150 entries in Cards / Sleights / Force / Cut Forces / Cross Cut Force
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
Cross-Cut Force after knife-stab, see also "A Final 'Tip'" on page 16 for mention of time misdirection
Related to
  • Max Holden description in Bagshawe's "The Magical Monthly" (Vol. 2 No. 18, July 1925)
1931 6
U. F. Grant Effect No. 2 spectator cuts to the Aces with single cut, cross-cut force with two Aces on top and bottom at start
1936 1
Franklin M. Chapman Prediction prediction on slip of paper, spectator cuts deck into three piles, one reversed, that one is cut again with prediction slip between the portions, cards above and below slip are the ones predicted
1936 4
Cross Cut Force
1938 500
Cross Cut Force
The Jinx (Issue 96)
Cross Cut Force
The Jinx (Issue 99)
Max Holden 41 - The "Cut Force". basically Max Holden's Cross Cut Force
Variations 1940 57
Cross Cut Force with time misdirection
The Jinx (Issue 138)
Cross Cut Force
1943 76
Cross-cut Force
1944 31
Cross Cut Force
1946 5
Cut Force criss cross
1948 210
Criss Cross Force
May 1948
The Phoenix (Issue 151)
Cut The Pack Cross Cut Force
1949 26
Cross Cut Force
Also published here 1949 31
Warren Wiersbe, John Scarne Three-In-One Card Trick No. 113, standard version, but ending with cross-cut force for the last card.
1950 217
Bill Pawson, Howard Wurst The Card in the Wallet No. 149, Two cards are selected. One appears reversed in the deck, while the second appears in the performer's wallet.
1950 291
Eddie Clever Criss Cross Cut Force in the hands variation
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1951)
Criss Cross Force
Apr. 1952
The Phoenix (Issue 252)
Criss Cross Force
1956 115
Criss Cross Force
1962 46
Criss Cross Force
1965 119
Criss-Cross Force
1969 3
Forzaje del 7 de Rombos cross cut force on palm of hand
1970 74
Criss Cross Force
Magick (Issue 31)
Jean Hugard Hugard's Force For Date And Cards Trick No. 650, forcing four cards of current year, cross cut force with giving choice of top or bottom four cards
1972 179
Cross-Cut Force
July 1975
The Pallbearers Review (Vol. 10 No. 9)
Added Note Cross Cut Force
1975 121
Cross Purposes "offbeat variation of the cross-cut" force
1975 239
Cut Force criss cross
Dec. 1977
Pabular (Vol. 4 No. 4)
The Crisscross Force
1977 79
X'Ing the Cut cross cut force
1978 2
Criss Cross Force
1979 132
Paul Harris Cross-Cut Force one half leaned against the other
1979 25
Cross Cut Force
1979 47
Steve Beam Cutting Match two decks cut, they are both cut between the same two cards, criss cross type handling
Also published here 1979 36
Rovi Cut Force similar to a criss-cross force, but a single card marks position
1980 23
Cross-Cut Force
1980 6
Criss Cross Force
OICUFESP (Issue 4 - esp card & mental miracles RETURN)
Criss Cross Force to force a two digit number
1980 1
Steve Beam Cutting Match two decks cut, they are both cut between the same two cards, criss cross type handling
Also published here 1981 10
Cross-Cut Force
1983 56
Criss Cross Force
Jan. 1984
Pabular (Vol. 8 No. 3)
The X-Force No. 53, criss-cross force presented as a freely chosen card that changes into Jack between two Jacks
1984 77
Karl Fulves Cross-Cut Force Handling
1984 86
Gianni Mattiolo Psy-Cross Force kind of in-the-hands cross cut force
Related to Feb. 1985
Apocalypse (Vol. 8 No. 2)
An Easy Force criss-cross force, with angled packet or piece of paper in between
1985 7
Criss-Cross Force
1985 2
Spectator Ace Cut single cross-cut to find four aces
1985 5
Criss-Cross Force
1987 27
Max Holden Cross Cut Force
1987 8
Roberto Giobbi Criss-Cross Force
1987 9
Criss-Cross Force
1988 11
George G. Kaplan Ein Stegreif-Annoncentest ads torn out of newspaper and put in envelopes, ad in chosen envelope divined, cross cut force with envelopes
Also published here
  • Hugard's Magic Monthly
Apr. 1988
Intermagic (Vol. 13 No. 4)
Cross-Cut Force
1988 9
Cross Cut Force
1989 82
Edward Marlo Cross Cut Force Handling
1990 3
Criss Cross Force
1991 28
Cross Cut Force
1991 3
Cross Cut Force
July/Aug. 1991
The Magic Menu (Vol. 1 No. 6)
Edward Marlo Updating the X-Force cross card force handling with prediction effect, with additional thoughts on slick/wave crimp cards
Apr. 1992
The Olram File (Issue 11)
Steve Dusheck Double Cut Double Cross two cards cut to in mini decks match prediction card, cards on other side of cut match another prediction card
1992 18
Cross Cut Force
1992 146
Michael Close Criss Cross Force Handling
1993 75
Max Holden Criss-Cross Force
Sep. 1993
The Minotaur (Vol. 5 No. 3)
Criss Cross Force
1993 5
Criss Cross Force
1993 5
4.- Por Corte en Cruz
1993 146
Cross-Cut Force
1994 435
Criss Cross Force Variation as stabbing force with knife
1994 1071
Cross-Cut Force
1994 16
Max Holden The Crisscross Force
1995 85
Criss Cross Force
1995 89
Double Cross Cut Force one of two cards forced
Underworld (Issue 2)
Criss Cross Force
1995 56
Cross-Cut Force
1995 160
Paul Harris Cross-Cut Force one half leaned against the other
The Art of Astonishment — Book 2 (Issue Close-up Entertainer)
Cross Cut Force
1997 71
Cross Cut Force
1997 72
Cross Cut Force
1997 142
Max Holden Criss-Cross Force
Related to
  • "The New Knife and Selected Cards" (Max Holden, The Magical Monthly (Bagshawe), July 1925)
1997 311
Cross Cut Force
1997 29
Andrew Mayne Appendix cross cut force, with humorous explanation
1998 86
Doug Conn Criss Cross Force Handling involving dribbling the cards
1999 30
Chan Canasta Cross-Cut Force used in TV, with outside broadcast, cards match
2000 94
Paul Curry Criss-Cross Force Variant
2001 34
Cross Cut Force
2001 149
Cross Cut Force
Also published here 2003
The Secret Ways of Al Baker (Issue Mental Magic)
Ron Bauer, "Senator" Clarke Crandall Why use the Cross Cut Force?
2003 10
Wayne Dobson Face-Up Criss Cross Cut Force
2003 10
Max Holden Criss Cut Force
2005 14
Arthur Carter Crossing-the-Cut Embellishment
2005 243
Bébel Cross-Cut Shredder cut force, in the hands of the spectator
2006 224
William Goodwin Taken Bi Force variation of Max Holden's Cross Cut Force to force two selections, using dribble
Related to
  • J. K. Hartman's "Double Cross Cut Force" in "Trickery Treats" 1999. P. 152.
Also published here
2006 224
Criss Cross Force
May 2006
Genii (Vol. 69 No. 5)
Cross Cut Force
2006 57
Max Holden Cross Cut Force
2007 125
Joel Givens Uncrossed Cross Cut finessed handling
2007 233
Max Holden Criss-Cross Force
2008 259
Justin Higham One-Handed IDF One handed variation on the Cross Cut Force where top packet is flipped face up
2008 19
Max Holden The Cross Cut Force
2008 48
Cross Cut Force
2008 32
Wayne Dobson Face-Up Criss Cross Cut Force
Jan. 2009
Genii (Vol. 72 No. 1)
Criss-Cross Force
2009 307
John Bannon The Christ-Cross Force In-the-Hands Criss Cross
Also published here 2009 6
Max Holden Cross Cut Force
2009 21
Cross Cut Force
2010 50
Max Holden Criss Cross Force
2011 21
Criss Cross Force
2011 70
William Goodwin Taken Bi Force variation of Max Holden's Cross Cut Force to force two selections, using dribble
Also published here 2011 59
Criss Cross Force with a stack
2013 9
Wayne Dobson Face-Up Criss Cross Cut Force
2013 19
John Bannon The Christ-Cross Force In-the-Hands Criss Cross
Also published here 2013 26
Max Holden Cross-Cut-Force
2015 3
Harry Lorayne Double Cross-Cut Force two spectators simultaneously
2015 82
Cross-Cut Force
2016 59
Allan Ackerman Dribble Cross-Cut Force
Facsimile (Issue 5)
Cross Cut Force
2017 66
Harry Lorayne Double Cross-Cut Force two spectators simultaneously
2017 218
Nick Trost A Cutting Discovery spectator cuts to two cards in two halves, they match
Inspired by 2017 1362
Hands-Off Cross-Cut Force
2018 3
John Bannon Dos Equis Force cross cut variation
Jan. 2018
Genii (Vol. 81 No. 1)
John Bannon Deal and Cross-Cut Force
July 2018
Genii (Vol. 81 No. 7)
Criss-Cross Force
2019 44
Cross Cut Force
2019 72
Cross Cut Force onto a glass
2020 214
Criss Cross Force
2020 363
Joshua Jay Forcing on an online study done by The Jerx on which forces seem fair
  • Cross-Cut Force
2020 74
John Bannon Christ-Cross Force In-the-Hands Criss Cross
Also published here Sep. 2021
Genii (Vol. 84 No. 9)
Benjamin Earl New Theory Cross-Cut Force intro
2021 101
Benjamin Earl Basic Deal & Shuffle Ruse
2021 103
Benjamin Earl The Direct-Cut Ruse
2021 104
Benjamin Earl The Hover-Cut Ruse
2021 104
Benjamin Earl In the Hands Cross-Cut Force
2021 107
Benjamin Earl Extended Deal & Shuffle Ruse
Related to 2021 107
Face-up Cross Cut Force
2021 16
Michael Weber, Tim Trono Cross-Cut Handling with business card
2021 4
John Bannon Riffle Cross Cut Force cut done in the hand by performer
May 2022
Genii (Vol. 85 No. 5)
Rick Holcombe Dribble Cross Cut Force spectator says stop during dribbling
Mar. 2022
The Hermit (Vol. 1 No. 3)
William Goodwin Taken Bi Force variation of Max Holden's Cross Cut Force to force two selections, using dribble
Also published here 2022 48
John Bannon The Christ-Cross Force In-the-Hands Criss Cross
Also published here 2022 896
John Bannon Christ-Cross Force In-the-Hands Criss Cross
Also published here
  • MAGIC, Sep. 2012
2022 1141
Andi Gladwin Spread Grab Force spectator reaches into spread and takes a bunch with reverse-culled force card at the bottom
  • A Simple Force
  • Grab Cut Force (cross cut force continuation)
  • Reversal
2022 34
Criss Cross Force
2022 17
John Bannon Christ-Cross Force In-the-Hands Criss Cross
Also published here Oct. 2023
Genii (Vol. 86 No. 10)
Gary Plants Another Look at the Criss Cross Force variations of a Michael Skinner finesse with a demonstration cut
  • Method 1
  • Method 2
2023 31
Roberto Mansilla Criss Cross Force for stand-up use
July 2024
Genii (Vol. 87 No. 7)
Cross Cut Force
2024 18
Roberto Giobbi Criss-cross Cut Force Ruse
Inspired by 2024
Unexpected Agenda (Issue June 12)
Roberto Giobbi The Arete Criss-cross Force finesses
Unexpected Agenda (Issue Dec. 10)