84 entries in Cards / Sleights / Force / With Props
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
Card Box Force using prop for switch
1876 136
Pocket Force spectator quickly extracts card from pocket
1910 39
Charles T. Jordan Dice Force two outs
Also published here 1920 9
Stanley Collins Frame Card Force miniature cards are in a frame, cards chosen from the back are forced
1925 43
1935 4
Clement de Lion Die Force Improvement one of four cards with rolling of die, see 202 Method of Forcing for original
Feb. 1936
The Jinx (Issue 17)
Orville Wayne Meyer, Jean Hugard, Val Evans Handkerchief Force see credit corrections on page 166 and 198
Nov. 1936
The Jinx (Issue 26)
Under Handkerchief Force
1936 155
Victor Farelli The Push Force Insert pencil in deck to force card
1936 28
Diachylon Force sticky card and tray
1937 106
Leon Maguire Leon Maguire's Card Force deck in glass, spectator removes some cards, face card forced, force card has lip and is held back
Related to 1937 55
Jean Hugard The Handkerchief Force
Variations 1938 195
Card under Envelope Addition envelope with card underneath is placed on pile to add (force) card
Apr. 1939
The Jinx (Issue 55)
Minoe Fan/Ping Pong Bat Force stop force with prop
The Jinx (Issue 84)
L. Vosburgh Lyons The Lyons Force cutting through handkerchief
1941 14
Clement de Lion Die Force Improvement one of four cards with rolling of die, see 202 Method of Forcing for original
June 1942
The Phoenix (Issue 12)
Bruce Elliott Force forcing an ace with a special lighter
Oct. 1942
The Phoenix (Issue 21)
Oscar "Oscarelli" Rey Ka Wü Zü number is divined by stapling three dice and using matches, followed by french translation "Kawuetue"
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 5 No. 1)
Card Force with Matchbox big matchbox, card force
1945 26
Sherman Ripley The Handkerchief Force "improved"
Aug. 1945 141
Dr. William Weyeneth Ein neues Forciermittel case is placed on chosen card, force
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 10 No. 5)
Jim Brimble ESP - Stop! forcing an ESP card, rubber band around cards
Magick (Issue 3)
Irving Berk Card-Forcing Box box to force a card
1972 105
Nate Leipzig Under The Handkerchief Force
Variations 1972 259
Richard Williams Perfect Card Force Variation cutting under handkerchief force
1972 53
Forcing Card Stand for stop force from card stand/houlette, for jumbo cards
1972 9
Al Koran Grab Force frame with strings where playing cards are attached, forcing method
1972 169
Edward G. Brown A Card Chosen by the Throw of a Die or Other Implement of Apparent Chance
1973 193
Edward G. Brown The Card Is Chosen from a Shuffled Pack in a Hat or Bag
1973 195
Edward G. Brown The Force Card Is Substituted for a Chosen Card by Means of Apparatus
1973 195
Victor Farelli Coin Toss Card Force forcing one card out of three, see p. 863 for credit information by Jack Potter
Related to
  • "Magic Wand" No. 206, June-sept 1945, p. 68
Aug. 1974
The Pallbearers Review (Vol. 9 No. 10)
Handkerchief Force
1974 34
Charles T. Jordan Dice Force two outs
Also published here 1975 22
Al Baker The Forces Within three selected cards are divined, Al Baker's Card Case, gaffed case to force cards
1976 24
Dai Vernon Knife Stabbing Force
1977 6
Under-the-Hank Force
1978 23
Jack Hughes Attaboy to force cards
1978/76 46
The Blindfolded Deck No. 3, underneath-handkerchief cut force, secret deck turnover
1979 3
Len Belcher, Doug Gibbard Ripple card stand to force a card
  • Die Verwendeung von "Ripple"
  • Die Idee von Doug Gibbard
Also published here
  • Len Belcher's "Ripple" in "Abracadabra" July1978 and Doug Gibbard's variation in September 1978
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 40 No. 2)
Len Belcher Eine Force frame with five playing cards, force, card slides down
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 40 No. 3)
Stephen Tucker Poker Logic with two poker dice, card prediction
Inspired by Apr. 1982
Spell-Binder (Vol. 1 No. 12)
Stephen Tucker Foolproof gag force with a pen, revelation with spectator
Spell-Binder (Vol. 2 No. Special #1 (Summer))
Robert Cassidy Shake Up half of the deck is placed inside a paper bag and mixed, half forcing deck
1984 51
Pocket Force spectator is hurried to remove card from pocketed deck
1985 1
Handkerchief Force
1985 2
Cut in Glass Force force card has lip and is held back
Related to 1985 2
Jeff Busby Folded Card Force folded card chosen from zip loc bag
1985 4
Karl Fulves Inch By Inch "diminishing force", card from end is eliminated every time an item is placed on tabled spread
Inspired by
  • "Synonymental" (Ed Mellon, first phase)
The Chronicles (Issue 31)
Under-Handkerchief Cut-Force
1988 182
Karl Fulves Box Spread Force card loaded under case, case dropped on tabled spread where spectator calls stop
1991 4
T. Page Wright The Card Case Force top few cards are taken and hidden under case that is held in right hand while spectator shuffles, then added back
  • as a force
  • as a hold out for a set-up
  • to add duplicates or gaffs
1991 102
Karl Fulves Wire Room packet placed in case, selection paper clipped to top of case, cards removed until stopped, this card is forced and matches clipped selection, two methods
Related to 1992 7
Richard Himber, Steve Dusheck Another Force magnet in wallet used to steal selection
1992 132
Steve Dusheck Card Force Box
1992 143
Syzygy (Vol. 1 No. 3)
Derek Renfro Tarot Tin method to force Tarot cards, using box
Syzygy (Vol. 1 No. 9)
Ken Krenzel, Harry J. Smith Shoe-in force from card case from where cards are removed one by one, ungaffed method
Inspired by 1997 29
Ken Krenzel, Karl Fulves The Other Shoe force from card case, ungaffed
Inspired by 1997 33
Jim Steinmeyer Expecting A Coincidence five decks are mixed together in clear plastic change bag, five spectators each choose the same card
Also published here
  • Strange Power and Other Problems for Magicians, 1992 lecture notes
June 1998
Magic (Vol. 7 No. 10)
Tom Sellers, Vanni Bossi, Edward Marlo, Davide Costi The Credit-Card Force piece of card stuck on credit card
Related toAlso published here 2000 797
George G. Kaplan Forcing under a Handkerchief
Also published here 2000 802
Karl Fulves Making the Point No. 31, two cards counted to by throwing two dice, both cards predicted
Related to 2001 47
Pocket Force spectator quickly extracts card from pocket
2002 45
Bob Ostin The Paper Clip Force forcing one of six cards, using a die and a paper clip
Also published here 2002
Discoverie (Issue 8)
Vanni Bossi, Davide Costi Credit Card Force piece of card stuck on credit card
Also published here Dec. 2002
Magic (Vol. 12 No. 4)
Under-the-Handkerchief Force
2003 4
Robert Cassidy Tomorrow’s Cards billet reading and card force using box, Zodiac ploy mis-credited to Phil Goldstein
Inspired by 2003 32
Davide Costi, Vanni Bossi, Tom Sellers Amex
Related to 2004 71
Karl Fulves Two To One spectator and performer cut to same card with handkerchief covered deck, hidden rubber band
2004 71
Bob Ostin The Paper Clip Force forcing one of six cards, using a die and a paper clip
Also published here 2005 108
Harry Riser The Thinner Handkerchief Force using translucent cloth
Inspired byAlso published here
  • MUM, Aug. 1996
2006 75
Johann Nepomuk Hofzinser Card from Pocket Force spectator has to remove it quickly
Sep. 2013
Genii (Vol. 76 No. 9)
Don Schrager Paper Bag Force cards dumped in paper bag which is shaken up, one card drawn from it
Also published here Oct. 2013
Genii (Vol. 76 No. 10)
Steve Beam One in a Bazillion Since magician claims he didn't bring any cards, a card is constructed in the mind of a volunteer. It is shown reversed in a pictured spread of playing cards, and then removed from magician's pocket.
Also published here 2015 220
Malcolm Davison Umschlagforce mit Bleistift forcing method for ca. six flat objects, spectator repeatedly places pen onto the row in a process of elimination
Also published here
  • Magigram, 1978
2016 198
Ryan Schlutz Box Switch card slid into case, later dumped out, using cellophane
Related toAlso published here 2018 26
Steve Beam The Flexible Force forces a number between four and nine, using dice
2018 272
Johann Nepomuk Hofzinser Card from Pocket Force spectator has to remove it quickly
2019 10
Tom Gagnon Inverse Handkerchief Force handkerchief over tabled ribbon spread, spectator touches card through handkerchief
Inspired by 2019 220
Don Schrager Paper Bag Force cards dumped in paper bag which is shaken up, one card drawn from it
Also published here 2019 11
Ryan Schlutz Box Switch card slid into case, later dumped out, using cellophane
Also published here 2020 98
Ramón Riobóo Magnetic Force using eight coins, to form a two digit number, limited possibilities and multiple out
2020 152
Vanni Bossi, Davide Costi Credit Card Force piece of card stuck on credit card
Also published here 2022 145
Mortenn Christiansen Clear Stage Force grid of cards taped onto clear large sheet of plastic, one card chosen and pulled off, all other cards shown by turning clear plexiglass sheet over
2023 22