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Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
Paul Harris, Allan Ackerman Re-set Classic Re-set routine
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1977 77
Paul Harris King Solomon's Drink glass of drink is produced from handkerchief
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1979 123
Dr. Jacob Daley, Frank Garcia "Doc" Daley's Masterpiece: The Gambler and the Magician
Variations 1980 50
Father Cyprian Swindle Cut Aces Aces lost and cut to by magician
Related toVariations 1980 10
Steve Beam Beam's Choice production of four of a kind, pivot out of the deck
Inspired byRelated toAlso published here 1980 63
Harvey Rosenthal Hole Flight two pieces of paper, holes punched in both one hole travels from one paper to other paper held by spectator
Related to 1982 3
Ken Krenzel, Richard Kaufman, Derek Dingle Plastic Man gaffed
Variations Winter 1982/1983
The Collected Almanac (Vol. 1 No. Winter Extra)
Richard Kaufman Vacilation card becomes miniature card and normal again several times while it is flicked
Variations 1985 43
Thomas Hierling Ring in Saltshaker
Also published here Nov. 1986
Magical Arts Journal (Vol. 1 No. 4)
Thomas Hierling Vorwort
1987 9
Thomas Hierling Gedanken zum Close Up Zaubern on close-up and walk-around magic
1987 13
Thomas Hierling C.C. Ambitious Card "color changing ambitious card", ambitious card changes back color as finale
1987 19
Thomas Hierling Vorsicht, Zerbrechlich! small egg vanishes and reappears a few times, then changes into fake fried egg
1987 25
Thomas Hierling False Transfer with some thoughts on false transfers
1987 25
Thomas Hierling Reset vs. Gambler Aces change to Kings, then back and Kings found in pockets
Inspired by 1987 31
Thomas Hierling Haben Sie ein Lieblingsas...?! performer cuts to the Aces, then named Ace vanishes and reappears reversed in deck
Inspired by 1987 39
Thomas Hierling Sprechen Sie Blindenschrift? two pieces of paper, holes punched in both one hole travels from one paper to other paper held by spectator, Bud Dietrich credited with plot
Related toVariations 1987 46
Thomas Hierling Wrong Card...?! Two of Clubs chosen, Four of Clubs produced and torn in two, half card changes into miniature Two of Clubs, then grows to normal size
Inspired by 1987 52
David Williamson, Thomas Hierling No Card Matrix coins in square layout travel into one corner, handling of last coin contributed by Hierling
Related toVariations 1987 56
Thomas Hierling Impromptu Al Koran spectator stops anytime during dealing, card matches prediction, faced deck method
1987 60
Thomas Hierling Können Sie auch...?! ten to hundred bill change, then borrowed bill torn and restored with tape all over it
1987 63
Thomas Hierling, Robert Löffel Das Geheimnis der Zauberei four Tens of Spades produced, they change into Aces
Inspired by
  • routine by Christof Schuhmann in MAGIE
1987 68
Thomas Hierling Ring in Salt
Also published here 1987 72
Thomas Hierling Impromptu Mexican Monte
Inspired by 1987 75
Thomas Hierling Pivot Flourish three cards held at corners, they pivot apart in one row and center card turns over
Related to 1987 79
Thomas Hierling Casanovas Lieblingstrick paper torn, it changes into small paper flower
Variations 1987 80
Thomas Hierling The Art Card blank card produced, card that matches selection drawn on it, it changes into actual selection
1987 85
Thomas Hierling Bottom Card Spin-Out see also p. 121
Related to 1987 86
Thomas Hierling Thoughts on the Top Change
1987 87
Thomas Hierling Das ist die Nummer 1! routine with several phases and squeaker
Also published here 1987 88
Thomas Hierling Jumping Signature card signed on face between two Aces, card signed on back between other two Aces, one vanishes and other card is signed on both sides
1987 96
Thomas Hierling Maggi! routine with small Maggi bottle and handkerchief, big bottle appears as finale
Inspired by 1987 103
Thomas Hierling Impromptu Rubberman ungaffed
Inspired by 1987 107
Thomas Hierling Mini Card Box case shrinks
1987 109
Thomas Hierling "M.D.D.T." Climax three coins through the table, as finale the coins travel up at once and are welded together
1987 111
Thomas Hierling 4 Ace Revelation
1987 118
Thomas Hierling Easy Spellbound coin changes a few times, then second coin shown as pseudo explanation, both melted into one, two-sided coin openly shown
1987 122
Thomas Hierling Kredit credits
1987 127
Christoph Borer (reviewer) New Wave Close Up by Thomas HierlingRelated to 1987
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 48 No. 3)
Christoph Borer (reviewer) New Wave Close Up by Thomas HierlingRelated to 1987
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 48 No. 4&5)
Thomas Hierling Ein Interview
1988 5
Thomas Hierling Sprechen Sie Blindenschrift? with additional climax in which many holes appear in one of the paper sheets
Inspired by 1988 7
Thomas Hierling Casanova Revisited silk changes into small paper flower, split into two flowers
Inspired by 1988 12
Thomas Hierling Meine Karte packet trick with paper cards to give out business card, card with "my card" changes into business card
1988 15
Thomas Hierling Meine Karte 2 card with "my card" changes into business card, switch with small wallet
1988 18
Thomas Hierling Bill in Cigarette
1988 19
Thomas Hierling Approaching a Group in walk-around situations
1988 22
Thomas Hierling Beate Uhse lässt grüssen presentation for balloon dog
1988 23
Thomas Hierling Bill in Balloondoggy
1988 25
Thomas Hierling Balloondoggy Finds Card
1988 27
Thomas Hierling Easy Bottompalm bottom card of one-handed right-hand fan as it is closed
1988 28
Thomas Hierling Ring in Salt
Also published here 1988 30
Thomas Hierling A Fun False Cut flourishy
1988 32
Thomas Hierling Move Out Aces Aces pivot out of deck
Related to 1988 34
Thomas Hierling Das ist die Nummer Eins! routine with several phases and squeaker
Also published here 1988 36
Thomas Hierling Cannibal Climax routine, with giant Alka Selzer pill production as finale
1988 41
David Williamson Center Spin Out into other hand
Related to 1989 73
Ravi Pazhur Thomas Hierling
1991 39
Thomas Hierling Not Another Chop Cup Routine
1991 40
Pivot Flourish same as Hierling's
Related to 1997 4
David Stone Cocktail Matrix Williamson's "No Card Matrix" with additional copper coin, last phase in spectator's hand
Inspired byAlso published here 1999 34
David Stone Cocktail Matrix Williamson's "No Card Matrix" with additional copper coin, last phase in spectator's hand
Related toAlso published here 2001 10
Axel Hecklau "Effektiv" lochen hole travels from one piece of paper to another, black art
Inspired by 2004 25
Nick Trost Mexican Monte three cards, several transformations
Inspired by
  • "Phantom Monte" (Karl Fulves, marketed in 1975 by Tannen)
  • "Anything But!" (Marv Long, 1974, packet trick)
VariationsAlso published here
  • marketed in 1981
2008 190