59 entries in Cards / Principles / Locator Cards / Scratch-Marked
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
Chung Ling Soo The "Soo" Stripper Pack one-way edgemark
1933 86
Charles T. Jordan Impromptu Detection scratching a line across side of deck
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1937 307
Bob Hummer Thot-Ography spectator remembers card and its position from top ten cards, Klondike shuffle, marked key card with needle scratch, see Collected Secrets for more references
Also published here 1945 1
Bob Hummer Thoto (The World's Smallest Trick) one card location, cards marked with pin behind back
Also published here 1947 1
Frank Garcia Garcia's Card Location No. 83, deck is prepared by scratching one corner of every card
1950 152
Clayton Rawson The Jinx Card presentation about trouble-making card, spectator keeps selecting this card, it changes places with other selections, and turns over in the deck
July 1950 678
Dr. Ben B. Braude Simplex Card Stab
Variations Nov. 1953
The Phoenix (Issue 293)
Edward Marlo No Breaks scratch edge marked key card
1959 52
Edward Marlo N.B. for the Top Stock "No Breaks", using scratch edge marked key card
1959 53
Edward Marlo N.B. for the Bottom Stock "No Breaks", using scratch edge marked key card
1959 56
Edward Marlo The Four Ace Cull using scratch edge marked Aces
1959 59
Edward Marlo Combination Cull and Stack using scratch edge marked Aces
1959 62
Eddie Fields Invisible Pen Mystery card location, apparently marking the back of the selection with an "invisible pen"
VariationsAlso published here 1968 38
Joe Berg A Slight Edge
Sep. 1970
Talisman (Vol. 1 No. 27)
Harry Lorayne The Mind Boggler any card thought of, then a dealing procedure, scratched distant key card
1973 13
Jochen Zmeck Table Spread Force chip or object moved over tabled spread until spectator says stop, repeated with elimination procedure if required
1974 10
Charles T. Jordan An Impromptu Detection scratching a line across side of deck
Also published here 1975 39
Paul Curry The Color Changing Deck one red/blue double backer
Also published here 1978 1
Bob Hummer Thotograhy spectator remembers card and its position from top ten cards, Klondike shuffle, marked key card with needle scratch
VariationsAlso published here 1980 25
Bob Hummer Thoto one card location, cards marked with pin behind back
VariationsAlso published here 1980 36
Roy Johnson Mirakel Divination marks on face
Also published here
  • Everyman Cards, 1979
1980 18
Roy Johnson Knabe princess card trick with real shuffling, marks on back of cards
Inspired byAlso published here
  • Everyman Cards, 1979
1980 21
Edward Marlo The Scratch Deal scratch-marked instead of punched cards
1984 9
Edward Marlo Scratch Marked Deck scratch that can be felt, one mark for two values
1984 9
Edward Marlo Combination One-Way Punch and Scratch both punch and scratch indicate one-way feature, full house deal
1984 14
Edward Marlo On These Subjects procedure for locating nicked, scratched, edge marked cards while riffle shuffling
1984 81
Edward Marlo Scratch Sorcery or Nickromancy nicked or scratched key card and riffle shuffle control
1984 227
John Aukes The Four Card Trick
Feb. 1984
Pabular (Vol. 8 No. 4)
Edward Marlo Scratch Marking a Card
May 1991 5
Edward Marlo In Psychological Order spectator inserts cards into small packet at random positions, packet is shown to be from ace to king
Seventh Method (ungaffed)
First Alternative (scratchmarked)
Second Alternative (stripper cards)
Fourth Alternative
Fifth Alternative - A dealer's Delight (waxed cards)
June 1991 14
T. Page Wright Nail Scratch spectator draws out selection from in-the-hands spread
1991 219
Charles T. Jordan An Impromptu Detection No. 69, scratching a line across side of deck
Also published here 1992 82
Karl Fulves "Impromptu Detection" Notes No. 70, putting in the scratch mark work
Related to 1992 83
Eddie Fechter Imperfection Peek
1993 35
Eddie Fields Invisible Signature Location card location, apparently marking the back of the selection with an "invisible pen"
Also published here Feb. 1996
Magic (Vol. 5 No. 6)
Eddie Fields Invisible Pen Mystery card location, apparently marking the back of the selection with an "invisible pen"
Also published here 1997 30
Karl Fulves Scratch Marking
1998 23
Justin Higham Broken-Line Location
Related to 1999 73
Karl Fulves Next of Kin no extra card
2000 153
Carmen D'Amico Impromptu Edge Marking as card is replaced in deck, see also end notes on p. 114
Related to 2000 113
Carmen D'Amico Thumbnail Scrape
2001 60
Karl Fulves In This Issue on impromptu markings on card, credit information
Off The Books (Issue 3)
Nailnick or Scratch as card is inserted, see also p. 26
Off The Books (Issue 3)
Karl Fulves Instant Edge scratch marking the bottom card(s) at inner end
Off The Books (Issue 5)
Karl Fulves Edge Cut Aces key cards above and below Aces are scratch marked
Off The Books (Issue 5)
Karl Fulves OH Edge overhand shuffle to scratch edge
Off The Books (Issue 5)
Carmen D'Amico Edge-Marking Technique scratching the side edge as card is pushed into deck
Related to 2004 33
Piet Forton Scratch-Mark
2005 11
Boris Wild Out of this Deck performer removes card and spectator knows if they are red or black
2006 86
Joseph Barry Another Ruse for Magicians... spectator shuffles, card is on top or at least under control
Also published here 2014 17
Joseph Barry Another Ruse for Magicians... spectator shuffles, card is on top or at least under control
Also published here 2014 7
Robert E. Neale The Queen Sisters Bizarre story of sacrifice where two sisters (queens) triumph despite the odds against them.
Related to 2015 39
Robert E. Neale Wheel Force Elimination force from five objects starting with the one selected by a spectator.
2015 39
Steve Beam Wheels of Fortune Inspired by Wheel of Fortune TV show, audience member competes for prizes and wins a second card trick.
Inspired by 2015 42
Joseph Barry OOMW - Out of My World
Related to 2016 3
Joseph Barry Preparing your own deck scratch marks
2016 4
Bradley Hodgins, Ross Tayler Eagle Eye four-of-a-kind produced after spectator's shuffle, misspelled Taylor
Inspired by Dec. 2017
Operandi (Issue 2)
Ryan Plunkett Breather Crimp
  • Applying the Crimp
  • Punching the Crimp
  • Edge-Marking the Crimp
2020 103
Scott Baird One Point Five Hummer mathematical three card monte with three chosen cards, cards are divined as well
Inspired by Dec. 2023
The Hermit (Vol. 2 No. 12)