237 entries in Cards / Effect Themes / Transposition / Asymmetric Transposition
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
Eddie Clever The Renovated Sphinx Card Trick two signed cards in hat transpose with signed card in deck, double backer, fake indices card
June 1935
The Jinx (Issue 9)
Arthur de Mello G-Men story trick with two blue and five red cards, thieves sheep
The Jinx (Issue Summer Extra 1937)
Robert (Bob) Hess Never Underestimate four Kings and three Queens, but no real unequal transposition
Mar. 1970
Epilogue (Issue 8)
Karl Fulves One Way Transpositions notes on unequal or odd-backed transpositions
1971 19
Karl Fulves Optical Aces black Aces transpose with red Aces and sandwiched card placed on table
1973 68
Karl Fulves Theory Transpo unknown card on table, Ace between Jacks, Jacks vanish and card on table turns out to be the two Jacks
1973 25
Karl Fulves Four Gone 4&4, oil and water type routine, unequal transpo kicker
Variations 1973 53
Jerry K. Hartman Unfair Exchange Ace of Spades transposes with two Sevens
Inspired by 1973 72
William Larsen, T. Page Wright Trick #1 three Aces dealt on one half, one on the other, then there are three on the second and three Aces on the first half
Also published here
  • in "Random Conceptions with Cards" (ca. 1930)
Sep. 1974
The Pallbearers Review (Vol. 9 No. 11)
Roy Walton Runaround small packet multiple ambition, Aces appear, Joker transposes with four Queens
Also published here 1975 60
Peter Kane The Diamond Robbery sheeps & thieves with cards, two Diamond cards and one Jack under both hands, then two Jacks and four Diamonds under the hands
Related to 1975 2
Roy Walton Trigger Happy four kings on top change places with face up ace in the middle, finally backs change colors
Also published here 1976 7
Paul Harris Double Monte Queen (money card) changes places with two Aces, climax for monte routine
VariationsAlso published here 1977 47
Karl Fulves The Gambler's Palm seven blank cards, two signed, cards put in both palms apparently equally, then signed cards are in one hand and other five in the other, thieves and sheep
1977 30
Karl Fulves Qube Root two jokers in pocket, Ace through Seven of hearts removed, one of them chosen and reversed, this card transposes with the two jokers
Inspired by 1978 6
Karl Fulves Song At Twilight three queens and four Kings change places, hotel story
1978 39
Karl Fulves Song II three queens and four Kings change places, hotel story
1978 40
Karl Fulves Song III three queens and four Kings change places, hotel story
1978 41
Karl Fulves That Was No Lady four Queens and three Kings transpose, then change into three Queens and four Kings
1978 43
Karl Fulves Reference Note on asymmetric transpositions
1978 45
Karl Fulves Sphinx Riddled ace of spades changes place with 2S and 3S, two methods
1978 74
Karl Fulves Unequals card inside box transposes with two cards outside box
1979 15
Philip T. Goldstein Off-Balance Leader color-groups with two different numerical sizes
Related toAlso published here 1979 14
Father Cyprian Hofzinser's Departure Aces transform into selection, Aces back in deck, double facer
Also published here 1980 54
Roy Walton Outward Bound four Twos transpose with five random cards, those cards change into a royal flush
VariationsAlso published here May 1980
Pabular (Vol. 6 No. 5)
Ken Simmons With Card in Hand Interlaced Transposition, Aces with three selections between spectators hand, Kings outside, Kings become Aces, then selections appear between them
1981 35
Paul Harris The Incredible Shrinking Hand hand shrinks when trying to palm card (actually card is stretched), palmed card switched for two previous selections from deck
1981 61
Roy Walton Trigger Happy four Kings on top change places with face up ace in the middle, finally backs change colors
Also published here 1981 140
Jerry Sadowitz The Whisperers four Jacks "whisper" three selections and transpose with them
Related toVariations 1982 8
Roberto Giobbi Das Bubenquartett selection put between four Kings on table, cards change into four Aces and Kings are found face up in the deck, with selection reversed in center
1982 55
Jerry Sadowitz Dead Fall reversed Kings in center of deck transpose with Ace of Spades
Related toAlso published here June 1982
Spell-Binder (Vol. 2 No. 14)
Philip T. Goldstein Bodkin Ace through Five, odd cards transpose with even cards
Related toAlso published here Aug. 1982
Spell-Binder (Vol. 2 No. 16)
Edward Marlo It's Only Us Chickens! sheep & thieves, using cases, multitude of throw offs for magicians
1983 232
Stephen Tucker Whispered
Inspired byAlso published here July 1983
Spell-Binder (Vol. 3 No. 27)
Jerry Sadowitz Wish You Were Here Aces in deck change place with a card in the pocket
1984 29
Philip T. Goldstein, Jerry Sadowitz, William Zavis Quietell
Inspired by Winter 1984
West Coast Quarterly (Vol. 1 No. 1)
Philip T. Goldstein, Jerry Sadowitz Quietell Jr.
Inspired by Winter 1984
West Coast Quarterly (Vol. 1 No. 1)
Philip T. Goldstein Sottovoce four Ace kicker
Inspired byAlso published here Winter 1984
West Coast Quarterly (Vol. 1 No. 1)
Philip T. Goldstein Bodkin Ace through Five, odd cards transpose with even cards
Also published here 1984 2
Jerry Sadowitz Deadfall reversed four-of-a-kind in center of deck transpose with another card
Also published here 1984 24
Jack Carpenter Take Leave four Aces transform into one selection
Sep. 1985
Apocalypse (Vol. 8 No. 9)
Brother John Hamman Signed Transversal Triplet two sandwiched cards transpose twice, then transposition so that two selection are in one and four Kings in other pile
Variations Summer 1985
The Collected Almanac (Vol. 3 No. 28, 29 & 30)
Ben Harris Hanging Card two cards vanish by hanging them in the air, another card changes into those two cards and the the third card is reproduced from air
Inspired by 1985 16
Stephen Minch Unbalanced two black cards on table, four red cards in spectator's hand, one red card moved to black pile, now four red cards on table and black in spectator's hand
Inspired byVariationsAlso published here
  • Linking Ring Parade, July 1981
1987 4
Jerry Sadowitz Mik Mak Mok Kings lost, Ace of Spaded comes to top, brings the Kings to the top, then they transpose with the Ace
Inspired by 1987 11
Jerry Sadowitz Not Possible two Aces held by performer, two under spectator's hand, performer suddenly has all four Aces and spectator four Kings
1987 109
Justin Higham Signed Transpo in Triplicate two sandwiched cards transpose, then two selection in one, four Kings in other pile
Inspired by 1987
Inside Out (Issue 2)
Justin Higham Two Colour Transpo in Triplicate odd-backed sandwich cards, two sandwiched cards transpose, then two selection in one, four Kings in other pile
Inspired by 1987
Inside Out (Issue 2)
Darwin Ortiz Slick Aces with transpo follow up
Inspired byRelated toVariations 1988 106
William Goodwin For One Transposition isolated four-of-a-kind transposes with selection in deck
Variations 1988 3
Roy Walton Outward Bound four Twos transpose with five random cards, those cards change into a royal flush
Also published here 1988 71
Roy Walton Runaround small packet multiple ambition, Aces appear, Joker transposes with four Queens
Also published here 1988 166
Brother John Hamman Triple Cross two sandwiched cards transpose, then two selection in one, four Kings in other pile
Related toVariations 1989 51
Karl Fulves, Howard Wurst This Just In red Aces in case change place with Jack outside case
Inspired byRelated to 1989 22
Karl Fulves Jacknife Jack in box, Aces outside, they transpose
Related to 1989 26
Karl Fulves Non-Symmetric Trap selection lost in deck, two red Jacks with x card cut in deck, black Jack cut in deck and other black Jack left on table, red Jacks now have two black Jacks sandwiched and tabled card is selection
1989 29
Karl Fulves Transitrap card transposes with sandwich pair
1989 10
Philip T. Goldstein Sottovoce four-ace-kicker
Also published here 1989 3
Father Cyprian Hats Off to Hofzinser selection lost in deck, packet of Aces transforms into single selection
1989 28
Father Cyprian Mirror Aces
  • Card Vanish From a Glass
card or packet of cards vanishes from wine glass and is found reversed in deck or something else
  • I
  • II (using gaffed card with mirror surface)
  • III (card travels into another glass)
  • IV To change for Aces into a selected card
Inspired by 1989 31
William Goodwin A Case of Mistaken Identity selection put in case, four Kings outside, transposition
1990 51
John Bannon, Jerry Sadowitz Cries and Whispers four Jacks "whisper" three selections and transpose with them
Inspired byVariations 1990 8
Philip T. Goldstein Sottovoce four-ace-kicker
Inspired byAlso published here 1990 51
Philip T. Goldstein Off-Balance Leader color-groups with two different numerical sizes
Inspired byAlso published here 1990 87
Philip T. Goldstein Bodkin Ace through Five, odd cards transpose with even cards
Also published here 1990 88
Larry Jennings A Handy Transformation four cards change to single card (selection) in spectators hands
Related toAlso published here 1990 18
José Carroll Crystal Transposition
  • Impossible Transpositions A)
black card in glass, two cards in hand
Inspired byAlso published here 1991 32
Karl Fulves Truncate queen transposes with two deuces in deck, queen splits in two, substitution trunk presentation
1991 62
Gary Kurtz The King Thing selection made, twisting routine with kings, they all change into selection and back to kings, kings transpose with single card in case
Also published here Sep./Oct. 1992
Avantgarde Magic (Vol. 1 No. 6)
Gary Kurtz The King Thing selection made, twisting routine with Kings, they all change into selection and back to Kings, Kings transpose with single card in case
Related toAlso published here 1992 23
Peter Duffie The Secret Merchants three Queens "whisper" two selections and transpose with them
Inspired by 1992 8
Peter Duffie The Soft Shoe Shuffle three spectators count to chosen numbers and remember cards, then spectators move around and the cards are now at their new numbers
Related to 1992 10
Justin Higham Card Case Aces Ace of Spades on table, other three Aces in card case, case placed on Ace of Spades and it transposes with all three Aces inside case
Apr. 1992
Tech-Notes (Issue 2)
Justin Higham Card Case Selection selection on table, Aces in card case, case placed on selection and it transposes with the Aces
Apr. 1992
Tech-Notes (Issue 2)
Ernest Earick Bureau d'Échange four Kings change place with selection in pocket
Related toVariations 1993 81
Peter Duffie A Change In Mood Aces transpose with two other cards, pair of pseudo duplicates
Inspired by 1993 54
Dave Campbell The Defectors four Jokers "whisper" three selections and transpose with them
Inspired byAlso published here June 1993
Profile (Issue 14)
Father Cyprian ¿Dónde Están los Ases? Aces transform into selection, Aces back in deck, double facer
Also published here 1993 339
Allan Ackerman Almost Consistent Cries and Whispers no mental presentation
Inspired byRelated to 1994 163
Billy McDonnell Quadruple Cross two sandwiched cards transpose, then both card in one, four kings in other pile
Inspired by 1994 982
Jack Avis A Change of Identity four Jacks "whisper" three selections and transpose with them
Inspired byRelated toVariations 1994 190
Justin Higham Identity Cards alternate handling, whisperers
Inspired by 1994 198
Peter Duffie The Flight (Plight?) of the Missionaries Thieves & Sheep with miniature cards, or coins
Inspired by 1994 16
Darwin Ortiz Four to One four Kings with Ace of Spades
Inspired byVariations 1995 33
R. Paul Wilson Alias the Aces four cards shown as all being the selection, then change into Aces, Daley's Last, then Aces come from pocket and tabled card(s) is selection, traveling from red to black Aces
1995 32
Stephen Tucker Damengeflüster
Also published here 1995
Intermagic (Vol. 19 No. 3)
Gary Kurtz The King Thing selection made, twisting routine with Kings, they all change into selection and back to Kings, Kings transpose with single card in case
Also published here 1995 11
Aldo Colombini Boxing Jack a Jack transposes with two spot cards in card case
Inspired by
  • "Jack In The Box" (marketed through Mamma Mia Magic)
1995 49
Paul Harris Double Monte climax for monte routine: money card transposes with two indifferent cards
Also published here 1996 121
Joel Givens Two Plus Two two selections and four Aces change places, in the hands of two spectators
Also published here 1996 1167
Udo Wächter Der Charme der Herz Dame long routine
  • spectator cuts to the Aces
  • the Queen of Hearts appears
  • the Queen of Hearts whispers the spectators thought
  • the Queen of Hearts turns an Ace face down
  • the Queen of Hearts changes into the Ace
  • the vanished Queen of Hearts appears between the Aces
  • the Queen of Hearts and two Aces change places in a flash
Also published here 1996 161
Jack Carpenter Quick Slick performer cuts to ace of spades, he cuts to ace of spades again, tabled ace is now remaining three Aces
Inspired by 1997 56
Allan Ackerman, Debbie Ackerman Consistent Cries and Whispers two queens whisper name of some cards, transpose with first two
Related toAlso published here 1997 56
William Goodwin Off Balance Transposition three phases, single card with four-of-a-kind
Variations 1997 12
Scott Robinson The Queen Thing selection vanishes among queens, then queens travel to pocket and in the hand remains the selection
VariationsAlso published here 1997 1309
Peter Duffie Follow the Signs Ace of Spades on top of one half transposes with other three Aces on top of other half
Related to 1997 9
Gregory Wilson Montelude Ace (money card) changes places with two Queens, climax for monte routine
Inspired byRelated to Oct. 1998
Magic (Vol. 8 No. 2)
Joshua Jay Pocket Jokers Jokers placed in pocket at the start, selection made, but two Jokers found in deck. Selection is then found in pocket (transposition)
1999 105
David Regal Romeo & Juliet Packet trick where Romeo and Juliet escaped from their parents
1999 26
Theodore DeLand The Sphinx Card Trick No. 14, two cards in hat transpose with one in deck, see "General note" on p. 140 for credit
Related to 1999 132
Theodore DeLand The Surprise Card Trick No. 34, Queens in hat, King of Spades in hat as well, performer finds King without looking and puts it in deck, then Queens and King transpose and only the King is in hat and Queens in deck
Related toVariations 1999 147
Karl Fulves Supplementary Note details on handling and different values
Inspired by 1999 147
Joshua Jay Collecting a Closer follow-up to collectors: red and black Aces transpose, then back, then tabled two Aces turn out to be the three selections and all Aces are in the performer's hand
Jan. 1999
Onyx (Issue 6)
Christian Ehret Interlaced Journey three selections between Kings travel to between Aces, then in repeat a quartet transposes with the three selections
Inspired by Dec. 1999
Onyx (Issue 9)
Mark Aspiazu Hawk Transpo twisting Kings, they then transpose with tabled selection
Inspired byVariations 1999 130
Udo Wächter The Charm of the Queen of Hearts long routine
  • spectator cuts to the Aces
  • the Queen of Hearts appears
  • the Queen of Hearts whispers the spectators thought
  • the Queen of Hearts turns an Ace face down
  • the Queen of Hearts changes into the Ace
  • the vanished Queen of Hearts appears between the Aces
  • the Queen of Hearts and two Aces change places in a flash
Inspired byAlso published here 2000 166
Aldo Colombini Jump and Pass two selections transpose with four Kings, Hofzinse Ace problem with two selections, inspired by a Phil Goldstein routine
VariationsAlso published here 2000 4
Hiroyuki Sakai The Vibrating Bed two red Queens on table, four black cards in spectator's hand, one black card moved to red pile, now four black cards on table and reds in spectator's hand
Inspired by May 2000
Genii (Vol. 63 No. 5)
Aldo Colombini Jump and Pass two selections transpose with four Kings, Hofzinse Ace problem with two selections, inspired by a Phil Goldstein routine
VariationsAlso published here 2000 10
Peter Duffie Packet Switch two black Kings tabled, Ace from Ace packet chosen, suddenly performer holds Kings with chosen Ace, other three Aces on table
2000 14
Don England What if Six turned out to be Nines? two Nines transpose with one Six
2001 39
Don England What if... Or vice versa! different colored backs
2001 42
James Swain Finale for The Collectors
  • The Card Expert
three selections are replaced in deck, the four-of-a-kind then changes into the three selections
Related toVariations Jan. 2001
Genii (Vol. 64 No. 1)
R. Paul Wilson Boxed Transpo Kings are placed into card case and case is set on top of spectator’s selection in his hand, selection transposes with Kings
Inspired byVariations Nov. 2001
Ego (Vol. 1 No. 6)
Paul Cummins No Joke two Jokers under spectator's hand for four Queens
2002 70
Paul Cummins, Chad Long No Mercy longer routine, swindle cut the Aces
2002 77
Reinhard Müller Boxed Transpo Beginning Variant Kings are placed into card case and case is set on top of spectator’s selection in his hand, selection transposes with Kings, alternative get-into
Inspired by Mar. 2002
Ego (Vol. 1 No. Special TSD Convention Issue)
Gabi Pareras Damas / Comodines (O "El juego de Dolores") Queens are divided on two Jokers, Jokers and Queens end up separated. Repetition where Queens are placed first, followed by the Jokers.
  • Primera Fase
  • Segunda Fase
  • Notas
Related to 2002ca. 20
Gabi Pareras Cantauros y Sirenas (...y una versión más directa) four Kings change into selection and back to Kings, with variation
  • Apertura
  • La cueva
  • Primer centauro
  • Segundo centauro
  • Tercer y cuarto centauro
  • Notas
  • Una versión directa
    • La entrada
    • La salida
2002ca. 39
Aaron Fisher The Grinning Goodwin four Aces transpose with selection reversed in deck
Inspired by 2003 11
Jerry K. Hartman A Case for Change Kings are placed into card case and case is set on top of spectator’s selection in his hand, selection transposes with Kings
Inspired byVariationsAlso published here June 2003
Ego (Vol. 2 No. 15)
Luke Dancy Dancy Transposition two tabled Jokers transpose with selection
Also published here June 2003
Magic (Vol. 12 No. 10)
Shahin Zarkesch, Scott Robinson, William Goodwin Slap! selection placed between Aces vanishes, from pocket comes a card that turns out to be four Aces, selection remains in hand, see credit information for the unequal transposition plot in Issue 8, p. 1, and Issue 9, p. 1, for additional credit information on this effect see Issue 10, p. 1
Feb. 2004
The Penumbra (Issue 7)
Steve Freeman Ending for "Slap!"
Feb. 2004
The Penumbra (Issue 7)
William Goodwin Unequal Transposition - Credit Information see also addition in Issue 9, p. 1
Related to July 2004
The Penumbra (Issue 8)
Dave Campbell The Defectors four Jokers "whisper" three selections and transpose with them
Inspired byAlso published here 2004 105
Larry Jennings A Handy Transformation four cards change to single card in spectators hands
Also published here 2005 1
Allan Ackerman The Prequel and Sequel Aces transpose with card in pocket, McDonald's Aces is performed, Aces travel to pockets, designed to ring double facers in and out
Also published here 2005 32
Justin Hanes Justaposition card appears between red Aces, this card is shown to be the red Aces, original red Aces are single selection, duplicate Aces
Inspired by 2005 14
Max Maven Cushion Shot Aces placed in card case prop, they change into three selection, then vanish from box and all seven cards appear in collectors fashion in deck
Feb. 2005
Antinomy (Vol. 1 No. 1)
Zenneth Kok FSO Transpo single card transposes with four cards multiple times, "Face-up, Simultaneous, Off-balance"
Variations Nov. 2005
Antinomy (Vol. 1 No. 4)
Roy Walton Triple Alliance queens on table, selection transposes with queens, deck turns face up
Also published here Mar. 2006
The Penumbra (Issue 10)
Jack Avis A Change of Identity (Identity Crisis) four Jacks "whisper" three selections and transpose with them
Inspired byRelated to 2006 35
Allan Ackerman At the Hilton four Kings and two Queens
Nov. 2006
Antinomy (Vol. 2 No. 4)
Jack Parker Bangkok Hilton four Kings and two Queens
Nov. 2006
Antinomy (Vol. 2 No. 4)
Rich Aviles Invisible Sandwich first selection appears between tabled Jokers, second selection becomes the two Jokers which are invisible and reappear around third selection in the deck
2006 17
Jack Parker, Tyler Wilson Hit It & Split It Ace of Spades whispers name of two selections, then changes in those two selections
2006 20
Shiv Duggal Girl Talk four Queens "whisper" three selections and transpose with them
Inspired by 2006 152
Daniel Millstein Cop And Drop whole deck changes place with two pocketed jokers
2007 53
Jack Parker Cross Eyed Surprise Red and black Ace transposes when sandwiched between Queens, finally two Aces switch places with four Queens
Also published here
  • Set to Stun, 2005
2007 30
Jack Parker U.D.S.I. Black Ace transposes with two red Kings visually
Inspired by
  • "Dancy Sandwich Intro" (Luke Dancy, unpublished)
2007 84
Jerry K. Hartman A Case for Change Kings are placed into card case and case is set on top of spectator’s selection in his hand, selection transposes with Kings
Inspired byRelated toVariationsAlso published here 2007 96
Tomas Blomberg, Axel Adlercreutz 113 Grams
  • Phase 1: red Kings find selected card
  • Phase 2: selected card transposes with tabled black Kings under case
Inspired by
  • "Royale with Cheese" (Luke Dancy, marketed, 2004)
VariationsAlso published here
2007 7
Tom Stone King Castling sandwich-unequal transposition combo, two Kings tabled and other two Kings used to find selection, but they find two Kings and on table is found selection in place of the two other Kings
  • King Castling 1 (Solo)
  • King Castling 2
Inspired byAlso published here 2007 11
Joel Givens Sponge Aces two-card pair transposes with four Aces, in the hands of two spectators, see p. 48 for performance
Also published here 2007 52
Jason Dean Practical Joker Joker whispers name of two selection and then transposes with both selections
2007 10
Lance Pierce An Imbalanced Exchange four Kings and three red cards transpose
2007 21
Jerry K. Hartman One Down, Two to Go red Aces between black Aces, red Aces transpose with a single tabled card
Inspired by Jan. 2008
Antinomy (Vol. 3 No. 4)
Chris Mayhew Casino Royale with Cheese sandwiched card transposes with tabled black Kings
Inspired by
  • Luke Dancy's "Royale with Cheese"
Related to
2009 21
Aaron Fisher Rock Out With Your Block Out
  • Tension, Focus, and Design in Card Magic
card in hand transposes with four-of-a-kind at different positions reversed in deck
Inspired by Mar. 2009
Genii (Vol. 72 No. 3)
Shiv Duggal Unfair Trade Aces face up on deck, selection face up in center, they transpose à la Cavorting Aces, then off-balance transpo without the deck
  • Part 1: Rise of the Selection
  • Part 2: Rise of the Aces
  • Part 3: Revenge of the Selection!
  • Part 4: The Packet Transposition
Inspired by July 2009
Genii (Vol. 72 No. 7)
Nick Trost The First Hotel Mystery Diaconis plot, two Queens on table, two Kings put on each, then two Queens are in one pile and all four Kings in other
2009 325
Nick Trost The Second Hotel Mystery two Queens on table, two Kings put on each, then two Queens are in one pile and all four Kings in other
Inspired by 2009 327
Nick Trost The Third Hotel Mystery two Queens on table, two Kings put on each, then two Queens are in one pile and all four Kings in other
2009 329
Nick Trost The Fourth Hotel Mystery two Queens on table, two Kings put on each, then two Queens are in one pile and all four Kings in other
2009 331
Nick Trost The Fifth Hotel Mystery two Queens on table, two Kings put on each, then two Queens are in one pile and all four Kings in other
Inspired by 2009 332
Tom Stone King Castling sandwich-unequal transposition combo, two Kings tabled and other two Kings used to find selection, but they find two Kings and on table is found selection in place of the two other Kings
Inspired byRelated toVariationsAlso published here 2010 33
Rich Aviles Speedo selection appears between jokers, jokers change into second selection
2010 44
Troy Hooser Jack Act Named four of a kind and named card transpose repeatedly, seven phase routine involving Triumph, Inversion, transposition, vanishes and productions
2010 52
Troy Hooser Three Eyed Jacks Four jacks and selected card changes places
2010 102
Tom Stone Amore Motel using four of a kind and two of a kind, credit information on Hotel Mystery
Also published here July 2010
Genii (Vol. 73 No. 7)
Tom Stone Amore Motel using four of a kind and two of a kind, credit information on Hotel Mystery
Also published here 2011 91
Karl Fulves Isolationist black Aces on top and bottom, unknown card put in spectator's pocket, false cut done together with spectator, now red Aces are on top and bottom and the two black Aces in spectator's pocket
Prolix (Issue 9)
Daniel Garcia Valores Viajeros chosen quartet transforms into selection, quartet is found reversed in the deck
El Manuscrito (Vol. 4 No. 16)
Gabi Pareras Damas / Comodines (O "El Juego de Dolores") Queens are divided on two Jokers, Jokers and Queens end up separated. Repetition where Queens are placed first, followed by the Jokers.
  • Primera Fase
  • Segunda Fase
  • Notas
    • Decalado de los paquetes
Related to 2012 129
John Guastaferro M.I.T. Aces Aces found, they change place with single selection, "Magician In Trouble"
2013 11
John Guastaferro Here, There & in my Pocket card at multiple locations, change to aces, transpo with pocketed card
2013 21
Tony Chang Side Effects May Occur twisting with unequal four-to-one transposition climax
2013 33
Steven Hamilton Discard Aces starts like progressive Ace assembly, first three packets combined, then last pile becomes all the indifferent card and discard pile consists of four Aces
2013 46
Tomas Blomberg 113 G Sandwich routine
  • Phase one- red Kings find selected card
  • Phase two- selected card transposes with tabled black Kings under case
Inspired by
  • "Royale with Cheese" (Luke Dancy, marketed, 2004)
Also published here
2014 101
Tomas Blomberg Rhythm Transpo
2014 281
Bébel Transposition Asymétrique de Main en Poche selection in pocket transposes with four Aces
Variations 2014
Bébel Transposition Asymétrique (1) selection transposes with four Aces
2014 13
Bébel Double Transposition Asymétrique selection transposes with four Aces and back again
2014 16
Bébel Simple Transposition Asymétrique avec un Gobelet asymmetric transposition, Aces and up on glass
2014 18
Bébel Double Transposition Asymétrique avec un Goblet double asymmetric transposition, Aces and up on glass
2014 22
Bébel Voyage Inattendu selection disappears among Aces, then Aces are found on the deck and in the hand is selection
2014 25
Bébel Transposition Asymétrique au Bluff (et en Couleur!) with cards of different colored backs
2014 27
Bébel Presque la Même Chose, mais à Vue with cards of different colored backs
2014 28
Joaquín Matas Cuarteto Hipnótico selection in pocket, four cards change into selection one by one and back, then quartet transpose with selection, last phase is repeated
2014 55
Joaquín Matas Asymetric Transposition with card case
Inspired by 2014 74
Kiko Pastur, Román García Peregrinas named card travels to pocket, then card in pocket transpose with four Aces
2014 92
Gabi Pareras Transformación Ases four Aces change into selection and back to Aces
2014 17
Tom Stone Mystery Inn handling for the asymmetric Hotel Mystery transposition
2014 3
Tom Stone King Castling sandwich-unequal transposition combo, two Kings tabled and other two Kings used to find selection, but they find two Kings and on table is found selection in place of the two other Kings
Also published here 2015 10
Andi Gladwin Road Trip Aces three Aces produced and given to spectator to hold, then same three Aces produced again and spectator holds final Ace
Oct. 2016
Genii (Vol. 79 No. 10)
Roy Walton Triple Alliance queens on table, selection transposes with queens, deck turns face up
Also published here 2016 147
Adrian Vega Mi carta gafe hipnótica four aces change into selection and back, selection is found in center of the deck reversed and turns out to be the four aces again and where the aces were is now the selection
Related to
  • "Helder Skelter" (Helder Guimarães, DVD "Red Mirror", 2011)
2017 49
Syd Segal Two, Two, Two Tricks in One! finale for Collectors in which the three selections transpose with the four-of-a-kind that's bin distributed on top of the tabled spread deck
Inspired byAlso published here
  • DVD "Simply Sydney" (2008, D&D)
2017 33
Yohei Kawabata Jukebox Imbalanced transposition, four Jacks placed into card box, Ace of Spades in hand then transposes with the Jacks
2017 9
Mike Pisciotta Jokers Thru Time signed card type effect with four Jokers and four-for-one transposition
Related to
  • "Time Traveler" (Ramon Rioboo)
Also published here
2017 10
John Bannon Queenpins
  • Dealing With It
black Queens on case, red Queens in deck, red Queens catch two cards which are the black Queens, selection is now on case
  • Credits and Background
Inspired by
  • "Royale with Cheese" (Luke Dancy, Penguin video download, 2004)
July 2017
Genii (Vol. 80 No. 7)
Peter Duffie Trick Photography Aces in pocket change into selection and Aces are found reversed in the deck
2017 88
Paul Cummins A No Case Change four Queens transpose with selection
Inspired by Oct. 2018
Elixir (Vol. 2 No. 1 (Summer #2))
Oliver Meech Four for Two Two Jokers rise through packet of four Kings, then asymmetric transposition happens, four Kings end up in different pockets
Inspired by
  • "Ambitious Interchange" (John Carey, Me, My Cards & I)
Oct. 2018
Elixir (Vol. 2 No. 1 (Summer #2))
Harapan Ong Bigger Transpo transposition between the Queens and selection, four miniature cards are found on face of original selections and Queens change into giant version of selection
Inspired by
  • "Bigger Finish" (Jay Sankey, marketed product)
2018 109
Jason Ladanye The Wire four signed cards under the spectator's palm transpose with a card that's on the face of the deck, duplicate
Inspired by 2018 113
Harapan Ong Center of Attention Ace of Spades keeps reversing itself in packet of Aces, ends with imbalanced transposition between Ace of Spades and other three Aces
Also published here June 2018
Genii (Vol. 81 No. 6)
Scott Robinson The Queen Thing selection vanishes from among the Queens, Queens surprisingly appear in pocket and selection is only card in hand
  • variation: see “The Mystery Thing” (p. 55)
Inspired byAlso published here 2018 50
Mike Pisciotta Jokers Thru Time signed card type effect with four Jokers and four-for-one transposition
Also published here 2019 7
Jeremiah Zuo Those Are the Aces - Phase Two: A Short Wild Card and Triple Transposition selection on case, Aces change into selection, then Aces are case and deck in hand, selection in case
Inspired by
  • "Here and There" (Ken Garr, MAGIC Magazine)
Related to
2019 8
Jeremiah Zuo Excursus 2: A Mildly Strange Exchange Aces in case visibly transpose with selection outside of case
2019 19
Tom Gagnon Four the Hard Way paper clipped and signed Joker put aside, transposes with four Kings in center of deck
2019 116
Michael Powers No Transfer Whisperers four Jacks "whisper" three selections and transpose with them
Inspired byRelated to
  • Card Corner column solutions in Linking Ring, Mar. 2019
2019 98
José Carroll The "Crystal Clear" Transposition
  • Impossible Transpositions A)
black card in glass, two cards in hand
Also published here 2019 92
Carlos Vaquera The Queens' Return Queens switch places with three indifferent cards, repeated
2019 99
Carlos Vaquera Indifferent-Aces-Queens Transposition single card transposes with Aces, Aces change into Queens
2019 103
Syd Segal The Visiting Cross Eye's Grasshopper two Aces sandwiched between two Jacks each, Aces transpose, sandwich cards transpose, then two Aces and four Jacks transpose
Inspired by May 2020
Elixir (Vol. 3 No. 1 Part 2 (Spring #2))
Andi Gladwin Monte Python without mixing the cards, with two-for-one transposition finale
Inspired by 2020 37
Idan Kaufman Flash Transposition four to one transposition, using KaPalm Production
2020 55
Harapan Ong Centre of Attention Ace of Spades keeps reversing itself in packet of Aces, ends with imbalanced transposition between Ace of Spades and other three Aces
Also published here 2020 7
Dominique Duvivier Toulagli selection lost, four Aces are produced, then selection, selection on one side of table transposes with Aces on the other side
July 2021
Elixir (Vol. 3 No. Special Duvivier Issue)
Moritz Mueller Queens Gambit black Queens tabled, card appears between red Queens, then another card, they're the black Queens and the tabled cards are a single previous selection
Inspired by 2021 22
Nathan Kranzo Implied Box Transposition four Aces apparently transpose with the selection that is placed in the card box
2021 48
Jeremiah Zuo Asymmetry selection is reversed in center of deck, four Aces change into duplicates of selection, then only selection remains and Aces are found reversed in deck
Inspired by
  • "Here and There" (Ken Garr, Magic, Feb. 2006)
Apr. 2021
The Disclaimer (Vol. 1 No. 1)
Jeremiah Zuo Hoff in a Box selection put in case, four Sevens vanish one by one on top of deck, only the one matching the suit selection remains, it changes into selection and the Sevens are found in the case
Inspired by Jan. 2022
The Disclaimer (Vol. 1 No. 10)
George McBride Cummins and Goings Kings and selection transpose
Inspired by 2022 36
Syd Segal Optional additional ending three selections are replaced in deck, the four-of-a-kind then changes into the three selections
Related to 2022 68
Luke Dancy Dancy Transposition two tabled Jokers transpose with selection
Also published here 2022 199
Mark Aspiazu Tattle Tale Jacks twisting Kings, they then transpose with tabled selection
Inspired byAlso published here
  • MAGIC, May 2004
2022 296
Ken Garr Here and There four cards are shown as the selection each, then the top four cards of the deck are the Aces and the Aces in the hand only one card - the selection
Also published here
  • MAGIC, Feb. 2006
2022 478
Adam Ryan Kings Face Aces selection sandwiched between two Kings, sandwich changes into the four Aces and original sandwich is found in deck
Related toAlso published here
  • MAGIC, Oct. 2006
2022 546
Steve Reynolds, Trini Montes, Allan Ackerman TS Aces Ace Assembly is started but suddenly the indifferent cards transpose with the Aces as a whole
Also published here
  • MAGIC, Oct. 2008
  • Tipping Mitt, Vol. 2 No. 7, 2004
2022 785
Christopher Congreave Picked red Jacks in case transpose with selection, pick-pocket presentation
Also published here
  • MAGIC, Mar. 2009
2022 839
Justin Higham One Card Monte tabled Queen of Spades transposes with two red spot cards in deck
Also published here
  • MAGIC, Apr. 2012
2022 1107
Brandon Williams Remainder tabled card transposes with two black Queens in hand, visual
Inspired by
  • "DiVision" (Luke Dancy, marketed)
Also published here
  • MAGIC, May 2012
2022 1118
Jerry K. Hartman Back to Back Into Time card out-jogged in center shown and pushed in, top two cards shown and placed together in center, then out-jogged cards are only one card and the pair back on top, asymmetric Time Machine
Inspired byAlso published here
  • MAGIC, May 2013
2022 1206
Cameron Francis Instinct first selection found in sandwich, then sandwich cards transpose with cards second selection in spread
Also published here
  • MAGIC, June 2013
2022 1211
Jean-Pierre Vallarino Wall Aces two selections change places with four Aces
2022 105
Jean-Pierre Vallarino Left or Right selection jumps from middle to top of deck and then tabled, four Aces tabled beneath card case change into selection and Aces are now where selection was
2022 109
Chiam Yu Sheng Playing with Cheese sandwiched card transposes with tabled red Kings
Inspired by
  • "Royale with Cheese" (Luke Dancy, marketed, 2004)
Jan. 2023
The Hermit (Vol. 2 No. 1)
Brandon Sheffield Fifty-Two 2 One transposition between selection and whole deck
Apr. 2023
The Hermit (Vol. 2 No. 4)
Michael Kras One Four All single card reversed in center transposes with four Aces on top of deck
Inspired by Sep. 2023
The Hermit (Vol. 2 No. 9)
Harapan Ong Centre of Attention Ace of Spades keeps reversing itself in packet of Aces, ends with imbalanced transposition between Ace of Spades and other three Aces
Also published here 2023 8
Allan Ackerman The Prequel and the Sequel Aces transpose with card in pocket, McDonald's Aces is performed, Aces travel to pockets, designed to ring double facers in and out
Also published here 2024 82
Allan Ackerman The Hotel Mystery two Queens and four Kings
2024 131
Allan Ackerman, Debbie Ackerman Consistent Cries and Whispers two queens whisper name of some cards, transpose with first two
Also published here 2024 160