140 entries in Cards / Sleights / Riffle Shuffle / Riffle on the table / Culling
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
S. W. Erdnase To Ascertain the Top Cards while Riffling and Reserve them at Bottom see elegant title, tabled double cut
Related toVariations 1902 103
Edward Marlo The Four Ace Cull using scratch edge marked Aces
1959 59
Edward Marlo Combination Cull and Stack using scratch edge marked Aces
1959 62
Edward Marlo The Crimp Cull riffle shuffle cull, four Aces are corner crimped
Variations 1959 66
Edward Marlo Combination Cull and Stack
1959 122
Lin Searles The Cull Shuffle from bottom
June 1960
Ibidem (Issue 21)
Lin Searles The Cull-Stock Shuffle from bottom
June 1960
Ibidem (Issue 21)
Edward Marlo Any Four - Repeat any value called, four of this kind is produced, riffle cull from new pack order stack
The Patented Shuffle (Issue 4 Transfers)
Edward Marlo Call and Stock any called value is stacked into named number of hands, from new pack order stack
The Patented Shuffle (Issue 4 Transfers)
Edward Marlo The Three Card Cull and Stack
The Patented Shuffle (Issue 5 I Shuffled the Cards)
Edward Marlo Multiple Stripper Control Aces are stripper cards in normal deck
The Patented Shuffle (Issue 5 I Shuffled the Cards)
Edward Marlo Marlo Flexible Cull and Stock
  • To the Top
  • Minor Problems
  • The Release
  • To the Bottom
Inspired by 1967
Riffle Shuffle Finale (Issue Flexible Cull & Stock)
Edward Marlo The Full House Cull
  • Full House To Top
  • Full House to Bottom
Riffle Shuffle Finale (Issue Flexible Cull & Stock)
Edward Marlo Breaks tips for riffle cull
Riffle Shuffle Finale (Issue Flexible Cull & Stock)
Edward Marlo By Pass Pickup and Re-Riffle tips for riffle cull
Riffle Shuffle Finale (Issue Flexible Cull & Stock)
Edward Marlo Cull and Stack three-of-a-kind
Riffle Shuffle Finale (Issue Flexible Cull & Stock)
Edward Marlo The Large Stack nine players cull stack
Riffle Shuffle Finale (Issue Flexible Cull & Stock)
Edward Marlo A Double Ended Release procedure for cull stack
Riffle Shuffle Finale (Issue Flexible Cull & Stock)
Edward Marlo Getting the Breaks tip for cull stack
Riffle Shuffle Finale (Issue Flexible Cull & Stock)
Edward Marlo The Full House Cull Stack
Riffle Shuffle Finale (Issue Flexible Cull & Stock)
Edward Marlo Final Suggestions for cull stacking
Riffle Shuffle Finale (Issue Flexible Cull & Stock)
Edward Marlo Four Card Cull (Edge Readers)
Riffle Shuffle Finale (Issue Edge Reader)
Edward Marlo The Order Cull (Edge Readers)
Riffle Shuffle Finale (Issue Edge Reader)
Edward Marlo The Cull Stack (Edge Reader)
Riffle Shuffle Finale (Issue Edge Reader)
Edward Marlo Corner Short Riffle Cull culling cards with a corner short or Marlo Key card
1970 105
Edward Marlo Riffle Cull from Stack Zarrow/Shank
1972 30
Dr. Jacob Daley Cull-Strip Riffle Shuffle No. 568, culling cards at known position to bottom
1972 158
Karl Fulves Blocking Off definition of term, description of basic cull
1973 3
Karl Fulves Cull Shuffle describing a flush cull
1973 5
Karl Fulves Cull Stock Shuffle definition of term, no handling details
1973 6
Karl Fulves Single Card Control blocking off, mention of culling more cards with one shuffle
Related to 1973 50
Karl Fulves Block Loading applied to: reversed card in center is transfered to 8. position
1973 54
Roy Walton Z-Notes several notes, including
  • Triple Cut Zarrow
  • To Cull Cards To Face Or Top Of Pack (positions initially known)
1975 27
Derek Dingle Zarrow Culling
1975 31
Karl Fulves Controlled Triumph any named card, memorized deck
1975 33
Karl Fulves An Infinity Of Footnotes application of the Stevens Control with crimps (1), edge marks (2), stabbing (3), as a cull (7), and more
1975 108
Dad Stevens, Martin A. Nash Stevens Control - as a Cull several applications in the routines to follow
1979 425
Derek Dingle Zarrow Culling
1981 10
Derek Dingle Zarrow Culling
1982 144
Edward Marlo Marlo's Control alternative to Steven's Cull
VariationsAlso published here 1984 49
Edward Marlo Percentage Full House riffle culling a full house
1984 50
Edward Marlo On These Subjects procedure for locating nicked, scratched, edge marked cards while riffle shuffling
1984 81
Edward Marlo Handling Bellied Strippers riffle culling "inverse" belly stripped cards
1984 82
Edward Marlo First, Second, Third Method controlling slick Aces to bottom via riffle shuffles
1984 95
Edward Marlo Marked or Known Card Tip controlling known or glimpsed card via riffle cull
1984 176
Edward Marlo Scratch Sorcery or Nickromancy nicked or scratched key card and riffle shuffle control
1984 227
Dr. Jacob Daley, Jack Avis Notes on Dr. Daley's Strip Out Shuffle culling of cards at known position, short Ace cutting sequence with riffle shuffle placement, all very brief
1984 112
Karl Fulves Daley's Stacked Deck Problem removing card from a stack without disturbing the rest
1984 114
Lin Searles Las Vegas Shuffles - The Cull Shuffle from the bottom, positions known
1984 135
Lin Searles The Cull-Stock Shuffle positions known, from bottom
1984 137
Karl Fulves A Cull Stock Shuffle applying Restacking Problem to cull stock shuffling
1984 200
William Larsen Card Control cutting wanted card near bottom via riffle shuffle with glimpse, then face-up overhand shuffle
1985 10
Jack McMillen Gamblers' Riffle Stack riffle glimpsing cards (1937)
1985 10
John Scarne Shuffle Control according to Fulves the real thing
1987 2
Karl Fulves Karl Fulves Notes on John Scarne's "Shuffle Control", combination with crimp
Related to 1987 5
Karl Fulves Any Named Ace any Ace is cut to in a shuffled deck, riffle cull
Inspired by 1987 6
Steve Draun The Web Shuffle special crimped card, the real work otherwise
Also published here 1987 20
Edward Marlo The Riffle Shuffle Culls blocking off
1988 67
Edward Marlo A Three Shuffle Cull using non-card-table-standard procedures
1988 68
Edward Marlo Full House Cull three shuffles
1988 69
Edward Marlo Marlo's Cull System
1988 70
Edward Marlo Full House Cull and Stack
1988 72
Edward Marlo Combination Cull Stack
1988 73
Edward Marlo Shuffling and Cutting to the Aces using riffle cull approach
1988 77
Edward Marlo The Flush Cull and Stack
1988 79
Edward Marlo Culling Two Sets of Fours demonstration cull
1988 81
Edward Marlo Sophisticated Cull Stack
1988 82
Edward Marlo From a Shuffled Deck
1988 84
Edward Marlo Efficient Full House Cull and Stack four shuffles at most
1988 89
Jerry Sadowitz Name a Card Triumph from shuffled deck using riffle culling
Inspired byRelated to 1989 95
Edward Marlo Two Shuffle Cull two riffle shuffles to cull full house, two more to stack it, "It is understood that the above information is to be used for entertainment purposes only."
1990 62
Steve Draun The W.E.B. Shuffle special crimped card, the real work otherwise
Also published here 1993 72
Edward Marlo Stevens Control Riffle Culling handling
Also published here 1993
The Olram File (Issue 14)
Karl Fulves Double Time riffle shuffle control, shuffled and two piles formed and top cards named
1994 28
Bob Irons Breather Stacking cull-stack, Aces and Kings have breather crimp
1994 106
Karl Fulves Putting Up Threes with slick Aces, illustrated Maskelyne's text
Inspired by
  • "Sharps and Flats" (1894)
1995 89
Karl Fulves Riffle Glimpse chapter intro
1996 14
Karl Fulves Two Handed Glimpse riffle glimpse exercise with either hand
1996 18
Karl Fulves How Fast? discussion of speed of riffling with analogies from movies
1996 19
Karl Fulves Stop Order riffle glimpse exercise
1996 23
Karl Fulves Concluding Notes on riffle glimpse
1996 24
Karl Fulves How Small A Break? exercises
1996 27
Karl Fulves, John Scarne Blocking Off "This principle, invented by John Scarne, is called blocking off."
  • Blocking Off Defined
  • Blocking Off
  • Parallel Offset
  • Conditions
  • Right Side Glimpse
1996 50
Karl Fulves Angled Square-Up
1996 60
Karl Fulves Reverse Step
1996 61
Karl Fulves Two Step blocking off two cards in one shuffle
1996 61
Karl Fulves Advanced Placement
1996 64
Karl Fulves Blocking The Aces exercise for riffle culling
1996 65
Karl Fulves Mastering The Riffle Stop exercises for riffle culling
1996 67
Karl Fulves Blocking Out X
1996 69
Karl Fulves Not Here what to do when wanted card was not glimpsed in riffle culling
1996 71
Karl Fulves Open Handed
1996 72
Karl Fulves In-Line Breaks
1996 76
Karl Fulves Peripherals riffle cull exercise with odd-backed card
1996 77
Karl Fulves A Note On Timing releasing cards during riffle shuffle, exercise
1996 104
Karl Fulves Shuffle Crimp riffle cull with crimp
Related to 1996 110
Karl Fulves Short End short card as key
1996 118
Karl Fulves No-Break Cull using thick or short card
1996 119
Karl Fulves Cull-Stock Notes chapter intro
1996 122
Karl Fulves Color Cull exercise, culling five red cards to bottom
1996 123
Karl Fulves Cull To The Top
1996 124
Karl Fulves Royal Cull two pair or better riffle culled
1996 125
John Scarne The Flush Cull
1996 125
Karl Fulves A Quick Pair riffle culling a pair, including "Tips On The Handling"
1996 126
John Scarne John Scarne's Method blocking off above the card
Related to
  • "The Cull Riffle of the Mysterious Kid" (Revelations, 1984)
1996 129
Karl Fulves Four Of A Kind problems with riffle culling four-of-a-kind
1996 131
Karl Fulves The Edge edge marked cards and riffle culling
1996 132
Karl Fulves Cool Hand Duke cull stack
  • No Kings In Packet
  • One King In Packet
  • Two Kings In Packet
  • Three Kings In Packet
  • The Routine
1996 134
Karl Fulves Retaining Full Deck Order - Push Thru Method riffle culling a card while retaining order of rest
1996 137
Karl Fulves Zarrow Shuffle Method riffle culling a card while retaining order of rest
1996 138
Karl Fulves No Looking chapter intro, about glimpsing for card during riffle culling with shiner type things
1996 146
Karl Fulves Nail Glimpse clear nail polish
1996 147
Karl Fulves Stationary Shiner for Shuffle Work
1996 149
Karl Fulves Glimpse via Scarne shiner glimpse with Scarne's blocking off method (p. 129)
1996 150
Karl Fulves Option Cut bringing a glimpsed card to either top or bottom after it's blocked off
1996 170
Karl Fulves, John Scarne Cut For High Card
1996 175
Karl Fulves Reparation cull-stacking a pair
1996 179
Karl Fulves Two Edged spectator and performer remember any card they see during riffle shuffle, performer cuts to both cards, blocking off twice
1996 187
Jerry Sadowitz Culling From the Top Third of the Pack using Zarrow Shuffle, with the sections:
  • Culling One Card
  • Culling Any Card in the Top Third, Culling Any Two/Three/Four Cards in the Top Third
  • Staggering For Two
  • Zeros
Variations 1997/98 1
Jerry Sadowitz Culling From the Bottom Third of the Pack using Zarrow Shuffle, with the sections
  • Culling One Card
  • Culling Any Card in the Lower Third, Culling Any Two/Three/Four Cards in the Lower Third
  • Staggering For Two
  • Zeros
1997/98 9
Jerry Sadowitz Culling From the Top and Bottom Third using Zarrow shuffle
1997/98 15
Jerry Sadowitz The Elusive Fourth Card how to handle the fourth card when culling a quartet, with sections:
  • Controlling a Fourth Card, Left of Centre
  • Controlling a Fourth Card, Right of Centre
1997/98 17
Jerry Sadowitz Final Notes on riffle culling with the Zarrow Shuffle
1997/98 25
Dad Stevens Stevens Cull brief
1998 13
Jeff Busby The Texans and Shuffle Work on using (bevel) edge-work in riffle shuffle context
Related to 1998 102
R. Paul Wilson Vested Sand three-of-a-kind riffle cull
Inspired by
  • "Major Dalby's Brag Stack" riffle cull (Jerry Sadowitz, The Crimp #15, Aug. 1993)
May 1998
Magic (Vol. 7 No. 9)
R. Paul Wilson Canister Jury three-of-a-kind riffle cull and stack
Inspired by
  • "Major Dalby's Brag Stack" riffle cull (Jerry Sadowitz, The Crimp #15, Aug. 1993)
May 1998
Magic (Vol. 7 No. 9)
Andrew Wimhurst Stevens Cull Bit tip
1999 18
William Zavis Aces Up blocking off principle, credit information
Also published here
  • The Sphinx, Vol. 49 No. 8, Oct. 1950
Charlatan (Issue 2)
Juan Tamariz Cards to Pocket bringing four-of-a-kind together in memorized deck, travel to pocket as example
Other Methods
  • A. With Ray Grismer's Shuffle
  • B. With the Zarrow Shuffle
2004 104
Bruce Cervon Block Transfer Pushover cull riffle shuffle with block transfer, push through
2007 25
Bruce Cervon Cull Riffle
2007 26
Edward Marlo Stevens Control Riffle Culling handling
Also published here 2007 48
Julian W. Terry Scarne Riffle Glimpse comment
Also published here
  • Linking Ring, March 1966
Prolix (Issue 7)
Karl Fulves Short Cull riffle culling with four short cards over the Aces
The Lowdown (Issue 1)
Justin Higham Pseudo Riffle Cull a la The 75% Production locating / producing a four-of-a-kind via improvisation
  • 100% Pseudo Riffle Cull-Stack
Inspired by 2015 14
Joseph Barry No Thanks to Zarrow riffle cull without Zarrow or blocking off
Inspired by Feb. 2016
Operandi (Issue 1)
Steve Forte Chapter 3 - Stacking and Culling
  • Introduction
2020 229
Steve Forte Culling general comments about culling in gaming context
2020 272
Steve Forte Stevens' Riffle Cull myth-busting commentary and reality check
2020 272