Creators | Title | Comments & References | Year | Source | Page | AA | Categories | |
Meine große Kartenvoltige | Nov. 1895 |
Der Zauberspiegel
(Vol. 1 No. 3)
Verkleinerungskarte | 1896 | |||||||
Die Riesenkarte | 1896 | |||||||
Die Verwandlungs- und Verkleinerungskarte | 1896 | |||||||
Die Kartencigarre | 1896 | |||||||
Bartholomäus Gebert, Friedrich W. Conradi-Horster | Ein kleiner Fastnachtscherz oder das Auferstehen einer verbrannten Karte | Jan. 1896 |
Der Zauberspiegel
(Vol. 1 No. 5)
The Latest Diminishing Card | 1897 | |||||||
The Changing and Diminishing Card | 1897 | |||||||
T. Page Wright | Jumbo Card Revelation | 1933 | ||||||
Laurie Ireland | It Changes, It Shrinks, It Vanishes | 1938 |
Ireland's Yearbooks
(Issue Yearbook 1938)
Jean Hugard, Frederick Braue | Spuds | 1942 | ||||||
Shrinking Gaff | 1942 | |||||||
Al Baker | Climax | Feb. 1944 |
The Phoenix
(Issue 54)
Milbourne Christopher | Card in the Bag | Mar. 1946 |
Hugard's Magic Monthly
(Vol. 3 No. 10)
Enlarging and Diminishing Cards | 1948 | |||||||
Little Card Rise | Jan. 1949 |
Hugard's Magic Monthly
(Vol. 6 No. 8)
Milbourne Christopher | Jumbo Climax | Mar. 1949 |
Hugard's Magic Monthly
(Vol. 6 No. 10)
Milbourne Christopher | Jumbo Cards and Sleeves | Dec. 1949 |
Hugard's Magic Monthly
(Vol. 7 No. 7)
Lewis Ganson | Diminishing and Expanding Cards | 1956 | ||||||
Eddie Taytelbaum | Surprise Jumbo | 1956 |
Hokus Pokus
(Vol. 18 No. 1)
Henry Durkin | Nest Egg | 1957 | ||||||
Dai Vernon | Jumbo Surprise | 1959 | ||||||
Karrell Fox, George Jason | Jason's Favorite | 1960 | ||||||
Elwin T. Shaw | Toss Off | Feb. 1963 |
The New Jinx
(Vol. 1 No. 10)
William P. Miesel | The Shrinking Card | Dec. 1965 |
(Issue 31)
Roy Walton | Crash Diet | Aug. 1969 |
(Issue 34 & 35)
Roy Walton | Card in Purse | Aug. 1969 |
(Issue 34 & 35)
Karl Fulves | Big Deal | 1971 | ||||||
Steve Spillman | Tested Tips on Trix | June 1971 |
(Vol. 2 No. 14)
Roy Walton | The Witch-Doctors | Sep. 1974 |
(Vol. 1 No. 1)
Bob Driebeek | Bob Driebeek On The 'Witchdoctors' | Feb. 1975 |
(Vol. 1 No. 6)
Barry Govan | Match Card | Sep. 1975 |
(Vol. 2 No. 1)
Charles Waller | Shrinking Card | Mar. 1975 |
The Pallbearers Review
(Vol. 10 No. 5)
Karl Fulves, Tony Slydini | Wee Three | 1975 | ||||||
Jerry Mentzer | Inflation Cards | 1975 | ||||||
Karrell Fox, George Jason | Noch ein Gag | 1975 |
Hokus Pokus
(Vol. 36 No. 6)
Alan Shaxon | Professional Cards to Pocket | 1976 | ||||||
Rick Johnsson | As Small As This? | 1976 | ||||||
Philip T. Goldstein | Shrink Wrap | 1977 | ||||||
Karl Fulves | Prepare To Die | 1977 | ||||||
Stephen Minch | Anthropophagic Jacks | 1977 | ||||||
Philip T. Goldstein | Expansion | 1978 | ||||||
Frank Garcia, Father Cyprian | Additional Uses for the "Hole" | 1978 |
New Stars of Magic
(Vol. 1 No. 11)
Richard Kaufman | "It Shrinks!" | 1979 | ||||||
Richard Kaufman | Travel | 1979 | ||||||
Karl Fulves | Impromptwo | 1979 | ||||||
Karl Fulves | An Expansion Sandwich | 1979 | ||||||
Karl Fulves | Expansion of Matter | 1979 | ||||||
Marc DeSouza | Let's Fake a Deal | 1979 | ||||||
Al Leech | Major Surgery | 1980 | ||||||
Al Leech, Martin Gardner | A Typographical Error | 1980 | ||||||
Al Leech | Too Small | 1980 | ||||||
Gene Maze | Wldness of the Wildest Kind | 1980 | ||||||
Paul Harris | The Uncut Version | 1980 | ||||||
Paul Harris | The Uncut Version of The Uncut Version | 1980 | ||||||
Jeff White | Bodeans Simutaneous Transposition | 1980 | ||||||
Ron Frost | "That's Small" | July 1981 |
(Vol. 4 No. 7)
Karl Fulves | Baby Face | 1981 | ||||||
Stephen Tucker | Half & Half | Aug. 1981 |
(Vol. 1 No. 4)
Mike Caveney | Flying Deuces | 1982 | ||||||
Phillip Young | Instant Location | 1982 | ||||||
Lawrence Frame | Compression | 1983 |
(Vol. 7 No. 10)
Paul Harris, Doug Bennett | Bizarre Shrink | 1983 | ||||||
Stephen Tucker | Bad Backs | June 1983 |
(Vol. 3 No. 26)
Stephen Tucker | Double Dutch | July 1983 |
(Vol. 3 No. 27)
John Kennedy | Shrinking Cards | 1983 | ||||||
Michael Powers | The amBIGuous Card | 1983 | ||||||
Alan Shaxon | Eine professionelle "Kartenwanderung in die Tasche" | 1983 | ||||||
Ben Harris | Topological Connection Climax | Oct. 1984 |
(Vol. 7 No. 10)
Steven Hamilton | Going, Going ... Gone! | Oct. 1984 |
(Vol. 8 No. 8)
Jay Sankey, Paul Harris | "10" | 1984 | ||||||
Richard Kaufman | Vacilation | 1985 | ||||||
Mike Bornstein | Miniature Mindreading Miracle | May 1985 |
(Vol. 8 No. 5)
Jerry K. Hartman | Mini Ha Ha | 1985 | ||||||
Ben Harris | Topological Connection Climax | 1985 | ||||||
Don England | Telescopic Alice | 1985/93 | ||||||
Lawrence Frame | Compression | 1986 | ||||||
Mike Bornstein | Enlarger | Oct. 1987 |
(Vol. 10 No. 10)
Steve Beam | Big Deal | 1987 |
The Trapdoor — Volume One
(Issue 16)
Thomas Hierling | Wrong Card...?! | 1987 | ||||||
Christoph Borer | Giant Count | 1988 | ||||||
Roy Walton | The Witch-Doctors | 1988 | ||||||
Brother John Hamman | Stun-Sational | 1989 | ||||||
Brother John Hamman | Fan-to-See | 1989 | ||||||
Christoph Borer | Giant Count | 1989 | ||||||
Michael Powers | Bonus Effect | 1990 | ||||||
Christoph Borer | Giant Count | 1991 | ||||||
Sveroni | Der radfahrende Joker und die Münze | 1991 | ||||||
Roger Klause | The Bantam-Weight Card | 1991 | ||||||
Karrell Fox | Making it Big | 1991 | ||||||
T. Page Wright | The Diminishing and Enlarging Cards | 1991 | ||||||
T. Page Wright | A Card Climax | 1991 | ||||||
Don England | Plastic Lady | 1991 | ||||||
Jerry K. Hartman | Mini Ha Ha | 1991 | ||||||
Steve Dusheck | Little Big Card | 1992 | ||||||
Paul Harris | The Return Of The Bizarre Shrink | Jan. 1992 |
(Vol. 1 No. 5)
Chuck Fayne | The Shrunken Signature | 1993 | ||||||
Alan Shaxon | Eine professionelle "Kartenwanderung in die Tasche" | 1994 | ||||||
Aldo Colombini | The Rubber Illusion | 1994 | ||||||
Aldo Colombini | The Rubber Illusion | 1994 | ||||||
David Acer | Mini Fusion | 1995 | ||||||
Doug Conn | Plastic Surgery | 1995 |
MO — Modus Operandi
(Issue 7)
Tommy Wonder | Squeeze | 1996 | ||||||
Tommy Wonder | The Snail's Progress | 1996 | ||||||
Paul Harris | The Uncut Version | 1996 |
The Art of Astonishment — Book 2
(Issue Close-up Fantasies 1 & 2)
Paul Harris | Butt of Course! | 1996 |
The Art of Astonishment — Book 2
(Issue Misc. Pieces of Paul)
Paul Harris, Ricky Sanchez, Doug Bennett | Return of the Bizarre Shrink | 1996 |
The Art of Astonishment — Book 3
(Issue Close-up Kinda Guy)
Jay Sankey | "10" | 1996 |
The Art of Astonishment — Book 3
(Issue Close-up Seductions)
Sid Lorraine | A Novel Card Discovery | 1996 | ||||||
Howard Wurst | A Small Card, Right? | 1996 | ||||||
Karl Fulves | Kicker | 1996 | ||||||
Karl Fulves | Shrink Fit | 1996 | ||||||
Ken Krenzel | Cloning Queens | 1997 | ||||||
Christian Scherer | Gigantisch | 1997 | ||||||
Richard Bartram, Jr. | Compressed Thoughts | 1997 | ||||||
John Alley | Deck Enlarger | 1997 | ||||||
Chris Sutton | Shrivel | 1997 | ||||||
Richard Bartram, Jr. | Shrink Rap | 1997 | ||||||
Bruce Cervon | Do You Believe in Intuition! | 1998 | ||||||
Joshua Jay | Matchbox Restoration | 1998 | ||||||
Joshua Jay | Shrunken Revelation | 1999 | ||||||
Joshua Jay | Matchbox Restoration | 1999 | ||||||
David Regal | Ace in the Hole | 1999 | ||||||
Doug Conn | Quadruple Bypass | 1999 | ||||||
Ellis Stanyon | Changing and Enlarging the Card | 1999 | ||||||
Ellis Stanyon | Several Ordinary Cards Change to Large Ones | 1999 | ||||||
Don England | Micro Warp | 2001 | ||||||
Don England | The Eye Exam | 2001 | ||||||
Don England | The Optical Shrink | 2001 | ||||||
Don England | The Little Big Card | 2001 | ||||||
Christoph Borer | Giant Count | 2002 | ||||||
Al Baker | Climax | 2003 |
The Secret Ways of Al Baker
(Issue Magazines)
Kostya Kimlat | Pandora's Card Box | 2004 | ||||||
Jack Parker | Burn Baby Burn | 2004 | ||||||
Joshua Jay | Shrunken Revelation | 2005 | ||||||
Matthew Dowden | Shrinkage | July 2005 |
(Vol. 68 No. 7)
Joshua Jay | Shrunken Revelation | 2005 | ||||||
Arthur Trace | The One-Handed Relativity Change | 2006 | ||||||
Arthur Trace | Relative Transformation | 2006 | ||||||
Christoph Borer | Giant Count | 2006 | ||||||
Michael Powers | The amBIGuous Card | 2006 | ||||||
Arthur Trace | Offbeat Shrinking Deck | Apr. 2006 |
(Vol. 69 No. 4)
Joel Givens | Shrink and Drink | 2006 | ||||||
Kostya Kimlat | Pandora's (Card) Box | 2007 | ||||||
Christoph Borer | Giant Count | 2007 | ||||||
Joel Givens | Shrink and Drink | 2007 | ||||||
Tom Stone | Micro-Macro WOW | 2009 | ||||||
Patrick Page, Milbourne Christopher | Bigger? | 2011 | ||||||
Patrick Page | Smaller? | 2011 | ||||||
Brother John Hamman | Brother John Hamman's Fabulous Expanding Card | Nov./Dec. 2012 |
(Vol. 75 No. 11 & 12)
Steven Hamilton | Going...Going...Gone (Almost) | 2013 | ||||||
Steven Hamilton | Headshrinkers | 2013 | ||||||
Juan Luis Rubiales | West Door | 2014 |
El Manuscrito
(Vol. 7 No. 30)
Juan Luis Rubiales | El Comodín | 2014 |
El Manuscrito
(Vol. 7 No. 30)
So Sato | Shrink Vanish | 2016 | ||||||
Harapan Ong | Sandwich-ception | 2018 | ||||||
Harapan Ong | Bigger Transpo | 2018 | ||||||
Harapan Ong | 2 + 2 = 4 | 2018 | ||||||
Matthew Dowden | Mini Me | 2022 |
Talk About Tricks
(Issue 1)
Martin Lewis | Just a Little Thing | 2022 |
Talk About Tricks
(Issue 1)
Joel Givens | Shrink and Drink | 2022 |
Talk About Tricks
(Issue 1)