173 entries in Cards / Effect Themes / Sandwich & Co / Transformation
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
U. F. Grant A Changing Card wrong card turns over and changes into right one in sandwich, double facer
1937 136
Al Leech A Sandwich Change
1959 11
James Steranko One-Eyed Jacks selection placed between two Jacks and put on table, sandwich changes into three Aces and original sandwich found reversed in the deck
1962 45
Karl Fulves The St. Nicholas Aces black Twos are pushed reversed in deck twice to locate Ace, the next time the sandwich cards become the last two Aces
Related to Dec. 1965 12
Harry Lorayne One-Eyed Jack Sandwich Sequel two indifferent cards between red Aces become black Aces
1967 100
Bruce Cervon Sandwich Surprise card sandwiched, sandwich in middle of deck, sandwiched card changes into selection selection
Related toVariations 1968 71
Milton Kort A Change of Filling three selection, red twos face up in the deck, first card appears in between, then the card changes twice into the other selections
Variations 1969
The Cardiste (Issue 13)
Karl Fulves It's A Trap first selection appears between sandwich cards, transforms into second selection
Related to 1971 45
Karl Fulves It's A Trap red Threes find selection, but selection is a red Three, sandwich cards change to black Threes
Related toVariations 1971 11
Gene Nielsen Sandwich Surprise card sandwiched, sandwich in middle of deck, sandwiched card changes into selection, two methods
Inspired by 1971 11
Dr. Jacob Daley Deuce Sandwich card sandwiched and cut in deck, top card shown, it transposes with card in sandwich which then changes back to original selection
Related to Dec. 1971 471
Karl Fulves Illusion Aces Aces turn over one by one between two Jokers, change to Kings
Inspired byRelated toVariations Mar. 1972
Epilogue (Issue 14)
Larry Jennings O. Henry Find Twos sandwich selection, then Twos change into remaining two selections, see also J. K. Hartman's way to get into it on page 81
Related to July 1972
Kabbala — Volume 1 (Vol. 1 No. 7)
Karl Fulves Simplex Trap card in sandwich transforms into selection
1972 6
Karl Fulves Instant Printing blank card between jokers transforms into named ace, several approaches, including ace with three different indices
1972 30
Jerry K. Hartman Treblesome Three of Hearts between blacks Threes turns face down, changes into the Three of Diamonds, travels from bottom of deck back between black Threes, then sandwich becomes two red Threes with black Three between them
1972 49
Dr. Jacob Daley Red Deuces With Buried X Card No. 567, selection sandwiched between two red Twos, all three put in deck but no cards face-up, sandwich cards shown one by one on top and tabled, center card is an indifferent card, it changes into selection
Related to 1972 158
Karl Fulves, Dr. Jacob Daley Riffle Shuffle Trap sandwiched card (sandwich in the pack) is exchanged during one riffle shuffle
1973 19
Don Adams Sandwich Effect sandwiched card turns over, then transforms
1975 119
Karl Fulves Without A Trace sandwiched card changes, then sandwich cards
1975 24
Karl Fulves You Have 3 Chances two red Deuces and black Four, transpositions between a Deuce and Four, then change to two black Fours and red Deuce, then Three black Fours
1975 25
Karl Fulves Half In blue backed card sandwiched between red cards changes to red, as application of using a half card
1975 137
Karl Fulves Return Of The Joker two cannibals change to joker
1975 5
Gerald Kosky Kosky's Invisible Card Change "or Card Photography by Magic", Kosky Switch in context of short routine
1975 26
Paul Harris The Infamous Tap-Dancing Cards selection from one half travels reversed in other half, then transforms into second selection after being sandwiched, other card from pocket
Inspired byVariations 1976 44
Stephen Minch Bookleaf Change center card of sandwich changes, here with double facer
1977 19
Stephen Minch Added Note on the Bookleaf Change face-up card between two face-down cards changes into selection, see also p. 19
1977 21
Roger Smith Surprise Extra! black Jacks on table, card placed between them vanishes, Jacks become red Aces, in deck is the reversed selection with a black Jack on either side, two methods
1977 1
Roger Smith The Ultimate Dream Sandwich sandwiched card changes while sandwich is isolated in tabled spread, spread turned over twice
Variations 1977 11
Roger Smith The Simple Sandwich Ultimate Dream effect variation
Inspired by 1977 12
Karl Fulves Slip Trap red jack between red aces, suddenly red ace between red jacks, other red ace found between black jacks
1978 28
Edward Marlo, Baltazar Fuentes Flexible Visual Change sandwiched card changes visibly, back changes also, sliding method, two methods
1979 84
Edward Marlo 1st Effect sandwiched card visibly changes, then changes back
1979 96
Edward Marlo 2nd Effect blank card between jokers changes one at a time into three selections
1979 98
Edward Marlo Sandwich Change sandwiched card visibly changes, using D'Amico Change
1979 99
Shiv Duggal Shiv's Exchange Collectors two cards sandwich chosen card, that card changes into second selection
Oct. 1979
Pabular (Vol. 5 No. 10)
Allan Ackerman Ackerman's Face-Lift sandwiched card changes into selection and vanishes two times, reappears
Also published here 1979 125
William P. Miesel All-Fair Moving Collectors odd backed mates find two cards and then transform
Feb. 1980
Apocalypse (Vol. 3 No. 2)
Michael Farmer Port Authority Transit selection vanishes from sandwich, other transforms into first selection
Sep. 1980
Apocalypse (Vol. 3 No. 9)
Robert Walker, David Solomon Dunbury Sandwich wrong card captured, sandwich cards transform and find selection
Related toVariations 1980
Hierophant (Issue The Last Hierophant)
Ben Harris Slip Locators sandwich cards find selection and then change into selections
1980 33
Danny Korem Color Changing Eidetic Sandwich card in tabled sandwich changes visibly, then back changes
1981 63
Ben Harris Images two Aces, they change to the two missing suits in various ways, then selection appears
1981 54
Peter Duffie Inside Job spectator has hand on top of Jokers sandwiching a selection, the sandwich is then in the deck and the four Queens under the spectator's hand
Related toVariations 1982 6
Philip T. Goldstein Dunbury Sandwich To Go wrong card is found, sandwich cards change, right card is now sandwiched
July 1982
Apocalypse (Vol. 5 No. 7)
Steve Beam Jack Stabbers wrong sandwiched card changes into right, then is lost again and caught with sandwich cards during spectator's dribble
1982 24
Jean-Jacques Sanvert, Steve Beam Incredible Table Change no-lapping, similar to Eidetic Change, four handlings (also as visible sandwich change), credit correction see page 888
Mar. 1983
Apocalypse (Vol. 6 No. 3)
David Britland Sandswitch visible sandwich change as Three-Card Catch is done with deck face up
Inspired byVariations 1983 18
Edward Marlo Triple Change Sandwich selection appears between black Fours which change into other selections
Related to 1984 336
Dr. Jacob Daley The Riffle Shuffle Trap card placed between red aces changes into card later chosen, two riffle shuffles
1984 117
The X-Force No. 53, criss-cross force presented as a freely chosen card that changes into Jack between two Jacks
1984 77
Gerald Deutsch Eye Cop sandwiched selection cut in deck transforms into different card, selection from "wherever"
1985 114
Ben Harris Four Changed red Kings and black Kings out, an Ace appears between each pair, then situation reverses with two Ace sandwiches with a King in between
1985 76
Robert Walker, David Solomon Sandwich Transformation Move
Related to 1985 80
Larry Jennings Triple Discovery sandwich cards transform into selections
Related toVariations 1986 163
Peter Duffie Internecine Red King transposes with black King that has been placed between two Jokers. Visual transposition, tunnel change
Also published here 1986 1
Philip T. Goldstein Traptych red Threes find selection, but selection is a red Three, sandwich cards change to black Threes
Inspired by Nov. 1986
Inside Out (Issue 1)
Jerry Sadowitz D'Amico Sandwich sandwich routine, then tabled sandwich becomes a three-of-a-kind while sandwich is back in deck
Inspired by 1987 64
Ben Harris Foto one of three jokers signed on back, face changes into selection
Variations 1988 44
Ben Harris The Norway Addition to Fandango Move center face-up card of sandwich visually transforms
Inspired byAlso published here 1988 48
Roy Walton Jokers Rule two odd-backed Jokers find two selections, then change into them
Inspired by
  • Jerry Sadowitz effect
1988 117
Karl Fulves Bootleg card transforms after weird selection procedure and comes out of shoe
1989 7
Karl Fulves Triple Sandwich Location three selections, card found with sandwich cards, those change into other two selections
1989 47
Karl Fulves Trade In two 3s and an Ace change to two Aces and a 3
Inspired by 1989 6
Harry Lorayne Rhythmic Sandwich Change Routine two selections and four-of-a-kind are found
1990 102
Ken Simmons My Favorite Sandwich random card changes into named card between jokers, Invisible Deck
Inspired byVariations 1990 28
Ben Harris The Norway Addition to Fandango Move center face-up card of sandwich visually transforms
Also published here 1990 6
Justin Higham A Streamlined Approach unknown card tabled, two Aces tabled as well, performer and spectator each select a card, spectator signs his card, both lost, indifferent card changes into performer's card between the Aces, unknown card is put between the Aces and shown to be signed selection
Inspired byRelated to Aug. 1990
Technomagic (Issue 2)
Alex Elmsley The Great Pretender card in the middle of Kings changes to multiple selections
1991 69
Edward Marlo An Application clean visible transformation of sandwiched card
July 1991 6
Neil Smith Oscillation red Aces find selected King, another one found and Aces change into Kings
Oct. 1991
Profile (Issue 4)
Joseph K. Schmidt A Real Slick Ace indifferent card sandwiched between Ten to King of Spades changes to Ace in middle of deck
Inspired byVariations 1991
Swindle Sheet (Issue 5)
Peter Duffie The Evil Within selection placed between two jokers, sandwich put unter spectator's hand, then sandwich found in the deck and under the spectator's hand are the three cards matching the selection
Inspired by 1991 9
Peter Duffie Harlequinesque red Aces appear between two Jokers, Jokers then change into black Aces
  • Epilogue to No Hassle Aces
Inspired byAlso published here 1991 19
Karl Fulves Push Thru Poker two Twos and an Ace shown in spread, Twos pushed through other two cards one by one, then change into Aces
Inspired by 1992 27
Edward Marlo Marlo's Procedure named card is sandwiched between Jokers, it changes into a card the performer named earlier
Inspired byVariations 1992 4
Peter Duffie Taking Pictures selection placed between two jokers, sandwich put unter spectator's hand, then sandwich found in the deck and under the spectator's hand are the three cards matching the selection
  • Epilogue to Taking Pictures
Inspired by 1992 17
Jerry Mentzer, Bill Okal Card Change sandwiched card changes, ladder change
1993 44
Peter Duffie Deep Thoughts cut deeper force to decide on two sandwich cards, those sandwich a card which matches another chosen card, sandwich cards change to other two cards of that value
1993 1
William Goodwin Odd Color Sandwich odd-backed sandwich cards used to find selection, then situation reverses and selection is the only odd-backed card
Nov. 1994
The Lemniscate (Vol. 1 No. 6)
Paul Harris La La's Lu Lu (aka Phantom Cards aka Cue Cards revised) selection from one half travels reversed in other half, then transforms into second selection
Inspired byRelated toVariations 1996
The Art of Astonishment — Book 1 (Issue Paul Harris Reveals some of his most Int...)
Allan Ackerman Face-Lift sandwiched card changes into selection and vanishes two times, reappears
Also published here 1996
The Art of Astonishment — Book 2 (Issue Close-up Entertainer)
Karl Fulves Unicorn indifferent sandwiched card changes into card with unicorn drawn on it and back
Inspired by 1996 72
Jack Carpenter, Ben Harris One-handed Change sandwiched card changes visually
Inspired by 1997 47
Peter Duffie Return to St. Nicholas red Aces appear between two Jokers, Jokers then change into black Aces
Inspired byRelated toVariationsAlso published here 1997 23
Iain Girdwood Girdwood Meets St. Nicholas Black Aces appear between two Jokers, Jokers then change into red Aces
Inspired byRelated to 1997 26
David Lindgreen Joker Power two cards selected and lost (pseudo duplicates), Elevator with two Jokers and Ace to Three of Spades, Jokers change to selections, two methods
Inspired by 1997 114
Bruce Cervon Triple Change general card in sandwich
1998 34
Doug Conn The Pincher Change sandwiched card switched for top card of deck, in-the-hands and tabled handling, quick transformation application
1999 94
David Acer Flipwich center card in sandwich changes visually, one-handed, bottom cards turned over
Related toVariations 1999 127
David Acer Zenwich unknown card between two tabled Jokers, card signed and lost, sandwiched card is third Joker that then changes visibly into signed selection
1999 130
David Acer Color Scheme sandwiched card visibly changes back color, then back to normal, red/blue double backer and red/red double backer
1999 132
Jerry K. Hartman Double or Nothing a Two of Clubs between two red Aces changes into Ace of Spades, spectator handles cards throughout
  • Selected Card Version
Also published here July 1999
Onyx (Issue 8)
Fernando Cheops Cheops's Dunbury Sandwich sandwich effect with a strong "sucker" element
Inspired by 2000 953
Karl Fulves Flip Trap sandwiched card changes
2000 93
Joe Mogar Missed! two sandwiched selection between to Kings change into other Kings
2000 164
Barry Price Avenging Aces card peeked, black Jack on top and bottom of deck gradually trap selection, Jacks change to red Aces, Jacks removed from case
2000 34
Richard James Jack Trapped (Duplicate Card Version) chosen card is placed between two Jacks and sandwich given spectator to hold, another card vanishes and is found between the Jacks, first selection found in wallet
Related to 2000 23
Harry Lorayne Old Sandwich
Inspired by 2001 305
Karl Fulves Catch Card Catch named mates find the red Aces and change into the black Aces themselves
Inspired byVariations 2001 195
Karl Fulves Jack The Knife Jacks find the red Aces and change into the black Aces themselves
Inspired by 2001 196
Steve Mayhew Hungry Now visual sandwich, selection transforms into sandwich when thrown on deck, Flippant
Also published here Sep. 2001
Ego (Vol. 1 No. 4)
Ryan Swigert Kickback two cards found with sandwich cards, when they are turned over, they are the actual sandwich cards which have changed into selections when looking back
VariationsAlso published here Dec. 2001
Magic (Vol. 11 No. 4)
David Solomon Royal Mayo three royal flush card appear between jokers, the transform into the missing two cards to complete the royal flush, credit correction in Issue 10, p. 1
Inspired byRelated toAlso published here Nov./Dec. 2002
The Penumbra (Issue 4)
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson Only Joking black Jacks sandwich selection, then change into Jokers
2003 12
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson Self-Correcting Sandwich wrong card between two black Jacks becomes right card after a push-through the deck (Auto-Plunger)
2003 27
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson Leipzig Self-Correcting Sandwich
2003 32
Ryan Swigert KickBack: The Original two cards found with sandwich cards, when they are turned over, they are the actual sandwich cards which have changed into selections when looking back
  • Handling Tip (dummy signatures, Chris Korn)
Also published here 2003 4
Ryan Swigert KickBack: Signed Version I two signed cards found with sandwich cards, when they are turned over, they are the actual sandwich cards which have changed into selections when looking back
Inspired by 2003 6
R. Paul Wilson KickBack: Borrowed Deck Version I two cards found with sandwich cards, when they are turned over, they are the actual sandwich cards which have changed into selections when looking back
Inspired by 2003 10
Ryan Swigert KickBack: In Color Version I two cards found with odd-backed sandwich cards, when they are turned over, they are the actual sandwich cards which have changed into selections when looking back
Inspired by 2003 12
Jay Sankey, David Acer The Flipwiches of Eastwick Prediction card is sandwiched between the Queens, shown to be the mate of selection, then visually changes into signed selection itself
2004 88
Justin Hanes Justaposition card appears between red Aces, this card is shown to be the red Aces, original red Aces are single selection, duplicate Aces
Inspired by 2005 14
Bob King Kickback Up a Notch two cards found with sandwich cards, when they are turned over, they are the actual sandwich cards which have changed into selections when looking back
Inspired by 2005 6
Jamie Badman Fives in Disguise a prediction is tabled, a selection is placed between two Jokers, prediction and selection are shown to be mates, Jokers change to other cards of same value
2005 28
Alex Elmsley, The Chopstick Aces red Aces are used as tweezers to select two cards, Aces put on table, black Aces are used to trap two cards, they are the red Aces and tabled cards are selections
Mar. 2006
Genii (Vol. 69 No. 3)
Rich Aviles Subwich card travels from packet to sandwich, sandwich card transform into mates
Inspired byAlso published here 2006 13
Iain Moran Kicked Forward two cards found with sandwich cards, when they are turned over, they are the actual sandwich cards which have changed into selections when looking back, one double facer and one duplicate
Inspired by 2006 34
David Solomon Royal Mayo three royal flush card appear between jokers, the transform into the missing two cards to complete the royal flush
Also published here 2007 18
Jerry K. Hartman Double Down a Two of Clubs between two red Aces changes into Ace of Spades, spectator handles cards throughout
Inspired by
  • Nothing Short of a Miracle (Ken Simmons, 1988)
  • spectator handled double in routine on p. 5 of Ken Simmons's "Guarded Secrets Revealed" (second 1999 edition) & Wesley James's extensions/variations, p. 9
Also published here
2007 140
Kevin Ho Chaser Card jumps between black Kings, black Kings change to red Aces, then change back
2008 26
Keith Bennett The Birmingham Switch
2010 167
Rich Aviles Razor Burn Switch
2010 16
Rich Aviles Subwich card travels from packet to sandwich, sandwich card transform into mates
Also published here 2010 39
Rich Aviles Speedo selection appears between jokers, jokers change into second selection
2010 44
Edward Marlo, Baltazar Fuentes Flexible Visual Change sandwiched card transforms
2010 66
Steve Mayhew Hungry Now? visual sandwich, selection transforms into sandwich when thrown on deck, Flippant
Also published here 2011 12
Tony Cabral Fiveplay first two cards with "I've got a surprise for you" (Fechter), then sandwich for third and sandwich cards transform into final two selections
Inspired by 2011 18
Harry Lorayne Two Between selection found in sandwich, changes into second selection and first one back between sandwich cards in deck
2011 41
Jon Armstrong, Aaron Fisher Sandwich Card Transformation
2011 30
Miguel Ángel Gea Alrededor del Sandwich two cards are selected, one appears between two cards sandwiched, then card changes to second selection, variation with three selections
El Manuscrito (Vol. 4 No. 15)
Ben Train Three Card Monte Burns Queens find black Aces one by one, then change into red Aces
Inspired byVariationsAlso published here 2012 5
Peter Duffie Auto Sandwich signed selection placed between black Jacks, selection changes into blank card with message "My card is in your pocket"
2012 32
Tyler Wilson Updog three cards produced one by one from sandwich, those cards becomes sandwich with original sandwich cards
Related toVariationsAlso published here 2013 21
Steven Hamilton Altered Images four selections on table, two put between red Aces, they change to black Aces, repeated, red Aces travel from middle of deck to top, selections/Aces change into Kings
Inspired by 2013 95
Tyler Wilson Updog three cards produced one by one from sandwich, those cards becomes sandwich with original sandwich cards
Also published here 2014 8
Chris Mayhew Kim Card Ashian selection made, sandwich cards removed one of which is the selection by apparent mistake, corrected
Inspired byRelated to 2014 15
Chris Mayhew Kzsdyfbnczk three cards produced one by one from sandwich, those cards becomes sandwich with original sandwich cards
Inspired by 2014 25
Harapan Ong The Cull Switch card placed in sandwich in spread is switched
2014 57
G Flopwitch (美而美) Sandwich effect, spectator names any card and it appears between the Jokers, then spectator names another card and the first card visually changes into the second named card
Inspired by 2014 35
Simon Aronson Twice Removed, Once Again Two selections reversed in deck transpose with two Jokers, each sandwiched between Queens, two double facers
Inspired by 2014 127
Steve Mayhew Hungry Now? visual sandwich, selection transforms into sandwich when thrown on deck, Flippant
Also published here 2014 223
Yves Carbonnier Transmutation Royale three Aces interlaced between Kings change into selections, with repetition
2016 1
Salvador Sufrate Sandwich Argentino Jokers trap selection, then change into the four Aces, Joker sandwich again in deck
Also published here 2016
El Manuscrito (Vol. 8 No. 31)
Tyler Wilson Updog three cards produced one by one from sandwich, those cards becomes sandwich with original sandwich cards
Also published here 2017 1
Nancy Colwell Henweigh Three cards produced one by one from sandwich, those cards becomes sandwich with original sandwich cards
Inspired by Oct. 2018
Elixir (Vol. 2 No. 1 (Summer #2))
Harapan Ong Oops selection made, sandwich cards removed one of which is the selection by apparent mistake, corrected with visual transformation
Inspired byRelated to 2018 100
Harapan Ong Three Chances three duplicates of selection produced from red Jacks, those three cards become red Jacks with sandwiched selection
Inspired byVariations 2018 103
Harapan Ong, Pipo Villanueva World's Smallest Colour Change sandwiched card is slightly pivoted and switched, it changes visually
2018 177
Xiaobo Zhou 反转 (Reversal) Collectors, four Aces trap three cards that match the selection but is wrong, then change the three cards into the correct mates
Inspired by 2018 5
Scott Robinson Manifold red-backed Ace of Spades sandwiched between two red Kings transposes with selection, ending up at the designated position that selection occupied in deck
Inspired by 2018 148
Alberto de Figueiredo, Cristian Ramil Doble sándwich Todoterreno progressive sandwich, then sandwiched card transforms into card which was named by second spectator
2018 225
Carlos Vaquera Sandwich à Trois selections appear between black Aces, then changes to second and third selection, Aces changes to first and second selection as a kicker
2019 171
Edward Marlo Visually Changing Sandwich three cards peeked at, black Jacks waved and selection appears between them, changes into second selection, then third, then it vanishes, all three selection brought from pocket
Output (Issue 8)
Larry Jennings Multi-Faced Mystery sandwiched Joker changes into first selection, then into second
2020 568
Larry Jennings Ace-Faced Mystery sandwiched Ace changes into other Aces one by one, also with free choice and full-deck set up
2020 571
Moritz Mueller Jokers to the Right four cards selected and lost, two appear between the two Jokers and then the Jokers change into the remaining two selections
2021 80
Fenik Maximum Penetration two Joker sandwich cards, Ace is sandwiched and penetrates to the table, repeated with Two, then Three through the case, sandwich cards change into Four and Five
Inspired by Sep. 2022
Genii (Vol. 85 No. 9)
Alexandre Moreaux Damatter three cards produced one by one from sandwich, those cards becomes sandwich with original sandwich cards
Inspired by Nov. 2022
The Hermit (Vol. 1 No. 11)
George McBride Snappy Dunbury wrong card captured with sandwich cards of which one is the selection (sucker element), sandwich cards transform and find selection
Inspired by
  • "Done" (Chris Mayhew, free trick via Murphy's Magic, Jan 20, 2018)
Related to
2022 85
Edward Marlo Where's my Sandwich? Jokers sandwich selection, selection changes into Ace, Jokers into other three Aces, Joker sandwich found in deck
Conundrum (Issue 1)
Ryan Swigert Kickback two cards found with sandwich cards, when they are turned over, they are the actual sandwich cards which have changed into selections when looking back
Also published here 2022 36
Ryan Siebert Misdirection Sandwich black Aces placed on table, card chosen and lost, tabled pair is spread and card is seen between, but tabled cards are three Jacks and sandwich with black Aces and selection is found in center of deck
Also published here
  • MAGIC, Jan. 2005
2022 364
Salvador Sufrate Argentina Sandwich Jokers trap selection, then change into the four Aces, Joker sandwich again in deck
Also published here 2022 385
Karl Hein Grandmother's BLT ungaffed Kickback handling
Inspired byAlso published here
  • MAGIC, Sep. 2006
2022 541
Adam Ryan Kings Face Aces selection sandwiched between two Kings, sandwich changes into the four Aces and original sandwich is found in deck
Related toAlso published here
  • MAGIC, Oct. 2006
2022 546
Ben Train Kosher Monte Kings find black Aces one by one, then change into red Aces
Also published here 2022 868
Yoann Nnaoy Sandwich Flip featuring a visible transformation of a sandwiched card, Roy Walton's Paintbrush Change
Related toAlso published here
  • MAGIC, Sep. 2009
2022 885
Frank Fogg Process of Elimination selection appears between sandwich cards, the two sandwich cards transform into three mates of selection
Also published here
  • MAGIC, Oct. 2009
2022 894
Victor Piña Doble Sándwich con Huevo two selections, one found turned over in the deck, then mate appears and second is selection is sandwiched in between, as a climax sandwich transforms with first selection sandwiched between second selection and its mate
2022 60
Scott Baird Fabulous Jumping Jokers mystery card tabled, selection jumps from deck to between Jokers, selection put back in deck, Jokers used to pick up mystery card which turns out to be selection, Jokers change to two mates of selection, Jokers found in deck sandwiching last card to complete four-of-a-kind, two handlings
Inspired by Aug. 2023
The Hermit (Vol. 2 No. 8)
Markobi Markobi FISM Sandwich Joker and indifferent card produced from dribble on table, indifferent card changes into second Joker, then selection appears between Jokers
2023 10
Ennio Lenti, Justin Higham KM Aces Plus two Aces produced between sandwich cards on top of deck, then the sandwich cards change to Aces
Inspired byRelated to 2023 3