126 entries in Cards / Effect Themes / Transposition / Two Cards / with mutilated card(s)
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
Charles T. Jordan The Card and Bag Mystery No. 30, Joker is put in envelope and pierced with thread inside a bag, it transposes with a selection, duplicate
Also published here 1919/1920 77
R. M. Jamison Here or There? named card is hole punched, second card has two holes, they transpose
Nov. 1936
The Jinx (Issue 26)
Two Card Monte with the Torn Corner Added
1938 307
Clayton Rawson The Cockeyed Cards joker always shows up and is torn up, then shows up again and pieces are now selection
Related toAlso published here 1942 21
Eddie Joseph Card Resurrection selection torn and card at named position noted, torn card restores into noted card and original restored selection is at named position
1942 22
Change-About Torn Corner Card card with torn corner changes place with whole card
1943 219
John Scarne, Joseph Prieto The Stapled Card No. 62, Card transposition with card stapled to a Joker
Variations 1950 110
Edward Marlo The Torn Joker performer wants to find selection but finds Joker twice, then tears it up, Joker is found again and torn pieces of Joker are shown to be selection
Related to Dec. 1956
Ibidem (Issue 8)
Harry Lorayne Torn Corner Transposition duplicate
1962 252
Peter Kane Signature Transposition two cards signed on back by two people, signatures transpose
Related toVariations 1972 5
Clayton Rawson The Cockeyed Cards joker always shows up and is torn up, then shows up again and pieces are now selection
Also published here 1972 100
Tony Bartolotta Half Transpo queen side of normal card transposes with blank side of double blank card
Sep. 1973 654
John Blunt Transcornered two cards, corners torn off, cards switched and then corners follow, torn in small pieces that transform into blank card with comment, restored card back in deck
1973 2
Karl Fulves Restoration Four of Spades cut in quarters and pieces placed between transparent plastic sheets, Seven Spades next to it, they transpose, pips glued to plastic, "Basically the same routine as the above appeared in Abra a while back"
1975 77
Karl Fulves The Joker's Revenge joker cut up in pieces, pieces change to jack and joker is whole again
Related to 1975 6
Half-Card Transpo "Quick Trix", half cards transpose, double facer
Winter 1975
The Pallbearers Review Vol. 9-10 (Vol. 10 No. 10th Folio (Part Two))
Half-A-Transpo two cards cut in half, the halves transpose
1975 43
Charles T. Jordan The Card and Bag Mystery Joker is put in envelope and pierced with thread inside a bag, it transposes with a selection, duplicate
Also published here 1975 117
Paul Harris Rip Off Reverse torn pieces of signed card transpose with full card
Also published here 1976 28
Paul Harris Transfusion Confusion card placed in card case, signed card torn into four pieces, card restores and cased card is now in pieces
1976 55
Edward Marlo Clipped Transposition one card is paper clipped
1977 287
Paul Harris, Looy Simonoff Staple and Stab two cards stapled together, one of them becomes selection, see two variations following this
Related to July 1978
Apocalypse (Vol. 1 No. 7)
Richard Kaufman Stapled Stunner
Inspired by July 1978
Apocalypse (Vol. 1 No. 7)
Karl Fulves Unexpected at end of transposition sequence, cards are torn in half and one half of each card transforms
1978 32
Karl Fulves Jigsaw JD in quarters placed between two card cases changes into 8S, JD restored under cellophane
Related to 1978 71
Paul Harris, Looy Simonoff Stapled! two jokers stapled back to back, one of them transposes with selection
  • Presentation Idea - Stapled Blackjack
Variations 1978 19
Bert Fenn The Stapled Cards inspired by Bill Simon and John Scarne, one of two stapled cards changes place with selection
Inspired by 1979 179
Edward Marlo Marlo on the Stapled Cards one of two stapled cards transposes with selection, five methods
Inspired by 1979 181
Edward Marlo, David Solomon The Pinned Cards whole deck is punched, same effect as The Stapled Cards, one of two cards pinned together transposes with selection
  • 1st Method (Marlo)
  • 2nd Method (Solomon)
  • 3rd Method: Gaffed Pip Method (S.)
  • Double-Bubble Method: Taylor Peek Deck Card (S.)
  • Clipper Method (S.)
  • 2nd Clipper Method (M.)
  • The Double Double Bubble (2 Selections) (S.)
  • Marlo's D.D. Bubble Method
  • Direct Pinned Cards (M.)
Inspired by 1979 190
Karl Fulves Shape Changing card transposes with half card (torn piece), duplicate
Related to 1979 23
Karl Fulves Shape Changers card visually transposes with half card (torn piece), second method
  • One Any-Deck Method
  • The Other Any-Deck Method
Related to 1979 25
Philip T. Goldstein Tearable two cards are torn, halves transpose several times
VariationsAlso published here 1979 1
Paul Harris Drop-Shot corner and rest of card transpose with use of glass, inspired by "Corner in the Glass"
Also published here 1979 52
Jerry K. Hartman Elastic Ace card chosen von miniature deck, four regular-sized Aces shown and tabled face down, when selection is brought together with Ace of same suit, the Ace becomes the miniature card and vice versa
Inspired by 1979 1
Karl Fulves A Note on Shape Changing transposition of a normal card with a half card, so the value of the half card is then the normal card and vice versa, posed as problem
Related to 1979 3
Ben Harris Super Slice case has open slit in it, card put in and another card as blade used to push through it, card inside shown folded in half, blade then transposes with card inside
Variations 1980 11
Roger Smith The Signed Transposition name of two cards is written on their backs, the faces transpose
1980 3
Steve Dusheck Hole Card - Whole Card two cards transpose in vinyl cases, one of the cards has a hole
Also published here 1980 ca. 12
Darwin Ortiz, Patrick Cook Stapled Black Jack duplicate, one card stapled to another card
1981 160
Peter Duffie Card in Case Transposition card transposes with folded Card
1982 15
Nick Pudar Fold-er-ol folded card in case, unfolded card outside box, the folds transpose
1982 280
Daryl Martinez Half and Half two smaller playing cards folded, half of them changes places resulting in "misprinted" cards
1982 2
Edward Marlo Tilt
1982 109
Colin Linn The Torn Up Switch two selections, one reverses several times, then torn and restored transpo with other selection
Related to Nov. 1982
Spell-Binder (Vol. 2 No. 19)
Paul Harris Seductive Switch "switching" a folded card with unfolded card, using an impromptu fake index
Also published here 1984 10
Moving Parts No. 51, four cards torn and then laid out face-up and face-down, halves that do not match suddenly match, cards interlocked with slits before tearing
1984 71
Karl Fulves The Stapled Card No. 59, signed card transposes with one of two Jokers that are stapled together
Inspired by 1984 85
David Williamson Torn and Restored Transposition "Zerissene und wiederhergestellte Wanderung"
Also published here 1984 8
David Williamson Torn and Restored Transposition
Also published here 1984 6
Peter Samelson New York Transpo signed card is only odd-backed card, transposes with card signed on back, then they merge into one card
Inspired by 1984 73
Peter Duffie Impulse selection and blank card transpose, then hole transposes
  • Notes by David Britland
Also published here 1984 5
Bob Stencel Once Torn, Twice Restored first selection reverses itself again and again, is torn and changes to second selection, double facer
Related to Autumn 1985
The Collected Almanac (Vol. 3 No. 31, 32 & 33)
Frederick Braue Torn and Restored Location pieces change into selection (1959)
Inspired by
  • Hull's Torn & Restored Card
Related to
1985 16
Stewart Judah Halbkarten-Transposition two cards cut in half, they transpose
July 1985
Intermagic (Vol. 11 No. 3 & 4)
Eric Mead Signed Stunner spectator signs card on face, performer different one on back, both signatures on one card at the end
Variations Nov. 1986
Magical Arts Journal (Vol. 1 No. 4)
Terri Rogers It's a Stick Up signed sticker on back of chosen card, another signed by performer on second card, they transpose
Also published here 1986 26
Meir Yedid Blow Gun card rolled up as a blow gun, bullet is folded card which used to be the card for the blow gun
1987 39
Meir Yedid Test Tube Alchemy face of rolled card travels to other card, signed backs, rolled up in tubes
1987 43
David Williamson Torn & Restored Transposition
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1989 72
Terri Rogers Etikettenschwindel signed sticker on back of chosen card, another signed by performer on second card, they transpose
Also published here Apr. 1989
Intermagic (Vol. 14 No. 3)
Philip T. Goldstein Tearable two cards are torn, halves transpose several times
Also published here 1990 112
David Harkey Thunder and Lightning unknown card torn in half, one half put in performer's and one spectator's wallet, another card is chosen and signed, the torn halves turn out to be that signed selection
Also published here 1991 64
José Carroll Transposition at the point of no return
  • Impossible Transpositions B)
cards with one and two hatpins in it
Inspired byAlso published here 1991 34
Michael Close The Frog Prince card folded in origami frog transposes with selection
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1991 45
David Harkey Transpasm card folded in quarters is placed on face-up card on deck, they visibly transpose
Variations 1991 30
David Harkey Thunder and Lightning unknown card torn in half, one half put in performer's and one spectator's wallet, another card is chosen and signed, the torn halves turn out to be that signed selection
Also published here 1991 149
Peter Duffie Changing Sides two cards signed on back, they transpose
Inspired byVariationsAlso published here 1991 7
Kennichi Kuroki The Talisman Joker stapled to box transposes with selection
1992 56
Hiroyuki Sakai The Perfect Assistant two signed selections, joker is torn in half face down, in wallet two half cards appear, each half selection, the halves on the table of the former joker match, gaffed
1992 95
Steve Dusheck HoleCard/Whole Card two cards transpose in vinyl cases, one of the cards has a hole
Also published here 1992 26
Bob Farmer Jazz Pieces/Body and Soul two giant card cut into four pieces, two pieces transpose, then oil and water phase with the 4&4, Jazz Aces with the pieces
Inspired by 1993 25
Jon Racherbaumer Psychic Leap Frog card chosen, a few cards tabled, origami frog from card produced and it locates a card (with Card Hopper parity principle) with funny message, frog unfolded and it is the selection
Inspired by Sep. 1993 15
Paul Gertner Paul's Opener card repeatably chosen, travels to pocket, corner torn off and still chosen as whole card and torn corner transforms
Variations 1994 87
Michael Close The Frog Prince card folded in origami frog transposes with selection
Also published here 1994 12
Aldo Colombini W-Hole odd-backed card with hole in center transposes, two center-pieces of two cards transpose
1994 102
Peter Duffie Changing Sides two cards signed on back, they transpose
Related toAlso published here 1995 229
Tommy Wonder, Bob Stencel Déjà ReVurse first selection reverses itself again and again, is torn and changes to second selection
Inspired byAlso published here 1996 167
Paul Harris Rip-Off Reverse torn pieces of signed card transpose with full card
Also published here 1996
The Art of Astonishment — Book 1 (Issue The Magic of Paul Harris)
Joseph Prieto, Looy Simonoff, Paul Harris Stapled two jokers stapled back to back, one of them transposes with selection
Inspired by 1996
The Art of Astonishment — Book 1 (Issue Las Vegas Close-Up)
Paul Harris, Matt Schulien Drop Shot corner and rest of card transpose with use of glass, inspired by "Corner in the Glass"
Also published here 1996
The Art of Astonishment — Book 2 (Issue Close-up Entertainer)
Paul Harris Seductive Switch "switching" a folded card with unfolded card, using an impromptu fake index
Also published here 1996
The Art of Astonishment — Book 3 (Issue Close-up Seductions)
Peter Duffie Torn, Folded, and Sealed torn, folded and sealed cards transpose
Inspired by
  • "Triple Restoration" (John Ramsay)
1997 162
Simon Lovell Afterthinks addition in which selection is torn and put in case, then it is chosen again and torn card turn out to be Joker
1997 60
Simon Lovell Outfold indifferent card folded into fourth face outward, changed into back-outward and then into selection, two methods
1997 91
Jack Avis The Dissected Joker card put into envelope that has a corner cut off, card and envelope cut into quarters, it transposes with another card, using "Wishing Envelope"
1998 129
Harry Lorayne Clips Trip two cards put in Himber wallet, one with paper clips on it, they transpose
1998 217
David Regal Nailed! Two card transposition while one is stapled to a block of wood
Variations 1999 123
Nathan Kranzo Goldincrease signed cards transpose, one folded
1999 153
David Harkey Spaz card folded in quarters is placed on face-up card on deck, they visibly transpose
Inspired by Sep./Oct. 1999
The Magic Menu (Vol. 10 No. 55)
David Acer Mousehunt selected card transposes with another card sandwiched between the Kings that has holes in it (like Swiss Cheese)
Inspired byAlso published here 2000 89
Paul Curry Sure Thing red backed card and blue backed card, one with a hole in the middle, monte
Related toVariations 2001 65
The Great Merlini The Cockeyed Cards joker always shows up and is torn up, then shows up again and pieces are now selection
Also published here
  • Genii, Vol. 2 No. 11, July 1938
May 2001
Genii (Vol. 64 No. 5)
Ben Harris Twice the Slice case has open slit in it, card put in and another card as blade used to push through it, card inside shown folded in half, blade then transposes with card inside
Inspired by Apr. 2002
Genii (Vol. 65 No. 4)
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson The Shifty King two spectators sign the backs of two cards, the signatures transpose, without deck
Inspired by 2003 28
David Acer MouseHunt selected card transposes with another card sandwiched between the Kings that has holes in it (like Swiss Cheese)
Also published here 2004 150
Peter Duffie Impulse selection and blank card transpose, then hole transposes
  • Notes by David Britland
Related toAlso published here 2004 21
Jay Sankey A Stronger Magnet blank card with magnet drawn on back find selection a few times, then the faces transpose
2004 59
Alexander de Cova Bonus: The "Killer" Cut Finish second phase in which a card cut in quarters transposes with another card
Inspired by
  • "Versa Plus" (Roy Johnson)
Also published here
2005 14
Tyler Wilson Sloppy 30 Seconds inversion, then card changes with face-up card on floor
Also published here 2006 124
Don England The Dousing Card selection lost, Joker torn in two parts to make an impromptu dousing card, it then transposes with the selection
2006 1
Howard Hamburg Clip Ambicioso card with paper clip comes to top, clipped card transposes with another card
Also published here 2008
El Manuscrito (Vol. 1 No. 6)
Howard Hamburg Clipped card with paper clip comes to top, clipped card transposes with another card
Related toAlso published here 2009 27
Tyler Wilson This Little Pigment two cards with open edgemarks of different colors change places, one on table on in deck
2010 36
Tyler Wilson Sweeotch card folded up and in mouth turns inside out, then transposes with card in spectator's hand
Inspired by 2010 64
Oliver Meech Handy Ring Transposition Business card transposition in spectator's hands, one of the cards is folded into a ring
2010 70
Karl Fulves Rapid Ink a King labeled with K on back, a Seven with 7, one put in pocket, the faces change place
Related to 2010
Prolix (Issue 7)
Miguel "MagoMigue" Puga, Ramón Riobóo Súper Polis two jokers stapled back to back, one of them transposes with selection
Inspired by 2012
El Manuscrito (Vol. 5 No. 20)
Jason Ladanye The Player transpo with one card torn up, card to pocket intro, duplicate
2013 111
Jason Ladanye The Ultimate Exchange one card torn up face up
2013 117
Steven Hamilton Flash Transpo two cards chosen, one card rises and is placed on table, second card rises and visibly transposes with the other, one is torn up and they transpose again, duplicate
2013 64
Steven Hamilton Simply Stapled two Jokers stapled back-to-back, signed card becomes a Joker and selection is stapled to Joker
Inspired by 2013 105
Joaquín Matas La Ranita
Inspired by 2014 169
Alexander de Cova Der alternative Abschluss nach Roy Johnson second phase in which a card cut in quarters transposes with another card
Inspired by
  • "Versa Plus" (Roy Johnson)
Also published here
2015 128
Alexander de Cova Boxed Transposition
  • Notizen
signed card from deck to case between Jacks, spectator handles double facer, second phase in which a card cut in quarters transposes with another card
Inspired byAlso published here Sep. 2018
Genii (Vol. 81 No. 9)
Roberto Mansilla Hero: Where One Card Gives Its Life for Another
  • Artifices
card torn in quarters transposes with another card under a glass
Oct. 2018
Genii (Vol. 81 No. 10)
Wayne Houchin French Kiss 1st Method: Two signed pieces of paper transpose while folded and held in mouth of spectator and magician

Cards and papers are signed, one by spectator and one by magician
2nd Method: Two signed cards transpose while folded and held in mouth of spectator and magician
2019 3
Benjamin Earl Spinner two cards folded in quarters, one held by spectator, they transpose, no deck involved
2019 1
Michael Sondermeyer Signa-Tear two cards are torn, halves transpose twice, with signed cards
Inspired by 2019 21
Tom Gagnon Clipped Transposition paper clipped card on table transposes with reversed card in deck, ribbon spread handling, optional double backer
Related to 2019 112
Tom Gagnon Clipped Exchange card from pocket transposes with paper clipped in hand, duplicate
2019 122
José Carroll A Transposition on the Verge of the Impossible
  • Impossible Transpositions B)
cards with one and two hatpins in it
Also published here 2019 93
Peter Gröning Knock on Wood unknown odd-backed card stapled to block of wood, turns out to be later signed selection, presented as faces transposing, credit information
Inspired byRelated toVariationsAlso published here
  • TheSecondDeal website, Feb. 2001
2020 97
Kyle Purnell The Shard Transpo piece of card torn out of deck transposes with rest of card from center to top
Feb. 2021
Genii (Vol. 84 No. 2)
Lionel Gallardo ¡Tu carta, mi carta! multi-phase routine, card transpo with names of performers an spectator on card, torn and restored transpo with restoration as finale
2021 91
Edward Hass Twenty is Plenty card stapled to another one transposes, Blackjack presentation
Jan. 2022
Genii (Vol. 85 No. 1)
Frank Truong Second Try wrong card found and folded and put aside, it transposes with selection, duplicate
Also published here
  • MAGIC, Apr. 2004
2022 285