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Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
Ralph W. Hull Bicycle Marking System
Variations 1932 17
Charlie Miller The Nomad Aces for credit information see reference
Related toVariations 1940 256
Paul LePaul Right Hand Top-Palm Single Card Method
Variations 1949 54
Bert Allerton, Martin Gardner Bert Allerton's Crazy Cards transposition of two cards
  • Repeat
  • False Explanation
Related toVariationsAlso published here Aug. 1949 575
John Braun Much from Little nickel to penny and half dollar, edge grip
Variations 1952 80
Edward Marlo, Bob Hummer Cardician's Dream counting procedure with value of thought of card, etc, see page 196 for credits
Related toVariations 1953 130
Bert Allerton The Two Card Trick two phases, double facer
VariationsAlso published here 1958 22
Tom Sellers A Torn Centre Idea tape on note pad
Related to 1960 105
Kirk Stiles The Cartwheel Sleight for one or more coins
Variations 1966 376
Dan Tong Fan Reverse using one-handed fan
Variations Mar. 1968
Epilogue (Issue 2)
Karl Fulves Even Money Proposition spectator is given pairs of red and black cards, he guesses all colors correctly, see p. 289 for reference, p. 292 for comments by George McLean & George Blake
Related toVariationsAlso published here May 1969 257
Edward Marlo No-turn Triumph
  • First Method
  • Second Method
Related toVariations Spring 1970 145
Jerry Mentzer Center-Steal 'Steal' double sided tape on pad
Related to 1970
Magick (Issue 7)
G. W. Hunter The Gypsy Switch switching small item when wrapping it in handkerchief, for credits and sources see page 24
VariationsAlso published here Jan. 1971
Kabbala — Volume 1 (Vol. 1 No. 1)
Roger Klause Fist Steal in Tenkai Pinch
Related to Apr. 1971
Kabbala — Volume 1 (Vol. 1 No. 4)
Roy Walton Chameleon Cards color changing backs small packet routine, four blue-backed queens and green joker shown, situation reverses, then queens become red-backed, see also p. 486
Inspired by
  • "Look An Illusion" (Larry Jennings, Genii Magazine)
Oct. 1971
The Pallbearers Review (Vol. 6 No. 12)
Jerry Mentzer Mystic Amulet of Isis bracelet through ribbon under handkerchief, duplicate
Magick (Issue 15)
Jerry Mentzer Lie Detector miniature cards in box, hole in box
Magick (Issue 24)
Jerry Mentzer Introduction
1972 1
Walter Rollins, Jerry Mentzer Unexpected Surprise four of five cards vanish, with odd-backed card variation
Related to 1972 31
Jerry Mentzer Variation - No Turn Triumph
Inspired by 1972 83
Jerry Mentzer Quick Nomad Aces
Inspired byVariations 1972 94
Jerry Mentzer Rear Palm Steal from small packet
1972 97
Jerry Mentzer Double Undercut Variation
1972 115
Jerry Mentzer Black Jack Sandwich
1972 142
Jerry Mentzer Another Black Jack duplicate, adhesive
1972 144
Jerry Mentzer Sandwich Spread
1972 146
Jerry Mentzer Numbers Game several numbers are written next to letters of the alphabet, one letter is selected with ABC cards and performer divines number
Magick (Issue 65)
Lin Searles Problems suggesting two plots where the performer turns his back
  • spectator switches two poker hands of several and performer can identify them
  • spectator deals poker hands, one from the bottom, that hand is identified
Variations Autumn 1973
The Pallbearers Review (Vol. 8 No. 8th Folio)
Jerry Mentzer Introduction
1973 1
Jerry Mentzer Commentary on the performance of close-up magic, lapping possibilities, gaffed objects
1973 3
Jerry Mentzer Poker Chip Chicanery poker chips produced from handkerchief, a chip changes color, then into silver dollar
1973 74
Jerry Mentzer Magnet Matrix magnetic coin and shimmed card
1973 87
Jerry Mentzer Miracle Coins Thru Playing Cards repeat penetration of card, falls into glass underneath
Inspired by
  • J. H. Thompson's "A Good 5c Pass" (Linking Ring)
1973 91
Jerry Mentzer 3 Coin Moves - Vanish Number 1 "Cartwheel Re-Visited"
Inspired by 1973 98
Jerry Mentzer Vanish Number 2 Tenkai Pinch
Related to 1973 100
Jerry Mentzer Vanish Number 3 Tenkai Pinch
1973 103
Jerry Mentzer Four Colors Get Together with poker chips on corners of handkerchief and 1 cardboard cover
1973 110
Jerry Mentzer Something From Something production from sponge ball
1973 116
Jerry Mentzer Sponge Shenanigans
1973 119
Jerry Mentzer "X" Marks the Spot six business cards, spectator choses the one with an X on the back
Also published here 1973 151
Jerry Mentzer Spirit Writing four objects listed on business card, paper balled up, chosen item vanishes from list and appears written on balled-up paper
1973 157
Jerry Mentzer Introduction
1973 3
Jerry Mentzer The Basic MPT Control "multiple push through", card pushed in and left thumb moves it to injogged position, second half of it is done one-handed
Related to 1973 3
Jerry Mentzer MPT Control For Several Cards "multiple push through", with several cards, one by one, all end up injogged
1973 6
Jerry Mentzer Controlling the Injogged Cards Controls To The Bottom
  • Simple Cut To Bottom
  • Multiple Cut To Bottom
  • Tabled Running Cut To Bottom
Controls To The Top
  • Simple Cut To Top
  • Hindu Shuffle To Top
  • Tabled Running Cut To Top
1973 7
Jerry Mentzer One Hand Riffle convincer after insertion of selection
1973 12
Jerry Mentzer Two Hand Riffle convincer after insertion of selection(s)
1973 13
Jerry Mentzer Sighting Selected Cards sighting injogged cards
1973 14
Jerry Mentzer MPT Crimp "multiple push through", crimping injogged card with left fourth finger
1973 14
Jerry Mentzer MPT Thumb Crimp "multiple push through", crimping injogged card with right thumb
1973 15
Jerry Mentzer MPT Thumb Crimp Control "multiple push through"
1973 15
Jerry Mentzer MPT - Square up - Movable Jog "multiple push through", suggestion without details
1973 16
Jerry Mentzer MPT - Palm "multiple push through", copping out injogged card
1973 17
Jerry Mentzer Small Packet Cut To Top cutting action for multiple-shift strip-out of injogged card
1973 17
Jerry Mentzer Note of Acknowledgement
1974 vi
Jerry Mentzer Introduction
1974 1
Jerry Mentzer Queens over Kings spectator selects card and cuts three piles, all are queens, two handlings
1974 23
Jerry Mentzer Alternate Handling Number One
Inspired by 1974 37
Jerry Mentzer Alternate Handling Number Two
Inspired by 1974 38
Jerry Mentzer Three Card Surprise three card location with surprise transposition climax
1974 38
Bill Okal Alternate Presentation Three Card Surprise three card location with surprise transposition climax
Inspired by 1974 44
Jerry Mentzer Swivel Switch related to Downs Change
1974 45
Jerry Mentzer Notes on the Gilbreath Principle credit information
1974 93
Jerry Mentzer Lapping Move using left hand cop
1974 103
Jerry Mentzer Torn and Restored
1974 107
Jerry Mentzer, Frederick Braue Concealed Reversal Braue Reversal variation
1974 114
Jerry Mentzer Applications three selections
1974 116
Jerry Mentzer Jazz Combo mentioning the combination of Jazz Aces with Elevator Aces, Oil and Water, ...
Related to 1974 131
Jerry Mentzer Four and One Revisited basically Hamman's Mystic Nine with five cards
Inspired by
  • Nick Trost's "Four and One Trick" (Linking Ring, July 1957)
1974 132
Jerry Mentzer Odd Color Four and One basically Hamman's Mystic Nine with five cards, color changing back kicker of selection
Inspired by
  • Nick Trost's "Four and One Trick" (Linking Ring, July 1957)
1974 136
Jerry Mentzer, Derek Dingle Ambitious Ace-Two-Three-Four-Five
1974 155
Jerry Mentzer Cull Speller
1974 173
Hank Wocjik Flourish Aces two cards change at once
VariationsAlso published here 1974 177
Jerry Mentzer Joker Stab missed stabbing routine in which stabbing card changes to selection
1974 196
Jerry Mentzer, Bill Simon Nearly a Triumph
1974 211
Jerry Mentzer Card Mix Up without riffle shuffles
1974 221
Al Schneider Introduction ring off rope, three times
Inspired by
  • Dan MacDonald's "Repeat Ring Release" in Jerry Mentzer's "Close-Up Cavalcade", 1973 p.11
1974 1
Jerry Mentzer Dedication by the Author
1974 v
Jerry Mentzer Background Information on Eddie Fechter
Also published here 1974 vii
Jerry Mentzer Introduction to "Peeks"
Also published here 1974 67
Jerry Mentzer Introduction
1975 1
Jerry Mentzer In Case kings and "mystery card" placed in case in beginning
1975 11
Jerry Mentzer Small Packet Palm
1975 13
Jerry Mentzer Last Minute Arrival
1975 30
Rick Johnsson, Jerry Mentzer Total Involvement from several cards spectator thinks of odd-backed card
1975 143
Rick Johnsson, Dai Vernon, Jerry Mentzer Optical Move with Paper Clip
1975 144
Jerry Mentzer Five Card Revelation
1975 175
Al Smith (reviewer) Magician Nitely by Eddie Fechter (written by Jerry Mentzer) Feb. 1975
Pabular (Vol. 1 No. 6)
Jerry Mentzer Introduction
1975 1
Jerry Mentzer One Cup and Coins coins produced from small metal cup, then coins travel from hand to cup one by one, two handlings

Inspired by
  • routine by John Murray
1975 5
Jerry Mentzer Introduction "Once the coin appears, stop!"
1975 1
Jerry Mentzer Penny - Penny - Who Has the Penny? silver dollar into spectator's hand, penny into his own hand, now performer has dollar and spectator dollar-sized penny
1975 3
Jerry Mentzer Heads or Tails? penny grows to dollar-sized penny during heads & tails game
1975 6
Jerry Mentzer Penny thru Hand penny grows to dollar-sized penny during hand penetration
1975 7
Jerry Mentzer 3 Penny Trick jumbo coin finale for "two in the hands, one in the pocket"
1975 9
Jerry Mentzer Inflation Cent penny grows to dollar-sized penny, edge grip
Inspired by 1975 11
Jerry Mentzer Undercover Inflation penny changes to dollar-sized penny with handkerchief cover
1975 12
Jerry Mentzer Magnified Coin
  • coin magnified with magnifying glass, it really is bigger afterwards
  • same with a lens without handle
1975 14
Jerry Mentzer Gypsy Switch Inflation Cent dollar changes to dollar-sized penny with handkerchief cover
Inspired by 1975 16
Jerry Mentzer Switch Penny penny changes to dollar-sized penny with handkerchief cover
1975 18
Jerry Mentzer Switch Change penny changes to dime and back, then to dollar-sized penny, with handkerchief
1975 19
Jerry Mentzer I. O. U. silver dollar wrapped in paper, ignited, flash, giant penny remains with an "I.O.U. 99 cent" note
Inspired by
  • trick by Pete Watt from MAES Convention, 1971
1975 20
Jerry Mentzer Inflation several pennies dropped in other hand, they change into single dollar-sized penny
1975 21
Jerry Mentzer Introduction
1975 1
Peter Kane Memory Jogger associating every playing card with a trick to remember one's repertoire
Variations 1975 2
Push Down Color Change deck face-up in left hand, left first finger pushes back bottom card, then finger pushes next card over it, two handlings for transformation
  • removing the (double) card
  • tapping the card
Also published here 1975 3
Rick Johnsson, Jerry Mentzer Push Down Vanish four cards, one vanishes
1975 8
Jerry Mentzer Swivel Cut Palm
1975 21
Ralph W. Hull, Jerry Mentzer Method of Marking Cards for Bicycle Rider Back
Inspired by 1975 29
Jerry Mentzer One Way Trickery short section intro
1975 36
Jerry Mentzer, Roger Divella, Ed Smeal After Dunbury
1975 57
Jerry Mentzer Something from Something sponge ball multiplies into three balls
Also published here
  • "Something from Something" (Linking Ring, February 1971)
1975 1
Jerry Mentzer Sponge Shenanigans "two in the hands - one in the pocket" routine, with different ball or object as climax
1975 5
Jerry Mentzer Card Combinations all backs followed by a two card revelation
1975 8
Jerry Mentzer Double Mental Test one of four borrowed coins chosen, two chosen cards added, coin and sum predicted in wallet, two methods
Also published here 1975 13
Jerry Mentzer Magnetic Matrix
1975 19
Jerry Mentzer Miracle Coins thru Playing Card card rests on glass and coin repeatedly penetrates it and fall in glass
1975 24
Jerry Mentzer Card Mix Up cards mixed face-up/face-down without a riffle shuffle
1975 27
Jerry Mentzer Impromptu Close Up Mat towel
1975 30
Jerry Mentzer Introduction
1975 1
Jerry Mentzer Royal Flush to Bills fan of Royal Flush cards changes into five dollar bills
1975 3
Jerry Mentzer Inflation Cards small playtime cards grow to normal sized cards
1975 37
Henry Bihari, Jerry Mentzer Comedy Elevator Aces with three gag cards with messages/pictures on them, rattle bar, battery powered buzzer, four duplicate Aces, tiny screwdriver
1975 47
Jerry Mentzer introduction
1975 1
Jerry Mentzer Errata
1976 69
Jerry Mentzer Matchbook to Silk
1976 1
Jerry Mentzer Cards - Silks - Blendo threefold screen made from jumbo playing cards folded into triangle, silks produced, they change into giant silk with cards on them, Booth's Blendo
1976 3
Jerry Mentzer Improved Kavorting Kords knot in red rope and knot in white rope transpose and back, then knots are slid off and vanish
1976 6
Jerry Mentzer Wallet Prediction ESP symbol chosen from cards and predicted in wallet, loading wallet and index
1976 9
Jerry Mentzer Novel 20th Century
1976 10
Jerry Mentzer Rainbow Twist color changing backs kicker
1976 15
Jerry Mentzer, Jim Lee In Case Magical Lee prediction put in case, turns out to be later selection signed by spectator on face and performer on back
1976 18
Jerry Mentzer Introduction
1976 1
Jerry Mentzer Types of Canes
  • One Piece Cane
  • Two Piece (or Three Piece) Cane
  • Collapseable Cane
1976 1
Jerry Mentzer Thread to Use
1976 2
Jerry Mentzer To Find the Balance Point
1976 2
Jerry Mentzer How to Hold the Cane
1976 5
Jerry Mentzer Showmanship
1976 10
Jerry Mentzer A Simple Routine
1976 16
Rick Johnsson, Jerry Mentzer Ersatz prediction of selection in wallet, using The Kick Change
1976 71
Jerry Mentzer Introduction
1977 1
Jerry Mentzer, Bill Okal Variation on "All the Same" three blank cards transform to selections
1977 10
Jerry Mentzer Quick Reverse using palm
1977 40
Jerry Mentzer Ambitious Red Back color changing backs kicker
1977 76
John Miller, Jerry Mentzer Turncoat Kings
Inspired byAlso published here 1977 125
Jerry Mentzer All Backs Plus all backs plus triumph
1977 129
Jerry Mentzer Phase II
1977 136
Jerry Mentzer Dirty Deal Revisited technical variation
Inspired by
  • "Dirty Deal" (Bruce Cervon, 1970, marketed item)
1977 139
Bob Farmer, Bert Allerton, Jerry Mentzer Jazz Pieces - Body & Soul a red and a black jumbo card are cut into four pieces, the pieces change places, oil and water, missing part of the description is published in "Jazz Pieces"
Related toVariations Oct. 1977
Pabular (Vol. 4 No. 2)
Jerry Mentzer Introduction
1977 1
Jerry Mentzer Ring Into Saltshaker
1977 12
Jerry Mentzer Impromptu Ring Into Saltshaker
Variations 1977 16
Jerry Mentzer Double Mental Test one of four coins chosen, number formed by adding card values, both predicted in wallet, originally in Linking Ring (Feb. 1971), two methods
Also published here 1977 70
Bert Allerton, Jerry Mentzer Credit Cards transposition, double facer
Inspired by 1977 93
Jerry Mentzer A Paper Strip Restored stuck behind thumb
1977 97
Jerry Mentzer Impromptu Three Ball Routine three paper balls
1977 103
Seeing is Believing Bill Tear with gaff, includes variations
Variations 1977 158
Jerry Mentzer Foreword
Jerry Mentzer Concealed Reversal variation of Braue Reversal which hides bottom reversed card
1977 9
Bob Farmer Jazz Pieces missing part of text and illustrations
Inspired by Jan. 1978
Pabular (Vol. 4 No. 5)
Jerry Mentzer Introduction
1979 1
Jerry Mentzer Ambitious Red Back color changing backs kicker of ambitious card
1979 21
Jerry Mentzer Ambitious Card
1979 28
Jerry Mentzer, Lin Searles A Poker Plot spectator deal royal flush from bottom
1979 35
Eddie Fechter No Pile four of five cards vanish
Related toAlso published here 1979 69
Jerry Mentzer A Quick Sandwich
1979 76
Jerry Mentzer Flash Coincidence
1979 86
Jerry Mentzer Gag Revelation any number from 6-9
1979 95
Jerry Mentzer Control to Bottom hindu shuffle
1979 160
Jerry Mentzer Flourish False Cut
1979 164
Larry Becker Fool-Ette gambling and roulette theme, page force with playing card, book test, inspired by a Roulette Force from a Jerry Mentzer cavalcade book (?)
1979 198
Jerry Mentzer Foreword
1981 ix
Jerry Mentzer Zahlenvibrationen letters of alphabet are on sheet of paper, spectators note down twenty-six numbers besides the letter, letter chosen from deck of alphabet cards, the number next to that letter is divined
June 1981
Intermagic (Vol. 8 No. 2)
Al Smith Damon
Inspired by 1981 13
Jerry Mentzer Introduction
1982 1
Jerry Mentzer Locators and Tricks with Locator chapter intro
1982 19
Jerry Mentzer Prearranged Decks chapter intro
1982 29
Jerry Mentzer Introduction
1982 1
Jerry Mentzer "X" Marks the Spot six business cards, spectator choses the one with an X on the back
Also published here 1982 51
John Miller, Jerry Mentzer Turncoat Kings
Also published here 1982 54
Jeff Busby (reviewer) The Cut Card by Jerry Mentzer Jan. 1983
Epoptica (Issue 3)
Jeff Busby (reviewer) Forcing a Card by Jerry Mentzer Jan. 1983
Epoptica (Issue 3)
Jeff Busby (reviewer) Packet Tricks by Jerry Mentzer Jan. 1983
Epoptica (Issue 3)
Jeff Busby (reviewer) Simple Yet Effective Tricks with Cards by Jerry Mentzer Jan. 1983
Epoptica (Issue 3)
Jeff Busby (reviewer) On the Corner Short by Jerry Mentzer Aug. 1984
Epoptica (Issue 6)
Jeff Busby (reviewer) Effective Cups and Balls by Jerry Mentzer Aug. 1984
Epoptica (Issue 6)
Jerry Mentzer Introduction
1984 1
Jerry Mentzer Glitter Ring borrowed finger ring crushed to dust, reappears when flash paper is burned
1984 58
Jerry Mentzer Impromptu Ring into Salt Shaker
1984 72
Jerry Mentzer Vanishes for Rings brief list without details
  • Sleight-of-Hand Vanish
  • "Ringo" or a "Rattle Box"
  • I.O.U. Vanish
  • Coin Fold
  • Pull
  • Handkerchief Vanish (sewn in duplicate)
  • Thumb Tip
1984 79
Jerry Mentzer Commercially Available Effects with Rings brief list
  • Chain Reaction (Steve Dusheck)
  • Ringer (Steve Dusheck)
  • Grind a Ring (B.A.R., England)
  • Ringo (Walt Rollins)
  • Ring Flite (Paul Stone)
  • Rattle Box
1984 80
Jerry Mentzer Other Selected Reading - Magic with Finger Rings list of references
1984 82
Jerry Mentzer 33 1/3 Release ribbon through record or beer mat with hole
1984 (ca.) 2
Jerry Mentzer Introduction
1988 1
Jerry Mentzer The Gimmicked Coin explanation of the gaff
1988 3
Peter Kane Kane's Variant mathematical monte with five objects and without turning back
  • The Basic Principle
Inspired byVariations 1988 ca. 1
Jerry Mentzer Sleight of Hand Method ungaffed wallet
1991 8
Jerry Mentzer Banded ungaffed method
1991 10
Jerry Mentzer Not Banded
1991 11
Jerry Mentzer Endelss Combinations
1991 15
Jerry Mentzer Miscellaneous and Theory thoughts about the card to Wallet Effect
1991 31
Jerry Mentzer The Lapel Ruse Kelly Placement Application
1991 34
Jerry Mentzer Sleeve Card
1991 85
Jerry Mentzer Double Back Tip reversed card vanished form pack
1991 86
Jerry Mentzer External Loading Guide two guides discussed
1991 96
Jerry Mentzer Mullica Wallet - The Demo Routine
1991 105
Jerry Mentzer Card to Wallet with the Himber Wallet
1991 121
Jerry Mentzer Bendix Bombshell Himber Wallet observation
1991 136
Jerry Mentzer Card Rise from Wallet Magical Lee card rises from wallet
1991 153
Jerry Mentzer In Case - Any Wallet
1991 154
Jerry Mentzer In Case - Sho Gun Wallet
1991 155
Jerry Mentzer In Case - Himber Wallet
1991 155
Jerry Mentzer In Case - No Signature
1991 156
David Harkey Flashpoint flashy four-coin production, tabled
Inspired byVariations 1991 99
Jim Sisti (reviewer) Card to Wallet - The Book by Jerry Mentzer Sep./Oct. 1991
The Magic Menu (Vol. 2 No. 7)
Jerry Mentzer Introduction
1992 1
Jerry Mentzer Sources of Credit Cards where to obtain credit cards for tricks
1992 3
Jerry Mentzer Color Copiers making fake credit cards for tricks
1992 5
Jerry Mentzer Credit Cards are Tough making destruction of credit card believable
1992 25
Jerry Mentzer Credit Card to Wallet - Version One palming
1992 26
Jerry Mentzer Credit Card to Wallet - Version Two Himber Wallet
1992 29
Jerry Mentzer Credit Card to Wallet - Version Three
1992 35
Jerry Mentzer Bits of Business with Credit Cards gags
  • Hand squeaker
  • Mouth squeaker
  • Mini credit card
  • Borrowed card
  • Borrowed airline card
  • Giant magnet
  • Giant magnet - another use
  • Borrowed Card
  • Borrowed Card
  • Credit Check
  • Dummy or undesirable character gags
1992 48
Jerry Mentzer The Two Card Trick transposition with double-face credit card
Inspired by 1992 62
Karl Fulves (reviewer) Card to Wallet by Jerry Mentzer 1993
Verbatim (Issue 4)
Jerry Mentzer Introduction
1993 1
Jerry Mentzer Coincidence one of three cards chosen, another card chosen and put reversed in deck, they are mates, two handlings
1993 5
Jerry Mentzer, Bill Okal Card Change sandwiched card changes, ladder change
1993 44
Jerry Mentzer Fan Reverse Revelation
Inspired by 1993 49
Jerry Mentzer Reverse Faro Substitute slop shuffle as reverse faro
1993 55
Jerry Mentzer A Poker Plot spectator deals poker hands, one from the bottom with the performer's back turned, he identified the bottom-dealt hand, also it's a royal flush
Inspired by 1993 70
Jerry Mentzer Gag Hummer four cards, after some under-the-table procedure only chosen card is reversed, does not use CATO
1993 76
Karl Fulves, Jerry Mentzer Out of this World Variation (Even Money Proposition) spectator is given pairs of red and black cards, he guesses all colors correctly, with transposition finale by Mentzer
Inspired by 1993 78
Jerry Mentzer The Joker Blushes four Jokers, one changes to red on both sides
Inspired by
  • "Blushing Joker" (Brother John Hamman, marketed)
1993 96
Jerry Mentzer One Hand Spread three as two
1993 98
Jerry Mentzer Rainbow Prediction mini rainbow cards, one chosen, predicted, either face or back (two-way out)
1993 100
Jerry Mentzer Signed Selection Changes Color back changes visually using following color change
  • Alternate Version
1993 120
Jerry Mentzer Flourish Ace Surprise black Aces change to red Aces, then to Queens
Inspired by 1993 145
Jerry Mentzer The Breather Crimp some information, chapter "Breather Crimp Mysteries"
  • How to Crimp the Card
  • Basic Handling (cutting to the crimp)
1993 165
Jerry Mentzer Challenge Aces Aces cut to from shuffled, sealed deck, breather crimps
1993 176
Jerry Mentzer No Deck Omni Deck handling
  • Shuffle one
  • Shuffle two
1993 185
Jerry Mentzer Color Change Deck Routine Triumph with four Aces, deck changes back color
1993 197
Richard Bartram, Jr. Point of Thought spectator thinks of a card and removes this with two others from a deck, performer removes card with arrow from second deck, it points to thought-of card and matches it
VariationsAlso published here
  • Mystification
1993 200
Jerry Mentzer Another Point of Thought same effect
Inspired by 1993 203
Dai Vernon, John Murray, Jerry Mentzer One Hand Bottom - Applications
1993 227
Jerry Mentzer Foreword
1993 vii
Jerry Mentzer Background Information on Eddie Fechter
Also published here 1993 viii
Jerry Mentzer Success and the Forks Hotel ln the Forks hotel
1993 29
Jerry Mentzer Introduction to "Peeks"
Also published here 1993 173