373 entries in Cards / Effect Themes / Four-of-a-Kind & Aces Effects / Production & Appearance / Miscellaneous
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
Johann Nepomuk Hofzinser Die sympathetischen Zahlen spectator stops while performer deals cards on table, then four people select a card, selections are the four Tens which match amount of dealt cards, number is also predicted on a piece of paper
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1910 4
Johann Nepomuk Hofzinser Die vier Asse Aces produced, then sixteen more Aces produced, sixteen duplicate Aces
Also published here 1910 31
Dr. Stanley Jaks Symphronismus der Zahlenkarten ten number cards are dealt on the table and one is selected by naming a number, rest of the deck is dealt in three piles and cards on the bottom match selected cards
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 1 No. 1)
Joe Berg The Convexed Aces Experiment No. 6 - cards are lost and found, Aces are bridged
Variations 1946 156
Arthur H. Buckley The Aces and the Chosen Card Experiment No. 30 - Aces are lost, selection appears on top and changes to Aces, repeated three times
1946 190
G. W. Hunter No. 1 "Four of a Kind" values of three cards are counted to find mates of selection to form four-of-a-kind
Variations 1946 76
Edward Marlo Four-Ace Opener packets are held face to face, aces appear there
Related to 1948 134
Four-Ace Production Deck placed in pocket, can extract and locate four Aces
1949 30
Robert Parrish Automatic Assembly cards of same value as a selection are found via dealing
1949 30
Joe Stuthard Four Ace Trick Aces are lost and found again
1949 19
Joe Stuthard How Did That Happen? Aces shown in deck, performer finds wrong cards behind his back, then he removes the Aces from behind his back
1949 19
Eddie Joseph One-Eye Joe Kings lost with cut and shuffle procedure and found again
1950 12
Toni Koynini The Last Card free selection, then three more cards arrived at after dealing deck into three piles, all match and consists of four-of-a-kind
1951 19
Al Leech A Reverse Discovery Aces put in deck, Kings found, Aces reversed
1953 21
Stewart James The Ace Assembly finding four Aces, deck is cut somewhere and piles are dealt
1954 5
Professor Melachini-Caligari Brief aus dem Norden Jacks are found with named numbers and their cross sum, Queens and Kings appear by other named numbers
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 17 No. 2)
Rolf Andra Eine neue As-Formation finding four Aces twice, spectator makes several decision
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 17 No. 3)
Charles Hudson Sorcerer's Seven II cards are shuffled and cards from 8 to As removed, shuffled again and picture cards removed, then with the number seven all quartets are counted to
Sep. 1957
The Cardiste (Issue 4)
Harry Lorayne Coincidentally Yours three four of a kinds are produced via some layout and counting procedure
Related toVariations 1962 44
Bill Simon Challenge Aces Ace of Spades is placed aside and keeps reappearing, change into four different Aces
VariationsAlso published here 1962 201
Edward Marlo Ace Producer two halves rubbed face to face, aces appear (sleeve aces)
1962 17
Ronald A. Wohl (Ravelli) d) The Royal Marriages production of Queens (Bill Simon's "The Mathemagician"), then Kings, before going into a marriage routine
Inspired by Apr. 1963
Ibidem (Issue 28)
Norman Osborn Back to Aces Ace production climax for All Back routine
Nov. 1964
Ibidem (Issue 30)
Al Leech Two Hands: Four Aces "sleeve Aces"
Variations 1965 37
Harry Lorayne Any Four of a Kind strategy for producing any four of a kind named by spectator while only setting up three sets
Variations 1965 41
Harry Lorayne The Indicator procedure to set up a four-of-a-kind for spelling from a shuffled deck
Variations 1967 62
Edward Marlo Quadruple Match selection is matched with three mates, edgemarked deck
Riffle Shuffle Finale (Issue Riffle Finale)
Edward Marlo The Named Four cutting to any four of a kind called for, edgemarked
Riffle Shuffle Finale (Issue Riffle Finale)
Peter Kane Tetradism
  • (1) Matching the Cards with freely chosen card
  • (2) all four-of-a-kinds produced
Variations 1967 19
Allan Slaight New Deck Progressive faros
  • 1. card counted to by adding to cut-to card values, predicted
  • 2. Ace production
  • 3. Aces lost and spelled to
  • 4. poker deal
  • 5. draw poker deal
  • 6. Rummy demo
  • 7. spelling to card from first effect
  • 8. another poker deal
  • 9. Blackjack deal
  • 10. Bridge deal
Also published here July 1968
Ibidem (Issue 33)
Roy Walton Liberty
Also published here 1969 40
T. Page Wright Spell Down spelling of a card, spelled value includes other three cards with same value and spelled suit only cards with same suit
Magick (Issue 4)
Ian Baxter The "Expert" at the Card Table??? card freely chosen and tabled face down, performer produces the three cards of same value, all quartets grouped together
1970 32
Paul Swinford Quadrivium new deck order, faro
1971 19
Henry Christ Tally-Ho! spelling using words on card case
Variations 1971 115
Karl Fulves No Sliding four aces produced, fifth ace produced, previous aces are now kings, extension
Inspired by 1971 10
Tom Batchelor Through Thick and Thin block of twelve glued cards, thick card introduced as transformed selection, thick card used to find the Aces
1971 45
Harry Lorayne The Fantastic Deal Jog red/black separation except named quartet (aka "The Great Divide")
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1972 1
Tom Osborne, Lu Brent Match It mates are produced
1972 111
Jerry K. Hartman Four Eyes magician and spectator each remove a card from top and bottom half of deck to find four Aces
1972 5
Dr. Jacob Daley Daley's Jumping Aces No. 204, "Dr. Oberholzer ace location", sounds like four packets are counted off while starting with an Ace on top for each count, cryptic
Related to 1972 49
Dr. Jacob Daley Daley's Four Ace Mix Transpose Trick No. 228, description sketchy, seems to be a routine in which Aces are lost and found, then Sevens are found and they transpose with Aces
Related to 1972 56
Dr. Jacob Daley Daley's Sympathetic Numbers Or Lucky No. 277, spectator stops while performer deals cards on table, then four people select a card from four piles, selections are the four Nines which match amount of dealt cards, number is also predicted on a piece of paper
Inspired byRelated to 1972 69
Louis Zingone Zingone (Sterno?) Pull Out of 4 Aces or 4 Cards No. 362, cryptic, might be a production of four cards by doing four second deals with one card each ending up between the four fingers and thumb of the other hand (as in Biological Shuffle)
1972 101
Dr. Oberholzer Dr. Oberholzer Four Ace Routine No. 388, sounds like four packets are counted off while starting with an Ace on top for each count, cryptic
Related toVariations 1972 106
Ace Prologue To Routine No. 518, top card used to count off a pile of that number, done four times, Aces found on bottom of each
Related to 1972 145
Sam Leo Horowitz Horowitz's Four Ace Mix No. 606, Aces put on four packets that are assembled and double-cut each time, Aces end up alternating on top
  • Note (Dai Vernon)
Related to 1972 169
Frank Garcia Unique Discovery Aces are produced, two turn over, selection found on the way
1973 55
Frank Thompson Any Ace Spell spelling to any Ace called for
Related to 1973 122
Harry Lorayne HaLo Mates
1973 140
Jerry K. Hartman Overskill II Spectator cuts to Aces, then magician cuts to Aces in different flashy ways
Inspired byAlso published here 1973 28
Bob Mason Spell Fox Lake spelling using words on card case, using Fox Lake Playing Cards
Inspired by 1973
Magick (Issue 90)
Gene Finnell Prophesy card selected, two cards produced with value and suit of selection (composite card), then three cards found with those cards, the three mates of the selection
1973 29
Gene Finnell Trapped selection made, three cards of matching value are trapped with two faros
1973 30
Gene Finnell Birds of a Kind card chosen, cards of same value found with faro sandwiches
1973 44
Gene Finnell Card of Prophesy odd-backed card lost in deck, after some cutting and faro a four-of-a-kind shows up
  • Card of Prophesy Variation
  • Card of Prophesy Instant Replay
  • The Instant Repeat
1973 47
Edward Marlo Masterful Mix Up cards mixed face up and face down, performer instantly pushes out four Aces, three methods
Related to 1974 85
Paul Curry The Red And The Black spectator arrange the deck, cards are in red/black pairs except the Aces
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1974 53
Harry Lorayne, Stephen Minch A Lunar Fating "Coincidentally Yours" with tarot cards
Inspired by 1974 35
Roy Walton Poker Progressive Ace reversed, after faro another Ace is next to it, after more faros all Aces are found, then a full house, then a Royal Flush is dealt
Also published here 1975 43
Harry Lorayne Snappy Flush Royal Flush production
Inspired byVariations 1975 44
Harry Lorayne Easy Indicator procedure to set up a four-of-a-kind for spelling from a shuffled deck, simplified method
Inspired by 1975 59
Harry Lorayne Tally-Ho Ace Locator spelling using words on card case to find Aces
Inspired by 1975 139
Karl Fulves Novelty 4-Ace Production an ace is sandwiched between indifferent cards and placed in deck, another ace rises sideways, it's turned perpendicular, pushed in an rises out as different ace
1975 68
Al Leech, Francis Carlyle Al Leech Discovery of the Aces
Inspired by 1975 78
Frank Garcia Bluff Ace Opener magicians cuts four piles, all Aces, taking more card in last packet
Also published here 1975 ca. 1
Frank Garcia Four Aces Surprise spectator places Aces in the deck face-up while doing an overhand shuffle, shuffle version of Gemini Twins
Also published here 1975 ca. 3
Frank Garcia Double Header performer finds wrong card and it's mates, wrong card turns into selection and mates of selections are produced
Also published here 1975 ca. 6
Roy Walton Chiefly Yourselves four cards are lost in the deck and their values used to find a good poker hand, the cards find themselves and one more
Inspired byAlso published here Sep. 1976
Pabular (Vol. 3 No. 1)
Edward Marlo Variations on Double Vanish & Recovery two aces change color, other aces are found again, different methods
Related to 1977 191
Edward Marlo In Place of Double Lifts - First Effect losing, production of red aces, transpo
1977 265
Edward Marlo Face Up Aces Extended longer routine combination
1977 304
Philip T. Goldstein Impolite Aces cutting to the red Aces, they change into the black Aces and the red ones are found reversed in the deck
1977 18
Frank Garcia Bluff Ace Opener magicians cuts four piles, all Aces, taking more card in last packet
Also published here 1978 1
Frank Garcia Four Aces Surprise spectator places Aces in the deck face-up while doing an overhand shuffle, shuffle version of Gemini Twins
Related toAlso published here 1978 3
Frank Garcia Double Header performer finds wrong card and it's mates, wrong card turns into selection and mates of selections are produced
Also published here 1978 6
Don Tanner Cards shuffled deck tossed in cloth bag, performer locates the Aces by touch
1978 8
Albert Charra "I'm Lucky" a bit of pile making and dealing required
Variations June 1979
Apocalypse (Vol. 2 No. 6)
Terry LaGerould Pseudometry
Variations Dec. 1979
Apocalypse (Vol. 2 No. 12)
Harry Lorayne An Amazing Revelation-Display one-hand revelation-display of eight cards
1979 95
Harry Lorayne "Counters" Aces and Kings found by various indicator cards, faro
1979 202
Brian Glover Transpo Aces
Feb. 1979
Pabular (Vol. 5 No. 2)
Charles Hudson Apocalypse Variations Or Additions
Inspired by Apr. 1980
Apocalypse (Vol. 3 No. 4)
Father Cyprian Roll Your Own without rolling
Inspired by 1980 51
Roy Walton Liberty
Also published here 1981 32
Harry Lorayne Quadruple Jeopardy after some counting a layout of two four-of-a-kinds is there, or even three (see Afterthoughts)
1982 83
Terry LaGerould The Nickel Knows spelling using words on coin leads to all Fives, using a coin
Inspired by 1982 334
Frank Garcia Aces at Chosen Numbers
1982 59
John Murray Spectacular Prediction Coincidence
1982 73
Joe Safuto Porous Potholder cards through potholder, then rubber hand holding Royal Flush is produced
Related to 1982 41
Paul Curry Rot und Schwarz spectator arrange the deck, cards are in red/black pairs except the Aces
Also published here July 1982
Intermagic (Vol. 9 No. 2)
Douglas A. Wicks Rembrandt Aces Aces are "painted" on rubber back of close up pad
Sep. 1983
Apocalypse (Vol. 6 No. 9)
Mike Bornstein Paint-On Aces Aces painted on surface
Sep. 1983
Apocalypse (Vol. 6 No. 9)
C. W. Stanford Detex cards reversed with one-handed cut, Aces shown with straight flush around them in deck
1983 237
Jack Avis Mexican Bingo No. 74, sheets with numbers, some numbers arrived at are used to spell-count down in deck, four Aces found
1983 97
Bill Simon Challenge Aces Ace of Spades is placed aside and keeps reappearing, change into four different Aces
Also published here Aug. 1983
Intermagic (Vol. 10 No. 2)
Edward Marlo Application to an Effect "Sleeve Aces" - handling
1984 137
Peter Duffie Tete a Tete Kings produced, change into Aces
Related toVariations 1984 14
Ken Klosterman A Whole Lot of Money producing four Aces and loading a coin under each one
Dec. 1985
Apocalypse (Vol. 8 No. 12)
Louis Falanga Second Routine four kings are found, transform into the aces as a climax
1985 41
David Britland Kojack two selections and four Kings lost in deck, selections rise, Kings reproduced
Inspired by
  • "Decktectives" (Charles Hudson, Linking Ring)
Nov. 1985 16
John Riggs Aces for Airheads off-beat cutting the aces, four random cards on top, when position of packets are changed, aces appear on top of the packets
1986 258
Paul Swinford Four of a Kind locating any four-of-a-kind with sorting rod
1986 17
Karl Fulves Point of Conversion Ace of Diamonds put in center, it comes to top with the Two of Diamonds underneath which is tabled, repeated and Ace brings Three to Five to top as well, then Ace of Spades is on top and the tabled Diamonds change to Royal Flush cards
1987 31
Richard Vollmer Earthly Powers selected card and four Aces are found, anti-faro "programming"
Related toVariations June 1988
Apocalypse (Vol. 11 No. 6)
Harry Lorayne Unearthly Powers
Inspired by July 1988
Apocalypse (Vol. 11 No. 7)
Karl Fulves Ace Glue four dabs of "ace glue" put on jacket, jumbo cards sprung on performer, Aces glue on jacket, posed as problem
  • Version-X, with named four-of-a-kind, then igloo crashes on stage (!)
Interlocutor (Issue 48)
Karrell Fox "Easy-Aces" Aces cut in deck reappear on top
1988 51
Karrell Fox The "Informers" performer cuts deck into three piles, on top are the mates of the selection
1988 53
Roy Walton Progressive Poker Ace reversed, after faro another Ace is next to it, after more faros all Aces are found, then a full house, then a Royal Flush is dealt
Also published here 1988 6
Roy Walton Chiefly Yourselves four cards are lost in the deck and their values used to find a good poker hand, the cards find themselves and one more
Also published here 1988 67
Doug Edwards This, too, shall pass using riffle pass
Nov. 1989
Apocalypse (Vol. 12 No. 11)
Simon Lovell Four Ace Opener Series of color changes between black and red Aces, end with all four Aces on table
1989 69
Karl Fulves Rivalry black kings catch two Aces, then red kings catch four Aces and previously found aces between black kings are gone
Inspired by 1989 16
Justin Higham Prelude four Kings produced, they change to Aces, then some random cards change back to Kings
1989 3
Harry Lorayne, Edward Marlo, Jay Sankey The Pop-Up Ace Pyramid forming a pyramid with a banded deck, four of a kind revelation
1990 80
Ken Krenzel The Condensed Aces Four spot is produced and splits in Twos, then in Aces, two methods, one with two double facers
Variations 1990 43
Ron Ferris, Harry Lorayne Poker Face four Royal Flushs are produced
Feb. 1991
Apocalypse (Vol. 14 No. 2)
Richard Vollmer Mr. Koenig's Tapestry dealing a 4x4 square
VariationsAlso published here Mar. 1991
Apocalypse (Vol. 14 No. 3)
Roger A. Golde How Classics are Born!
Inspired by Nov. 1991
Apocalypse (Vol. 14 No. 11)
Karl Fulves Optimum Opener: Annexed Aces using "Riffle Shuffle Control" to control a selection and cull the Aces from shuffled deck, negative cull
1991 30
Stephen Tucker Impromptu Aces from the Fore splitting aces from card, four then a three etc.
1991 2
Jerry K. Hartman Half Again Four spot is produced and splits in Twos, then in Aces, Las Vegas Split type
Inspired by 1991 152
Jerry K. Hartman Overskill Spectator cuts to Aces, then magician cuts to Aces in different flashy ways, with new handling refinements
Also published here 1991 392
Jerry K. Hartman Best Wishes "highest value force", forced four-of-a-kind ends up in poker hand
Related to 1991 437
Peter Duffie Harlequinesque red Aces appear between two Jokers, Jokers then change into black Aces
  • Epilogue to No Hassle Aces
Inspired byAlso published here 1991 19
Chris Kenner Paint by Numbers triumph with four Royal Flush climax, which are "painted" on rubber back of close up pad
Inspired byVariations 1992 140
John Morgan All Out new pack order finale
May 1992
Apocalypse (Vol. 15 No. 5)
Stephen Tucker Find the Ladies four Queens are predicted and found
Aug. 1992
Apocalypse (Vol. 15 No. 8)
Doug Edwards The Ace You Say two aces are produced, changed, reproduced
Oct. 1992
Apocalypse (Vol. 15 No. 10)
Tom Daugherty Choices
Inspired by Dec. 1992
Apocalypse (Vol. 15 No. 12)
Justin Higham Worldly Powers selected card and four Aces are found, anti-faro "programming", simplified handling
Inspired by Apr. 1992
Tech-Notes (Issue 2)
Peter Duffie Fireside Aces Ace production with the Jokers
Inspired by 1993 45
Peter Duffie Deep Thoughts cut deeper force to decide on two sandwich cards, those sandwich a card which matches another chosen card, sandwich cards change to other two cards of that value
1993 1
Vicente Canuto Series de Apariciones de Ases remarks of four-of-a-kind productions
1993 321
Philip T. Goldstein Four Sure mates & four of a kind are found with dice, mathematical
July 1994
Apocalypse (Vol. 17 No. 7)
John Scarne Invisible Seconds top half shuffled, four obvious seconds dealt, those four cards are Aces, featuring a Bottom Deal handling from straddle grip
Related to 1994
Verbatim (Issue 10)
Peter Duffie King For A Day Kings lost, named King spelled to, spelling piles have other Kings on top, slough-off faro
1994 12
Aldo Colombini One, Two, Three, Four Aces change into Ace through Four, then other three Aces are found again
Inspired by
  • Larry Jennings effect
1994 86
Peter Duffie Just for Starters
Inspired by 1995 56
Peter Duffie The Self-Seekers
Inspired by
  • "Jubilee Countdown" (Roy Walton, Fifty Years Later)
  • "Chiefly Yourselves" (Roy Walton, Linking Ring)
1995 213
Peter Duffie Re-Scan Variant using spelling
Inspired by 1995 223
Michael Goldman The Magic Nines production/location combo
Dec. 1995
Apocalypse (Vol. 18 No. 12)
Aldo Colombini Spell the Name selection lost, performer makes four packets, the name of any person is spelled to in each packet to locate selection and its three mates
Also published here
  • Sand Castle lecture notes
1995 21
Aldo Colombini Math-Aces Aces are found via counting from two packets, difference of two numbers
Inspired byAlso published here 1995 37
Harvey Rosenthal H. R. Aces Aces lost in deck, first Ace is cut to, then buried face up in middle and other three Aces turn face up next to it
Labyrinth (Issue 3)
Al Leech, Earl Nelson, Edward Marlo Aces Off the Cuff two black Aces are produced, transform into red two Aces and reappear from the sleeves, "sleeve aces"
Inspired by 1996 265
Gary Plants An Ace Per Shuffle pseudo riffle culling demonstration
Variations Jan. 1996
Apocalypse (Vol. 19 No. 1)
Joe Rindfleisch Oh, That Magnetic Ace Of Spades Ace of Spades collects other aces
Mar. 1996
Apocalypse (Vol. 19 No. 3)
Michael Close Flushed With Success Royal Flush is found in deck via stack and faros, for memorized deck, Aronson Stack only
Related to 1996 132
Karl Fulves Improv Aces four kings lost in deck reversed one by one, spread on table, kings are next to the matching aces, with stack handling
1996 139
Peter Duffie Brag-Artist one of four cards thought of, shuffled back, four three-card hands dealt, top cards are selection and the three Aces of other suits
1996 4
Don May Stinger Monte four piles, top cards shown, spectator should follow Queen, suddenly there are Queens on all packets
Related toVariationsAlso published here Mar. 1996
Magic (Vol. 5 No. 7)
Bob Farmer Dirty Dealing revealing royal flush in chosen suit, Cadd Force
Inspired by
  • "Dirty Dealing" (Gary Plants, Genii August 1996)
Dec. 1996
Magic (Vol. 6 No. 4)
Jack Carpenter Quick Slick performer cuts to ace of spades, he cuts to ace of spades again, tabled ace is now remaining three Aces
Inspired by 1997 56
Peter Duffie From Nowhere Spectator cuts the deck a few times, Royal Flush in Spades is produced
Inspired by
  • "Cruz Control" (Phil Goldstein, The Linking Ring one man parade, 1995)
1997 17
Peter Duffie Return to St. Nicholas red Aces appear between two Jokers, Jokers then change into black Aces
Inspired byRelated toVariationsAlso published here 1997 23
Iain Girdwood Girdwood Meets St. Nicholas Black Aces appear between two Jokers, Jokers then change into red Aces
Inspired byRelated to 1997 26
Peter Duffie Effortless Count-Down Kings cut and lost into the deck, deck is dealt into four piles by spectator, top cards are Ace Two Three Four, count down the values to find the Kings
Inspired by 1997 56
Peter Duffie Men-Aces Two cards selected and lost, red Aces produced, then two black Aces reverse in the deck, trapping face-up selections
1997 58
Aldo Colombini Calculating Bullets Aces are found via counting from two packets, difference of two numbers
Inspired byAlso published here Aug. 1997
Magic (Vol. 6 No. 12)
Edward Marlo Masterful Mix-Up cards mixed face up and face down, performer instantly pushes out four Aces
Related to 1997 77
Doug Conn Flush Brush triumph with four Royal Flush climax, which are "painted" on rubber back of close up pad, credit information
Inspired byVariationsAlso published here 1997 15
Andrew Wimhurst, Harry Lorayne The Awesome Foursome producing mates of two selected cards
1998 23
Larry Jennings, Bruce Cervon Revealment triumph & dealing thing
1998 138
Chad Long The Tweezers two jokers as tweezers find two aces, then jokers turn into aces
Related to 1998 1364
Gavin Ross Auto-Plunge Aces four Aces produced by mating a selection and push-through plunger
  • Phase One: "Simple Minds"
  • Phase Two: "The Auto-Plunger"
Also published here
  • booklet "Auto Plunger" (Gavin Ross, 1994)
1998 91
John Derris One in Three finding matching cards of selection behind back
1998 33
Steve Mayhew Keep Your Hands In Your Pockets with one hand in pocket, performer produces selection on top of deck while it is behind his back, a second card is selected and its three mates are produced behind his back in similar fashion, hand is brought out from pocket and it holds the three mates of first selection, no jacket
Inspired byRelated to 1998
Labyrinth (Issue 8 - Part 2)
Wesley James Splits Four spot is select, it splits in Twos, then in Aces, three double facers
Inspired by Oct. 1998
Onyx (Issue 5)
Karl Fulves King's Row number force with calculator, four-digit number used to find the Kings in row of cards on table
1998 32
James Swain The Tale of Titanic Thompson on top of anitfaroed packets is Royal Flush
1999 26
James Swain Miraculous several four of a kinds are produced
1999 46
James Swain The Explosion three four of a kinds
1999 68
Steve Mayhew, Toby Wessel Burn Out Your Blind Eyes without looking four cards are removed from the deck, eventually they change to Aces
Also published here 1999 5
Jack Carpenter Blind Lemon Aces Aces lost in deck and produced from right hand ("not this hand, the other hand")
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1999 10
Joshua Jay That's the Hard Part All three mates of selected card found, along with four Kings. Deck ends up separated by color.
Also published here 1999 76
Joshua Jay Cascading Queens Selection lost in deck. Four Queens produced, cards cascade down and selection is left in magician's hand
1999 78
Doug Conn Flush Brush triumph with four Royal Flush climax, which are "painted" on rubber back of close up pad
Inspired byVariationsAlso published here 1999 99
Karl Fulves Hooked Aces deck cut, two Aces are on faces, Slip Force application
1999 7
Karl Fulves Supplementary Note four Ace revelation with extension of "3-Card Catch"
Inspired by 1999 27
Micah C. Lasher Astronomical Aces dealing cards in pairs from two tabled halves, spectator stops at Aces, two more found
Aug. 1999
Genii (Vol. 62 No. 8)
Bob Wallace Two-Step Aces spectator shuffles deck, performer shows shuffled deck, shuffles once, then Aces are shown on top
1999 141
Mel Bennett Thrifty Aces values of four coins used to count down to four Aces
Inspired byRelated toVariations 2000 87
Karl Fulves Pennywise values of three coins used to count down to three Aces
Inspired by 2000 88
Lennart Green Sweating Bullets 4x4 grid and folding to reveal Aces
Related to Feb. 2000
Magic (Vol. 9 No. 6)
R. Paul Wilson Diminished Responsibility three selections are lost, performer finds three Aces and tables them in front of the spectators while progressively pocketing the deck, the four cards left are the Aces again and the tabled three cards are now the selections, optional deck switch
2000 48
Andrew Wimhurst, Harry Lorayne The Awesome Foursome producing three mates of two selected cards
2001 6
Masao Atsukawa 4Aと4Kの出現 (Appearance of 4A and 4K) Production of four Aces and four Kings - Ace of Spades and Diamonds sandwich Hearts and Spades, then four Aces sandwich four Kings
2001 13
Karl Fulves Four on a Die No. 34, two dice used to find four-of-a-kind
Inspired by 2001 50
Dialing the Future No. 45, four cards chosen by dealing to first four digits of phone number, they are predicted or the Aces
2001 65
Harry Lorayne "Slip"pery Four-of-a-Kind named card locates its three mates
2001 82
Harry Lorayne Four-Ace Lead-In selection ends up in middle of the four Aces, not reversed
2001 94
Harry Lorayne Snappier Flush quick Royal Flush production, two Two-Card Tosses
Inspired byRelated to 2001 105
Harry Lorayne Flabbergast Ten of Spades and Ace of Spades lost face-up in deck, they sandwich three cards, Royal Flush, faro
2001 507
Harry Lorayne Bonus Royale Royal Flush production
Inspired byAlso published here 2001 615
Harry Lorayne Beyond Belief several anti-faros with about half the deck, Royal Flush and Twos produced
Inspired byVariations 2001 621
Harry Lorayne Beyond Belief Relief several anti-faros with about half the deck, Royal Flush and Twos produced, faro
Inspired by 2001 627
Karl Fulves Not By Chance spectator places a black Ace face-up in center, other one is on top, they transpose, red Aces are around Ace in center
Inspired by 2001 116
Karl Fulves Catch Card Catch named mates find the red Aces and change into the black Aces themselves
Inspired byVariations 2001 195
Karl Fulves Jack The Knife Jacks find the red Aces and change into the black Aces themselves
Inspired by 2001 196
R. Paul Wilson Wise Guys card chosen and Aces locate the three mates à la Collectors
2001 3
Terry LaGerould Ace Shuttle space shuttle constructed from deck, wings shown to be Aces, previous selection from pocket
2001 12
Nathan Kranzo The Light on the Ceiling any card named, performer deals through face-down shuffled deck and sets aside four cards, they are the matching four-of-a-kind
June 2001
Ego (Vol. 1 No. 1)
Jack Carpenter Blind Lemon Aces Aces lost in deck and produced from right hand ("not this hand, the other hand")
Also published here Aug. 2001
Ego (Vol. 1 No. 3)
Nathan Kranzo The Big Push deck is sprung face up and stopped at a blank card, blank is tabled and this is repeated three more times, on last time the blank is changed into an Ace and other three tabled cards are now Aces
Inspired by
  • "Springing the Aces" (Steve Forte, Channel One, Volume II, Issue #6, December 2000)
2001 1
Gary Plants Plants' Packets four cards are counted to in four packets according to the value of the top pile, they are a four-of-a-kind matching previous selection, face-up bottom deal placement
Also published here Dec. 2001
Magic (Vol. 11 No. 4)
David Regal High & Dry spectator shuffles yet magician deals aces on top of packets
2002 101
Johann Nepomuk Hofzinser The Four Aces aces produced, then sixteen more aces produced, duplicate aces
Also published here 2002 39
John Rule The Dice Deal two dice rolled and piles dealt according to numbers, in the end the four Aces are on bottom of piles
2002 250
Jack Avis, Lewis Jones Can't be bad emergency card placed aside, Aces found instead of selection, emergency card turns out to be selection
2002 108
Trevor McCombie On a Wing and a Prayer (or The Trick With No End!) some four-of-a-kinds are stacked in the center, one chosen, other three revealed however one pleases
Also published here
  • Abacus Vol. 9 No. 9, May 2001
Feb. 2002
Ego (Vol. 1 No. 9)
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson Flashy Flush spectator selects BlackJack, then Royal Flush shows up, using Hamman's Flip-Flop Force
Also published here May 2002
Ego (Vol. 1 No. 11)
Reinhard Müller The Ones We Can't See using variation of Hamman's Flip-Flop Force
Also published here May 2002
Ego (Vol. 1 No. 11)
Andi Gladwin Splitting Hairs performer wants to find the Aces, a Four is found instead, one Ace is pulled from it, leaving behind a Three, repeated until the Four is split into all four Aces
Inspired by
  • "Aces From The Fore" (Stephen Tucker, marketed item)
  • "Impromptu Aces From The Fore" (Stephen Tucker, Pandora's Box video)
June 2002
Ego (Vol. 1 No. 12)
Dan Buck, Dave Buck Transpositionings black Aces appear around selection and are given to spectator, black Aces appear again, spectator holds red Aces
  • Simplified Version
Inspired by 2003 22
Dan Buck, Dave Buck Bottom Deal Daley black Ace tabled, spectator stops at a red Ace, tabled card is also red Ace now, black Aces on bottom of two piles
2003 26
Davide Costi Oscar Wilde Aces - Presentation patter
2004 103
David Acer Splittant Aces Magician visually splits a red Two and black Two into four Aces
Related to 2004 36
Reinhard Müller Flip-Flop Poker using the Müller-Flop, packets are turned over and card selected, card next to selection are all high cards of same suit, selection transform to form a Royal Flush
2004 76
Reinhard Müller Three-Deal Royal Flush different method for Flip-Flop Poker
Inspired byVariations 2004 77
Ron Frost Frost Style Choice Cut Magician cuts to four of a kind
Variations 2004 46
Ron Frost Ultimate Revelation Magician cuts to four Aces, each packet also contains Ace to King of each suit, with the Sevens out of position because audience selected the Sevens
2004 51
Ron Frost Table for Four Selected Ace changes places with the selected card
2004 60
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson Flashy Flush spectator selects BlackJack, then Royal Flush shows up, using Hamman's Flip-Flop Force
Also published here 2004 136
Reinhard Müller The Ones We Can't See using variation of Hamman's Flip-Flop Force
Also published here 2004 142
Peter Duffie 4-Some using extension of Gemini Twins placement, dealing started in three piles, all Queens found
Variations 2004 3
Jack Parker Con-Fusion three cards removed, one chosen, Aces appear from them one by one, three cards change into last Ace, Aces then trap selection in deck
2005 35
Jack Carpenter Blind Lemon Aces Aces lost in deck and produced from right hand ("not this hand, the other hand")
Also published here 2006 33
Arturo de Ascanio Antagonistic Aces
Inspired byVariations 2006 303
Karl Fulves Chip Shot poker chips and counting used to get to a Royal Flush
Inspired by 2006
Prolix (Issue 1)
Jack Avis Technique for a Multiple Slip Cut with two applications
2006 172
Max Maven Deal With It small packet is cut and dealt, and after down-under deal, performer has four Aces
2006 78
Paul Gordon Peter’s Foursome! using extension of Gemini Twins placement, dealing started in three piles, Kings and Queens found
Inspired by 2006 134
2007 24
Del Ray, Dai Vernon Aces found a little improvisation
2007 46
Don May Stinger Monte four piles, top cards shown, spectator should follow Queen, suddenly there are Queens on all packets
Also published here 2007 120
Stewart James Ten Nights In A Cardroom Multiple phase routine with ten tricks

  • 1. Shuffled deck, you deal and win a game of draw poker
  • 2. Four spectators name a number each, the cards at those positions have the same value
  • 3. You are able to name every card in a hand of poker as it is being dealt
  • 4. Card to pocket, card is lost in the deck by spectator, then card appears in your previously empty pocket. Effect is repeated.
  • 5. Challenge card location
  • 6. Prediction trick
  • 7. You deal yourself good cards for poker
  • 8. You can predict what cards you will receive for poker
  • 9. Blackjack deal, spectator can name any number of hands and you will always win with a blackjack
  • 10. Shuffled deck, you blindfold yourself, you deal for poker and win once again
VariationsAlso published here
  • Marketed by SJ, 1948
2007 84
Justin Higham IDF Ace Production 1 spectator stops dribble, quickly three piles made and Aces found
2007 7
Justin Higham IDF Ace Production 2 spectator stops dribble, quickly three piles made and Aces found
2007 8
Jeremiah Zuo Sandwich for Two selection appears between Aces, two more Aces appear around selection, "reverse sandwich"
Related toVariationsAlso published here June 2007
Antinomy (Vol. 3 No. 2)
Joel Givens More Memory Man full deck apparantly memorized, position of selection named as well as some other cards and four-of-a-kind produced
Inspired byVariations 2007 112
Joel Givens EZ Change Aces four cards out-jogged from various parts change into Aces
2007 244
Kevin Ho Collectors: Redux Flourishy location of three selections, and at the same time producing the four Queens (inspired by Daniel Madison's The Mayhem Theory)
2008 34
Aldo Colombini Direct Aces spectator cuts off pile, next to values added, counted down, Aces found finally
Prolix (Issue 4)
Allan Slaight New Deck Progressive faros
  • 1. card counted to by adding to cut-to card values, predicted
  • 2. Ace production
  • 3. Aces lost and spelled to
  • 4. poker deal
  • 5. draw poker deal
  • 6. Rummy demo
  • 7. spelling to card from first effect
  • 8. another poker deal
  • 9. Blackjack deal
  • 10. Bridge deal
Also published here 2008 44
Roberto Giobbi Fully Automatic Aces performer produces two Aces, other Aces are found by spectator, Gemini Twin placement
2008 13
Richard Vollmer Mr. King's Tapestry dealing a 4x4 square, only Kings are reversed
Also published here 2008 101
Karl Fulves Flat Dice six dice, spectator rolls three, numbers drawn in 2x3 grid, repeated, addition made, number force, book test application or counting to Aces
Prolix (Issue 6)
Nick Trost The Nines I coincidences with number nine, all Nines show up
Inspired by
  • "WAD Perfected" (Steve Pressley, Endless Possibilities, 1991)
2009 311