51 entries in Cards / Effect Themes / Location / Spectator locates Card / Spectator plays Magician
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
Lu Brent Can You Imagine!! (An unusual card effect) Spectator apparently able to predict magician's selected card
1932 36
Oscar Weigle Dual Impulsion spectator finds performer's card and vice versa
Related to 1939 35
The Unwitting Magician spectator finds thee selections
1940 400
Theodore Annemann A Card in Hand card changes in spectator's hand, stabbing presentation, backdated for ten years
Related toVariationsAlso published here Feb. 1940
The Jinx (Issue 80)
Tommy Dowd, Neal Elias, Bert Fenn We Both Spell
Inspired by 1946 19
Spectator's Card Trick
1948 127
Sid Lorraine "I Never Touch the Cards" spectator has another spectator choose a card, key card location
1949 27
Paul Rosini Change in Hand card changes in spectator's hand, stabbing presentation
Related to 1950 17
Jimmy Williamson Nicomar's Lesson card turns over, then spectator performs trick for performer
1969 35
Gerald Kosky To Believe in the Unbelievable peeked card ends up in performer's pocket, then spectator plays part of magician and performer's card ends up in spectator's pocket
Magick (Issue 17)
T. Page Wright A Lesson in Card Magic spectator performs trick with other spectator
1972 55
Jerry K. Hartman Crossed Thoughts spectator and magician find each other's cards
1973 67
Tony Faro Spectator Magician card is on the table, spectator makes two piles, one top card for the value the other for the suit
Related toVariations Sep. 1974
Pabular (Vol. 1 No. 1)
Fred Robinson Spectator Magician Plus
Related toAlso published here Nov. 1974
Pabular (Vol. 1 No. 3)
Eddie Fechter You've Been Real Good To Me spectator sits on the card that the performer is thinking of
Also published here 1974 30
Gerald Kosky To Believe in the Unbelievable card appears inside performer's jacket pocket, repeated with performer as magician, card appears inside his inside pocket
1975 30
Karrell Fox Magical Assets
Variations 1976 143
Der Zuschauer zaubert spectator locates performer's selection after a few tries with counting
July 1982
Intermagic (Vol. 9 No. 2)
Faucett Ross A Questionable Miracle
1983 243
Daryl Martinez Untouched card is on the table, spectator makes two piles, one top card for the value the other for the suit
Related toVariations 1988 20
Gary Kurtz Sharing the Credit accomplice is asked to leave the room, after returning he finds a selected card, two versions, accomplice does not really know how it's done
1989 22
T. Page Wright A Lesson in Magic spectator has another spectator select and replace a card, performer names it
1991 176
Eddie Fechter You've Been Real Good to Me spectator sits on the card that the performer is thinking of
Also published here 1993 146
Chuck Fayne The Card on the Seat "or The Spectator Sits on the Card"
spectator plays magician, card signed by performer
1994 9
Alexander de Cova Eine Dame zaubert spectator performs card in (Himber) wallet for performer
Inspired byAlso published here Nov. 1994
Intermagic (Vol. 19 No. 1)
Alexander de Cova Die Zuschauerin zaubert... spectator performs card in (Himber) wallet for performer
Also published here 1994 9
Theodore Annemann A Card in Hand locator card changes into spectator's card - in his hand
Related to 1995 133
Jerry K. Hartman All For One spectator chooses twelve cards he thinks are the Court cards, from those he chooses four he thinks are the Kings, from those he chooses the two he thinks are black, finally he decides which one is the King of Spades and is shown to be correct
1995 190
Jerry K. Hartman One For All "gaffed version of "All for One"" (see p. 190)
spectator chooses twelve cards he thinks are the Court cards, from those he chooses four he thinks are the Kings, from those he chooses the two he thinks are black, finally he decides which one is the King of Spades and is shown to be correct
1995 258
"Joro" Bruno Hennig Der Zuschauer zaubert spectator has performer select a card, it travels to back of spectator
1996 86
The Spectator's Card Trick
1997 28
Jerry Mentzer Spectator Finds Your Card Magician chooses a card, spectator deals to find two cards that divines value and suit of selected card, uses double-deal force
1999 51
Kenton Knepper, Daryl Martinez Sleightly Touched card is on the table, spectator makes two piles, one top card for the value the other for the suit, all the other cards are blank
Inspired by Apr. 2000
Pabular (Vol. 9 No. 2)
Bill White "You Can Do It" card appears on back of spectator
July/Aug. 2001
Mr. Gadfly (Vol. 1 No. 2)
David Acer Separation Anxiety Magician/spectator each select a card from half the deck, the cards transpose.
Also published here Jan. 2002
Genii (Vol. 65 No. 1)
Karl Fulves Hypnot key card principle explained, key card removed without one spectator seeing it, he still locates selection
2003 312
David Acer Separation Anxiety Magician/spectator each select a card from half the deck, the cards transpose.
Also published here 2004 53
Jay Sankey, David Acer Count On It Card that magician picks from spectator's packet vanishes, travels to deck (Biddle Trick-like)
Variations 2004 57
Wayne Dobson Teach a Card Trick spectator performs trick to verbal instructions by performer
Inspired by 2004 9
Tyler Wilson Slacker Spectator and magician both do a trick at the same time for two other spectators, but each performer finds selection of the other spectator
Related to 2007 106
Fred Robinson, Tony Faro Spectator Magician Plus spectator divines card's suit and value via Double-Deal Force, does OOTW and finds performer's thought-of card, marked deck
Inspired byAlso published here 2009 202
Tyler Wilson, David Acer, Simon Lovell Slacker spectator and performer each have a card selected from half deck, they find the other's cards
Inspired byRelated to 2010 79
Steve Beam Filleted and Fried spectator finds performers selection and the other way around
2010 91
Derek DelGaudio A Coincidence performer and spectator select cards which appear at named number
Inspired by 2010 11
Father Alex Finally You're a Psychic two spectators each select a card, third spectator pulls out two cards, turns out to be the selections, uses dual reality
2014 14
G The Eye (天眼) Spectator stops on and finds magician's card
2014 62
Johnny Thompson Card on the Seat spectator is sitting on card signed by performer
2018 107
Eddie Fechter Original Card on the Seat miscalled selection
2018 111
John Graham, Theodore Annemann A Card in Hand card changes in spectator's hand, stabbing presentation
Inspired by 2021 3
Tom Frame Single Handedly spectator peeks at card, performer goes under table with one hand with deck, then card is reversed, repeat with spectator having the performer peek at a card
Also published here
  • MAGIC, Aug. 2006
2022 526
David Britland Fribble Forecast
  • Cardopolis
spectator does trick to performer, performer picks card and spectator finds mate with cutting procedure
Related to Sep. 2024
Genii (Vol. 87 No. 9)