36 entries in Cards / Effect Themes / Illogical Things / Spectator keeps taking the same Card
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
Johann Nepomuk Hofzinser Die im Fluge verwandelte Karte three spectators choose the same card, it transposes with another selection, duplicate
Also published here 1910 39
Louis F. Christianer An Effective Card Trick card chosen, it appears face up on the deck, is chosen again, face card changes into selection which is placed on floor, another chosen card is the same card, card on floor is an indifferent one
1923 15
Jack Merlin Three Card Force and Floor Change card is forced several times, then put under foot of spectator who thinks all cards are the same, then card under foot changes and deck is normal
1927/28 11
Everybody's Card several spectators all select the same card, slick card
1937 97
Jean Hugard, Frederick Braue Hallucination several spectators remember a card, all the same which is produced from pocket
1941 29
Top-Change Byplay
1948 220
Paul LePaul A Deft Illusion
1949 175
Clayton Rawson The Jinx Card presentation about trouble-making card, spectator keeps selecting this card, it changes places with other selections, and turns over in the deck
July 1950 678
Jerry Andrus Recurring Card
1956 161
Norman Houghton OWOOOooo-o-o-o! routine with "wolf pack" (erotic images), spectator repeatedly selects the Joker in different ways, spectator names card which is taken out and given to spectator, performer takes named card out of his pocket and spectator has Joker again, another card is selected and given to the spectator in an envelope as souvenir (it's normal when he looks)
Dec. 1957
Ibidem (Issue 12)
Max Malini Malini's Transposition
Also published here 1961 49
Edward Marlo Further Applications of the Reverse Fingering Action with K. M. Move to repeatedly show the same card after it has apparently been dealt to table
1962 8
Max Malini Card Magic six spectators select the same card from six decks
Related toAlso published here 1962 24
Jochen Zmeck Hypnose multiple spectators chose the same card, routine for Svengali type decks
1962 11
Edward Marlo Simplex or Complex three selections turn out to be the same card
  • First Method
  • Second Method
Variations Spring 1970 116
Roger Smith The Svengali Routine spectator keeps selecting the same card, then all cards look the same, deck ends up to be normal and selection is found in performer's pocket
Sep. 1970
Necromancer (Vol. 1 No. 2)
Orville Wayne Meyer Something Screwey sucker element, three spectators select same card, card ends up in pocket
1972 78
Karl Fulves Celestial Navigation red-backed and boxed card is selected from blue deck
Related to 1977 237
Alle wählen diesen König several spectators chose the same card
1978 62
Derek Dingle Everywhere and Nowhere in the Air
1982 157
Simon Lovell The Weird "Stop" Trick spectator stops at his card, then again later at the very same card
1983 38
Simon Lovell Simon Lovell's Ambitious Card Routine more everywhere and nowhere routine, card in case finale
Also published here 1984 107
T. Page Wright Spectator Chooses Same Card Again
1991 95
Gerald Deutsch Jinx Mate
June 1993
Apocalypse (Vol. 16 No. 6)
Juan Tamariz Sintonia Mental y Sorpresa spectator locates second spectator's selection, then card is placed on table and same card is selected again, on the table is now a random card
1993 299
Paul Gertner Paul's Opener card repeatably chosen, travels to pocket, corner torn off and still chosen as whole card and torn corner transforms
Variations 1994 87
Mark Jenest The Classic Farce spectator keeps picking the Two of Clubs, duplicates of it are on the table, one is signed, its back changes color and rest of deck shown normal
Aug. 1996
Magic (Vol. 5 No. 12)
Eddie Tullock Busted Transpo trick is repeated, spectators select same card again
1996 29
Simon Lovell Ambitious Everywhere and Nowhere
Also published here 1997 55
Max Malini Malini's Transposition "From Letters Written by Charlie Miller to Faucett Ross", During WWII
Also published here Nov. 1999
Genii (Vol. 62 No. 11)
Chan Canasta Forcing Cards forcing same card twice on spectator
2000 73
Neal Elias Take Another Card spectator takes the same card, it pops out of spread as he is about to take one (gag?)
2001 50
Johann Nepomuk Hofzinser Metamorphosis Of The Flying Card three spectators choose the same card, it transposes with another selection, duplicate
VariationsAlso published here 2002 45
Paul Green Thanks! select card travels to performer's pocket twice, spectator chooses the same card which travels to pocket once more, then a jumbo card with spectator's name and same value is produced from pocket
Jan. 2003
Magic (Vol. 12 No. 5)
Max Malini No, Don't Look At It card chosen, looked at apparently by mistake by spectator, then tossed down face down, new card is selected and turns out to be the same one, tabled card has changed
Also published here
  • Hugard's Magic Monthly, June 1956
2022 251
Max Malini Card Magic Sequence six spectators select the same card from six decks
Also published here 2022 338