ends up on top of the deck under spectator's hand, selection is bent. The card then returns back to the middle of the deck in a position of spectator's choosing
Related to 2019 88
Rhys "Morgan" Jones, Robert "West" Tay A Moment of Impossibility card signed and put in case with rest of deck, signature visible through hole in case, deck vanishes and reappears in jar, impossible object
2020 55
Ryan Matney It's Alive miniature card comes out of torn Queen with spectator's name written on its back
Also published here 2020 164
Ryan Matney It's Alive miniature card comes out of torn Queen with spectator's name written on its back
Also published here Feb. 2020
Genii (Vol. 83 No. 2)
Sultan Al Qasimi Banksy card pushed through deck in right angle, it comes out with one ned cut in shredded strips
Aug. 2020
Genii (Vol. 83 No. 8)
Larry Jennings The Close-Up Illusion three cards, one penetrates one of the the others visually, slit in card, credit information
Also published here 2020 488
Jonathan Friedman Dedlof folded card becomes pristine without wrinkles again
Jan. 2021
Genii (Vol. 84 No. 1)
Roberto Mansilla What Does Oblivion Look Like?
  • Artifices
selections turn blank and face appear on blank cards in glass, covered with handkerchief
Also published here Aug. 2021
Genii (Vol. 84 No. 8)
Nancy Colwell The Ship of Theseus introduction to plot, card signed and torn into quarters, quarters replaced one by one with odd-backed quarters, when turned over the pieces still have spectator's signature
  • The Theseus Plot
  • Script
  • History
Variations 2021 7
Nancy Colwell Theseus - Third Solution card signed and torn into quarters, quarters replaced one by one with odd-backed quarters, when turned over the pieces still have spectator's signature
2021 17
Nancy Colwell Theseus - Fifth Solution card signed and torn into quarters, quarters replaced one by one with odd-backed quarters, when turned over the pieces still have spectator's signature
2021 34
Nancy Colwell Theseus - Sixth Solution card signed and torn into quarters, quarters replaced one by one with odd-backed quarters, when turned over the pieces still have spectator's signature
2021 50
Nancy Colwell Postmortem of the Seventh Solution card signed and a quarter torn out, odd-backed quarter is taken from pocket and restored into its place, repeated three more times, when turned over the card still have spectator's signature
2021 75
Nancy Colwell Postmortem of the Eighth Solution card signed and torn into half, halves replaced one by one with single odd-backed card, when turned over that card still have spectator's signature
2021 77
Nancy Colwell New Horizon card signed and torn into quarters, quarters placed on table in a mis-aligned layout, when turned over they align again
2021 84
Harapan Ong Harapan Ong's Solution card signed and torn into quarters, quarters replaced one by one with odd-backed quarters taken from bag, when turned over the pieces still have spectator's signature
2021 97
Simon Aronson Simon Aronson's Solution card signed, quarters torn out one by one are replaced quarters from odd-backed duplicate, when turned over the pieces still have spectator's signature, red/blue double backer
2021 99
Jonathan Friedman Middle Man
  • WWPD ("What Would Paul Do?", Paul Harris)
one of the four Kings is chosen and signed and placed under the card case, only center portion of that Kings travels into the deck leaving behind a hole in the signed King
Dec. 2022
Genii (Vol. 85 No. 12)
Joshua Jay In Sink several cards placed on water surface, all cards sink to the bottom except selection, plastic/paper
Also published here
  • MAGIC, Sep. 2011
2022 1056
Joshua Jay Hitchcock unknown card torn into four pieces, those pieces turn out to belong to four different cards which have one corner missing each
VariationsAlso published here
  • MAGIC, Sep. 2013
2022 1235
Tomás Giammarco Carbon Paper burn marks vanish from one card and appear on back of signed card under spectator's hand
Inspired by
  • "Carbon Paper" (Jay Sankey, Sankey Secret Files No. 1, video)
Oct. 2023
The Hermit (Vol. 2 No. 10)