161 entries in Cards / Effect Themes / Growing & Shrinking / Miscellaneous
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
Meine große Kartenvoltige Eine Kartensoirée No. 8
card fountain at stand, selection appears at the end, card is transformed into a card half its size
Nov. 1895
Der Zauberspiegel (Vol. 1 No. 3)
Verkleinerungskarte single card shrinks and vanishes
Related to 1896 139
Die Riesenkarte card triples in size
Related to 1896 143
Die Verwandlungs- und Verkleinerungskarte Queen changes in a Jack, shrinks to half its size and vanishes
1896 151
Die Kartencigarre card vanishes in the hands, miniature card reappears at end of cigar, it then grows to normal size
1896 184
Bartholomäus Gebert, Friedrich W. Conradi-Horster Ein kleiner Fastnachtscherz oder das Auferstehen einer verbrannten Karte card removed, rest of deck put on glass and covered with handkerchief, card burnt and shot onto glass, card is now upright in glass, it is removed and shrinks and vanishes
Jan. 1896
Der Zauberspiegel (Vol. 1 No. 5)
The Latest Diminishing Card gaffed
1897 226
The Changing and Diminishing Card card changes, shrinks, then disappears
1897 229
T. Page Wright Jumbo Card Revelation cards behind back, brought forward one by one until named number, then selection is taken from behind back as jumbo card
Related toAlso published here 1933 16
Laurie Ireland It Changes, It Shrinks, It Vanishes random card changes into selection, card then shrinks and grows
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1938)
Jean Hugard, Frederick Braue Spuds cards to arm pit, selection shrinks and vanishes, miniature card appears in chosen potato
1942 16
Shrinking Gaff card shrinks to miniature card, see footnote
1942 17
Al Baker Climax shrinking card as climax for last card in Cards To Pocket
Also published here Feb. 1944
The Phoenix (Issue 54)
Milbourne Christopher Card in the Bag cards placed inside bag, selection is removed in form of Jumbo card
Variations Mar. 1946
Hugard's Magic Monthly (Vol. 3 No. 10)
Enlarging and Diminishing Cards classic fan technique
Related to 1948 276
Little Card Rise miniature version of selection jumps out of the deck
Related to Jan. 1949 501
Milbourne Christopher Jumbo Climax six cards placed under handkerchief, performer fails to remove selection, finally selection is produced as a Jumbo card
Related to Mar. 1949
Hugard's Magic Monthly (Vol. 6 No. 10)
Milbourne Christopher Jumbo Cards and Sleeves on Jumbo Climax, placing card up the sleeve comment
Related to Dec. 1949 610
Lewis Ganson Diminishing and Expanding Cards in stages
Inspired by
  • Ganson's routine in "Expert Manipulation of Playing Cards"
1956 41
Eddie Taytelbaum Surprise Jumbo selected card is shuffled into the deck and cards put in inside jacket pocket, small number is named and on that position performer produces a jumbo card version of the selection
Related toAlso published here
  • in "De Magier"
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 18 No. 1)
Henry Durkin Nest Egg card travels into nest of boxes, and also shrinks
1957 17
Dai Vernon Jumbo Surprise a card becomes a jumbo card when turned over on the table
Variations 1959 38
Karrell Fox, George Jason Jason's Favorite big and small valued cards are found as jumbo and miniature cards from deck in pocket
Related toAlso published here 1960 24
Elwin T. Shaw Toss Off miniature of chosen card falls in glass
Feb. 1963
The New Jinx (Vol. 1 No. 10)
William P. Miesel The Shrinking Card sandwiched card shrinks
Dec. 1965
Ibidem (Issue 31)
Roy Walton Crash Diet card placed in envelope with large window shrinks
Aug. 1969
Ibidem (Issue 34 & 35)
Roy Walton Card in Purse spectator and performer sign a card, both travel in purse, the spectator's one folded and the performer's one shrank to miniature card with small signature
Aug. 1969
Ibidem (Issue 34 & 35)
Karl Fulves Big Deal gag, spectator cannot square his selection in the deck because it's larger than the other cards
1971 38
Steve Spillman Tested Tips on Trix
  • Ball Vase
  • Marked Card
  • Endless Chain
  • Cigarettes
  • Miniature Cards
June 1971
Talisman (Vol. 2 No. 14)
Roy Walton The Witch-Doctors card shrinks between four Kings
Related toVariationsAlso published here Sep. 1974
Pabular (Vol. 1 No. 1)
Bob Driebeek Bob Driebeek On The 'Witchdoctors' with a pocket card for the small cards, second idea with magnet cards
Related to Feb. 1975
Pabular (Vol. 1 No. 6)
Barry Govan Match Card card vanishes and miniature cards appears in matchbook held by a spectator
Sep. 1975
Pabular (Vol. 2 No. 1)
Charles Waller Shrinking Card one of three cards shrinks
Mar. 1975
The Pallbearers Review (Vol. 10 No. 5)
Karl Fulves, Tony Slydini Wee Three sandwich put in case, shaken, sandwiched card shrinks, two methods (second 90% Slydini's)
1975 185
Jerry Mentzer Inflation Cards small playtime cards grow to normal sized cards
1975 37
Karrell Fox, George Jason Noch ein Gag big and small valued cards are found as jumbo and miniature cards from deck in pocket
Also published here 1975
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 36 No. 6)
Alan Shaxon Professional Cards to Pocket five cards travel to pocket, then they shrink and appear as jumbo cards in the pocket
Also published here 1976 10
Rick Johnsson As Small As This? card shrinks and vanishes, tabled
1976 16
Philip T. Goldstein Shrink Wrap one of the Kings shrink
1977 11
Karl Fulves Prepare To Die chosen card shrinks in deck, devil's pack presentation
1977 45
Stephen Minch Anthropophagic Jacks Jack put on card, card becomes blank with bone picture, more cards become blank between two Jacks, rubber-banded Three become miniature card, card with fly picture vanishes, Jacks transform in flap card case, partial rough-smooth
1977 11
Philip T. Goldstein Expansion behind a giant fan, a card changes and becomes a jumbo card
1978 2
Frank Garcia, Father Cyprian Additional Uses for the "Hole"
  • 1. changing four Kings to Aces
  • 2. card transforms underneath sponge hole
  • 3. card shrinks underneath sponge hole
New Stars of Magic (Vol. 1 No. 11)
Richard Kaufman "It Shrinks!" card shrinks multiple times ala diminishing cards, gaffed
1979 155
Richard Kaufman Travel four cards at once without deck, diminishing cards as pseudo explanation
Inspired by 1979 161
Karl Fulves Impromptwo poker size card placed in bridge size deck vanishes or shrinks to bridge size
1979 9
Karl Fulves An Expansion Sandwich two poker size cards sandwich a bridge size card which expands to poker size
1979 10
Karl Fulves Expansion of Matter bridge card sandwiched between poker size cards expands
  • Brutus Method
  • Sit-Down Approach
  • Sneak Attack
1979 13
Marc DeSouza Let's Fake a Deal Aces cut to, five hands dealt and dealer receives Royal Flush, repeat with four hands, then everyone gets a good hand, then a hand changes back color, shrinks to smaller cards, and get blank
Inspired by
  • "I Cheat At Poker" (T.G. Murphy, manuscript)
1979 1
Al Leech Major Surgery one card shrinks
1980 11
Al Leech, Martin Gardner A Typographical Error variation on "Major Surgery", changing back kicker
1980 18
Al Leech Too Small strategy to add a small card to the deck
1980 30
Gene Maze Wldness of the Wildest Kind blank then, small cards
1980 74
Paul Harris The Uncut Version two half cards are put on deck where they visually grow and penetrate each other
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1980 45
Paul Harris The Uncut Version of The Uncut Version two half cards are put on deck where they visually grow and penetrate each other
Related to 1980 57
Jeff White Bodeans Simutaneous Transposition card comes to top then it vanishes several times and turns to jumbo card as climax, stand up method, vest
1980 19
Ron Frost "That's Small" miniature card gag
July 1981
Apocalypse (Vol. 4 No. 7)
Karl Fulves Baby Face
  • Poker Problem #8
five indifferent cards change into miniature Royal Flush, or jumbo size poker hand, no method
1981 75
Stephen Tucker Half & Half half of selection ends in pocket, then it is restored again
Inspired by Aug. 1981
Spell-Binder (Vol. 1 No. 4)
Mike Caveney Flying Deuces boomerang card transforms into jumbo card
1982 17
Phillip Young Instant Location torn and taped card changes into torn and taped jumbo card of same value
1982 19
Lawrence Frame Compression last ace shrinks in spectator's hands
Related to 1983
Pabular (Vol. 7 No. 10)
Paul Harris, Doug Bennett Bizarre Shrink card visibly shrinks while held in spectator's hand
Variations 1983 115
Stephen Tucker Bad Backs cards turn blank and are found folded in miniature card case, duplicates
June 1983
Spell-Binder (Vol. 3 No. 26)
Stephen Tucker Double Dutch card vanishes between jokers and appears face-up in deck, then card travels to case and turns into a jumbo card
July 1983
Spell-Binder (Vol. 3 No. 27)
John Kennedy Shrinking Cards card case shrinks, then deck, then deck normal again, visual growing last card
1983 18
Michael Powers The amBIGuous Card card chosen, miniature selection jumps out of deck, grows and shrinks again
Inspired byAlso published here 1983 7
Alan Shaxon Eine professionelle "Kartenwanderung in die Tasche" five cards travel to pocket, then they shrink and appear as jumbo cards in the pocket
Also published here 1983 4
Ben Harris Topological Connection Climax done with miniature card frames which are streched into normal sized card frames as climax
Oct. 1984
Apocalypse (Vol. 7 No. 10)
Steven Hamilton Going, Going ... Gone! cards shrink
Also published here Oct. 1984
Pabular (Vol. 8 No. 8)
Jay Sankey, Paul Harris "10" Ace, Two, Three and Four are squeezed together into jumbo Ten spot, blendo
VariationsAlso published here 1984 79
Richard Kaufman Vacilation card becomes miniature card and normal again several times while it is flicked
Variations 1985 43
Mike Bornstein Miniature Mindreading Miracle any card thought of, wrong card changes into miniature brainwave deck with selection reversed
Related to May 1985
Apocalypse (Vol. 8 No. 5)
Jerry K. Hartman Mini Ha Ha card shrinks to miniature card
Also published here 1985 162
Ben Harris Topological Connection Climax after linking effect with cards from mini deck the frames grow to normal sized cards
1985 69
Don England Telescopic Alice Card visibly shrinks and returns to original size
1985/93 60
Lawrence Frame Compression Twisting the Aces, last Ace shrinks
Related to 1986 7
Mike Bornstein Enlarger normal card comes out of box and becomes giant card when fully removed
Oct. 1987
Apocalypse (Vol. 10 No. 10)
Steve Beam Big Deal card not hidden behind jumbo card
Inspired byRelated to 1987 276
Thomas Hierling Wrong Card...?! Two of Clubs chosen, Four of Clubs produced and torn in two, half card changes into miniature Two of Clubs, then grows to normal size
Inspired by 1987 52
Christoph Borer Giant Count reinvention of "Dr. Jaks Kartenbluff", selected card is shuffled into the deck and cards put in inside jacket pocket, small number is named and on that position performer produces a jumbo card which has the same value as the selection
Related toAlso published here 1988 1
Roy Walton The Witch-Doctors card shrinks between four Kings
Also published here 1988 144
Brother John Hamman Stun-Sational card splits in three miniature card, another card visibly grows to normal size, prediction presentation
Variations 1989 138
Brother John Hamman Fan-to-See visual growing fan
1989 250
Christoph Borer Giant Count reinvention of "Dr. Jaks Kartenbluff", selected card is shuffled into the deck and cards put in inside jacket pocket, small number is named and on that position performer produces a jumbo card which has the same value as the selection
Related toAlso published here 1989 24
Michael Powers Bonus Effect small card to normal card
1990 144
Christoph Borer Giant Count reinvention of "Dr. Jaks Kartenbluff", selected card is shuffled into the deck and cards put in inside jacket pocket, small number is named and on that position performer produces a jumbo card which has the same value as the selection
Related toAlso published here 1991 9
Sveroni Der radfahrende Joker und die Münze joker on card vanishes, then complete card, then a card shrinks and a coin transforms into a jumbo coin
1991 37
Roger Klause The Bantam-Weight Card miniature card of selection pops out of deck, it changes to regular card again on deck
1991 153
Karrell Fox Making it Big growing card fan with trade show patter
1991 139
T. Page Wright The Diminishing and Enlarging Cards with credit information and historical comments, for enlarging part a stripper deck with alternating orientation is used
1991 158
T. Page Wright A Card Climax card lost and performer hold deck behind back, spectator names small number and performer brings cards out one by one, jumbo card of selection at named position
Related toAlso published here 1991 231
Don England Plastic Lady card stretches between two other cards lengthwise and sideways, then shrinks
Inspired byVariations 1991 1
Jerry K. Hartman Mini Ha Ha card shrinks to miniature card
Also published here 1991 579
Steve Dusheck Little Big Card card selected from miniature deck, when counted to a named number it is found there as normal sized card
Also published here
  • marketed in 1967
1992 52
Paul Harris The Return Of The Bizarre Shrink card visibly shrinks while held in spectator's hand
Inspired by Jan. 1992
Magic (Vol. 1 No. 5)
Chuck Fayne The Shrunken Signature card signed on back, it shrinks to miniature card
1993 13
Alan Shaxon Eine professionelle "Kartenwanderung in die Tasche" five cards travel to pocket, then they shrink and appear as jumbo cards in the pocket
Also published here 1994 2
Aldo Colombini The Rubber Illusion card stretches between two other cards, then shrinks
Inspired by 1994 143
Aldo Colombini The Rubber Illusion card stretches between two other cards, then shrinks
Inspired by 1994 143
David Acer Mini Fusion deck shrinks to mini deck before selection (Six of Hearts) is replaced, Two and Four of Hearts found in mini deck and fused into poker sized Six, blendo
Inspired by 1995 92
Doug Conn Plastic Surgery monte type routine with Bizarre Twist, stretching and shrinking
Inspired byRelated to 1995 1
Tommy Wonder Squeeze whole deck visually shrinks when put in miniature card case
1996 149
Tommy Wonder The Snail's Progress static fan gets smaller visually and disappears
1996 154
Paul Harris The Uncut Version two half cards are put on deck where they visually grow and penetrate each other
Also published here 1996
The Art of Astonishment — Book 2 (Issue Close-up Fantasies 1 & 2)
Paul Harris Butt of Course! idea for changing card the spectator sits on in mini-card
The Art of Astonishment — Book 2 (Issue Misc. Pieces of Paul)
Paul Harris, Ricky Sanchez, Doug Bennett Return of the Bizarre Shrink card visibly shrinks while held in spectator's hand
Inspired by 1996
The Art of Astonishment — Book 3 (Issue Close-up Kinda Guy)
Jay Sankey "10" Ace, Two, Three and Four are squeezed together into jumbo Ten spot, blendo
Also published here 1996
The Art of Astonishment — Book 3 (Issue Close-up Seductions)
Sid Lorraine A Novel Card Discovery miniature card jumps out of deck when riffled, reprinted from Linking Ring, March 1928
Related to 1996 20
Howard Wurst A Small Card, Right? miniature card jumps out of deck when riffled
1996 22
Karl Fulves Kicker card jumps out halfway when riffled, second selection jumps out as miniature card
1996 25
Karl Fulves Shrink Fit wrong card rises, it shrinks to half size and changes into selection
1996 32
Ken Krenzel Cloning Queens Queen is split in two, split again, miniature Queen appears, they all melt back into one
1997 145
Christian Scherer Gigantisch deck with selection changes visually into a jumbo card matching the selection
1997 162
Richard Bartram, Jr. Compressed Thoughts deck shrinks, and mental selections turn over
1997 76
John Alley Deck Enlarger miniature deck grows into normal deck, with magnifying glass
1997 101
Chris Sutton Shrivel card visibly shrinks
1997 102
Richard Bartram, Jr. Shrink Rap a card changes into correct card but in miniature size, then it changes to normal
1997 161
Bruce Cervon Do You Believe in Intuition!
1998 95
Joshua Jay Matchbox Restoration Matchbox gimmick used to restore torn card, vanish, produce or shrink a card
Also published here 1998 42
Joshua Jay Shrunken Revelation Jennings Revelation with four Kings, then the Kings shrink into mini cards
Inspired byRelated to 1999 92
Joshua Jay Matchbox Restoration Matchbox gimmick used to restore torn card, vanish, produce or shrink a card
Also published here 1999 119
David Regal Ace in the Hole Ace of Spades pulled out of and vanished into a "black hole" (black paper circle), card grows and shrinks in the process
1999 80
Doug Conn Quadruple Bypass sandwich effect, center card penetrates à la Close-up Illusion, it stretches and finally shrinks
Related to 1999 182
Ellis Stanyon Changing and Enlarging the Card No. 36, card changes twice and grows to three times the size
1999 180
Ellis Stanyon Several Ordinary Cards Change to Large Ones No. 37, two methods
1999 180
Don England Micro Warp Card Warp with the Card shrinking
2001 60
Don England The Eye Exam Card shrinks under magnifying lense
2001 66
Don England The Optical Shrink Card shrinks and grows under magnifying lense
2001 68
Don England The Little Big Card Card first visibly shrinks, then becomes Jumbo Card
2001 78
Christoph Borer Giant Count reinvention of "Dr. Jaks Kartenbluff", selected card is shuffled into the deck and cards put in inside jacket pocket, small number is named and on that position performer produces a jumbo card which has the same value as the selection, with a half forcing deck
Related toAlso published here 2002 11
Al Baker Climax shrinking card as climax for last card in Cards To Pocket
Also published here 2003 615
Kostya Kimlat Pandora's Card Box three selections, one ends up under case, miniature box with miniature card of second selection found in case and third card ends up folded in miniature box
2004 45
Jack Parker Burn Baby Burn card visually shrinks with Angled After-Burner and grows to normal size again
2004 21
Joshua Jay Shrunken Revelation Jennings Revelation with cards shrinking to mini cards as an ending
Inspired byRelated toAlso published here 2005 34
Matthew Dowden Shrinkage top card on deck visually shrinks, one-handed top palm
July 2005
Genii (Vol. 68 No. 7)
Joshua Jay Shrunken Revelation Jennings Revelation with cards shrinking to mini cards as an ending
Also published here 2005 137
Arthur Trace The One-Handed Relativity Change Mini card held in hand grows into poker sized card instantly
2006 17
Arthur Trace Relative Transformation Spectator selects a random mini card, it grows into a poker sized card
2006 19
Christoph Borer Giant Count reinvention of "Dr. Jaks Kartenbluff", selected card is shuffled into the deck and cards put in inside jacket pocket, small number is named and on that position performer produces a jumbo card which has the same value as the selection, using a Svengali deck
Related toAlso published here 2006 84
Michael Powers The amBIGuous Card card chosen, miniature selection jumps out of deck, grows and shrinks again
Also published here 2006 70
Arthur Trace Offbeat Shrinking Deck jumbo deck shrinks to normal-sized deck
Apr. 2006
Genii (Vol. 69 No. 4)
Joel Givens Shrink and Drink card shrinks, then again into tiny piece of paper, it is dropped through a transparent straw into a bottle where it grows to regular size again
Also published here 2006 25
Kostya Kimlat Pandora's (Card) Box three selections, one under box, from box comes miniature box and from it miniature prediction that changes into second selection, third one folded in small box
2007 220
Christoph Borer Giant Count reinvention of "Dr. Jaks Kartenbluff", selected card is shuffled into the deck and cards put in inside jacket pocket, small number is named and on that position performer produces a jumbo card which has the same value as the selection, with a half forcing deck
Related toAlso published here 2007 13
Joel Givens Shrink and Drink card shrinks, then again into tiny piece of paper, it is dropped through a transparent straw into a bottle where it grows to regular size again
Also published here 2007 lii
Tom Stone Micro-Macro WOW card to miniature card in Masuda's WOW prop, as part of Micro Macro
2009 6
Patrick Page, Milbourne Christopher Bigger? jumbo card as a gag, similar to the Dr. Jaks routine
Related to 2011 299
Patrick Page Smaller? miniature card as a gag
2011 299
Brother John Hamman Brother John Hamman's Fabulous Expanding Card card grows to four time its size
Also published here
  • Genii, Apr. 1968
Nov./Dec. 2012
Genii (Vol. 75 No. 11 & 12)
Steven Hamilton Going...Going...Gone (Almost) two selections shrink
Also published here 2013 118
Steven Hamilton Headshrinkers King placed on table, four Aces put on top, when removed it is seen that the King shrunk to half its size
Inspired by 2013 125
Juan Luis Rubiales West Door shrinking card
El Manuscrito (Vol. 7 No. 30)
Juan Luis Rubiales El Comodín shrinking card, behind fan
El Manuscrito (Vol. 7 No. 30)
So Sato Shrink Vanish single card shrinks via optical illusion, vanishes, reappears in pocket
Inspired by 2016 17
Harapan Ong Sandwich-ception progressive sandwich in which a string of sandwiches is produced, in the end sandwich with miniature cards shows up, center card removed and it becomes normal sized
Inspired by 2018 95
Harapan Ong Bigger Transpo transposition between the Queens and selection, four miniature cards are found on face of original selections and Queens change into giant version of selection
Inspired by
  • "Bigger Finish" (Jay Sankey, marketed product)
2018 109
Harapan Ong 2 + 2 = 4 Four value torn in half, both halves change into a Two each
2018 203
Matthew Dowden Mini Me rub-a-dub vanish to shrink card
VariationsAlso published here
  • MAGIC, Jan. 2005
2022 368
Martin Lewis Just a Little Thing card shrinks to half size
Inspired byAlso published here
  • MAGIC, Apr. 2007
2022 604
Joel Givens Shrink and Drink card shrinks to half size, then even smaller, put inside beer bottle where it grows back to normal size
Also published here 2022 637