203 entries in Cards / Sleights / Force / Cut Forces / Miscellaneous
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
Friedrich W. Conradi-Horster Einzig unfehlbare Manier, um vom Publikum gemerkte Karten zu erraten strange force of fourth card from top
1896 29
Key Card Cut Force performer haphazardly cuts anywhere (really at key) and spectator takes that card as selection
1913 6
Jack Merlin A Sure Fire Force cards cut behind performer's back, card is added while turning over
1927/28 23
A Simple Infallible Force spectator cuts behind performer's back
1933 39
T. Page Wright Under-Spread-Force Handling spectator cuts in probably narrow in-the-hands spread, unclear
1933 21
Theodore Annemann With One Hand spectator cuts deck held by performer behind his deck
The Jinx (Issue Summer Extra 1935)
The Trio three cards divined, no-touch confusion force
1935 10
Harry Louine The Whispering Queen No. 48, cards are forced in simple way and divined with help of Queen
1935 43
Lin Searles The "So Simple" Force portion cut and turned over, then deck secretly turned over
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1936
The Jinx (Issue Summer Extra 1936)
Franklin M. Chapman Prediction prediction on slip of paper, spectator cuts deck into three piles, one reversed, that one is cut again with prediction slip between the portions, cards above and below slip are the ones predicted
1936 4
Dr. James William Elliott The Trio simple no-touch force for any number of cards
1937 20
Prediction confusing cut to force two cards, possibly by Ralph W. Hull (see Trost reference)
Related toVariations 1937 23
Conrad Rheiner Cut Force with Side Slip
1937 332
Tom Sellers Card and Envelope card added from underneath envelope
1937 346
Glenn G. Gravatt Card and Envelope No. 2 card added from underneath envelope
1937 347
Oscar Weigle, John Goodrum Face Force cut force with double facer
1937 38
Edward Victor A One-Hand Force in the hands, secretly revolving half
1937 7
Turnover Cut Force bottom cards reversed, spectator cuts off cards, bottom half secretly turned over
1937 46
H. Adrian Smith Out of Hands Force spectator forces card to himself
1938 465
Clayton Rawson The Force That Couldn't Be Done spectator cuts, bottom pile secretly turned over
Also published here July 1938
The Jinx (Issue 46)
Louis Lam The El-El Bluff Force weird force in which card next to previous selection is forced
Variations 1939 9
Theodore Annemann Simple Force bold
The Jinx (Issue 113)
Force Behind Performer's Back bold
1941 267
Paul Curry Next! the selected card is found next to a card with the message "Your card will be next"
Also published here 1941 5
Richard Himber Double Detection magician determines facing cards in a by a spectator faced deck
Variations 1942 205
Jonny Kartenkunst frisch gewagt ist halb gewonnen bold way to force a card, cut packet and remember top card of top half
Sep. 1942
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 4 No. 9)
Clayton Rawson The Force That Couldn't Be Done spectator cuts, bottom pile secretly turned over
1943 76
Lin Searles The "So Simple" Force portion cut and turned over, then deck secretly turned over
1943 77
George F. Wright Reversette spectator reverses one card behind his back, divined by medium on telephone
Variations 1945
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1945)
Paul Curry Next! the selected card is found next to a card with the message "Your card will be next"
Related toAlso published here 1945 75
Lin Searles The "So Simple Force"
1945 116
Clayton Rawson, Arthur H. Buckley The Force That Couldn't Be
1946 14
George F. Wright An Addition to Reversette
Inspired by 1946
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1946)
Clayton Rawson The Force That Couldn't Be Done
Aug. 1947
The Phoenix (Issue 133)
Bottom Force spectator cuts from bottom, deck in magician's hands
1948 205
Das abgewandte Forcieren cut force behind back
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 9 No. 4)
Gilbert Wolk, Edward D. Hesse Across the Ether Waves single card divination, force of card under test conditions
Sep. 1949 580
M. J. Oeink Charlier Cut Force one-handed, apparently card in center shown and deck given out
Mar. 1949 4
Fair Cuts - Double Force face-to-face cuts to force two cards
Related toVariations 1949 53
Clayton Rawson The Impossible Force spectator cuts, bottom pile secretly turned over
Related toAlso published here 1951 53
Bill Simon Cut Force cut and reverse, under the table
1952 161
Stewart James The Nullificator based on Henry Christ Force, card cut and turned over behind back of performer
Related toVariations 1954 3
Stewart James To Force Two Cards with Nullificator
1954 6
Lin Searles The "So Simple" Force portion cut and turned over, then deck secretly turned over
1956 16
Charlie Miller, Cardini Miracle Location "Cardini Cut" (spectator cuts at break)
1961 52
Ottokar Fischer, Max Giebe Eine unfehlbare Force deck is cut behind back
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 23 No. 4)
Edwin Leist-Bernini Effekt von Bluffer I behind back, packet cut and number used to select card
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 23 No. 6)
Lin Searles The "So Simple" Force portion cut and turned over, then deck secretly turned over
Also published here Oct. 1962
The New Jinx (Vol. 1 No. 6)
James G. Thompson Jr. Basic Glide Force cards are cut in the hands, glide holds force card back
1967 16
Reverse Cut Force spectator cuts, reverses top half, on walking to someone else the deck is turned over
1968 83
Robert Parrish, Steadly Take Me bold, for credit correction see 1995 reference
Related to 1969 17
Bill Spooner Spooner's Specialty Force blocks are strung together to force cut position
VariationsAlso published here 1969 51
Eddie Fields The Farcical Force bold, bottom card shown to spectator during Charlier Cut
VariationsAlso published here Feb. 1971
Kabbala — Volume 1 (Vol. 1 No. 2)
Cut and Turn Over Force reversed cards
1972 20
Allen Swift, Frank Garcia Swift Poker Deal face-up/face-down shuffled deck, using cut-and-turn-over-force before shuffle
Related toAlso published here 1972 86
Jerry K. Hartman Not So Simple Force half pass
1972 114
Lin Searles The "So Simple" Force Variation as Lynn Searles, portion cut and turned over, then deck secretly turned over
1972 52
Dai Vernon Vernon's Subtle Number Force No. 54, forcing a value, one starts on top one on bottom, spectator cuts and chooses half, corresponding card shown
1972 17
Paul Fox Paul Fox's Notes: 4) Paul Fox Cut Force No. 381-4, cryptic
1972 104
Bill Spooner, Jochen Zmeck Durch Abheben blocks are glued together to force cut position
Inspired by 1972 7
Edward G. Brown The Cut different ways to force a card by cutting a deck
1973 183
Edward G. Brown The Card Is Chosen by a Series of Complex Cuts and Movements
Variations 1973 194
Jerry K. Hartman Push Up Force
Related toAlso published here 1973 10
Jerry K. Hartman Underturn Force Force using the Underturn concept
Inspired by 1973 11
Jerry K. Hartman Not So Simple Force
1973 57
Cut and Turn Over Force reversed cards
1973 4
Karl Fulves The Optical Force (chapter 33-A added to 1975 edition, see "13 Prophets", p. 20)
two spectators choose cards: mates
Variations 1975 408
Lawrence "Larry" Grey Card Force Spectator look at card cut to, is actually a force
1975 217
Russell T. Barnhart Cut Force No. 1, spectator cuts at his selection, palmed card added
1975 50
Russell T. Barnhart Cut Force with Red Back Card No. 2, spectator cuts at his selection, palmed card added, color-changing back kicker
1975 50
Jerry Andrus Fair Cut Force
1976 44
Lin Searles The "So Simple" Force no-touch, spectator cuts and turns over one pile
1976 78
A Cut Force spectator cuts, a card is turned over, deck assembled, turned face-up and spread, card next to reversed card is forced
1976 81
Jerry Andrus A Novel Force spectator pushed half the deck forward while performer holds deck
1977 18
Jerry K. Hartman Not So Simple Force
1978 70
Jeff Hughes Utility Reverse while doing a swing cut, also as a force
Related to 1978
The Talon (Issue 1)
Cut Force
June 1979
Pabular (Vol. 5 No. 6)
Karl Fulves The St. Regis Sleight card selected from incomplete riffle shuffle, color forced
Variations 1979
Karl Fulves The St. Regis Sleight Variation card selected from tabled incomplete faro, color forced
1979 1
L. De Bevere Bold Cut Force
Related to 1979 4
Lin Searles The "So Simple" Force portion cut and turned over, then deck secretly turned over
1979 6
Philip T. Goldstein Under Orders clever combination of principles to divine two cards
Related to 1980
Magick (Issue 256)
Jack Avis Optical Notes variations
Inspired by 1981
The Chronicles (Issue 30)
Thomas Alan Waters, Bill Murata Waikikut spectator cuts third on table, next third face up on it and the rest on top, spectator decides which cards performer has to divine, face up card or two face down cards, Bill Murata's Waikiki Location
Mind, Myth & Magick (Issue Deckalogue)
Turnover Force bottom cards reversed
1982 22
Cut Force
1984 18
Lin Searles "So Simple" Force straight cut and turn over
1984 79
Bee's Perfect Professional Force bold, deck cut on performer's hand, wrong half removed
Nov. 1984
Intermagic (Vol. 11 No. 2)
Gianni Mattiolo Psy-Cross Force kind of in-the-hands cross cut force
Related to Feb. 1985
Apocalypse (Vol. 8 No. 2)
Brother John Hamman Cut Force
Summer 1985
The Collected Almanac (Vol. 3 No. 28, 29 & 30)
Thomas Alan Waters Cut Force cards under table
Mind, Myth & Magick (Issue Mystyx)
Cut in Glass Force force card has lip and is held back
Related to 1985 2
Lin Searles Searles' Force top half cut and turned over, then deck secretly turned over, The "So Simple" Force
1985 7
Randy Wakeman Covered Half Pass used as force here (Stewart James' "Nullifactor")
1987 4
Herb Zarrow Revolving Force
1989 35
Lin Searles "So Simple" Force only one cut, uncredited
Related to 1989 99
John Scarne Long Distance card chosen on other side of the room, risky force, position named
1989 2
Karl Fulves Bermuda Triangle three packets made, a card chosen, it is the originally third card from top and can be divined
1989 17
Edward Marlo Marlo's Single Cut Force
1990 44
Ed Andres Banded Deck Force a pile is banded with invisible elastic, band secretly removed during display, see also Added Notes on p. 21
1990 18
Edward Marlo Marlo's Single Cut Force
1990 60
Robert Parrish Die Parrish-Force spectator cuts anywhere, bold
Related toAlso published here 1990 16
Bruce Florek Post-It Prediction prediction on post-it stuck on face card to deck, spectator cuts and faces deck below table at predicted card, with handling without stranger card by Ed Marlo
Inspired by 1990 66
John Riggs Card Force in Leftovers
Related to 1991 678
Jerry K. Hartman Push Up Forces with two variations
Also published here 1991 77
Jerry K. Hartman Underturn Force card from top slipped on bottom half
1991 79
James Swain The Free Cut Force force via spectator cut, uses crimp
1992 95
Lewis Jones, Harry Lorayne Cut Force
Jan. 1994
Apocalypse (Vol. 17 No. 1)
Basil Horwitz Lowest Card Force deck cut in piles, top cards removed, lowest card thought-of
Jan. 1994
New Sorcerer (Vol. 1 No. 6)
Karl Fulves Black Prediction third cut off, one card selected from the pile and "black" written on back, card selected by cutting and turning top half over behind back, only black card
Related toVariations 1994
Rigmarole (Issue 9)
Karl Fulves, John Scarne He Finds It card selected by cutting and turning top half over behind back, it is a previously named Ace
Inspired by 1994
Rigmarole (Issue 10)
Roger Crosthwaite Variation: The Charlier Force bold, bottom card shown to spectator during Charlier Cut
Inspired byRelated to 1994 54
Aldo Colombini Under-the-Table Force
1994 4
Bob Farmer Done Deal III spectator cuts deck and deals, loses, blocks are strung together to force cut position
Also published here Feb. 1994
Magic (Vol. 3 No. 6)
Bill Spooner Spooner's Specialty Force blocks are strung together to force cut position
Also published here Feb. 1994
Magic (Vol. 3 No. 6)
Ted Lesley European Chit Chat Spectator shuffles deck and cuts it, card is remembered and divined by calling medium
Related to Nov. 1994
Vibrations (Vol. 17 No. 5)
Steadly Take Me Force bold
Related to 1995 32
Randy Wakeman, Tom Gagnon Master Move
Related to 1995 1035
Karl Fulves Bold Cut Force deck behind the performer's back, spectator cuts off two packets
1995 17
Jerry K. Hartman Push Up Force see reference (1st method)
Also published here 1995 45
Jerry K. Hartman Push Up Mock Force spectator cuts packet off top and jogs it on deck, performer lifts up packet to show its bottom card, card is forced and controlled to top (or predetermined position near top),
"combines elements of the Push Up Force (see reference on p. 45, 2nd method there) and the Mock Pass"
1995 47
Jerry K. Hartman Drop Force application of the Drop Force explained in reference, see "Fastidious Force (p. 49) and "Odd End" (p. 240) for other applications
Inspired by 1995 229
Tom Daugherty Nervous Ace & Hartman Force
Mar. 1996
Apocalypse (Vol. 19 No. 3)
Karl Fulves Self-Force spectator forces card on himself
1996 84
Simple Cut Force deck cut on table, reversed card placed on top half and cut completed
Underworld (Issue 4)
Cut and Point Force bottom half turned over during gesture
June 1996
The Lemniscate (Vol. 3 No. 1)
Aaron Fisher The Aggressive Force/Prediction
June 1997
Apocalypse (Vol. 20 No. 6)
Lin Searles The "So-Simple" Force
1997 281
Lin Searles The "So Simple" Force
1997 71
Eddie Fields Farcical Force bold, bottom card shown to spectator during Charlier Cut
Also published here 1997 42
Tom Gagnon The Imperfect Force
Inspired by 1998 1373
James Swain The Dummy Force no-touch Force
1999 91
Ellis Stanyon Name of Selected Card in the Envelope No. 14, card chosen by pile-making and dealing, self-force
1999 41
Ellis Stanyon The "Key" Card Forcing and Self-shifting Pack No. 20, having a piece of metal around one end of a card (similar to paper clip) as key card
  • The "Waterfall" Shuffle (with the key card)
  • Dispensing with the "Key"
  • "Bridging"
  • To Force any Two Cards (performer cuts apparently randomly)
Related to 1999 203
Jerry Mentzer Two Keys Two key cards peeked, deck can be riffle shuffled and one of the key cards can still be used. A bit of fishing possibly needed. Can be used as a force of one of two cards using a bit of equivoque.
1999 17
Justin Higham Reversed-Order Force spectator cuts off pile and counts it before remembering a card
Variations 1999 87
Jerry K. Hartman Forced Ace Trick spectator cuts off four packets from tabled deck in places them jogged forwards and backwards into performer's hand, Ace shown on bottom of each
July 1999
Onyx (Issue 8)
Al Baker, Eugene Burger, Clayton Rawson The Impossible Force spectator cuts, bottom pile secretly turned over
Related to 2000 185
Edward Marlo The Under-the-Table Force
Related to 2000 793
Jerry Mentzer Two Keys
  • As a Locator
  • As a Force (one of two)
2000 53
Paul Curry Next! card with message "your card will be next" is put into the deck and is found next to selection
Also published here 2001 288
William Alstrand, Karl Fulves Fooling the Experts No. 14, procedure with cuts and deals in which spectator forces a card on himself
2001 23
Karl Fulves Utility Ideas bottom card reversed while deck is turned over on top of it, Ovette-style beginning, here as simple cut force
Inspired by 2001 94
Steve Beam Easy on the Curry cut and turn over to select card, prediction in form of mate
Variations 2002 34
Reinhard Müller The Ones We Can't See using variation of Hamman's Flip-Flop Force
Also published here May 2002
Ego (Vol. 1 No. 11)
Clayton Rawson The Impossible Force
Also published here 2003
The Secret Ways of Al Baker (Issue Pet Secrets)
Lin Searles "So Simple" Force without Searles credit
Related to 2003 85
Karl Fulves Deep Cut Note after some cutting procedure the Aces are only odd-colored cards in two packets
2003 333
Basil Horwitz Lowest Card Force deck cut in piles, top cards removed, lowest card thought-of
2004 57
Trevor McCombie Hellish Hot Curry cut and turn over to select card, with two predictions in form of mates
Inspired by 2004 217
Reinhard Müller The Ones We Can't See using variation of Hamman's Flip-Flop Force
Also published here 2004 142
Ronald A. Wohl (Ravelli) 7. The Red Card Force or Prediction
8. A Red Herring! (Or two!)
card force in which the spectator shuffles, cuts off a pile and remembers the first (or third in No. 8) red card
Mar. 2006
The Penumbra (Issue 10)
Alex Gutierrez, Brother John Hamman The Rolling Control Variation as a force
Inspired by 2006 20
Marc Gettmann Variation der Al Baker Force (...oder die "besondere" Visitenkarte) spectator cuts off some cards, secret turnover of bottom half
2006 25
Andi Gladwin Cheek-to-Cheek spectator cuts deck and places halves face to face, performer names the face-to-face cards
Inspired by
  • "Kiss And Tell" (Paul Diamond & Jon Racherbaumer, Big-Easy Card-Cunning)
2006 44
David Britland Double Backer Force
2007 126
Lin Searles "So Simple" Force
2008 287
Lin Searles So Simple Force
Related to 2008
Prolix (Issue 4)
Lin Searles The "So Simple" Force
2009 34
Nick Trost Double Detection Doubled spectator cuts and faces deck below table twice to locate the Aces
Inspired by 2009 369
Steve Beam Bottoms Up Force discrepant
Also published here 2010 193
Steve Beam Bottoms Up Force used for multiple cards
2010 210
Steve Beam Another Flipping Force one or multiple cards
Also published here 2010 300
Roberto Giobbi A Bold Force handling for old re-counting force
Secret Agenda (Issue Nov 6)
Cut and Turnover Force reversed card
2011 505
Tom Gagnon Ricochet Bottom Deal top card apparently taken in End Grip and put on table, actually Outward Bottom Deal performed, here as cut force
Variations 2011 173
Steve Beam Bottoms Up Force discrepant
Also published here 2011 27
Steve Beam Another Flipping Force one or multiple cards
  • Multiple Selection
Also published here 2011 28
Roberto Giobbi The Charlier Pass Force
2012 226
Karl Fulves Cut Faster three spectators cut to cards in their own hands and pocket them, named with cards behind performer's back, one travels into performer's pocket
Inspired by 2012
Prolix (Issue 10)
Justin Higham Stepped-Undercut Force small packets cut to top until called to stop
Inspired by 2013 36
Alexander de Cova, Robert Parrish Die Parrish-Force spectator cuts anywhere, bold
Also published here 2013 28
Nick Trost Royal Assembly face-to-face cuts, a center section of deck is removed and dealt into four piles to locate all Kings and Queens on top and bottom
  • Second Method
Inspired by 2013 620
Lin Searles "So Simple" Force portion cut and turned over, then deck secretly turned over
2013 727
Steve Beam Bottoms-Up Force forces the card on top or bottom of the deck
2015 37
Steve Beam Rotator Cut Force
2015 231
Steve Beam The Bold and the Beautiful Impossible location.
Related to 2015 99
Steve Beam Misdirection Middle Deal Subtlety for having a card or cards selected which are known by the magician in the course of an impossible location effect.
Variations 2015 101
Steve Beam The Fairness Force Cut force
Also published here 2015 232
Bob Farmer Done Deal VI spectator cuts deck and deals, loses, blocks are strung together to force cut position
Also published here 2015 233
Bill Spooner Spooner's Specialty Force blocks are strung together to force cut position
Also published here 2015 233
Alexander de Cova, Robert Parrish Die Parrish-Force spectator cuts anywhere, bold
Also published here 2015 228
Lin Searles "So Simple" Force portion cut and turned over, then deck secretly turned over
2015 1162
Nick Trost A Good Match two cards selected (by thinking of numbers), deck cut into three piles and center one reversed when reassembling, two cards at separation points match selections
Inspired by 2015 1165
Roberto Giobbi Cold-deck Cut Force & Key Card Placement
Inspired by 2016
Hidden Agenda (Issue May 9)
Peter Warlock The Cut Force
  • How It Looks
  • How It Works
Related toAlso published here
  • "Tour de Force" (Warlock's Way)
2016 72
Steve Beam Fairness Force
Also published here 2016 8
Nick Trost Double Match two prediction cards, spectator cuts deck into three piles, center card is reversed and deck assembled, deck spread and cards above and below face-up pile match predictions
Inspired by 2017 1361
Lin Searles "So Simple" Force portion cut and turned over, then deck secretly turned over
2017 1364
Nick Trost Fair Cuts Blackjack face-to-face cuts to locate four BlackJacks after dealing a pile into four piles
Inspired by 2017 1391
Brother John Hamman The Rolling Control
Also published here 2019 57
Eddie Fields Farcical Force bold, Charlier Cut
2019 23
Joaquín Navajas, Miguel Gómez, Camilo Vázquez Forzaje ESP three methods to force an ESP card
2019 96
Tom Gagnon Switcharoo Force right fingers seem to slide top card of left-hand packet to table
Inspired by 2019 209
Tom Gagnon Retention Hockley Force trying to improve illusion of taking top card
Inspired by 2019 213
Allen Swift, Frank Garcia, Bob Farmer Swift Poker Deal face-up/face-down shuffled deck, using cut-and-turn-over-force before shuffle
Also published here 2019 20
Cut Force three tabled piles, bold
2021 39
Greg Chapman Free Range Force forcing a card in a specific range in the deck with the Three Packet Displacement procedure, prediction application
Inspired by 2021 59
Florian Brooks Cut force/coincidence exercise for previous techniques
2022 28
Lin Searles So-Simple Force turnover
Mar. 2022
The Disclaimer (Vol. 1 No. 12)
Tom Gagnon One-Hand Behind the Back Force
Inspired by 2022 136
Roberto Giobbi On Brown's "Several Cuts Force"
Inspired by 2024
Unexpected Agenda (Issue Mar 9)
Alex León, Roberto Giobbi The Hunter Force packet is cut off and turned over repeatedly, cards underneath discarded, until one card remains
  • León's Basic Principle
  • Adapted handling by Roberto Giobbi
Inspired by
  • "La Maldicción Escocesa" (Alex León, Ricardo Marré's Misdirection, Jul/Aug 2011)
Related to
  • "Idiot Force" (Jerry Sadowitz, The Crimp)
Unexpected Agenda (Issue June 10)