91 entries in Cards / Gaffed Cards & Decks / Cards / Magnetic & Shimmed Card
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
Henri Decremps Le Cygne ingénieux. swan in basin moves by its own, moves to letters to form chosen word, anagram method with words on cards (variation of Guyot's method)
Related to 1785 262
The Magic Mirror deck laid on mirror, name appears on mirror (breathing glass), mirror turned, only selection sticks to mirror
1889 179
Iron Foil Card magnetic application
1889 181
The Magnetic Wand and Walking Card selection lifted out of deck which rests in spectator's pocket
1890 124
Bland The Enchanted Hand-Mirror deck on hand-held mirror, mirror turned over, only selection sticks, magnetism
1890 128
Magnetischer Kartenspiegel only selection adheres to mirror
1896 188
Der elektrische Kartenspiegel No. 10, mirror hangs on stage, deck thrown on it and selection clings to it, drops on command, electro magnet, alternative handling with battery on back and mirror in hand
1900 80
Russell Swann The Card in the Banana folded in banana, magnetic case to steal card
1941 54
Lloyd W. Chambers Ethereal Cards selection vanishes from deck and appears in card case, magnet holds back selection when deck is previously in case
1941 20
Dr. William Weyeneth Snaked Out! selection is found using wooden snake
Also published here Dec. 1947 380
Dr. William Weyeneth Présentation nouvelle et humoristique d'une carte choisie selection is found using wooden snake, followed by german translation "Neue und humoristische Art eine gewählte Karte zu finden"
Also published here Mar. 1947 2
2. Der lächelnde Buddha finding selection with little Buddha
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 9 No. Sondernummer 1)
Nick Trost Card and Penny-Tration Routine coin vanishes when half of the cards are put on top, magnet in cards
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1956)
Charly Eperny Creta Mental six cards put in stand and paper placed in front, performer divines cards and writes them on paper using chalk
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 18 No. 5)
Tony Corinda, Punx (3) The Magnetic Blindfold detecting metal objects, idea for sex detecter routine, seven keys to baldpate and playing cards
1958 136
Dr. William Weyeneth Die geheimnisvolle Lupeq queens placed inside envelope, performer knows which queen is where using a magnifier
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 19 No. 4)
Dr. Stanley Jaks Die Brieftasche zum Hellsehtrick prediction of a card in envelope in wallet, magnetic wallet
Related to 1961 78
Dr. Stanley Jaks Dr. Jaks magische Kraft six ESP cards are secretly put in six envelopes, performer divines where the cards are by writing them on the envelopes with chalk
Related toVariations 1961 92
Dr. William Weyeneth Rätselhaftes Verschwinden method to get rid of a card, shimmed card and magnetic card case
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 28 No. 6)
Walter J. Gydesen Flying Carpet Card Trick prediction of chosen card, using a small carpet and doll on top
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1967-68)
Eddie Joseph Ballistic Coin card chosen, bottle cap with two coins placed on deck, deck on glass, bottom cards removed one by one, then one coin penetrates rest of deck into glass, bottom card is selection
1969 90
Gerald Kosky Tele-Mental five cards on table, thought of card starts to move
Inspired byAlso published here 1971
Magick (Issue 35)
Mike Rogers The Zany Gaff deck placed on table, covered with handkerchief, selection comes face up to top, magnetic thread gimmick between hands
Dec. 1972
Kabbala — Volume 1 (Vol. 1 No. 12)
Jon Racherbaumer Veiled Tosheroon coin on deck
Inspired by Dec. 1972
Kabbala — Volume 1 (Vol. 1 No. 12)
Jerry Mentzer Magnet Matrix magnetic coin and shimmed card
1973 87
Jerry Mentzer Miracle Coins Thru Playing Cards repeat penetration of card, falls into glass underneath
Inspired by
  • J. H. Thompson's "A Good 5c Pass" (Linking Ring)
1973 91
Anthony Raven The Eye of the Raven! prediction in envelope, card stolen from deck, magnetic
Variations 1974
Magick (Issue 109)
Bob Driebeek Bob Driebeek On The 'Witchdoctors' with a pocket card for the small cards, second idea with magnet cards
Related to Feb. 1975
Pabular (Vol. 1 No. 6)
The Jo Pro Coin Box Okito box with steel insert, coin from hand to box, then through box and playing card
1975 25
Karl Fulves Shimmed Cards
1975 201
Jerry Mentzer Magnetic Matrix
1975 19
Jerry Mentzer Miracle Coins thru Playing Card card rests on glass and coin repeatedly penetrates it and fall in glass
1975 24
Gerald Kosky Tele-Mental one of five thought of card starts to move by itself
Inspired byAlso published here 1975 133
Alex Elmsley Flight of the Psycards three signed cards to wallet, magnetic himber wallet, no palming version
1976 4
Al Mann The Devastators three selected cards are predicted, duplicates in wallet, magnetic himber
1976 11
Al Mann The Invaders two decks, three selected cards are predicted, duplicates in wallet, magnetic himber
1976 12
Charles "Cicardi" Scott 'Super' Mental Image five ESP cards are secretly put in six envelopes, performer divines where the cards are by drawing the symbols on the envelopes
Inspired byRelated toVariations 1976
Magick (Issue 157)
Tan Hock Chuan Eclipse Discovery Selection rises from a tumbler as a cardboard cylinder covering the tumble is lifted up, card can be seen through window
1977 16
Danny Korem Miracle Card Change pendulum holdout
1978 16
Bobby Hughes Mental Image Outdone! presentation idea for Jaks's Mental Image, five ESP cards are secretly put in six envelopes, performer divines where the cards are by drawing the symbols on the envelopes, last on is predicted
Inspired by 1978
Magick (Issue 201)
Die Magnet-Daumenspitze magnetic thumb tip
  • cigarette clings to hand
  • card rises from deck
Aug. 1979
Intermagic (Vol. 6 No. 2)
Martin Lewis, Paul Harris Stamped Second demonstration second deal, stamp is stuck onto top card
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1980 111
Scotty York The Walking Talking Card Box using talking card box, card is named and found by wind-up toy
1980 11
Steve Dusheck Hole Transposition two cards, a hole travels from one card to another in a plastic case
Also published here 1980 ca. 9
Steve Dusheck Holed Up cork pushed halfway through hole in card, moved around
Also published here 1980 ca. 10
Steve Dusheck Monte Zuma two cards, one held behind back, spectator always guesses wrong
Also published here 1980 ca. 11
Dennis Marks PSI-Cue wind-up robot finds selection
Feb. 1982
Magick (Issue 302)
Gary Inglese Tale of the Sufi Tarot card seems to breath, lift up and falls down on table
Apr. 1982
Magick (Issue 305)
Frederick Braue The Wandering Pip Five into Four of Diamonds, magnetic (1943)
1985 13
Michael Pizzolla Synchronicity III three prediction cards shown in wallet, then three cards taken out of face-down spread, they match, wallet with magnet, two alternativ presentations
Related to
  • "Thought Control" (Richard Himber)
New Stars of Magic (Vol. 2 No. 4)
Peter Wilker Nochmals Nostradamus twelve zodiac cards with numbers on back, one is chosen and number matches number on a key, Nostradamus story presentation
Inspired by 1987
Magische Blätter (Vol. 1 No. 6)
Steve Dusheck Innocent coin balanced on finger, touched with card, it instantly changes
1992 11
Steve Dusheck Migration four coins assemble under one card one by one
1992 14
Steve Dusheck Magnetic Chinese Ring Illusion coin vanishes when covered with rings (à la Wisenheimer Coin Trick), reappears, penetrates into plastic card case
1992 27
Steve Dusheck Turnover Penny penny on card turns over, then is found glued onto card
1992 30
Steve Dusheck Monte Zuma two cards, one held behind back, spectator always guesses wrong
Inspired by
  • Two Card Monte (DeLand)
Also published here
1992 72
Steve Dusheck Holed Up cork pushed halfway through hole in card, moved around
Inspired by
  • "Hole Collection" (Billy McComb)
Also published here
1992 76
Steve Dusheck Magna Carda torn and restored card for stand-up
1992 80
Steve Dusheck Nail Jail card with hole penetrates a nail
1992 84
Steve Dusheck Kling-On a card balances and sticks to another, coin produced and vanishes again
1992 87
Steve Dusheck Hole Transpo two cards, a hole travels from one card to another in a plastic case
  • Alternate Punch Routine
Also published here 1992 92
Richard Himber, Steve Dusheck Another Force magnet in wallet used to steal selection
1992 132
Scotty York The Scotty York Handling & Presentation of the Light Bulb bulb in handkerchief, different packets on table, location of selection with bulb
Related to 1993 109
Steve Dusheck Named Coin Vanish follow-up coin vanish, one coin vanishes under card
1993 87
Steve Dusheck Snapola small dot/chip penetrates closed box
1994 30
Pavel Die Karte in der Luft ballon is bursted with needle, and selection appears pierced on needle
1995 8
Pavel Der unmögliche Kartensteiger magnetic card riser
1995 22
Claude Rix Le tour indescriptible spectator cuts four packets, cards on bottom of each packet are divined by apparently looking through table, fourth card is divined by spectator who sees card under the table
1995 44
Martin Lewis, Paul Harris Stamped Second demonstration second deal, stamp is stuck onto top card
Also published here 1996
The Art of Astonishment — Book 2 (Issue Close-up Fantasies 1 & 2)
Tom Stone Across the Void no touch version, with rubberbands
1996 5
David Acer Quartermain three coins penetrate a deck one by one that sits on top of a glass
1999 164
Bob Kohler $100 Challenge Color Changing Deck bet theme in which spectator has to find the odd-backed card, magnet in wallet
2001 4
Robert Cassidy The Mind Razor method to read billet which is apparently burnt in sugar bowl
2003 1
Robert Cassidy The Psychic Touch card is named and signed, deck placed inside bag, performer wears a glove and finds selection
Related to 2003 6
Patrik Kuffs P.K. Card Stab on table through paper cover, fair wash shuffle by spectator
VariationsAlso published here 2004 22
R. Paul Wilson Magnet-2-C shimmed gaff version
Inspired by 2004 50
Bob Ostin The Card Bug bug on string is suspended over cards, selection sticks to it
Inspired by
  • Robert Harbin's "Dippy Magnet"
2005 169
Woody Aragón Winner's Intuition spectator chooses ten cards from a deck, places five cards each into two boxes, and magician determines which box has winning hand multiple times
Related to 2011 231
Jeff Prace Slo-Mo Coin coin cut, then the coin visibly moves along in-the-hand spread towards selection
Apr. 2012
Genii (Vol. 75 No. 4)
Josh Janousky Charged Up battery rolled along tabled spread stops at selection, card clings to battery
Apr. 2012
Genii (Vol. 75 No. 4)
Dr. Stanley Jaks Mental Image five ESP cards are secretly put in six envelopes, performer divines where the cards are by writing them on the envelopes with chalk
Related toVariations 2014 187
Torn Pieces Switch with Case magnetic
Also published here July 2014 709
Woody Aragón, Bob Farmer Aragon Attractor
  • Woody's Effect
  • Vernet
  • Wallet
Related to 2015 31
Bob Farmer Fished In And Chips
Inspired by 2015 89
Torn Pieces Switch with Case magnetic
Also published here 2015 124
Eugene Burger Supplement to the "Robot": Eugene's Work on the Fukai Car car with light and sound effect finds card, magnetic
2021 136
Patrik Kuffs P.K. Card Stab on table through paper cover, fair wash shuffle by spectator
Also published here 2022 412
Doug Brewer Lethal Extender Chinese coin transposes with three half dollars one by one, ends with visual change on spectator's hand, with mug and card
Also published here
  • MAGIC, Mar. 2008
2022 718
Joshua Jay Torn Pieces Switch with Case magnetic
Also published here
  • MAGIC, Sep. 2013
2022 1235
Chris Hanowell The Everlasting Snap Change consecutive one-handed repeat of snap change
Mar. 2023
Genii (Vol. 86 No. 3)
Mortenn Christiansen The Jumbo Five of Hearts Card Trick jumbo card as prediction, card freely chosen is matching, featuring a switch with the jumbo card, Smart-Ass selection procedure
Inspired by
  • Smart-Ass, Bill Abbott (marketed item)
2023 10