414 entries in Cards / Effect Themes / Traveling / Packet to Packet
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
To allow a Person secretly to think of a Card, and dividing the Pack into three heaps, to cause the Card thought of to appear in whichever heap the Company may choose
1876 108
The Itinerant Card sealed pack opened, black cards wrapped in paper, chosen red card travels inside black half
Related to 1897 91
Die Damen auf Reisen four Queens travel from one half of the deck to the other
Mar. 1898
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 4 No. 3)
Charles T. Jordan The Escape No. 12, card travels from rubber-banded half to other half, cards are secretly propelled to other half
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1919/1920 42
Charles T. Jordan, William McGrew Speaking of Pink Elephants No. 8, named card changes back color, then the whole deck, card spelled to, card travels from one half to the other, red-blue peek deck cards
Related toAlso published here 1920 16
Charles T. Jordan Satan's Prophecy No.1, one of four named cards by performer is chosen and card travels from half to other half in box at named number, card is also predicted on paper
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1920 2
Charles T. Jordan The Unknown Leaper card at thought-of position transposes with unknown card or appears at same position in other packet
VariationsAlso published here 1921
The Four Full Hands (Issue Four Full Hands of Down to the Minute Magical Effects)
Charles T. Jordan Improved Satan's Prophecy prediction, deck divided into two halves and a selected card vanishes from one half and appears at the position predicted in the other half
Related toAlso published here 1922
The Four Full Hands (Issue Four Full Hands of Card Tricks)
Charles T. Jordan The Vanishing Pair two selected cards are predicted and travel from one half to the other in card case, miscalling
Related toAlso published here 1922
The Four Full Hands (Issue Four Full Hands of Card Tricks)
Jack McMillen The Prophecied Leaper prophesied, selection made in one half, it travels into cased half at predicted position
Variations 1928 19
Laurie Ireland A Sucker Card Trick
1931 13
T. Page Wright Unknown Leaper variation card at thought-of position transposes with card in other half
Inspired by 1933 11
T. Page Wright An Original Spelling Card card chosen and buried in small packet, then spelled to in rest of deck
Also published here 1933 37
Theodore Annemann The Migrating Pasteboard card travels from red half to black half, corner-short stranger card
The Jinx (Issue Summer Extra 1935)
Ralph W. Hull A Brain Teaser No. 9, card vanishes from packet and travels to named position into other packet, duplicate, saliva
Related toAlso published here 1935 11
Charles T. Jordan Stampedo card identified with post stamp travels from packet into deck
Also published here 1937 25
Charles T. Jordan The Vanishing Pair two cards travel from one half into half in card case, miscalling
Also published here 1937 26
Charles T. Jordan The Unknown Leaper card at thought-of position transposes with unknown card
Variations 1937 27
Sam H. Sharpe The Nervous Card card jumps from one packet into another next to selection
Also published here 1937 91
Charles T. Jordan Diabolical Transposition two thought cards across with two decks, stacked
Also published here 1937 210
The Three Heaps deck cut in heaps, top card jumps around, svengali deck
1937 249
Flying Card card from deck to small packet, stripper deck
1937 273
Charles T. Jordan Speaking of Pink Elephants color changing backs, then a card travels from one half to the other, glued pairs
Also published here 1937 289
Ralph W. Hull Three in One Card Trick card vanishes from packet and travels to named position into other packet, duplicate, saliva
Also published here 1937 294
Kli Ban The Spectator Finds Your Card card travels into other half next to selection
1937 348
Orville Wayne Meyer Uniflight from one half to other half, using gaffed card with two glued together on one end
July 1937
The Jinx (Issue 34)
Tom Bowyer For a Dime weird traveling effect in which a 6H becomes a 6H with black hearts pips
Jan. 1938
The Jinx (Issue 40)
The Sheep and the Goats reds and blacks separated, selection travels into other pile, both isolated
1938 8
Franklin M. Chapman Mr. Clubb Goes Berserk reversed Ace travels from on half of the deck to the other
Aug. 1938
Chap's Scrapbook (Vol. 1 No. 2)
Louis Lam Miraculous selection travels from handkerchief-wrapped deck between rubber banded four Aces
Also published here 1939 16
Charles T. Jordan Bewildero spectator remembers card and position from face, then he counts to it from the back and loses it into one pile without looking at it again, it is on top of other pile and ditched or similar
Also published here Jan. 1940
The Jinx (Issue 77)
Edward Marlo The Spy
1942 17
Jean Hugard, Frederick Braue The Porous Plate thought card travels through plate in another packet
1942 25
Hans "Severus" Ernst Das Mirakel der schwarzen Karten black card travels into pile with red cards
June 1942
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 4 No. 6)
Theodore Annemann The Migrating Pasteboard card travels from red half to black half, corner-short stranger card
1943 45
Louis Lam Miraculous selection travels from handkerchief-wrapped deck between rubber banded four Aces, followed by french translation
Also published here July 1945 7
Royal H. Brin, Jr. The Elusive Card card travels from packet to packet, packet encircled with rubber band and when checked card with message is found
Mar. 1946
Hugard's Magic Monthly (Vol. 3 No. 10)
Edward Marlo Flight of Time card is chosen by counting procedure, then card travels to top or to other packet
Oct. 1947
The Phoenix (Issue 137)
Lightning Card
1948 111
Tony Kardyro Transposition Unique
1948 15
Al Leech The Influential Ace
Inspired by 1949 11
Al Leech Transposition Extraordinary card travels from one half to the other at a choses position
Variations 1949 28
Bert Allerton Biddle Move version of the Biddle trick by Allerton, selection among packet changes places with other card
Mar. 1949
Hugard's Magic Monthly (Vol. 6 No. 10)
Bert Allerton Transcendent Trick biddle trick, stolen card is forced to a second spectator
Also published here 1949 40
The Disappearing Card Trick card vanishes from packet and reappears in deck at chosen number, duplicate
1949 58
Joe Stuthard Mental Miracle chosen card predicted, it travels from one half to the other
1949 15
Paul Rosini Was It There? one of five cards named, it vanishes from the five-card packet, it appears face-up in the deck, repeat with another card which reappears in the pocket
Related to 1950 9
Bert Allerton Allerton's Biddled Card handling for the biddle trick
Nov. 1951
The Phoenix (Issue 241)
Bill Simon, Jack McMillen Four Deep card travels to other packet at same position
Inspired by 1952 131
Bill Simon The Somersault reversed card travels from small packet to larger packet
Related to 1952 155
Edward Marlo Flight of Time card is chosen by counting procedure, then card travels to top or to other packet
1953 11
Edward Marlo Flight of the Knave and Queen two cards travel from packet of picture cards to deck
1953 45
Edward Marlo Traveling Card three packets
Variations 1953 93
Francis Haxton "Inspired" card from 6-card-packet into deck, short card control
1954 67
Tony Kardyro At My Command card at thought-of number remembered, it jumps to same position in second half
1955 29
Edward Marlo From Packet to Packet
1956 11
J. B. Bobo The Traveling Joker one black card placed among twenty-six red cards always ends up on top, then card travels from packet to packet
Also published here 1956 22
Edward Marlo Bold Steal - Third Handling selection between Aces
1957 10
Edward Marlo Between the Aces
1957 51
Dai Vernon, Mac McDonald Seven Card Monte card vanishes from packet and reappears on top of the deck, repeat
Related toVariations 1957 88
Francis Haxton Three More three cards taken from one pile, one chosen, all three replaced reversed in one half, only chosen card travels reversed to other half
  • First Variation
  • Second Variation
  • Third Variation
Inspired by
  • "Take Three" in Peter Warlock's Pentagram, July 1955
Mar. 1957
Ibidem (Issue 9)
P. Howard Lyons Jumping Jehosophat three cards taken from one pile, one chosen, all three replaced reversed in one half, only chosen card travels reversed to other half
Inspired by Sep. 1957
Ibidem (Issue 11)
Bert Allerton Transcendence biddle trick, stolen card is forced to a second spectator
VariationsAlso published here 1958 27
Tom Crane On the Piano Music False Count spectator and performer count simultaneously
Related to Mar. 1958
Ibidem (Issue 13)
Ronald B. Edwards 1/2 and 1/2 selection travels from one half to the other
Oct. 1959
Ibidem (Issue 18)
Tony Slydini The Helicopter Card one half is spread randomly into a mess on the table, the other half is fanned, the spectator select a card, put back in fan, it travels to tables cards, five phases
VariationsAlso published here 1960 163
Glenn G. Gravatt Flying Reverse selection travels from packet to packet and reverse itself in process
Also published here
  • Glenn Gravatt's "Flying Reverse" in "The Bat" 1949, February.
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 21 No. 4&5)
Charlie Miller Version of Jack McMillen's Prophesied Leaper selection vanishes from one half and reappears in other at predicted position, stranger card
Inspired by 1961 26
Dr. Reinhard Rohnstein, Jochen Zmeck Der Hexenring cards travel from glass to glass, partial rough/smooth
1962 23
Arthur Rasper Karo Dame auf Wanderschaft four blank cards in three glasses each, the Queen of Diamonds travels into chosen glass, then around to another glass, partial rough-smooth
1962 25
Edward Marlo Thought Penetration two packets of four cards each with different-colored backs, thought-of card travels into other packet
  • 1st Method
  • 2nd Method (à la "Chamele Aces")
  • 3rd Method
  • 4th Method
  • 5th Method
  • 6th Method
  • 7th Method
Inspired by Aug. 1963
Ibidem (Issue 29)
Harry Lorayne Leap Frog spectator thinks of card in packet, this is removed and placed in deck, travels back into packet to original position
1964 20
Roy Walton Fellow Travellers two cards initialed and put in one half each, one placed below table and then both cards are found in upper half, color changing deck kicker
1967 198
Peter Kane The Face Up Traveller selection from one packet to the other
1967 8
Roy Walton The Leaper Again card at thought-of position transposes with unknown card or appears at same position in other packet
Inspired byAlso published here 1969 26
Aldini Monte Aces Aces travel from packet to packet
1969 8
Karl Fulves Once A King aces and kings, three card monte presentation, ace travels to king packet
July 1970
Epilogue (Issue 9)
Edward Marlo Out Biddled Transposition
1970 143
Juan Tamariz Seven-Card-Monte card monte then card vanishes from packet and reappears on top of the deck
Inspired by 1970 52
Edward Marlo Incomplete Faro Transposition card peeked in upper half is secretly transferred to lower half, three methods
Related to Mar. 1971
Kabbala — Volume 1 (Vol. 1 No. 3)
Roy Walton Norvelle thought of card travels from small packet to small packet, with a joker
Also published here 1971 47
Paul Swinford Thoughts on Vernon's Seven Card Monte card vanishes from packet and reappears on top of the deck, double facer
Inspired by 1971 5
Jerry K. Hartman Dominace two phases
  • three Aces face up in one half of deck travel to other half of deck to join faceup Ace of Spades
  • facedown Aces and faceup Ace of Spades are cut back into deck, deck is spread to show they are all face up again
1971 13
Sam H. Sharpe The Nervous Card card jumps from one packet into another next to selection
Also published here 1972 25
Louis Lam Miraculous selection travels from handkerchief-wrapped deck between rubber banded four Aces
Also published here 1972 131
Jerry K. Hartman Color Over pair of Aces travel from one half of deck to other, spectator “chooses” which pair should go, equivoque
1972 51
Dai Vernon, Mac McDonald Vernon - McDonald Version Of Piano Trick No. 88
Related to 1972 26
Dr. Jacob Daley Daley's Bottom Sleight Based On Two Effects: Effect No. 2 No. 278-2, card peeked at in one half is found in other half
Related to 1972 70
Dr. Jacob Daley Daley's Version Of Uniflight (Smart Magic) No. 279, card peeked at in one half is found in other half that has been in pocket via stop procedure
Related to 1972 70
Dr. Jacob Daley Daley's Face Up - Four Chances No. 336, selection appears reversed between four wrong cards
1972 94
Edward Marlo Further Flight Kings and Queens are removed and alternated on table, then cut face-up into one half of deck, Kings vanish and appear face-up in other half
Inspired byRelated to 1973 1
Jerry K. Hartman Four Downs Four Aces placed in one half of the deck "penetrate" to appear in another half of the deck
Inspired by 1973 17
Roy Walton Kings Go Forth two halves, two selections travel from packet to packet and are found sandwiched between Kings
Also published here 1973 21
Ellison Poland It Takes A Thief selection is in one packet, pecking bird finds card amongst other cards
1973 13
Gene Maze Rapid Flight card travels from one five-card packet to another
1973 37
Edward Marlo Signo-Transpo front and back signed card jumps from packet to packet, rough-smooth
Variations 1974 55
Eddie Fechter Packet to Packet
VariationsAlso published here 1974 34
Jerry Mentzer Alternate Handling Number One
Inspired by 1974 37
Jerry Mentzer Alternate Handling Number Two
Inspired by 1974 38
Stewart Judah Repeater
  • Part One (Biddle Trick)
  • Part Two (sucker version of Part One)
Autumn 1974
The Pallbearers Review Vol. 9-10 (Vol. 9 No. 10th Folio (Part One))
Jerry K. Hartman Hocus Pokey Kings are distributed face-up throughout deck with face-up Ace next to each one, when deck is separated in two and spread out, one half has all the Aces separated and other half has all the Kings in a group, story patter
1974 10
Jerry K. Hartman Double Crosstrick two cards selected from rubber-banded red packet travel to rubber-banded black packet
Related to 1974 51
Martin A. Nash Down the Garden Path from queens to deck, see p. 443 for additional crediting
1975 74
William P. Miesel Take Three from sandwich in one half to other half
1975 91
Jerry K. Hartman Losers Leapers queens sandwiched between kings travel from one half to the other
1975 131
Harry Lorayne One From Three
1975 51
Jack Avis This Is My Card
July 1975
Epilogue (Issue 24)
Larry Jennings Observation Test
Epilogue (Issue Special No 3 (Part 1))
Karl Fulves Gamblers Don't Gamble bottom card of one half travels to top of other half, betting patter, interlock
1975 37
Howard Schwarzman Night Leaper two halves, card at position in one half travels to same position in other half
July 1975 981
Elmer Biddle, Francis Carlyle Biddle Pop-Over classic Biddle Trick
1975 23
Russell T. Barnhart The Egotist Card, or Scene Stealer No. 9, selection travels from one six-card packet to another
1975 63
Roy Walton Königsgeplänkel two halves, two selections travel from packet to packet and are found sandwiched between Kings
Also published here Nov. 1975
Intermagic (Vol. 3 No. 1 & 2)
Charles T. Jordan The Escape card travels from rubber-banded half to other half, cards are secretly propelled to other half
Related toAlso published here 1975 14
Charles T. Jordan Satan's Prophecy one of four named cards by performer is chosen and card travels from half to other half in box at named number, card is also predicted on paper
Also published here 1975 16
Charles T. Jordan Satan's Prophecy - Improved prediction, deck divided into two halves and a selected card vanishes from one half and appears at the position predicted in the other half
Also published here 1975 19
Charles T. Jordan Stampedo! card identified with post stamp travels from packet into deck
Also published here 1975 45
Charles T. Jordan The Unknown Leaper card at thought-of position transposes with unknown card or appears at same position in other packet
Also published here 1975 51
Charles T. Jordan The Flight Magical chosen card is lost in rubber-banded packet, rest dealt into pile, chosen card travels from banded packet into a chosen pile
Also published here
  • marketed 1919
1975 62
Charles T. Jordan The Vanishing Pair two selected cards are predicted and travel from one half to the other in card case, miscalling
Also published here 1975 66
Charles T. Jordan "Speaking of Pink Elephants!" named card changes back color, then the whole deck, card spelled to, card travels from one half to the other, red-blue peek deck cards
Also published here 1975 198
Dai Vernon Vernon Utility Move card vanishes from small packet, reappears reversed in middle of deck, card stolen from out-jogged packet on top underneath top card
Related to 1976 24
Dai Vernon D.V. Utility Move, another method card vanishes and is found as many cards down in the deck as it's value
1976 26
Dai Vernon, Bruce Cervon D.V. Utility Move, another method Cervon's handling, card stolen from out-jogged packet on top underneath top card
1976 27
Karl Fulves Mathematical False Count card with value of rolled die shows up, is put in deck and returns
Epilogue (Issue Special No 5)
Karl Fulves Cased Count steal card(s) as they are apparently placed into case, featuring a routine in which a card travels from cased packet to another packet
Related to 1976
Epilogue (Issue Special No 5)
David Carré, Alex Elmsley Face Up card travels from in between jokers to the middle of the deck
Feb. 1976
Pabular (Vol. 2 No. 6)
Tony Slydini The Helicopter Card half distributed on table, selection placed in other half travels onto tabled mess, five phases
Also published here 1976 75
Paul Harris La La's Lu Lu three Aces travel from Ace packet into deck one by one, last Ace travels from deck to other three Aces under spectator's hand
Variations 1976 29
Paul Harris The Infamous Tap-Dancing Cards selection from one half travels reversed in other half, then transforms into second selection after being sandwiched, other card from pocket
Inspired byVariations 1976 44
Edward Marlo, Jon Racherbaumer Signo-Transpo front and back signed card jumps from packet to packet, rough-smooth
Inspired by 1976 29
Paul Curry "Dirty Tricks" story trick, cards with donkeys (democrats) and elephants (republicans), missing hat puzzle, one card vanishes among four other cards
Related to 1976 1
Harvey Rosenthal Crossing Jordan
1977 137
Karl Fulves Double Crossing variation on "Crossing Jordan"
1977 139
Gene Maze Experiment #1 from six card packet face up into deck
1977 241
Karl Fulves The Educated Poker Hand different presentation for "Experiment #1"
Variations 1977 242
Karl Fulves Jumper Up from deck to mates
1977 265
Philip T. Goldstein Nijinsky Two selected ace travels into deck, card in hand, stranger
1977 117
Paul Harris Vacuum Cleaner Cards Kings travel from one half to another
VariationsAlso published here 1977 116
Paul Harris Super Swindle sandwiched signed card, sandwich folded up, card vanishes and reappears reversed in deck
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1977 1
J. B. Bobo The Traveling Joker one black card placed among twenty-six red cards always ends up on top, then card travels from packet to packet
Also published here 1977 8
Simon Lovell Handy Aces selected card disappears between the four Aces and reappears face up in the deck
Inspired byAlso published here May 1978
Pabular (Vol. 4 No. 9)
Karl Fulves Four-Card Leaper King of Clubs travels from one half to other, King of Spades in other half is face-up with red Kings on either side
Inspired by 1978 2
Karl Fulves Hide Out AC to 9C removed, selection placed among them, all dealt face-up except selection, a club vanishes, selection becomes this club and selection is reversed in deck, "temporary transposition"
1978 8
Kartenwanderung selection appears face-up among five cards held by spectator
1978 80
Edward Marlo The Fake Putdown card disappears among five cards and reappears reversed in deck
1979 111
Eddie Fechter Card Transpo from small packet to small packet, biddle
1979 65
Bob Hamilton Ouch biddle trick, with gag, blank card written "OUCH" on it
Mar. 1979
Pabular (Vol. 5 No. 3)
Basil Horwitz A Passing Thought thought of card
Apr. 1979
Pabular (Vol. 5 No. 4)
Shiv Duggal Shiv's Exchange Collectors two cards sandwich chosen card, that card changes into second selection
Oct. 1979
Pabular (Vol. 5 No. 10)
Karl Fulves Pick Off Pip card cleanly vanishes from three-card-packet, travels back into deck, using small pip of card with fake index on other side
1979 2
Roy Walton Face to Face card travels from bottom of packet to center of other half, reversed
Also published here 1979 14
Karl Fulves Buried Alive
1980 10
Edward Marlo Straightline Transport black card from black half into red half
1980 262
Charlie Miller, Frank Garcia Surprise Revelation biddle trick
1980 27
Kevin Davie Sign There signed card travels to other deck and changes back color
Apr. 1980
Pabular (Vol. 6 No. 4)
Jerry K. Hartman Band in Boston card jumps from one rubber banded packet to another
Inspired byVariationsAlso published here 1980
The Chronicles (Issue 26)
Ken Brooke Ricochet Cards card travels from one pile reversed into rest of the deck sitting in card case
1980 148
Dan MacMillan The Educated Poker Hand card travels from Royal Flush packet to deck
Inspired by 1981 49
Fred Castle, Frank Garcia The James Bond Trick Card vanishes from one packet to another
1981 8
Roy Walton The Leaper Again card at thought-of position transposes with unknown card or appears at same position in other packet
Also published here 1981 17
Roy Walton Norvelle thought of card travels from small packet to small packet, with a joker
Also published here 1981 97
Roy Walton Kings Go Forth two halves, two selections travel from packet to packet and are found sandwiched between Kings
Also published here 1981 122
Roy Walton Face to Face card travels from bottom of packet to center of other half, reversed
Also published here 1981 176
A. Berkeley Davis Square Up... And Away card travels from one half to sandwich in other half, duplicate
Related toVariations 1982 79
Philip T. Goldstein Tenting Trip card jumps from deck to packet and back
Dec. 1982
Pabular (Vol. 7 No. 7)
Karl Fulves Lateral Leap chosen black card ends up in red packet at same position
Related toAlso published here 1982 15
Harry Lorayne "Gem" False Count - Effect Idea 1 selection travels from deck reversed in small packet
June 1983
Apocalypse (Vol. 6 No. 6)
Karl Fulves Known Unknown chosen card in black packet vanishes and appears in red packet at same position
Inspired byAlso published here 1983 1
David Britland Disco selection from one half travels reversed in other half
Inspired byRelated to 1983 1
Bill Worsley Discover Biddle Trick variation
Apr. 1983
Spell-Binder (Vol. 2 No. 24)
Stephen Tucker Double Dutch card vanishes between jokers and appears face-up in deck, then card travels to case and turns into a jumbo card
July 1983
Spell-Binder (Vol. 3 No. 27)
Ed Balducci, Frank Mireider The Auto Mazo Deck 1934, see also p. 63 for comment by Ralph W. Hull
  • #1 Thought of Card Reversed
  • #2 Alternate Reverse Trick
  • #3 Selected Card Found Reversed
  • #4 Selected Card Transferred from One Half of Pack to Another
  • #5 Three Card Monte
  • #6 The Vanishing Aces
Variations 1983 58
Edward Marlo First Effect two cards travel from packet to packet, repeat
1984 141
Edward Marlo Olram's Vanish four kings, mentally chosen king vanishes, appears in deck
1984 304
Terry LaGerould Piano Concerto piano card trick variation with 4 queen kicker
1984 93
Larry Jennings The Purloined Thought thought-of card from one half to other half
Variations Jan./Feb. 1984
The Collected Almanac (Vol. 2 No. 17 & 18)
Bruce Cervon AC/DC featuring Vernon's Interlock Principle
Mar. 1984
The Collected Almanac (Vol. 2 No. 19)
Herb Zarrow Choose the Aces named colored aces travel to the deck face up
1984 76
Herb Zarrow Two Card Transition Biddle trick with two selection, in different parts in the deck
1984 77
Jerry Sadowitz All Things Must Pass selection lost in tabled half, Aces lost face-up in the other half, when tabled half is spread the Aces are seen sandwiching the selection
Variations 1984 36
Reinhard Müller Die "Wundersamen" Karten three cards vanish (two of them gag value cards) in an odd-backed packet and reappear in another packet in sandwich configuration, jumbo cards
Inspired by 1984 8
Richard Vollmer The Lady Vanishes queen travels into deck and is find using locator card, using faro
Feb. 1985
Apocalypse (Vol. 8 No. 2)
Bruce Cervon Queen Jump sandwiched card from half to other half
Spring 1985
The Collected Almanac (Vol. 3 No. 25, 26 & 27)
Larry Jennings, Dai Vernon King Jump sandwiched card from half to other half, see credit correction on page lxix
Spring 1985
The Collected Almanac (Vol. 3 No. 25, 26 & 27)
Dai Vernon, Bruce Cervon Matrimonial Jump sandwiched card from half to other half
Spring 1985
The Collected Almanac (Vol. 3 No. 25, 26 & 27)
Barry Stevenson Signed Sandwich card (signed by performer) travels between aces in spectator's hands, half forcing deck with signed duplicates
1985 303
Ralph W. Hull Three-In-One card travels from one packet to another, duplicate
Related to 1985 21
Edward Marlo Olram's Clarified Routine ten red and black cards, one card travels from packet to packet, then packets changes places, eight methods
Inspired byRelated toVariations 1986 3
Michael Rubinstein Sherlock Holmes und die gestohlenen Juwelen biddle trick variation with props and story presentation
May 1986
Intermagic (Vol. 12 No. 2)
Justin Higham Streamlined Overcomer Ace to Four of Diamonds shown and one named, that card travels from one half into the other next to predicted card
Inspired by
  • "Overcomer" (Stewart James, The New Tops, Jan. 1964)
Nov. 1986
Inside Out (Issue 1)
Doug Edwards Ultra Surprise card changes to mate of another card, original card face-up in deck
Feb. 1987
Apocalypse (Vol. 10 No. 2)
Randy Wakeman Needed a Jump ten red and black cards, single card jumps from packet to packet, then packets transpose
1987 26
Karl Fulves Hopskip card from one half travels to other
1987 26
Ron Wilson The Highland Hop signed red selection travels into other half with black cards
VariationsAlso published here
  • "The Highland Hop" in "Genii" May, 1968
1987 20
Thomas Hierling Haben Sie ein Lieblingsas...?! performer cuts to the Aces, then named Ace vanishes and reappears reversed in deck
Inspired by 1987 39
Davide Costi Reverse Biddle trick
Also published here Sep. 1987
Opus (Vol. 1 No. 1)
Dai Vernon The Intelligent Leaper interlock, two handlings
Variations 1988 145
Edward Marlo Real Gone AC/DC Interlock Principle, two double facers
Inspired by 1988 294
Justin Higham Unexpected Ending Seven of Hearts put between Aces, it vanishes and travels back to deck, repeat, then Aces change to Sevens
Nov. 1988
Inside Out (Issue 5)
Roy Walton Stage Shout three Queens whisper the name of two cards to performer, then one selection travels from deck to Queens and the other vanishes from Queens
Inspired byRelated to 1988 1
Brother John Hamman Kangaroo Card visitor type effect, then point of departure
1989 109
Brother John Hamman The Multiplying Kings selection placed with kings, kings become various number of cards and suit combinations, selection face up in deck
Variations 1989 129
Brother John Hamman Houdini Escapes card from spectator's half to performer's half
1989 153
Brother John Hamman The Adventure of the Spotted Seven story trick in which a card travels from packet to deck, then under tabled card
1989 163
Brother John Hamman Skipping Jacks three piles, Jacks put on center pile travel to outer piles, one under case
Variations 1989 168
Randy Wakeman The Fortune-Telling Aces Ace with suit of chosen card turns over, selection turns over and is placed with Aces, it vanishes from Aces and reappears reversed in deck
1989 53
Michael Powers Phantom of The OPERAtion Jacks placed in case, three selections are placed in the case as well, cards taken out and they have interlaced, selections vanish, selections found face-up in deck at different positions
1990 102
Edward Marlo Hop-Skip-Jump three piles, Jacks put on center pile travel to outer piles, one under case, three methods
Inspired by 1990 107
Bob Farmer Headhunter seven blank cards and Jack of Hearts, Jack travels from packet to packet, repeated twice, then all blank cards become Jacks of Hearts
1990 1
Justin Higham Switcheroo two cards transpose from packet to packet, then both cards travel from packet to deck
Inside Out (Issue Special No. 1)
Karl Fulves Deep Thot chosen card travels from one poker hand to another, both hands in envelopes, stuck into book
Cheat Sheet (Issue 1)
John Bannon, Ron Wilson Hop Two It two cards from red half to black half, two-card variation of Ron Wilson's "Highland Hop"
Inspired by 1991 96
Philip T. Goldstein Off the Menu five jokers, named number travel to the deck and sandwich selection
June 1991
The Minotaur (Vol. 3 No. 2)
T. Page Wright Leaper to Number card travels from one packet to another at named number
1991 111
T. Page Wright Color Seeks Color packet of red and black cards, red card chosen and put amongst black cards, it vanishes from there and travels back
1991 192
T. Page Wright A Surprise Spelling Trick card chosen and buried in small packet, then spelled to in rest of deck
Also published here 1991 221
Jerry K. Hartman Band in Boston card jumps from one rubber banded packet to another
Also published here 1991 194
James Swain The Kings' Holiday three selections in one half of deck travel to other half and are found interlaced between Kings
Inspired by 1992 97
Frederick Braue Paul Revere's Card two halves, selection vanishes from one half and appears at chosen number in second half, duplicate, "Midnight Marvel" (1943)
1992 16
Fred Kaps, Arturo de Ascanio 'Hace Más de 25 Años' de un Paquete a Otro, en Versión de Fred Kaps as a letter to Ricardo Marré, card travels from packet to packet, sort of biddle trick
1992 65
Ralph W. Hull El Juego de los Tres Efectos translation by Ascanio
prediction of card, then card travels into other half of the deck
Also published here
  • Ralph Hull's "The Three In One Card Trick" in Trevor Hull's "Testament of R.W. Hull"
1992 61
Terry LaGerould Coney Island Caper biddle trick, performer apparently eats card
Inspired byVariations 1992 69
Terry LaGerould The Acapulco Jumping Beans Aces jump up and down in deck and from pile to pile
1992 82
Charles T. Jordan The Vanishing Court Card named picture card put in five-card packet, it vanishes and appears back in pack, biddle trick, index of twelve index sections
Also published here
  • marketed 1921, see ad in Oct. 1921 Sphinx
Aug. 1992
Magic (Vol. 1 No. 12)
Charles T. Jordan The Escape No. 20, card travels from rubber-banded half to other half, cards are secretly propelled to other half
Also published here 1992 24
Karl Fulves "Escape" Notes No. 21, simplified handling
Inspired by 1992 27
Karl Fulves "Color Divination" Notes No. 56, using Jordan's method for the traveling of a card from red to black packet
Inspired by 1992 65
Charles T. Jordan The Unknown Leaper No. 63, card at thought-of position transposes with unknown card or appears at same position in other packet
Also published here 1992 75
Karl Fulves "Unknown Leaper" Notes No. 64, chosen black card ends up in red packet at same position
Inspired byAlso published here 1992 76
Charles T. Jordan Satan's Prophecy No. 71, one of four named cards by performer is chosen and card travels from half to other half in box at named number, card is also predicted on paper
Also published here 1992 84
Charles T. Jordan Satan's Prophecy Improved No. 72, prediction, deck divided into two halves and a selected card vanishes from one half and appears at the position predicted in the other half
Also published here 1992 86
Charles T. Jordan Stampedo No. 117, card identified with post stamp travels from packet into deck
Also published here 1992 145
Karl Fulves "Presto Pass" Notes No. 174, handling variation, specific card travels from performer's to spectator's pocket
Inspired by 1992 212
Charles T. Jordan, William McGrew Speaking of Pink Elephants No. 206, named card changes back color, then the whole deck, card spelled to, card travels from one half to the other, red-blue peek deck cards
Also published here 1992 243
Ken Brooke The Ken Brooke Routine with Joe Stuthard's Trilby Deck - Part Three edited reprint from Brooke's magazine "Routine" (1950), card to top, jumps from packet to packet, all cards shown alike, ends clean
Nov. 1993
New Sorcerer (Vol. 1 No. 5)
Dr. Gordon C. Peck Over There "Ron Peck"? card put in one half, other half placed on table, it jumps to tabled half
Rigmarole (Issue 2)
Eddie Fechter Packet to Packet with Alternate Ending
Also published here 1993 263
Vicente Canuto Concurso de Belleza four Queens on the table, card is selected and Queen with matching suit vanishes and appears on position matching the value of selection
1993 264
Edward Marlo, Vicente Canuto De Paquete a Paquete card from packet of twenty one is selected and cards dealt into three piles, spectator names pile with card and card travels from packet to packet
1993 271
Alex Elmsley Still Taking Three sandwiched card vanishes, reappears in half the deck face up, three methods
Inspired by 1994 109
Karl Fulves Escapist king and queen packets, a card travels over
1994 66
Dan Tong Stealth Whirley-Bird Card one half is spread randomly into a mess on the table, the other half is fanned, the spectator select a card, put back in fan, it travels to tables cards
Inspired by 1994 155
Aldo Colombini North by Northwest three four-card packets, selection jumps from packet to packet
1994 16
Aldo Colombini Colorado
Related to 1994 65
Aldo Colombini Foottapper card vanishes from Jacks and reappears reversed in deck, biddle trick
1994 113
Jamy Ian Swiss Sexy Swindle presentation for Super Swindle
Inspired by July/Aug. 1994
The Magic Menu (Vol. 4 No. 24)
Edward Marlo Face Up Transposition face-up card travels from one half to the other
Related to 1995 33
Edward Marlo Multiple Change Transposition four Aces reversed in one half, the change to Kings and Aces are reversed in other half
1995 35
Edward Marlo Limited Selection Plus KB
  • Effect #2
one of five thought of, packets shown, biddle trick, faro
1995 343
Jon Racherbaumer Calculated Invisible Toss card among five chosen, it becomes invisible and reappears reversed in deck at position that equals sum of remaining four cards
Inspired byVariations 1995 10
Philip T. Goldstein Transferloss Toss reappears in the deck at specific position after Invisible Card themed effect
Inspired by 1995 14
Peter Duffie Re-Calculated Invisible Toss card among five chosen, it becomes invisible and reappears reversed in deck at position that equals sum of remaining four cards
Inspired by 1995 16
Aldo Colombini Take Off card sandwich is placed in an envelope with hole, sandwiched cards vanishes and re-appears in deck
Inspired by 1995 138
Jerry K. Hartman Tourist Trap two selections travel from deck to packet and trap third selection
Spring 1996 71
Paul Harris La La's Lu Lu (aka Phantom Cards aka Cue Cards revised) selection from one half travels reversed in other half, then transforms into second selection
Inspired byRelated toVariations 1996
The Art of Astonishment — Book 1 (Issue Paul Harris Reveals some of his most Int...)
Paul Harris Vacuum Cleaner Cards Aces travel from one half to another
Also published here 1996 159
Paul Harris Super Swindle sandwiched signed card, sandwich folded up, card vanishes and reappears reversed in deck
Also published here 1996
The Art of Astonishment — Book 2 (Issue Misc. Pieces of Paul)
Pit Hartling Der Dreisprung card travels from one third to the next twice, then vanishes and turns out to be unknown card selected at the start
Also published here 1996 71
Juno Verkehrt selection reverses and travels to other packet
Also published here 1996 89
Karl Fulves Jekyll-Hide six red and 6 black cards, a black card chosen, but it isn't among the 6 black cards suddenly but among the 6 reds (identified by spectator with special glasses on)
1997 22
Karl Fulves Vegas Vampire ten cards dealt into two hands, a selection changes into indifferent card and is then in other packet, jacks show up as finale
1997 130
Peter Duffie Get Back! King placed amongst the four Fours travel back to the King packet (jumbo cards)
1997 113
Tom Mullica Mullica's Four-Ace Ending card joins other three Aces underneath spectator's hand, for Christ Aces
1997 21
Christian Scherer Robotranspo signed card travels from among four red backed kings to four blue backed kings, both packets secured with rubber bands
1997 104
Peter Duffie The Fleeing Aces Aces travel from one half to another and capture a card there
1997 2
Ariel Frailich Fax it to Me! selection travels from one half to the other
1997 12
Bruce Bernstein Trans-Premonition spectator thinks of a card before the show, during the show two decks are displayed, named card is missing in one deck and is found in other
Related to
  • Stan Loebstein's "Premonition Outdone"
Also published here
1997 4
Bruce Cervon AC/DC featuring Vernon's Interlock Principle
Related to 1998 52
Sam Schwartz Fan-Tastic Joker pushed in fan, card next to it noted, then repeated in different position, cards vanish and travel into other half, Sellers force for two cards
Inspired byRelated to 1998 262
Joe Rindfleisch Vanishing Aces Aces put reversed in one half of the deck, they vanish there and are found in other half
Oct. 1998
Onyx (Issue 5)
Bob King Catch of the Day card removed invisibly from one half and caught on face of other half where it visibly appears (Flippant)
Variations 1998 24
Bruce Bernstein Trans-Premonition spectator thinks of a card before the show, during the show two decks are displayed, named card is missing in one deck and is found in other
Also published here 1998 1
David Regal For Marlo selection placed with four of a kind travels to another four of a kind
Inspired byRelated to 1999 49
Adrian Plate The Disappearance of a Card No. 5, card vanishes from packet, reappears in deck
VariationsAlso published here
  • Magician's Tricks (Hatton & Plate, 1910)
1999 124
Karl Fulves Supplementary Note finessed handling
Inspired by 1999 125
Theodore DeLand The "Knock-out" Card Trick No. 29, card from packet vanishes and joins cards in handkerchief
Variations 1999 144
Theodore DeLand The "Best Ever" Card Trick No. 30, same effect
Inspired by