109 entries in Cards / Effect Themes / Penetration / Ambitious Card Theme / Climaxes
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
Charles T. Jordan The Impossible Journey No. 20, selection comes to top in rubber-banded deck, executing classic pass with rubber banded deck
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1919/1920 58
The Ambitious Card two phases, including card from under shoe back to top
1934 48
Frederick Braue The Pop-Up Card
Variations 1940 285
Al Leech An Ambitious Card Climax
1949 25
Edward Marlo Effect 7 card visually comes to top twice, see also page 29
1968 17
Milton Kort Ambitious Like ambitious card changes back color as climax
Variations 1970 41
Mike Rogers Still Avid color changing back kicker
Feb. 1971
Kabbala — Volume 1 (Vol. 1 No. 2)
Edward Marlo They're All Alike ambitious type routine shown, people think they're all the same, but they're all blank
Aug. 1972
Kabbala — Volume 1 (Vol. 1 No. 8)
Dr. Jacob Daley Daley's Note No. 245
  • spelling something out with letter cards, cryptic
  • Slap Ace as finale for Ambitious Card
1972 61
Ambitious Card Finish No. 478, idea of using Nate Leipzig's Card through Hand as finish
Related to 1972 133
Alex Elmsley Der ehrgeizige Fremde ambitious card has different back, in the end deck changes color
Also published here Jan. 1974
Intermagic (Vol. 1 No. 3)
Charles T. Jordan The Impossible Journey selection comes to top in rubber-banded deck, executing classic pass with rubber banded deck
Also published here 1975 73
Paul Harris Solid Deception
VariationsAlso published here 1976 1
Carmen D'Amico D'Amico's Application on Bob Nelson's Discovery
1977 263
Jerry Mentzer Ambitious Red Back color changing backs kicker
1977 76
Ken Krenzel As an Ambitious Card Ending Block Turnover
1978 18
Philip T. Goldstein Remembrance of Cards Past short ambitious card sequence, back of card changes
Nov. 1978
Apocalypse (Vol. 1 No. 11)
Jerry Mentzer Ambitious Red Back color changing backs kicker of ambitious card
1979 21
Comedy Ambitious one way forcing back climax
1979 35
Frederick Braue Pop-Up Card without credit
1981 16
Curtis Kam An Ambitious Problem problem posed of culling mates of ambitious card during routine
1982 54
Michael Ammar Yeast Card ambitious card with card to match book finale, folded
1983 24
Michael Powers Color Ambitious ambitious card with color changing back kicker
1983 27
Stephen Tucker Rock Around Ambitious card, but deck is then revealed to be wrapped in rubberbands around all the edges (Paul Harris's Solid Deception ending, with rubberbands)
Inspired by 1984 17
Danny Korem, Jerry Andrus The Omni Deck short Ambitious Card routine ending with clear block of glass
Inspired by 1985 153
Ben Harris Impromptu Daryl using tilt principle
Inspired byRelated to 1985 13
Frederick Braue The Pop-Up Card
1985/87 30
James Lewis One For the Money into wallet presentation
1985/87 110
Jean Hugard Under Foot
1985/87 114
Daryl Martinez Ambitious One-Way
1985/87 115
Daryl Martinez The Ultimate Ambition famous rope finale, for ungaffed versions see references
Variations 1985/87 117
Rick Anderson Ambitions in Bondage ungaffed
Inspired by 1986 138
Frederick Braue Pop-Up Card
1987 33
Edward Marlo Double Pop-Up Ending immediately repeating the pop-up phase
1987 34
John Carney Etherial Pack Joker shows up again and again instead of selection, deck vanishes except selection
Also published here 1987
Lecture Notes Collection (Issue Carney Up Close)
Jay Sankey, Richard Sanders Ending #1: Face-up Finale deck rubber-banded, thrown in other hand, selection appears face-up on deck
Related to 1987 43
Jay Sankey, Richard Sanders Ending #2: The Rubber Room Rise deck rubber banded, spectator checks that his card is not on top, but then it is
1987 45
Jay Sankey, Richard Sanders Ending #3: Top Card "TOP CARD" written on back of top card before selection is pushed flush, yet top card becomes the ambitious card
1987 47
Thomas Hierling C.C. Ambitious Card "color changing ambitious card", ambitious card changes back color as finale
1987 19
John Carney Etherial Pack Joker shows up again and again instead of selection, deck vanishes except selection
Also published here 1987 6
Edward Marlo, Frederick Braue Tip - Ambitious Bit #6 pop-up card with repeat
Inspired by 1988 150
Edward Marlo Almost Ultimate Ambition tilt with half card
Inspired byRelated to 1988 272
Ben Harris S.F.U.C. - Super Flip Utility Concept flipping over two cards as once with Super-Flip, upper one is scallop short, with applications:
  • A Flash Double-Lift
  • A Color Change
  • A Stunning Ambitious Card Climax
  • A Vanish
Inspired by
  • "Super-Flip" (Ben Harris, New Directions)
Related toVariations
1988 62
Jörg Alexander Weber Ein ehrgeiziges Verschwinden card travels to pocket, then rest of deck vanishes
1988 53
Jerry Sadowitz Ambitious Spots card travels to top twice, then one pip at a time (2 -> 3 -> 4 ->...)
1989 57
Jerry Sadowitz Ambitious Spots 11 second method, card travels to top twice, then one pip at a time (2 -> 3 -> 4 ->...)
1989 60
Frederick Braue Pop-Up Card
1989 12
Frederick Braue, Juan Tamariz Double Pop-Up Card
1989/91 126
Geoffrey Latta Deadlier Than The Male three very visual sandwich phases, featuring a visual ambitious card rise
Related toVariations 1990 15
Ken Krenzel Bouncer ungaffed version with banded deck
Inspired byVariations 1990 98
Johnny "J.J." Johnston J. J's Ehrgeizige Karte Plus with blank-faced deck, changes into regular deck as climax
1990 25
Skip Sansoucie Ambitious Card Finale phase with rubber-banded deck
Inspired by Nov./Dec. 1990
The Magic Menu (Vol. 1 No. 2)
Alex Elmsley Ambitious Stranger ambitious card has different back, in the end deck changes color
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1991 299
John Carney Ethereal Pack joker shows up again and again instead of selection, deck vanishes except selection
1991 43
Chris Kenner S.W. Elevator SWE shift to visually let ambitious card move to top
Variations 1992 152
Tomo Maeda Ambitious Clip paper clip is placed on the ambitious card
1992 31
Charles T. Jordan The Impossible Journey No. 23, selection comes to top in rubber-banded deck, executing classic pass with rubber banded deck
Also published here 1992 30
Jerry Mentzer No Deck Omni Deck handling
  • Shuffle one
  • Shuffle two
1993 185
Richard Bartram, Jr. Punch Finish signed selection punched full of holes vanishes and returns in center of deck
1993 19
Richard Bartram, Jr. Ambitious Vanish after ambitious card sequence deck vanishes except selection and mates
1993 76
Paul Gertner The Card in the Candy Box
1994 131
Chris Kenner, Brett Wolf Shifty fake SWE shift to visually let ambitious card move to top, only last phase by Brett Wolf
Inspired byVariations 1994 121
David Harkey Toppler selection put in center, top half of the deck vanishes, leaving the selection on top, other half found in pocket
Related to Jan. 1995
Magic (Vol. 4 No. 5)
Finnegins Rewake selected card vanishes and reappeares on top of the deck
1996 304
Frederick Braue The Pop-up Card visual climax for ambitious card routine
1996 341
Paul Harris Solid Deception short ambitious card sequence, deck is glued to single solid block climax
Also published here 1996
The Art of Astonishment — Book 1 (Issue Paul Harris Reveals some of his most Int...)
Ken Krenzel Box Top card comes to top inside case, cased version
Inspired byRelated to 1997 3
Frederick Braue Pop-Up Card
2000 16
Justin Hanes A Bound rubber-banded deck, using half card
Inspired by 2000 15
John Hostler Pressure Point ambitious card, then thumb and first finger melt through pack until they can grab out selection, leaving a cut-out in whole rest of deck
Variations 2000 78
Mark Mason Case Dismissed signed card travels to mouth twice, then into numerical position into another deck in performer's pocket
2000 3
Barry Price Kaleideckscope ambitious card routine with color changing deck kicker
  • Phase One: And Brutus Said Caesar Was Ambitious
  • Phase Two: A Short Rise
  • Phase Three: Another Nifty Nuance
  • Phase Four: Throwing For A Change
  • Phase Five: The Visual Rise
  • Phase Six: Further Expanding The Action
  • Phase Seven: An Impossible Transposition
  • Phase Eight: Igniting The Pilot Light
  • Phase Nine: Setting The Room Ablaze
  • Phase Ten: All Cleaned Up - Even The Ashes!
2000 48
Neal Elias The Pop-Up Card with Twirl Pass
Inspired by 2001 77
Scott Wells A Perfect Match ambitious card with match used as wand, card to matchbox as finale
Dec. 2001
Ego (Vol. 1 No. 7)
David Regal Tenacious Climber card rises to top in banded deck (rope or rubber band)
2002 179
Andi Gladwin Ambitious Chameleon ambitious card routine, at the end both the selection and the rest of the deck change back color
June 2002
Ego (Vol. 1 No. 12)
Andi Gladwin Ambitious Boxing deck is half-way in case while a card is selected via riffle-stop, it comes to the top in that condition twice
June 2002
Ego (Vol. 1 No. 12)
Andi Gladwin Bound To Stern control to top while the deck is in the card box
Inspired byRelated to June 2002
Ego (Vol. 1 No. 12)
Karl Fulves Steel Ambition "Problems"
involving a steel ball that appears under pop-up card, posed as a problem
2004 378
Jay Sankey Lightning Bolt deck of card bolted together with bolt at the end
Inspired by 2004 114
Derek Dingle Card on Forehead as finale to Ambitious Card routine
2004 6
Derek Dingle Card to Envelope in wallet, as finale to Ambitious Card routine
2004 7
Joshua Jay Remote Control Ambitious card ending where card travels to battery compartment of remote control
2005 6
Bill Abbott Ctrl+Alt+Delete deck becomes plexi glass, Omni Deck
2008 18
Arturo de Ascanio Stranger Ambitious Card ambitious card has different back, in the end deck changes color
Inspired byAlso published here 2008 212
Howard Hamburg Clip Ambicioso card with paper clip comes to top, clipped card transposes with another card
Also published here 2008
El Manuscrito (Vol. 1 No. 6)
Howard Hamburg Clipped card with paper clip comes to top, clipped card transposes with another card
Related toAlso published here 2009 27
Frederick Braue, Roberto Giobbi Ambitious I
Inspired by 2010
Secret Agenda (Issue Aug 4)
Roberto Giobbi Ambitious II in card case
Secret Agenda (Issue Aug 5)
Louis Zingone, Frederick Braue, Neal Elias, Roberto Giobbi Ambitious IV two times to top, then secret steal
Secret Agenda (Issue Aug 7)
Oliver Meech Ambitious Balloon Balloon drawn on card rises to the top of the deck repeatedly, then when card is tapped, balloon drawing is shown to be popped
2010 10
Chris Randall Red Rising odd-backed ambitious card visually appears on top
Sep. 2011
Genii (Vol. 74 No. 9)
Tomas Blomberg Proteus Bound while the deck is in the card box
  • Ambitious Card Ending
Inspired byRelated toVariations 2014 84
Alexander de Cova Ehrgeizig bleibt ehrgeizig on climaxes for the ambitious card plot
2015 296
Roberto Giobbi, Dai Vernon Thoughts on Ambitious Card Finale
Related to 2016
Hidden Agenda (Issue Sep 20)
John Hostler Dim Mak (Pressure Point 2.0) ambitious card, then thumb and first finger melt through pack until they can grab out selection, leaving a cut-out in whole rest of deck
Inspired by 2016 52
Andi Gladwin Pop Top deck tabled before card pops to top
Inspired by Oct. 2016
Genii (Vol. 79 No. 10)
Ryan Schlutz Secret Sauce Switch sandwich switch without deck
  • Further Thoughts ("mystery card" routine outline)
  • Additional Tip (ambitious card finale)
Also published here 2017 10
Anthony Owen Ambitious Card Finale additional sequence after the Braue Pop Up Move
Inspired by 2017 94
Johnny Thompson The Kissed Card spectator's blown kiss appears on card and is then removed again, as ambitious card climax
Inspired by
  • "Kissed Card" (Harry Mendoza)
2018 77
Yves Carbonnier Dur Dur! card comes to the top, changes into blank card and is found in the deck again, repeated, then deck ends up in two glued blocks
Inspired by 2019 112
Andi Gladwin Tabled Braue No. 1
Inspired by 2020 127
Ryan Schlutz Secret Sauce Switch sandwich switch without deck
  • Further Thoughts ("mystery card" routine outline)
  • Additional Tip (ambitious card finale)
Also published here 2020 10
Idan Kaufman OHTP Four Card Production "One Hand Top Palm", in the hands
  • Ambitious Climax
2020 33
Arturo de Ascanio, Jesús Etcheverry Stranger Ambitious Card ambitious card has different back, in the end deck changes color
Also published here 2020 170
Shimpei Katsuragawa Multiple Pop-Up Card Finale four bent cards come to the top one by one
Inspired by 2022 70
Alex Linian Banded Ambitious card rises to top of cross-wise rubber-banded deck
Also published here
  • MAGIC, Nov. 2006
2022 561
Bedros "Spidey" Akkelian Blast From the Past ambitious card routine that ends with double-blank deck
Also published here
  • MAGIC, Aug. 2007
2022 643
Griffin Watt Ambitious Card Finale card cleanly put in middle, comes to top face up after being wrapped up with a handkerchief
July 2023
Genii (Vol. 86 No. 7)